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tv   Chudo tekhniki  NTV  April 28, 2024 11:00am-12:01pm MSK

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in close contact with the allergen, valentin never even sneezed, although the inserts in his nose had to be constantly adjusted to monitor the filters, which quickly became clogged. gadgets, obviously, can only serve as a temporary solution and allergies should be treated if possible, especially since if this is not done, it can lead to hearing problems, sleep problems or bronchial asthma; for example, it is generally impossible to get away from house dust mites there. but the problem is when a person has a predisposition to allergies, it’s all will still find something to react to, it’s impossible to run all your life, it’s better to solve the problem radically. today, the only way to get rid of painful symptoms for several years is actually vaccination against allergies, for example, to pollen , house dust or certain animals, the method of allergen-specific immunotherapy, or ositis. for 3-5 years, before
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each flowering season, the patient is given injections or drops under the tongue of small doses of a reaction-causing substance, an allergen, in my case birch, and the body gradually he seems to get used to it. in practice, of course, not all allergens are easy to buy, and not in every case the costs are covered by compulsory insurance, but in general, especially with pollen, the method works. i tested this on myself. in the very first season, when i just started to fall asleep, i didn’t feel any relief, i remember we went to visit my wife’s relatives in the kurgan region for the may holidays, when the birch tree in moscow had already mostly faded, and there it was just starting, that’s where it hit me straight tough, i remember how - immediately, almost in the middle of the night i went to the pharmacy to get an anti-allergic drug, my eyes were red, it was terrible, and i also wear contact lenses, it’s doubly difficult for me, but on the second... it became a little
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easier, now i’m on the third, and to be honest, i somehow got through it, it’s so easy, i’m waiting for the birch with some anxiety, but i think that according to the classics, in the third year they should let me go, i wouldn’t want to, as they say, jinx it, but now, even on days when the birch pollen level, judging by special sites reaches 10 points, i feel pretty good, i hardly take antihistamines. a new vaccine, created by the institute of immunology of the fmba of russia together with the medical university of vienna, promises to achieve the same effect much faster in just five injections. the mechanism is as follows: usually, with allergies, the body mistakenly reacts to harmless pollen by releasing aggressive immunoglobulin e. this leads to swelling of the nose, sneezing, and watery eyes. but scientists have figured out how to deceive the defense. system.
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the patient, unlike ositis, is not injected with the entire allergen, only those parts of it that cause the release of another, harmless immunoglobulin, g. the body gets used to reacting this way, then, when it encounters the whole pollen protein during the flowering period, it no longer produces dangerous immunoglobulin e. the introduction of our vaccine is similar in its mechanism of action to wasp, but is safer. you know, what analogy was born, that ositis is something like treatment with a medicinal tincture, your drug is as if the directly active substance was isolated from this medicinal tincture, already targeted, somehow smart version 2.0, they hit the mark with it, now clinical trials are already being prepared tests on volunteers, which unfortunately did not include me, i have already been treated for ositis and there will be no clear results for me, that’s what they call it. the first experiments showed that
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the vaccine can be used not only for treatment, but also for the prevention of allergies, for example, if relatives have it or a tendency to it was revealed by genetic analysis. before testing on humans, the drug was, of course, tested on mice, this is a test for local action vaccine, how much it irritates the mucous membrane and what in... yes, for this we fix the mouse and drip carefully, to get into the mouse’s nose, that’s another task, the effectiveness of the vaccine was tested on the same mice, yes, there were subcutaneous injections. the birch vaccine can also help with the cross form, when, due to the similar structure of proteins, the body also reacts to a peach or an apple. and if the clinical trials are successful, the technology will be tested on other types of allergies.
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the method can be called a platform for creating antiallergic vaccines. and in this case, a vaccine against allergy to birch pulp is the first step, the first. the type of allergy will be defeated, of course, and i think that the day is not just around the corner when this , of course, is a real miracle of technology, this is one of those that i absolutely adore, the case when technology improves our lives.
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i've been watching all week, as usual. for news from the world of science and technology and compiled a top five of them. let's start with line number five. scientists from china have revealed the centuries-old secret of classic natural silk. what makes it so durable? despite the fact that the threads are very thin. researchers have opened 20 thousand silkworm larvae and studied about a thousand molecules, as well as over 5,000 combinations of them. it turned out that the secret is that caterpillars produce special nanoparticles. metal ions, which help the remaining components weave into a very strong structure, similar to a christmas tree under a microscope. perhaps the discovery will help create new, modern materials. many people think that investing is something complicated and accessible only to financiers, because
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there are many different instruments and assets on the stock exchange. is it possible to start without special knowledge? invest everyone can, in alfininvestments there is a huge amount of materials for people who want... to study the market, training, ideas, selections, but if you don’t have time, then you can use our ready-made strategies, in which you, as an investor, just need to choose the level of risk, term and , of course, the expected profitability. how exactly do ready-made strategies work? for example, there is a growth strategy for which i select assets, change the composition of the portfolio, and investors follow me. last year investors earned 80%. of course, this doesn't happen every year. but i i'm sure i can make them happy this year. open an account before april 30 and receive shares of large companies as a gift every day. alpha investments are the key to a profitable start on the stock exchange. next in our issue. in the section “miracle goods” we find out what is unique about
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the orenburg down scarf, how designers make it part of fashion collections and whether it is possible to distinguish the original from the fake . expertise, as well as the best discoveries and inventions from all over the planet, the most interesting is yet to come, it is a real pleasure to feel the taste of coffee. jardin columbia medalin, from selected arabica beans, which have revealed the aroma in the author's roasting, filled with colombian passion, a pleasure to feel, genuine jardin colombia medalin. sip is a bank for business, and we work on the principle of all or nothing, everything for entrepreneurs, and nothing extra. we offer free service for 3 months when opening a business account. bank ural siib -
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nothing superfluous. there is real mozzarella in the pizza, in advertising, so it’s delicious, try it. emelya, premiere, tomorrow at 19:30 on ntv. changan is 162 years of engineering. changan - this is 4 million kilometers of testing. changan is a 5 year official warranty. and changan is a benefit when purchasing up to 590,000 rubles.
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the cause of the runny nose. is the film being made? about whom, about me? what for? on the day of leonid konevsky’s anniversary, he immediately puts you at ease. quiet, quiet, just don't shout so much. mustache, eagle profile, of course, he is deeper. he is cheeky in his humor. what do you want? he beautiful. a deep tragic artist, i’ll start to be proud a little more, just stop, of course, the soul of the company is definitely a partner, beloved, he has become the favorite of the new generation, she is a very talented girl, you have been around since childhood, now my main viewer is 12-17 years, lenya's fans are from zero to 180 years old, they told me, you know, you know, ma'am and what, who am i, and he comes with a pipe. will lead this whole company, lenid semyonovich - this is a bridge between times, planets,
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events, the premiere of a documentary film leonid konevsky, people's artist, so guys, let's get out, get out, may 2 at 22:00 on ntv, this is a miracle of technology, i'm sergey malozyomov, we're rising higher in our hit parade of news from the world of science and technology. then in fourth place: scientists from the university of manchester in the uk discovered a new danger from tanning. they studied on tourists vacationing in warm countries how the diversity of good bacteria on the skin changes under the influence of the sun. and we found out that tanning significantly harms the health of this important community for us. the microbiome becomes poorer, which increases the risk of skin problems, such as dermatitis, eczema and psoriasis. earlier studies showed. that the skin ages quickly from excess sun. now i
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will show you a trick that evokes legitimate pride in our folk crafts. the orenburg down scarf is known to easily pass through the ring. yes, yes, this is not just a cozy accessory for your grandmother, but a real miracle of technology. the threads from which it consists are considered one of the thinnest in the world, this is the secret that these scarves are so light and warm, maybe you young girls, you should take a closer look at them. you have had goats for a long time, oh, for a long time, 35 years , i’ve been keeping them, show me, look, latifa iksanova has been knitting scarves all her life, from the age of 7, like many here in the soraktazhsky district of the orenburg region, there are six braids on the farm ,
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which in the spring, the housewife brings into the house and manually collects the fluff, scratching with a comb is faster, but... she says that the material turns out worse, because only the lightest fluff is needed, the goat gives it away just before the spring molt after the winter cold, the comb rips the fluff , that's when you scratch, that's it you pull, the fluff comes out in full growth, if i give it a little time, it will come out with hair, so we need to be on time, we are generally at the end of february, and if the winter is warm, we already start scratching at the beginning of february. by the way, now a local celebrity, who even has her own page on social networks, humbly lies at the feet of the mistress. the orenburg regional museum of fine arts gave this goat to latif shagitovna to raise, that’s why they call her isolde. but such a baby was born to another goat the day before our arrival, and the owner even offered us
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come up with a name for her. the cameraman mitya decided that it would be a miracle, so now she runs, and in a year... she will give away her first fluff, which the local climate with snowstorms and frosts will help grow, the colder it is, the better it is for the goats, they are not afraid of the cold, they have the fluff is like a fur coat, so orenburg shawls are very warm, in themselves, the wind blows through the volgograd fluff, through the shawl, the writer vladimir dal, the same one who not only composed the explanatory word, even describes a case when in the 19th century.
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the material that we brought from the orenburg region, compare with samples from volgograd braids and angora braids grown in uzbekistan. in orenburg downy tannin wool the result was 17.8 microns. this is ideal wool for the production of down scarves, from the wool of the don bone breeds, the thickness of the fibers is much coarser, about 24.2 microns. angora's threads turned out to be even thicker, almost 29 microns. orenburg down is truly uniquely thin, so you need to know how to handle it. art critic, head of the gallery of the orenburg down scarf, irina bushukhina, says that this developed art in the cossack villages, which were founded in the south ural steppes to protect
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the border. this is a widow's trade, well, imagine what the orenburg village is like. cossack, that ’s all in 15 minutes, the cossacks left the village, they were already armed, they left to guard the lines at the first knot, only women remained in the village, they had to survive, not all the men returned, not all the cossacks returned, all this influenced so that this business could be found in the hands, which would feed, which would allow one to survive, the orenburg down scarf. after the extermination of the cossacks by the soviet regime, mainly tatar women took up the craft, and thanks to them , scarves... are made now, in general, this thing is truly a cult world-famous. here is the catalog of the london exhibition of 1851. there were three copies on it from orenburg, one from empress alexandra feodorovna. and for the wife of the last russian tsar nicholas ii. cossack women made a record scarf with an area of ​​more than 10 km. at the same time, it is placed in a small lorez
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by carl fauberge. in 2021 this rarity brought from the museum. in the leningrad region in orenburg, then he was seen by a hereditary knitter with forty years of experience, taslima nigmatulina. together with the pukhova artel, of which she is a member, she set a goal: to repeat the famous royal scarf. the work took 2 years, almost 2 million loops were needed, everything was knitted by hand. this is a complete copy, all the patterns, all those combinations, everything is saved here. and some patterns now. no longer used, why? when i was knitting, i was sitting there amazed, i say, at that time they were knitting these patterns, which we are knitting now, nothing new has been invented, here it is with... all these strings, these hollows, there are peas, peeled, not peeled, these honeycombs, here they are, they are all here,
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now everyone is knitting, only in different combinations, maybe we were looking at a record scarf in the soraktazh palace of culture, it took a lot of space to unfold, and nearby in the workshop work was in full swing, thanks to which all these miracles are possible, first the fluff needs to be prepared, several people manually... sorting it out from large hay garbage, then washing and drying, then the raw materials are combed using machines so that the threads are as even as possible. however, some craftswomen still do everything at home, with their own hands. albina goleeva from the village of mayachny has been knitting since she was 6 years old. she’s also gotten used to spinning herself, she says, it turns out finer this way. for strength , down thread is usually combined with cotton or silk. two strings. put together, then we are like this, what a musical process, you can fall asleep, we used to fall asleep while working, no, well, i heard, some did it on purpose
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they gnaw the seeds at work, my neighbor, my grandmother did this, and even earlier, in order not to fall asleep while knitting, the thread was wound around a ring of goose trachea with dried peas inside, the ball unfurls in the evening and... you listen to this auditory stimulus, you hear this rattle, such a quiet rustling, but it doesn’t put you to sleep, on the contrary, no, it doesn’t put you to sleep, in no case , on the contrary, it concentrates you, it gets you ready to work. the work is difficult, you have to sit for a long time, then your back often hurts, and your eyes get tired, the loops are small, but the work is rewarding good income, for some it actually feeds their family. nearby in the village, the black youth is still remembered as the mother of the future prime minister... chernomrdina also knitted scarves and eventually raised five children, including a son, who later became the second person in the state. and now
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, although not often, there are girls who are interested in learning the down craft, although spinning in the old-fashioned way is not easy. did you have a toy as a child, a top? yes, it was, that’s exactly the same way you need to spin it, like a top, and let it go. spins on its own it’s difficult to simultaneously pull the thread out of the fluff and twist it at the same time, and zali is 14 years old and a fifth-generation knitter. her family has been involved in the down trade for many years. now parents fail and albina absalyamov are saving the local breed of braids by purchasing a farm in the orenburg region with the support of local authorities of consumer cooperatives. steppe, from one thousand heads the herd has already increased to three. in soviet times there were hundreds of thousands of goats, but then under the onslaught of cheap imports they almost lost the craft, because you have to look after a goat for a whole year and for what? one time in
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a year to comb 300 g of fluff from it, and this is one scarf, this is one scarf, you can imagine, then you ask why it costs so much, an orenburg down scarf a priori cannot be cheap, yes, because there is so much work involved here, not only the work of a knitter, as she s... the cloud of warmth, as albina calls fluff, is combed out here with combs. goats, of course, are sometimes unhappy, you just can’t cut them. the scarf does not need coarse guard fibers, they will prick. how can these not scratch it? that is, do not stick it deep. pull, sorry, dear, well, yes, yes, here you are scratching your
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dog or cat, and i’m scratching a real orenburg goat, it seems she doesn’t mind, when the fluff is collected, it goes to the workshop where the absalyamovs’ eldest son timur runs it for cleaning and processing, stages and there are a lot of machines, in the end a machine. leads the threads that the family sells or delivers to the craftswomen who work on their orders, then you also have to explain to customers why the scarves are so expensive? it’s not surprising that there are a lot of fakes on the market, and they’re not always cheap, how can you tell them apart, they’re not from orenburg, and is it true? the original ones hold the heat so well that they deserve our miracle sticker, we’ll tell you in a couple of minutes. a miracle of technology is on the air and what news took third place in our list of the most striking messages from the world of science and technology, wash away the water. it is necessary to do this only
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with the lid closed, otherwise too many microbes will fly around, scientists have once again called for this. previously , researchers from the united states filmed a beautiful visualization of what was happening, now their colleagues from south korea have taken their measurements. they equipped several booths with a system that prohibits flushing when the lid is not lowered ; then they compared the pollution with toilets where there were ordinary toilets. it turned out that when closing, microbes become in... after a short advertisement: continuation of our investigation about the orenburg down ones , you are watching a miracle of technology and this is what will happen to scarves, why fakes are dangerous, what amazing fashionable ural designers are doing and how the competition on
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story happened, kirkorov, pugacheva, foreign agent galkin, a very serious conflict occurred, with her, why did alla get up and leave, if she is watching us now, she will say , why does she need all... boer down shawls. manufacturers, of course, assure that this is something unique and cannot be cheap. long-time friends, nikolai and andrey, 15 years ago, decided to revive the fishery in the village of soraktash, where in soviet times a whole shawl factory worked
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plant then it closed, but the glory of the legendary product, which they continued to make at home, remained. in general, i am a designer, i am a programmer by training. at some point we decided to create an online store. we had an idea. what to sell, and accordingly, the choice, as they say, was not particularly great for us, we decided that it was necessary to revive goat breeding indirectly, in general , knitting from our fluff. at the beginning it was very difficult to find good fluff and craftswomen, companions traveled around the villages and we knocked on houses, some people who breed braids always have a dog, of course, initially we don’t know about its existence, so we go into each one with trembling in our hearts. if a dog is running, we run to the car, if there is no dog, we gradually enter the yard, well, we begin our negotiations on fluff,
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now business is booming, more than a thousand scarves come out of their friends’ craftsmen per year, and fellow competitors, apsalamov’s demand, do not complain , prices for handmade products reach thirty. here she expresses herself through fluff scarf, but there is factory production, which allows a huge number of people to wear warm, beautiful, interesting things. such scarves cost from 4,000 rubles.
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the machine knits the most complex pattern in about 5 hours instead of 3 weeks of manual work. chief technologist svetlana borodina has been working here since 1991 and says that it has still not been possible to fully automate the process; parts of the scarf still have to be joined manually. gal, how many years have you been working at the factory, 32 years, 32 years, that is, this is unsurpassed skill, you've seen how... everything works out easily, yes, it would seem, but it's been honed over 32 years, let's try now, sergey, change the golin, let's see how we can do it, let me try, you and i there is a loop, here it is, here it is, now i ’ll show you, here it is, and you and i must put it on here, like this, this is what a square head is at the end. shifts of 32 years, everything is generally
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easy, the scheme, of course, is also invented by a person, design artists, draw them on the computer, using or classic elements, for example, a blackberry, it’s like a blackberry , or when fulfilling some order with portraits of famous people or advertising, the finished scarves are stretched on wooden frames, as knitters do at home to open the yarn and get a fluffy fabric. especially for our visit, the factory created a piece with the logo of the miracle technology. the orenburg craftswomen were amazing, the logo of our program was in the form of glowing drones in the night sky, in the form of concrete from a 3d printer, but it was never made by an orenburg downy scarf, so soft never before. fantastic. local designer anna sovetova is also surprised by her use of an orenburg scarf as an element of fashionable clothing. skirts, vests, cardigans look
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very stylish, have a unique orenburg flavor, and recently anna presented a space collection with a spacesuit made of a down scarf, because yuri gagarin studied in these places, what attracted you to the down scarf as a material for creativity, it’s so delicate, you can touch it , it’s as if it’s already crumbling, just because of its tenderness and minimalism, it’s so easy to use - but the main goal, anna says, is to destroy
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the stereotype that the headscarf is only for the elderly, on excursions i show children this trick, i put on the headscarf like this, i ask who they look like, they say in unison that they look like their grandmother, i remove our traditional everyone ’s favorite orenburg down scarf, i show a new version, and this is a scarf combined with fabric with natural silk, i show this trick and say, now it’s iconic...
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to be honest, it’s so difficult to immediately distinguish, so i brought one of these copies, well at first glance, but the weaving is weaving, everything seems so fluffy, what’s different?
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its loops are large and there is no geometricity in the patterns. the traditional test with passing through a ring does not always work; only small openwork scarves slip through easily, they are called cobwebs. there are also thick ones, in which the main thing is warmth, when you take our product, ready-made, washed thoroughly, and you definitely want to hug it to you, though i don’t really know why, it always hugs you warmly, firstly, lightness, you look , what, what a joke, are they true?
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so warm, in the climatic chamber of the institute of refrigeration industry we will compare two orenburg samples, a thin one and a thicker one. and also take a fake, a scarf made of angora goat wool. we pour water at the same temperature, about 34°, into plastic containers, wrap them in our products and wrap another vessel in modern material, a fleece membrane jacket, and leave the samples in the chamber at -25°. an hour later, the graph shows that the temperature under the thin web was dropping. in general, however, this scarf is created more for beauty, it showed itself a little better angora, and the thick orenburg shawl, modern fleece, retained the heat the longest. the fake has a very thick thread, it retains heat, but has a drawback: the coarse fibers of the angora wool are prickly,
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the airy ural down is really softer, gives some special comfort, but the beauty of the openwork ornaments. absolutely amazing, in our comic terminology, the orenburg down scarf is a real miracle that deserves even greater glory, and it’s not without reason that they even want to make the new airport in the regional center look like this truly unique one a local product, this is a miracle of technology, with you sergei molozomov is already the second line of the hot five, which i do every week. i am compiling the most interesting messages from engineers and scientists from around the world. researchers from australia propose to introduce a new type of forensic examination: air conditioning. they discovered that any person in a room leaves microscopic drops of saliva, sweat or skin particles with their
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dna in the air, which then settle on the air conditioner filter, because, as is known, it is only it only circulates air in a circle, and does not suck in fresh air. from the street. experiments have shown that analysis of flushes from the device very reliably proves that a specific person was really in a given room and this can sometimes become decisive evidence. you are looking at a miracle of technology. here's what happens next. the top line of the world's top five scientific and technological news. what did we find most interesting this week? and our question. traditional quiz, we, as usual, have prepared something tricky. all issues, miracles of technology, live food, as well as our scientific investigations can be viewed at any time on the website, as well as on ruble. and a lot of additional materials, articles, short videos, recipes await you
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on my pages on all popular social networks. in zen, vkontakte, odnoklassniki, telegram. type it into the search. sergey. malozemov, subscribe, immerse yourself in the world of interesting and useful stories, by the way, there are audio podcasts, watch, listen and read, wherever it is convenient for you, it is a real pleasure to feel the taste of coffee, jardin columbia medalin made from selected arabica beans, which have revealed their aroma in the author's roasting, filled with colombian passion, a pleasure to feel. bcs is limitless, there are those who boldly open it, strive further to get more, 0% for the purchase of gold and yuan, to get more. bcs. the world of investments. where is emelin? emelin? yes, emelin. emelin is the best
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envoy in management. i want him to investigate this case. what's the matter? are you a policeman? well, yes, it’s cool, by the way, my name is, i’m ready to testify, listen, i mean, how are you so lucky, and you talk to the woman for a minute, she’s already yours, you know, and he’s cool, well done emelya, he split such a beast, and everything secretly becomes obvious, oleg gaz, well, he broke off the horns, emelya, i’m a pitchfork took, if you are not immortal, count to three, premiere, tomorrow at... 19:30 on ntv. changan is 162 years of engineering. tests, changan is a 5- year official warranty, and changan is also a benefit for purchases up to 590,000 rubles. changan
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our homeland is a country of great victories and achievements. from early childhood, each of us knows that we live in a country of heroes and champions. today, despite all the difficulties and restrictions, russian athletes continue to train to the limit of their capabilities in order to achieve results.
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there was quite a lot left after my father and i wanted to transfer this warmth into our new interior. interior with soul, kitchen-living room, preserving family values. i just wanted to remind you of the main idea of ​​our interior, it’s comfort, aroma, that smell of pancakes. country answer. today at 12:00. ntv. when our legs get tired, hurt, and swell, we take izkuzan drops. tempted by the five symptoms of varicose veins.
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efficiency is comparable to compression knitting. artificial, good price. well, now, what news from the world of science and technology did we recognize as the most interesting this week? first place goes to the hot five. the first in history took place in dubai. jetpack racing championship, it was organized by the company that produces these devices, their price is approximately 400 thousand dollars per set, each of the racers had seven turbines with a total capacity of more than a thousand horsepower. the participants competed by going around inflatable pylons, and they did it over the water for safety reasons, which turned out to be useful. one of the pilots eventually fell but was not injured. experts are already saying that such races, spectacular and unusual, will surely... become part of many street festivals in different countries, for this, in fact, all that is needed is a body of water with an embankment convenient for spectators, but
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also, of course, money. with delicious chicken and crispy potatoes in this the restaurant in the capital is doing a great job, the visitors are happy, and to ensure that they are not only tasty, but also comfortable, the establishment operates a system based on artificial intelligence. energy manager droid. about 200 different sensors communicate with each other, they measure humidity, temperature, carbon dioxide levels and even take into account the number of layers of clothing customers wear so that it is not cold in winter and... hot in summer. the smart assistant analyzes hundreds of data units and constantly gives commands to air conditioners and infrared heater. the system was created in russia thanks to grant support from the federal artificial intelligence project. as part of this project, the company was able to implement training of models based on neural networks; subsequently, based on this technology, a product was created that
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allows optimizing energy saving management. various complex objects, today this product is already being sold at about 150 objects, including it can be used for such complex objects as airports. the company was able to create a droid which predicts peaks in electricity consumption and helps to avoid them, this is important not only for optimizing costs, but also for preserving the environment, because every kilowatt-hour saved is unburned gas or coal at the power plant. artificial intelligence, by the way, does the math. it has reduced emissions into the atmosphere, the robot learns independently using neural networks, the droid significantly simplifies the life of restaurant workers, because previously they had to run around manually adjusting six air conditioners in the hall, they had to manually set the heating level of the thermal curtain, which makes us comfortable when entering the restaurant, they had to manually turn
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on the lights, and accordingly, now the droid has taken over all these functions. the energy manager droid has already been installed at 150 facilities, including schools and airports. the experience of implementing the system has shown that artificial intelligence is a real assistant and friend of man. and now on your screens is the question of the weekly quiz. just check yourself or answer by scanning the qr code with your smartphone and by following the link. choose the correct answer and win one of my books in which. there are many interesting scientific discoveries about healthy food, safe life, health promotion, there are delicious recipes, winners are determined every month among those who gave at least one correct answer, and the more hits, the higher the chances, drawings and discussion of the correct answers on the pages our program on popular social networks, and we will call those who win right away, so don’t forget to enter your phone number after you answer,
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voting is over, the correct answer is up to you... thanks to everyone who participated, next question in a week. hello! this is a dacha answer, i am ilya zupodenets. the shatalov family has a treasure, and it is not the writings of may, although some similarities are observed, but something more valuable to them. our heroine’s father made such carved tablets, she keeps them as a memory. and today we will show how these priceless things can be used in a new, modern, very functional interior. and we will remodel this kitchen and dining area. to the climbing wall. elena
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shatalova can be seen more often than in the kitchen; it’s both work and passion. she began conquering peaks as a child, even becoming a candidate for master of sports. then there was the institute of oil and gas, work in a state corporation and an internal crisis. as a result, elena returned to her favorite job, this time as a coach. after the black ones , make the top. fyodor, an it specialist , practiced rock climbing for fun at regular competitions . elena, i met lena at a climbing gym in st. petersburg during amateur competitions, but at that time lena had this competitive period, she had the whole focus on sports, so lena met me a month later, i don’t remember at all, i saw that already, when we were there, there was another festival, i saw a familiar face, he also said hello, and how did you climb the route there, i’m like hello, i think who it is,
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i say, what’s your name, he says, well , actually, we met a month ago. elena was married then, raising three sons, but she could not overcome the feelings that flared up. after the divorce, fedor made her proposal became a stepfather for sasha, andrey and ilya. so super, great, soon a border collie eugene appeared in the family, and the cat followed him, sasha picked him up on the street, the dog was the most happy, he appeared little, he became a dad, that is, he directly nursed him, it seems to me that’s why we have a cat like that, he’s like a dog, he also plays, rushes, bites, meets, so just say, i was a dad here, i worked. here's the cat. eugene is a dog, a scientist, understands everything, except that he doesn’t speak, he mastered the commands so well that the guys decided prepare him for agility, a competition in which dogs go through an obstacle course
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without reward with food or toys. pens. that 's it, well done, good pios. while everyone is studying at work, the household is in the hands of elena’s mother natalia ivanovna. she is now retired, but has worked as a cutter all her life. submitted an application to the legislative office, got married, when our daughter was born, we named her lena, because it’s like a memory for us, about our acquaintance, about my salvation, this is
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the case, lena’s father passed away many years ago, but in memory of him his works on tree. lena took all his work when we moved here, without fail, because we thought, the house is big, we will rebuild it well, beautifully, and the picture. we'll hang him, there are memories of his father there. the shatalovs bought the house recently, they haven’t yet had time to arrange it in their own way, so they haven’t yet found a suitable place for the boards, and in general, our heroes don’t understand how to manage the space. natalya ivanovna, i'm attracted to the aroma of pancakes. oh, it’s good that it spreads throughout your house, because there is no partition in the kitchen. we really need a partition, because the smell doesn’t let you sleep in the morning, so let me help you. i’ll help you, thank you, you and the dog are right there, yes, how nice, how nice, and how do you live here in general, and yes, it’s good, there’s a lot of space, that’s the only thing that ’s not exactly beautiful, so to speak, not that
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so that it is beautiful, and functional, as far as i understand, and functional, too, there is not enough space, there are few work surfaces, such a large cook, such a large table, there is even a kind of sofa where you can sit after lunch it’s possible, but somehow we don’t agree... we have a general family council, hello, you just came to the reception, you usually always sit there, yes, it’s most convenient here, andrey loves us.


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