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tv   Goryachaya tochka-3  NTV  April 24, 2024 8:00pm-9:01pm MSK

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i walk the road, i believe that i am ready, i believe that i am ready, i will be lucky, if only i have the strength, to understand not tomorrow, nor yesterday, i am a beast inside, to calm down the ardor to besiege the violent king. i can say that she was born wearing a shirt, so what can we say about me then? how long will you keep her? it’s a difficult question, how will things go, i want to transfer her to moscow, that’s out of the question, transportation is out of the question for now, let’s go, she needs peace. well, what can i
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say, we wait, we wait. elena nikolaevna, who let you in here? don't scold her, she can get through everywhere. elena nikolovna, i saw your car, thank god you are alive. everything is clear with you, i say goodbye, sorry about things. i should have driven in a different car altogether, but apparently they don’t expect me in the next world. what are you doing here? i won’t allow you to write about us? no, no, i'm not at work. i wanted to tell you, i was planning on it yesterday. well, what did you want to say? yesterday? when kropachev was killed, i was with murin. all evening all night. have you been with murin? are you lying? no. you understand that if you come with me, there will be no turning back, huh?
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well, if i don’t go, then murin will be imprisoned, you think to yourself, you know, false testimony will not pat the head, well then you will arrest me, why is this necessary, and what about love, carrots, no, when my brother served 6 years, then they found the real killer, they didn’t even apologize to him, well, look. stasik, tell ardashnikov, now they will come to him to testify, and i’ll stop by the detention center, come on, let’s go.
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“hello, hello, how are you, is it normal, what’s wrong with your hand, yes, yesterday i was on the verge of death, i don’t know why everything turned out okay, okay, come on, you’re better than me attentively now listen, remember." kolya, why did the prosecutor's office come to whom? to morin. oh, i see. well, look, you never know what's on his mind. so what? never mind, nikolai, think about what will happen if he's her, what ? nothing? and ita, why? and... you’ll ask her, okay,
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i went, ensign, did you find out, pal gandanich, she came to murin, “keep me informed, yes .” yes, of course, i understood everything, hello, where are you, where are you always, well, wait, i’ll come, i’ll thank you, what time did you leave morina, at 8 in the morning, i had to go to work, go to..."
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“you know why you weren’t removed from the case, you didn’t write a report on me, that’s right, because i believe that it wasn’t out of malice that you messed up, of course, wow, don’t torment the girl for too long, it’s already not easy for her to reveal her heartfelt secrets to us here , let him come to me later, well, then you know what to do, yes, yes, elena nikolaevna, come in,
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elena nikolaevna, they just called, the driver of the truck that rammed you has been detained, let them take you here, i’ll question you myself, i understand, stasik, it’s good that you repented, otherwise today it would be a completely different conversation, uh, where are you, oh, lying there, thinking, what do you say, what do you say, how did it happen, how did it happen, are you generally stupid, you understand that now she will break free from the chain, spare the head of turnover, you will hurt yourself, you will bring money, what other
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money, people worked for me, people worked for you, yeah, so pay them yourself for such work. in short, leave me alone, just let it come out exactly like the goods, you said, he has a trunk, but he doesn’t have a damn thing, hello beautiful, oh, what kind of people, where did he go, business,
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ksyusha, business, ghoul at home, well yes, what about you? came back to work to ask, so he wanted you? he won’t take it, but it’s really necessary, i ’ll worry about business, i’ll go, come on, businessman, ilya borisovich, what are you doing here? i, of course, would never have applied, but i found myself in a very difficult situation, and what can i do to help you, maybe from old memory i... go to work, there’s no question of that, do you even remember, what have you done, how many bottles have you broken, you remember that, you actually owe me for life, i ’ll work it off, that’s out of the question, get out, or borisovich, i said, get out,
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otherwise i’ll call the police, just a second, stop it, stop it, i said, i’ll actually put you in jail, what?
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well, as a business, it’s thriving, i’m lazy, i understand vodka, but why is this? i'm going to a birthday party, uh, man! there’s a conversation, dad hasn’t given you enough, it hasn’t arrived yet, come here, fuck it! why did you resist?
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would you have said right away that he was with a girl, especially since she was not married, that he was afraid? you're strange, tell her thank you and re-brow at the same time. well, that means you're with the mechanics after your shift.
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nikolaevna, can i see you for a minute? can. what did you want? elena nikolaevna, of course i understand everything. but you’re not supposed to interrogate him, you’re the victim, and i’m not interrogating, we’re just
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having a heart-to-heart talk that i’m alarmed, and so, you know, i wanted to warn you, we’re different people, you’re afraid that they’ll snitch on me and fly to you, don’t be afraid, i’ll cover for you, give ordashnikov the case, now we ’ll come to an agreement with this bad guy and... take him away for interrogation while he’s still warm. hello, hello, zhenya, i, i
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wanted to warn you, your owner called, she will be back in a few days, she promised i'll evict you, okay, thank you, how are you? “i’m trying to think of something, with a funeral at work, they promised to help, forgive me, i’ll go!”
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in short, if he gets naked again, i’ll break both of their necks, okay? dad, what are you doing, i saw kolyan too, there was a trunk, i saw it myself, okay, wait here. what do you need? open up khamirov, police. i didn't call. have you decided to stay without doors? well, what don’t you have, huh? let's go, comrades. has the signal arrived again? well, tikhomirov,
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they have arrived, look, comrades who are attesting witnesses. what's this? take it and give it to your boltus. see you again, we can leave, maybe a glass, let's go home, a glass.
8:17 pm
what is this, what is this, i’ll kill the bastard, i’ll kill him! fool! for those at sea. enterosgel in a new convenient package, in nature, at work, in a restaurant, on an airplane, is always at hand - now, a faithful friend of enterosel, in case of poisoning, hangover, allergies. emelya,
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premieres on monday at 19:30 on ent. how cool is that for you, but save up a vtb savings account for a subscription, replenish it regularly , you’ll save up 16% faster, you’re selfish, that means i already have heartburn from it, it’s burning, we’ll put it out, and i have heartburn from your food, this is easier, heartburn from food, take it, it extinguishes, fights heartburn, pain and heaviness with increased acidity in the stomach, it is active from the first minutes, it extinguishes heartburn. sometimes you dream of something wonderful, but what you get is not at all what you get, you expect one thing, you meet something completely different, and it happens that you are expecting a regular banking application, but you get the best, alphabank is
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8:20 pm
happy? oh, yes, i spent the whole night again today, i don’t remember how i got to the hall, i thought i didn’t get out of bed at all, listen, i don’t understand how you do it, i started to forget how it happens, well, what to buy, what there's what it's called, prostatricum, i remember, remember, it's better to try once than to hear 100 times what you think works, what, i don't think so, i know, dark, of course, i now your wife, you know how, and what is there, how to receive it? call, everything is simple there, when you order, they will explain everything to you in detail, just a second, wife. yes, dear, i understand, i’m flying, that ’s it, i’m off, keep it, try it, then
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sunday at 20:20 on ntv. otherwise he was doing something completely gloomy, all about death and about death, as if he hadn’t done anything to himself. he’s drinking, but it would be better if he was drinking, then it would be clear, but so, okay, i’ll talk, yeah.
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it’s great that somehow, you don’t see, he ’s good to you, we decided everything, he called lita until he got through. it’s clear, but if you get through on the phone, it’s not a fact that she will give money, and if she gives money, it’s not a fact that the operation will help, mirus, well, everything will be fine, well, remember
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sashka fumicheva, just don’t, please, talk about sasha to me treat fumichev, okay, no, well well, it’s okay, well, the man had the operation, he’s now a master of sports, yeah, everything will be fine. hello, where are you? i was at ruslan’s, come to our place, we’re talking, come on, i’ll be there in 15 minutes, come on. well, zhen, have you talked to him? yes,
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i talked, it’s fine, everything is with him, don’t worry, that’s fine, that’s it, he rushed off, come on, mikhalych is calling you, let’s go, well, i can’t do it now, he said that. and that he brought you, he couldn’t call, he’s busy, run after me, yes, we agreed, there’s no market, i’ll be there soon, that’s it, sorry, no time, come on, see you. hello, great, mikhailych, great, already free, yes, they released you, listen, and you’re at home
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now, i’m on my way to you. no, i can’t do it now, i’ll leave, call me up in a couple of hours, but i understand you, okay, let’s go, huh? what do you say is his last name? murin, he’s not from chernodol, an hour, no idea, ask yourself, i’ll ask, what, mihal, here, here, here, let’s go.
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i’m listening now, where the hell are you, solving questions, what questions, bullets here, i need you, i understand, i’m on my way. where is he, where did he go, hey soldier, where are you hiding, i don’t see you, don’t be stupid, we just wanted to talk and that’s all. why are you so fussy
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like, if i wanted to kick you, i could have done it 100 times already, hello, are you still there? yes, come on, i’ll come now, arknida, where are you going, where are you going? hello, hello, hello, hello, i'm looking for fyodor
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nikolaevich grishin, why do you... i want to find out what happened to kravchenko. let's go and talk.
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what's taking so long? yes, i had to drop into one place, sorry. okay, what did you want? in short, look, kropachev had two bags, one of them disappeared, and nothing else was taken. you can find out in the council what is in it wasn’t, maybe it was because of her that he was killed? let me try, let me get in touch, elena nikolaevna called, come in, close the door, sit down, you know, i have one such bad habit, reasoning out loud, well, everyone knows this, well, i want you to brag
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to your superiors. that rebova will now check all her layouts on you, but while sim is not there, first of all, say that rebrova believes that the collision with... then the accident with you was not accidental, i believe that we accidentally survived, stasik, go, got it,
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oh, how. he's already here, what are we going to do? you it’s still the season, but i’ll listen to what they’re talking about. will you accept lyuvochka for liberation? yes, no, i'm driving. eh, zhenya, zhenya, what didn’t i think? tell me, why didn’t you tell the cops right away that you were with the girl? well, what are you saying if i didn’t touch him? it was a sin, i thought about you. and
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you can’t feel bad about the dead, but he was a nasty guy. better not ask how much i paid him back. and the cops said. that his bag was missing, that ’s true, he made money somewhere out of stupidity, what do you need, our soldiers had a little misunderstanding, i wanted to have a heart-to-heart talk, first to me tell me what you’re going to talk about, and i’ll decide whether it’s necessary or not? outside the door, wait. okay, i’ll go, take a couple of days off, go back to work, i ’m sewing up without you, i’ll think about it, soldier,
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hello, why didn’t you come in so that you could set me up again, that’s what it’s all about, well, my dear, you set yourself up when you dragged me into prison, the owner doesn’t forgive his sixes for this, by the way, where is your girlfriend, anya, what do i need? you can’t see her, how angry we are, okay, i’m kyzotova, you’re not work hard, do you know borya? - hello, elena nikolaevna, you ’re in trouble too, do you remember the apartment where we met, i’ll be waiting for you there. okay, i will, hello, stasik, yes, elena nikolaevna, well
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, i feel so bad, i should go to the hotel to lie down, maybe call an ambulance? no, no, no, no, no doctors are needed, i obey, you organize a car for me, okay, it will be right away, yeah.
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i’m sure she’s not leading you by the nose, i’m sure she trusts me, your plan worked 100 percent, okay, go ahead, let’s fawn, i’ll think that with this happiness to do. hello, this is shabalin. our mutual friend started having very serious problems. i understand you, thank you, example. looks like there's a black streak in your uniform. the drug business is closed. there are
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still good people in the world. now the valiant prosecutor's office is breathing down his friends' necks. get out, the sea always gets out, not this time, you jump off in time, well , i haven’t jumped off yet, but i really want it, only when i give permission, that’s it, go, goodbye. "is there work, what did you call? we have problems, vernikova is tightly in
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they took a turn, who is a tracker from moscow, a tenacious bitch, an accident will not work a second time, so he will have to be removed from the run, did you say right?" " you can’t touch him either, that they will put him in the chair of the head of the main internal affairs directorate, depending on how you touch him, if not to death, and then send me to the hospital for 2 weeks, like kravchenko, we’ll get even, then it’ll do, we ’ll come to an agreement with the medicine, when the grandmother leaves, all the questions will go away, cut it out, who’ll do it? makar, warn him, i’ll do it, they say murin was released, the woman signed up for him, like she’s with i was with him at night, i’ll talk to her myself, where she was and where she wasn’t, well, talk, you love it, that’s it, let’s go.
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thank you, thank you, darling, you go ahead, and i ’ll continue on my own.
8:45 pm
so sunny again! hello, reed, hi, can you talk? oh, hi zhenya, i didn’t expect you to call. how are you? it's okay. this is, listen, i need your help. in general, ruslan was wounded and needs surgery. dear subscriber, your account has run out of funds. i'm
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left helpless, there's no one to trust me in particular, so you'll have to try for me. and you trust me, murin had a friend, khasanov, his dad is still a scoundrel, and edik is very good, may he rest in peace, it was muri who protected him from bullets, but not all bullets can be protected from him, he died, the situation is with you similar to him, in what sense? khasanov and his father were on opposite sides, and you and your uncle, it’s similar in this situation, so you understood about my trust. i think so, can i ask another question? look, the question
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is being thrown around like this, come on, do you trust murin? i 'll tell you this, there are special reasons to trust i’m not there, there’s a lot of murky stuff around him, but i trust, he’s constructing an answer. like this, you don’t need it, you need it like this, like that, like that, i understand, buy with a discount of up to 99% for bonuses, thank you, so that your tummy doesn’t hurt, don’t have a hangover, take it, anti-poisoning gel for poisoning, hangover, allergies , the boy’s word, blood on the asphalt sa...
8:48 pm
are you sure that you chose me yourself, or listened to a fashion blogger, at bikfest you definitely choose, double cheeseburger for 99 rubles and other offers at a very favorable price, and even more profitable with 50 cashback % from alphabank in delicious, period, one of my friends decided to take a break. where there is no connection, where can one go from this connection? hello, nowhere, lucy, nowhere, because the megaphone can pick up even here. megafon,
8:49 pm
the number one mobile operator in terms of coverage and speed. there will be no money to be wasted, there will be money with a sazon card. now you can easily get up to 300,000 rubles. spend them anywhere for any purpose. with a season card, you will always have money. to order household goods? use jandex go, and if you need a courier, also jandex go. jandex go, all deliveries in one application. finding a job is good, finding a dream job is even better, one where you can work in the office, or right from home, where there are all the opportunities for career growth and career take-off, where you are confident in a reliable future and a reliable present, thousands of jobs and vacancies - this is good.
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rubles from the bank, you take the income from this amount for yourself, and if it doesn’t come, then you don’t need to compensate for losses, a tinkov investment is just a tinkov, hi, hi, we need to talk. come in, you know a man named gleb, one of the former
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military? well, i know, but what? kravchenko met him shortly before... before calling himself a grenade, i don’t think it’s a coincidence. kravchenko asked for an apartment many times, but they sent him, he endured, and then someone gave him a grenade and advised him how to talk to the governor. well, do you think this is gleb? yes, and it was decided in advance that kravchenko would be killed. you almost ruined the deal when you convinced him to let the hostage go, but he was killed anyway, even though it wasn't necessary. why does he need this? this was necessary for the one who wanted to kill governor and launch an investigation into... the executive, and he was exposed, even i found out about him, i think that they will kill him too, okay, tell me everything you know about glep, listen, maybe you shouldn’t get involved in this at all at all, you won’t help me, but no, i’m actually too young to know, it’s a pity, i thought you
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at least knew something, okay, i’ll go. come on, bye, bye, sit down, no. let's.
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well, tell me, dear, what to tell, what are you going to do? “yes, i, yes, i ’ll tell you everything, take it away, just please, where were you the day before last night and what did you do, you was a soldier, which soldier, were you with murin, no, i wasn’t with murin, i called the police, okay, well done, and where he was, he told you, how do i know where he was, i swear, i i don’t know, please take this away, i don’t know where he was, he didn’t
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tell me anything, let me go, please, i already told you everything, i said it too late, now you can’t let go.
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i came myself, well done, i didn’t touch the inspector, i know, i did it, i ’m interested in who burned down our point, you, well, me. and mikhailoch, do you know that you are left-wing, or is he also on topic, he’s dead, no, you can’t go home, there’s somewhere to stay, yes, yes, the ducks are closed, here. i told him that i wasn’t with you that night,
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it doesn’t matter what, what you discussed there, what you burned, damn it, hold on.
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maybe to my aunt after all? no, it's better to be visible now. otherwise it will cause unnecessary suspicion, well, yes, okay, let's go, i'll accompany you, no, no, thanks, i myself, no, we need to check that everything is in order, let's go. yes, this is brother, okay, i’ll go then,
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hi, and who are you with?


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