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tv   Goryachaya tochka-3  NTV  April 24, 2024 9:00pm-10:01pm MSK

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maybe after all to my aunt? no, now it’s better to be on the lead, otherwise it will cause unnecessary suspicion. well, yes, okay, let's go, i'll accompany you. no, no, thanks, i'll do it myself. no, we need to check that everything was in order. let's go to. yes, this is brother, okay, what should i go? yes, hi,
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who did you come with? what are you drinking again? you promised me? come on, forget it. nevermind, soldier, what are you? great, great, tramp. where did you find it? do you know each other? well , yes, maybe i’ll drive it to the 24-hour room, let’s drink? no, for... now it’s sung soon, you and her in a serious way, shavika, but no, that we are just friends, what’s wrong with your job, it’s deaf, the criminal record hasn’t been cleared yet, of course, let’s ask your friends. maybe a thousand, okay,
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i’ll go, um, let’s spend the studio. please don't talk to her about work. what should we talk about, doctor? about the weather, about anything, you better listen, you have 10 minutes. well, how are you, it’s as if the body is not mine at all, nothing, nothing, you’ll get better and run around, you know.
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for the driver who crashed into us, we’re not told to talk about work, let’s talk about the weather, okay, lena nikolaevna, i was thinking, if the truck is stolen, it will look very much like an accident, like with the security guard filimonov, your head works well, i think so too, i received information through tashevsky that these were both accidents it’s a one- man job and now we’ll see who gets nervous, you ’re careful there nikolaevna, let them be afraid, okay, i’ll go and rest, don’t think about the weather. there’s such an abomination in the yard, well,
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good, oh, great, mikhalovich, great, come on in, what’s wrong with your phone, but you’ve run out of money, what’s wrong? yes, what is it, gleb disappeared somewhere, i’m calling, the phone doesn’t answer, i’m dialing you, are you unavailable? i think what the hell, did you all get arrested? okay, we need to find gleb, i’ll see you at work tomorrow. mikhailych, it’s not like korpachev that he could accidentally flash money in front of someone like that. what do you mean? what i mean is that he was killed by someone who knew what was in his bag. well , only our own people knew. in short, i’m waiting for you at work tomorrow, turn on your phone.
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did your wife really promise you a job? well, yes, like yes, cool, we’ll see, but tell me in general something about him, so the topic came up, he said that you have a type of feeling of friendship?
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well, it is, but i should know who i’m friends with, right? well, what can i tell you, there were no nasty things about him, he was in disgrace, the administration really spread rot on him a lot, yeah, especially his godfather, and whose godfather? nobody's, kumnata, boss, operative, part, kropachev, his last name, rare bastards, i heard because of him the bride left her wife, because of kropachev, well, yes. i don’t know if this is true or false, you ask him yourself, it’s not a joke if you have, like, friendship.
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can i borrow from you? zhen, are you really like, where do i get that kind of money? i understood you. okay, thanks, goodbye.
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but i don’t know where your documents are. gleb doesn't like it when i go into his room. let's figure it out. was he planning on going anywhere? it seems not. it seems or was going to? don't know. whatever you ask him, the answer is one, it’s none of your business. well, a couple of days ago i asked for a bag. i was wondering where you were going to go. did he take this for me? yes, then he returned it, returned it. yes, do you need it? i need it, you have it, bring it.
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where did 100 years disappear, you are not visible, but something squirrel, what was it, great, great, somehow nothing?
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the other day i asked him to give up his shifts, he had to go out at night, well, this is just a joy for me, i went home, realized that i had forgotten the phone, returned to the booths, no one was there, i... took the phone, i see, the phone and what a guy - they were walking along the main alley, a healthy, ugly man, and i became silent out of sin, but he led him to the gate... he led him back into the territory, he didn’t see me, think for yourself what to do in a strange way in a cemetery at night, and what he looked like such a healthy man tall, he has a leather coat, uh-huh, when was it, the day before yesterday, uh-huh, well, don’t really tell anyone about this, just you, i ’ll try to find out what kind of guy he is, come on, come on, great,
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i’ve been calling you all evening , what’s wrong with your phone, you’ve run out of money, what’s wrong? look, do you have any news? yes, there is, she refused, well, i do. and i thought, olya went broke, she’s afraid, what is she afraid of, but it’s clear that where can i get such money without incident, and what did you tell her ahead of time, you know, she’s great, she almost left me, every day i sit and wait, when she comes she’ll say that’s it, she’s tired of it, but there’s at least some hope for her, oh well, terus, she loves you, yeah, she loves you, everyone would try to drag me along himself. day, i would look at your love, okay, i said, if i find the money, then i will find it, i just have
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to wait, you better tell me who is on duty at the cemetery today, the beard and timokha, at night yurfan, yeah, okay, i’ll go , everything, everything will be fine. can you get the same goat? well, we have one, one to one. on the run? yes, i think so, i need to check it out. what are you up to? there is one not too much. you to whom? gleb. i haven't been able to get through to you since yesterday. will appear, where will it go, let's go, we'd better check the car, it's not moving, assorted
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chopped beef, write it down, yeah, packaging, box, quantity 125, price, close the door, wow, how strict you are, and ribs are my last name . i’ll call you back, they came to me, i should have seen you a long time ago, vasily mikhailovich, don’t, sit down, i already told the police everything i knew, my employees too, yes, you’re on the korpachev case, and i’m on a different issue, tell me, and how did you escape in the cemetery? "the lace came undone, oh,
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i keep it like a talisman, that you keep this in your desk, you should put these things around your neck, they will work, they were joking, okay, you know, i keep thinking all the time who they wanted to blow up. i also think every day, it turns out that me, but for what? the last chairman, a week before his death, at a general meeting, announced to all of us that the best replacement for him could only be me, and whoever didn’t like it, we had one leader here, he took everything into his hands, and the name was suitable, i heard it, i heard, why do you think that it is he?
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“you shouldn’t be like that, i’ll survive, you ’ve wronged the dead man for no reason, he can’t answer. it’s not good,
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in general it’s just a frenzy, by the way, like that girl from the club, what kind of blonde is that? well, yes, who else is there, nothing , let's look at the knives so that her mother can teach her, come on, give me stories, uh, cool ones, that they haven't received a belt for a long time, do you hear, cyanotic, you go where you were going, otherwise we 'll unwind you, dog, creature, freak, i'm a freak, this goat, guys, what do you need, i know where he lives, makheev ketchup with pieces of vegetables and natural spices will reveal to you a whole world of amazing tastes. makheev makes life brighter and more delicious. for as long as we can remember, we have always been together. magnit, 30 years by your side.
9:17 pm
this is a star show. second stage of the duel. miguel. permission. “we thought it was a club, at least a strong one, i didn’t learn it, let’s keep going, brothers, we continue to give the heat, we light it up until the morning, i can still do a trick, tricks for the final, bro, the stars, miguel and the ussr national team have
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19:30 on ntv. where are we flying today? to saturn, and now to jupiter, and now to mars, we do not have such cosmic support. so we're flying to five, let's find out if there is life at the checkout? get space craps and pullers for every 600 rubles. win a tour to baikan and other prizes. pyaterochka helps out. millions of people choose fitolax, fruit-based laxative chewable tablets. try a new product: phytolax marmalade berries. just one at night for comfortable relief in the morning. does not cause bloating spasms. fetolax from evalar. get an additional discount. 15% for fashionable transformations, choose clothes, shoes, accessories on ozone, use the promotional code spring, it will be added to the already existing discounts, everything
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for your looks at even more attractive prices with the spring promo code. the boy's word: blood on the asphalt is the most anticipated premiere of the year, today at 23:00. god can help you, so what, that’s all, you’re alone, but why did people help? i’m here, well, in general, i came to apologize, well, because
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then you and i will forgive, god will forgive, but i don’t hold a grudge, well, maybe you and i then will. world war, it’s not time, there’s a lot to do, it’s clear, the face didn’t come out, don’t be offended, next time with pleasure, yes, who knows, there will be next time or not, come again, holy father, god bless you!
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do you know where he is? no, i do not know. what are you, are you going to come back? are you crazy? of course not. ok, come on, i
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’ll find it for you myself. senora, senora, did you call russia? do you speak russian? no, i know. police, i don’t need any trouble, please do n’t come here anymore, i wasn’t here, just me, i don’t need change, hi, wife, haven’t seen you for a long time, great, but i was busy with something, like you here, yes, it seems everything is fine, the little one is here, i ran away to buy the zherat, are you on business or what, yes my father-in-law is here, he hasn’t started for a long time. i’ll go check on you, let’s come back, come on!
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9:27 pm
how long is this? yes, there was a line. what, murin came? yes, where i visited the grave. yeah, there he goes. great. it’s great that you yourself,
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and slowly, for some reason you haven’t appeared for a long time, but you had something to do, yes, hello, in half an hour, in the same place as last time, try not to come, so guys, sorry, i need let's go, i'll drop by one of these days, let's go.
9:29 pm
oh, mikhalych, great, great, when was the last time i saw gleb, and the day before yesterday, it seems, yes, the day before yesterday, where, well, he called and said that i needed to put something in the cache, it wasn’t my shift, then i changed, he stopped by, well , then we saw each other, and what did he put in the scroll, because the bag, he said that in a couple of days. the whole bear will take away, which i don’t know, honestly, gleb said, if they climb, he’ll tear his head off, let’s go, show me, no, no, i still need to sort through the box here, did you hear what i said, yes, i understand, now it’s just clothes i'll collect it,
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well, where are you? there is a job for you, you will choose the rib. why i don’t care how you do it, the deadline is tomorrow, i won’t do this, you’ll be a floss, you’ll be, you’re where i have, i said everything, i know the address of kaznacheeva tatyana pavlovna of your son, pavel evgenich, just try the throne, the throne, just like the throne, you’re you don’t know where they live, and by the way, they’ve only moved 300 euros away,
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you have a day to do it, get out. and the crucian carp asked for it themselves.
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crucian carp, you're a good little bastard! he's sick of it, or maybe he won't come out at all, he's drunk and sleeps, but it will work out, drunks always need more, but you how do you know, yes, your dad is a drunk, he quit, here he is, well, crucians, they jumped.
9:33 pm
uh, yeah, wait, it's a toy, what?
9:34 pm
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available on the yandex market. miguel vs. dzhigan, stars on saturday at 21:20 on ntv. mikhalovich, i swear to my mother, i didn’t touch him, he was lying there. who else knows about the cache? me, him, gleb, that’s it, no one else. was gleb here yesterday or today? no, it was not. has anyone else come? murin today. when? at lunchtime, i also ran for snacks. why did you come? it no longer works for you. yes, he said, like going to his father-in-law’s grave. to your father-in-law's grave? where did he get his father-in-law from? he's not married. did he leave empty, did he have anything in his hands? empty, there was nothing, hello, zhen, i’m here at the cemetery
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taxied, drive up, there’s a conversation, okay, good, i’ll be there soon, let’s go. now, look, you've eaten enough meat, choose
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your knee, the right one, come on, scare us with your toy, shit, you know, that's it, calm down, that's it, great, great, where and there he's waiting, he's just
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very angry. great, great, your hat is interesting, go for a walk, whatever you wanted, today a moscow police officer came in and said that kropachev was killed because of the money i gave him, who knows, why are you asking me, you ’re screwed with her - vasya, i told you myself about the rollback, so i guessed it myself. why should i believe you? can you not believe it? you’re right, i don’t have to believe it, they say your father-in-law is lying here, let’s go and show you, let’s go and show you.
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here, where your father-in-law comes from, you don’t seem to be married, you didn’t have time, why did you die, your friends tried, that’s how bad it is, zhen, it turns out that kropachevo gleb freely, hid his money. “i was told that things like this had happened to him before, albeit in small things, i didn’t believe it, now you believe it, when you punched kropachev’s face, gleb realized that they would blame everything on you, you’re a fool, he would have sat quietly, maybe i took it for a ride, the bag i brought to my grandmother, i
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saw it at his house, it was a sin on you, i thought. okay, let's get out of here, yes, great, you can come to our place, there is a conversation that it's so urgent, i'm just going to do a search, it's urgent, bad news, okay, come on.
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great, great, come on, what's the news, otherwise i haven't done anything since the morning, vernikov ordered me a rib, no damn thing, in short, we need to decide something, he made jokes.
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anyone, i hear, i hear, yes, today i will familiarize myself with the draft agreement, i have it with me, of course, and tomorrow before the morning we'll discuss everything at the meeting, see you tomorrow. hello, it's me, can you talk? i can, i’m alone, a small clarification, we’ll close the topic
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completely. understood me? got it, i'll do it. well done, i'm waiting for the result. katya, what? get ready, let's go have dinner. niko and the house is full of food, well, don’t you want me to eat alone, it’s not a question, give me a minute to change clothes, what are you going to do, are you going to cut circles around me with a pistol, or are you going to call amon? elena nikolaevna, do you think this is fun, yes it’s fun, well, what can we do, we have nothing to detain him for, except for murin’s words, we he has nothing to show for it. “zhenya is afraid that the order has not only gone to him, maybe it’s better for you
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to leave, for a while, he came up with this, that’s all your uncle needs, no, i need to work with my brain, and not run around, but don’t be nervous, go, go home, you take 100 g on your chest, you’ll sleep in the morning and you’ll be as good as new.” no, at least i’ll take you to the hotel, don’t hang around me, if you need it, i ’ll spend the night here, go, go, go, okay, if anything happens, you call me.
9:49 pm
yes, hello, where are you, i’ll be there soon, but i decided to stop by and buy some beer, okay, but you should take it, no, i don’t need anything, that’s it, wait. it is a real pleasure to taste the coffee. jardin colombia medelin, from selected arabica beans that reveal their aroma in the author's roasting.
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hello, hello, i have good news, let me in, come in. so what's the news? gleba is not looking, what did you take? don’t forget where i work, not a single piece of news will pass me by, there’s silence here, it means they’re not looking for him, of course, that’s all. no,
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my brother told me a lot about your life, about how they wanted to kill you in the zone, about how sava saved you, for this your mother had to give up the house or a cigarette, about how kropachev hid letters from your girlfriend, zhen, i want to write a big piece about you, i don’t think that’s a good idea. it's a pity that you don't want to tell your story, it would make great material. listen, if you don’t want to take a walk, walk me home. well, let's go.
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yes, hello, hello, evgeniy, this is father gabriel from chernodolye. yes, hello, i have sad news, leonid has passed away, which leonid? leonid, they also called him the sea, he was beaten very badly, of course, let me
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do this, i’ll try to arrive in the morning, i’ll wait, yeah.
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well where? hello, i'm visiting morin, is he here? it’s not allowed, i’m a journalist, you have to let me through, girl, i don’t give a damn, who are you? step aside, the guards will leave for you now. do you think i decided to undermine myself? murin, let's not turn on the fool, okay, don't do it with me, you've done your job,
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became unnecessary, they decided to clean you out, i don’t understand what you’re talking about, they found a kallash in your rattletrap, what kind of kollash, the kallash from which they put verniky, murin, please, let’s save time, yours. it's time to write to murin, so many witnesses saw how you drove up on your nag and knocked down vernikova, come on, come on, come on, come on, let's quickly, i'm waiting, yes, let it go, victoria, i'll call you back, elena nikolaevna, hello, i'm not they let you in, that’s right, they don’t let you in, what should you do there, when they shot at vernikov, i was there, it wasn’t him, you every time you will block his ass, the truth was with him, well, sit down, you will be needed, come on, let’s quickly, who are you, last name,
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kolyvanov, my last name, well, wait in the corridor, i have questions for you.


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