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tv   Zvezdi soshlis  NTV  April 28, 2024 11:45pm-1:21am MSK

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are you shy? len, your youngest son demyan, who is he like? oh, you look exactly like dad, that is , they always tell me: len, you just passed by there, you worked as an incubator, because there’s practically nothing of mine there at all, although recently many of my friends and my mother have also begun to notice that some traits are emerging faces, but children change, of course, my eldest child was also very similar when he was born...
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katya takes off every sneeze of the heir, takes pleasure in taking the course of a young father, gets up at 3:00 a.m. to warm a bottle, has dinner without looking up from her evening bath and with a slight movement of her hand she makes a stylish rocket for her son with the help of a vacuum cleaner, like a dad mocking a child, there is something from lena, it seems to me there is, there is, well, the nose may be closer to me, stubbornness in me he... is so stubborn, just like a sheep, that's me. rum, your daughter has already started to change, who does she look more like now? she has already changed several times, initially she looked like me, then at one point some of my mother’s features appeared, now she looks like me again, but some kind of antics, some kind of playful look, it’s more like my mother’s. what surprises mom and dad now? oh, yes, every day something happens, she starts chatting on the sly, she speaks something in her own language. she
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has developed a character, it’s clear that she has such a personality, she goes to school, wait, what school, well, there’s an early development school, where there are blocks, music, something else, so she goes there, and you can see that it suits her 1.3, she goes across the system, she’s not particularly interested in these general ones, because everything is there the kids sit there, look there, touch something, they say what to do, she looked at her program and went into some other things, that’s why she’s such a leader. 7 years old, this year we graduate from preschool and go to school. but vic, is it important for you that your daughter looks like you? it was never important to me, i didn’t think about it, well , the only thing, to be honest, i dreamed that her eyes would be like my husband’s, green with black eyelashes, who does she look like to you? the eyes are definitely mine, absolutely, i don’t know, it’s difficult say she took it. features from me, some
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from my husband, but they often tell me, my daughter looks like vika, very similar, and so tall, thin, beautiful, my husband is also tall, misha, your three girls, who are they more like, well, they they change all the time, in general, all three of them are different, absolutely, but it seems to me that the eldest one, she looks more like me, and the middle one looks more like my wife, the youngest one changes, that is... she can honorably be like me, and today she looks like you, misha, it doesn’t matter to me, really, no some kind of uh attitude that - please give me a child so that he looks like me, so that no one asks, but is this really your child, no, it seems to me that children are the greatest happiness and they may not be similar at all there are some that look like grandma, too, you know, by the way, comebacks often happen like this, you know, suddenly there’s a young grandma standing there. by the way, great-grandmothers, we have
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a twice-young grandmother katya, congratulations, happiness, as they called it, they called it plato, this is my lerochka, she gave birth to my second grandson, a daughter, a daughter for my anniversary, i’m 50 years old now, we were waiting, i think, there will be a present for my birthday, or, well, any day now , here’s my birthday. i celebrated my anniversary on stage, i was already ready to actually go to the maternity hospital after that at any moment, it was already the forty-second week, it was already time to go out, but we were in no hurry, i said, please let him show his will, and his own, when she wants, then, in general, she was already suffering, because you already know, when is the last term, here is the first birth, my grandson, timofey, is 2 years old, i gave birth with her, i licked the umbilical cord myself, so i... thought that
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how can i send her alone, that means giving birth, we’ve already walked this path, we know everything, so we waited for another day, then i had a concert. then my grandmother sang rock and roll, then after rock and roll, i say: listen, leron, maybe you can come and take me into the bathroom , they say they stimulate me, let me light the candles for you, i lit the candles, she came , that means in my bathroom, then i say, maybe we can repeat the second record, she was in the last birth, when timofey gave birth, she says, mom, i really want meat and a glass of good red wine, i say, what's the problem? we can afford it, we went to the dacha, took meat, a bottle of wonderful red wine, drank it, well, it started at night, well, that is, you were nearby when the contractions started, yes, of course, we drank it, and at night in the morning we went to maternity hospital, i say, let's repeat it, maybe red wine works so well, at 3:00 in the morning it all
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started for her, at 6:05 she gave birth to a fish, she says: oh, mom, after all, you are lighter in character, i am a fish, and ovi's mother. we will continue in a few minutes, download the application and get a good luck bonus from the five deuces betting league, switch to green, mtv is airing the most unexpected premiere of this spring, viya!
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emelya, premiere, tomorrow at 19:30 on ntv. just an asterisk. my legs just go numb. these bells can become symptoms indicating bad blood vessels. it is important to strengthen blood vessels. angion helps improve
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sberbusiness, download the application, get a good luck bonus from the betting league, five deuces, go to green, this is a program of stars aligned, actress ekaterina volkova became a grandmother for the second time, katya, what is her height, weight three? 800 - 52 cm, now babies are born so big, by the way, yes 52 grow up, you know
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how big they are, and dad was nearby, yes, this time i wasn’t there, because in 11 minutes they we got to the maternity home, i said, how did you get there, i’m 40 minutes from discharge, i have a performance, i say, sound check is already starting, they say, discharge is from 16 to 18, i say, i ran into the maternity hospital, i say, please , give me a grandson, because... from the sphere, a businessman, they signed, no , from the sphere of show business or not? no, no, not yet, but they are planning, after the third, you know, i don’t ask such questions yet, i think it’s none of our business, everything happens on its own.
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yes, he has a feeling, for some reason the man has a feeling that he can to lose her, at this moment there is a sense of ownership, they are hunters anyway, accordingly at this moment he himself wants to legitimize the relationship, and in order for there to be some kind of guarantee, and a child is already a guarantee for them, they already yes, therefore, here only when they want a holiday on both sides, they already have this, it’s necessary, that’s what you think, but i’m absolutely calm about it, so i said:
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well, that’s because we’re already experienced girls, you know, yes, when a girl is not yet experienced, she he also thinks that this is important, i have an example, it’s so magical, because that i have such friends, they are from siberia and have been working in moscow for a long time, and we somehow became friends, they have three children, and somehow in the conversation i didn’t ask if you were scheduled, suddenly vitya himself told me, are we not scheduled? and he proposed to her when his son turned 21, it’s normal, i think he
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talked about it and says, come to our wedding, i say you got divorced or something, he says no, we’re getting married, we weren’t married , we are getting married, i say, how long have you been together, 24 years, i officiated such a wedding, they have children we were at a wedding, one was 17, the other was 15, about 11 years old, so they made a decision, rich people, there was some kind of wedding, the decision was three girls, so for some reason one of them said that you don’t we are married, we want a holiday, there were girls there in dresses, and maybe the man has matured, of course. matured for a long time, miss, matured for a long time, len, and you , after breaking up with your husband sasho, raised your son alone for a long time, it was difficult, well, yes, of course, it was not easy, because there were some certain changes, including in everyday life, and uh, i should have used it more with the help of grandmothers, and this, on the one hand , is great, on the other hand, somehow i was always
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gnawing at the feeling of guilt that i was throwing my child to them, like i was imposing it on them, right? born in marriage? your daughter is already at such a conscious age, was it important to you that the child be how old? and i’m already 39. well, as a matter of principle, of course, i would like this, for the child to be in a full-fledged family, yes, the main thing is that there is a dad who
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takes part in that... written off, yes, i’m more comfortable it was like that, yes, that moreover, my husband helped me a lot, and he, by the way, was present among the people, well done, here ’s alexey, how many children do you have, i have three, let’s go in order, the first wife, to compare the children, here we’ll go first, the first wife, how old she was to the child, when you left the family, mm, five, five, five, yes, a second wife, there are children, a second wife, no, a third wife, there is one, yes, and another one, well, one more, a fourth, and a fourth wives, and you have four wives, five, and you have five, wow, just don’t get lost, please, yes, that means the first one, son, 27 years old, the second one, didn’t exist
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children, third, now i’m getting confused, third... son 13 years old, fourth, son, and daughter, 11 years old, and fifth wife, no children, not yet, but you’re planning, no wife, that’s it, haven’t had a fifth children and no, how confusing everything is, there is no need to be so shocked, let the girls be shocked, i returned to my third wife and am very happy, it was actually quite a romantic story, i invited her and my son to my concert, so they came, and we we didn’t see each other for quite a long time, and something flared up between us, but it was such that you understood that this is what you’ve loved all your life a third wife, but i’ll say, probably, this will be some kind of pattern, maybe, and this is my only one - my beloved wife, who was not an artist, not, well, i partly
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understand alexei, there are creative people nearby. yes, a creative person is a creative person, it’s quite complicated there, relationships are complicated, we had a fairly serious break of 7 years, and if we say, for example, that you can’t step into the same river twice, these are different rivers, different rivers, what i, what she, perhaps, this period, these 7 years, they changed us quite a lot, but you when you met, you say, you invited them to a concert, you were together, what about you?
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although, as allah says, in order to get a guarantee, yes, i immediately went to the tax office, well, yes, and for me it was some kind of guarantee of peace, and i understood that i had the woman i love, but then, working with a psychologist, i realized that i perceived all my relationships as a holiday romance, and where i felt it ended, love actually ended. it began, uh-huh, well, it was years later, i understood, but how are children, my son-in-law, yes, he has two more sons, and i understand that i don’t have two grandchildren, in principle, well... sort of, but already four, well, i’ll take them with me, i won’t take anyone from them all, imagine, here’s the premiere, yes, some movie, and they will already say, we want too, yes, it’s like i
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’m adopting, they live with him, no, they live, well, with a woman, he hasn’t divorced, but with his wife, she won’t give a divorce, and why doesn’t she give a divorce, i don’t know, i actually have something to do, i decided not to get involved, in fact, it’s been a year and a half, what... it’s natural to get a divorce, but what it means they don’t give a divorce, well , there is no such term legally, how impossible it is, some women think alla, this is what you have to pay me 5 million, then you will get a compensation court that’s all, apparently there are some complications there, well, of course, apparently there he has something that she is laying claim to, but he doesn’t want and they don’t want to get into legal relations against the backdrop of children. wait a minute, you don’t want it, you have two children, well, yes, i also think so, that we need to decide no matter how it goes, whatever, i'm sorry, i'm always on the side of the children, yes, what
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should i say, that they are in the last name, it doesn't matter, i gave birth to two children, be kind, help me, they are wolfish, and he helps, he does everything, and he is also for and two of them, you know, and mine, the children of your third wife, you’re 11 years old, right? competition, jealousy, he even began to use me, manipulate me for his own purposes, that is, if, for example, my mother does not allow something, then he can create
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a conflict situation with me in order to, well, and so on, what kind of strategist, he very smart guy, yes natasha, let's go back to the charming moon, the moon's dad somehow reminds of himself now, recently reminded him, but i explained everything to him as it is, and what did you explain to him, as it is, well, our agreement? the fact that he is a donor, you initially agreed with him that this is only the donor, that is, you had some papers signed, no, we agreed that the child will be on me, he will not participate in life at all , why are you against him participating, i don’t want a second belarusian in the family, but are you sure that this will be the case, yes, yes, yes, that is, he has already shown himself somehow, yes, at first i gave him a chance in... we can say, well, in short, i wanted a normal family, at first we had an agreement that he would just be a donor , and then i think, well, suddenly, well, for the first six months
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everything seemed fine, and then he began to show himself, when we go to miami, i say, how much money are you going to go to miami, he knew that i’m going to go there to give birth, but i’ll work there, i say who, boy, will you work there, we started scandals on this topic, if you just need me to go abroad somewhere and stay there, i say, then i’m sorry, this is no longer relevant to me, he said it all openly, you i understood that he just wants to use your opportunities, positions, your last name, oh well, yes, well, dad will pay for this, dad will pay for that, but what is he doing now, he’s a barber and doesn’t want to develop further, you don’t if you want the child to have a father, let him meet. the one who, i will create, wait, it’s not time yet, i’ll find a father, everything is fine, a good reliable one, a good reliable one, who will respect, love,
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firstly, his mother, her mother, and secondly, she will also definitely be loved and respected, and the applicants there is, i won’t tell you what you live on, you provide for yourself, i have enough, i’m spinning, well , i’m tired, but it’s okay. i don’t take my parents, the only thing is that dad sometimes takes us there somewhere to rest, because hello big, of course, he ’s a little sick with me now, he has pneumonia, but god, let him get better, natasha, how much does it cost to support a child per month, in principle, oh, well, just like that, i didn’t, well, 1,200 at least, so, what are you doing permanently now? well , you have enough for everything, enough, and i dress the child, i dress myself, we have time to eat somewhere, relax, oh, well done, i don’t spy on women here, it’s true, but that’s okay. do you not restrain yourself
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from spending on your child, yourself? no, i don’t hold back at all, fortunately i have such an opportunity, she has a rich husband, he’s wealthy, he’s wealthy, but no, that’s not the point, well, just imagine, for one salary, as in the case of natasha, it’s hard to raise a child, how does she know, she has a wealthy husband, just ask, wait, no, a second, len, with sasho, with sasho, lena was divorced and raised alone for some time.
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she does it with her own earned money, pay for tickets, i never asked her, because sasho is one of those people that if he has it, he will always give, just if he doesn’t give, it means he doesn’t have it, he is a wonderful father and good-natured in general, there is zero greed there. alexey, so, you paid for all the children alimony, yes, of course, yes, yes, yes, yes,
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yes. in good faith, of course, in good faith , the price was negotiable, well, look, an artist, this is his profession, today there is work, but tomorrow there is no work, like you and your children, you went into debt to pay off your children’s debts, sometimes you talked to your wives, they were in my position for some time, i could have stopped, because i was lucky, everyone was understanding, an interesting fact, here’s 27 to my eldest son, how... this is becoming a habit, i can’t leave him, that is, he is looking for himself until now, he is a composer, musician, sometimes he doesn’t have money, and i still give it to him, why did the actor alexey barobash cut his only daughter out of his life, i’m not her dad, an egoist is the one who thinks that she doesn’t need you, don’t miss it, the most interesting thing right after advertising, download
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yes, lyosh, your fourth wife allows you to see your daughter, and there has been a wonderful family, is it there that i will climb and pull the poor child? uh, psychologically, i think this is completely wrong, but are you not interfering, or is your wife against it? i myself decided so in order not to simply traumatize the little one’s psyche, let’s do this, wait, my daughter knows that you are her dad, or she calls someone else dad. i and i am not a dad for her, it hurts you, me, no, it doesn’t hurt me, i think that - as you say, yes, what kind of child are you, yes, i’m also for the child, let her
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be better formed , grow up, uh, already in a full-fledged family, where there is quite enough, well, with on the one hand, yes, but on the other hand, this is your daughter, so can i, as a father , i’ll ask: how does it feel when your own daughter doesn’t know that you’re her dad, and maybe she’ll never know, but she knows , knows, she knows, but forgets, because there is a very happy, happy family in which she is growing up, and being, say, an egoist, yes, a person who does not think about the child, his own child, i could of course injure, take away saturday , do you want, do you want to see? i want her to be happy more some kind of full-fledged, full-fledged, family unit, but this is from the point of view of a global desire for the child to do well, but somewhere deep down there may be a selfish desire, like a father
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to see his child, i will live until the time when she herself wants to get to know me, and maybe when that time comes, there will already be a big gap between you, which means ler will be like that, but to traumatize... we are designed this way, the more attention and love we have, the more we happier, therefore small, but a woman, so it seems to me that here i am it seems that an egoist is someone who thinks that she doesn’t need you, well, you can’t force a child either, you don’t have to force him, you have to offer him. it ’s all about age, guys, it’s all about age,
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a child, i have three daughters, and i am them, they change every year, at the moment there is a certain mood of the mother, then the child himself thinks something, at some point i have a friend, which means he has been divorced for a long time, he is a wonderful person, she was told that her dad was bad until she was 14 years old. i talked, i talked, i talked, guys, i talked to psychologists who said, she, if you touch her, dad will say that she will not understand who it is, who, who is important, they are building their lives. it turns out conscious, i don’t agree that my presence
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is natural, i think about her, so alla, i ’m here necessary, i’ll wait for my age, i’ll wait until she wants to talk to me and we’ll talk to her, but you’ll lose some... then years of communication with her, the fact is that we will never have a full-fledged relationship, like a father and daughter, we can become... i’m ready for any outcome, i am i will accept, but that there will be a conversation and no matter what it is, no matter how it turns out, it has, it must take place. katya, you understand alexey’s position, that’s what he’s going to wait, well, it seems to me that here there are already such cleverness of psychologists who are suddenly like mathematicians. lay out human relationships and
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feelings, i think this is wrong, in any case, if a father wants to be with a child, he can just be a friend or agree with his wife that there is, well, come, you remain friends, you don’t pretend destroy their happy family, but well, to lose such an opportunity, these are a wonderful age when they start talking, when they are so funny, funny, he is my grandson. he lets me out like this, i say, he interrupts my rehearsals like this, i say, that’s it, i’ll bring you a real flasher, he says, a flasher, okay, i say, and now i go to the police cars, i see where i got the flasher from now i’ll take it, okay, i bought a flashing light, this woman will come to the village, and where did you get it, so i ordered a flashing light on the internet, i drive up to the house in the village, i stop, where already a paved road, where already...
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well, that’s why who here seems to be chosen by the parents themselves, yes, but they choose that way, but this is speculative, it seems to me that a child should not be deprived of such a wonderful dad, you can show him so much, tell him so much, music, in art, i don’t know, just being a friend next to you, well, it’s like... i value your opinion, no, you say, it’s better
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to listen to psychologists than to a wise woman, she was offended, no, i’ll listen, listen, mish , you had misunderstandings with your son nikita, i never had any with nikita misunderstandings, i had misunderstandings with my first wife, i had such a student marriage, uh, but for a while i rarely saw him, this is about years, probably, eh... what, when he was little, i saw him more often, then at some point, somewhere from 5 to 11, i saw him, well, once a month, but why? well, this was due to the fact that... he then realized for a very long time that he had two more sisters, small, uh, who
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it turns out needed to be looked after, he ran away, no, no, no, from the theater institute he lived with us, at we already have an absolutely friendly relationship, that is, it is clear that he listens, it is clear there, when i understand that this is wrong, i start to mean, and he feels a little oppressed, mine, but we communicate as friends, we joke, there is no such thing as dad and son, there is no such thing, natasha, you and your daughter luna live separately from your parents, yes, of course, but very often we go to our grandparents, she... simply dotes on her grandfather, but where do you live now? in our apartment, well, in mine, it turns out in your apartment, zhanina’s, which is, no, zhanina’s apartment, as it stood, it still stands, we are still waiting for the plate-haired girl to grow up, well, that is , it’s still for him, yes, but they will decide there themselves,
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plato will come, i think that he is unlikely to want to live there, we will give it to him apartment, we’ll ask how, what you plan to do with it, we just want to show it. atmosphere and what his mother was like, and you generally follow plato’s life, behind the scarf, of course, but he is very similar, very similar, he ’s just a woman, but he still doesn’t give in, doesn’t see ler, you should have been the first to know, you you know, well, yes, len, let's talk about the nanny, so, as far as i know, you are leaving the child with the nanny, yes, yes, i now have needs for you, yes absolutely, which is the responsibility of your nanny, he is completely... caring for the child, that is, ironing the children's things, cooking there i’m eating, and what are you doing at this time, when she’s cooking, ironing, minding my own business, going on business there, well, this is where i need to go, or cooking again, because i also have an older son, i also have a husband, so they all need to be fed, i cook, i
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love, i love they love it when i, and nya what is the schedule, is she live-in, no, no, she is not live-in, she is with us from monday to... friday, she has a ten-hour working day, that is, at 10:00 in the morning she comes to us, at 8: 00 pm i let her go, the night is on me, but you and dimyan realized that a nanny is a salvation, in general, of course, i just didn’t have such an opportunity with sasha, with demyan now i have, why was there no opportunity with the elder financial, financial it was possible, but to take a nanny and somehow, well, i was alone, while it was too expensive then, i it seems that it’s very good that i had then...
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with her, misha, your daughters have a nanny, the youngest one, we are very happy now, because we weren’t very successful, this is how we met, or someone will write to on social networks, these are the guys, i have such a nanny available, swoop in, take it, a person comes, i say, it’s definitely you, what was wrong, that
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’s what, what a sad experience, tell me, there was one nanny who suddenly started teach me about life, for example, it means, she says: i saw your last film, not that, yes, no, it’s not right, it didn’t work, i don’t believe it, such a nanny, you know, like that, you didn’t finish playing something, you didn’t finish playing something, it needs to be tighter, tighter, yes, wait, well, really, what are you like, why are you here? they put the shoes on, i say what i felt, she understood that she shouldn’t talk to me like that, or there, for example, excuse me, the bathroom or restroom, this is it, i’m, excuse me, in a towel, i open the door like that, she’s standing , looks at me, i say, what, she says, nothing, a towel, yes, that really touched me. no, there are some people, of course, we had a very good nanny, this is also when my elders were little and
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suddenly she stopped working, something happened to her there, she left and i have lara in a panic, she says, i, in general, you now you’re going to the far east for 7 days, i ’ll just go crazy, they hired a nanny, just like that, you know, they just hired a nanny from some portal, the nanny came. she came out on monday, i said, and i said on wednesday, on wednesday i said to her: how long will it take you to come in two? she says: i can’t do it for three, i have a date, why is it so great, what a date on thursday, i have a date, i can’t, then she, it means she had such funny kicks, she came up to my wife on the second day and said: tell me, can you walk home without a bra? larisa says that she says: well, it’s inconvenient for me,
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without conditions and deposits for all new players. get it now. winline makes a difference. are you making a film? about whom? about me? what for? on the day of leonid konevsky's anniversary. immediately inviting. quiet, quiet, just don't shout so much. mustache, eagle profile, of course, he is stupider. he is cheeky in his humor. what do you want? he is a wonderful, deep, tragic artist. i ’ll start to be a little proud, just stop, of course, the soul of the company is definitely a partner, beloved,
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he has become the favorite of the new generation, she is a very talented girl, you have been a momer since childhood, now my main viewer is 12-17 years old, lenya’s fans, this is from zero to 180 years, they told me, you know, you ma’am, or what, who is it, and he walks with a pipe, leads this whole company, but they dreamed of opportunities to please those who it can be difficult to please the first time,
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dad. we. fish, well, you see how similar it is, mash, who is it next to you, right now, dad, i was surprised, dad, what’s dad’s name, misha, you how many years old, three, no, three, four, and what’s your mother’s name, four, larisa, like a real woman, she underestimated her age, well done, who does your dad work for, performances. works as a star, probably, yes, and you saw daddy’s performances, went, as if you didn’t go, you remember, i played caralson, and it was you, remember, we played with you, remember, hello, baby, mash, hello, baby, hi, baby, mash, tell me, can dad cook porridge for you, mom
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does everything, yes, and what does dad do, work? at the performance, what to work, says, work on the performance is not enough for my wife, i can tell you a fairy tale before bed, no, misha, i passed my father, of course i passed, it’s mash, wait, i’ll have a question for you now, i have a lot of questions for misha now, dolls or construction sets, what’s the point? - played something with you, does dad play with you? no, in short, dad works, dad is constantly filming, dad has 12 performances, in general, leave dad alone, say thank you for coming to visit you, breaking out, lem, give us stories that you say leave dad alone, who to leave in rest, dad, leave dad alone, yes,
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okay, well then is your dad good? thing, is there any trampoline like this at home? so she just rocks it, just you, goes to the studio, dances, sings, has already learned to sing, there’s a favorite song, there’s one, i’m a silver horse, what, i’m a silver horse, three white horses, yes, who do you
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want to become, have you already thought about who? “i want to become a star, it’s clear to you, that’s all, and we wish this for you, we have no more questions, we’ll see you off with applause, since you’re already a star, just recently the whole country was shocked by the news: a former factory owner gave birth in the toilet, let's look at the plot: looking at the former factory owner arina ryzhenkova, you would never think that her baby was born not in a maternity hospital, but in the toilet of a coffee shop. my life became full because i dreamed of a child. grandma, like a kite, watches every step of the young mother; don’t rock the stroller.
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the boy's father found out from the news along with the whole country. visitors to the coffee shop called an ambulance. the ambulance arrived exactly when she gave birth. right now in our studio, a former factory owner will tell for the first time, after she became a mother in a cafe, the pediatrician will check if everything is okay with the baby’s health. in our studio arina ryzhenkova with her son. hi hi hi hi. quite crumbly, how old is he? how old is he 3 months, 3 months, he’s already holding his head, holding his head, arina, come on , sit down and we’ll talk to you, lord, what was nikita’s name, you named the child nikita, you were at the same factory with
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arina, congratulate your colleague, i congratulations, arinochka, hello, hello, we haven’t seen each other for almost 20 years, it’s kind of so abrupt here contrast, let's say, you'll go to your aunt's arms , you'll go, you were, rom, you were surprised when such a story happened. which was imprinted on me then, from the factory, i thought about, in principle, organic, in fact, yes, yes , it seems to me, that is, that is exactly how original brightly arin, tell us the whole story of how it happened that nikita was born in a coffee pot at night, i just went to work in a coffee shop i went to the toilet, i started having contractions , wait, did you go to work at a cafe or did i need to talk about business there on the internet, did you have contractions or not? there were practically no contractions, that is, i didn’t even feel any pain, that is, no pain, nothing that usually happens in
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women, that is, i initially planned a home birth, so in principle everything happened as it should have happened, well that is, you didn’t go there to give birth, no, you didn’t go there to give birth, you didn’t even think that she wanted to go to the toilet, at that moment she was already having contractions, you know, remember that, then in full, and you knew that what to do with the umbilical cord? yes, i chewed it through, like myself, myself, morally, i was in awe state of mind, and i felt that i knew what to do, when you gave birth, he screamed,
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no, he didn’t cry, he was very beautiful, he smelled like chocolate, that’s 3 months, nikita, you went through medical examination, well, just yesterday it was 3 months, that is, the doctors haven’t looked at anything yet, well, no, the doctors looked at him, they cut him across, he’s an absolutely healthy person, and in our studio... a mediator, come up, look, what a miracle, and what can you check in such age? well, check your reflexes, let's sit in my place, and i'll do it i’ll release you and i examined you, but the doctor has already looked at it 100 times, of course, as it is, i see that at least the tone is not visible, that the child has a grasping reflex, tone is good or bad, it’s bad, it means it’s necessary , this means there was a defeat during the delivery of hypoxia. i’m taking vitamin d, breastfeed, but i’m not
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breastfeeding because i was hospitalized, now i’m relying on yoghurt, i want to restore it, well , i mean, anyway, is it possible to restore breastfeeding, yes, i can eat it for lactation, of course i have tea for lactation for lactation pills, pills yes. does anyone help you at home? mom helps a lot, i am very grateful to her. where is nikita's dad? nikita's dad is waiting at home, fixing the faucet. dad wasn’t shocked when he found out that his dad was shocked, he still... doesn’t believe it’s his child, why? because he says: did you cheat on me, or did he not know that you were pregnant? well, he knew, i wrote to him, but there was something about our connection, when i got pregnant, i drove him away, like all mothers, on the contrary, probably strive for a man, but for some reason i wanted to be in in our condition, we quarreled a little , but now everything is fine, we have already made peace. arina, well, thank you very much for coming to us, you have such a masyusechka, let us see you off. alla, it seemed to you that nikita
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is normal, he is developing well for his age, well, purely visually, i have no questions for the child, a normal baby, absolutely, yes, white skin, yes, but the fact is that there is no vitamin d enough, i also think, well, well, children all need vitamin d, this is a priori, the first year is every day, and even yes, but recently i thought so too, but recently i thought that this is a sign. we have it right here, just like that, everything was wiped off here , it seems, no, at least he has a welt right here, yes, there is why an internet star treats children with fasting after a short pause , we find out at night we make love and run away during the day, we greet you at the anniversary concert of igor mateta, a woman passed woman. passed, in
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a fiery radiance, distanced itself and don’t believe it, they will tell you, if the road to success is easy, build a motive, i haven’t forgotten this in justification, live the country, my vast russia, live the country, it’s hard for me to imagine what... i would do if i didn’t have music, igor mateta’s anniversary concert, tomorrow 23:40 on ntv. via superstar, premiere on may 12 at 20:20 on ntv. are you sure you chose me yourself, or did you listen to a fashion blogger? at bigfest you definitely choose a double cheeseburger for 99 rubles and... other
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the stars have aligned and we continue. we have blogger evgenia krivtsova in our studio. zhenya, do you have a non-standard approach to raising children? well, not that it’s non-standard, it’s probably ordinary, i have three children, two boys and a daughter, we’re discussing now, i
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gave birth to my third girl at home, and that was 100% conscious. i understood where i was going, why i was doing this. and... i took 100% responsibility on myself, not on the obstetrician-gynecologist whom i found, she had 25 years of experience in home births, it was you who understood that it was dangerous, i am ler, you know, i didn’t feel that this was dangerous, i felt that i needed it, because i came to the maternity hospital twice, the doctors always had excellent pregnancies, very easy, i never had toxicosis, you know, it was as if god had told me give birth, that's all you have, he's from heaven to me constantly...
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strongly insisted that we not get a single vaccination, i was very scared, honestly, because i was a mother for the first time, and i didn’t understand what to do, a woman came to the maternity hospital and said: are you sick? your children will die if, well, a child, if you don’t get vaccinated, but for me my husband has always been an authority, i kind of follow him, and he says: no, we won’t get vaccinated, but in the end we don’t have a single child there are no vaccinations, they practically don’t get sick, but if they get sick, then... the temperature may rise, and i also made a decision for myself that pills are a temporary, as it were, muffling, so to speak, disease, and that... what do we do when we basically don’t feel very well, we just lie down and drink heavily, and
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feeding with what? i don’t feed the children, because when i remember myself, well, of course , i don’t feed them there for a week, of course not, i look at them, for example, the child says: i feel bad, i say: come on, baby, lie down, i’ll tell you now i’ll give you some water, and i also make a decoction, i just put mint in it, it cools down, and i’ll i give him a little water so that it doesn’t happen. well, for example, in the morning the temperature rises, by 6:7 in the evening there is no longer a temperature, i just give plenty of drinks, if the child says that mommy, i want an apple there, of course, i will give this apple, but on the other hand i explain there , i say, baby, let’s now drink more water while we don’t eat, because this way the fever will go away faster, you will feel better, and tomorrow we’ll go for a walk and play, you can join your women’s club, it means being a guest...
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who disappeared on our planet has enough serious, take poleumelit, and he returned only because in some fraternal republics, people stopped taking this vaccine, by the way, outbreaks of measles are becoming popular, which means, listen, please, there is an evidence base, the doctor will not let me lie, that if you are a child with with all due respect to you, let me go into this world without vaccination against measles, against... against hepatitis, especially polyumelitis - it’s scary from hepatitis and meningitis, even
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whooping cough is already scary now, this is all going on, i don’t mean that i i say, you are anti-pretenders, think, this is the same thing, if we were discussing it now, you would tell us how to fly the plane, and what’s there, look, why, don’t, the autopilot was turned on, why, why do i need this pilot, well, the example is clear, if the child is not vaccinated , if he falls ill with one of these listed... the disease can be cured, polymelitis is not, but the rest, the rest, for example, i led a huge conference, where there were crying parents who had lost their children in a day, and another father, and girls without vaccinations, of course, and the girl had all her limbs amputated, 11 i lay in a coma for months, because of which, or you know, by the way, the simplest example in the summer against encephalitis is a vaccine, you know how useful it is, klech is not the same and no, it all comes from the fact that it is fashionable, there is, for example,
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this fashion, for example, there are people who don’t eat meat, then they get tested, and their iron is zero, anemia, the doctor says: did you take anything, yes, you ate buckwheat, he grabs it, no, just buckwheat, there’s there is an opinion that buckwheat contains iron, but it is not absorbed, no one knows this, doctors know this, no, well, you just understand. this is what it is trend, excuse me, i’m just like you, parent, i’m worried, let’s go back to the kids, because they’ll quickly measure us up and generally force us not to argue, but to admire. vika, let's meet your daughter in our studio varvara salakhova, let's meet, varvara, hello, hello, beautiful, how old are you, seven, great, can you show us what you can do, right, a wheel? now she will show us oh gorgeous oh my god what a flexible clever girl oh snake girl you do
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rhythmic gymnastics i wanted too ask where they teach this, or from the age of four or 5, how often do you train, i train four times a week, you want to become a professional gymnast, but you still have it
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, or the birth certificate was like that, and now you can be congratulated on your pregnancy, yes, yes, congratulations, thank you, oles, as you told sasha that you will become a mother for the second time, and this is very interesting, because the first time it happened that sasha was in moscow, i was in sochi, i couldn’t stand it, i grabbed the phone and immediately called him , i don't have any left no memories from this, this time i
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decided that no, i want to wait, he had a very busy january, i found out that i was pregnant, i... i just went in with this information, didn’t tell anyone at all, and decided make a surprise and invited him to a restaurant, there, as a bonus, when you order one cocktail, they brought a small handbag, in this handbag i put a photo of the baby, and i was very nervous, he said, so i say, you open it, look, it seems to me that this something for you, and he opened it very slowly, took out a photograph, looked, maybe there is something else there, because at first i thought that maybe there was something more material there, instructions, maybe, but you immediately realized what it was? no, well, i’m an experienced person, yes, i can already identify these pictures, if lesya had presented it to me first, i probably wouldn’t have understood, i would have asked if everything was okay with you, do you need surgery or what is it? , but here , of course, and instantly, this ultrasound picture, well, all at once, what sensations, emotions, oh, well, unexpectedly, unexpectedly, lesya and i seem to
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we planned, or rather not that we planned, we talked about how cool it would be if... the difference between our children was from one to three years, that is, something like that, so that they would be peers, so that yes, so that they could spend time together and we could retreat a little, at least to another room, and so, well, somehow we talked about it and said that it would just be cool if this happened, but you don’t expect it, that this will happen, you seem to talk about it, you dream to some extent, but there they would be they would play together on the playground, it’s so cool, yes, of course, when you see it, you understand that it happened. well, joy, of course, joy, well, who do you want, a boy, a girl, or you already know, we already have a girl, we i would like, i would like one of my children to be a boy, as if yesterday there was an ultrasound, an ultrasound, she she folded the envelope so funny and made a frog out of it and says this to you and then presses it, the frog jumps, i say, i wonder if this is some kind of hint?
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boy or girl, the enberts decided to reveal the gender of the unborn child, so that the whole of moscow could see, figure skater evgenia medvedeva came to support her friends, she also bets on the boy, who is for the boy? the enberts begin the countdown. kura, i will see you, i will be able to hug you and kiss you, your daughter. but it seems to me that these are such cool emotions, we had a gender party, when the first child, i don’t know, then i was expecting both a boy and a girl equally, and it seems like there’s something to be happy about if what you’re really looking forward to happens anyway , anyway, when the balloon burst there, i almost cried there, sasha, you people go and decide, well, we had it, i
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hope that we still have the same agreement as we had at the previous births, if i am really needed there, if the forest feels that without me she... can’t give birth to a child, yes, of course, 100%, but the main thing is that she is comfortable, i kind of, well, no, the fact that i won’t faint, most likely, it’s like i’m confident in myself, yes, that’s it , most likely, yes, i can gnaw the half of it with my teeth, here of course, here it’s not a fact that i can handle it, but at least hold my hand and encouragingly to say that everything is fine, i can do it, but last time lesya said that no, that’s it, we went with the specialists, come on, keep your fingers crossed.
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this should be a secret for you, mish, but were you present at your wife’s birth? yes, three times, i was at mashkin’s birth more than once, there is the same moment of humanity, so you say that i don’t want to see, i have to stand there. from the side of the head, well, you’re singing in the wrong direction, like some people, there’s something there too, yes, well , yes, you’re from the side of the head, it’s just that it’s very fashionable now, i also talked about this recently they said, now people are given, what is the name of this person, like a friend for money, this is a friend for money, who commands you, how you should behave, she is like a midwife, but not a midwife, she is a midwife, but she is not a midwife, helps you, in a coffee shop only in a normal maternity hospital with intensive care, and
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in the third maternity hospital they were waiting for something, waiting, waiting, and there the doctor on duty says to me, do you want a cognac, i say yes, he says, well, let’s go, she’ll be here for a long time, as soon as we sat down, he came running and said: leave the horse, the peoples ran, the peoples ran, in general this is an interesting observation. for dads, who are people, i have two observations, this is where to make some kind of miniatures, the first one sold washable wallpaper, his wife was screaming in the ward, and he walked, he said, he walked like that, said, hello, yes, washers wallpaper, i told you, 20 rolls, valera, listen, my wife is giving birth, you understand, you wrote down the statements, wrote them down, yes, and washable wallpaper, here, the second one played psp, he was probably 19 years old, he himself is still a child , she was screaming wildly, because there was something there, and the door was open and he went there didn’t go, and onnn, that’s what men do
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, people, i say, this is your shouting, he says, yes, yes, yes, don’t worry, this is already the second birth, let’s take a short pause , we’ll continue where you’re taking me, let me go, on may 2, ntv celebrates the anniversary of leonid konevsky. hello. in the morning, my favorite movie is “dartanan the three musketeers.” cardinal. this is power. during the day the investigation was carried out. however, this is a completely different story. are you filming a movie in the evening? about whom? about me? what for? new documentary film leonid konevsky, people's artist. this. bridge between times planets, events, leonid konevsky’s apartment at margulis’s, i really like that a star of this format, just don’t be rude,
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was there from start to finish, he didn’t go anywhere beyond any walls, and well, this is a mutual decision, it’s up to the two of you to decide, but we were so comfortable, right now we ’ll go together too , you had time to watch how he himself i had a video, i then i looked, there was even such a stingy man’s tear, it’s so cool, well, i didn’t observe anything there, when i definitely didn’t have a home there, and then they filmed, and we also had a photographer and a videographer, so she filmed. i understand, if you put a camera somewhere like this, well, a photographer who walks, it ’s no longer standing there, yes, but the jagurda method involuntarily associatively arises, they shoot very lightly, carefully, more and more emotions, like the first, i actually had a cesarean , i had everything planned differently, but doula photographers were also present, doula
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stood. me by the hand, because my mother did not go with me to the birth, and my beautiful olechka, she filmed the birth, and i watch it constantly, probably every month i come back on this day and cry, by the way, we also had very advanced and understanding doctors, we didn’t have a photographer-videographer, and as soon as there, well , lesya gave birth and the baby was wrapped up, i took christobel in my arms, the first minutes, yes, the first minutes, and the first thing the nurse told me was to take a picture of you, i was like, well let's! i also managed to enter, took a selfie, i’m really myself i took photographs, the three of us are lying, yes, these are emotions, it’s more like a memory, yes, and i found myself in the period of childbirth there many years ago, now, this is heaven and earth, guys, now everyone is so pampered, everyone is an idol, here is photography , and photographs, and dad, kisses,
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with the first one i found out on the ultrasound, then there was a ball, it was all there, although there was a girl , it turned out to be a boy, i never found out during childbirth and i want to feel it, well, by the way, this actually. cool story, when during childbirth you find out who, well, emotions, without it doesn’t matter, now it really doesn’t matter , we were going to meet because we were expecting a girl, and somehow there was an idea that it was a girl, and then they told me that there was no boy, and i was shocked and somehow upset, now
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when the boy was during the music session at 22 weeks, and then at the third week they said that it was still a boy, margarit, and when the older children were told that a new addition was coming, for the new year we... for the new year they were told, one was happy , the second one is so tense and i don’t know why he might be jealous, although, probably, although we pay attention to everyone, well attention, they are not sitting there with the youngest, but still he has not yet fully accepted, the third, yes, the fourth, three boys, margarit, stop at four, what do you think, well, i want five, i always wanted five, seriously straight, as long as you have the strength, physically, financially, then yes, why not, well done, well done. we wish everything to work out, let it be a girl, yes, no matter, healthy, i agree, yes, take care of your loved ones, have children and be happy, it was a program of stars aligned, see you on the ntv channel.
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a talented pianist, luka zatravkin, the most famous offspring of nick and safron, he is a good guy, he is also kind, charming, he is smart. he, he's an interesting storyteller, he knows a lot, you know, that's why he's very talented. luka is a very good person, i always look at him, i have a smile on my face, because luka is very good, i smile all the time when i look at him, he is so kind of alive.


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