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tv   Legavii-2  NTV  April 27, 2024 4:45am-5:31am MSK

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terrible blood. soviet troops occupied demyansk in february 1943. staraya rusa was liberated a year later, in february 1944, when soviet troops entered the city, only four intact buildings remained here, in fact it was a dead city. in old russia there are many monuments reminiscent of the difficult period of the great patriotic war. in 2017 , it was dedicated to ivan danilovich chernyakhovsky, the year the victory generals museum was opened here, an army general, twice hero of the soviet union. chernyakhovsky was the youngest front commander in the history of the red army, the glory of the new suvoroy was prophesied for him. the great patriotic war for him began on the northwestern borders of the soviet union. he took part in defensive battles near novgorod. over a long history.
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novgorodians more than once found themselves on the front line, defending russian lands from enemies. residents of the region preserve and honor the memory of the war, of military valor, of all those who had to give their lives defending their homeland.
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well, kozyli, we met, mind you, there’s no one around, you dreamed about this, come on, say something about what i’m like corrupt, greedy bastard, traitor, werewolf, or what else? come on, why,
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if you yourself know everything, well, what have you achieved, and i’ll tell you, nothing, do you really think that when i started such a game, i won’t provide a plan for leaving, but i’ll leave kuzorev, i’ll leave, why do i need you you say all this, come with me, kozyrev, you and i together, we will move mountains. this is the last time i suggest, well, look, did you choose it yourself?
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police what are you doing? all sorts of nonsense in your dreams, but the police in your dreams say portuguese, that well, police translated from in portuguese it means goodbye policeman, which is nothing. well, well, since you’ve already woken up, go get some bread, this earring knew everything, how did you miss him, roman lvovich,
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it’s simple, that is, general colonel, someone warned him, we’ll deal with this later, now. find him divinely, do what you want, but find him, consider that you have complete carte blanche. tell me, do you have any thoughts on where to look for him now? i think, that is , colonel general, think, god, think, or better yet, act, remember that when he must offer armed resistance to arrest, do you understand me? that ’s right, colonel general, you are counting your capital, why is it ours, and what kind
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of capital is it, so glass, yes, pebbles, real capital, here they are, in these folders, these films,
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you, my love, dear , let's go to brazil, and there we will find peace, brazil, brazil, what is brazil, my beloved shore, what is brazil? brazil, an amazing country of aromatic coffee and white pants. and escaped nazi criminals, the window opened, i forgot the button.
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it seems to me that he is suspicious of something, what exactly, i don’t know, just little soaps, lengthy hints, well, this is his normal state, you don’t know him.
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so how are we going to look for your miler? i don't know, i'll have to think about it for now. what were you doing before? previously, we were all scurrying, there was no time. it’s bad, even when you’re scuttling, you still need to think about the future. if you're so smart, why don't you come up with it yourself? and that's what i came up with. remember, you said that all illegal currency and gold trafficking was a scam, right? well, i think it’s under him now, which means there is a place here where such deals are made,
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of course, we have, that with this, intelligence, you are losing coverage, i don’t understand, are you now offering me to take the language, or what? exactly, and not just a language, a big buyer. well, he certainly has access to the miller, well, the rest is a matter of technology, that’s for sure, but it doesn’t happen more accurately, andrei zhukov escaped the zone, when did he escape? a week ago, listen, here’s what, find a romka and wait for me at your house, he’ll send me to hell, and you tell him that he needs this more, you think, this is connected with the dealmaker, i’ll explain later, seryoga, that’s it, end of connection. listen, legal, it’s true that now we will all be checked again for
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the zali, who said? is this investigator markov from central? and if he says something like that to markov again, say hello from me. come in, it’s okay, they’re fighting us, but we’re getting stronger, but i’ll tell you what, you have to find this for nothing, sashka belyashin, there was such a guy , he should have received officer’s shoulder straps, find me this, i understand, we’ll definitely find him , comrade lieutenant colonel. a where does such confidence come from, but there is one trap, i need to check, come on, come on, wach,
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well, i can’t yet, this is connected with the pavlivker case, you know who is doing this, you think they left together, i’m sure, alone they have a road, i wish i knew where else, so i say, we need to check, in general, i need to leave, where, of course, for a long time, how will it work out? but what about the warehouse operation? i came to seryoga grunin, he will do everything, but that means you don’t trust me? comrade lieutenant colonel, you are the leader, and sergei grunin, he is an expert, a real one, i agree, go ahead, i’ll cover you here, only i wanted to find this book, this creature shouldn’t walk on the earth anymore, i’ll try, good luck!
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great eagles, and you don’t care, uncle, if you light a cigarette, then swim on, non-smokers, and i’m not a smoker, that’s good advice, you need it, good advice is worth money, they’re not greedy, if the advice is worth it, here’s a garden bed, wherever plant cabbage, you have a small head of cabbage, it’s like cabbage, but where did it come from, the cabbage was left over from the flight. i urgently need to throw it off, so, help me put the cabbage in place, or i’ll go, listen, dega, he’s straight to the right, there the person is sitting, you say, kuka, kuka, it’s me, uh-huh.
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this is a reserved seat, occupied by a young man. and i have an all-season subscription, i’m from cookies.
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uh, uh, where are you going, calm, calm, young man, safety comes first, but you have an organization, yeah. we're worth it, all the best to you, i don't care about the large amount, how much more, 50 times, but i warn you, i won't give it for less than 45, 40, 43, 42, let's end
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it here, okay, where when, about 7 pm, here. and please don’t be late, okay, uncle, well , thank you, i won’t forget it forever, yes okay, i kind of did my job, if everyone did their job like that, we would have lived under communism a long time ago, it’s a pity that i didn’t personally have to deal with gangrene, listen, maybe you could have tinkled yours there so that they wouldn’t make too much noise, this year alive need to take it. i don’t understand you, someone is ready to strangle him, then you worry about his skins, but you understand, no matter how you say it, you little brat, but it turns out that i ’m settling scores with mitov’s baltar, and this is not according to the law, so if you if you take him, sooner or later i’ll prove that he’s a rat and a bastard, well, it’s unlikely the gangrene will take effect on its own, so don’t worry, it will be safe, just like a rat and a reptile, but
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no, misha, it’s not a rat or a reptile, but a real one...
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it’s sitting on smuggled currency, but why do you need it, there’s information, that pavlifker will go beyond the cordon through him, yes, well, i can’t help you here, you know, i had a little man there, i was there, but recently the deadline was raised, so i’m sorry, it’s a pity, okay, come on, come on. why didn’t you help him with the miller? you have a little man there, so you’ll have to shine a light on him too, but i’m not even a fool pea, but a serious man, this is not gangrene for you, if he senses that a wave is coming from me, you also don’t treat any salts, so urgently zincani zami, let him gather a meeting, tell him, there is evidence that gangrene is soup, yeah, but
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what you’re alive to say, no, no, no, it’s not necessary yet, oh well, the gathering is interesting, yes, wait, here’s another thing, when the gangrene eagles climb onto the alabass, you take the magician with you from outside to insure him, so that if something happens, well, you understand , yes, let's do it. you can’t go any further, they’ll flog you, they’ll probably check whether you’re alone or not, it’s still a long way off, at 500, i
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i’ll cover you at close range, andryukha, you stay behind the car, the most important thing is not to scare them off, and let them show aggression, then it will be easier to stab, and if they don’t show it , they will show it, i realized from the expression of his muzzle that he had almost buried me , if they offer to pass, then i’ll pass, let me pass, then we won’t be able to get lost, here any tail is like a pimple on the palm, the main thing is that you don’t show up ahead of time, and then i’ll sort it out somehow, let’s all go, ah... well, , uncle, after praying, let’s get started, don’t rush, young man, everything’s fine, he
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one, well, now we can start counting, it’s okay, i didn’t count the money, do you have any thoughts on where to look for it? who knows, of course, they sent out orientations along our line, but they didn’t announce him in the all-union family, they’re afraid the shit will leak? well, of course they are afraid, there is incriminating evidence on such people, then...
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if he even goes out on someone with his incriminating evidence, then he will be removed first, right, that means, if not with us, then he will go beyond the cordon, at least our borders are locked, there’s still a peephole, but no, i’m very i strongly doubt that igorok initially calculated this option, and if he has a guide who knows at least one such lozinka, you are hinting at zhukov, where did you get the idea that they are together? but there’s no one, and if he
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comes, we’ll hear, but he won’t say anything, you’re generally a normal person, yes, you decided something like that, i talked to him, i immediately decided that he’s normal, right? “ there are no normal people around us at all, well, you’re next to him, who told you that i’m normal, i’m an idiot, zhenya, you, you’re the most beloved, you the best, most beautiful idiot of mine in the world, well, please be patient a little, and soon we will find ourselves behind the cordon, we will live a normal, human life happily.” , drink, drink,
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drink, drink, i’ll dispossess your beloved, i mean literally, i’ll carry out a little expropriation when we’re already behind the cordon, look me in the eyes, you’ll get these thoughts out of your head, and if not, and if not, you'll be dead. i'll stay with him, so what, you bastard. torn, serious people
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approached you as if they were a person, but what about you? are you creating chaos? yes, how was i supposed to know that you were serious people? yano fraer, came over to throw off the cabbage, but it’s hard to teach someone like that a lesson. have you seen a lot of friars with cabbage like this? stuff has happened, and in general things are not done that way. who, who told you that i have something to do with you, but i ’ve lived a long time, i’ve seen a lot, okay, guys, if there’s a case like... talk about it and don’t spin this hissing, what are you talking about? yes, about the fact that you are not well-dressed and don’t have the right style, that’s why i at first i mistook your guy for a fraer, who are we, garbage, but no, garbage doesn’t easily shed blood, rather, guys, you are business-minded
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former warriors. well, what's the matter? you’re right, you’re right, kostya grek, i have something to do with you, but you no longer have any faith, and this piece is not according to your grabber, so the only chance you have to get out of here on your own is to introduce me to the one under who are you kidding, don’t tell me you don’t know anyone like that, i don’t have much time. i'll give you a whole minute to think about it, okay, okay, i'll tell you, everything seems to be reasonable, but he’s not a fool to trust an escaped prisoner, why, and motherism is quite in the spirit of igor, so you say, miller, miller, you
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’ll have to... try to make inquiries so carefully, well, we have inquiries there is no time, we need to go there and solve everything on the spot, if it’s not too late, it’s not too late, this zhukov also has no direct access to the miller, i agree, we need to develop this option, especially since we don’t have others, but keep in mind that there we will have to make do only on our own, well, that means the three of us work, but a couple i’ll take some more reliable guys with me, already roll up some stuff, you’re not going, why is that? someone needs to finish the warehouse operation, but there’s no one else but me? there is no one, i made an agreement with dokukin and the roaches are also in the know. i'm sorry, you figure it out, yur, i'm waiting for you in the car. ok, so you decided everything yourself, my opinion doesn’t count, seryoga, well, there’s no time to be a dog, the operation should be led by an experienced opera like you, uh, no one else, and who will they give the candy to? who
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to pat on the head, then we’ll decide, i don’t like sweets, seryoga, i’m sorry, that’s how it’s supposed to be, it’s necessary, it’s necessary, well, as soon as we get going, on the plane, of course, now we’ll pick up another fighter and go straight to the airfield, rum, i’d like to drop into one place, for a little while, it’s not far, well, if it’s not far. not for long, let's go.
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god help you! well, i’ve arranged my confession, i’ve arranged it, well , as much time as i have, as much as i have, it ’s all yours, i’m not tired, i’m tired, now i’m turning
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everything around. we need to increase the chance 50 to 50, it will be fair, let’s do it right away, why bother?
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well, yes, they won’t knock you off, but take it anyway, and whatever happens will happen. okay, get ready, i'm waiting for you downstairs.
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chona? that's it, let's go! kolya, button up , tie a scarf, you feel how it’s blowing, you’ll catch a cold, don’t, dad, i’m hot, how hot can it be when such a wind blows, you feel how it fools you, you feel it, it feels like it’s going to lift us up and fly away from the earth , wait, where did you take my son?
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well, great, capital devil, great, what a capital one, hanging out a kilometer away, what kind of destinies, although what am i asking, if not in season, then it means on business, but on business, banter, on a very important matter, there’s no way without your help, of course, as soon as i remember what kind of things we did here with you. it makes you feel sick, he’s a comrade with you, how important, you can see from his exterior that he’s no lower than a colonel, by the way , meet styopa, colonel bozhenin, mgb, vinovich, colonel, but that’s okay, you can just
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roman, you can, styop, you can, just ok, so have a seat, have some tea, well, well, what's the matter? well, i won’t go around too much, the matter is very important, there is accurate information that through you one very bad person will go beyond the cordon, and most likely not alone, what the human? banter, let’s agree right away, what you need to know, you will know, but there are certain things, gadirom, let’s set the record straight, if you came to the opera, the boss’s office is on the floor above. will give a command, we will work, then some of your things will be absolutely uninteresting to me, but if you came as a friend, i should know everything, we agreed, and i
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warned you, okay, we agreed, well then, go ahead, dashing lads, where and where, what ? i'm the last one, i won't treat my friends to a barbecue, here's a barbecue barbecue, my fingers are wet, let's go. still, i absolutely don’t understand what you need from me? what are you saying? but it seemed to me that i explained to you quite clearly in quite classical russian, i need a miller, or do you prefer fenya? what kind of fenya, i don’t know any fenya, not even lights, not even fekla, moreover, among my friends there are no millers.
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well, if we were wrong, then you won’t leave this house alive. oh, how scary, you can’t even imagine how much, that’s why. "i ask you again, mind you, for now i ask, i need a miller, i decided to i don’t understand, decisively, i appreciate your decisiveness, well, let’s assume that we didn’t have a conversation, but bring me this puppy, you’re crazy, what does it have to do with the boy, that’s what i say, boy. this has absolutely nothing to do with it, but you understand me too, don’t be afraid, my dear, don’t be afraid, these guys
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won’t do anything bad to you, they won’t do anything bad to your guys, here’s some candy, eat it, eat some candy, uncle don’t do anything bad, uncle just will shoot you to hell in front of your dad, who doesn't care whether you live or not, realized that you you do it, remember, i count up to three times, but this is inhumane, you can’t do that, you can do it twice, well... stop this farce, leave the child alone, that you, come on, the throne, well, that’s it, that’s it, they left it leave him, everyone has calmed down, left here, take the child away, everyone has left, scoundrel, i know, that means so, now... you will be taken back to the city, tomorrow at 20
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o'clock sharp, i need a positive answer , a positive one, and if i don’t get it, then at exactly 20:1 minute i will shoot your son in front of your eyes, you believe me, i believe you, i don’t i hear, believe me, i don’t believe it, well, that’s it, that’s it, that ’s it, that’s it, sasha, take him to the city, igor, what’s the matter with this one who was brought yesterday, and what’s wrong with him, don’t do anything, let him sit, well, feed him , or something, listen, i don’t like this runner, it’s too boring, it’s breathing unevenly towards your woman. well, let
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him breathe, bye, go, well, banter, now you know everything, which means you are sure that your fugitive will break the thread here, and not somewhere in the middle mountains or in the tundra, come here, i’m sure, not . the trouble is that we cannot act officially, good afternoon, good afternoon, understanding of six, please, hello, especially since we cannot act officially, at least until we are sure that the documents will not fall into the wrong hands, so let's look at the options, help they can only be a miller, the question is how they will get to him, after that incident he has gone to the bottom so tightly, he is a very good operative, especially since his hands are not tied
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either by official instructions or by soviet laws, sooner or later he will definitely come out as a target, why did you think that he would help him, and won’t ditch him, believe me, he will be able to convince him, not for nothing, of course, he has salty capital with him, the money changer will sell his mother for money, and for good money all his relatives in addition, that means there is only one way out, we must find melnik, he used to be a lift operator, it’s easy to say, find, and a photographer, maybe he can help install it? empty number, i have nothing on him, remember, i gave him my word, beer, as usual, actually, why the hell
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would it be easier with him, you know, where to find him, i have no idea, i need to talk to alana, well and salano, be healthy, don’t hang around, kotso, come on, thank you, esyt, maybe we can get down to business, you speak, speak, in general, the cargo arrived this morning, half a ton...
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are you afraid? who are you complaining about? afraid. arshin, take me away, comrade. let's go. you can’t even imagine, misha, what kind of animals these are, and the main real monster. imagine, he put a gun to the head of my knee. god.
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if i don’t fulfill their request, they will kill him, request, you say, you can meet, respect, listen to serious people, serious, misha, very, very serious, they this has already been proven, mitit, i heard, take him, organize everything there, where you drag it here, the conversation won’t
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stick together, they’ll stay here, yeah, hello, as i understand it,


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