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tv   Legavii-2  NTV  April 25, 2024 4:55am-5:41am MSK

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the first task was for daria garmosh, a young komsomol member, who was 20 years old at the time, who had given birth to her first child 6 months earlier, and who accompanied her beloved husband to the front. the first task was to assemble a youth komsomol women's tractor brigade. throughout the war years , daria garmash's brigade fulfilled fivefold standards. numerous improvements in the progress of work, daria matveevna received the stalin prize. in the seventies, she was awarded the title of hero of socialist labor. in the historical and technical museum of defense and logistics in her personal belongings are kept at bagramovo. photographs and newspaper clippings create an atmosphere of patriotic enthusiasm. you can read numerous letters that came to the brigade from the front. letters were brought to the brigade in bags. can you imagine, after some
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difficult battle, the soldiers wrote and addressed women that they were surprised at the heroic deeds that they were performing here at the front. the museum in the building of a former agricultural machinery office is one of the few in the country that is dedicated to the workers of the body. the ryazan higher school is located in ryazan airborne command school named after army general markelov. the bigger one works here.
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there must be support, first of all, for the missile forces of the aviation, but the museum of the history of the airborne forces is intended just for this, to show what paratroopers are like, what their role is, so that everyone who visited this museum can leave here with pride, but if not for themselves , a future paratrooper, then because there are troops that you can rely on. in the park, next to the ryazan higher school, there is a monument to vasily. on ryazan land they honor
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memory of warriors, those who died in battles of the distant past, and those who laid down their lives in the 20th and 21st centuries. the military traditions of this region have deep roots. ryazan warriors wrote many glorious pages in the chronicle of russian military valor.
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so far one thing is clear, he was killed because he found out what it was, which he shouldn’t have found out, that’s what, he didn’t even tell me anything, so i ordered him.
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we talked about the details of the case to no one, well, as you can see, he kept his word, and so you see, would he have been alive, or would you have been lying next to him? okay, well talk now? come on, let's rest in peace. the worst thing is if he really figured out this kukushkin. and he understood this and reacted. in this case, there is no point in looking for him. i don’t agree, if belyashin identified him, that means he’s a well-known person and most likely i know him. no one has gone missing here lately, i checked. so here he is, i feel it in my gut, and i will find him, it didn’t cost me anything, but i have a big request to you, keep me informed, of course, by the way, what do you mean about pavli, well, what you told about igorka,
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this is very interesting, we also have vague rumors, but they are like your suspicions. you’ll fix it, and there’s no business and it’s unlikely there will be, because how to get to him now, oh, how not easy, and if there is ironclad evidence that he is connected with bandits and uses them for personal gain, well, when will there be, then and let’s talk, okay, i have to have a medical examination of sakhatov’s body in an hour, by the way, you don’t want to attend, no, thank you, it’s not a great pleasure, besides, i have a day off, you ’d better give me the results of the examination for your messages, how just like that right away. okay, come on, come on, goodbye, goodbye, well, we talked, we talked, we will have guests today, remember, we should go to the market and go to the store.
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what, you haven’t thought about changing your job, but i don’t know how to do anything else in life, there’s only bandits and swindlers, you just have to want it, if you have the desire, listen, uncle, share your joy, what kind of joy can you share with you? don’t be angry, throw it at poverty, you would go your way, good people, away from sin, well, this is only with the good, kind, and with the rednecks, to god,
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bitch, throw off the saski, hold it, back, back, your bitch, quickly back, vashenka, safe, no need, let's go for a visit, let's go. how are the bodies, everything is fine, everything is fine, let's go.
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the rest has recently ended, now they will go faster, ivanov, take some more and drag them to the road, you will catch a car there. to the camp, the rest follow me, run, march, why are we dragging like that, let’s eat first,
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is something wrong? if in doubt, you can check. for what? after all, you and i work on trust, and you haven’t yet given a single reason to... doubt you, i’m thinking about something else, it’s curious, because for any of these pebbles an ordinary mortal can end up in prison for a sentence many times greater than their weight in carats, someone , on the contrary, rolls these pebbles into jars, like some kind of cucumbers and tomatoes, he didn’t care about the criminal code, etc. conventions, but i wonder what kind of people you and i are from? “you and i, unfortunately, are among the first, well
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, nothing, nothing, soon everything will change, you think, you can buy everyone for these pebbles, yes, firstly, not everyone, secondly, not only for pebbles, but - third, not only buy, blackmail you will, i will, you guessed it yourself or..." hey, keep your guesses to yourself, okay, don’t force me
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to take measures that will make all of us, you and me, uncomfortable, agreed, agreed, that’s good, yes, for the stones , thank you very much, by the way, these are your, well , acquaintances, they can get more, yes they can, if there was money, there will be money, but for now... bye, rest, you can go, you know where, just please, without i’m doing damage, okay, that’s it, that’s it, i’m silent, i’m silent, i’m silent, yes, here’s more, here you go, well, take it, take it, she ’ll like it, they’re completely crazy, shameful wolves, but over the past 25 years, not a single mongrel here has dared to bully me.
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well, here they come, dash, maybe i can, no, seryozha, i can’t, don’t come to me anymore, don’t. wait, absolutely, why? because i want to live out my life calmly, even if alone, but calmly, dasha, dasha, let’s play at love,
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i’ll carry it. andryusha.
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“hello, i’m back, uh-huh, and i wrote you a letter, but i didn’t receive it, i didn’t even go home, i went straight to you, and how do you know my address, well, as you told me yourself, you were drunk, you don’t remember, i don't remember how you are here, this is for you, god, what a smell, you should at least open the window, otherwise it will be impossible to sleep, excuse me, i’m already finishing, but what will it be? a small
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surprise, not a good one. people, oh, my tweezers, why did you have to take them, if you break them, i ’ll use it to pluck your eyebrows, you’ll report the earrings of the pencil remover, well, plucking your eyebrows with a pencil remover, it’s the same as shaving you with a carrot grater, funny, by the way, i didn’t want to tell you, but... the other day i was with my mother, she said that she spoke about you in one organization in moscow. in connection with what? atom needs a head of the vukhra. the salary is very good and provides office housing. mash, we’ve already talked about this topic. i don't need another job. even for our sake. but this is already a prohibited technique. let's close
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this topic once and for all. i knew you would answer like that. well, i should have at least tried, igor vitalievich will appear and say that i left for the city, i’ll be there soon, according to the instructions it’s not allowed, but according to your instructions it’s supposed to leave women without hygiene products, we’re even running out of soap, not to mention other things, what if the guests will arrive on foot, well, it’s not far, if anything happens, i’ll catch a car on the way. for sure, someone will take me back, it’s dangerous, but who needs me but you, lyoshenka, i’m fast, one leg here, the other there,
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to the center, a threat, it’s necessary, especially since it’s been a long time since we held such events, yes will there be any sense, that is , colonel, this drunken mountain is causing all the chaos in the city, just look at the operational report for the last week, why are you handing me this stupid letter, i don’t know what’s going on in my city, so do i about the same thing, touch colonel, for it to even reach the handle, yesterday i almost got lost in that world, but i know, well, it will happen, so what do you have to show them besides moonshine and hooliganism? in a maximum of 15 days, everyone will be free again, during these 15 days we will carry out preventive work with them, and you with them, and at least for a while we will bring down this wave of street crime and domestic violence, besides, there are a couple of places in mind where ...they will definitely put up armed resistance, who are very dangerous bandits, possibly involved in the latter loud affairs, that you were silent before, and
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when you are thinking of starting, why wait, we will spend this evening, start, decide to go, go, eat, eat.
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it’s not your day today, guy, calm down, lie down, otherwise they don’t say anything, it’s still unpleasant to rub glasses on the boss, well, in principle, he’s not a bad guy, it’s just his job, and our job is like rubbing glasses in, bandits here to catch crooks, that's right, we need to warn albert, so i instructed him at night, and he gave me the address of raspberry, where we have armed resistance it turns out, well then let’s begin by praying. why are you looking at me like that? and in general, you smell disgusting afterwards. i recommend adicolon ship. it's okay, you're holding up well. well,
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friend, let's talk? about what? who are you? let's agree this way. i ask questions, you answer. first, tell me about raspberries with the girls, which would be with a friend. and how do you know, alexandra vitalievna, i told you, i’m asking, you answer, well then they will kill me, well, yes, if you say everything in spirit, no one will know that you were here. i give my word, and you will help me get out of this story? my conscience woke up, what kind
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of conscience is there, i just want to live, tell me, we’ll see, that’s how it is. bura, yours isn’t dancing, what the hell, nikon hasn’t taken him since the morning, the card is not a horse that will trample, let’s continue, that’s it, i’m empty, as you think, i’ll throw up the topic of gangrene, or we’ll just finish the last horseradish without salt, so you ask him, or the kishkatan woman, the time will come, i’ll ask, because of my guys too, out of what fear, are they going alone on their own?
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he was the one who investigated this case, what kind of case? are you a policeman? well, yeah, it's cool, me, by the way, the name is emel, i’m ready to testify, listen, emel, how are you so lucky, and if you talk to boba for a minute, she’s already yours, you know, and he’s cool, well done, he ’s got such a beast, and what’s secretly becomes obvious, oleg gas, well, you broke off your horns, emelya, i took the pitchfork, if you... the immortal counts to three the premiere from monday at 19:30 on ntv, we need to forestall the eastern acorns, otherwise they will fall under
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the distribution, all the trunks, all the uni . tell me we’ve already got it, but we’re leaving with crowns, yeah, let’s do it like that, but what couldn’t be taken quietly, but the informant let us down, they thought moonshiners, turned out to be bandits, this informant and under this pea, legal, what are we going to do, can we? let's figure it out ourselves, what is this, a small grenade, you can pick it up at any pharmacy, but such friedians threw up cockroaches from all the cracks in 5 seconds, young chemist, well, how are you going to get to them now, there is a dead zone on the right, i went, yeah, but no one knew about this zone before, yes, i know, i checked all the approaches in the morning, i don’t understand a damn thing, but you think i understand, the order was
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to take more noise, so i’ll do it. oh, demok's gone, let's go, let's go. there is one, there are many more there, another one and something is delayed, as if he would not suffocate, um, insure the door,
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i’m fine. okay, alive, yes, yes, it seems, thank you, thank you, it’s not gurgling, due to your pettiness, we have only corpses, i’m owed, ugh, thank you, they’ve completely gone off the chain, lags, they’re extinguishing the lawlessness, so where can we see that gas, they could do that to us like a kolopok, it’s good that he harmed the strawberries. thank you, brother, well, strawberries, and how can you find out about the benefit, since last time i fed one of the trash cans, so he snitched, well it’s not for nothing, of course, that you had to unfasten your tights, your musaryon didn’t say that these were musarat, what a big deal they raised, he said, for his boss, whom they wanted to take the bridge with an acorn and a kolgan to the gopstop, i...
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told you that the wayak chenuzh and cops they bypassed me and said, why am i right away, maybe they didn’t know that cop at the front, so they ran into me because they were worth a hundred dollars or something? it’s your fault, the boys walked under you, it’s up to you to answer, but you take care of the strawberries of your trash can, so in order to take care of it, you need to feed it, that’s i understand, it’s for a good cause and day... i don’t mind, there’s a lot of garbage in the stern, this is not according to the law, here i am the law, and it’s not good for you that you remained alive, if it weren’t for the strawberry snitch, you would be lying with an olive in your forehead with a tag on the hoof, so, take the strawberries to your house and sit there like mice, truncated, everything is spent. what about gypsies?
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he promised to be with all the people one of these days, we should meet him properly, cover the clearing, call maruk, this and that, he’ll kill him, it’s hard to keep a gypsy around, consider him a hefty scumbag, as far as i remember. near altai to the gypsy has a long-standing score, so we ’ll play on this, i missed it, i was a little late, there was no passing car for a long time, i think i spoke russian from home without walking.
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“sorry, we’ve run out of hygiene products, and women can’t live without it, especially with such a specific job. one more trick like this, and you’ll kill me? from now on , everything that needs to be brought by sasha. prepare a list. what’s his are you preparing? okay, everything will be ready by tomorrow evening, yes,
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very important guests will arrive soon, what with quirks, so be prepared, always ready. yes, i will kill you! well, get out or i’ll shoot, now it’s stealing,
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christmas trees, sticks, and i thought it was a sin at the station that the chypre car has turned over, why can’t you please, one nose,
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a lot, wave two canisters, great, in 100 m you’ll turn into the forest , i’ll tell you further where, well , where did you get the idea that comrade pavliktor is now here with you, what are you, a trump card, if his superiors find out, and you are sure that they don’t know, you want to say that the gb easily sells women , then shoots on film like a photo studio, not easily, himself pavlifkerno would hardly dare to do this, obviously... someone is covering for him, i also tried to probe this almshouse, yes, so what? received an unambiguous answer, a special object, checked it, so it is, and this lady of yours, i think i saw it there too, and blew me off as if she was 100% sure that there
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was power behind her, by the way, what did you do with her - so, he let him go, i’m sure that she won’t hand over to you, i’m sure that in any case, she’ll be the first to be killed, quite possibly, kozyra, well, what should i do? let your guys continue to graze for now, just without active actions. okay, eh i'll try to come in from the other side, from some direction? from the service entrance. well, igor vitalievich, i see there is nothing for your employees. possible, and where do you get such talents? tell me, have you ever thought about creating a network of similar objects? this is hardly advisable comrade
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general, why? you see, this object is good because, first of all, it is unique, and this is what attracts our bosses because they know for sure that there is nothing like it anywhere. no, to be honest, i don’t know what to say about the fact that igorok started some kind of crazy combination, there have been rumors in management for a long time, but are you sure that this is exactly so? “well , at least i don’t see any reason not to trust my source, and what is his interest, purely selfish, moreover, i believe that in order to avoid information leakage, it is necessary to periodically change the location of the object with a complete rotation of personnel. yeah, and how often such a rotation should take place, well, for an object it’s a year and a half, for personnel - 6-9 months, the fact that it has the approval of the management, i don’t even doubt it, the question is
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different, to what extent this is the management itself. familiar with all the details and nuances, how high the person who gave the sanction sits, what kind of sanction you have in mind, everything is simple, knowing well igor, this event has a second bottom, about which the management naturally knows nothing, and what you intend to do , well, nothing yet, officially use the facts that we have against him... a trusted person, which means we leave everything
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as it is, did i say that, give me a couple of days, i need to think, then i’ll come to you and look around the area , here's what sakhatom, our examination showed that he was poisoned, oops, moreover, such poison is produced only in one special laboratory, which is under the wing of our glorious management, and where is it? examination, now, with regards to your proposal on thieves in law, it aroused keen interest up there, especially in the ideological department of the central committee, but a more detailed plan for working out the me... i can imagine it right now,
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you’re scaring me, colonel, i can take this, this is a copy, of course, by the way, i'm going tomorrow on... general on this very topic, you don’t want to tell me anything, i’m not there yet, i need to check something, i’m all gone, give me the passes, i’m writing, that’s it, come on.
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there he goes, yeah, stop, stop, whoever i’m telling him, he doesn’t stop, yeah, stop, i say,
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holy simplicity, they beat the man, they beat him, they killed him, they killed him, write, write the joke, don’t be a fool, what will happen to me for this, what will happen , you’ll be in jail, i understand, you’ll be in jail, but if you drink shit, you’ll get your 5 years, understand, 5 years?
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oh, what kind of gloom you have to deal with, what do you have, tell me, yes, i’m better for you i’ll show you an official forensic report. well, what do you mean by this, i want to say that he’s a bad actor, even though i’m not stanislavsky, i don’t believe you, you’re still playing with your face, they’re shaking, you have no evidence, bullets,
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no evidence, so get out of here, puppy, and i won’t prove anything. why, i don’t know why, i don’t know why, he said, it’s just urgent, why do you need this, why, for the sake of the truth, who needs your truth, it’s like a prostitute, they want it, no one loves, and about...


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