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tv   Segodnya  NTV  April 26, 2024 4:00pm-4:51pm MSK

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it is not only possible to visit the red theater, but also necessary. it was a meeting place that could not be changed. 14:00 weekday ntv, all the best to you, goodbye. mutual red lines. relations between china and the united states are facing many negative factors. it is important to handle disagreements responsibly. anthony blinken, after meeting with minister wang yi and the chairman of the fic, made it clear that the negotiations did not achieve their goal of driving a wedge between moscow and beijing. evacuations from flood zones in the tyumen region already 5,000 people. where artillery cannot be used, they will help. fpv drone crews in the southern donetsk direction are destroying ukrainian armed forces equipment and helping our infantry. i watched the drones work. sergey pikulin. the ministry of internal affairs
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warns of a new fraudulent scheme, with the victims at risk of becoming elderly people on the eve of victory day. there are no longer thousands, but still dozens of deferred preferential prescriptions in the vladimir region. why has the drug crisis in a particular region not yet been resolved? andrey shamin sorted it out. and the main person of russian state television is 70 years old. easy to entertain and easy.
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i read, dear colleagues, that political parties will actively nominate and support such candidates during election campaigns at all levels, i would like to note that this is not some company, i want this to be clear to everyone, this is just that environment, those people from whom we must draw personnel and from whom we must choose for future work, choose people who are ready to serve russia and who are serving russia now. the president emphasized
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also that laws in russia should be clearer and more effective in terms of their enforcement. the head of state asked to quickly consider bills related to the development of the country and to pay special attention to issues of interethnic harmony. vladimir putin traditionally takes part in a meeting of the council of legislators, which unites both the federal assembly and all regional parliaments; as a rule, it is held on the eve of the day of russian parliamentarism. which is celebrated on april 27. the era of dictatorship of individual states in the time of strategic multipolar partnership and equality has come in the world behind us. a conference opened in moscow with the participation of experts from europe, asia, and africa is dedicated to this topic. in the united states, the issue of power comes first. we are talking about maintaining the leadership of the united states and its allies at the global level. some will say that this is
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an outdated view, this is cold war thinking. i just returned from china, they are talking about a completely different approach to building a world order. obviously, this is precisely the idea that was conveyed to the one who was with visit to beijing by the us secretary of state. following the negotiations with xidzenping, antony blinken said at a press conference: if china does not take measures to ensure transatlantic security, that is , political and technological cooperation with...
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well, before the conversation with chairman xi, the us secretary of state held a meeting with minister of foreign affairs of china, at which the parties expressed mutual claims regarding the vision. their relations and the global political situation. about how it went visit of the american secretary of state to china, ksenia nekrasova. the head of the state department decided to start the round of us-chinese negotiations, for which anthony blinken flew to china for the second time this year, with a basketball match. the us ambassador to china published a photo from the stands, wishing good luck to the shanghai team, which has much less support on the political field, where washington calls beijing its main enemy. even on the eve of the trip , the american secretary of state promised to bring with him the clearest warning to the prc, but finding himself face to face with shizen pin, suddenly talked about the importance of diplomacy. glad to be back in beijing, president biden has asked me to come here to continue to look for
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areas to deepen our cooperation and bridge the differences that exist between us. trying to soften his landing in beijing, where blinken had negotiations with the head of the prc foreign ministry, vani, in the states. they really hoped to set china against moscow on the ukrainian issue, especially against the backdrop of putin’s upcoming visit to the prc. otherwise, for supporting russia, washington threatens to cut off chinese banks from the world financial system. beijing responds harshly; there is no need to meddle in other people's relationships. the same applies to the taiwan issue. just before blinken's visit, the us senate allocated an additional $8 billion in military aid to taipei. countries should be partners, not adversaries, we should achieve mutual success, and not harm each other, look for common ground, maintaining differences, and not engage in fierce competition, we should keep our words, and not say one thing and do another. according to network denpin, the earth is large enough to
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both china and the united states could achieve shared prosperity. at the same time, beijing will not allow its legitimate right to development to be suppressed. this also applies to unilateral american sanctions on tariff increases. selling the application to americans, otherwise the social network will be banned by the united states, in china they compared it to a raider takeover. china advises the states to decide who beijing is for them, a rival or a partner; this issue is called fundamental here, in which catastrophic mistakes cannot be made, because the consequences of a trade war between the two the largest. economics affect not only bilateral relations, but the whole world, but the states are advised to follow the american example and europe, so almost simultaneously with blinken’s arrival, the european commission staged a sudden inspection of a large chinese company that allegedly received foreign subsidies that distorted the domestic market. without
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prior notice, law enforcement officers seized equipment, documents, and even employee cell phones. what is this if beijing did not react to the raid? here is chinese foreign minister vani in a conversation with the head of the state department urged his colleague to compete fairly, so as not to slide into open conflict. relations between china and the united states are facing a lot of negative factors and all sorts of disruptions. china's legitimate development rights are being unreasonably suppressed, and our core interests are being challenged. wang yi spoke out against the american strategy to contain china, in which the united states surrounds china with its own. bases these days , together with the philippines, are conducting exercises near disputed territories in the south china sea. beijing called such provocations dangerous, adding that the conflict between the united states and china will inevitably lead to a loss, and a mutual one. ksenia nekrasova anastasia konorovskaya,
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especially for ntv. the flood zone is expanding in the tyumen region. this is what the tyumen-omsk federal highway looks like, which was urgently strengthened. embankment, the road itself is dry, but shim has already come close to the dam. in some places the water level is almost the same as the height of the dam. if the river rises any more, water may rush onto the roadway. on the highway 24 hours a day traffic police inspectors are on duty. and here is the situation on one of the local roads. there were no fish along the way, in my opinion. more than 5,000 people were taken out of the disaster zone. the evacuation continues. here, for example, is one of the traffic jams on the ishim river. because of this, the water does not drain away. will run along the riverbed towards the houses. the neighboring settlement is a team of residents and visiting volunteers who gathered to battle the elements and jointly prepared more than 10 thousand sandbags to strengthen the local dam. this is a different area and another tobol river, but the most the popular material is also sand. residents
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unite and build embankments. under my leadership. are you the leader here? we hope for the best, that our soviet street will not... flood, otherwise there is a lowland there, but it seems that this village could not be defended, the river is taking over the territory, large waters, as they say, came in one night, so... a dam has broken there, the water is rising very actively, this is the edge of the village, the current is very clearly visible here. the peculiarity of this flood is the extension of time. in some areas of the tyumen region after recession, the water level is waiting for a new wave. in the same city of ishim, where the river began to recede at the beginning of the week, it does not rule out that the situation will worsen again. and in orenburg, after the big water has left, they are counting the damage in orsk. now here is such a landmark, a stone street. the cobblestones were carried by the stormy current of the ural river, which overflowed its banks. this is a regional center, a camera, now we will see it,
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the camera shows how water leaves the streets of orenburg, the consequences of the flood, destroyed buildings and garbage in the areas. ministry of defense reports that the russian armed forces destroyed a train with western weapons and military equipment in the area of ​​the settlement of udochny in the dpr. in addition, the personnel and equipment of 67 mechanics were liquidated. in the vicinity of ugledar, pacific marines are conducting a targeted attack on the dugouts of the armed forces of ukraine using fpv drones. they are indispensable where artillery is dangerous to operate. report by sergei pikulin. there is such an important one.
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to eliminate the purpose, i leave everything here. the crew consists of three people. iva, the operator himself, says the main one work now is either ambushes on enemy heavy equipment, or movement with our infantry and covering it. when, say, 15 meters from the position of our attack aircraft , an enemy machine gunner or ags is working, then suppressing his artillery is quite dangerous, you can hit your own people, but a drone like this can easily fly into the window. here, in the next
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ruins, a group of ukrainian soldiers settled down, the operator of our drone enters the window, an explosion, infantry can clear the square, the drones deploy faster than, say, a mortar even more so than artillery, the readiness from the take-off command until take-off is no more than a minute, as a rule, we are on constant duty, the bird is always on the battlefield ... at the start, and this is another fighter of the 155th brigade of the pacific fleet, uniform according to the regulations, helmet, body armor, unloading, everything was made to order, the obskorovsky helmet, his armor, all his magazines, grenades, we did it all ourselves, we did everything to order, in the armor just like we have armored packages, that is this is a svmp, we should have it too protective, a talisman either on the armor or on the back of the backpack, they take the cheburashka with them on all missions, the infantrymen say: it helps, looks after the entire unit, hangs on the back of the bag, and then in the back of the ear
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it convinces that everything will be fine. sergei pikulin and aleibzhanov, south donetsk direction of the special operation. today tula paratroopers accept congratulations. the legendary 106th airborne division celebrated its 80th anniversary since the founding of gunsmiths in the capital; they were congratulated by representatives of the command and the regional governor, alexey dyumin. and to the fighters who now continue to do theirs. as a matter of priority, from household items to others. the 106th airborne division, created during the great patriotic war, liberated hungary and austria, took part, paratroopers took part in local conflicts in afghanistan, chechnya and other hot ones. points. today the central bank decided to leave the key rate at the same level
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of 16%. business news, denis talalaev, denis, what about the jeni bekov effect, which you talked about the day before, that is, from this there was no reversal, the rate remained at the same level, what does this mean? well, no one expected a rate reversal, but this means, first of all, that inflation is still higher than the central bank would like. the central bank today again did not change the key rate at 16%; it has remained since mid-december last year, but today the central bank sent a new signal to the market. this signal is tough. the central bank writes: demand for goods and services in russia continues to grow much faster than production can grow. and the main limitation for production is a shortage of workers. as a result, the central bank says directly: inflation will return to the target of 4% more slowly than it previously predicted. if in the february forecast the central bank assumed that the target of 4% for inflation could be achieved this
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year, then in its new forecast, published today, a price growth level of four years is finally expected. but the achievement of 4% has been postponed to the twenty-fifth year. this leads to another tough signal from the central bank. these inflation forecasts suggest that high rates will have to be maintained longer than planned. if in february the central bank predicted the average key rate for this year in the range of 13.5-15%, now it is from 15 to 16%. and here it is not difficult to calculate that since the beginning of this year.
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in russia , sim cards have begun to be blocked en masse, as the kommersant newspaper writes, citing sources, mobile operators, at the request of roskomnadzor, are blocking approximately 3,000 sim cards per week. one of the interlocutors puts it this way: roskomnadzor’s fight against gray markets began last year, now quote, everything is on stream. sources. somewhere they say that until the fall of last year the mechanism looked like this: every week operators received a list of numbers from roskomnadzor, the data of which needed to be checked. the operators checked, sent the data back to russian supervision, which once again checked the data using its sources, and where it found inconsistencies, it ordered the mobile operators to block the numbers. and now roskomnadzor, the newspaper’s interlocutors continue, immediately sends lists of numbers to
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block. and after that the subscribers have 15 days to provide your details. or in a communication store or at government services, the editor of the profile telegram channel telecommunications alexei slukin says: blocking sim cards will, of course, complicate gray market schemes, but they will not be able to completely close it. egor bokonomics everything. thank you, denis. ntv viewers in the capital will next receive a release today in moscow, and we will continue broadcasting for other regions of central russia. the new york state supreme court has overturned the verdict in the high-profile case of harvey weinstein. in 2020, let me remind you, the famous hollywood producer sentenced to 23 years in prison for a sexual offense. this case can be called epochal, against the backdrop of the scandal that broke out, a worldwide movement was born, a worldwide movement of victims of violence by influential persons mitu, me too. then, in
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the wake of protests, the judges unanimously convicted weinstein...
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seriously ill residents of the vladimir region are forced to observe the tricks with disappearing drugs; according to the law, they are entitled to drugs for free, officials claim that deliveries are ongoing, warehouses are almost overflowing, so only patients are not always able to get the medicine into their hands, where the seemingly established scheme fails, our correspondent andrei shamin figured out. this package lasts igor for a month, the retail price is 50-60 thousand rubles. disabled person of the first group. that they promise to deliver it, that supposedly procurement is going on, but there seems to be no end to all this, for such a long time. without medications containing the active ingredient certalizum pegol, his joints become ossified and he may completely lose the ability to move. at first they promised to carry out these purchases,
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then they said that supposedly these purchases had already been made and that we were waiting for our drug at the pharmacy, but as of today it is still not there. yulia petrova’s daughter is sick with diabetes; for insulin, glucagon, conuli, test strips and sensors for continuous monitoring, the same 50-60 thousand rubles per month are needed. help, that is, that is, no, now there are problems with test strips, the minister convinced us that the warehouses are filled with what we need, just come, just write, just tell me, when i personally contacted the ministry via email, i didn’t even receive a response, that is, the minister tells you, we have everything, yes, you apply, you don’t have a prescription, but they don’t write out a prescription for me, they say:
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the essence of the changes is this: and if previously each hospital directly received money from the budget and purchased medicines for each specific patient, now everything is centralized, a single regional procurement center itself concludes government contracts, distributes medicines to hospitals and clinics, and if previously, everything depended only on the attending physician, but now on a whole chain of specialists and on how well communication was organized between them. investigator:
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so, a few more unanswered minutes: daria, igor ostashkin’s wife, i haven’t contacted any hotlines of the local ministry, at this time we are at the regional procurement center in the healthcare sector.
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wrote: one of the patients had been waiting for her subsidized medicine for more than a year, when they began to investigate this application as part of the trial to figure it out, they realized that this application
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from the clinic to the health department did not reach it. in the twentieth and twenty-first years, the number of deferred prescriptions was in the thousands, now the number is in the dozens. the problem, of course, has not gone away, although it has decreased in scale. andrey shamin, alexander stefanyuk, evgeny anisimov and sofia lesovets, ntv, vladimir region. a patriotic event, victory dictations, took place in russia; it is dedicated to the history of the great patriotic war in moscow at the victory museum on poklonnaya hill before the start, a special postage stamp ceremony was held. it was created using augmented reality technologies, and if you put your phone camera on it, a video opens that tells about the history of the action. new countries join the victory dictation every year, and questions are published in eight languages. i thought it would be easier, but i knew many questions, i had to think, but since i am basically interested in this topic, i am now
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doing research on this issue.
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kiselev answered roman sobol’s questions, about myself, about the country, about the profession, dmitry will continue after the advertisement. you know what i love most when your eyes light up. with this special light, come, fall in love, be surprised, be inspired, your moscow! the two components of phosphoglyph help not only restore liver cells, but also fight the cause of their destruction, inflammation. phosphoglyph, now there are 96 capsules in an economical package, there will be no money, sazon cards,
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19:30 on ntv. and we are with you again. today marks the 70th anniversary of the russian journalist and tv presenter. to the director of the international media group russia today, dmitry kiselev, a man who has been in the profession for almost half a century and who can now safely be called the face of russian state television. about how a journalistic style is developed, why the viewer needs to grow up to television, unlike the internet, and is broadcasting an adrenaline drug? dmitry kiselev spoke about all this in an exclusive interview with ntv columnist roman sobol. do you have style?
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this is the russian language, the second, well, this is the voice, and but the most important thing is the meanings, because the most difficult thing on television is to combine the entertainment element with meanings, it’s very difficult to combine this, it’s easy to entertain and easy to mutter something smart, but here combining all this is, of course, difficult, but another very important point is the team, because television is team creativity, if we go back to the goats, you have a versatile and quite good education, you a french school, a music school, a medical school, in my opinion, and a philological faculty, but why journalism? yes, i
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understand that a journalist has to experience everything first-hand, there are a lot of professions out there, to try, after all, as you came, when i graduated from the faculty of philology, i received a diploma as a teacher and translator, well... teaching is an interesting profession, but you need to have nerves of iron, yes, but you also need to have, so to speak, an iron nervous system, i don’t have it, to translate means to broadcast other people’s thoughts, well, just in a different language, but i wanted to say something of my own and participate in public reflections about russia, its path, well , in general... what will happen next, you at one time managed to work with european colleagues, with american colleagues, you worked in ukraine, then there was a time when we were taught democracy, we were told that you were going the wrong way, comrades, when you
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realized for yourself that they were going the wrong way, that when this breakdown of understanding happened for you personally, it really was like this moment i left for ukraine is still on the wave.
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your viewer turned out to have watched the programs of both yours personally and the russia today media group, what thoughts should he pick up? if we talk about the strategic goal that we are achieving, it is fair, creating a fair and honest image of russia as a strong and benevolent state, and as for television, my task is to attract young people, it seems that this is coming true, because television is considered such a media, to whom... the older generation is devoted, but
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here not because this is a passing nature, these viewers, but because you need to grow up to television, when today's youth grow up, they will grow up, they will also come to television, because complex things are explained there, more complex than clips, but at the same time i notice that the same age as my youngest son, and he is 16, for example, and my daughter, she is 14, they also sometimes
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quote her, they study her in universities, but they cannot do this, because we have a completely different basis, we have an honest basis, for them it is impossible to make such a report. impossible to do so deep comment, some things are simply impossible to say. a classic example, we can say, i love putin, i don’t like putin, i love gays, i don’t like gays, but if you in the west say that you love putin and don’t like gays, then you will drop out of the profession altogether, where whatever. such crazy thoughts don’t arise, well, give up on everything, give up, say, i’ve had enough of this already, i can take care of wine, music, myself, or...
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it makes my skin crawl: what is this? this is
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who i should be guided by now ahead? well, you won’t give me 70, because by the way, whoever i was talking to, we’re going on a shoot, i met with friends and colleagues there, we’re going on a shoot, like the kiselyovs are 70, oh well, well, i ’m trying to move, because movement is life, i can sit astride a horse there, so i can water ski, i like to walk, and this summer weather in april seems
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hot, but the real heat has just been in the south, almost real now will move to the volga region, there in the volgovyatsky district will also be 4 to 6 degrees warmer on saturday than today. the southern air flow will be so powerful and promising, and noticeable precipitation will only be in the nizhny novgorod and kirov regions, while in kirov tomorrow it can even reach +25, but this is only for one day, sunday will end in an unplanned summer. well, saturday will be the rainiest in the center in the east of the northwestern region, very intense showers await the vologda region, in the center, there is a frightening blue spot on our map, heavy rains. for the south moscow region, for tula, ryazan, vladimir, still strong gusty wind decrease temperatures, not catastrophic in kaluga, tomorrow +16 rain, on sunday already without precipitation, in the north it is planned to be cold, up to a five-degree lag from the calendar, this will be at the beginning of the week and the warmest northern sektefkar on sunday will lose
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8 degrees, until the return of the night minus, and we will fly to the south, let's see how it loses degrees, there is also a north wind now and... even with the increasing participation of the sun, there will be no new rapid increase in temperature and the capital in st. petersburg tomorrow without precipitation and +11:13 in moscow with rain and thunderstorm perhaps 11:13 at night, and during the day +16:18, on sunday 16-18, but most likely without precipitation, the news is that may 1 is sunny. weather forecast from irina palyakova, well, these are the main news at this hour. thank you for being with us and see you later. there will be no money to be wasted, sozon cards, there will be money, now you can easily get up to 300,000 rubles for any purpose, spend it anywhere, with a zon card you will always have money, pairs of grant and grand
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in-app refueling service. order a free alpha card and receive a superkick. not just profitable, alpha profitable. there are classics that people like more and more, classics grand burgers and the new one, grand picant with spicy tomato sauce, delicious period, there will be no money to spend, there will be money with a card, now you can easily get up to 300,000 rubles for any purpose, spend it anywhere, and also withdraw cash and receive cashback . there will always be up to 300,000 rubles for any purpose. receive an ozone card and pay anywhere. the man intends to break the engagement. beloved, if genetic testing does not confirm his relationship with the alleged son.
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roman kolchin contacted us for a dna test. good evening, novel. yes, hello. why did you suddenly decide to check your relationship with the bride’s son? well, when i was her lover, and she had an official husband. and i lived with her like... for some time while she was married to him, at the time when i lived with her, he was in prison, and when we had sexual intercourse, after that moment she left for two weeks him on a long date, and you knew about it, well , yes, i knew, because well, i had nothing against it, he was a foreign husband. i as a temporary one and after that she reported that she was pregnant, i understand correctly, no, not after that, she reported when her son was already 6
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months old, well, according to her, also a son, that is , it turns out that at some point they broke up, yes i broke up, for what reason, but for the reason, well, we stopped seeing each other due to the fact that i also ended up in prison there , and my husband was released, we weren’t in the same prison at the same time as my husband... that is, it turns out that she decided not to immediately inform you that you became a dad, but not right away, she wrote to me, so that i would call her, i called her, she told me this, well, that i had a son, and before this conversation i talked with her husband, he said: i had a son, that is, you are in one squad two supposed father, yes, yes, yes, but how did we resolve this issue among ourselves, well, we didn’t talk about it, because he didn’t know what it was... i told you and my husband that you both became
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your ex your mistress was asked why she was the father, and she told him because she was officially married to him, and had to write it down at him, she was afraid, well, to admit to him, to admit that you were there, had sexual intercourse with her, you didn’t immediately believe that you could be the father of a boy, well, i didn’t believe it, because well... this is the situation here , the fact that i slept with her and after that she went to him on one date and well, somehow i didn’t even believe in this one. novel, when she went on a long date with her husband, she told you that she had a close relationship with him or just went on dates from her words, as it was, you come to your husband to the official wife comes for a long dates for three days, they drink sweets and tea or when a person is 3 months old. she’s in prison, she’s there all the time, i wanted to know what she told you, her version, whether they had a close relationship, according to her version or not, she says yes they did, that is, you think
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that she gave birth to a child from her husband, yes, when she told you that you have a son, you asked her to maybe come visit and show the child, well, that would be impossible, because a date is allowed in places of freedom only you are some other relative or well, according to official documents, you are some kind of relative, and it turns out that he returned to your mistress, to his wife, yes, they continued their lives as if nothing had happened, yes, as if nothing had happened.


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