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tv   Smotr  NTV  April 27, 2024 7:20am-8:00am MSK

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it means this is important for both of you, this result means that we will continue the search, and we have already started it, and i want to tell you that in kazakhstan there are no families with the surname okulenko, through oh, there are no such families at all, but with the surname akulenko there were 48 man, we called them all, all 48 people, no one acknowledged this story yet. perhaps the family moved somewhere to kazakhstan, we will continue the search, thank you very much, well , let’s hope even if we find it, well , now the family will be even larger, will increase, but that’s absolutely right, you just even more relatives will appear, my mother also wanted to know her daughter before she died, where? and i think that this program will definitely receive responses. that all this is not just like that, yes
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, we too, we will meet again again, so we will wait, hope and believe, thank you, thank you, goodbye, thank you, look for each other, no matter what, and wait, no matter no matter what. hello, the military program of the ntv channel smotr is on air, sergei kuznetsov is with you, watch this episode! everything is for the convenience
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of citizens and to stop crimes. border guards protecting the republic of crimea. not long ago a message appeared in the media. at mysaterkhankut in western crimea, border guards defeated a sabotage group of the main intelligence department of ukraine. this is just one episode of a difficult service. employees of the border department of the fsb of russia in the republic of crimea. continuation of the story about the work of the crimean border guards in our story. on the mongoose we go to the place of duty of the border patrol ship. this is a modern pskr project 10410b, created on based on a project from the late eighties. we are interested in what the new ship is like. the difference is in
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habitability and the difference is that the power plant, navigation complex, was built according to all modern canons, yes, that is, everyone went along the path of automation and there were fewer people, respectively, automation and the computer took away all the lion's share of the work that was previously done by personal composition, so the ship has become more convenient, the ship has become more modern, newer ... the capabilities have been increased more with previous old projects, this is its difference. the crews of coast guard ships and boats are experienced professionals. these are people who have dedicated themselves to the profession of a maritime border guard and have excellent training. we are all professionals, the officers serve as fan's image on the ship, our specialized coast guard institute is supplied. completely 100% lishtar
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graduates, we have switched to a professional service basis, so this is how we work, the habitability has been significantly improved, in comfortable cabins, almost the same living conditions as on the shore, for four there are people and a shower and a toilet, the conditions are good, you can carry out long-term tasks . without going in to replenish supplies, the personnel of course gets tired, but not in this way, there is always a place to wash and warm up and sleep normally peacefully, somewhere to put some kind of gear, quite decent conditions, i think. it is necessary to create conditions for the crew not only for living, but also for recreation. in the cabins there is also a television system, a system and a radio, in addition to this we also have recreation areas, in which... you saw there and a dining room
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the team has its own sports corner, which i personally began to do during my free time on watch, i think that i have something to compare with, the ship is modern. our staff eats like during night shifts, breakfast, lunch, dinner, evening tea, our food is prepared by a chef, a professional of his level, everything is always hot, fresh, our products are sub-par and... just like my mother’s. the ship is unanchored to perform a training mission. the crew does everything smoothly without fuss. the task was received to
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control a section of the russian maritime border. from the head of the service received an order. order: to go to the southern part of the kerch strait, to go to the southern part of the kerch strait to carry out airspace reconnaissance , having weighed anchor, the ship goes out to sea, picks up speed, the necessary commands are given, the crew carries them out clearly and competently, it seems that the patrol ship itself does what they want. the ship is preparing to repel an attack by an unmanned boat. today this is one of
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the main threats to shipping in the black sea. the kyiv regime uses semi-submersible unmanned boats, both against ships and against civilian vessels. the task of the border guards is to prevent this, the task facing the ship when entering the border in the republic of crimea with the spirit of modern times is the threat of repelling both air attacks, unmanned aerial vehicles and missile danger, as well as attacks by unmanned crew ships, boats, as well as high-speed boats during disembarkation sabotage groups. target detected.
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when repelling ethereal vehicles on a ship , an ak-306 artillery mount is used thirty-millimeter 12.7 machine-gun mount cord. the employees sent to us are armed with a machine gun and a 762 caliber cookie in total; with such
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a density of fire and artillery weapons, we begin to work somewhere from one and a half to two miles until the very approach to either the object or us. plus we have small arms. there are 545 autobats on board, i believe that the target will definitely be hit. all participants in the lesson performed excellently for the assessment, once again confirming that modern border patrol ships are capable of protecting themselves from the most dangerous attacks. the ship of project 10410 in its complex capabilities can reflect absolutely everything. enemy attacks by both ethereal aircraft and crew caps, the ship's weapons, a modern detection system, training and crew coordination make it possible to carry out and prevent a breakthrough both along the coast of the republic of crimea of ​​the taman peninsula and the entrance to the ketshi strait. the crimean border guard service
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has changed greatly with the start of a special military operation. we have already talked about changes to the green land border at... points passes, what are the coast guard's priorities today? now more, probably, the border guards of the military component have returned, who. there was a military component, that is , reconnaissance of the air surface space, detection at early stations, the approach of the same unmanned boats, in addition to the means of detecting ships of ground-based technical observation posts, aviation of state security agencies is actively used to carry out tasks. in crimea, we often worked with fsb aviators. aviation squad. has on weapons are well-mastered mil and kamov helicopters. kamov's machines work more against
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intruders at sea. it is easier for a helicopter with an axis design to hover over a ship or a drilling platform. it is less affected by side wind turbulence from the vessel settings. the milevsky eights perform various tasks, including patrolling the sea surface. groups, fsb aviators immediately transmit information to border guards. in the direction
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of intruders’ penetration, a prompt landing of reinforced border guards is carried out outfits they will prevent violation of the border, block or destroy the sabotage group. fsb helicopter pilots can also provide support in this regard. the helicopter has a fairly large number of airborne weapons that can be used against the enemy; if a sabotage group is detected that is trying to cross the state border of the russian federation in this region, we accordingly take over the airborne weapons and destroy them. it is important that helicopters have equipment to detect targets both during the day and so... the fact
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is that it is the enemy or not, we fly into this search area, look around, the overview is good, large, and then, accordingly, based on the state of the intruder, he said, probably the greatest contribution to ensuring the security of the state
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border in the russian federation, i think many people understand that from the air it is much easier and faster to detect the target of an intruder than to do this on land or on the water surface, pr is based on blood, we even turn grass into a reason for blessing execution in russia, for which a resident of the french kans .
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on october 4, 2023, russian border guards repelled an attempt to land a sabotage group on the coast of crimea in the area of ​​cape tarkhankut, and they were able to take one enemy soldier prisoner. this information appeared in all news releases, but there were not many details. group the review program was able to meet and talk with employees who personally participated in repelling the attack. border at night. the squads discovered approaching high-speed small vessels in the sea, soon identified as jet skis. from october 3 to
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october 4, we were in the border guard, arrived at the place in the hall under the protection of a section of the border, after which we received information from a neighboring raiding squad about approaching high-speed small watercraft, further information. they gave information to all posts, that is, everyone was already ready. the violators were not chosen at random for covert movement at night. they hoped to remain undetected due to the darkness and the sound of the surf, but the crimean border guards are fully equipped with technical means. the group of violators was discovered by vigilant border guards and tracked using night vision devices.
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and you can confuse it with some kind of target, because it can also be reflected as a thermal target, so here you need to, i don’t know, have some kind of experience, skill, probably, and the border guards have such experience, border posts conducted observations and informed the squads, in the direction in which the violators were moving, we saw literally 5-10 minutes later, that is, they were already...
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there was fear, but without panic, without fuss, without everything, as we were taught, we reported the information, took the necessary measures, and began to work. took up positions, conveyed information that fire had been opened on us, in response we opened fire, the enemy was well prepared, directly
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from jet skis fired fairly accurately at the positions of the border guards, they shot well, there was no shaking, as if the water was calm, for them it was it was like the good weather had gone, we we observed five jet skis, two people on each jet ski, a total of 10 people. having met return fire, the enemy on the jet skis quickly left the shore, leaving the saboteurs who had fallen into the water. they hit, yes, there was only one jet ski left, two people fell from it into the water and four jet skis rushed to the very block of the sea. the distance no longer allowed the border guards to fire, but high-speed coast guard boats came into action. yes, they were catching up with them, and we saw
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the troisers flying, so the aviation pulled up, but this was not the end of the battle for the border guards ended. the wounded remained at sea. cycle and two saboteurs who showed no signs of life, he pretended that he had died, and then he swam, swam, and this one began to swim towards the shore, when the reserve group arrived, we also remained in positions to observe this person, having received information about violators, the command alerted the reserve group. was at this place of the airborne assault force, an alarm command was received, armed, we moved to the place where
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the fall occurred. from the group, which introduced bostaniya, clarified the situation, took up positions, helped with fire in the group, after the ceasefire, the enemy began to survey the area, all this time the border guards were watching the saboteur, who tried to swim to the shore and hide, the reserve group quickly arrived, we were leading one person , who fell just from that jet ski, we watched him, a reserve group arrived, we conveyed all the information about where he was, the reserve group was allocated to that place, and took the measure of his detention, then, well, with the help of instrument observation, an unknown person was discovered in the water, we set out to search for him in the bay, it disappeared, first
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disappeared into the water.
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according to the detainee, the group’s task was to demonstrate the flag. russian border guards skillfully stopped an attempt by experienced saboteurs from the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense of ukraine to land on crimean soil. put up a flag, say president. ukrainian intelligence, the main intelligence department, you came here to install yours, and move back, well, we understand that this is a formidable enemy, reconnaissance.
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according to the plan that we have developed to counter sabotage groups, each employee understands the procedure for his actions if he is detected, detained or destroyed. and naturally, the cohesion of the squad also allows us to solve a lot when carrying out border protection tasks. we asked how the border guards assessed the level of training of the enemy they
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had to face. comes in, what feeling did you have during the battle and after? graduation? during the battle there were no special feelings, since there were tasks, and after the battle, well , there was joy, pride in the comrades who helped at that moment, the fact that no one was confused, everyone acted competently, there is some kind of pride for oneself, for our comrades, no, of course, there are, of course, well, we’re all modest people. so yes, we are grateful to each other, grateful to our former comrades, grateful to our boss, so that everyone reacts quickly, clearly, harmoniously, and there are no more questions.
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another of our business trips has come to an end. border guards guarding russia's borders in the republic of crimea. we visited the automobile checkpoint. equipped with the latest equipment, inspected the secure and comfortable border department, talked about the service of the border guard dog handlers of their charges, went to sea on a high-speed boat and a new patrol ship, witnessed the interception of a conditional border violator, the border department of the fsb of russia for the republic of crimea has everything necessary.
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lukashenko again knew everything in advance, but i warned that these 60 billion would be given to them, is the west now really ready to finance the war until the last ukrainian soldier, until the ukrainians all run away or die there, for what purposes will the american 60 billion be spent and what other signals is the western establishment sending to minsk that putin didn’t win, that’s what they say everywhere, and what, according to the belarusian president , should the west do right now so that the ukrainian deadlock does not lead to it.
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for any purpose. get an ozone card and pay anywhere. this is a star show. second stage of the duel. miguel. we have a work permit. i'm generally a miguel from dancing. fine. does the gentleman from dance miguel have a work permit? against dzhigan. i thought we had a kirkorov star. i'm in every room. i play blacks, mikel, understand, but this is the first thing that comes to mind, the second and third, to be honest, for now, well, dumplings, now you’ll be with me in the middle of nowhere, we thought it was a club, at least a strong one, i haven’t learned it, let’s move on, brothers , we continue to give the frying, we light it up until the morning, i can still... i can do tricks, focus on the final, bro, stars, miguel and the ussr national team
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against the clueless dzhikan and krasnoyarsk. today at 21:20 on ntv. the review program says goodbye to you. see you on the ntv channel.
8:00 am
hello, welcome to information service of the ntv television company, in the studio of yulia bekhtereva. russian troops in the zaporozhye region destroyed the firing positions of the nationalists. the strike was carried out by soldiers of the dnepr group using grad multiple launch rocket systems. and this is footage of the operation of su-34 fighters of the vostok group. the pilots attacked the strong point with unguided aerial bombs. the crews performed an anti-missile maneuver and returned to the departure airfield. under sentry yar, usuri paratroopers saved attack drones from fire.


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