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tv   Za granyu  NTV  April 25, 2024 4:45pm-5:51pm MSK

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left the crime scene. a thirty -one-year-old man, while on the street in the working-class village of monino, approached a girl and doused her with a chemical liquid, and then poured the same liquid over a woman, causing them chemical burns to various parts of the body and face. according to this fact, the investigative body a criminal case was initiated under part two of article 213 of the criminal code of the russian federation. this is hooliganism. law enforcement officials identified the man based on his position. the shchelkovo city prosecutor's office court chose a preventive measure for the accused in the form of detention. she has chemical burns of the first and second degree, and yet the girl did not even realize that she was attacked. in the studio alena krachkova with her mother yulia. hello. hello, alena, yulia. allen, how are you feeling? it hurts me to walk, to climb stairs, it hurts to go down,
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or something, so as i was already approaching the entrance, i felt something burning in my leg, i touched my pant leg, looked at some kind of liquid there, and somehow i didn’t figure out what happened, i immediately ran home, ran in, said, mom, i stepped on something similar, i need... to wash it off, we went
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to wash it all off, already there in the bathroom my mother told me that it looked like i had a chemical burn, that is you didn’t even understand where this liquid came from, yes, when you walked down the street, you didn’t see anyone suspicious around you, they didn’t hear, i didn’t see anyone, i was still walking without glasses, and it was dark, and where exactly did it happen, it was on the corner of the house, that is, i was already turning into the entrance, that’s where it happened, julia, my daughter ran home, scared , she ran away and said: mom, i stepped on something, i said, so run, she said: i’m burning, i say, let’s quickly run to the bathroom, burning is not normal, and i go into the bath, she’s already done it take off my trousers, i look at the trousers and see that there are just holes there, the red trousers are corroded , that’s all, i look at my leg, and there’s this one substance, it changed color on the skin, purple, it looked like wax with paint, something like that, it didn’t look like liquid, i ’m trying to wash it off, i had to take a washcloth, because this is these b... it stuck like this
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the skin looks like wax, it didn’t wash off, i had to take a washcloth, i say, alena, i’m sorry, even if it hurts, i have to wash it all off, i clean it off, i see how simple it is under this substance. the top layer of skin comes off, just like that, washed off, nightmare, treated with ointment, you said that pants and daughters, fabric was eaten by this liquid, only the trousers were damaged or other clothes too, and on the jacket there, too, the jacket was all eaten away by some miracle, it was also burned, yes, the jacket is multi-layered, now teenagers really love this oversized style, by the way, this probably saved her, and even there were also some scraps left on the t-shirt, but thank god my back wasn’t hurt, so... this is a red liquid, this is the same thing that you tried to clean with your daughter, yes, yes, this is what the district police officer came and examined the clothes , naturally, these are her wounds, he i came to the conclusion that this is exactly what someone left and that it was aimed at the jacket, but at the trousers - this is already glass, listen, it looks scary,
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just, yes, judging by what i see, most likely it’s acidic burn, because alkali leaves less severe stains and less corrosion, but if we talk about acid burns, then i... assume that it was most likely sulfuric acid or nitric acid, there is also, in principle, hydrochloric acid, there’s just a lot about it who heard, but since it is highly toxic, that is, it it is impossible to breathe at all, and accordingly a person is unlikely to use hydrochloric acid, otherwise he himself would suffocate when using it, when the acid gets not only on clothes, but on the skin, then the upper layers of the skin are already seized there and everything begins to simply foam, that is, a reaction happens instantly, it’s not that it intensifies, that is... eating begins almost immediately, primary aid is certainly to rinse with plenty of water, there is an opinion that acid can be neutralized with alkali, but again, that means to neutralize with alkali, pour in soda, which is alkaline in nature, of course not, because then the burn will be even more severe, since
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the skin will warm up, but if you take a two percent solution of soda, then it will be a fairly light solution that will neutralize the acid , but in any case , a large amount of water - first of all, and if some other liquid is at hand, lemonade, compote, something like that, it is still better than leaving acid on the skin. maria, how much time do you have to start? act and wash the wound? minute. alena, how quickly did you run home? in about five minutes, probably immediately after the advertisement, the mother of the accused will meet his victim. you know , what you're telling me now is pretty much what her son said to her on the day he attacked two without...
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the mts ecosystem, so with mts premium trips have become even more profitable. add up to three loved ones to mts premium for free and ride scooters together. free rental start and increased cashback of 7%. there will be no money to be made. sazon card, there will be money. now you can easily get up to 300,000 rubles. spend them anywhere for any purpose. sazoncard. there will always be money, great, what are you doing, pushing combat physical training, oleg gas, let's stock up on popcorn, now we'll watch the show, emelya, premiere from monday at 19:30 on ntv, beyond, this is beyond, in monino, moscow region, law enforcement officers detained a man who was sneaking up on women from behind and dousing them with acid, one of his victims. .. sixteen-year-old alena krachkova. doctors diagnosed the girl with first-second degree chemical burns. i was returning
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home and my leg started to ache. i ran home to my mother’s apartment, she began to help me wash it all off. it seems that it turned out that i was attacked and this chemical was thrown out. alena, we have photographs of your injuries. this is the hip near. the knee there is more of a burn, that is, this is probably a second-degree burn, but here, well, you can see it’s just splashes, like it’s flowing down, like a drop, or what? yul, what first aid should be provided in such situations? rinsing with running cold water, after treatment with running water, a soap solution, if possible, then applying a septic bandage, be sure to drink plenty of fluids and give anti-inflammatory and painkillers, some ointments. can be used? in this case, i recommend not ointments, but a powder that has
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an antiseptic and antimicrobial effect. can you provide alena with your professional help? of course, if you need my advice, i will be glad. yulia, you said that a local police officer came to see you, what did he say? when he looked at the clothes by the jacket, he realized that it was there, someone did it, yes, splashed or shot, and you discussed who could have done it, maybe alena from... in general, somehow publish this, and just now one of
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the cameras recorded the moment of the attack on the second woman, and instantly this video also got there on social networks, as if about an hour had passed, i had three different people, although there was a video in poor quality, that is , you can’t really see the face there, but the people who knew this man, they immediately pointed to him, and you knew this man, no, but i know that he went to the store, one of the store employees is also his neighbor, she... him in this video, poor quality, she recognized him, to the same store you went to, you could have crossed paths with him in the store or at the store, angelina mikhailovna, what do you think, why is it a stranger, it would seem, a person.
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all the circumstances of this crime, including the need to compare the type of girl, here she was, we see, a young blonde, dressed somehow, we need to compare with the type of the second victim, yes, our victim, it is necessary to find out the very position of our scoundrel, just analyzing this one...
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svetlana, hello, the journalists themselves found, yes, it was on saturday, that means the 13th after lunch, the doorbell rang, we need to talk to your son, i said, my son doesn’t live with me, i said, what is your question, they answered me like this allegedly your son has been arrested. i say: what is the reason? allegedly two incidents occurred in the monino village, well, in general, they poured acid on your son, do you believe it? i’m not what i said, you know, the question is over, in my opinion, you came to the wrong address, and in general, what you
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’re telling me now is out of the ordinary, well, you thought it was some kind of mistake? lived with me for years, and then we had an apartment left by my grandmother and after 25 years he was already living on his own; he had a family, no, he didn’t have a family, i know he had girls, but he was never officially married was, officially wasn’t, but how... he said, cohabitation for 2 years, 3 years, that’s what he had, but he doesn’t have children, no children, why do you think he couldn’t find a wife , start a family, as i can tell you, he has inflated demands, here he is can communicate with people who, well, with whom he is interested, he often visited you,
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once a week, brought food, medicine, called in the morning, in the evening... how are you feeling, because i am already living alone at an age, and how was his childhood? he already showed himself in early childhood to be such an inquisitive and smart boy, he is well versed in computers, he can repair things, everything else. how did he study? until the ninth grade he finished without grades, studied well, then, that means, after that he entered a technical school. space direction, graduated with honors, and what a character your son is, calm, balanced, aggression was never noticed in him, he was irritated or angry, but i didn’t plan such aggression, no, that didn’t happen, svetlana, from everything my mother told me, what kind of person do you have a portrait of? you know, his immediately inflated demands
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made such an imprint that his socialization, perhaps, was... well, violated in the sense that, let’s say, establishing such simple friendly relationships with peers, especially with the opposite sex, this only gets worse with age, when he realizes some of his needs, accordingly it accumulates like a snowball, then sooner or later, it’s like a powder keg, sooner or later it will explode and can result as an affect of aggression and so on. svetlana, did your son communicate with you on the eve of the attack? well, usually, good morning, and how are you feeling? did your son talk to you on the phone on wednesday the 10th? yes, he said, i'm in a hurry to get to work, that's it. i said everything, i found a job, she has it somewhere in the area zhelyabin, he left, leaves the house at about
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half past six or leaves the house at six, that’s because by 8:00 o’clock, and this is from monin to zhelyabin, this is decent, this is two more hours, and he left already at six , it’s definitely supposed to be there by eight by eight. he usually worked until seven at work , and in addition to the fact that he worked at two universities, he taught material, optoelectronics, and worked where, an optoelectronics, the next day he called you on thursday, april 11, yes, he was at the university, and they there should have been scientific some kind of conference, and he was preparing for it, all these days, he somehow wanted... to present his new project, the management of the institute somehow did not meet him very halfway, he was, well, some... then he was so upset , he said, mom, they said,
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we need to fix this, we need to fix it, what’s not going well with everything, on april 12, on friday, he called you, he called sometime after lunch, that he told me to go out more, the usual call, expressions of concern for mom, and april 13. before the journalists came to you, did your son call you? no, look, svetlana, your son called you on the tenth, eleventh, and twelfth, when you communicated with him, you did not notice anything strange in his conversations, phrases, tone of voice, some kind of anxiety, maybe anxiety, loneliness, they there was supposed to be a scientific press conference, and he was worried about how it would go , everything else, only about work, but he had no other worries, no. alexey, how can you explain this, a man does something terrible, pours
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acid on two women, and after that he continues for several days calmly communicates with his mother, what does this mean that a person does not repent at all of what he has done? of course, from the mother’s words, we do not see post-criminal behavior that would indicate to us his repentance. my feeling is that these actions, criminal actions, it was a kind of outburst of such emotion before an important work step, that is, he felt better after that, i think he felt better, why, because age is very important, what is his age , 31, young guy, with my modest assessment, yes, this is an unfulfilled person, he has difficulties in communicating with the opposite sex, because he is not married, his life is crowded. connection with his mother, he has a grudge, including the fact that he was underestimated, this set of criteria, from my point of view, quite
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possibly are the reasons that prompted him to commit this terrible crime, i agree with my colleague, yes with alexey, he really is like this, firstly, he has an outburst of emotions before an important event, and his mother and the latter will not believe what he did and now does not believe him, like his mother can he speak badly about his son? but i understand my mother, it’s hard for her now, of course, she’s depressed, because this
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is a big blow for her, she thought she had such a wonderful, wonderful son, suddenly they call her and say he’s a criminal. alina, doesn’t this behavior of the detainee himself bother you? he wanted, as i understand it, to hide his traces of the crime. this is obvious because he had a great time over the next few days. this week i called my mother on thursday-friday, everything was like a normal day for him, can you imagine? that is, he commits a crime, to what extent do you need to be a cruel person in order to then continue well and live every day as he is accustomed to, he wrote to his mother, he phoned his mother, everything is fine, everything is good, what does this say about this composure man, this speaks of cruelty, or that he has prepared an alibi for himself, yes it is possible. why does the mother of the accused believe that her son was framed? he told me, mom, someone is watching me. you watched the video, if you know your boy so well, then look, it’s him coming
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there. with acid, and what details of the attack will the second victim remember, i started screaming throughout the yard, people started calling an ambulance, it was a hunt and revenge, i don’t believe that my son did it, continued after a short pause, i was mistaken, what to i went to serve the germans, i wouldn’t have gone straight away and shot at you, of course i don’t promise you complete forgiveness, but fate will take into account mitigating circumstances. persanta premieres tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv. emelya. premiere from monday at 19:30 on ntv. there will be no money. sazon cards, there will be money. now you can easily receive up to 300,000 rubles. for any purpose. spend it anywhere and also withdraw
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i ran home very quickly and said that she had gotten into something, as if my mother was baking me, i said: quickly run into the bath, wash it off, i take a washcloth, let’s clean off this washcloth, i understand that the top layer comes off along with this substance skin, as it turned out later, alena was not the only victim, that same evening the same man flashed acid in the face of another woman, the attacker was soon detained, he turned out to be a university teacher, but his mother...
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did you see him after the arrest? no, i called the pre-trial detention center, they said, we are transferring him to noginsk 11, they are transferring him there, they asked to talk to him, yes, i asked a question, they said, while the investigation is underway, you cannot communicate with him, you cannot do anything , i’m fine, but hand over the things, he answered me that...
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i don’t know, maybe alexey, that is, you don’t believe in the version that these are some kind of machinations of envious people, but from the scientific community, of course, well, let's think logically, when we have a person who teaches at the institute, of course, not only people with scientific titles, scientific degrees teach at the institute, people teach there who have a certain practical experience, but there are some envious people, according to my mother, who want... to take over his intellect, but let's look objectively at what kind of intellect he has, he graduated from a technical school, works at an enterprise, does something... then with your hands, but it's not that person who is known to the public there, but at the same time has ambitions, that is
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, before the conference, before the speech, look at what information, his leadership does not share the project, what does this tell us, any project must have a scientific origin. and relevance, first they will look at your project, which means people with academic degrees, with titles, after that they will analyze everything and say: yes, you have a good idea, go ahead, get started, a breakthrough idea, this is not there, what does this affect from a psychological point of view, for non-realization, for resentment towards his leadership, together with women, this may be the reason for such aggressive behavior, as for his confession, guilt, well, look, we see that there are already video frames, plus we have a safe city system, this system allows us to trace him the route from access cells all the way to moscow, if he is located outside the city, plus no one
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has canceled other methods of proof, telephone by geolocation, testimony from witnesses who recognized him, that is, i am sure that his guilt is with taking into account what we have even seen just a little bit, it will be proven, it will be. svetlana, what do you know about the injured girls? i... i just saw from the internet that two girls were injured, look, svetlana, alena is sitting in front of you now, she has chemical burns of the first second degree, this is yulia, her mother, she was horrified when she saw that the skin of her child slides along with the acidic substance, they live next door to your son, who was detained on suspicion of this terrible atrocity, i can’t call it anything else, unless... indeed he did this, then i am very
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sorry, i would apologize to these girls, and naturally, if the guilt is really proven, in order to compensate for the treatment, moral damage and everything else. julia, alen, do you have anything to say to svetlana? it seems to me that my mother is exaggerating what she says about her son, i am told something completely different by people who knew him, who recognized him by... that day, april 10, her boy was admitted to
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the hospital. the woman returned home, completely immersed in thoughts about the health of her child. and didn’t even suspect that she would soon find herself in a hospital ward. i went into the store, yes, in general, at 21:38 i was approaching the house, talking on the phone, but people passed me, passers-by, among all this some man walked by, after a few seconds they splashed me like water in face. it flowed down my hands, over the phone, i thought, well, someone, in short, was making inappropriate jokes from one of my friends, then i realized that it was sticky, it was starting to bake, it was all somehow caustic, i weighed the situation, i thought what to do, my whole life flashed before my eyes there, here the child is in the hospital, here i have this situation, everything, everything, everything, god, what will happen to my vision now, anastasia started calling for help, i started screaming throughout the whole yard, people started calling an ambulance, the ambulance arrived, i all... the time i waited for them, i just
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washed everything off under cold running water as best i could, it kept sticking on like chewing gum, so you wash it off, it all comes off the skin like that, svetlana, how can you comment, i don’t believe that this my son did, but it’s creepy, my mother lives in some kind of reality, that she has a wonderful son, and they ruined a person’s life, this is how she can continue to live now, please explain, did you watch the video, did you see it, do you recognize someone there? son, if you know your boy so well, then look, he’s walking there, running around throwing acid, we have this video, let’s all watch it together, svetlana, i’m waiting for your comments, do you recognize your son in these shots, look carefully, you can’t see the face there, i understand that it’s difficult to see the face here, but the gait is quite characteristic, by the way, and any mother will recognize her son, even if his face is not visible, i don’t see that this is my son, but we see a video of dubious quality from... which is impossible to reliably see his face, there will probably be
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some other evidence confirming his involvement in this, and what can i say, i absolutely disagree with my colleagues who said that this was some kind of emotional outburst, an explosion, a consequence of some kind of conflict at work, no, this is a completely different situation, the person worked in professions in jobs that in no way are not associated with chemical liquids, then there was intention, design and preparation for the commission. there was no action, that is , it was necessary to get these chemical reagents somewhere to begin with, and then the man went hunting, he went out to take revenge, apparently, for those relationships that he had not previously developed with other women, because he didn’t go hunting for men, he chose defenseless women as victims, and, apparently, first alena, and he approached stealthily from behind, splashed this liquid on her jacket, when the girl didn’t even feel it first and continued with... calmly go home , only closer to home he felt that
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something was wrong, he saw that he had not produced the effect that he apparently expected, and he needed a second victim with the remainder of the liquid, to which he had already approached and more purposefully splashed it in the face, that’s why i think it’s cold-blooded, it’s deliberate, here we can’t say that this is some kind of emotional outburst, this is an intention, it was a hunt and revenge, some kind of message that li, message. alexey, how can you comment on the man's behavior in this video? we are saying that there was intent here; of course, it was based on the facts that my colleague is talking about. and the preparations, of course, this is a very weak-willed man, weak, this is what the attack from behind tells us, of course he did not receive proper internal satisfaction after the attack on our heroine, he did not, it was important for him to see the pain of his victim, he needed to see what it was he did it in the face, why in the face, because the face is
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the beauty of a woman, that’s exactly what he wanted trample, but it was no coincidence that he saw her first, then returned and yes, turned around, saw and committed this heinous thing. what else does this video tell us ? that they correspond, next, this is another proof, the next thing we see, we see that the liquid, if it is an acid, yes, it will definitely leave marks on his hands, on his clothes, given the speed with which he was detained, these traces, these physical evidence will also testify against him. no, look, if you splash, you no longer have any liquid left, which means you take out the second jar, that is, his goal was for some kind of repetition, that is, i don’t believe that he was not satisfied, that there wasn’t
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enough in there went, that is, you know, well, we all know how you can throw it out, there will be nothing left there, so he takes out the second one, does the injured mother have a chance? singles to preserve their vision, the victims will resort to the services of a doctor for the rest of their lives, and what the teachers will tell their students about theirs. for a very long time he was making advances towards my friend and another student, this is beyond the bounds, don’t switch. emelya, premieres on monday at 19:30 on ntv. a credit card is beneficial in any situation. an interest-free period of 120 days begins every month, and service notifications are free forever. that is why the credit card is the best in the country. apply for a credit card , everything will be the way you want. grant and grand picant at an attractive price. only
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, the whole country will remember you, hey, if you are among us, that means you, that means you, that means you are superstar, i am superstar from may 12, 2020 on ntv, beyond, this is beyond borderline, son. and a young woman, but his mother doesn’t believe it, he’s a kind, decent person, of course, i don’t know what happened to him, i don’t believe it, i don’t believe it, that for no apparent reason, one of the man’s victims was thirty-two-year-old anastasia labada, the attack... she was caught on cctv cameras, making sure that there were no witnesses nearby, the detainee approached the girl from behind and splashed a poisonous liquid right in her face,
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it flowed down her hands, over the phone, but begins oven, somehow all this was caustic, under cold running water i washed everything off like i could, it kept dragging on like chewing gum, so you wash it all off the skin and it comes off like that, svetlana, you were often at your son’s house, you were often before. and over the last six months i haven’t been, you didn’t notice any suspicious jars or bottles at his house, yes or no, i never noticed, but his work, it was somehow connected with chemical reagents, perhaps he did something for work brings for his work. maria, we heard from the second victim that when she washed her skin under running water, this substance was used to poured over, stretched like chewing gum, all acid... are viscous, sometimes even oily liquids, including when reacting with the skin, everything that comes off is already a mixture of acid with
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the skin, that’s why it looks like some kind of viscous current unpleasant substance, naturally, such liquids can be found in institutes and universities? of course, if this is an institute that has a chemistry department or chemistry departments, they have a practical laboratory, there may be such substances, again there is access to them if a person worked in an organization for... but the second victim told us that she washed everything with running water, well, it seemed like she did everything correctly, but why are there such serious consequences in your opinion? if in the first case the girl was saved by the presence of clothes, and the so-called multi-layering, here there is a direct effect on the skin , including the mucous membrane and eyes, that is, the situation here is much more serious. told us about the treatment she is currently receiving: first-second degree burns: terrible swelling on the face,
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threat of loss of vision, she was admitted to the hospital with exactly these injuries thirty-two-year-old anastasia loboda. when i already got here, it turned out that the left eye was not at risk, and he sees as it was, 100% there or 90, but the right eye was a problem to check, because there was a lot of swelling, the whole area is around it . this is downright alarming, today my right eye provides 70% of my vision, but again it’s all like this, it could collapse at any moment, the woman has been in the hospital for more than a week under the close supervision of doctors, during the day i can’t spend more than 20 minutes i'm resting, there are different ones ointments, foams that soften this is all that it covers, only here are four medicines, all this in a circle, drops three times a day, and drops of four types, that is, drops 12 times a day, six. once a day they put various ointments and gels under my eyelids, but ointments, gels, drops are not everything, five
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times a day the victims are given injections and ivs, these are two of them... antibiotics, painkillers and there are auxiliary ones, then another drip, go outside without sunglasses, hood, doctors for her strictly prohibited, because the sun is not even aggressive, burns will leave very large marks, scars, spots, and so on. after the shooting, it became known that anastasia was taken away for emergency surgery. we wish anastasia to get well soon, let's hope that everything ends well for her. yulia, what are anastasia’s chances of recovery? here the first point is the formation of a cataract, the second point is the formation of glaucoma in the future, yes, an increase in intraocular pressure. and the third, most dangerous thing is loss of vision. here, as for the skin, yes, here too, yes, we see deep lesions, that is, the second, third degree, i would not say that it is the first
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degree, yes, if on the hands, yes, the skin, there accordingly, like... take it easy, it’s the face that will take a long time to recover. victoria, victims have the right to demand compensation not only for health, yes, but also moral, material, for all these medical expenses, can they demand? yes, of course, of course, they can demand compensation for this damage if the damage is serious harm was damaged to her health, then most likely she can receive up to half a million in monetary compensation, plus additionally receive funds spent on doctors and recovery.
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svetlana, your son’s students also cannot believe that he could do such a thing. in the studio takhmina dodabaeva and ilya kulyakov. hello. hello. takhmina, ilya, how long have you known your teacher? i know the teacher quite well and for a long time, probably for 5 years, we studied with him.
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for our graduation projects, for our assignments, always gave us some extra lectures, you believed that this could happen to your teacher, not even a little bit, and you still don’t believe it, i’m already starting to believe that it was him. takhmina, did you also notice any strange things about the teacher? he smiled very often, sometimes even out of place, initially he seemed to be a very kind person, of course , it was these smiles that caused strangeness, we all in groups wondered if everything was okay, but... but with students he was always correct, yes, yes, he never crossed over, specifically with our group, did not cross the boundaries of training, but why are you talking specifically with your group, with others he crossed over, with some, yes, with girls, for a very long time he approached my friend, to another one
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student, both of them were minors, when this happened, how did it manifest itself? he wrote constantly, constantly invited himself, to go somewhere, there he was going to crimea in the summer, constantly directly insisted on this, if my friend was able to fight back, put in his place, he stopped doing this, then with regards to the second girl, she even transferred from him to another educational institution. svetlana, your son never told you that a student was paying attention, maybe he particularly liked someone, since he told you about a girl, which i also understood. and he liked her, she liked him, but she was already an adult graduate. svetlana, who do you trust more? well, of course, tahmini, because, firstly, he is a 31-year-old man, he is in the full prime of his strength, and to show attention to young girls, not being in a relationship, i think this is generally
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a completely plausible story. ilya, can you guess where yours came from? the teacher could have taken this chemical liquid, well, as he explained to us more than once in class, he was quite passionate about chemistry, and yes, it is quite likely that... at home or at work, perhaps he had some reagents, that is, you assume that he could have taken this chemical liquid at work, it is possible to assume that yes. svetlana, a neighbor who knows your son since childhood, just like you, he believes that he was framed. in the studio tatiana akimova. hello, hello, tatyana. tatyana, are you a neighbor of the detainee or his mother? neighbor sveti. why do you think? that svetlana’s son was framed, who could have done this? but because until a month before that, she came to me and said that it was as if someone was watching him, since he worked in the laboratory,
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this acid was stored at his home. where did you find out about this? and she told me the colors, and since these employees knew him, they knew that he he writes a dissertation and works here. with acid, they could have set him up, and secondly, maybe some offended girl, that he could have refused her, there’s something there, he could have hired someone to set him up, and that is, the girl was offended by him and set him up, yes , the girl could, svetlana, well, there’s one important point, so it turns out you knew that your son had acid stored, how do i know, acid, and some, perhaps he, when he wrote this dissertation, perhaps there were some he... you admit that the person could have been framed work colleagues, some offensive women,
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this also sounded, absolutely not, the intent here is visible that the person really has some kind of psychological trauma, because firstly he is not fulfilled once, and secondly he has problems with the opposite sex, so he deliberately decided. tatyana, in general, what country are you from... your neighbor, but if he did this, he should have behaved like an accused during interrogation and in court, i have a feeling that this bastard is happy that he was detained, this is the ask of a murderer, and what
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punishment he faces, he may well be i am sure that it will be difficult to prove his guilt, look after the advertisement, having accidentally found out... about each other, residents of yakutia suspect that they are sisters. when i heard the voice, it was as if lightning had struck me, and i got goosebumps. she looks a lot like me. they do not consider a woman who has never been seen as their mother, but they know that her last name is argunova. i found two birth certificates, in one it was written argunova eleonora, and in the second petrova eleonora. my biological mother with the same one. searches for names and their fellow countryman arthur, his former name was argunov alfred, he was found on the street, will all the children abandoned by one mother finally get to know each other, they picked me up from class, took me away,
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contains all the phospholipids that promote brain restoration. brain therapy is produced in japan. brain aging can be reversed and it will serve you faithfully again. prolong your youth brain 8800 100 exactly 1985. 8.800 100 exactly 1985. find out more about the japanese product braintherapy. hot. dot final today at 20:00 on ntv. it's beyond, it's beyond. terrible burns on the face, threat of loss of vision. on april 10, in monino, moscow region, an unknown man threw acid in her face, said thirty-two-year-old anastasia loboda. it all got there in this way, right here on my forehead, and it started running on my other eye. and here i am over the century.


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