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tv   Agentstvo skritikh kamer  NTV  April 29, 2024 3:05am-3:36am MSK

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“i don’t want to seem perfect, i live, and i don’t want people to get divorced or not get married, i want there to be marriages, i’m for standards, for some kind of strong families, i’m for some kind of christian eternal love, i no luck, you know, he was striving for some kind of stars, safronov sadly admits, he has long been firmly married to art, he loved, suffered, cut a vein, then everything went away.”
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then they came to him and presented their children, nikos, by the way, always told me, well , let’s give birth to a daughter, why do i have only guys, well, you have such a beautiful daughter, he he loves my daughter nastya very much, she’s such a wonderful girl, she’s beautiful, why don’t you give me a daughter, and if i told him at the moment when he told me this, go ahead, he would be happy, and my daughter would now just live like a princess in a castle, and he really wanted a daughter.
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strangely enough, he kept telling me, well , look, i really want a daughter from you, let’s try for a daughter, it seems like a joke, on the other hand, it seems like not a joke, you know, never say, no, never say never, there can always be something in this life, you can never renounce, you know, as they say, remember the fairy tale, here is the old man who fell in love, here is ivanushka.
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and the artist did not spare the most explicit colors to paint his self-portrait with us in the style of realism. according to the laws of the genre, the colors themselves thickened somewhere, unknown strokes or strokes were added somewhere, and somewhere, as if with an eraser, something that the artist himself would prefer not to remember was erased. as a result, we got the image of nikos safronov, colorful, rich, with a slight note of understatement, but the viewer can easily complete everything in his imagination. ivan fedotov was with you, see you in the new cycle of the program based on real events, hang on sis, i bought cookies, your favorite, do you need sugar fox? no, dim, thank you, okay, i 'm me now. i’ll put something under the cup, yes, the debt is to
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avana, 25,000 rubles. marnat - 40, yurets 30, andryukha 120, ekaterina 80, dima, what for? immediately borrowed a debt of 5000, ask is a hidden camera agency, engaged in professional detective work, using all modern technical capabilities, head of the agency , retired lieutenant colonel troshin mikhail ilyich, served in the operational search department of the fsb, retired from reserve after being wounded, olga yuryevna sirova, operational officer of the ask, daughter of major sirov, troshin’s deceased partner. pavel, a technical specialist, was involved in a number of cases solved by troshin during the period. and he doesn’t
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admit where he spends the money, he says that he’ll sort out his debts himself, that it’s none of my business, but why isn’t it mine, i’m his sister, thank you, elizabeth, tell me, are you talking about debts? are you so worried about your brother, or did something else happen to you, forgive me, it’s just nerves and... i just buried my husband recently, excuse me, i was sick, i was still in the hospital with a nervous breakdown, i just came out here, please, figure out where he spends his money, suddenly he started playing again, play
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in more detail from this place, please, dima, even in his youth he spent all his money on a slot machine, my victor then helped him jump off, and not... he had friends, but now that vitya has died, it has certainly knocked everyone down, dima has become somewhat withdrawn, haggard, you will help, we will find out everything, thank you, goodbye. yes, it’s probably hard to lose a husband at that age; it’s hard at any age. pavel, communications, find our
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client’s brother using the mobile signal. dmitry lavrentievich lusov. “give me the coordinates, we want to go for a ride with him and correspondence with his background, give me a few minutes, boss, i see him, it’s him. in a black suit, great, ol, bookmaker’s office, it looks like the client was right and thunder, it looks like
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someone it’s waiting . ol, carefully, come closer. try to get the sound out. i looked at the correspondence of this dmitry, neither in the mail, nor in social networks, nor in sms, there is nothing. just borrow everyone. why doesn't she explain? and you wanted him to write to everyone, give me money, i’ll bet on our national team. i wish this would help for once. wait a while and check everything there, okay dim , my people figured out everything fine with the archery camera, i display the image, its wing is a little dented, don’t worry, it’s still a gorgeous car, i’ll make
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candy out of this volzhana, i’ve even already agreed with the master , his hands are itching to touch a domestic pickup truck, it’s a rarity, he promised me he’d make a mustang out of it. well, great, yeah, well, let's do it, i'll transfer you the money, sign it, and you give me the key, yes, yes, you call when it's convenient, okay, then i 'll wash it right away, come on, let's get in touch, boss , i’m taking him further, yes, let’s continue, i didn’t go to the bookmaker. he could have come in to make a couple of bets, but he didn’t, so what did he borrow then? let's find out, we need your help, this is the person
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your brother met, you know him, this is sanya zhokhov, he works there nearby, yeah, do you know that your brother is selling him a car? car? dima doesn’t have a car, he doesn’t even have a license. however, your brother is definitely selling the car to volga gaz24, a pickup truck with a dented fender, wait, this is dad’s car, dad was going to the village for the whole summer, i need to call him, he’s available, well, he’s probably sleeping, yes, you’re right, actually, except this meeting. nothing suspicious was detected with your brother, he spent the rest of the day at home, tomorrow i will continue monitoring, okay, thank you,
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see you tomorrow, goodbye, it seems, until the end of the working day. these zofis are not going, well, we’re not in a hurry, that ’s good, i’ll still sunbathe what work, you like your work, yes, but the work is what you need, the things are interesting, the schedule is convenient, the boss is cool, yes, olenka, the boss is pash, he’s eavesdropping on us again, and you’re being sycophantic, i’m actually on business, so
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i generally understood the correspondence from our client’s father, there’s not a word about the car, neither in the mail, nor in text messages, and his mobile phone has been switched off for 2 weeks already , well, maybe it was turned off in the village, or it doesn’t catch, it catches everything there, there’s a tower nearby, it’s strange. okay, pavlik, that's it, hang up, the client is calling. yes, elizaveta, hello, my dad’s neighbor just called me, on the contrary, she says there’s a guy in my dad’s apartment. but my dad’s number is unavailable, i took time off from work and am going there. wait, wait, elizabeth, tell me, is there any other way you can contact your father? well, maybe through your neighbors in the village, do you have a number? no, what? the fact is that your mobile is your hair. for a long time, and if in his apartment someone unfamiliar, what do you want to say that they did something to dad? i think
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it’s definitely not worth letting you go there alone, i ’ll pick you up now, okay, olya, stay where you are, if dmitry gets out, lead him yourself, keep me informed, i’ll leave, i need to go check out her apartment with my client father, accepted by egor. hello, listen, in the near future you may need brute male strength, in the next half hour you can help, so what if it comes in handy, mikhail alich?
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yes, egor, olenkaya, hello, hello, i love you i’ll see them, i don’t know, maybe in a dream, oh, in an erotic dream, i see them every day, i want to really see them in real life, you and the boss, no, oops, you quarreled or something, why did you quarrel? i'm on a mission, the boss is with a client. well, okay, okay, don’t get angry, i can directly feel your heated blush through the tube. egor, why are you calling, and regarding the machine. what type of car? washing machine, your machine broke down, you asked for help. yes, that was 100 years ago. so, i hope you haven’t changed in 100 years. maybe i haven’t changed, but the typewriter i bought a new one a long time ago. it’s even better, we won’t fix anything, i’ll come right away.
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i’m on my way, i promise to protect your boss like the apple of my eye, as you asked, i actually didn’t ask, i felt that you asked from a distance, i... well, that’s it, okay, okay, i’m finishing, as they say, you know, personal you have your own life, i have my own, i don’t mind my own business, well, bye, bye, and you kiss me, i’m leaving, a deadly task, maybe we’ll never hear from each other again, we won’t see each other, that’s it, end of communication .
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elizabeth, come in, everything is fine, yours the camera is working, our man on the floor below will back you up, maybe it’s better to call, not in... under no circumstances should we take the tenant by surprise, open the key, what the hell are you doing here, and who
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are you, this is my father’s apartment, ok, diman said there would be no problems, diman, what kind of deman? yes, he’s so damn bald, what does dima have to do with it, this is my dad’s apartment, listen, i ’m renting an apartment, what are the complaints against me, show me your documents, documents, are they from a cop or something? no, i'm not from the cops, i say this is an apartment my father, you yourself have documents confirming that this is your dad’s apartment, listen, i just want to know how you rented the apartment, if my dad is not in the city, there is no dad, diman is there, the girl, that’s all for now, yes you're sick of it. already, well, as long as you can, and elizabeth, come back, come in, don’t be afraid, i’m yegor, come in, i’m under the cover of
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these eyes, yegor, hang up, thank you, sorry for jerking you, come on! why is there mikhailvich, can i come in, i won’t, i’m in a hurry, of course, again, thank you, pavel, hey, you can i’ll ask you what kind of guy lives in bald senior’s apartment, i’ll send you a copy now, i’ll try it, send it to me. boss, dmitry left the office, i’m taking him,
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it looks like he’s going home, okay, i’ll be there soon. “i don’t understand what’s going on, dad’s mobile is unavailable, dima is taking over his apartment, selling his car, he’s in debt. don’t worry, calm down, continue monitoring your brother, can you take me with you? okay, let’s go.
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i don’t understand why he doesn’t go home, he walks in circles, as if he’s waiting for someone, chief, i’m just afraid to approach, he might spot him. i’m there, i see you, while everything is quiet. didn’t call anyone, didn’t go anywhere, boss, about the tenant, the photo you sent, sergey gerasimovich mukhov, his name is, 40 years old, yes, hello.
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liza, you know this girl, it seems, no, well, the girl is giving him something, pash, there are cameras in the area of ​​​​hospital val, building five, and also olya. pass by, try to film what they are looking at there, leave immediately, it’s customary, mm, there are no cameras on the fifth, the closest one is on the seventh, but
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damn, that one is on the side of the road, i understand, no need, better give me the sound from the object’s phone, but no the question is, now everything will be, hello, mom, yeah, here it is, that’s enough, and this one is full, but okay, yes, okay, what do you need or own? “let’s do all sorts of fireman, let there be more, come on, fintanil, what is this, an apiloid analgesic, apiloid, he’s like a drug addict, here you go, if you need anything else, call me, i ’ll try to find it cheaper for you, thank you, so that’s why he needs money took it, dimka, lisa, stop!” dima, what is this? give it back, i won’t give it back, these are drugs, yes, do you understand that you need
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treatment? give it away, of course, that's why you're selling dad's things and his car. were you following me? i had to, you don’t tell anything yourself, do you? what should i tell you? patya himself asked to sell the apartment to zatik? why didn't he tell me this? because it doesn't concern you. what, i don’t believe you, let him call himself, tell me, okay, call him, i have something to do with it, i called, he’s unavailable, well, what do i have to do with it, figure it out, give it to me, listen, dima, you understand that you need treatment, you need help, i’ll help you find a doctor, dima, that’s it, so what should i do with him, we’ll come up with something, but now yours... asked for help,
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i decided to rent it out for the summer, but i’m selling the car, dimka , i wonder how often your dad writes such long text messages, to be honest, he’s not a writer. should you try calling him back? yes. what do you think? hmm, does it reset? maybe by chance, now. it resets again. oh, it’s inconvenient to talk, write. what does it mean to be uncomfortable speaking? i'll find out now. in the meantime , write to him with any question, any one. about the weather, about health. pavel, can you display an image from the camera on our father’s phone? clients? i'll try, a little patience.
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sent? yes, i sent it. let's look at your dad. attention to the screen, i am outputting a signal from the phone. are you sure that this is the elder’s phone, i can also display a picture of the younger’s phone, judging by the signal, his handset is in the same place, no need, but why is dima’s dad’s mobile, and what’s wrong with dad, where is he, let’s try to find out, wait, that is what happens is that dima is lying and dad didn’t ask him for anything, that it’s all for the sake of... maybe he’s keeping him somewhere, forcing him to sign documents, maybe these are his bandits forced, the only way to find out the truth is to continue monitoring your brother.
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we’ll call you as soon as we find out something, can i come with you, please, i promise i won’t interfere, i’ll go crazy on my own, only on the condition that you don’t show independence, yes, okay. olya, turn up the sound. yes now. yes, without sound, everything is clear. i came to sell my dad's car. now form it. the main thing is that your wife swears there, right? well, of course, yes. everything is fine. i won't give it to him. only over my dead body. open. elizabeth, you promised. open up, you
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you understand that i won’t forgive myself for not stopping him, you understand that i have to know what he did to dad, okay, it’s your choice, come on, hold the keys, hello, don’t you dare, this is dad’s car, lisa , hi, lisa, what... did you do with dad, i know, you’re the one writing ess from his phone, isok, what are you doing, it’s all because of drugs, yes, that’s why you’re selling his things, so guys, you’re here figure it out yourself, i'll go, we'll talk in the car later, come on, call me, call me later, ima, what's wrong with dad, answer me, what, did you kill him?
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lord, i almost went crazy, i thought you were his, why do you have his mobile? dad said to take it, but he doesn’t want to talk to anyone, he’s tired of taking it, that everything is fine, but you know, he doesn’t like to complain, i don’t know, and i played tricks on him, and it’s such a strong pain, yes, but he's holding on,
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at least he's trying. he is now after chemotherapy, he is all alone there, he probably needs care, care, i sorted everything out, a nurse is sitting with him, she is looking after him, he is happy with her, listen, he doesn’t need a nurse, i can come to him, i’m very, that’s it, of course, of course, now we’ll go, well, calmly, well, okay, that’s it, calm down, yes, stop, why, okay, ol, that’s it, we can wrap up, the camera with... i’ll take it off later, i’m not up to us now, yeah , i myself almost believed that this dmitry sold his father for a dose, how can you hide this, after all, her daughter has the right to know the truth.


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