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tv   Segodnya  NTV  April 29, 2024 7:00pm-7:30pm MSK

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the attack on the mobile post of the ministry of internal affairs in karachay-cherkessia was repulsed, the gang was destroyed in its entirety. report by maxim berezin. in lugansk , a performance of the moscow zapashny brothers circus was held at the sanshlag. who made the greatest impression on the audience, who took the ntv microphone with four paws in alexey ivliev’s report. protests in the united states against students and teachers speaking out in support of palestine, police use batons with tear gas, hundreds of people are arrested. the tenth half marathon was held in moscow, how many participants did the anniversary race gather and is there a new record for distance 21?
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edundanov recognized the kilometer. hello, welcome to the information service of the television company. and igor politaev. an armed attack was carried out. at night on a traffic police squad in karachay-cherkessia. two security forces were killed and four more were wounded. the condition of all victims is currently assessed as stable and serious. according to preliminary data, there were five attackers, they were destroyed by return fire. our correspondent, maxim berezina, has all the details. who visited the scene. five militants attacked a mobile post of the ministry of internal affairs here, at this intersection in the village of mora ayagi. the night before, at approximately 11:30 p.m. the gang arrived in an old nine. they were
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well armed, each had a machine gun, a pistol, ammunition and homemade vision devices. the militant threw one of them towards the police, and his accomplices jumped out of the car and opened fire with machine guns. employees of the republican department of the ministry of internal affairs, the russian national guard and police officers on business were on duty at the mobile post from kurgan region. one of them, deputy head of the intermunicipal department of the ministry of internal affairs, lieutenant colonel anton valikov, died in the first minutes of the attack. his colleague was also fatally wounded. the police began to shoot back and were hit by a homemade bomb... participants in the attack by police officers committed on april 22 of this year in the city of karachaevsk. during this, these persons, using firearms, fired several shots at police officers, after which they stole ichtapel weapons and ammunition fled the crime scene. during the night
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battle, four police officers were wounded; they were taken to hospitals in stavropol and cherkessk; the officers suffered bullet wounds. their condition is stable and their lives are not in danger at the moment. we transferred one of the victims to the stavropol regional clinical hospital in the morning. the remaining patients are being treated in the intensive care unit and trauma department. they are provided with qualified medical care in full, perform all necessary diagnostic and therapeutic procedures. chapter. rashid temrezov expressed condolences to the relatives of the dead policemen, the families will provide all the necessary support, the relatives of the dead will be paid 1 million rubles each, and the wounded will be given one-time assistance in the amount of 300,000. timrezov said that the police had fully fulfilled their professional duty by destroying an organized, well-armed gang. maxim berezin, maxim ushanov, sergey palatyukov, north caucasus bureau of ntv, korachaeva cherkessia. the water level is rising almost along the entire length of the ishim river.
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in the tyumin region, in the lower reaches, the flood is approaching its peak; in the southern regions there is already a second wave of flooding. the most difficult situation is in the obad region, where 14 settlements are cut off from the mainland. earlier, authorities announced an emergency evacuation; by this time, more than a thousand people had been evacuated. the river surrounded the federal highway to omsk on both sides. a dam is being built along the road. reversible traffic was organized on the site, which resulted in the formation of a sixty-meter long cork. the situation is complicated by strong winds. who understands the wave. at the same time , another large river in the region , the tobol, overflows its banks. one of the villages was cut off from the mainland by the flooding of the road. while flooding is occurring in the floodplain area. nevertheless, residents are urged to evacuate as soon as possible. in the erenburg region, where the spring flood became the heaviest in the entire history of observations, the elements are gradually retreating. water is pumped out from previously flooded areas and treated. they work as a damage assessment commission. residents flood victims. have already received
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about 2 billion rubles. many roads in the region are in need of repair. at the moment, experts are determining the cause of the dam’s break, after which work will begin to restore it. e fighters from the center group of troops liberated the village of semyonovka on the territory of the dpr, the ministry of defense reported this today, more advantageous positions in the special operation zone were occupied by units of the west and east groups, and the south group improved the situation along the front line in donbass. another combat mission in this sector front was carried out by the crew of attack aircraft. su-25 pilots disrupted the rotation of ukrainian army personnel by launching precise missile attacks on the enemy. received the task, performed duty on the ground, took off in pairs, entered the combat mission area, entered the combat course, launched the nar, scraped with the established parameters, according to the report of the sir, the enemy's manpower was hit, fulfilled
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their main purpose - supporting the ground forces on at the forefront, work, guys, victory will be ours, and these shots the svo was removed in the south donetsk direction, tankers from primorye inflicted fire damage. stronghold of the ukrainian armed forces, which hindered the advance of the assault troops. the task was completed by the crew of t-80 bvm tanks. the fighters fired at enemy fortifications with direct fire from a distance of 700 to 1.00 m. the large moscow circus came to lugansk on a guest tour. people's artists of russia, the zapashny brothers, brought a new program to donbass, dedicated to the hundred-year history of russian circus art. the premiere performance of the play was sold out. queues at the box office lined up. a few hours before the opening, the capital's circus will give another two dozen performances for residents of the lugansk people's republic, all funds received will go to support the local and circus troupe. report by alexey ivleev. the most visual
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safety briefing from edgard zapashny a couple of minutes before... menacing, but very beautiful predators enter the arena of the lugansk circus, they have a long road behind them, the rehearsal is taking place in an unfamiliar place, where everything is new, smells, and people with camera and microphone, the animals are nervous, but the calmness of the guard brothers is transferred to the lions and tigers, so kurt, who at the beginning tried to enter into a discussion with the trainers, is already working on excellent, there are so many predators in the arena at the same time. you won’t see it very often, and you can also take it in stock, a lot of rare, white tigers, after a job well done, a well-deserved reward, a huge piece of meat, these tigers or you deserve it, right there to the loud chomping of non- predators, an impromptu press conference, right in the arena, behind
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the net, the moscow circus did not just come to lugansk is on tour, this decision of the artists to bring the kindest humanitarian aid, a new circus program, the idea was supported by the authorities.
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the most beautiful in the world. this is just one of the many stars of the best russian circus. a chimpanzee named hermes. he brought his own program here. yes, he still wants to work as a correspondent for the ntv television company. he will replace me when i retire. at the circus arena, zapashny’s new assistant, like the heroine of the film striped flight, dreamed of becoming a tamer. in the beginning i was tigrina mother, but now her charges have grown up, and she will soon have to go in herself. in a cage, it’s not scary, but fear is the unknown, but here i understand, firstly, what to expect, and secondly, there are such men next to me, at the premiere at the full house circus, the box office opens at 9:00 in the morning, and the line is tickets start taking up at 6:00 and there is not a single empty seat in the hall. the director
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is the director of the play, and this is a performance, not a performance. and skolt zapasnik says that he tried. the russian circus from the first fair performances to the glorious pages of the soviet circus art. and also imagine what the circus of the future will be like. children and adults greeted each performance with long applause, and some artists were escorted out of the arena even while standing. and one more thing, all the money raised from ticket sales will be donated by the artists to their colleagues from the lugansk circus. he in due time...
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this concerns freedom of speech, not even just freedom of speech, but freedom to talk about a critical issue that needs discussion and dialogue, and they send heavy police, creating unrest at the site of a peaceful demonstration, it’s just a shame, they beat me with a bicycle and pushed me so hard that i hit my head, after which i was charged. in an attack on a police officer, can you believe it? us police have not encountered student protests of this magnitude for a long time. numerous arrests led to the fact that students had additional motivation to fight. now they are seeking not only an end to military aid to israel, but also release without any punitive measures hundreds of their detained comrades. supporters of the georgian opposition held a large-scale protest in tbilis. the reason was the adoption of the law on foreign agents. the oppositionists think. the foreign influence transparency bill is pro-russian and they fear it will interfere with the country's plans to join
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the eu. the document does not provide for sanctions, only reporting for an organization that receives more than 20% of funds from abroad. in the eu countries in the usa, the rules regarding agents are much stricter, but the georgian opposition does not listening to any arguments, he tries to literally storm parliament in order to prevent the adoption of the law. to contain the crowd, the police used special equipment, and doctors had to provide assistance to those injured by the gas. this evening the ruling party is holding a counter-rally at the georgian parliament in support of the draft law on foreign agents. today in paris the police detained gerararoe. the seventy-five-year-old actor, who has russian citizenship, was taken to a police station in the fourteenth arrondissement of the french capital for questioning about allegations of sexual assault. two women.
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reporting by edmund zhilbunov. start at exactly 9 am according to tradition from the stadium in luzhniki, then along the embankment to the center of moscow and back. only 21 km 100 m. a classic half marathon, every year it is conquered by an increasing number of runners. the first race took place in may 2014, and if in the debut
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half marathon a little more than one and a half thousand people took to the start, then the number of participants was already last year. a landmark event for the city and the country, the largest half marathon in the country, in which more than 2000 people take part; for experienced athletes it takes on average a little over an hour to complete the whole twenty, so by ten. in the morning, the main intrigue was resolved: at the moscow half-marathon , course records are regularly updated, and spectators were waiting to see whether the achievements of the previous race would be covered. as a result , rina became the winner of the moscow half marathon among men.
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cool! also today, a corporate student relay race took place for the first time in the history of the capital’s half marathon, so the atmosphere of a real sport reigned at luzhniki.
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holiday. and the weather did not disappoint in this regard , all the athletes, as one noted, running under such april sunshine in the center of moscow is a pleasure. edmund dzhelbunov, anton zubov, denis goryunov, natalya kmaikina and roman vekmanes, ntv television company. moscow. today, orthodox believers have begun holy week, as the last week is called. the week of lent, each day of which has its own meaning. the russian orthodox church remembers the last days of the earthly life of jesus christ, the last supper, the betrayal of judgment, crucifixion burial. during holy week, believers observe strict fasting and try to abstain from worldly vanity. lent ends with the bright holiday of easter. this year orthodox christians celebrate it on may 5th. on the eve of the main holiday in jerusalem on holy saturday , thousands of pilgrims gather to see the miracle. may at one o'clock in the afternoon moscow time
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ntv will begin broadcasting from the holy land to moscow from jerusalem the holy fire will be delivered by a special flight to the beginning of the easter service in the cathedral of christ the savior. these are the main news at this hour is the premiere of detective emelya. well, we are igor poletaev and aina nikolaeva, thank you for your attention. all the best. a credit card is beneficial in any situation, an interest-free period of 120 days begins every month, and service notifications are free forever. this is why zber credit cards are the best in the country. apply for a credit card , everything will be the way you want. one of my friends is preparing for a new party, why is nothing ready? we need more modest costumes, did you enter the wrong door? sunshines, you have
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let's sort it out, boss. here he is, well, i’m off, but what do you tell him? yes don't worry. this is how everything will be fine, or very good, friends should help each other, fuck it!


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