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tv   Voennaya politsiya  NTV  April 25, 2024 3:00am-3:51am MSK

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the girls' money, in total, six of them were daringly robbed over the past few months, this was done by the same insolent people who killed your accountant, but what do you want from me? i want you to find them, after you catch them, you will receive the same amount, only on one condition: you will not imprison them, but hand them over to me, i promise, prison will seem like paradise to them. thank you, we have good monetary pleasure, and catching ermakov’s killer is my direct responsibility. really want to help, share information, photos, videos, who, where and so further. that's all there is. guys, we found this at the scene of a robbery. wait, i 'll drop you off at the hotel. go. she
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was appointed commander only because her dad wanted to get the group out of harm’s way. roshchin was removed, only nominally. and we know it, she knows it. and what do you suggest? i suggest telling her that we don’t need such a commander in order to return roshchin. am i ready dad? place the resignation report on the table. fuck me with such service. what if dad takes it and signs it? if i come alone, maybe he’ll sign it. and if we'll all come together and give him a letter of resignation, hoba. only. zabi, are you serious? do you think that he will just change his mind? this never happened before. why should we just leave it like that? we'll wake up and do the evening, nothing happened. if you change your mind, you can always find me in the sadka restaurant.
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and in general, where is the grove, and oh, it’s easy to kill, well , okay, yes.
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listen, syom, i don’t understand how roshchin could refuse the money, but let’s say he doesn’t need it, but he didn’t offer us anything, we all have a common investigation, and money means general, and he did the right thing in not taking it, if you take that kind of money, you’ll never wash it off, you’re a fool, syoma, money is just money, listen, what was the name of this restaurant, sadko? yes, everything is ready, roshchin was right, both of these cartridges are completely identical, moreover, the location and configuration of the bike’s pinning on the primers completely coincides, yeah, that means that they were shot from the same machine gun, sam, i beg you, then. .. don’t
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tell him now, otherwise it will start soon, the alarm will be announced, emergency detention, it’s night outside it’s time to sleep, but then, morning, evening i’m getting wiser, okay, especially since i still need to find out the warehouse number and the name of the person responsible for storage, but for this i’ll have to hack the military database, i’ll manage it just before the morning, yeah, you’re great, come on. calm down, this is the person we are waiting for, you are late, let them come out, wait outside, here is everything you asked for. for all
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objects and numbers, for all numbers, the system is debugged and works, of course, but i don’t... understand why we need these personal meetings, it’s dangerous, especially since i could send everything via networks, everything that gets into the network leaves a digital trace, but this is of no use to me, because you also love cash more than a bank transfer, another task, here the frequencies of routers and cell phones of the people i’m interested in are new. i’m not taking on the task yet, we have military police poking around at the base, they ’re still walking around, sniffing around, while they’re here, it’s dangerous, i’m already dealing with this issue, they won’t bother you anymore.
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good evening. doctor, i’m sorry that at this time, it’s okay, i was on 24-hour duty and had just stopped by to see your wife, i wanted to find out how she’s doing, let’s just say i now have reasons for cautious optimism, thank you, doctor, open up, get dressed, let’s take a walk. listen, i didn’t want anyone to hear, but i want you to know, i always considered
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you to be the commander, thank you, timur, but that’s not for us to decide, yet? “you had a revelation with me about ira when you said that you were together, remember, i moved away, after that trip to moscow to my wife, i realized that i would not give up my love, that’s why i ’m warning you, i will be for her fight". hello, how can i find tamara, let's go to the studio, where, i'm a troshchina, let me through.
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did you catch them? not yet, then what do you want? i came for what major roshchin refused, that is, for an advance. i am glad that among roshchin’s subordinates there was one reasonable person. tomka, peter, tamara leova. i didn’t even, i didn’t even think that i would ever see you, you know, i didn’t think either, so many years have passed, sweat.
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the pulse is 50, the saturation is normal, the pressure is 110 over 70, keep going, pyotr petrovich, but this is something beyond the bounds, no one believed that this is generally possible, everyone said that the patient would not survive the operation, but he had a pulse like an astronaut. this is just a miracle, well, what a miracle, i didn’t walk on water, pyotr petrovich, i know that you carried out the operation without a quota, we all know this, but don’t worry, we are on your side, and you
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are the best, tamara, there are people all around, you ’ve gone crazy, well, to hell with them, a lot, petya, and you’ve aged, and you’re not even a little old. has not changed, oh, flatterer, what a flatterer you are, why, although you always knew how to find an approach to a woman, well, listen, what are you doing in the military police, you are a surgeon from god, and don’t you remember, mikhalchenko, pyotr petrovich, who let you in here in unsterile clothes, i have a patient on the table, what do you mean, that’s just regarding the patient, we wanted to... talk to you, you are performing an operation outside the established quotas, we have information that you took a bribe from
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his relatives for this, we ask you to come with us, the operation will be continued by another surgeon, dear, this is not i, i was sure that a doctor of your qualifications would very quickly find you a new one place, well, here i was... walking, and how did you end up here, i was sitting without work, a vacancy had arisen in this city, and after some time there was one person in my office, in general, a local authority, well, word for word, six months later i became his wife, and a year later i became a widow, heir to his business, clearly, sorry. yes, i'm listening, i'm on my way, wait,
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did something happen? yes, another bookmaker's office was just robbed. today there was very good revenue. tell roshchin to hurry up. is this what you came for? yes, but then take it, what are you doing? start the car, do you need a ride? no, i'd rather take a walk. call me any time of the day or night. i found out the name of the person responsible for accepting and storing the batch of cartridges, which included both of our cartridges. this is senior warrant officer vladimir chursinov. did you open the ministry of defense database? what, you had to send an official request and wait 2 months for a response? what month? don't you want 2 years? all this?
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vovka, chursinov, we know each other, excuse me, hello, why, you know each other, don’t you remember me, well, volga, we fished together, yes do you remember, well, yes, of course, well, what’s biting here, well, so. yes, that’s it, okay, i won’t interfere, no tail, no strangers, otherwise we’re there, yes,
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to hell with it, there’s a clear signal from both beacons, in the car on chursinov’s clothes.
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why can't you sleep? so, i decided to go for a walk, what will you take for company? i warn you, i run fast. ir, wait, what is it, timur, you can’t keep up the pace? no, i just wanted to talk to you. well, talk to me, i don’t like that i became the group commander, i don’t like the way i command, i don’t like being in your submission, thank you for your frankness, that ’s all, no, my father has an important date, there will be a holiday, they really asked me to be, it won’t be long, for one evening there and back, okay, go, thank you, ir, eh... “maybe
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, maybe you’ll come with me, what’s this for? well, i want to introduce you to my parents, they’re nice people, they’ll definitely like you, you’ll like them too, well, mom , let’s cook something delicious, let’s sit, i’m not going, tymor, why? tell me honestly, you don’t like that i’m a commander, because it’s harder for a commander to make advances”? than to a woman equal to you in position, let’s do it this way, timur, my dad made me commander, he should take it off, and an even bigger request, if you suddenly want to go for a run again, run in the other direction,
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hello, taxi? timurchik, son, son, dear, how glad i am to see you, hello, mom, i’ll undress now, lyonchik, your son came to congratulate you, timur, what a surprise, i thought you couldn’t tear yourself away from your bandits, or whoever you’re busy with now , congratulations, dad, thank you, yeah, you came early, not always yet. it’s very nice, my friends and partners, business people, if it weren’t for them, we wouldn’t be able to celebrate victories, i can trust these people with everything, even the future of my family, it’s very nice, timur, i’ve heard a lot from you, young man, i’ll just be
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a minute, timushchik, are you staying overnight today, mom, i'm taking a taxi downstairs, i can't. well, i hope that we can sit and chat and talk about your future. well, probably another time. oh, timurchik, son, could you help me, in my room the tv set-top box is broken, please, look at it. but put it there flowers in a vase. soon there will be too many of them here. come on, come on, come on. moreover, i can say that this will bring us very good things. yes. oh, hello. i was told. the tv doesn’t work here, i don’t watch tv, i prefer books, tinologidze, timurchikovane, i won’t be here for long, everything is clear, my mother built this, what? just don't make
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a surprised face. and don’t pretend that you don’t know anything, my mother specially called me here today so that we could get to know each other, she wants to marry me to a girl like you, but this doesn’t happen, i have there is a beloved woman, so forgive me, timur, wait, what else, i think you’re right, our parents agreed on everything and want to bring us together, but i’m not interested in this just like you, then what are you doing here, but i was dragged here by deception just like you, listen, let’s go, let’s say all this to their faces, you think i’m not for them... it’s all useless, they continue to do their best. listen, i also have a loved one and he is now sitting in a park nearby and waiting for me there, so i suggest you help me, and at the same time help to yourself. how? well, let's play it out as if their plans had succeeded, as if we had met each other, liked each other, then they would leave us alone, each of us would continue to do our own thing. so you are not
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only beautiful, but also smart. “is this for you, only after you? mom, i fixed the tv and at the same time i met a beautiful girl, and we want to take a walk in the park, if you don’t mind, together, together, of course, only you were in such a hurry to see your friends”? i'll say that i 'll be late, okay, it worked out, come on, let's do it for us, okay.
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roto rise, damn it, timur, you can remain a stutterer, well, what did i miss, and absolutely nothing, but unless you read the important information that warrant officer churtinov suffers from heartburn and spends the whole day laying out his official duties. wait a minute, he just left the unit’s territory, drove his car from the checkpoint, right here, right to the fence? i wonder why? well, judging by the diagram, there is not a single cctv camera in this place. call roshchin as an old man. "right in the middle of the day, nothing at all afraid, on the contrary, let’s accept less suspicion,
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i don’t want to carry it around, it’s easier to notice surveillance. the connection is bad, there's probably a tip from the station, let's miss it, slow down,
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he's not going anywhere from us... i can see them. they are not far from us, what will we do, commander, we will visit them, timyon, you will stay here and coordinate us.
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overload, hurry up, it’s easier to get around them, check to the left, don’t start without my command, let’s go, i’m waiting for the calculation, as
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agreed, yes, okay, yes, what? which was what needed to be proven, be careful, there’s another one behind the truck, he has a weapon, what’s that it was, i almost went deaf, don’t twitch, weapon on the ground, otherwise i’ll shoot her, don’t shoot, save me, one, calm, calm, guy, two, got up, let’s leave, betrayed us, bitch, it’s not me, but!
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get in, i'm holding you! il you’re alive, it seems, pashkevich, you see them, i see they won’t leave, you’re bleeding, you need to go to the hospital, i’m fine, we need to detain them, senya, where are they, i don’t know how this
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happened. the connection was interrupted, there was some kind of strong interference, what the hell, what kind of interference, senya, they will leave now, we will never find them, quickly get into the car, timur, there are 100 roads, we don’t know where they went, we need to call afanasyev, tell the signs of the car, let him announce the interception plan, he’s alive, we’re going to the hospital, petrovich, do you think there will be a big scar. iir, in fact, scars adorn a man, tymur, here you are, well, what is it called, who spoke about a joint investigation, where was the promised coordination, we had to act quickly, you promised me that you would keep me informed of all your actions , and now i have a corpse in my city, and i’m not in sleep or in spirit, you’re not in a lot of things it’s not a dream, captain, for example, that you
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already have several gangs armed with machine guns. people have been robbed for months, and in general there is no corpse, warrant officer chursinov is alive, alive in intensive care, the doctors say he will live, he can check it himself, the ward is down the corridor, ir, but in a couple of weeks there will be nothing left, the stitch is cosmetic, perfect, according to i’m speaking from experience, it’s a pity that this won’t happen with my jacket, hurry up, let’s hurry up, what? what happened, i’ll go check it out, trouble guys, our ensign died, some kind of equipment failure to support life, now we are really in complete chaos, tymur, it seems you were right, i’m a bad commander, i didn’t say that, we missed the bandits, now they will lie down on one and it is unknown when they will show up again, we have the only witness died, afanasiev
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will report us and... an investigation will begin, it’s not your fault, someone warned the bandits that we were nearby. senya, damn it, what happened to the connection? well, someone started white noise on carrier purity. most likely it was the one who shot down my drone, by muting the control channel. are you sure this isn't a technical glitch? absolutely. besides, someone was tapping our phones. do you see the red light? i have a special program on my phone that detects a hacking attempt. and it worked. and who do you think it could be? this could only be done with the voronezh station. and... don’t be a fool, explain to the old man, what does the locator have to do with it? the station is capable of receiving the weakest signals at almost any frequency over a great distance, our cell phones, headsets, walkie-talkies, even wireless internet, all of this uses frequencies available for listening, someone tuned the station to receive these frequencies, and now, theoretically, he can listen to everyone within the antenna's coverage area, and this is a huge area, but the station can also emit a signal
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that blocks the choice. frequency, so it turns out , hackers, no, usually the area at such stations is closed, you can only penetrate from the inside, i think this was done by one of the officers on combat duty, which means someone in the unit is collaborating with bandits, yeah, so this is how they found out the exact time and place of the robberies, they listened to telephones and understood exactly when a large amount of cash appeared in the cash register, it’s not so bad, guys, the meeting with the minister of defense will take place exactly in the coverage area of ​​​​this station, and there are telephones and radio communications, and radio microphones in the meeting room. yes, wait, but the bandits can’t help but know their man at the station, we’ll catch them, we’ll catch him too, yes, but how can we get them out into the world, if they’re not fools, they ’ll go to the bottom, but it seems to me that i know how, i knew you would come. you are so beautiful,
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i am today. no one will interfere with us, i haven’t been able to forget you, petya, although so many years have passed, i haven’t forgotten you either, tom. let's dance, tamara, i'm sorry, let's dance another time, i need you to help us in the investigation, i thought that you came here
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to see me, but you turn out to be on duty. tamara, i need your people to accidentally mention in a conversation that tonight one of your offices remains without security. a large amount of cash, why else? well, it's a long time to explain, just do what i ask, i i’ll do everything as you say, thank you, but at the first meeting it seemed to me that i saw something from that time in your eyes, it seems i was mistaken, you have become a real cop, petya.
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somehow i doubt that they will bite, so we’ll see what is stronger, greed or caution. into the car so that it doesn’t catch your eye, turn off the headlights, we’ll wait, like this, like this, like this, on the shoulder straps, like this , but admit it, you’re cheating, you bastard, you’ve got a card up your sleeve, listen, they’ve been gennazili, a? no cards, you see, the pens are clean, just skill dexterity, and they are here, and you, since you lost, put your forehead up and don’t be a philanderer, say thank you that we are playing for clicks, otherwise you would have been left without a salary, come on, that’s it, good, good, good, good, y my forehead is already tired, quietly,
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tymur, let’s keep it quiet, but who can hear us here, but it’s time to admit, no one will appear here, it’s already getting light, i’ll at least go stretch my legs, and i’m tired of this vest, they’re going in hand, i threw down the weapon, i said , weapons on the ground will be fired, quickly, facing the group, quickly!
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it doesn't shoot alive. timur is wounded, i hold, timur, timur, i don’t see blood, i’ll bring this souvenir to st. petersburg. “i think he broke my rib, quietly, come on, afanasyev, it was you who killed eermakov, you also shot at ensign chursinov, then you finished him off in the hospital,
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turning off the devices, that’s why the voice seemed familiar to me then in the forest, i don’t understand, oh what are you saying, the only chance for you to avoid life imprisonment is to tell us the name of your accomplice, an employee at the station, i won’t tell you anything, listen, captain, you think you’re the only one who knows how to communicate with detainees informally and force them to give what they need. testimony? “i can do this too, let’s better take you to sadko’s restaurant and hand you over to tamara, do you remember this one, you know how much money she offered for your head, you’re bluffing, senya, start, let’s go, but i don’t know this person, i’m in person “i never saw him, we only communicated by phone.” and then he always called from different numbers, the first time he
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called, he said that he wanted justice, his business partner cheated him, did not pay his share, and he knows that now he has a large amount of unaccounted money in his safe, but i pressed this businessman, there really was a lot of money, then he called again and said that if i have phone numbers of the same losers, he will help me take the money from them, it’s dishonest. by the way , what robin hood earned means how the loot was divided, he sent off the information, i took the money, after which i had to send him a code message, and he sent the number of the electronic wallet to which it was necessary to send, i can figure out the owner of the wallet, but it will take a lot of time, but we don’t have a lot of time, what’s the code message, grandma has arrived,
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you said, i can forget about the military police that operate in our unit, here. have you deceived me? grandma has arrived. what does it mean? this is the code message my man sends if the case is successful. in this message, two letters, a e, must be written in latin script. and here everything is in russian. so he was arrested. and this could only be the military police. but this means that your man did not betray you, otherwise you would already be sitting next to him. it's a matter of time. they will get to me too. and this it’s becoming too dangerous, i’m not
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participating in this, it’s all because of your greed, i pay you enough, but it’s not enough for you, why did you get involved with crime, just don’t need norvovanie, mother teresa is also for me, tomorrow evening you will receive new documents, money and a ticket plane, but only after you listen to the meeting with the chief of the general staff and bring this recording to me, tomorrow morning i will tell you that i will not go to work sick, i have a doctor i know, he will sign the sick leave, and then i will submit a report on my dismissal from the army, in short, here you go,
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based on my experience, you will lose consciousness in three or four minutes, looking at... shorten the last minutes. have mercy! tomorrow
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you will show up for duty on time and insert the flash drive into your computer like a bayonet. you will intercept and make recordings of all conversations. at a meeting with the chief of the general staff, and exactly 3 hours later you will bring this recording here, to this very place. fine. okay, i'll do whatever you want, just let me out of here, if you deceive me, you'll regret being alive today. what is the holiday for? ir is trizna,
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the subscriber to whom afanasyev conveyed the message about his grandmother did not answer, all the deadlines had expired, we scared him, we did everything as afanasyev said. of course, he said everything that i personally doubt, i’ll go again before i ask this afanasyev, i’ll take the soul out of him, give me the keys, i’ll win. quiet, freeze, don’t let go of the pedal, what are you,
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roshchin, everything is neat now. we get out of the car, it’s easier, what happened, there was a click, don’t take your foot off the pedal, don’t touch the steering wheel.
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what's there? grenade! chica is pulled out! the safety bracket is jammed, it is impossible release the brake pedal, move away, block traffic, don’t let anyone in, call the sappers, there’s no time, your leg will get tired sooner, it won’t, call the sappers, i can handle it myself, i’m strong, i can handle it, call the sappers, this is an order, you can reprimand me or fire me, i’ll now press the brake pedal, no, misha, and you will smoothly remove your foot, it’s too dangerous, ready, what are you
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doing, get out... i’ll have 5 seconds, run, ira, here, here. cover everything!
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car on the right, hello grandma, here's yuri a day, dad was right about that radio complex, something unclean, since the layer appeared on the horizon, now it’s clear where the officer, a station employee, a program that allows you to track cell phones, recruited him, why would a blind man rob businessmen? no, petrovich, that’s not why he recruited him, tomorrow the station chief has a meeting at 9 am, it’s located exactly within the station’s coverage area, and i’m blind in front of... listen, we need to raise the alarm and arrest all the officers who are going out on combat duty tomorrow military duty, one of them is a blind man, i'm afraid they won't give us
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to do this without irrefutable evidence, and we don’t have it, we’ll just make noise, scare our traitor, the blind man will leave again, we need to act for sure, we have an advantage, while the blind man thinks that we are dead, we are ahead of them by one move, and what is this a move? oh, semyon, is that you? yes, mom, hello, it’s me, i’m calling, to tell you that everything is fine with me, and please withdraw my name from the wanted list, how have you changed, mom, matured, i don’t have much time, i need to go, well, well, wait please, i understand that you are very strong
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busy, but i have to show you something, very, very important, look, this is my room, yes, we converted it into a nursery, this is my brother, this is your brother, really, he is adorable, yes, he is so small, mom ... forgive me, please, it’s really time for me to run, won’t you call me again? yes, of course, and you can call me if you want, kiss your brother for me when he wakes up. okay, okay, uh-huh. sorry if i woke you up, we just don’t
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talk on the phone about work topics anymore, i was just getting ready to see you, i found out something, but let me tell you first, do you remember, he told about the first robbery, a businessman who did not return the share to his partner, the name of this businessman is oreshkin, he insulted his brother named oreshkin, hacked into the database of the local police department, found this case in the archive, i looked it up. it was compiled by the unit duty officer. is oreshkin there? not on the list, but the duty officer forgot to indicate his own name there. his name is captain oreshkin. and just tomorrow morning he takes up combat duty. but this cannot be a mere coincidence. we need to take it right now. no, wait, don't rush. he must be caught red-handed. this is the only way we will come out blind, or maybe to someone higher. wait until tomorrow, and if he runs away. we will have to take a risk, but arishkin knows us all by sight, who will go with him to the command post, there is one person who will not refuse to help us, in exchange for
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the charges of assault on a policeman being dropped.


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