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tv   Segodnya  NTV  April 25, 2024 12:00am-12:31am MSK

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sit down, moratik, it’s as if it’s too rude to look at you, the street doesn’t care about your boiled water, i hate you all, marat, wait.
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she jumped out of the window because of this, i know for sure that this is a household house, you don’t have to crunch and... you know, i was just driving, colic, vova said it, i said it, it’s normal, give an explanation, there are no enemies here, you, here, yes, wait, yes.
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i feel sorry for the girl, you can’t bring her back, justice can be restored, i give you my word, officer, i will help, i will find and attract, of course, help to you. can you help me, i understand everything, i understand, where is the gun? i don't know. why good evening, and
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call natasha, please, she’s not here, but yes, she’s on shift, it ended an hour ago, they detained me, that means no, i say, then tell vova that he came, he wanted to have a heart-to-heart talk, okay, i ... i’ll take a walk here for now, and when she comes, let her come down, okay, she may not want to go out, she may have nothing to talk about, i just don’t want to lose her, natasha, natasha, but what about abkhazia, the sea, the house,
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can't you talk to me? yes, this is all some kind of nonsense, it will be sorted out 100%. so are you going to him or come to me, to you, there are cigarettes, no, i’ll still get rid of the frolics, i’ll find this colic, well, i’ll invest.
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you, don’t come to the training camp tomorrow, why don’t you come, guys, here, here, here, here, here, come on, uh, where are you going, you can’t do it anymore, turbo, quiet, here, go, you’ve gone completely wild, damn, well okay, i’ll give you 5 seconds, get out of here,
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what the hell, let’s go one on one, with whom, one on one with the chushpan, guys, who are up, remove the shit from the site, what? you're hiding behind the boys, you fucking bastard, what a pathetic guy, you bitch, let me go, i'll hold you, let it go, be quiet, that's it, that's it, that's it, that's it, that's it, that's it, that's it, that's it. that's it, quiet, that's it, that's it, that's it, who's the leader? brought it up, yes, you are a trash nit, pick it up
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, it’s not mine. what is your diploma? helped detain especially dangerous valery turkin, armed with firearms. your mother was a good woman, they got a man. i'm filing for guardianship. good afternoon. window, open. i
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took my life for the first time. matchmakers are over to punish. the law is higher than the boy’s, there is no such law, the boy’s word, blood on the asphalt, the final tomorrow at 23:00 on ntv. winlinebet race, place your bets, beat your opponents, take the maximum from the prize pool, vinline makes the difference, vinline gives fribet, 3,000 without conditions. to all new players, match tv news time especially for ntv. in the studio of margarit jorgenson. hello. in the next 5 minutes, we will discuss the most exciting events from the world of sports, and also study the most interesting odds from online bookmakers. we start with fire volleyball. the season in our women's super league
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is turning out to be a glory, a lot of emotions, and the intrigue is twisted to the limit. so the locomotive took the lead in the final series with dynamores 2:1. 6,000 fans drove. forward to the kaleningrad team. tatyana toluk and the outrageous brar-krakurt shot at the guests' defense from the flanks, and ekaterina lyubushkina attacked in the center of the home team, blocking mina popievich. in the first and third games, the kazan volleyball players fought almost on equal terms, but in the end they were forced to concede 25:23, 25:15 again 25:23. lokomotiv took a 2-1 lead in the series and could become the champion tomorrow. if you bet 10 thousand rubles on the housewives, you would get 14 back. you did a great job today, excellent teamwork, more since we managed tactically almost everywhere, we won again, except on the side, the kazan team is already in its third game, this is not by chance, the hardest game remains. in russian football
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, the country's main derby, cska spartak, will take place tomorrow. the ultimate dream of both teams is to fight for bronze in the championship and win the cup. despite all the criticism, the red-whites are even ahead of their eternal rival. for victory in rostov. as for cska, here first of all we need to talk about personnel problems. removal of roshi and deveev in the previous game left the team with virtually no center of defense. but the main engine of the red-blue feizullaev also went through cards. but all these difficulties do not make the army team outsiders of this confrontation. bookmakers estimate the teams' chances as almost equal. the last two teams of the championship will compete in grozny. and this is the case when a draw will not suit anyone. bookmakers give the home team a slightly better chance of winning.
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basketball players from the kuban locomotive repeated the united league's performance record in the playoffs. in the opening game against parma krasnodar scored 112 points. in the first half, the teams seemed to have forgotten about defense. in open play, lock's attack was at its maximum. after a long break, the hosts left with 67 points. this is a league record. in the third quarter, they managed to slow down the train, which made it possible to make the gap minimal, but several accurate three-pointers allowed sekolic's charges to break away again, and the result was 11286 - a confident start to the playoffs for lokomotiv kuban. it's great to start the series like this, we controlled the selection and were faster opponent, perhaps these are the main factors of success. we were alarmed by mistakes in defense; there were few of them, but they were repeated. for the guests
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, only at the end of the first quarter did the kazan team take the lead, and then eric green took the lead and the hosts created a solid foundation. after the break, samara reduced the gap to a minimum, but another breakthrough by unix buried the hopes of the guests, and the kazants defense did not allow the opponent to revive the intrigue in the end. 83:73, the reigning champion starts with a victory. everyone is already ready to play. like the last time, especially samara, they performed their minimum, they reached the playoffs, they have nothing to lose, it’s clear how all the players give their all, this makes the war harder, unlike their other competitors, cska zenit, we had a rather difficult game, because it seemed there was game tone, unlike samara, but still the main victory, it is important to us, so we will prepare for the next games. winline makes a difference for all its new clients and gives a bonus of 300 rubles to everyone. users without conditions. register in the winline application and receive your bonus instantly. winline makes a difference. this was
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news of the match especially for ntv. next, i’ll give the floor to my colleagues from the information service, who will talk about the main news of the day. vinline presents a new 3,000 free bet without conditions or deposit to all new players. get it now. vinline makes a difference. you know what i love most, when your gaze lights up with this special light, come, fall in love, be surprised, be inspired, your moscow. this is the program today, with you artyom kolodkin
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at the beginning of the episode about the situation on the tyumen highway omsk, where part of the road surface was flooded due to flooding. the footage taken this evening from a bird's eye view shows that car traffic in this area is now only possible thanks to the barrier that rescuers erected. at these minutes , the cars are lowered down one lane in reverse mode, as we can see, well, as a result, a huge traffic jam of heavy trucks has accumulated in this area. the topic of floods became the main topic at today's meeting with the participation of the president. compensation for victims of high water should stand out for any lost property and do not need to divide it into categories. it’s time to index the payments themselves, vladimir putin said this during a discussion of problems with ministers of relevant departments and governors. putin emphasized that assistance to people needs to be approached. informally, according to the president, it does not matter to the victims what level of government
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is responsible for what, it is important that the problems are resolved. roman sobol summarized the main theses. now the crest of the flood has already passed the orenburg region, swept across the mound and is advancing in the tyumen region, where the water has gone, new problems emerge, people return home and understand that everything, or almost everything, has been lost, it’s good if the walls have survived.
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in the orenburg region, we received financial assistance to 4,600 people, and more than a billion rubles, more than 400,000 applications from affected citizens for financial assistance were accepted, and you just said 46,000 were issued ... a little more than 10%, you are absolutely right, work is underway, and in of all and in all other subjects the same thing in percentage terms, why is it so little? intervened the governor of the region tried to explain, choosing his words tactfully, the meaning is this: not all statements are justified, many were submitted, as they say, on the sly. served by people who
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were not in the flood zone, or what? yes, yes, yes, no, well, it’s clear, but... then it’s not clear why you are accepting these applications, well, let’s understand this properly, that a person submitted an application, it was accepted, which means he is waiting for an appropriate reaction, well then work needs to be organized so that people understand who has the right to what, generally in the region commissions are already working to assess the damage, the ministry of construction plans to double the number of experts in order to complete the work in orsk and orenburg during the may holidays and establish the order of payments. but there are bureaucratic nuances, for example, the house is destroyed, and the family also owns other real estate, even the tiniest one-room apartment; in this case, compensation is not due. the mayor of orsk proposed amending federal standards; we propose to include the possibility of providing payments for the restoration of houses
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to citizens who have at least a second home in three cases, this is when the second housing is in... a mortgage, the first or, when it was purchased with maternity capital, the second or when the shares in another housing are less than 100,000 of the norm 18 km. the head of orenburg gave another example: in the regional center , garden plots were mainly damaged, how can one assess the damage in this case, if on paper these are country houses, but in fact they are real housing. where there is property rights, people reside permanently, are registered, they will receive everything they need. payments, but such people have we are about 50% of the total number of affected gardeners, and today we have 77 snts flooded in orenburg. for many, this is also the only housing, as has historically happened in the city of orenburg. firstly, it is necessary to recalculate the established norms for the cost of major repairs of one square meter of housing. they are
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outdated, they were eaten up by inflation. second. the amount of payments itself has been established, it was established in 2008, now it is 2024, and this amount has not been indexed either. i ask the relevant federal departments, the ministry of emergency situations, the ministry of finance, the ministry of construction, uh, and social departments. to return to this and resolve the issue of indexation, let me remind you that today it is 10 thousand, 50,000 and 1000 rubles. they need to be indexed. in affected areas, employers should consider the possibility of providing additional leave to employees who will begin renovating their own apartment buildings. the president mentioned global practices and
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how they deal with the consequences of natural disasters abroad. in no country in the world. such a support system in case in case floods and other natural disasters do not exist at all, as a rule, it’s the same everywhere, insurance is everything, if you’re insured, that means you got insurance, that means you’re not insured, but this is at the risk of each person, we have this system built and it needs to be improved further, although it would be possible to tame people to insure their property. and you can receive compensation on the ancient list, and if something not included in it drowned or burned, alas and oh, this list generally needs to be canceled,
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lost property, everything needs to be paid appropriate compensation, well, what do you count, whether a washing machine is included in this list or not, well , it’s some kind of nonsense, this whole list needs to be cancelled, the president paid special attention to helping families. participants of the north military district and families with children, he instructed deputy prime minister golikova to organize children's holidays, and it is desirable that children from the orenburg region or kurgan could go to the sanatorium already during the may holidays. roman sobol, ntv television company. the law on financing the armed forces of ukraine received the go-ahead from us president. this evening, joe biden signed a scandalous document, which includes an amount of 60.1 billion dollars, this package includes shells for cannon artillery and air defense, as well as armored vehicles. deliveries may begin in the coming hours. the us military said
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it had prepared in advance for the resumption of arms transfers to ukraine. well, just a few hours ago it became known that the kiev regime, it turns out, has already received atokoms long-range tactical missiles. representatives the pentagon told reporters that they transferred the ammunition back in march. this fact was kept secret at the request of the ukrainian side. it is alleged that the ukrainian armed forces first used these missiles against russian troops on april 17. they waited for help from washington in kiev for more than six months; the bill spent that much time in the house of representatives of congress, where republicans refused to approve it; alexey besyalovsky studied the results of american lawmaking. a bill on foreign aid to ukraine, israel and taiwan.
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speaking of kiev, they began to doubt for so long that many nato allies, the inability of the united states to keep its word, after all, for more than six months in congress they could not agree on whether to send aid or not, complete agreement was never reached, conservatives they still believe that allocating money to ukraine is a big mistake that will cost washington dearly, but even more dearly for kiev. adding even more money to the ukrainian treasury. will only prolong the conflict and lead to the loss of even more lives. no one in the white house, pentagon or the state department cannot explain what winning this battle looks like. they couldn't say this when we sent the first tranche
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of aid more than 2 years ago. we must work with ukraine and russia to agree on how to end this madness. voices that pouring more and more money into the conflict will not help ukraine are becoming louder in the west. why our ukrainian policy is devoid of any meaning, and because we do not have the industrial capabilities to support the war in europe. kemp under the heading ukraine has 6 left months. the new aid may help contain the russian offensive, but it will not help ukraine seize the initiative and go on the offensive itself. one of the reasons for this is that russia has achieved superiority.
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signed the law on the allocation of money immediately as soon as he appeared in the oval office of the white house on wednesday, and the pentagon did not even wait for the signing; judging by reports, the us department of defense has already transferred part of the new package of military assistance across the ocean to germany and poland for speedy transportation to the combat zone . alexey veselovsky, valeria polukhina and vladimir vepritsky, ntv. usa. these are the main events up to this hour. good night. now you can easily get up to 3,000 rubles for any purpose, spend it anywhere, and also withdraw cash. the first payment is only in
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a month, the money will always be up to 300.
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so what is this? oh, another situation, oops,


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