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tv   Voennaya politsiya  NTV  April 25, 2024 2:10am-3:01am MSK

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“hot spot, final episodes, we need to get out of here, i don’t want anything to happen to myself, tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv, we are one step away from the finals, in the semi-finals, according to tradition, guests come to us, there will be a holiday, a holiday the boy wants to be, the artistry is off the charts, the charisma is even over the top, performed with great respect for the song and the singer. in any genre , you feel absolutely comfortable . the most offensive thing is... one step away
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from the finale. mask. mask: the second semi-final. this is the most legendary revelation. masks for season 6. on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. guys, i have a request. let's look into this case without trial. disaster you offer him again, what are you talking about, mish, and i say, there’s no need to open a case, let’s forget, as if nothing had happened at all, but he almost buried you, but he didn’t bury you like you, yes i'm a cucumber, but you don't need a cucumber, you need your brain. petrovich, by the way,
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the pilot dropped the second pair of tanks in this area, to the right, it’s very close here, casanova needs to go to the hospital, it’s already getting dark, but i’m fine, i let's go, we need to not miss the gift, and something tells me that he won't wait until we sort out our affairs, wow, you'll get off here, you'll catch a ride, i'll go for a ride with you, the evening is free. here, approximately here, we will disperse.
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syoma, syoma, forgive me for god’s sake, i prepared tatyana for you myself, well, i don’t know how it happened, well, i’m glad it happened with you and not with me, mikhalchenko, you’ve become a pimp , completely crazy, damn it.
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the very first night will be ours, the very first night will be ours, i see them. the car is not the same, come on, come on, just stand still, hands on your head!
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this is anukhin’s son, andrey, this car was at the creek, he went, he went, so shkolota, where is the crossbow, we don’t have any weapons. head down, there really is nothing in the car, where is dadar? we don't know any dadar, who is this? who sent you for drugs? father sent, he said that all the drugs would be ours, and the money too, it turns out, he
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deliberately hung both tanks with a load under one wing, what an idiot, he dragged his sons in with such crap, there’s a bug here, dadar will come for it package, we'll wait for him here, and if he doesn't come, you're going to wait for him for how long, and you don't have to stay here, take the cargo, take it to the cops, and you'll get the boys out from under the fire at the same time, you haven't yet decided who will drive the car , i am my car, come on, take the packages, give them to me, stand here, throw them in the trunk for me. come on, give me more, come on, let's get behind the wheel, go ahead, let's go!
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roshchin, do you trust him? i only trust him that he won’t pocket the drugs for himself, he’d better pocket it, we’d rather him, they ’ll interrogate us, they, attention, car at 9 o'clock, they, my dadar, three are coming straight to us,
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but mount it, eh? quiet, quiet, well, are you going to wet it, the keys are here, press the lever, close, close! you don’t have to help them, yes , yes, they really failed, but what the hell, i’m giving up,
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drop the floor, hands behind your head, hands behind your head, and... well, come here, what the hell, i’m giving up, we ’re not going anywhere, i agree with the last one, go ahead! so where's your crossbow, robin hood? we don't have a crossbow, what do you want? and there are no bolts either, there is nothing there at all. it was not they who killed
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parkhanov and kolesnik. well who then? kid said his father sent it. he lied, it just dawned on me. anukhin, the eldest, could not know the coordinates of bakov. yes. was already dead, which means there is someone else, someone who could have access to the transcript of the recorder. from the car, quickly, quickly, one crossbowman shoots from there. let's go back, back, back, down, here we are,
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you know who it is, yes, from the airfield, he came up with the idea of ​​throwing off the sad tag, he caught the technician with my father, so he forced me to call my father and blackmailed him, now you are superfluous to him rt , dangerous witnesses, i fell under you distribution, let's run away, in my opinion... are you the smartest, or what?
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the ivaz equipment is ready, but everything is clear, but ivazov at first didn’t know that the pilot was dropping the tanks in pairs, not all at once, but near the creek we found a package, and purukhans. damn, who took the parcel? well, of course he did, so he got it, yes, dear, because i’m 1.00
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km away, it’s bad enough for me to take my mind off, you have a whole department of doctors there, someone will solve this issue, that’s it, come on, i’m in the service, sorry, this is anya it was, it’s none of your business, i asked you what, sleigh, that’s difficult to answer, i could have refused from this matter, but this is what i expected. “come on, what’s wrong with anya, be quiet, anya, where did i ask, you’ll break your arm, that’s it, that’s it, that’s it, fuck off, we haven’t slept together for six months, i thought she was punishing me, but she has a tumor, she’s in the hospital now, you why not with her? come on
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, roshchin, what can i do, there is someone there to take care of her, you scum was in vain, it was immediately clear that my head would be on the chopping block, sit down, whoever won, everyone lost! , okay, what ’s the point, i’ve already written a report. well,
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you’re reasoning correctly, you’re getting the guys out from under . blow, you take the blame, by the end there is absolutely unnecessary pathos, i see only one way out of the situation, my dismissal, i also drew up a paper. at first it was letter by letter, we separated only towards the end, to remove our positions. it won’t work, it will work, the basics of management, when those at the top are hungry for the blood of your subordinate, you don’t have to cut his throat, break his nose, punish him, punish him, but tear up your report, burn it and scatter it, your place
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is here, so hold on to your place, paws up always we'll have time to throw it away. haven't passed it on yet authority, you are still the commander, gather the guys, let's fly home, eat. let's get together at my place, let's hurry up and you don't have to preen your feathers, i've fallen off in my old age, timur, we need to talk, i love ira, i just wanted you to know this from me, but you didn’t think of it, didn’t guess, you think i didn’t guess , look stupid, okay, what are we
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going to do, nothing, she loves me, timur, i’m sorry, i’m sorry so simply. no, everything is very difficult, timur, but we ’ll talk later, now i can’t, i need to leave urgently, fuck you. good evening, your dinner. good evening.
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please. thank you, i will continue on my own as you please. yaanam put, tesha javir, horror, who taught you, tui si ours, come on in russian, don’t torture yourself and
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me. why did you come, we are nothing to each other now, you have your life, i have my death, and onon, avir. i did not find any signs of malfeasance in the activities of the department. thank you for your service, major. question, comrade general. was i appointed because of my personal attitude towards major roshchin? well, i see you ’ve changed your attitude. well, thank god, i didn’t change it. who
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so blind? disabled person. by sight, what kind of questions, major, they are sure that some blind man sent me, although you don’t have to answer, this doesn’t concern me anymore, i just don’t like being used, stop. why did you show your face? do you want to tickle your nerves? you tickle them, waffle, a thread will stretch from you to me, in
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general, cover yourself and don’t shine, you know that on the eve, we must complete the mission, no matter what? uh-huh, okay, so, uh-huh, and somehow you’re not afraid to carry such large sums without security, well... with the guards on the armored car can immediately see that they are carrying money, and i’m an ordinary person, and i have
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an ordinary car, a briefcase, that’s an ordinary one, whoever guesses, but just in case, here’s this for you, oh, why are you, nothing, nothing, thank you very much , goodbye, hello, it's me, he just came out, just be careful, he has a gun.
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got out of the car, you got out of the car, i said, got out, went, went, creature! i have the bag, let's go.
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good morning, did you ask to be woken up and delivered breakfast for two with champagne? breakfast for two was cancelled, i can’t eat that much on my own. i treat you, have a nice day, thank you.
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are these the results of the examination? no, this is a refusal to be hospitalized. i need her signature. what does it mean? this means that your wife refuses to be treated. i can't hold her by force. you can take a look. i have already told her many times that i refuse treatment. will kill,
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so what are you doing, she will stay in the hospital and be treated, i take it upon myself, you wasted my refusal, you will get better, everything will be fine. “if you came to pity me, then it’s completely in vain, i came to help you, that’s different, but first you have to help yourself stay in the hospital, please don’t talk to me like i’m a child, it’s humiliating in the end, maybe you’ve decided to become my nurse, who am i to you, ex-wife, consider nobody, anya?
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now it’s not about me, and about your life, why do i need such a life, i wish you good health, comrade general, i won’t come, i have emergency family circumstances, i’m taking a vacation at my own expense, misha, go, i’m not going anywhere, and you will stay here and continue your treatment , it is required, i will hold you by force, i will do this not out of pity, but to save the life of a loved one close to me, okay, i ’ll stay in the hospital, otherwise you’ll really chain yourself to my bed, you give your word, private pioneer, and answer the call already, i
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see how your phone is vibrating in your pocket. general, they don’t refuse, let me, we’re just waiting for you, wait, and roshchin, we won’t wait for him, i’ve already informed him by phone, and he ’ll join us soon, we have an urgent mission, and you’re heading here immediately, he’s stationed here. military unit that is on combat duty in voronezh type radar station. the station is part of an early warning system for missile launches by a potential enemy. impressive. this morning there was a murder here, the victim was the head of the unit's financial service, major ermakov. accountant, perhaps? you can say it this way, or you can say it differently. an officer with access to state
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secrets was killed. the other day , the chief of the general staff will arrive in the leningrad military district from an inspection; it is planned to hold a meeting at which top secret topics that even i do not know will be discussed. but as the murder of some accountant and a meeting with the chief of the general staff are connected. this is what you need to find out. more questions? may i go? wait, where to go? dad, you didn’t tell me the main thing? if roschin was removed, then who is our group commander? yes, of course, major starostin is appointed commander of the group. turchik, hi, dear, hi, mom, what are you doing there? you see, i’m getting ready for
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the road, why are you so irritated? did someone offend you? mom, who could hurt me? you see, i’m just getting ready, in a hurry. ok, ok, i just want remind you that next week is dad's holiday, but he won a very important tender, and he is really looking forward to seeing you. mom, i'm going on a business trip, i don't know exactly when i'll be back. what, i don’t hear anything, there’s some interference, i kiss you and we’re really, really waiting, i don’t hear anything. mom, i say, i am.
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the whole group, the flight was delayed, hello, hello, ira, oh, from moscow, far away family circumstances have arisen, i wish you good health. comrade major, i ask you not to be late to the gathering place anymore, there is a comrade commander, oh, we are the military police this time, what kind of fly bit her, and he has a wife in moscow, either ex-wife or current, and dad said family circumstances, so i think. the rise, that in moscow it was not possible to speak out?
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who are you? you can't come here, captain. that's right, comrade colonel, i obey, connections, orders from superiors, joint investigation, which means we are working, what you
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managed to find out, well, not much for now, we ourselves just arrived. this morning, major ermakov received a large sum of money in cash from the bank, somewhere here his car was stopped, he himself was killed, well the briefcase with the money disappeared. obviously, it was an ambush; his road was blocked. he tried to block the doors, but nothing worked; his glass was broken. did you find his phone number? found it, but what's the use of it? semyon, get busy, do you mind? please, please, why
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did they shoot him? he didn’t offer any resistance, they took the money and broke the phone. because he was armed, but apparently he wasn’t a very good shooter, he started firing back, but only hit their car, these are chips from the side of a military truck, aka a financier, not a special forces soldier, with what weapon he was killed is still unknown, we didn’t find a single shell casing, but apparently, no, obviously the bandits collected them all and took them with them, but you weren’t looking in the right place? they shot from somewhere above, from the side of the truck, most likely they shot,
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here she is, i found her. i’ll guess, automatic caliber 545, it’s the most, i don’t know where you guys came from so beautiful, but they clearly equip you better than us. semyon, go to the hotel with mikhalchenko, find out everything you can about the cartridge case and the phone, and we’ll take a ride to part where ermakov served. just guys, it’s a joint investigation, so let’s put it in one basket, okay, if you have any information, let us know right away, by all means. take a photo, excuse me, we are undergoing renovations here, who could have known that ermakov would go to the bank today to get money, everyone knew, today
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is payday, you always give out money in cash, no, it usually comes to the card, so, but this what the hell, comrade captain, the valve broke on the second floor. "it looks like we won't learn anything here, and we're not used to giving up, maybe we'll find something, eh'. don’t you think it’s strange that the valve was torn off right above ermakov’s office, what ’s so strange here, but he received cash from the bank, although usually monetary pleasure is transferred to a card, he used a weapon during the robbery, although according to the instructions he had to give all the money, and not insured, why such self-sacrifice, you know, sometimes stranger things happen in life, for example, a person is going to come for a visit. in st. petersburg, and gets on a plane to fly to moscow, i had
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unforeseen circumstances, such unexpected, that you couldn’t call to say that you won’t come, i’m sorry, that’s how everything is simple for you, i’m sorry, circumstances, you think i don’t know your circumstances, you think i don’t know about your moscow wife, come on, tell me more , that i haven’t seen her, i have, but it’s not what you’re thinking about, although now it doesn’t matter, yes, you’re right, it doesn’t... it doesn’t matter, maybe we’ll hang out at home tonight, why haven’t you checked in yet, anna helps me fill out the guest card correctly, and so far i have punched our cartridge, judging by letter to the digital code on the bottom of the sleeve, it was produced by the barnaul arms factory 4 years ago and shipped to the warehouse of the military unit in which ermakov served, this is also a coincidence in your opinion, you think one of his... servicemen was involved in ermakov’s death. i'm listening to
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you, temur. in general, not all documents were destroyed by water; some were found out. wait, i'll put it on loud. in short, our ermakov was still a piece of fruit. he systematically delighted the officers of the regiment, a fairly large group, who were given various additional payments. he formalized these payments in a separate list and received cash and appropriated it. there are names of officers who were injured, you need to immediately ask for them, there is a report addressed to the regiment commander, in which ermakov accuses a certain major koldyshev of attempting to beat him up and making threats, but the report was not given any further action. the surname of the cashier who gave ermakov cash in the bank is also koldysheva. at 9:00 in the morning, when ermakov took the money from the bank, she called the subscriber brother. in addition, ermakov received several messages on his phone. sms messages from this subscriber with threats. they call him a fraud and threaten to kill him. timur, we will come for you. eat. hey,
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where are you going? so, in general, i ’ll pick you up this evening, it looks like here, the ink has flowed lightly, you can’t make out the apartment number, you ’ll leave me in the car. mayer koldashe lives here, yeah, on the third floor, just knock louder, otherwise their bell doesn't work there.
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wait, koldyshev. koldyshev, military police, hands, koldyshev, hands, help, healthy bastard, resist, good, goose, i’m here bales i carry it, but it cools down, i don’t cool down, i set up wi-fi. while you are setting it up, anya’s shift will end, and i
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invited her to the restaurant. by the way, do you want her to take a girlfriend? i immediately gave up, well, clearly, i was sucked into virtual reality. go already, anya won’t wait. semyon, are you sure you have set up wi-fi? so call your mom, don’t forget, family is the most important thing in life. petrovich, save your advice for anya. family is a great topic of conversation in a restaurant. oh, are you ready to eat the internet? i don’t know anything, i was at home all day, didn’t go anywhere, didn’t kill anyone, they called major ermakov a swindler, they threatened to kill him, so who is he, a swindler, i’m
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entitled to combat, and not only me, but he’s pushing us, we brought him the document a thousand times, but it’s his law new one came out. the pieces of paper are not the same, but why were you running away from the military police? i was drunk, i drank today, it’s my day off, i have the right, i didn’t know what i was doing, but you already ran into the article, disobedience to the police, encroachment on the life of an employee, the whole bouquet, yes, i admit it, i’ll answer for it , and the swindler ermakov didn't kill. do whatever you want, we won’t prove it, we won’t prove it, so, well, well, sit there, lesh, lesh, confess to them, they said, if you confess,
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you’ll get a discount, shut up, you fool, shut your mouth, he’s the one who talked me into it, he said call him when ermakov receives the money, i didn’t know what he was up to, i thought, but he’ll beat him up, teach him a lesson, it’s not my fault, i ’m entitled to a discount, you’ll see, well, koldyshev, we won’t prove it, so yes you’re already counting, you’re sitting, come on, tell us who your accomplices were, how many there were, their names, well... well, major koldyshev, you are an officer, you have military awards, i studied your personal file, how did this happen, but i wanted not to kill him, with my face, in a grizzly manner, he was thrown down and took the money that he owed, i agreed with my sister so that she
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i called when he was leaving the bank, but he didn’t have time, i and others intercepted him, three of them in a truck. can you describe what they look like? i couldn’t see the fox; they were wearing masks. ira, just a minute. go, go. it means you don’t want to admit it, you decided to fool me, tell me fairy tales, yeah,
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ira, we are wasting time, the killer nikoldyshev. and why is that? i checked his hand swabs and he didn't fire a firearm today. no traces of gunpowder. this does not prove anything; one of his accomplices could have shot. we talked with his colleagues, he kept to himself, he had no friends, they shielded him, they didn’t find his fingerprints either, they worked with gloves, something else? ira, you understand that i’m right. let's go look for the real killers. have you forgotten who the real commander is? have you given up your orders? i i will decide what to do myself, of course, you will decide, but nothing, but you think, i don’t see that you are looking at roshchin before executing my order, you are waiting for approval, and you in general roshchin, listen, ira, we he was arrested, what difference does it make, i am severely reprimanding you, upon the group’s return to the base, it will be entered in your personal file,
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there is a reprimand by entering it in your personal file, everyone is free. and what was that? something with the chain of command, let's go, let's go, i 'll go for a walk, i met some friends here, but i definitely need to know this, the roshchina group, what they they forgot there, are they engaged in the murder of the financier, or are they pretending to do so? so, do whatever it takes, if you feel that it’s to your liking, you understand me, everything will be done, my excellence. great pleasure, remember these
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people well, if you ever see them, report to me immediately, let's go, what's going on here? did you beat him up, didn’t you lay a finger on him, you yourself say that he resisted arrest, that’s where the traces come from, that’s how you get confessions, captain, he didn’t admit to anything, he still continues his tales tell, but rest assured, he will soon confess everything, and even where he hid the money, he will tell, and if not, my groups i have good reason to doubt his guilt, captain. i was wrong about you , i sinfully thought that
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the ministry of defense sent you to sweep the garbage under the rug, so to speak, to defend the honor of the uniform, and you did well, you did a good job, but one question, what are you going to do tonight, oh, i'm afraid today in the following evenings i will be very, very... very busy, it's a pity, you, roshchin, who is asking, get in the car, i forgot to add, please, i said, get in the car. who sent you
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? sit down, “i will repeat my question, who are you, what do you want, my name is tamara, and i am a very authoritative person in this city, and why do you need me, you and i have common interests, you are looking for the killers of a military accountant, so you have some information, i’ll be honest with you, i have it several enterprises, let's say, not of a very legal nature, but bookmakers? an underground casino, cashing out money, girls, in general, six of them were daringly robbed over the past few months, this was done by the same insolent people who
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killed your accountant, and what do you want from me? i want you to find them, after you catch them, you will get the same amount, only on one condition, you will not imprison them, but hand them over to me, i promise, the prison will appear, thank you, we have good things. monetary pleasure, but catching ermakov’s killer is my direct responsibility, you really want to help, share information, photos, videos, who, where and so on, that’s all there is, the guys found this at the robbery site, wait, i’ll give you a ride to the hotel, let’s go. she was appointed commander only because her dad wanted to
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get the group out of harm’s way. roshchin was removed only nominally. and we know it, she knows it. and something...


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