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tv   Segodnya  NTV  April 25, 2024 8:00am-8:26am MSK

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long-range guns destroy the ukrainian armed forces' supply centers. working at a distance of 30 km, our artillerymen reach the enemy’s near rear from the special operation zone. report by sergei pikulin. the ukrainian cabinet of ministers has banned the issuance of passports to men abroad. you are cutting off people from consular services and i am silent that this violates the constitution, but you are cutting off citizens from the country. how do people try to avoid mobilization? the water level in the ishim river in the tyumen region has exceeded a critical level. staff meetings, which we disagree with
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protesters, and also preparing for the upcoming holidays, that’s right, for the month of may we are predicting the occurrence of forest fires, we will tell you how to protect yourself and preserve nature in the near future. hello, welcome to the information service of the ntv television company. in the studio of yulia bekhtareva. russian paratroopers liquidated positions in the ssu on the right bank of the dnieper. aerial reconnaissance discovered enemy infantry trying to take refuge in destroyed houses. the coordinates were received by the crews of the t-90m tanks of the dnepr military group. they worked on the target of closed firing positions. and the air defense crews of the same group of troops were destroyed. air targets
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over the zaporozhye region. the s-300 complexes were sent to complete the mission. in this direction of the ied they work in conjunction with beeches. and su-34 fighters covered the advance of the vostok group of forces. the pilots attacked a nationalist stronghold with bombs with a correction module. this allowed the crews to operate on... in the donetsk direction, a heavy ukrainian baba yaga drone, which was carrying several mines, was destroyed. our anti-aircraft gunners eliminated him with targeted fire. and in the southern donetsk direction , crews of msta s self-propelled howitzers hit targets behind enemy lines. the long-range weapon made it possible to strike from a distance of several tens of kilometers. sergei pikulin observed the actions of our artillerymen.
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our height of this self-propelled gun is more than 3 m, taking into account the anti-drone mesh, all four, the width is still 3.5, so in order to hide such a colossus, you need to equip a capanium with an area comparable to a good two-level studio apartment. the weapon always camouflages very carefully, because such a caliber is very tasty for the tall ones, and the target, now the main headache, is the so-called babaega, a heavy industrial drone that can be carried immediately. several mines, in principle, this vehicle is a combat vehicle, all damaged by shrapnel, by the way, here is one of the holes, not only the special body kit on the msta turret helps against drones, but also the chehotka, the dog got attached to the artillerymen a couple of months ago, this is just your combat unit , yes, she even shot at the gun with us once, juan he hears it starts hard, the boys are already watching the battle. this time the cap remained in the
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waiting area. msta s operates at 30 km, but now, in order to reach the enemy supply centers, you still have to roll closer to the front line. akhmed, the senior gunner, the youngest in the crew, came here as a volunteer immediately after his military service, he says it’s personal. my uncle died here. i went. they tell the commander: i need to go there, his father, cossack otoman, is here in the northern military district, for the first six months the parents did not know that after signing the contract, his son went to the front line, my mother said, i’m in the rear, i’m repairing cars, i’m working in the emergency room, then he said, he’s already told his mother correctly, now long-range artillery is irreplaceable, destroy supply centers, places where personnel are stationed in the ssu, destroy heavy equipment.
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joe biden doubts ukraine's ability to achieve success on the battlefield even with new help from washington. the publication reported this to the politician. journalists interviewed white house officials and they admitted that the dynamics of the fighting had changed, and no one guaranteed victory in the ssu. moreover, the united states has questioned kiev's tactics, especially after the failure of last year's counteroffensive. but biden has no time for doubt, he has elections ahead, on the eve of which... he needs to show at least some success in the foreign policy arena, and it looks like the us president is ready for anything. it became known that washington secretly allocated atacoms missiles to kiev, which have already arrived in ukraine. the range of the technical flight is such that the territory of our
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country may be at risk. the russian embassy in the united states condemned such a transfer from the pull-up. they said that the promise of kiev and washington not to use long-range missiles on russian territory is a lie. and also reminded. that all western weapons will be destroyed. alexey veselovsky will continue. having signed the law on the allocation of military assistance to ukraine and other allies, president biden addressed the americans, where he again repeated one of the main theses with which the white house justifies financing the conflict, by helping ukraine, the united states is primarily helping itself. petriot missiles are made in arizona. javelins in alabama, artillery shells in agay, pennsylvania. texas. in other words, we are helping ukraine while at the same time investing in our own industrial base, strengthening our national security, and supporting jobs in nearly forty american states. the head of the white house promised that new weapons would go to kiev immediately, literally within
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a matter of hours after he signed the law. part of the first package, the cost of which the pentagon estimates at a billion dollars, was forwarded in advance through the ocean is closer to ukraine, so as not to waste time on delivery. in washington, despite the joy of the passage of the bill by congress, they admit that they were seriously late in providing help. it has been too long and the consequences of this delay are being felt in ukraine. over the past 6 months, ukraine has had to ration ammunition, which has resulted in the loss of some territory in the east, and while this announcement is good news for ukraine, it is still under serious pressure on the battlefield, so perhaps russia will achieve additional tactical benefits in the coming weeks. it will take us some time to dig ourselves out of the hole created by the six-month delay until congress approved the aid. true, it turned out that the white house secretly, without announcements, back in march, when there was supposedly no money for ukraine, sent kiev atakom missiles with a range of up to 300 km, that is
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, capable of finishing off as far as crimea, although until now the us had denied kiev the supplies of long-range missiles. now, apparently, the ban has been lifted. according to some reports, ukraine has already twice used something similar. together with washington , london and berlin announced new military assistance to ukraine, although germany, unlike the united states, refrains from transferring long-range taurus missiles to kiev. german chancellor olaf scholz again stated that these weapons would not be supplied to ukraine with him. i want to say that the us decision does not
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relieve us here in europe of the task of further increasing support for ukraine so that this country can defend itself. regarding the weapon systems you mentioned, my decision. won't change, but london looks ready to go all out. british prime minister richa sunok recently announced the allocation of the largest aid package to ukraine in 2 years of conflict. its cost is estimated at half a billion pounds. but the main question, what next, cannot be answered either in london, or in berlin, or in washington. as the political publication writes, citing representatives of the biden administration, even the white house doubts that with all this new military assistance, kiev will be able to achieve success on the battlefield. alexey vasilovsky, vladimir vapritsky, anastasia konorovskaya, ntv. usa. ukraine has banned the issuance of internal and international passports to men aged 18 to 60 who live abroad. the resolution was signed by the country's cabinet of ministers. initially, the restriction applied only
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to those who do not have a military id and was associated with the new mobilization law, which will come into force on may 18. but when ukrainians began to apply en masse to the consulate to obtain documents. according to the old rules, kiev decided to be proactive and stopped issuing them to men in general, even for those who had already paid the state duty, the zelensky regime expected that potential conscripts.
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one of the oklonists wanted to get to moldova across the dniester river on an air mattress. he paid the conductor 4.00 euros for his escape plan, but was eventually caught by border guards. the united states intends to undermine relations between moscow and beijing with the visit of secretary of state antony blinken to china. this was announced in our foreign ministry. diplomats noted that washington, quote, stops at nothing and uses blackmail and intimidation. beijing understands this, and therefore, they will not fail to reach an agreement with the states to the detriment of relations with russia. blinken arrived in
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shanghai the day before; upon arrival, no red carpet was laid out for him; the head of the state department was met only by a local official of not the highest rank. the americans have negotiations ahead with the head of china's foreign ministry; as the press reports, during the trip the secretary of state intends to impose additional pressure on china, especially now that the states have allocated $8 billion for supplies. submarines for australia to deter beijing. another factor will be the fight against tiktok. joe biden signed a law that involves the sale of the social network to an american company. the chinese embassy in washington compared such actions to robbery and noted that americans are abusing national security and undermining the work of foreign companies. according to the wall street journal, washington also intends to impose sanctions against large companies. the country's banks in order to deprive them of access to the global financial system, limit work with moscow, as well as
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trade with our country. true, according to world media estimates, blinken hardly has anything it will turn out like the head of the us treasury department and the chancellor of germany, who also recently flew to china. in the tyumen region , the water level in the ishim river has exceeded a critical level. in less than 24 hours, it has grown by almost one and a half meters and is now more than 10 meters. one hundred and fifty houses and several thousand plots have already been flooded in the region, the evacuation of citizens continues, almost 5.00 people were taken out of dangerous areas, rescue teams are on duty near the dams around the clock, this morning, emergency situations ministry employees prevented a breach of the protective structure next to the federal highway tyumen-omsk. the leak was promptly repaired and the road is open to traffic. and in the neighboring kurgan region the flood is receding. the water level in the tabul river is below. decreased by another 7 cm. in the orenburg region, the situation is also stabilizing; within
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24 hours, more than 80 houses there were freed from water. and in 74 regions of the country , the fire season has begun, the ministry of emergency situations announced this. specialists, using space monitoring systems and unmanned aircraft, recorded various landscape fires. according to rescuers, most the area was engulfed in fire due to human fault. among the reasons it was not extinguished. barbecue, and also set fire to grass and debris. violators face large fines, nikita korabenkov will tell you how to follow simple safety rules. the beginning of the season of dachas and barbecues, which year is not without tragedies, this house in naginsk near moscow burned down along with the owners, the fire from the barbecue spread to the home. it happened quite quickly, yes, just a few minutes before i sat down, everything was quiet, nothing, then literally about five minutes later... i came up there like a cat and it was already blazing well. as a result of the incident
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, the couple and their fourteen-year-old son died. the fire was located inside an extension to a residential building. its exact causes will be determined based on the results of a fire-technical examination. that's terrible! oh! the burning of dry grass brings no less trouble; the desire for order in the area of ​​some summer residents takes extreme forms. they prefer to burn last year's dry vegetation, apparently they think that's all. it will work out somehow, this year , unfortunately, a man suffered from an unauthorized death in the kostroma region, received burns, he himself carried out such burnings, tried... to extinguish, suffered in the astrakhan region due to smoke from forest fires - there were children were evacuated from a children's hospital, several country houses have already burned down in the krasnoyarsk territory, so every year with the onset of warm weather in holiday villages you can meet people in uniform, once a week they carry out explanatory work with everyone
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and at the same time check compliance with fire safety rules security, well, in principle, i have here , where there are extinguishers and... there is water, there is a pump from the well, a hose has been removed, violators are given a fine, they are reminded, a special fire-fighting regime will soon be introduced in the region, when a special fire-fighting regime is introduced, starting any kind of fire, even in metal structures, but in a dug hole it is prohibited, well, until a special fire safety regime has been introduced, fines for citizens range from 5 to 15 thousand rubles, fines are tougher with the implementation of a special fire safety regime, for example for citizens the amount of the fine increases, it becomes from 10 to 20. at the same time, in different regions the terms of such a regime are different, somewhere it has not yet been introduced, and somewhere more impressive fines are already being issued. are you aware that there is a special fire regime in the territory of the azov rural settlement? well , it’s like i’m standing here, well, we just know, of course, well, what should she do with all this, he’s
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my neighbor here, the weather this year is also adding fuel to the fire, aviation forestry experts warn that the coming may and the summer months will be hot in the month of may we we predict the occurrence of forest fires, the high probability of fires is due to the fact that we predict high air temperatures, lack of precipitation, early melting of snow, last year's dry grass is already appearing, it dries out quickly and when fire sources appear , landscape fires may occur. therefore, in such a situation, owners of suburban areas should be careful; last year’s tops should either be thrown into the trash or compost pit, the grill should be fixed on a concrete base, and so on. the country residence itself should be prepared for a possible emergency. in addition to the fire alarm, employees of the ministry of emergency situations recommend having a fire extinguisher like this on your site; if it is a powder one, be sure to turn it over periodically, otherwise it
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will simply become monolithic like a brick and will be absolutely useless, or have something like this on your site... a two-hundred-liter barrel, always filled with water. nikita korabenkov, susanna prutchikova, vadim glushnitsky, nikolai malyagin, ntv. buenes aires hosted the largest mass rally since accession president miley in office. people are unhappy that the head of state decided to abolish free education. in the capital of argentina , about 800 took to the streets. across the country , the number of protest participants exceeded a million. protesters shouted slogans with... emily decided to cut spending on universities as part of shock therapy in order to overcome the gigantic budget deficit. immediately after the inauguration,
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he approved 300 economic reforms, one of which cuts government funding for the system. education. also argentine the president wants to abolish the central bank and allows the dollarization of the economy. however, so far the new measures are only making the situation worse. inflation in the country rose to 290%. many public sector employees lost their jobs, and almost a quarter of the population found themselves below the poverty line. the country was swept by mass protests, but all this did not force miley to abandon his plans. the number of people who suffered as a result. the escape of guards' horses in london has increased to five, new data was provided by the daily mail newspaper. the day before, during daily morning training, seven the animals were frightened by the loud construction sounds, threw themselves off their riders and rushed through the city streets. in total, the horses ran almost 10 km. during this time, they hit a cyclist, crashed into a taxi and a bus.
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witnesses to the emergency posted footage online of a horse that was injured during one of these collisions. the guards themselves and passers-by tried to stop them. it took more than 2 hours to catch and calm the fugitives. it is noteworthy that morning exercises are precisely designed to ensure that horses get used to city ​​noise, they are trained by the military of the elite royal guard. and with this we say goodbye to the viewers of central russia, see you later. pairs of grand and grand picant at an attractive price. only in a tasty way. every success begins with a dream, to do something of your own. the desire to stand out, the desire to act and
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more heat from siberia, in the south only in omsk it will reach +10, but in most cities it’s sunny, precipitation is possible in tyva and khakassia, in the urals almost everywhere, here it’s also not higher + 10, only in the southwest, in orenburg and ufa, about 20°, there is no precipitation there, and the european territory is subject to balkan cyclones. transferred to june, and the south in hot june, in the kuban up to +35, rain is possible only in the bottom and near ozovye. in general, this is hot weather, also dry, and the fire danger is off the charts. in in the center it starts to rain until +23, in the best traditions of the top of summer, and tomorrow there will also be thunderstorms. the north-west will not receive much heat from this cyclone, a maximum of +13 in velikiye luki, here is the next balkan, and it will not keep itself waiting long, it will warm up the air more noticeably, it will become warmer in the north. nature ... to admire the already strong greenery , i can’t help but warn you again, the ticks are now very active and there are such huge numbers of them...


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