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tv   Pozdnyakov  NTV  April 26, 2024 12:30am-12:45am MSK

12:30 am
the red mill, as the name of the establishment is translated, has lost its wings. the fragments of the metal structure first fell onto the roof, hitting the entrance sign, and then fell onto the roadway. but the emergency occurred late in the evening, so no one was injured; according to one version, the blades could have fallen off due to strong winds. moulin rouch is considered the oldest french cabaret, it is actually the same age as the eiffel tower. so yeah. main events up to this hour, see you, oh, are you sure they chose me themselves, or listened to a fashion blogger, at bigfest you definitely choose a double cheeseburger for 99 rubles and other offers at a very competitive price, and even more profitable - with a 50% cashback from alfabank
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12:34 am
for so many years we have been talking about separate waste collection and conscious consumption, but there is nothing special to brag about, why? what animals simply cannot survive without our help? what is the difference between the beach in mumbai and the shores of lake baikal?
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all those who are involved in safety, of course, the second is natural conservation of nature, and the third is their own responsibility, well, that is, roughly speaking, you must unite all those who care about this . on desertification, desertification program in this year is 30 years old, it will be held in december of this year in ariad saudi arabia, that is, in fact, this year is very important from the point of view of global environmental activities, plus, again, i think that we will talk a lot about this topic today, plastic , a new convention is being born and
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great attention is being paid to it in the fight against plastic waste, well, it is clear that probably your own inner shirt is closer to the body, and as for the international agenda, i believe that there are probably... certain difficulties, since we have v view of the current geopolitical situation or not? will you encounter anything? probably not, because we have a unique situation, our fund is the main one in terms of expertise, that is, we have gathered the country’s key experts in law enforcement, the best of the best, i’m lucky - i work with the best people on the market, yeah, well, that is, this is the main difference - one of, one of, the second is that we are actually a hub, we are an assembly place, well, that is, everyone comes to us if. do you need some advice or do you need to do something about from the point of view of safety activities, well , it’s a reasonable question, but so to speak, the tasks are usually set on a large scale, then there must be corresponding resources, in addition to expert resources, there is something to offer, people are the main thing and the negotiation process is the main thing, and an understanding of what is ,
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in addition to the fact that we have people, we have a specific area of ​​activity, starting with the polar bear, a unique project that is being implemented jointly with rosprerodnadzor, we release falcons, we work with this. freenland whales, amazing story, we have the most favorite word in the organization and beyond, muskrat, russian muskrat, beautiful animal, collans, here on the foundation’s website there is alarming information that poor ecology is the cause of more than 100,000 deaths and millions of diseases in russia, but there is probably no simple solution in order to correct the situation, no, some kind of comprehensive measures, all things are complex, all things must go in parallel, there is no fire in history. territories to solve these problems and there may be some, if this data is not secret, which can be cited, but what kind of effective solutions are these that can
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contribute, in this case from us, because we simply understand that the main factor, as a rule, which is the source of fires, is a person, a person, again yes, two things, and the first story is related to plastic, in general there is a lot of talk about the fact that plastic should be banned, for special protection in territories, if you don’t have plastic or don’t have any paper bottles, if you take glass and don’t let god, tourists, ecotourism, yes, glass breaks, no one collects it, this is also the cause of the fire, because it is logical, therefore, accordingly, paradoxically, you see, there is no question, you can ban plastic, you can’t, that’s also impossible, there is no one solution, the second, accordingly we use, we make a chatbot, we make that telegram channel that allows... we will find out about what is happening, cooperate with each other, combine efforts as much as possible between various wholesalers and those who care business, caring people in order to solve problems related to fire, communication, you know, in fact, a very good word is indaba, this is what we use very often, this is a zluu word and the first time
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it was heard at the paris climate conference in in 2015, official negotiations take place in an informal atmosphere, that is , so that people can agree, yes, that is , they all sit down together and agree on complex issues, the second thing, which also... works very well, is whatsapp diplomacy, it also started in 2016, for us now this is a normal thing, but regarding the polar bear’s adaptation, this is a unique story, we have four experts in our country who teach how a person should behave when confronted with a white bears, and one of these four people told me an interesting story, when she arrived fully prepared, having read all the information about how to deal with a polar bear, they landed on the shore, they saw a she-bear with a bear and a she-bear went in their direction, she said: i understand with my head, i read all this, i have a good memory, that i need to stand still and not move, but my body reacts differently, and i took a few steps back, the bear is on me she ran, she said, i’m very happy that there were professional people who were able to drive her away, but since then i realized that, well, practice and theory are
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different things, so here you need to very, very clearly understand that it’s not just necessary theoretically to be ready, but you need to be ready in practice, contacts are one thing, the programs there are another matter. third, there may be some things related to digitalization, but how to push the real situation forward, this is our expedition, this is our research, these are the results of what we do, this is help. very simple, very simple, look, here are the same forests, yes, the history that we are now dealing with, and for the forests of the russian
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federation, we need data on what nature is, nature is long-term planning and long-term development, you don’t you can consider nature in perspective for a month two, six months a year, these are decades, well, if a century, yes, this is a very long period of time, for this you need what, you need data, you need a huge amount, a huge amount of data that you need to collect, that you need to maintain, this is all the data that is collected into a single system, then our favorite swag. what is the correct artificial intelligence of machine learning next, accordingly, all this needs to be somehow structured by blockchain technologies, that is, everything that humanity has now invented, maybe should be used in our conservation activities, you know what my dream is, i have a big dream that our environmentalists and conservationists, who are the rangers who work on our territory, imagine, the property is very far away, no one comes, they come once every for several months he has been bringing such products, a man with nature, that’s what he was an excellent it-specialist, you know, such an it-base, and this is such an it-ranger who has... a complete understanding of what is happening around him, that’s all, clear understanding in terms of numbers, with from the point of view of sensors, and this is a person who
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is a mega professional, an it specialist, not just an environmental specialist, but an it specialist who clearly understands what is happening on his territory, such a forester of the future, a forester of the future, and we have been talking about for quite a long time that we need to fight for conscious consumption, but we cannot say that we have achieved any radical success in this area. do you know how the history of plastic waste began? and the fight against plastic, yeah, that’s it we forgot, but in 2014, i think that in the year in mumbai, versova beach, two people came together, one lawyer, a young lawyer, afros usa , an elderly fisherman who lived in mumbai for a very long time, as if this was their place, this was their home , they went out to their beach, which was, well, it was scary, well, that is, it was just littered with garbage, that is, you didn’t see any sand there, in general, at all, these two people went out to... this beach every weekends and, to the best of their ability , some of the garbage that they could remove with their hands and throw away after this
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the story went viral, first other people in mumbai started coming to the beach, then the government got involved, then the stars came, and the indian stars came first, then the world stars came so that this question, well, we understand that if indian stars came, then the world will definitely come where they won’t, after 2 years palm trees grew on this beach , the first turtles ran, only... very clean water lives in the turtle, sand appeared, and people could see what a beautiful beach, here now the question is where did the plastic go, was it thrown away, was it thrown into landfills, is the question where the state goes and what does it do with it, and what happens next and what happens with the development, we return to the issue of technology, there must be those technologies that allow , once again parallel things, we must choose, we must sort, we must do all this as a person, as a state or as those organizations or as the business that is responsible for this. must do our part, including innovation and technology, so that our work is not wasted in vain, and the fact that we are trying to save
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nature did not work out in such a way that they simply put it in another place, they harmed nature in another place, this needs to be avoided in the maximum possible ways, but here there is no such thing, what is called dissonance from the point of view of understanding the problem at the global level, let’s say at our russian level, after the film crew was in mumbai, in august, let me remind you, in september they arrived at baikal. in order to see what was happening on baikal, right there, that is, they were not shocked there, or they were too, they were shocked, but in a different way, they tried very hard to find the garbage, yeah, in fact, one of those who was in the film crew, he found it, he found a bunch, he climbed into the bushes, i i was there, climbed into the bushes, came across a bunch of plastic bottles, came out, it seemed like there was plastic here, and the locals looked at it and said, yes, this is what we fish for, this is our buoy, well, let them take it, so the question is how to treat to that? that you have baikal, local people, they say: we constantly do cleanup days, but this is not
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you know that there is no plastic there, it is there, but local people just do it constantly, for them it is part of life, but there is also microplastic, and about which no one can agree on how much it is it’s scary, or have we already slept through this problem, or is there something else we can do about it, well, for this i really express my deep gratitude to rosrodnadzor and the ministry of foreign affairs of the russian federation, which is working on the new plastic convention. little things, which are not trifles, which need to be known, understood and which need to be written down, in terms of preserving biodiversity, how are we doing, because well, as i understand it, everything seems to be more or less normal with the release, but what other species might be in danger disappearance, maybe.


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