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tv   Zakhar Prilepin  NTV  April 28, 2024 12:00am-12:36am MSK

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revered by believers as saints, why to this day the lavra, literally founded by his hands , remains an abode of goodness, warmth, and a place of assembly of the russian spirit and russian self-awareness. in 1997, the american magazine orthodox wort published a poignant confession of a local monk, adrian, who had been a convert to christ. while still a buddhist and a tourist, he visited moscow and finally got to the trinity lavra of sergeyev. what he experienced in the monasteries changed, excuse the cliche, his entire future life. for the first time i kissed to the relics of the saint, he confessed. and these dead bones, of course, seemed to have more life in them than in all of southern california. well, that's how it works. “it is open to every soul,” says one of the modern cartoon characters. about the abbot
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of the earth-russians, which very accurately reflects the attitude of people towards this saint, and his ava sergi attitude towards people: his miraculous spiritual power spread and continues to spread to everyone, you just need to extend your hand: a gigantic number of people came out to meet the saint when in the summer in the fall of 2022, an all-russian bringing of the relics of st. sergei of radonish took place across the dioceses of the russian orthodox church, including in belarus. in kazakhstan , the abbot of the russian land again walked around the vast expanses of the country with blessing and prayer, about 1 million people were able to bow to the spiritual father of the russian people. one of the most striking comments smells like god. in ulanud , a huge number of buryat buddhists came to worship the monk. yes, the saint is revered by representatives of other faiths too. he always lovingly received everyone who came to him. now the biography of sergius of radonish, who lived. or the study of professor of
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the moscow theological academy evgeniy glubinsky in 1909, our current minds are often perceived, well, with skepticism. the mind, accustomed to overestimating the rational side of life, stumbles at the very first description of the miracle that happened to the saint when he was still a child. who would be surprised now by the stories about how saint sergei, while in a monastery, many kilometers from the kulyakovo field, saw the course of the battle or how a saint resurrected a teenager who had given up the spirit, resuscitation has long been commonplace, here recently the singer maxim and the figure skater roman kostamarov, russian doctors brought back from the other world for several months, and they did resurrect them. the american publicist patrick bukin calls our century an era of desacralization, a time when miracles in themselves are devalued by the achievements of technical progress in cinemas with special effects and other tricks. now
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it is difficult to impress someone with a story about how sergei radunizhsky opened a spring with his hand. this twist has been exploited more than once in hollywood films, and there is nothing to say at all about the mystical visions of the saint. the director of the lord of the rings franchise, peter jackson, together with tolkien , visualized an entire army of the dead from the bible. what can we say about saints now? and yet we will try to remember what our sergei became famous for, trying to look at his figure not from today. and the optics of a resident of the middle ages. according to ancient legend, the estate of the parents of sergei radunizhsky, the rostov boyars kirill and maria, was located in in the vicinity of rostov the great on the road to yaroslava. the parents, noble boyars, apparently lived simply; they were quiet, calm people, with a strong and serious way of life. there was no talk of any luxury; home life was closer to that of a peasant. the boys of sergei, then still barkholomew, were sent to fetch horses to... this means that he knew how to
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confuse them and convert them. dad and mom were extremely religious, they helped the poor and willingly accepted strangers. the name bartholomew was given to the future sergius of radunizhsky by the priest who baptized the boy born on may 3 1314, on the feast day of st. bartholomew. for 7 years, bartholomew was sent to study reading and writing in a church school with his brother stefan. stefan studied well. science was no longer easy for bartholomew, and he persistently prayed to god, asking for help. the first miracle, well, not a miracle, beyond this vision or a coincidence, happened to barphilomew just in his adolescence, when his father asked him to keep an eye on a herd of princely horses; some of the horses separated and wandered into the thicket. bartholomew went in search of them, there he came out to a hillock, where he saw fabulous beauty oak. an old man prayed under an oak tree. bartholomew turned to him with a request for prayer, but he just can’t master reading and writing, help the elder. grandfather fulfilled the request, and after the prayer the hermit took it out of his.
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knapsacks the ark and separated a particle of prosphora, crossing which he ordered to eat with the words, then, as a sign of god’s grace, you are given the understanding of the holy scriptures, and the reading and writing of the child. do not grieve, know that from now on the lord will grant you good knowledge, literacy, more than that of your brothers your age. the elder was about to leave, but bartholomew persuaded him come visit and meet your parents. the table was set, and before the meal the elder reminded that first one must taste spiritual food and ordered bartholomew to read the psalter. the boy began to read, pronouncing the psalms easily and clearly, which surprised his parents. when leaving, the elder said to bartholomew’s parents: “your son will be great before god and people.” it will become the chosen abode of the holy spirit. around 1328, the boy's family went bankrupt and moved to radonish. epiphanius writes how bartholomew's father became poor. let's also talk about how why he became impoverished due to frequent walking with the prince in rda, because of the frequent
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tatar raids on russia, because of the frequent tatar embassies, because of the many tributes of heavy horde taxes due to a particular shortage of bread. his older brother stefan got married and his parents grew older. decided to go to the khatkovo-pokrovsky monastery in order to accept monasticism there and live until their death, which is also an important fact. after the repose of their father and mother, bartholomew and his widowed brother stefan went to the khatkovo-pokrovsky monastery to become monks. but life in the monastery was for bartholomew not to his liking, he strove for hermithood, for intimate personal unity with god without witnesses without fuss, for the most ardent monasticism. having convinced brother stefan to become hermits, together with him he founded a hermitage on the banks of the kanchura river, on makovets hill, in the middle of the dense radonish forest. there , around 1335, they cut down a small wooden church in the name of the holy trinity, on the site of which the cathedral church of the trinity lavra of sergei was later built. but
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unable to withstand the hyperactive lifestyle, stefan soon left for moscow epiphany monastery, where he became abbot. bartholomew, left completely alone, called upon a certain abbot. after all, from his childhood, like his parents, he was strangely received by his parents, he respected guests, that is, the guest accepted food, and then he was invited to come again, sergius fed the bear, the bear
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did everything manually, you can laugh childishly, what kind of fairy tales are these, but this is what the ageographers wrote down, maybe this is a deep metaphor for the taming of the humanization of the coarsened, overgrown human soul, what sergei radonichsky spent his life doing, maybe really a case from the natural world, maybe both. rumors about the spiritual feat of the young hermit began to spread throughout russia. a few years later, in the vicinity of china, new cells began to appear, like-minded people who wanted to pray to god far from this and acquire the holy spirit and be saved together. thus, from the disciples of sergius, a monastery was formed, which in 1345 took shape as the trinity monastery of sergius, later the trinity of sergius lavra. 12 cells were built. surrounded by tyn for protection from animals, the cells stood under huge pine and spruce trees, between them the brothers planted their modest vegetable garden, they lived quietly and sternly. sergius was its second abbot, the first igumen-metrofan. he introduced new rules for the life of a monk in his monastery, including prohibiting accepting alms. he decreed
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that all other people should be nourished by their labors. the monastery was the poorest, but also the purest, most holy. in his cell, a monk could spend time either in prayer, or thinking about sins, or reading holy books. we’ll separate if you don’t manage the monastery, father, i wish, he said, it’s better
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to study rather than to teach, it is better to obey than to rule, but i am afraid of god’s judgment, i don’t know what god wants, the holy will of the lord be done, sergius and the two elder brothers decided... rolled candles, cooked kutya, carried logs, carried water in two waterpots up the mountain, he ground like a bought slave, he cut down cells himself, with hand millstones, baked bread, cooked food, cut and sewed clothes, in summer and winter he walked in the same clothes, neither the frost nor the heat affected him, physically, despite meager food, was very... i quote: had strength against two people. all this is recorded not only in the lives, but on
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the vaults of the entrance to the trinity sergius laura. as soon as you enter, you will see it immediately. the glory, in the good sense of the word, of the sergius monastery expanded. the monastery grew with monks from various classes, from peasants to princes and boyars. some settled next to the monastery, donated their property to the needs of the holy monastery, just to be involved in this great cause. the spiritual strength of the abbot, who fed literally. the quotation is decided, the rotten bread increased endlessly. he healed the lame and dumb, gave sight and corrected ailments, opened springs and even resurrected. he forbade eyewitnesses from talking about miracles on pain of death; it was not good to boast, and it was not something special for him. monasticism neglects the world, but not the people in the world. sergei simply helped everyone who needed it, to the best of his ability given by the lord. he put his life entirely on this. by the way, according to scientists, it was in radonezh, where sergei began his spiritual path, that the great icon painter,
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the rev. andrei rublev, the first russian, was born in 1360 an artist who was canonized as an orthodox saint, this is another coincidence. download the application and get a good luck bonus from the betting league. five thumbs up. go green. who's there? the postman pechkin brought the parcel. he and the coven of witches will be scared that she is uncultured, this is a police captain in one piece,
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they also called sergius radunizhsky. father of the earth russian. why? it’s very simple: he united, healed, nurtured, a powerful word with the power given by god. he recalled the true purpose of christians, to be the salt of the earth and the light of the world. he carried out an unprecedented mission to spread monasteries. in addition to sergegiv and lavra, the hegumen actually founded dozens of monasteries, then just from the whales throughout russia. blagovishchensky on kirdzhach in 1358. epiphany.
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words could influence the hardest and most bitter hearts, so it was he who was asked to reconcile in 1365 nizhny novgorod of russian princes who did not want to see each other. most likely, metropolitan alexei, archimandrite pavel and hegumen gerasim asked hegumen sergei to persuade prince boris konstantinovich to give nizhny novgorod to his elder brother dmitry, because after the death of another third brother, the younger boris personally seized it.
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elder brother and moscow prince dmitry ivanovich. dmitry ivanovich, donskoy, future, in the same year, at the age of 15, married the daughter of dmitry konstantinovich, who received nizhny novgorod from his brother boris. in in 1385, at the age of 70, father sergei was again forced to speak to spiritual diplomats, again in one cassock he set off on foot, the carts were already in full swing, although the russian princes dmitry ivanovich donskoy and oleg ivanovich ryazansky were reconciled from the lavra. then ryazan felt the weakness of moscow after the campaign. tamysha captured kolomna, plundering it, and then the ryazans killed the muscovites near peresvitsk (now the lukhovitsky district), dmitry donskoy, having suffered defeat both from the horde and from the neighbor of the ryazan prince, sent. ambassadors to ryazan with a ransom for prisoners and a request for world. the ambassadors returned with nothing, but at least it was good that they were alive and hope remained only with sergius. by the way, dmitry
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donskoy was not on very good terms with him, but was forced to ask sergei radumizhsky. and sergey’s new journey was again successful. the stubborn prince oleg accepted the future saint, after listening, and concluded eternal peace with moscow. quote. the venerable abbot sergius, a wonderful old man, spoke with quiet and meek slavis. with prince oleg about the benefits of the soul, about peace, about love, and great prince oleg, apply your ferocity to meekness, calm down, calm down, know how to be a great soul, shame, for such a holy husband took with the grand duke dmitry ivanovich eternal peace and love for generations. i repeat that sergius went to each such diplomatic feat on foot, not for the sake of foolishness, but enduring maximum humility.
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as from a new center of unification, feeding the russian people and receiving a unique embodiment in them. looking into russian history, into the very fabric of russian culture, we will not find a single thread that does not lead to this first knot. moral ideas, statehood, painting, zodestvo, literature, russian science, all these lines of russian culture converge to st. sergius. in his person, the russian people became aware of themselves, their cultural and historical place, their cultural task, and only then, having become aware of themselves, received the historical right to independence. on september 25, 1392, the monk sergei
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introduced himself, shortly before foreseeing his imminent death, he took a vow of silence in order to devote the remaining time to prayer, and quite soon after the exodus he was canonized, which in itself, as they say it's nonsense. church historian glubinsky wrote that sergei ordered his body to be laid not in... the church, in the general monastery cemetery, so as not to stand out. this command greatly upset the brothers. the monks turned for advice to metropolitan peperian, who ordered the body of the abbot to be laid in the church. now everyone can bow to him. the miraculous relics of st. sergius are kept in the white stone trinity cathedral on the territory of the lavra. the entire ensemble of the trinity of sergius and lavra is included by unesco in the list of world monuments heritage of world culture. by the way, there, on the territory of the monastery, next to the assumption cathedral, there is a family home. tomb of the godunovs, the first king not from the rurikovich family and boris godunov, his wife, son, failed tsarevich fyodor godunov and daughter ksenia are buried there. more broadly, sergei
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radunizhsky carried out a spiritual revolution without involvement. it is he who is called the reformer of russian monasticism. the traditions of monastic life, almost completely lost during the years of the horde yoke, were not only restored in russia, they received a new life. we are again remembered. who we are, this was the main miracle of ava sergius. vinline presents, unique betting races, where you compete with other players, choose tournaments that you like, place more bets, beat your opponents, take the maximum from the prize pool, betting races, only on vinline, vinline makes the difference. inline gift 3,000 without conditions to all new players, gentlemen, i will wrap you up, i will wrap you up
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the golden age of russian monasticism began with the exploits of st. serge. most russian saints of the 14th-15th centuries were monks, many of them belonged to the so-called circle of sergius of radunichsky or were disciples of the great elder or disciples of his disciples. the concept of holy russia and the name of saint sergei of radonish are inseparable from each other. the entire spiritual culture of our country is in one way or another based on his heritage. vasily klyuchevsky. named sergei radonichsky, a blessed educator of the russian folk spirit. and when these days i see the image of sergei radonichsky and lilik christ, among our russian soldiers, in dugouts in the trenches, of course, no dissonance occurs in me. an absurd question, but he was for peace, and what does war have to do with it, no normal person should think of it, there is not the slightest contradiction here. why do russian fighters have roman eagles, animals, nazi
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runes on their shoulders instead of an image? russian fighter with the face of sergius of radonichsky means that everything in their places, because it was saint sergius who is considered one of the most powerful patrons of the russian army. moreover, one of the heroes of the battle of kulyakovo. yes, father sergei did not turn his back on the russian army at a turning point in russian history. on august 18 , 1380, prince dmitry donskoy with prince vladimir of serpukhov, princes of other regions and governors arrived in the lavra. everything was more than serious. russia, moscow, vladimir, suzdol, serpukhov, rostov, nizhny novgorod, belozersk, murom, pskov, with andrey stood up algerdovich, to battle with the united one. the army of mamai and the lithuanian prince jogaila. this was the first time such russian forces had been deployed to meet their enemies. by the way, the genoese were also mercenaries there. it was a historic moment. and just imagine, the experienced military leader dmitry,
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hurrying to meet the enemy, makes a detour with all the honest brethren, through the monastery of hegumen sergius. from moscow to kolomna, where a meeting was scheduled for the detachments that marched to the kulikovo field along a straight line of 103 km. from moscow to the troitsky monastery 70 km, and from trinity to kolomna is another 140 km. thus, the grand duke of moscow decided to more than double the journey, which now, by the standards of that time, should have been at least two weeks. for what? some considered this a cunning maneuver, but it seems that it was something else. it seems that dmitry understood that the battle would take place not only on the sandpiper field, not only on the ground, that this battle could not be won only with earthly forces. precisely because... therefore , he, practically the main person in the country, who gathered everyone, goes to seek a blessing sergius of radnicheskiy, the unconditional spiritual authority in russia. you can imagine what strength the sixty-six-year-old old man had, since he was fateful for the future
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of the state in the battle, everything depended on him. the great russian writer, author of the biography of the rev. sergei radunichesky, boris zaitsev writes. maleben began, messengers arrived during the service, and war. i went to the lavra, they reported on the movement of the enemy, and warned me to hurry up. sergius asked dmitry to stay for the meal, here he told him: “it hasn’t arrived yet.” it’s time for you yourself to wear the crown of victory with eternal sleep, but for countless of your co-workers, martyr’s wreaths are woven.” after the meal, the monk blessed the prince’s entire retinue, sprinkling him with holy water. go, don’t be afraid, god will help you. and leaning down, he whispered in his ear. dmitry. you will win. the legend about the battle of mamaev tells that the experienced fighters of the monastery of alexander peresvet and andrei oslyabyu, not just monks, but schema-monks who accepted the third monastery, were forbidden to take weapons in their hands, but
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father sergei blessed them. fight to help the russian army. in exceptional cases, it also happens: yes, the fatherland is above the statute. we remember the result on september 8. 80, on the day of the nativity of the blessed virgin mary, again such a coincidence, russian soldiers won a victory over the horde hordes and not only, on the kulikovo field, thereby marking the beginning of the liberation of the russian land from the ardyn yoke. during this massacre, sergegi and the brothers of the troitsk monastery prayed to god to grant victory to the russian prince and his army. if muscovite russia had lost then, we could all today and not to be. the chronicler talks about the victory as a miracle that happened. he simply could not stand aside, fencing himself off with quotes from the gospel, when
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the russian state was on the verge of destruction, he understood too well where everything could come, so in 1382, when takhtamysh’s army approached moscow, sergius left his monastery and went .


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