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tv   Chelovek v prave s Andreem Kunitsinim  NTV  April 28, 2024 4:20pm-5:01pm MSK

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i’ve become quite accustomed to the summer weather, there are still a couple of days until the end of the month, and we have june indicators, the northern regions are more or less within the calendar framework, in murmansk and arkhangelsk it is not higher than +5, in irkut, in ryanmar there are still frosts, but the north-west will finally warm up in the warm southern currents, an anticyclone has come to the rescue, dispersed the clouds, there will be light rains in petrozavodsk and it will be cool there + 9, but in pskov, veliky novgorod +20, on the baltic coast in kaliningrad almost 25. in the center on these pre-holiday days the atmospheric the pressure is rising and the sun is actively heating. from koluga to voronezh +18. in tver it is 20. there will still be rain in the volga region, but it will be sporadic. in nizhny novgorod tomorrow there will be no clouds in the sky and +17, in samara it will get colder to +14 and it will be cloudy. but in the south the weather is unstable. there is a local cyclone here. there will be short rains in the lower reaches of the don, and thunderstorms are possible. in rostov-on-don +25. there is also a very strong wind in novorossiysk.
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rains are not excluded, in crimea it is cloudy, no precipitation and not hot yet, in sevastopol +19, in sochi - 21. in the capital it successfully competes with black sea resorts, in st. petersburg tomorrow it will be almost +20 and no precipitation, in moscow it will also be about 20, and the end of april will be warm and even hot like summer, the air can warm up to +23 and no rain. my name is andrey kunitsin, this is a program of a man in the right, hello, in a couple more courses your child will regain motor activity, this is how an appointment with a massage therapist and rehabilitation specialist vadim gorbunov usually ended, in other words... the boy will be able
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to sit normally and even walk, four-year-old timur all this is not available with very birth, despite the lack of visible results, the parents believed , they signed up for new, very expensive, i must say, procedures, until the massage therapist began to break the child’s bones, he resists, but his dad forces him to do the exercises, come on, let’s do it, come on let's do it, the movements are as simple as possible, this is necessary so that the muscles do not atrolate.
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developmentally, timur has problems with the musculoskeletal system, parents were ready to pay any money just to put the child on his feet. gorbunov works according to a certain chilean method using simple wooden devices. he promises to achieve a positive result in the shortest possible time. in skillful hands , the method of chilean physiotherapist ramon coevos really has a positive effect on the child’s body. but gorbunov doesn’t even have... a higher education, a nursing diploma and several months of practice in a private clinic, plus competent pr on social networks, so in the eyes of ignorant ordinary people, you are nothing more than a guru of alternative medicine or a practitioner, possessing lost knowledge, in ancient times they did not know compassion, this is a quote: timur’s parents filmed each visit to the miracle doctor , they wanted to rejoice at their son’s success, they worried about every movement, they completely trusted the massage therapist, but...
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but you are breaking your children’s legs three-year-olds, i won’t answer for 2 years, you break children’s hips, what kind of technique is this, please tell us why you are running away, you are a doctor, you took the hippocratic oath, i don’t want to answer young people, of course you don’t want to, because you broke a child's bucket, rehabilitologists
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with experience , we were horrified by gorbunov’s working methods, the exercises that the accused does are not only useless, but life-threatening, he takes it and wants through, as i understand it, overexertion... to bring him to this tone that goes throughout the body , this is a terrible mistake, because we first need to form just these end-to-end tones throughout the body so that the child can generally maintain his posture, and experts explain that restoring motor functions in children with developmental disabilities is a matter really difficult, requiring special care and deep knowledge of anatomy and physiology. garbunov has always been closer to pseudoscientific literature, if not... to say, fiction. officially, the chilean technique that gorbunov uses in his work is not registered in russia. experts don’t even apply the word “methodology” to it. at the clinic where the massage therapist worked , they told us that this was his purely personal
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initiative. the use of these treatments was illegal. we believe that this is not medical care. insolvent, according to lawyers, the management of the midcenter should be responsible for the mistakes of its employees, because the antipov family entered into an agreement for the provision of services directly with the clinic, and the fact that they were not aware of gorbunov’s innovative methods of work does not relieve them of responsibility, the spouses intend to file a consolidated a claim against the clinic’s massage therapist for compensation for moral and material damage. evgenia lebedeva, svetlana merezha, olga kiminchizhid, dmitry panov, ntv television company. in connection with the latter, i mean a claim for compensation for harm caused to the baby’s health; the decision of the medical center to continue cooperation with gorbunov looks very strange. i understand that no one can be found guilty, except by a court decision, the investigation is still ongoing, but nevertheless,
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the commercial risks for an enterprise that uses the knowledge of such a specialist are incredibly high. however, that's the point. management of the medical institution, and my job is to warn you to be more careful in choosing the rehabilitator for whom you trust the most valuable thing - the life and health of your child. i warn you, gorbunov continues to tour the country in search of new clients. you probably heard a story this week in which a reputable businessman from bashkiria jumped out of his land cruiser late at night. attacked well-to-do teenagers for carelessly throwing out a phrase. this story grew with new details every day; minors recorded injuries from nasal concussion to concussion. the businessman’s family, in turn, stated that it was purely self-defense, they were also
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seriously injured. in general, radmir aznobaev, our correspondent went to his small homeland to find out who is behind the truth? his. daring to doubt whether to hide, run or give up, for two days shamil gabduli stayed in a rented apartment while his father and brother were interrogated by investigators as part of a criminal case about the beating of teenagers. at the moment, my last day, you can say that i am not wanted. we convinced shamal to make the only correct decision, to voluntarily appear in department and give testimony, all testimony. shamel left the bag with his things at home, hoping that his minor age would allow him to get away with it, but the investigative committee did not let him out. from the investigators' office they were sent straight to the court for the arrest procedure. testimony against the gabdulin family was given by seven
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teenagers who were lucky enough to meet raof and his sons on the road. both are candidates for master of sports in boxing. these shots spread all over social networks, the businessman explains to the youth with his fists how to do it. admitted to the hospital, though after a couple of hours later, shamil gabdulin ran away from the ward, either he was afraid of the place, or he understood that sooner or later law enforcement officers would come for him. seventeen-year-old yegor filippov suffered the worst of all; his teeth were knocked out, his nose was broken, hematomas all over his body; he will spend the next couple of weeks under medical supervision. they killed not only the policewoman, basically in the head, in the temples, in the back of the head, i just had bruises all over my head. they also kicked me when i was lying on billy’s back, he tried to kick me a couple of times in
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the groin area, he hit me once, according to even after the beating, rauf gabdulin continued to put pressure on the victims with his authority, in the village of yaglino he is the king of god, he is engaged in construction, he heads the local association of timber merchants, in general, he is a respected person, the two of us were put in front of the car, there was a large circle of people standing here, trying to humiliate us. conflict, walked along the roadway, did not react to the remark, when the businessman got out, allegedly drunk teenagers provoked the cars themselves, received a blow to the head, why did not call the police, the question is open. son, when i was driving towards the rdk, i also saw our car, stopped, asked the taxi driver to stop, he came out and began to defend us, here’s another person involved... when he appeared , he was called from the injured side there, so that he would stand up for
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them, but it turns out he didn’t stand up for them, but stood up for us. islom nadyrov is the same man with a naked torso in the video, according to local residents, he likes to solve issues with his fists, he was previously convicted and lives by his own laws, a paradox, but eyewitnesses claim that this the teenagers called the crime boss for protection, but he unexpectedly took their side; in fact, nadyrov knocked out yegor’s teeth. after a conflict with teenagers, the family moved out of here, nevertheless, police squads visit this address regularly, the fact is that each of the parties declared a threat to life, supposedly unknown people write offensive messages on social networks, suspicious people are on duty, all these facts of law enforcement obliged to check, the gabdulins have been in another area for a week now, renting an apartment, afraid of the place, younger children, a two-year-old daughter and a ten-year-old son are with
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relatives, together with her mother, the middle daughter does not leave the woman alone, i receive a lot of very terrible threats, we are afraid for ourselves, for our lives, and that is, we no longer appear at home, i am not responsible for the university , a criminal case was opened under the article of hooliganism committed by a group of persons, and this is up to 7 years in prison, the businessman did not admit his guilt, like the rest of the participants in the process. all those accused in the case of beating teenagers rauf gabdulin, his sons and their friend islom nadyrov were sent to pre-trial detention center until at least mid-june. the court did not take into account the minor age of gabdullin jr., as his lawyer requested. radmira aznabaev, olga kemencha, svetlana merezha and timur absalyamov, ntv television company. about the strangest trial of the year, where a man who couldn’t do it ended up in the dock. pass by the beating of a teenager immediately after advertising the mask - new season today at 20:20
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exactly, 7 5 6 7. and get clareol for just one ruble. 8800. calls within russia are free. the stars aligned today immediately after musk’s show on ntv. perhaps the most controversial trial of this year began in nizhny novgorod, which may top the ranking of unfair, socially, but legally justified sentences in modern russia. picture of the day: on the street a strong grown man beats up a thirteen year old boy.
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his son, who was allegedly offended by the yard boys, is periodically made fun of by his peers because of his hearing aid. by the way, the boy pulls his dad back a couple of times, realizing the disproportion between the punishment and the crime. he attacked me without any reason, he just came up and took me and started. he grabbed me here, strangled me there, said something that would kill me. i was scared and couldn’t answer him. obviously, neither age nor weight categories are equal. grown men have completely lost control over themselves, as if toy, the thrill of a teenager. could it all end in tragedy? of course it could. how many such examples? isakov can be clearly heard several times in the footage, threatening to kill the teenager. i'm talking about your head,
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but don't, please forgive me now. what a paradox, but now it is not isakov who is being judged, but a twenty-two-year-old guy who did not pass by, was not afraid, stood up for the schoolboy, the hero who saved the teenager, his name is yegor shcherbakov, is characterized positively by absolutely everyone, but how else could they have been stopped without the use of physical force distraught dad, here we stood with him, talking, at the moment when he attacks me, i take a step back a little, the blow falls on me in this place, and i throw out my hand. unfortunately, they remained behind the scenes, as a result, a broken jaw of the aggressor and 112 of the krf - intentional infliction of moderate harm to health and the prospect of a real sentence. if i had just walked by. if you didn’t interfere, egor, it’s still unclear how
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the situation could end. however, from this moment in history the most amazing: a person who beat a child, let alone criminal, even administrative punishment, is definitely not... for some time isakov pretended that he took his promise seriously and even sent elena this message after testifying to the police. alena, hello, this is anton
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isakov. i just wanted to write to you that in my testimony to the investigator i indicated that i have no complaints against the accused. i really hope for your mercy. alena, i never go back on my promises. it seemed that this should be all end. the woman kept her word, and isakov. no, during the interrogation, they say, he even exaggerated the picture somewhat with aggravating circumstances, stated that they beat him with a bone, although the examination says the opposite, they hit him once with a fist, well, you’re not a man after these actions, it’s just that maybe she has some kind of children’s, i don’t know, what kind of healthy person would go, even just going to beat children, in an interview egor admits that if he had the opportunity to rewind time back, he would have done exactly the same thing, no thinking about it, i would stand up... to protect the child, the father supports him in this, he is proud , he believes that he raised his son correctly, well, like now, i think, a normal person should not forgive, that is, i’m like in a different way, i’m
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just i can’t imagine, all the attempts of the shcherbakov family to peacefully resolve the conflict were unsuccessful, anton isakov avoids personal meetings, from journalists after leaving the courthouse, where he was present as a victim, he decided to hide behind his wife’s back, why were his friends beaten? i shot down, i didn't knocked down, i pushed, well, let's go, if egor sherbakov's guilt is proven in court, then he faces a real sentence of up to 3 years in prison, however, according to lawyers, there is still a chance for reconciliation, but egor does not intend to apologize to the victim, because he believes that he acted according to his conscience and is ready to be punished according to the law. olesya naumenko, alina volkova, svetlana merezhe and timur absalyamov, ntv television company. we will talk about all the vicissitudes of this difficult process on the pages of our telegram channel, you can now see its name on
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screen, type pvp kunitsin in the search engine, as you see now you will find out what happened at the next hearings first, our correspondents will be present at them. by the way, on the page of the program “man in law” on the vkontakte network, you will also receive complete information about this case and... now voting is open there, yegor shcherbakov must receive a real sentence for his own indifference or still remain free. we will pass on the results of this vote to the accused’s lawyer, maybe it will help. how often have you heard stories about gifts worth 70 million rubles. not in the context of celebrating some oligarch’s anniversary, but the everyday gratitude of a capital pensioner. he helped a random passerby for help with housework carry his bags to the apartment, which a lonely grandmother after some time signed over to him, and no, as we heard,
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we decided to find out whether the old lady was being deceived by cunning realtors, everything turned out to be much more interesting, she was even a gingerbread eighty-four-year-old elena murashova, a classic representative of the capital’s intelligentsia, chemical engineer, labor. a native muscovite with a rich inheritance. a two-room apartment with an antique oak sideboard. a piano in the very center of the capital on frundinskaya embankment, a tidbit for which the hunt is already underway, says vladimir ryabov, a friend of the pensioner. last summer , strangers appeared on her doorstep and said they were now caring for the old woman. we have been grazing her here for 3 years, we feed her, we eat her. and so i, feed, sing, open the refrigerator. what are you singing and feeding there, there’s a fried sausage, a rotten egg, we are already studying with her, so we are leading her, leading her, leading her, she gave us an apartment, it was a gift for the birth of a child,
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i get so angry from them. the new owners of kvushka insist that it was an act of goodwill, yes , an elderly, lonely person, and with dementia - this is an official diagnosis, but after all , the legally capable person has been friends with murashova for supposedly 5 years, they met at a bus stop, they offered to carry heavy bags home, then spun. from the beginning of the year, twenty -third, conversations began that she would give us an apartment, since i was already pregnant, we notified her, she
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was very happy, she... had neither children nor grandchildren, for her it was really happiness, she still convinced us of this, and said, let's choose a day, when we go and sign the donation agreement accordingly. lena mikhailovna, we are not interested in your apartment, i emphasize again, it is not interesting in any way, we just want you to be not alone, a gift agreement, that is, a gratuitous transfer of property. wrote along with another document, according to to whom, in exchange for an apartment, the spouses undertake to look after, cherish and feed the old woman, to bury her with dignity after death, when murashov’s friend vladimir ryabov found out about the deal, there was a smell of conflict, since then the old woman no longer feels lonely, the old friend does not leave her side for a minute apartment, a new guardhouse under the windows. how are you doing, elena mikhailovna, is everything okay? i see that you are a person under pressure, and he took you, right? len
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mikhailov, don’t worry, don’t worry, everything will be fine, we won’t leave you, but what about you? you tell her, what are you asking her, what are you telling her, and what are you asking here, he will ask the court, this is no longer a concern, but some kind of game of anticipation, while lyanguzov excitedly writes a statement against ryabov to the ski of the ministry of internal affairs , accusing her of kidnapping and holding the old woman, ryabov drags her to the doctors, and no less than ryana proves that murashova was not in her right mind, the deal must be annulled. went to court so that after her death the apartment would go to more worthy heirs; lyanguzov, who was convicted three times, was not included in this list includes, he himself assures, articles of robbery, counterfeiting banknotes, causing bodily harm - this is all an accidental coincidence of circumstances. i just stood next to the person and they listed me as an accomplice, they gave me 5,000 rubles, i went to buy groceries with these 5,000 rubles, they turned out to be counterfeit,
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well... it’s funny and the third thing was that a person attacked me, as if, i, roughly speaking , cut it with a stationery knife. lyanguzov’s confession leads to certain thoughts, given the delicacy of the situation. however, this story has questions for everyone who or otherwise trying to put pressure on the pensioner and lure her to his side. apartments in these stalin buildings with bas-reliefs and stucco on the facades cost about 70 million rubles. near luzhniki, vorobyovy gory, opposite a boring garden just a stone's throw from the kremlin. let’s say that it’s not a neighbor, then some minister or artist. it is not surprising that overnight elena muroshova had only those who wanted to surround her with care and warmth. during the trial, the pensioner’s apartment was seized, but challenging the gift agreement, lawyers say, is not so easy, according to the law. this can only be done in the event of an attempt on her life, while the dust is being blown away from murashova, or if she is declared incompetent, she does not have such a status, and deyura, despite dementia, is quite independent.
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gift transactions are quite often carried out on the market of black realtors, that is , they are used to conclude these transactions and identify people of such a fairly advanced age who are easily misled. the court ordered elena muroshova to undergo an examination at the serbsky center; specialists will have to long, scrupulous work to assess the condition of the pensioner, if it turns out that at the time of the transaction she was in an altered state, the gift agreement will most likely be canceled, and the actions of those who tried to...
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ever since then people have been beating them with sticks, which hid an abandoned bomb shelter? sealed doors, an air filtration system, and how to solve a crime, rumors helped, and of course, spiritualist fortune-telling on a plate, the investigation was conducted with leonid konevsky, excuse me, you are the one fixing the tvs, you are the one fixing them, and we are repairing them, today at 17:00 , on ntv. two kittens of the rare savannah breed, which were seized by customs officers from a businessman, suspecting him of smuggling wild animals, became the subject of proceedings that dmitry gulyaev
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initiated after he proved his law-abiding. when he decided to take his kittens from the lipetsk zoo, where they were in safekeeping, it turned out that one of them had died, the other almost. at least the animal’s injuries were very serious, reporting by darina raid. the life of this spotted lump, unfortunately, is now doomed to suffering; the baby's spinal cord is damaged. live luggage was confiscated, it is not worth more than a million,
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i am obliged to declare it during customs control at vnukovo airport upon export as a very expensive product. for a while during the investigation, the kittens were sent to the zoo, where they were to be provided with proper care, fed, treated and, after following all bureaucratic procedures , returned to the owner. savannah cats are among the most expensive in the world; the cost of one can reach up to 50 thousand dollars, which is slightly less than 5 million rubles. for that amount. it is not known why lipetsk was chosen for safekeeping; only
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in the territory of moscow and the moscow region there are about twenty different zoological parks. according to the federal law on responsible handling of animals, confiscated animals must be returned to their natural habitat; if this is not possible, they are transferred free of charge to a government agency or into private hands. but the rules do not specify who exactly at whose expense the animals will be kept and transferred for safekeeping, because they need daily care. food and veterinary care, this is a gap in the legislation, because clear regulation, and regulation at the level of law, as such, can be transferred to someone anyone who has the status of an individual entrepreneur, this is if we are talking about a person, or an organization, yes, that is, of course, what should be spelled out in the charter of this organization, also even the resolution does not give an answer to this. considering that the savannah is an exotic and rare animal in russia, the number of specialists in their maintenance can be counted on one hand, may it allow... not all organizations can serve the spotted predator. if we feed ready-made
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mixtures made from natural meat, then this will probably work out to be about 20-25. of course, not including all sorts of treats, there are all kinds of toys. and, of course, we don’t include the veterinarian. in total, the monthly maintenance of one predator will cost approximately 100,000 rubles. theoretical costs must be borne. owner of kittens. according to our legislation, an animal is a thing. the owner of the thing must maintain and pay from and to. any overexposure of an animal can subsequently issue an invoice, regardless of whether it is a private organization or a government organization. since animals are considered personal property, there is evidence of damage, therefore the zoo must compensate for losses, he believes. he does not believe in the version about the death of the kitten, savannahs
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rarely get sick, are not prone to genetic diseases and, as a rule, do not have digestive problems, the man believes that the kitten was sold. priscela and presley are unique, they are first-generation hybrids, that is, they combine an equal proportion of wild and domestic genes, which is why they are expensive. according to lyudmila ryumina, the chief zoo engineer of the lipetsk zoo, they themselves do not fully understand what happened, they say the animals were placed in a spacious enclosure, but in... achieve the initiation of a criminal case on the fact.


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