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tv   Nash Potreb Nadzor  NTV  April 28, 2024 1:00pm-2:01pm MSK

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grill and skewers, you will prepare a juicy delicious kebab, cool, we’ll come right away, we’ll make a kebab here, and i’m a pie, and you’re a pie, an excellent recipe, a boy scout will help you organize a picnic so that your whole family can relax in nature, now not only can you enjoy bear meat state leaders, it’s crowding out beef on the shelves, here it’s written... that it’s a bear, but there it’s really sad, seal fat is even healthier than valuable fish, what other game has filled the shelves, where is there so much of it, life is pretty cool, delicacy eel will flood the shelves will fall in price by as much as 40%, which brands secretly market children's marmalade with synthetic dyes, the manufacturer is literally deceiving the consumer, egg magnates have enriched themselves by putting change and eggs in the box. from sick chickens, blood stains, which
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indicates that there could be a chicken, and also a sick one, some kind of game, this is how our editorial team reacts to... to protocols of food inspections, dumplings or canned food, and this is how they increasingly exclaim in supermarkets, where they see canned bear meat, wild boar meat, elk meat, and yet they have become bestsellers, beaver meat and roe meat are also in brutal demand on marketplaces, but come on already.
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lynx and besom. and the point is not that the usual pork, beef and chicken have become boring, no, or they have run out, it’s just that the image of ordinary meat is spoiled by the very protocols that reveal the whole truth about how these cattle are raised in cramped quarters and fed with antibiotics at slaughter. these animals walk on their own, eat natural food and obviously retain all the benefits from this. only few people know what moose, for example, eat mushrooms that, like a sponge, absorb heavy metals from factory exhausts, and game can also be infected with parasites, so doctors of any patient who has developed an infectious disease must first ask:
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did they eat game, what other ambush might lie in wait for lovers of such delicacies, or dangers? no, also because the manufacturers have a blank gun, they put a pig in canned food, marinate the meat in tomato sauce for at least 3 hours, the presence of a sufficient amount of acid in the sauce will allow us to soften the meat, even if it somewhere we end up with a potentially tough taste, then fry it and simmer for another 2 hours over low heat with vegetables, but cooking ultimately takes half a day, but the chefs explain it differently, the unusual taste cannot be revealed, it’s still not banal. .. or pork, and the meat
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of the main russian beast, the owner of the taiga, is bear meat, which requires a special approach, they say the bear is rude, rude when it is chasing you, but in principle this is normal meat, if you know how to work with it, you need a little cooking tricks, i think you know a lot of them, i know a little too, bear meat takes so long to cook because the structure of the meat is fibrous and at the same time it is very fatty, and the fat is dense, so most of it... it is important to cut off, the most refractory fat is fat bear, they smear it on it when you have a cold, you need to warm up and so on, it doesn’t fry, it melts, in my opinion everything is ready, let’s bring it to taste, fire, what needs to be done is to put a little juniper berries, probably for the game is the same , and forest to forest, everything is amazing, oh well bay leaves, aromatics, and of course rosemary. it was
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bear meat cutlets that vladimir putin treated former german chancellor angela merkel to. we really spent a lot of time. and, as far as i understand, madam federal chancellor really liked siberian cuisine, but this gave us the opportunity to talk, yes, i tried the bear, it is served in the capital’s restaurant, which was opened by the singer, grigory leps, for real gourmets, you are connoisseurs of wild meat, bear meat stewed in the oven, i really hope absolutely happy, happy, bear meat turns out to be a hit abroad, in japan it is so popular that in big cities they even install winding machines in which you can buy a portion of ready-made wild animal goulash. i myself don’t know how to cook
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bear meat, so we come here to buy it, it’s surprisingly tasty, the price in asia and russia is still steep. holy shit, how healthy, yes, the purity of the bear has increased, and it has increased, well , judging by the monitoring data, about three or even more times, nevertheless the actual harvest is about 3% of the number, that is, very few bears are hunted, and if earlier it was possible to hunt bears only
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in the spring, now the hunting season has been extended to the summer all winter, and it is the meat of such bears that is used for culinary purposes, which is why bear meat stew no longer a curiosity. but it’s not so much that it can be sold in every supermarket, and even hundreds of sellers on marketplaces; the composition of such canned food, as it turns out, is sometimes very dense. bear meat, beef, taram, veal, taram, fat, heart, beef, taram, that is, when buying bear meat, you get the defining taste, veal, beef and fat, people will say, well, beef and beef, because fats, they prevail, they remain with us . here on our receptors the meat quickly passes, in the rosselkhoznadzor they discovered an even wilder substitution: in the production of stewed meat in the amount of 325 kg, frozen block bear meat in the amount of 11.2 kg was used, frozen blocks of
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desired beef in the amount of 311 kg, then there is in cans labeled bear meat, bear meat is only 3.5%. the rest is beef, which is not even indicated in the composition, well , buying participants fresh or frozen meat means doing a disservice to the health, because nine out of ten clubfoot are infected with the deadly trichinosis. the bear is a big glutton and eats not only acorns, berries and honey, as in fairy tales, but also carrion, which is infested with the larvae of trichinel worms. once in the animal’s stomach, the infected meat begins to be digested and the gastric juice dissolves. capsules, cysts and hatched trichinella travel to the small intestine. there, the parasites penetrate the mucous membrane and begin to actively reproduce. on the fourth day, there are already thousands of reptiles in the body, their new larvae, which enter the lymphatic system with the blood
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and are carried to all organs and tissues. after a few years, the beast already has tens of thousands of vile settlers in its body. and salting, smoking, zamora. nematodes that are in the intestines, but it is impossible, that is, we can influence if the larvae have already entered the blood or lymphatic system, we can reach them we practically cannot, and meat factories that care about their reputation simply will not accept game. for which the hunter does not have state veterinary documents, parasites are necessarily checked for contamination with radionucleides, heavy metals are also checked, we have a fairly effective veterinary management system in the state, it cuts off all this.
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trekhinel boars pick up parasites, so andrei, a hunter with thirty years of experience, sterilizes all his prey in an autoclave, prepares stew, cuts meat pieces, adds seasonings, there is no need to be afraid that some live ones will get in during the cooking period, that’s all. uniform structure, there is no need to wait until the game absorbs the spices, this will happen during cooking, press down, and then we will evenly tighten it around the entire perimeter. 40 minutes and the delicious food is ready, andrey insists that the wild boar meat is the most delicious among all the prey, it’s not for nothing that, for example, the famous spanish deregates jamon prepares it from the iberian breed of pigs, whose grandfathers are wild boars and the famous hungarian lard they prepare from the fat of such curly-haired pigs of a special breed, crossed with boars, and so, according to
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the orders of culinary specialists , breeders from all over the world cross domesticated sowhells with wild boars, so that the fatty, bland and rather boring pork becomes more dietary and the taste becomes more piquant. and at some enterprises, where they roll up cans with the inscription of wild boar meat, they achieve flavor shades in a different way, with the help of... a mountain of spices and at the same time they add fat to the game with a pig. so, this is a wild boar, that is, a wild pig, it is clear that the taste will be very very reminiscent of our pork, but still it should be heavier and richer, here you can directly feel that pork has most likely been added. by the way , one detail will help you determine that it contains more than just wild boar meat, the chef suggests. what's next? don’t switch the channel further so as not to miss the most
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important thing: what substances do doctors value in wild deer meat? are there any unique benefits in farmed venison? they eat a special lichen called jager, and very actively, tearing the plate out of their hands. seal oil is even healthier than valuable fish when it hits the shelves. alcoholic cocktails will lose strength. for the sake of tax evasion, which brands secretly market children's marmalade with synthetic dyes, the manufacturer is literally deceiving the consumer, egg magnates have enriched themselves by putting change and eggs from sick chickens in the box, blood stains, which indicates that the chicken could have been sick. uralsip is a bank for business, and we work on the principle of all or nothing, everything for entrepreneurs.
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you do everything to the highest standard. mask - anniversary fifth season. today at 20:20 on ntv. for back and joint pain nice active geel is an active formula for accelerated penetration of pain and inflammation. nice active gel - reduce pain. his goal: well, are the credit card debts hanging and interest dripping? you need a loan, you take out credit cards,
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we approve of everyone. infinix smartphone for only 11,999 and also in installments in embi and eltora. how to find your calling? get a profession in skillbox, find a new job like 2000 graduates. save up to 60% on skillbox. rf. at bikfest you definitely choose. double cheeseburger for 99 rub. and other offers at a very competitive price. and it’s even more profitable with 50% cashback from alfabank. allergy, i wanted to sneeze on it, i am a zodok, i help adults and children for up to 24 hours, available on the yandex market, charity easter circulation. every second person wins the russian lotto ticket, from each ticket sold, 10 rubles will be donated to charitable causes, buy tickets in branded stores on the stoloto website, for all occasions, well done, everything suits you, fix price, low price for everything, enjoy the taste of uncle vanya’s squash caviar, clean, healthy vegetables for heartburn ames, unlike many remedies that act on symptoms, ames reduces
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acid production and fights the cause of heartburn. don't go crazy with tariffs, get benefits of up to 60% with the family digital services package from rostelecom. rostelecom - technologies opportunities when you're an adult. it is so easy to forget that joy lives within us, it can be found in every moment and can be easily shared. the holy spring with natural juice fills life with joyful moments. the source of joy is in you. it’s not easy to catch a bird fire, but anyone can get a fire rate on a deposit at gazprombank of up to 16.5% per annum. open a deposit on
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when i'm allergic to animals, do my kids get all excited? or does it happen?
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for fat, because wild animals do not keep their sides in the stable, therefore they have a minimum of fat, and it very dense, like muscles, if, for example, the fat content of pork is on average 30%, then in boar meat there is already 10 times less fat, here is another rare exotic seal meat, which is supposed to be fatty, and this fat is mega, or more
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precisely omega, healthy, in seal fat contains 72%. saturated fatty acids omega-3, 6, 7, 9 and 11, fish oil mainly contains only omega-3 fatty acids, they contain only 16%. and sea game also has an amazing taste, they say: neither fish nor meat, in a good way. the brain refuses to understand, because it seems you taste the fish part, but at the same time it is chewed like meat, but it has three whole tastes, first you taste it, it turns out to be like the taste of meat, then there is a fishy taste, and in scandinavia it will appear en masse on russian shelves, for what substances is wild deer meat valued? doctors, is there any unique benefit in farmed venison, what brand does it put in jars instead of dietary game, completely different meat, i’ll tell you in the second part
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of the investigation, don’t miss another favorite predator from many... it seems like it’s coming soon there will be a lot of it on the shelves and it will fall in price by as much as 40%. in kaliningrad they began to restore the population of this fish. pleasant details in a summary of the most important consumer news. eel is not only a world-famous gastronomic hit, but also a culinary symbol of the kaliningrad region. but now fishermen come across it 100 times less often, because in order for there to be a lot of eel, it is important to reproduce it, that is. to settle malkov in the rivers, they did it in the ussr, they continue to do it in other countries, in russia in the nineties, this no one was working on it, they began to buy it ready-made from... tai. and for the first time in 30 years , half a million fry were released into the reservoirs of the kaliningrad region. the fish has taken root well, is gaining weight, multiplying, their
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theologians report, and in 3-4 years the eel will flood the counter. the barbecue and grilling season is in full swing, and to ensure that the weekend passes without incident, it is important to choose quality products. here's a mexican steak from india light. it's chopped. juicy turkey fillet in a spicy marinade with natural spices, can be quickly fried on the grill, bake in the oven, this is a simple and excellent option for a spontaneous picnic, you can order right now, indilight, hot grill season, well, nagimaki will be cheaper, fans of japanese cuisine are already looking forward to it, and to be honest, this is the only dish in which i have tried eel , but it’s delicious, there’s a dime a dozen bread on the shelves, but this year its price has risen by 15%. but the bakery near moscow did not stop because
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it became unprofitable to produce loaves and baguettes. if someone gets a clump of hair or a tooth in a loaf, then perhaps the weapon that was used by the workers of the podolsk bakery to start a battle was sold. one of them seemed to spend the entire shift making fun of a married couple who worked in the same workshop. and here's the word for it. trays, then they kneaded it with their fists, then the entrance went to baked goods, in a bakery in another town near moscow, krasnogorsk, there was no assault, the robber simply intelligently approached the cashier, showing a pistol, asked him to give her the money, excuse me, i don’t really like it, but the money is for... sire didn’t argue, and the criminal, who does not like violence, was soon detained, it turned out that she had a toy gun,
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it seems that even thieves would disdain to enter this krasnoyarsk supermarket, because a gang has already settled in there, rats, sanitary inspectors counted as many as 18 pieces, the store is temporary closed, the owners were fined, producers of alcoholic cocktails, jintonics, mojitos and... other lemonades for adults will also have to fork out, in just 2 days the excise tax on these drinks will triple, although some businessmen have already figured out how to get away from tax, disguise a mixture of flavorings, sweeteners, carbonated alcohol, alcoholic beverages, now excise tax on low-alcohol cocktails 46 rubles. 30 kopecks, but from may 1 it will grow to 141. rubles, here is the tax on beer drinks, as it was 26 rubles, it will remain so, so alcohol businessmen thought of reducing the amount of alcohol in low-alcohol cocktails from the usual 9 ° to
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7, the same amount in beer bars drinks and re-register your screwdrivers and jintonics. many people will want to do this, why? because the excise difference is very high, if we talk about finished products, between these gin and tonics and beer drinks, there will be four times, yes, this will be the difference and of course, use in your production activities from may 1 , gost beer drinks are much more profitable regulators, i have no doubt in the face of growing alcohol tobacco regulation in general , i think this situation will begin to be dealt with very closely, well, how can one do such lewdness in front of everyone, the law prohibits mimicking this way because a beer drink is actually not any kind of giving balls. foil, and at least 40% of the composition of beer, prepared according to all the rules, does not matter, your
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beer vat, customers will probably notice that the strength was simply reduced by a quarter, and the price remained the same, and that they will switch to burgundy, or what? so i’m thinking, maybe they didn’t propose all this on a sober head, but according to this logic? margarine can be renamed to butter, soda in juice, stinking drones in electric cars, you can’t pay tax either, we’ll live and in general i’m buying up all your cocktail factories, here’s my billion dollars, yes, yes, honestly. meanwhile, many are starting to prepare for easter ; after all, today is palm sunday, and by the way, in europe and the usa
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, this is one of the easter symbols. such marmalade eggs, wow, beautiful, but you know, it’s not so bad that in russia there is no such tradition: firstly, chicken eggs are healthier than sweet ones, and secondly, sometimes these marmalades are soaked in a bright palette of secret dyes, and those , which children should not, they... are in some marmalades from these brands: taste of pitchfork, kids tape, pirate marnie, russian confectioner, hiipa bondie and friends, bon pari, spark kids, what sweets should not be given to children, which are dry and hard, and which are delicacies? from time to time
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it is possible. marmalade, of course, is supposed to be sweet. this is a dessert, but there are many who try to reduce the amount of sugar in their diet, so they read the nutritional value indicators on the packaging. and the number of carbohydrates tells you how much sugar is in the composition. but does what is written coincide with the real thing? it seems like a confectioner from factories where do these brands make marmalade? they are being cunning, there are more carbohydrates in these desserts than what is written on the packaging, in sweets from a pirate, marmalade, on the contrary, there are less carbohydrates than indicated, there is definitely no underlying reason for this, or they are just writing out of stupidity, or there is a mess in the workshop, each batch is unpredictable, it turns out, an understatement the amount of carbohydrates on the packaging indicates possible technological failures in production; some confectioners promise to compensate for the damage from excess sugar
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with vitamins. but the hippo bondy & friends pack does not contain vitamins c, pp, neacin and b6, about which the packaging boasts, this is a deliberate and vile deception. the manufacturer literally deceives the consumer by indicating on the label the content of a number of vitamins that are not identified in the composition. this is a violation of technical regulations 22. the twenty-second technical regulations require labels on packages. and corresponded to its composition, they violated this important law, and in two more factories, dyes and preservatives were secretly added to marmalade. so, now i’ll give you a hint that with my team, our consumer supervision has still dug up, then advertising pause for a couple of minutes, let's continue, don't switch. why is marmalade coated with sugar, and what is the marmalade thickener agar-agar made from? how much money can
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the answers to these questions bring? the wife said, thank you, dear, i respect you, the egg tycoons got rich by putting change and eggs from sick chickens in boxes, blood stains, which indicates that there could be a chicken, and another sick one, for what substances do doctors value wild deer meat, is there a unique the benefits of farmed venison, when the unique seal oil appears on the shelves, watch the cska match zenit, fonbet of the russian football cup in... may, and where is emelin? emelin? yes, emelin. this is how i get information. are you a policeman? well, yes, it's cool. oleg gas, by the way, my name is emelya. emelya, premiere. tomorrow at 19:30 on ntv. mask - new season. today at 20:20 on ntv. i help calm
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the most raging stomach. i am phosphorugel, i cope with burns, stomach pain and poisoning and is available on the yandex market. enjoy the taste of uncle vanya's squash caviar, pure, healthy vegetables. catch a pyro firebirds are not easy, but anyone can get a fire rate on a deposit at gazprombank of up to 16.5% per annum. open a deposit on! submit an application for free gas supply to the border of your property. details by phone 8800 101004 free call our life is a series of meetings, over a cup of aromatic monarch coffee, every meeting can become destiny, the most familiar day with soromagic coffee-monarch can become special give wings, coffee-monarch, aroma happens, national lottery, buy
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dreamleon is at the post office and he... promotes the treatment of varicose veins. plyubodie 600 for freedom of your feet. women's socks for only 69 rubles. fix price for everything low price. how to find your calling? get a profession in skillbox, find a new job like 20,000 graduates. discounts up to 60% at skillbox.rf. don't go crazy with tariffs, get benefits of up to 60% with the family digital services package from
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rostelecom. rostelecom - technologies of opportunity. we are celebrating benefits here, and you should mark yourself, we are benefiting here, benefit generator in mvidio eldorado, super discounts interest-free installments. we welcome everyone, come! emvideo eldorado! appetite anywhere! only dad will cut it! sausages, dad can! 100% originals from famous brands are now more affordable than navito premium. when i have an allergy to animals, i always have citrine on hand; it is quickly absorbed and protects against allergens. citrine: there is no reason to tolerate allergies. emelya, premiere, tomorrow at 19:30 on ntv. our homeland is a country of great victories and achievements. from early childhood, each of us knows that we live in a country of heroes and champions. today, despite everything
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difficulties and restrictions, russian athletes continue to train to the limit of their capabilities in order to lead our country to new victories. in support of russian athletes, the imperial mint. issued a commemorative medal. the medal is plated with 999 pure silver. the obverse features a bear. this symbol, which we remember and love, was in every home. the medal is absolutely free for every russian. you only pay the delivery cost - 349 rubles. call to order a commemorative medal toll- free number 8 800 600 688 05 or at bear medal website. rf let's support our viia superstar premiere on may 12 at 20:20 on ntv. technical regulations on labeling require that
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the labels on food packaging correspond to its composition, however, in the factories where marmalade, vkusvil and pirate marmalade are prepared , lawlessness reigns, in jelly pseudo-fruits from... vkusvil experts found a preservative, sorbic acid, synthetic dye azorubin in a giant bear pirate marmalade, the same azarubin, and also e-102 and e-129, pediatricians advise protecting children from these foods; their effect on children’s bodies has not yet been studied finally, the bear from the pirate marmalade will also not be easy to chew, it is tight and... coy: the russian confectioner sparts is too hard and sweets, this could have been influenced by a violation of the production technology, the marmalade was overdried, so i can only recommend lenta kids marmalade, they need time you can have time to please yourself
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and your children, not a single complaint. and the best part is that our consumer supervision is not only important, up-to-date information that helps save the family budget and choose quality goods and services. those who are these they apply knowledge, they can earn extra money, hello, and here we are, yes, my name is oleg, my last name is the sun, in this store we are removing a section, giving a chance to those people who have made a lot of purchases to return all the money for these purchases. let's try, so, i have five questions for you, i suggest you choose some product from your basket that you are ready to bet, and i will multiply the cost of this product in the first round by five, this will be the jackpot that you
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can take it away, but we’ll be left without soup, probably what is it, what is it soup water set, fish, which of us will cook the fish soup, we will now find out, yes, how much it costs 345. 59. 346 multiplied by five. so, the first question: let's try lamma, try jaga, jaga, try u, i need it, i need it. again it seems to me that my head is spinning, my marmalade, i’m wrong, i’m wrong, not me, not yours, i’m wrong, i’m wrong, well done, you’re welcome, you see what, that’s all, that’s also a fish stayed, and you sang along there, choose the second bet, well, cake, pancho, pancho, how much does pancho cost today 499.39, pancho for 500, we multiply the cost by 10, oh, this is nice, why marmalade is often
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covered with sugar crystals, so that this sugar can be removed and thereby reduce the sweetness of the marmalade so that it is not so cloying, or so that it does not clash with each other, the second option, the second option, yes , why did they decide so, the wife said, thank you, dear, i respect you, that’s right, that’s right, of course, please choose the third rate, oh, salty, come on, yeah, 100 rubles. 100 rub. multiply by 15, what is the name of the thickener for marmalade obtained from fruits, pectin, or agar-agar, agaragar. i think so, because it is more natural and from what fruit,
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maybe you even know, garagar, oh, i honestly don’t remember, my mother used it all the time, uses it in confectionery, so i think agar-agar , i would be glad to return the hodgepodge to you, but it’s just wrong, but it’s still pectin, hodgepodge, yes, hodgepodge, well, you’re without soup, choose the fourth bet, so what is it? and this is mead, how much does this mead cost? 79 rub. 79 rub. multiply by 20, 1.600, from which they get agar-agar, which is part of marmalade, the same one that your mother often adds, from tree bark, from algae, algae is always cheaper than wood, so it’s logical. you are about to leave the store, which is cheaper for you to find, tree bark
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or seaweed, depending on where i am for seaweed, this is the correct answer, yes, this is yours, absolutely, of course, the fifth rate, i expect it from you, apples, we have the most expensive 200 rub. yes, come on apples, multiply 200 by 25, what does that mean? french word marmalade, plum puree or jam and harps, marmalade, choose a finger, what did you do now, what kind of ritual is this, options for answers, choose a finger, which one do you choose, family magic was either the first or the second, we have such a tradition , if we don’t know something and want to make some decision there. so fish soup or borscht today, then you make
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your wish, that is, you wished for a plum here, a quince here, for example, yes, but you don’t know what he wished for, and a family member chooses where you are now, i’m in, you’re in in puree, exactly, yes, well, this is wrong, wrong, jam is still wrong, the fact is that from portuguese, quince is translated as marmelo. and quince, the record holder for the content of that same pictin, no other fruit has so much pictin, but you still have an advantage, in terms of money and knowledge, yes, well, we too, probably, we still need to study something, yes and monitor there for some time, because... prices are getting more expensive, the quality there sometimes
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deteriorates, unfortunately, everything that concerns especially baby food and feed for animals, here it is 100%, just as it should be, you look through everything properly, you study it, because this is really very important, so where are you, where are you, got caught, oops, let’s go into the cage. moreover, it’s time for you to get used to them, because officials are about to ban all free-range chickens, and not for bad behavior. but because there is too much infection, bird fungus, which domestic birds catch from wild birds, mows down the chicken population, in general, you and i ourselves went through such self-isolation, farmers really are not good, this is
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the birds won’t even be able to go out into the yard, but without movement, they say they’re going crazy and laying smaller eggs... they’re already, after all, how can they reduce the price of eggs, poultry farmers are trying to put it mildly, they’re getting negatively cheaper, ugh, with proven methods, a box instead the more expensive s1 or co are lined up with the cheaper c2, subscribers on social networks report this to me, which ones?
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if there are scammers, clip their wings. well, that's it, but you were afraid. from ryazan, saransk, moscow region and capital supermarkets. a total of 270 eggs, which are completed as quickly as possible in compliance with all standards, they were brought for control weighing. every movement is documented, everything is recorded by cameras. is it possible to trust the labeling of the shell or are poultry farmers cheating in order to restrain the price flight, or maybe the suspicion is in vain, because in factories eggs are also weighed, and this is not done by people, sorting machines have special units that are responsible for weighing eggs, the machine itself determines
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the real weight of the egg in accordance with the specified parameters, puts this egg of the desired category in the desired container, there are certain technical failures, the calibration weight may move a little... and for this purpose technical services adjust the calibration, and if you set the scales to underweight, then smaller eggs will be stamped as larger ones, because the categories are separated by a few grams, and sometimes even tenths of grams. chicken eggs are divided into two types: dietary and table, they can be distinguished by the first letter on the stamp, d in red or blue, a dietary egg is always fresh, this can only be called eggs that are no more than a week old, if if you don’t eat the egg during this time, it will simply be considered a table egg, and such eggs can be stored for up to 3.5 weeks. the second sign in the marking indicates the category, it depends on the weight, the third includes the smallest eggs from 35 g to almost 45 g. eggs of the second category
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weigh from 45 exactly to 55 g. the first to... then follow the selected eggs, they are designated by the letter oh, these weigh up to 75 g. and finally, the largest eggs in the highest category, their weight starts from 75 g and there are no limits. and here is the third category of eggs on store shelves it’s not easy to find, and not because the chickens refuse to carry such small change, but because the stores don’t want to sell it, they say no one takes it, so they’re on edge. we didn’t get the eggs right away from the second category, in this category everything will be ok, it’s 100%. the first sample is 47.5, and we have a damaged egg, we look at the signs of the droppings being very damaged with cracks, that is, these eggs
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are useless to examine further, the droppings add weight, and if the shell is cracked, then the egg dries out and becomes lighter, the law . actually prohibits sell these, so the kukariku brand dropped out of the round, 44.0 we have the weight of this egg, without blood stains and droppings, these are obvious stains, sorry, we have droppings, so we have to exclude it from the category, i’ll write a sad smiley too, doesn’t work, but... all manufacturers make packaging that can be opened right in the store, this is an honest approach, i advise you to carefully examine all the eggs, look for cracks, shine them through with a waxscope in a lamp that... every store must have, with the help of such a device you can estimate the size of the air chamber in the egg, the smaller it is, the fresher the egg, but there are few scales anywhere
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, they need to be calibrated, and there will be a lot of scandals due to underweight, yes, oh, i just see a little baby, let’s give it, we start today , as expected, a little girl, not a little girl, but she has 46.1 grams, it’s as if i stepped on the scales like a little girl, and then in the end the eggs are lighter, the minimum 45 g ended up in trays from the brands zoloto-seimas, leto, sinyavinskaya poultry farm, while in the same packages next door there are eggs for 10 larger, there is a wide spread, but based on the sum of weighing all the eggs, the expert and special scales state, only one company faces a fine: this is the last very necessary pause, because at the end the most important, unexpected thing, in order to learn this, you need a break, to warm up, think about it, i’ll tell you what after
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the advertisement. expensive eggs of the selected category are obtained from old hens, it is better not to take them, oh, they are heavy, what kind, for what substances do doctors value wild deer meat, is there any unique benefit in farmed venison, when is it unique? tulle. the world of bcs investments is limitless, there are those who boldly open it, strive further to get more, 0% for the purchase of gold and yuan, to get more. bks: world of investment. it all started one day with some drama club, and since then, as they say, i have been following this path. to the anniversary of leonid konevsky. one word of mine saved france, the chief detective of russian television 85. the detectives felt they were on
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great skill, what are you doing, i’m doing combat physical training, oleg gas, let’s stock up on popcorn, now we’ll watch gemel, the premiere, tomorrow at 19:30 on ntv. based on the sum of weighing all the eggs, experts and special scales state, only one company faces a fine: seimas gold, a dozen of which did not reach 450 g, which means it should cost less, and the heaviest eggs sell the taste of fork, so they don’t regret it, on average, a dozen from this brand could be sold in a higher category, but the paradox is that here is a c1 egg from tastevil, and it weighs less, oh, you thought, it doesn’t want to weigh itself, we draw your attention to 51.3, that’s why she didn’t
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want to weigh it. some kind of nonsense, but the minimum level of 55 g is a big underweight, although at the same time the entire tray, even perfectly, fits into the lower limit, outlined by law. the difference between categories of eggs c1 and s2 is only 7 g, but these s1s are as much as 20 rubles more expensive. is it worth paying extra? all other brands weigh more dozens of s1 eggs, although two brands missed the weighing stage because their units were dirty. here we see a real piece of droppings, streaks of blood, which indicates that the chicken could have been sick. in general, eggs are considered the basis of the diet and consumer basket in russia, they are balanced and nutritious and, relative to other sources
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of animal fats and proteins, inexpensive, that’s all. very important for anatoly, he is the heaviest champion in the history of sumo, and in order to maintain his weight of almost two centners, the wrestler is prescribed a diet of rice and eggs. 15 of them, fry something like that, well, 20, probably a day, break rice into a cup, pour it over your nipple , stir it, eat it, it’s not a problem for him at all. chicken eggs for sumaists are not even a second bread, but most importantly, japanese children are honored. to be enrolled in the section of the most respected sport there, they eat 10-20, and then 30 eggs per one sitting, so that their bodies grow as quickly as possible, are strong, although at the same time externally and as unathletic as possible, however, they simply need a low center of gravity, which consists of the incredibly strong legs of a large belly, but chooses eggs, such
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a big connoisseur of them turns out to be not at all price. although yes, many people feed the myth that small eggs are healthier, they say they are laid... by young chickens, but this is a myth: at poultry farms all the chickens are in their prime, the size of the eggs depends only on genetics, but the usefulness depends on the feed, for all birds from one farm the food is the same, that is, the amount of vitamins is also identical, as is the cost, this means that factories spend the same amount of resources on producing a large egg and a small one, this also confirms that if the price of eggs of different categories...
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four, wow, this is the biggest, the biggest, the largest egg, here are the brands sinyavinskaya poultry factory vkusvil, summer and okay have gone wrong, the packages contain eggs from the previous light weight category, well, in total, summer and okay are selling not the best ones at all eggs, it turns out, the trays are too light, by the way, experts noticed that for the okay retail chain eggs are produced and... grazed by the sinyavinskaya poultry farm company, oh, they are now facing cockfights, here the responsibility for this brand is now borne by the okay store , and by no means a poultry farm, this is a store with a poultry farm
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that will figure out what is there, how it is, why it happened, i personally buy chicken eggs s1, for me the most convenient size, by the way, this is the best-selling category, convenience is the only criterion that is really important, experts confirm, is yes. smaller eggs are a little cheaper, but you will have to beat more of them into an omelette with charlotte, and now after purchasing eggs i will weigh them myself; i will forever refuse to buy brands that cheat with weight. and now it’s time to return to the topic of game delicacies, which are on the shelves of almost every store. we have already found out that experts advise russians to master recipes using bear meat, which will soon become more abundant. on the shelves and price will not be so predatory, hunters were allowed to go bear hunting for three seasons out of four years, an ordinary home slow cooker will do, unbiteable all these veins become tender and very
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biteable and chewable, but in the meantime, in jars labeled bear meat, it’s not uncommon to place a bear with a cow, it says here that it is a bear, but it is actually not in equal proportion, most likely with beef, this is sad... compared to beef, deer meat has 7 and a half times more protein, and most importantly, why doctors value meat wild deer, it contains rarest.


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