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tv   Svoya igra  NTV  April 28, 2024 3:00pm-4:01pm MSK

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i ate the whole chicken, the whole mountain of chicken, the kebab that was on this tray, then i put it down, raised my head, looked at everyone sitting and looked at me, after the chicken i seemed to arouse interest in how your relationship was built, how he courted, here we call it matchmakers, did he come to your parents, that was a different story, all the neighbors in the house where i lived found out that he was courting, the whole city knew about it, because he courted very, very beautifully, this there were huge bouquets of flowers, he came to see me work, and i worked at the kuzhvyan dispensary, a skin and venereal disease dispensary, and when his visits became more frequent, he came literally every day, everyone began to think that apparently something was wrong with him. this
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is absolutely true, yes, when i started coming for a month, they said there was a chronicle, yes, that was also there, well, we met, he accompanied me at night, he always sang under the balcony, i just live on the fifth floor, it’s high, that’s all neighbors, of course, in the evening at 12:00 at night, they jumped out onto the balcony, which who sings, and my dad also suddenly started talking, is it something we often do? the day before their wedding, the strongest earthquake in the last 100 years occurred in azerbaijan. however, this did not stop us from gathering 500 guests at the table and celebrating in such a way that even the guys from baku in full force called this the most fun day in their lives. the most expensive gift, the most expensive gift is jamil, but he was eclipsed. i don’t
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want to let go of the rest of the gifts, but we understand that he is already an adult, independent, and must move through life on his own. what about your husband, what kind of father? very democratic, very democratic, we tried, tried to make him grow up so independent in his judgments, we never imposed anything on him. very early childhood, as soon as he was born, he became a full member of the family with his own voice, and that is, his voice is always heard, and we listen very often, and you have a young man, a girl already, no, not yet, not yet, when she appears, who will you introduce her to, first of all, mom or dad, post a photo in the group, yes, family chat, of course, then it won't be like i walk through the door once.
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what kind of people, such stories? i, sergey mayorov, will see you on ntv. happily! i started a business from scratch and became what i dreamed of. every
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third business develops with an ecosystem circuit based on real developments. hello, good afternoon. this is our own game, today we are completing the first round of our anniversary tournament, dedicated to the thirtieth anniversary of our game, 30 of the strongest players, each of whom represents one year in the history of our program. the 10 winners and the top eight advance to the second round players who took second place. today they are playing at evgeniy’s first gaming table.
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good play, but also due to luck. evgeny takes second place for the fourth time, now he will try his luck. your task is to pull out one of the seven key fobs. please, bravo, evgeniy, you are a fantastically lucky person.
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from moscow in 2001, this is impossible to forget, i can bring the memoirs of academician krylov, where it is explained that by drawings he meant design drawings, since sketches were naturally used dutch. so figure it out, guys, anatoly, what happened next? remember, we then turned to the experts, the experts told us so many interesting things that in the end they devoted an entire issue of their game to just discussing it, they admitted that i was right in this case, but it didn’t help me much,
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after that i lasted two more battles and still got eliminated in the challenge cup cycle, i won.
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first round of topics: warrior, fauna in the photo, monuments of russia, whose hero, vowels only a crosses. anatoly, please, warrior 500. this is the state was located on the territory of modern benin and togo, did there once exist a real women's army there? dagamea. immediately
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anatoly or eugene. let's go to 500. focus on the screen. here are four plants. what is called a money tree? second. the second is the fat woman. absolutely right. flattery resembles coins. warrior over 300. the first mention of this chinese warrior is contained in a poem of the 6th century. in front of you is not a bumblebee at all, but an insect from the hoverfly family, camouflage
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helps to scare predators, a fly hoverfly, that's right, there are 300 monuments in russia. in 1989 , novgorod erected a monument to this great patriot of the russian land, the work of sculptor oleg komov. pozharsky? no, but... whose hero is 300? arkady svidrigailov? name the author? dostoyavsky? dostoevsky crime punishment. the whole topic here will be like this. dmitriy. the fauna in the photo is over 400. the eyes of these rodents are hidden under the skin, the outer ear is under the fur. they lead an underground lifestyle.
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ilfi petrov. that's right, 12 chairs. monuments of russia 500. the monument to a walker studying the law stands on kirov street in chelyabinsk. there is a hole in the spine of an open book designed just for this. maybe collecting donations for something? no, for complaints and wishes. whose hero 500 mr. fitz william darcy, jane austen, jane austen,
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pride and prejudice. the british artist of the late 19th century, james tesso, created many paintings based on gospel subjects, and also depicted this robber. barava, that's right. this document gave the name to nikolai erdman's satirical comedy, created about a century ago. during its premiere season the play was staged meirhold theater a hundred times, mandate, bravo! alexander blog thought
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of this work as a script for a ballet from the life of trumpeters, then as a libretto for an opera, and ended up writing a play: rose cross, that’s right, crosses for 400, auction 600 for anatoly, 1400 for dmitry, 1800 for you, well, if in the first round don't play. it’s customary that if a programmer codes on crosses, it means he chose this programming language, c++, absolutely right, evgeniy, the vowel is only a for 400, this cotton fabric is used as a stencil for embroidery, tofta, no, but yes, it’s canvas, yeah,
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monuments to russia 400, auction, there is rapture in battle, babank, vabank, terrible abyss on the edge, i will continue, on the soviet square of this city... a monument to the party leader otto kusinen was erected, so what about the capital of karelia, petrozavodsk? this is the correct answer. kusinin headed the karilofinsky ssr throughout its existence. warrior over 400. in 2023, a film about this celtic queen was released , critics called the strength of the film. the staging of the battle scenes of bodicea or boudica, well, this is roman and
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closer to the koremstrechno absolutely right, well the film is called simply, buddhism, the warrior queen, crosses for 200, both renaissance artists and masters of the baroque era, the italian painter of the first half of the 16th century, guido renni, loved to portray this repentant sinner. put a skull cross in her hand. magdalene. mary magdalene, that's right. warriors over 200. manikarnika, the ruler of one of the indian principalities, joined this uprising against the british and died on the battlefield, well, the sepai uprising, the sepai uprising, right, and she in the photo is over 200, in a year she eats up to a ton fish, in search of prey can dive to
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a depth of up to 200 m. the seal, that’s right. these big cats have excellent eyesight and can spot prey a kilometer away, or even two, in front of you is the far eastern subspecies, leopards, that’s right, voitelnitsa 100, code in the bag 1900 for you , 200 for anatoly, 7,800 for evgeniy, who can we help? he doesn't have much, thanks, well , let's talk about chests, they cost 500, let's say 500, a chest for documents, which was used by train drivers in the 19th century, was nicknamed after this musical instrument, i would say a whistle, but this
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wrong answer, obviously no, of course, he received a nickname in honor of... evgeniy, monuments to russia 100, a monument to him in kislovodsk was erected on mount red sun. the gaze of the seated poet is directed towards snow-covered elbrus. triple false start. anatoly, lermontov. right. cool only a 100. the elder described him as honey gathered. it was their rupture that occurred in the athlete who is said to have torn his crosses. cruciate ligaments. you're right. this was the last question of the first round. let's sum it up: anatoly has 400 in his account, 2.0 for dmitry, 7.300 for evgeniy.
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the second round is ahead. greenfield club, where good taste is always rewarded, the more tea, the more gifts. greenfield club, you're invited. calcium detrinic for healthy hair, nails and teeth. i just adore this butterfly. i don't know how...
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post-bank and receive 2,000 rubles. and a chance to win a car. receive your pension profitably. mail cans, discomfort and turbidity, poisoning and twisting, everything is seething and diarrhea, you need a filter umsti quickly, filrumsti is a sorbent in a convenient tablet form, helps eliminate the symptoms of poisoning and diarrhea, at an average price of 123 rubles for 10 tablets, filrumsti, so that in the stomach put things in order, mask, new season, today at 20:20 on ntv. hi, great, are you so happy, yes, i’m here all night again today. i don’t remember how i got to the hall, i thought i didn’t get out of bed at all, listen, i don’t understand how you do it, i started to forget, as it happens, maybe i should also buy what’s called prostatricum, i remember,
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remember, it’s better to try once than to hear what you think 100 times , it works, what are you, i don’t think, i know, you’re dark, of course, now i’m my wife, you know how, and what, how to accept something? call there, everything is simple, when you order, they will explain everything to you in detail, just a second, wife, yes, dear, i understand, i’m flying, that’s it, i drove off, keep it for yourself, try it, then you’ll say thank you, okay, i’ll think about it, probably, i’ll buy it too, what should i think, call , be sure to order, remember, it’s better to try once than to think 100 times, come on. meet the new golden prostatricum. prostatricum gold. prostatricum gold is a modern complex based on natural ingredients, which is presented on the market.
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men order it for themselves, and women for their men. men, hurry up, women , hurry up to try prostatricum gold. nobody should be disappointed. by ordering by phone on the screen, you are guaranteed to be protected from counterfeits and overpayments. call to order... men order it for themselves, and women for their men, men hurry up, women hurry up to try prostatricum gold. emelya, premiere, tomorrow at 19:30 on ntv. watch the dynamo spartak, fonbet russian football cup match on may 1. this is our own game, we are playing the second round in the studio, here are its themes: artists, questions from:
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our old cinema, children's world, silver theme and ballet, anatoly, choose, artists a thousand, your last picture of sergius radonishsky's farewell to prince dmitry donskoy . he didn’t have time to finish, they stayed only sketches. nesterov. absolutely right, mikhail nesterov. artists 600. explaining the theme of war and executions in his work, he wrote: “during my various travels, i was especially struck by the fact that even in our time, people kill each other everywhere, under all sorts of things.” logs vereshchagin, right, vasily vereshchagin, dmitry, artists 400,
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the hero of his fable, the elephant painter, trying to please all the critics at once, ruined his own landscape, krylov, no, and sergei vladimirovich mikhalkov, absolutely right, the crocodile demanded that... the nile be depicted, a seal - ice, a pig, acorns, and so on. let's see who the questions are from today? hello, my name is anastasia chernobrovina, i am an adviser to the president of the russian geographical society. we are again pleased to prepare new questions for you on the topic of the lake. questions from the russian geographical society for a thousand. vishtynets lake is 10,000 years older than the baltic sea. assume that on the border
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of poland with lithuania, no, i’ll also take a risk, russia and finland, no, one of the countries anatoly identified, but not the second time, on the border of lithuania and russia, silver theme, thousand. the coat of arms of this city in the amur region is very young; the official description mentions three silver arrowheads with scarlet flames instead of sockets. tsyalkovsky. tsyalkovsky, absolutely right. topic 600. a group of these tribes that came from the don steppes to the volga and kama called themselves silver. historians sometimes give the same epithet to what they founded. researchers call
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the silver bulgaria, the silver theme 400, the silver codex created in the century, contains translation of the gospels into the godsky language, they got their name because of their unusual color, let me choose the ink, right, grandfather's world 400, do you get it? question from russian national projects. 2024 has been declared the year of the family in russia. from february 1 of this year, the amount of this particular amount is 630,000 rubles. for the first child and 833,000 for the second or subsequent. maternal capital? absolutely right. maternity capital is one of the popular programs of the national
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demography project. silver theme for 200. silver medallion with the image of this archaeologists found the goddess of love in 2022 during excavations on the taman peninsula. aphrodite. right. question from the russian geographical society over 600. the water of lake terikol in kabardia contains this dissolved gas. because the locals. they call it rotten, so methane, no, gray hydrogen, that’s right, questions from the russian geographical society over 800, this lake is not only the largest, but the deepest in the great lakes system, and the top one, this is the correct answer, artists over 200.
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dga model invited artist's own wedding. at the ceremony, the dga jokingly noted that it was the first time he had seen the hero of the occasion like this. dressed. right. question from the russian geographical society over 400. the rocks around the croatian red lake are colored with oxides of this element. iron, right. a question from the russian geographical society over 200. in the book big drawing, the first geographical description of our country, it is said that on lake baskunchak they break it as pure as ice. salt, right, children's world 600. french schoolboy adrian can turn into a super cat, and his classmate marinette - into this superheroine.
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cap, right, the children's world for 800, teaches children, erasmus of rotterdam used exactly such figurines of letters, thereby rewarding students not only with knowledge, edible, teachings in the form of letters, they were baked naturally, silver theme 800, and... auction - 800 for
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anatoly, 5600 for dmitry, 6.700 for you, evgeniy, what do you say, well, i’ll say 5.600, 5.600 is accepted, in this russian city an autocross competition has been held since 1973, the silver boat, i suspect that this is tagliatti, absolutely right, just opened car plant on whose emblem it flaunts. rook, 800 artists. in addition to paintings, he created dozens of etchings. you see the engraving "christ before the people" from 1655. rembrandt. right. our old movie is over 200. on the monument in irkutsk, opposite this trio , sits the director, and next to him is a dog with
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a stick of dynamite. the cable is big, absolutely right, they are charging over 200. the plot of this work is based on a soviet composer. take a closer look at the graffiti hero from petropavlovsko-kamchatsky and guess what is on his feet, but in general he should have be appropriate high boots, sea boots, fishing boots, let's see,
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it's absolutely right, graffiti is called on the coast, and not the official name of someone's dad, so our old movie is over 400. the location shooting of this film adaptation was carried out mainly on the dichensky farm in the kamensky district rostov region. tikhiidon is correct. ballet a thousand. moliere collaborated a lot with this composer. his music for the great ballet of nations ends with the tradesman in the nobility. i would venture to say lyuli. this.
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in the sochi olympic park, it's enchanting the spectacle is often accompanied by music from ballets by cheikovsky and khochaturian, singing fountains, right. well, there’s a ballet left for 600. last year, the kremlin ballet festival opened with the premiere of a ballet about this ruler. the music was written by vladimir
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kachesov. andrei petrov was responsible for the librett and choreography. cleopatra. absolutely right. andrei petrov is the founder of the kremlin ballet troupe. well, let's summarize after the second round. 1.800 for anatoly, 6.600 for dmitry, 14:300 for evgeniy, the third round is ahead. greenfield club where good taste always rewarded. the more tea, the more gifts. greenfield club, you are invited. i advise you not to drive more than forty, but they will fine you. congratulations, you are now a star. cool. what are you boiling about? this. emelya is not lying on the stove. hello, emelya, what are you doing? i push combat physical training and don’t eat rolls. but you spend little on food, everything is spent on girls. because he had.
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the most charismatic opera in the department. come on, show me what kind of character you are, are you three heroes? but this is funny. don't you know how to use my bladed weapon? yes, now i want you i'll get a cop. and i warned you, oleg gas, so guys, let’s go without la-la, emelya, stock up on popcorn, now we’ll watch the premiere, tomorrow at 19:30 on ntv. mask - new season, today at 20:20 on ntv. customers' love is the main reward for any entrepreneur. you don't just prepare cakes, you give unforgettable emotions. don't do fashionable haircuts, but help to be closer to each other, don't create fashionable things, give the opportunity to be in the center of attention. for each of you, this is not just a business, but a favorite thing that helps millions of people. sber also appreciates
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light bulbs in home for 479. it’s not easy to catch a firebird pyro, but get a fire rate for anyone can deposit in gazprom bank up to 16.5% per annum. open a deposit on via superstar, premiere may 12, 2020 on ntv. is a pipe or radiator leaking? did the fetka damage the roof? a small leak can grow into a big problem and cost tens of thousands to repair. enough! save money and nerves! order liquid rubber fixpro three in one from liamax. sealant, rubber glue in one bottle. quick elimination of cracks, seams and leaks. spray the surface. elastic seal locks access to moisture, closing any leaks. not afraid of low or high temperatures, safe for people, animals, plants. and working. on almost any surface, call and order fixpro three in one from
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liamax black, white or transparent, for only 999 rubles. but call us right now and order fixpro three in one at a super price of 399 rubles. leamax purchases with a plus. call or order on our website emelya, premiere. tomorrow at 19:30. on ntv. happy birthday, megamarket, give me joy. only on the megamarket's birthday, pet food with discounts up to 50%. this is our own game, we are in the studio, we are playing the third round. topics: mikhail, please come to the table, languages. for three, exploration and mushrooms. anatoly, the choice
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is yours. michael 1500. this thinker of the mid -19th century wrote: if you take the most ardent revolutionary and give him absolute power, then in a year he will be worse than the tsar himself. mikhail bakunin, that's right. mikhail and 1200. this zenit goalkeeper played his fiftieth clean sheet in the premier league in 2022, mikhail kerzhakov, right, alexander’s younger brother kerzhakov, mushrooms 600, this mushroom with a red cap for many is not inferior in taste to the white one, with which it belongs to the same family. bodaceae, then, mushrooms for 900. he made his discovery while working with fungi
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of the penicillium type, golden. fleming, alexander fleming, that’s right, mushrooms for 300. chaga or tinder fungus, most often grows on these trees, on birches. that's right, i'm over 600. a recent study showed that the languages ​​of peoples living in hot climates have more open vowels, which causes the volume of speech to change in this direction. yes, louder, absolutely true, perhaps in a cold climate you don’t really want to open your mouth wide and lose heat. languages ​​of the world 300. in japanese, the word yama means mountain, the word yama-yama is translated exactly like that. mountain
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peak? no. pit-pit. mountains, doubling, a common way of forming the plural for three over 600. the three song sisters became the wives of major politicians and played a significant role in the history of this country in the 20th century. china. that's right, the wives of the first president sunyi tsen, the leader of the guommendang chiang kai-shek and one of the prime ministers of kung san-si. for three, 900. move in the bag: 16:400 for you, 10,200 for dmitry, 1,500 for anatoly, who? i will show ingratitude and propose to anatoly. anatoly, the theme of the peninsula, 300 or one and a half?
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well, you have nothing to lose, one and a half. today, the countries of this peninsula are called, for the most part , completely and... differently than on the map two centuries ago, still call it, in my opinion, this is the arabian peninsula, arabian, absolutely right, so, please come to the table, 1,500, auction, 16 400 for evgeniy, 10,200 for dmitry, 3,000 for anatolia, lobank. pobank dmitry, i’ll probably skip it, evgeny, too, we’ll play with anatoly, in russian, with carrots, apples and cranberries, in the southern style with beets and red pepper, in french with sugar and dry wine. in all
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cases, this is the snack that will come out in the end. the base should be cabbage, but that's what it 's called. tower cabbage, languages ​​of the world 1500, the native language of the commander albrecht von wallenstein was this, but the uprising that broke out in the country, wallenstein did not support, and during the thirty years' war he faithfully served the habsburgs, czech, czech, right, intelligence 1500.
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it is necessary to conduct reconnaissance in force, for what purpose and who will figure it out, among his war songs there is also reconnaissance of slaughterhouses? and now it will be a shame, perhaps, but let vysotsky, why be ashamed, this is vysotsky’s song, and reconnaissance 300, these procedures were repeatedly carried out on the berlin glienicke bridge, which received the nickname spy bridge, well, accordingly, an exchange between spies of two countries, between intelligence officers, and on three for 300, another cartoon from this franchise was released at the end of last year. the heroes go to the primitive world. three hero. that's right, the three heroes are the navel of the earth. mushrooms - 1,500. by entwining the roots of a tree, the fungus receives carbohydrates, amino acids, and
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helps the plant obtain water and minerals. such a symbiosis received this name in science. well, it seems to me that this is commensalism, no, this is mycorrhiza. languages ​​of the world 1200. since 187 , arabic and persian languages ​​have been taught at this university of the russian empire. those who wished could also learn hebrew syriac. kazansky? that's right, 1200 for three, auction 12600 with dmitry. nine you have anatoly 14.900 evgeniy face value 1.200 dmitry well
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1.300 evgeniy 1.500 anatoly pas dmitry 1.600 evgeniy 2.000 dmitry 200 evgeniy 2.200 dmitry let them play again. we play with evgeniy for 200. in 1960, nikita khrushchov proposed replacing this position with a troika, electing one representative each from the west, the countries of the socialist camp and the non-aligned countries. i believe this is the secretary general. in 1968.
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in second place in the number of speakers of this european language, according to 2023 data, was the democratic republic of the congo. french, right, mushrooms 1,200, a pig in a poke, alas, anatoly, the question will have to be given to dmitry or?
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it’s customary to wrap the bones in these elegant paper cuffs, it’s beautiful, and your hands don’t get dirty, in my opinion, it’s called papellotka, that’s right, mikhail 900. in the film trufaldina from bergama, the main role was played by konstantin raikin, so it was he who sang for the actor, in timbre looks like a boyar, for sure. michael 600. the name of this artist is translated from polish as sparrow. in
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the ruble. right. by the way, i ask for 600. you can’t bake bread from buckwheat flour, which is familiar to us. no this protein. but patients with ciliocia can safely eat buckwheat. glutan. absolutely right. proshok from that, 300. there is always a place for a miracle in life, the dagestan housewife will say, and she will prepare this pie. so, in my opinion, that’s what they call a miracle. the emphasis is a little different. on this day in 2019, a survey was conducted with a purpose.
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everything was done by himself, the deputy began to handle it, every third business develops with an ecosystem circuit, based on real developments, a broken childhood, how one awkward move can cross out life, imprisoned he in the form of a lotus began to press hard on him, he experienced a reversal of displacement, when is the massage harmful, please tell me? what kind of technique do you have that you break the legs of three-year-old children? i will not answer this question, how did the lipetsk doctor discover the gift
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of healing in himself, will the court appreciate his unique technique? he wants through... the use of these methods of treatment was illegal to treat , it is impossible to cripple in the author's project of andrei kunitsin, a person has the right today at 16:20 on ntv. emelya, premiere tomorrow at 19:30 on ntv. now you can easily get up to 300,000 rubles for any purpose, and the first payment is only in a month, the money will always be up to 300,000 rubles for any purpose, get it on your ozone card and pay anywhere, what is a good car for you, mileage, condition, comfort , everyone has their own good car, find it on the author, one of my friends spends endless time on social networks, try it, because a megaphone
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to see you, brutal, reliable, stylish. as a set of hermes men's accessories from leamax, a voluminous cross and a chain of armored weaving, a massive hermes cross, jewelry steel, noble shine and a spectacular, voluminous design, three crosses in one, a powerful cross fits perfectly with the chain armor weave, real gold color, durable lock, reliable links, hermes jewelry is self-confidence and an integral part of a successful male image. hermes jewelry set is a worthy gift for a real man, the price of the set is rub 2,499. but call us right now and you can buy it for only 1,999 rubles. but that's not all. each person who orders the set will receive a hermes bracelet as a gift. leamax purchases with a plus. results of the week. today at 19:00 on ntv.
3:56 pm
bcs investments are limitless, there are those who accurately calculate the trajectory based on the support of experts, strive further to get more, plus 20% to profitability with bcs analytics. bcs - the world of investments. skuzan drops help fight the five symptoms of varicose veins. skusan - favorable price. we are playing the final round in the studio. here are the topics: novels, great paintings, cities, everything about the stars, rams, whistling and the east is a delicate matter. anatoly, remove one of the topics. whistling. dmitriy. eugene. ramana. anatoly. rams. dmitriy. povotna. cities. the chosen topic is all about
3:57 pm
the stars. dear players. do it please your bids. the bets are in, the topic is all about the stars. here's a question: in the 18th century, german astronomer julius schiller in his atlas renamed all the constellations in the christian spirit. the constellation cygnus became the cross of cassiapaea mary magdalene, and the northern crown received. this is the title. time.
3:58 pm
time is glass. let's find out what our players answered. anatole's answer: crown of thorns. this is the correct answer. bid. 3.700. dmitry's answer. sloe wine.
3:59 pm
and evgeny masherov wins our game today.
4:00 pm
student america is swept by pro-palestinian protests, almost all universities in the country are holding rallies, alexey veselovsky from the usa. coconut-sized hail causing severe damage and loss of life in guangzhou province, china. not just stops, the artists of crimea are asking the authorities of the peninsula to preserve the mosaic pavilions, but... they are being legally demolished, this is, in fact, the same mosaic, what makes these stops special, why a feature is not always valuable for culture, rostislavskydan looked into it.


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