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tv   Marlen  NTV  April 29, 2024 6:00am-6:56am MSK

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have you lived in st. petersburg for a long time, am i bothering you? no, i visited st. petersburg a little, but i visited leningrad a lot, 15 years. that's where you became a gardener? no, there i worked as an ambulance driver, but here i was a lot of people, i was a waiter, i was a courier, i was also a handyman. there seems to be a person being killed here, a woman is screaming, asking for help, please introduce yourself, quickly, a person is being killed here, i understood your name, it was you who called the police, yes, i, so you came into the house with bush shears and what- then we saw, yes, i heard a woman screaming, i went into the house, and the owner, a lawyer, was standing there
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, covered in blood and looking at me like crazy, i ran away and started calling the police, be healthy, rakhmat, so why did you run away, if my duties included apprehending the murderers, i i would be sitting in your place, if they hadn’t gone on the run, you wouldn’t be sitting in your place now, i... have lived enough in this world to doubt this, gardener, uzbek, gaster-baiter, ideal for a goat absolution, you suspect me, you sign here, please, yeah, and i will very much i’ll ask you, for now... not to leave the city, okay,
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that is, you’re not detaining me, no, i can go, of course, i don’t know what kind of investigator you are, dear, but you’re a good person, what makes you think that? as two brothers, writers, said, it is better to be mistaken about a person 20 times than to be suspicious of everyone. lazbek turganovich, thank you, if you need anything, please contact me, thank you. the police are investigating
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the circumstances, but according to preliminary data, the hit-and-run was committed by an unknown person. the investigation will look for a connection between the collision he will find masha and the murder of nastya, because almost every brunette in our company had a connection with oleg. we are quite satisfied, these two murders are connected, then litunovsky has nothing to do with it, he was in a pre-trial detention center at the time of the attack, yes, but... the gardener too, this destroys our line of defense, yes, marlen georgievich, there is news, i’ll tell you i sent a video email in which our chip lit up.
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so, we will involve the press.
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the police identified the main suspect of the first murder, but at the time of the crime there was the gardener, who ran away after the murder, was soon caught and immediately released; one gets the feeling that this was all someone’s order, not a well-planned action against lawyers who had become objectionable to someone due to their professional activities. “yes, at the time of the attack he was sitting in the bullpen, but he may have accomplices, let ’s not succumb to pressure from the press, so i can’t help but succumb, marlene, i’m the only one asking you, i’m asking everyone else,
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and we’ll let letunovsky go, and everyone will leave you alone, that is, as soon as we let you go, what a cretin, i say, well, only a complete idiot would kill his mistress in his house. “ there’s a river of blood all over the house, i’m covered all over from head to toe, and then i would deny everything, i propose to interrogate letunovsky one last time and let him go, and events will speed up, the criminal will see that everything is not developing according to his plan, he will twitch and reveal himself.
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forgive me for a sincere question, who is this? asya, asya, who is she? she, she’s super, a blackmailer, you know her too, yes, well , they told you that we have no secrets from each other. listen, remember, you told me. what you can.
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“please, but she’s a blackmailer, she may be involved in what happened to you, she’s not involved, blackmailers don’t behave like that, she gave herself up, received incriminating evidence, earned money, disappeared, everyone is happy, i’m not happy with how you
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transferred money to the personification of your youth, through the storage room, well..." you can go and have fun further, just don't leave the city. mr. litunovsky, do you think you have any suggestions? marlen georgievich, i ’m going to the station, to the storage room, you are cars, cars, have you checked your employees? yes, i checked, no one has a similar jeep, the numbers on the jeep are new, yeah.
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you're lucky, we copy all camera footage to a hard drive and store it for a year. great, i hope no offense, sorry what happened? if i were you, i would do exactly the same thing, what did the investigator say? they found the one who stirred it all up, who? fatal brunette named asi, blackmailer, it seems you didn’t pay extra? yes, damn lawyer nature, i'm used to tragavas, i'm very sorry, for this she killed two of your mistresses with particular cruelty, yes? well, yes, why set him up, yes, the major
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league, i will already fall in love, despite the fact that perhaps someone hired her, if this is a multi-step move, who can afford it? the one who is definitely not in these photographs, we haven’t had a single lost case in the last year, well, there’s a nuance, listen, maybe we’ll drink something stronger, but if i were you, i wouldn’t get carried away with alcohol.
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let's just quickly, come on, you doubt the lawyer's friendship, i doubt it, i've known anton for 20 years, they're practically like brothers to me, even letunovsky, you mean him weakness for the female sex, i have, i used to be a brunette with long hair, oleg and i had an affair that should have ended in a wedding, if not for two things, the first is that he is a womanizer, the second is that i was i’m not ready to put up with this, i’ll tell you more, his obsession with brunettes has begun.
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yes, pasha, marlen georgievich, your friend showed up here, shura, borisevich, this is a show of stars, duels, lera kudryavtseva, that’s what the star’s project did to me, now i’m still their romaev, today she has seen, leg, tomorrow what, on a hook will appear in your right hand, then a parrot. against alexander revva, ap-69 serum, arthur pirozhkov. sit, sit, autographs later. why is sergei zhukov receiving compression garments more and more often on stage? why isn't he responding? is he charging? in short, is bed rest recommended for you? i'm against. so let's write it down, against the regime. if you want i will.
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lives on the stove, great, yumi, what are you doing, i eat combat physical training and doesn’t eat rolls, so you spend little on food, everything goes to the girls, because he... imelya, the most charismatic opera in the department, let me show you what you had, and you are three heroes, this is funny, look, you don’t know how to use edged weapons, yes, now i ’ll get you the cop, and i warned you, oleg gas, so guys, let’s go without la-la, emelya,
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stock up on popcorn , now we’ll watch a movie, the premiere is today at 19:30 on ntv. well, your mother, it’s useless, it’s useless, well, no, it’s not necessary, well, i don’t set an alarm on principle. a car is not a jewelry store, it is a means of transportation. in general, these are also stolen for spare parts. hello marlene. and i thought no one reads newspapers anymore, and then, that there is more responsibility printed on paper, some kind of smile you have is not very sincere shura, well, it’s just that since our last meeting you have hardly been sent into retirement, you didn’t come to me to get a job, no, you didn’t go up to the office, that means conversation confidential, this concerns someone from our office, well done,
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you haven’t lost your skill, this concerns you, shur, you, so come on, no nonsense, okay, recognize the face, marlene, i didn’t kill anyone, i’m not in this area, you know me, yes i know, i'm joking, that's it, that's it, i know, let's take a ride to management, a question, we’ll just have a snack, well... in mine, well, shur, i finished the soot, come on, i ’m listening to you attentively, while you’re telling the truth, we’re talking here, only this kind of doubt appears, i’m moving right away, you you know where it is, well, in general,
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letunovsky, yeah, turned to me for help, yeah, you have a video. marlene, do you know what these lawyers' fees are? yes, but which ones? well, i provide security for their payments, i carry them out with bags, so this lyutunovsky did not become very poor, especially since he mowed down half the amount.
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shura, what is your percentage? 20. not bad, so, shura, where to find her, no idea, marlene, well, they pinched the authorities, ran away, i have no idea, you noticed, well, you grew up, you grew up, who grew up, but yours, your nose, shur, what are you, i didn’t know that a person’s nose grows from lying, this was strongly hinted at in a fairy tale, a person’s nose grows throughout his life, as scientists say, because a person spends his entire life. shura is lying, that’s what you lied to us now, i know you, you know me, but you couldn’t bite off the goose that lays the golden eggs, that’s it, no justified my hopes, i'm tired of it, okay, i 'll help you find her, but i have nothing to do with her affairs, well, i told the truth, be
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healthy. fache, you see her, i see her, magden georgievich, and where she’s standing over there, it seems to me too. i can be myself, yes, yes, for now, yes, under subscription, and not on departure, they’ve formalized it. here are the topes, you know, asya, i am very impressed by this new
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visual language of modern artists, simple, laconic, understandable, here is the japanese artist takashi with darkness, we are considered fools, a so-so poem, however, like the picture, for me, is a complete sunset. and steal your companion to ask her yours, well, i really hope for another meeting, oh yes, me too, and i have one too,
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well, i really hope that you won’t need it, although, please, bye, verbina, asolya arsenyevna, 30 years old, native, the capital is registered here, so man, i actually have a regime, i need to somehow keep myself in shape, let me tell you how it all happened and you let me go, write, sincerely the confession is, of course, sincere, i never lie, but i i never tell the truth, but it’s interesting, it ’s like there is a lie, sir, in your case, comrade, investigator, a person lies when... he knows the truth and deliberately distorts it, but i don’t know the truth, for me at all everything in this world is vaguely mysterious, therefore i’m not lying, and in general, what may seem true today
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may turn out to be untrue tomorrow, on the contrary, who are we to put labels on a person, there is always such filthy wine at exhibitions, so what can i tell you? about this my... partner in the video, yes, tell me, tell me, how we met, let’s reduce it to banality, an exhibition, a buffet reception, a couple of abstruse phrases, an exchange of contacts, then the most interesting thing began, with this lawyer, as his lyatunovsky, oleg nikolaevich, exactly, i called him olgert, turned out to be a groovy guy, i had to improvise. i filmed a video on the phone that was sticking out of my purse, that is, you don’t deny that they extorted money, yes, well, i don’t deny that i
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received it, i offered them to buy the video, he agreed, aren’t we market-oriented? relationship, the product was fake, bed scenes, staging, here i agree with you, we are ready to bear full responsibility for the sale of goods of inadequate quality, does this seem administrative? code, yes, yes, this is administrative, yeah, now this is criminal, footage from films, horror, you love dismemberment, you can’t tell, these are employees of a law firm, about one of the leaders, which you told us so fascinatingly just now, both are cruel killed, okay, yes, both brunettes, like me, are about the same age, what do you mean that... that i could be in their place? no, could you be a murderer?
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why should i do this? so this is what i'm trying to understand: where were you on the night from tuesday to wednesday and on friday evening of this week? where i was, he was not there, who can confirm this? who i was with cannot be confirmed, the position is too high, so you will have to take my word for it, you believe me, right? we are forced to interrupt the interrogation. great, it’s too late for my fitness class. to her cell. where? to the camera, to the camera. during investigative and operational work on suspicion in committing a number of brutal murders, an employee. we will undertake to defend her,
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we will involve the best lawyers. cc. already sent to all departments, now you are our most priority client, but she wanted to set you up, you know, they say correctly, you can’t order your heart, you know, you know, i think about her all the time, but since we spent with her that night, it’s like i’m 20 again, remember our youth, oh, i don’t participate in your sex drives, you’ve always been boring. i'll make do, i'm sorry, but on your part it looks like suicide, let it be at her hands, i'm even ready to die.
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marlene, don’t insist that it’s nothing, that is, she ’s lying, i don’t feel anything, this has never happened, i don’t feel her, is he really...
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i already reported to the authorities that the main suspect was caught, that’s all they did the right thing, colonel, it’s definitely her, one hundred percent, that’s why the step at the tracks in letunovsky’s house is short, she intentionally left it behind, somehow everything comes out awkwardly, as i understand it, colonel, she doesn’t have it any other way, at first glance look, pure angel. and if you get to know me better, daughter of the devil, less,
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marlene. today you are not yourself, you forgot your role, now you’ve been grating carrots for two hours, i guess, love, just call me darling, okay, darling, marlene, are you having problems at work? yes, it’s more of a non-standard situation, tell me why you invited me to your home so late, tell me, suddenly i realized, i gave my whole life to the food, i never learned how to cook borscht, but no, everything is fine, that’s normal, well, i i still feel it, otherwise
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i... thought that someone was telling the truth, but it wasn’t there now, really, borscht is an excuse, you you knew, you put me at a dead end at first, of course, a woman who has such a shabby apartment and doesn’t know how to cook borscht, well , somehow, usually it’s the other way around, they call a man to treat him to delicious borscht, then i started to feel tired, well, okay, and you really are an investigator, am i suddenly crying?
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as long as a woman is a mystery, she is interesting. you think there's a secret to this, right? whose, what's there? what’s wrong with you, and i’m no longer interesting to you, and in general i started this damned borscht in vain, you, you, what are you, you just came up with it all perfectly, honestly, i’m like your investigator and as a man i say, yeah.
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let me go! on may 2, ntv celebrates the anniversary of leonid konevsky. hello! in the morning, my favorite movie
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is dartagne the three musketeers. the cardinal horseman is a force. during the day the investigation was carried out. however, this is a completely different story. and in the evening you make a film about someone, about me, but why? new documentary film leonid konevsky, people's artist. leon semyonovich is a bridge between times, planets, events, leonid konevsky's apartment at margulis. i really like that a star of this format, just not being rude, came to us, our service is dangerous, at the end of the day there is a series. tyomin with leonid konevsky in the title role. act only on my command. anniversary of leonid konevsky. may 2, all day on ntv. emelya, premiere. today at 19:30 on ntv. someone
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what do you say, grigory ivanovich? seventh floor, gravity, myself! there is alcohol in the blood, but not enough, the glasses are still waiting in the wings. there are no drugs, but there are markers of acute reactive psychosis, mental illness, no medical records were found, we checked, out of the blue, psychozh, why would this shock be against the backdrop of all the events, could provoke neurosis, depression, binge drinking, but suicide - it’s like the office was a mess, the door was locked from the inside, maybe he was scared of someone, there were no traces. there was no nickname, the security guards in the office were on the first
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floor at night, but judging by the cameras, at the moment of the jump, he was alone in the office, and before the jump, here, and so, again, the brunette, yes, they are all the same color there, comrade colonel , i think... he was scared of her, or what? listen, maybe he decided on his own employees, then he tortured his conscience and couldn’t cope with the fact that you are you silent, marlen georgievich, what? we need to get ready, pash, where, marlen georgievich, check the version, well, we’ll go, check the version, go, check.
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i would like to apologize to you regarding your detention, i’m sorry, and admit that lies do not exist just like the truth, i cannot agree with this, the criminal copied your individual manner in order to set the investigation in the right direction. yes, it really looks like her wig is the same, how did you guess that it was a wig? well, i have almost the same one. asola, we will have one for you small request. there are cubes right here,
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why bother, but i realized we don’t need cubes, how did you guess, well, of course, the ice trays were thoroughly washed and filled with clean water, but they didn’t think about one thing. and you thought, freezer, listen, he’s a genius, when they put the molds in the freezer, a little spilled, but that’s enough for me, i’m happy too, for you, grigory ivanovich, i discovered this snack in yesterday’s glass, it’s a very strong, very toxic antipsychotic, it’s amazing central nervous system, detect it practically
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impossible, but i was able to, you know, hallucinate, letunovsky said that he saw the pictures strongly. there are many poisons, but not all cause glucinations and not all leave traces that cannot be detected by an ordinary expert. well, thank god, you’re unusual here, come on grigory, well, yes, so i did one tricky analysis and eureka, this poison is cadaverine, rodent cadaverine, rat cadaverine, i already said, it’s very difficult to detect, but it’s easy to get , we need to catch a bigger rat, strangle it, that’s enough, okay, i’ll tell you later, then there’s no need either. so we dissolve the poison in water, pour it into a mold of ice, put it in the freezer, and what do we get? poisonous ice cubes, letunovsky drinks whiskey with ice and hello, so letunovsky was just poisoned? yes, okay, letunovsky might not have understood
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where he was, who he was, but he could have killed under the influence of poison, no, why? well, you remember what happened there, 30 wounds, corpses all over the house.
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that's how you like these candidates, a genius, he was a real professional, a real friend, a real man, he was always faithful himself, that’s how he is... that’s how he will remain in our hearts, let’s remember oleg. gentlemen, i would also like to say, good evening, i knew
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oleg for only a short time, but that was enough to understand that oleg was a very special person, he once told me that he loved a woman very much, but then he made a mistake, because -for which he paid all his life, this... made oleg the way we knew him, loved him, the way we will remember him, all his life he was looking for a replacement for this woman, he found her in my face, i don’t believe that he could have committed suicide, on the eve of our wedding he was killed, excuse me, can i have you? what do you allow yourself, why are you here? he couldn’t commit suicide, he couldn’t jump out of the window, he was killed, he proposed to me, that’s
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a lie, he didn’t propose to you, no, that’s not a lie, we submitted an application to the legislative office, you can check it, i don’t have anything i said, well, because, as i said, he finally got rid of you, i know that you are that woman, that you are his first love, i want to tell you... that you will remember this too all life? can you bring me some more wine while i collect my thoughts? yes, sure. are you sure today is the right day for revelation? yes, today is the same day, do you
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know that two of our employees died? yes, yes, i called and told you, you know under what exact circumstances, of course, this does not bother you, allow me to suggest, thank you, thank you. “if you are talking about oleg’s love affairs, then we agreed that before the wedding he would forget all this, and we would start from scratch, i immediately realized that you hooked him by his eyes, because he was looking for not to punish you, i killed them, and oleg too, why? he ruined my life, i just couldn't see him happy and, you know, why am i
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telling you this? poison, you will be dead in a few minutes, your heart will stop, an autopsy will show acute heart failure. are you talking about that glass? you have been arrested on suspicion of committing three murders, here is your confession, your entire dialogue was recorded, child, the caller is not...
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can you imagine, she had poison with her all the time, she carried it with her, just in case case, well, three murders were solved at once, maybe we can explain this to a comrade, the colonel, eh, pasha, pavel, pavlenty, filippov’s superiors, to remind us that the criminal had to be preserved in order to identify, so to speak, the complete picture, and he’s right in a lot, okay, marlene, don’t use it, i ’m sure that you already have the picture completely formed, yes the picture is formed, and the picture is, colleagues, that the colon,
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except for her, first, what does she do, she sets him up with murder interns. and when it didn't work through hitting girlfriend of the first victim, she already kissed his
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new chosen one. the car belongs to her cousin, he is now working somewhere in the north, a driver, in general, criminologists confirmed that this jeep hit the victim, when letunovsky told polina that he intended to protect asya, she was completely wedged, we will undertake to protect her, we will connect the best lawyers, what she did, she poisoned him. and then assol about you came to our aid. at the wake, asol, who had a hidden camera in her purse, provoked polina. ta poured poison into her wine, but she managed to
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unnoticedly replace your glass. and here we are. true, we’re a little late, that’s it, excuse me, can i talk to you for a second, come on, come on, we lost money, after the incident with polina, the blackmailer pulled out my key, entered my office and stole the fee for the last case, but not all of it. and exactly the amount by which letunovsky reduced her payment. asya, no, i’m not offended, i’m even delighted, i won’t write a statement at all.
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is the maestro on a roll today? i'm glad you like it, my beautiful lady. i like, when do you call me that? i miss you. we can't be distracted. i don't care.


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