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tv   Marlen  NTV  April 30, 2024 5:10am-6:05am MSK

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sorry, sorry, i don’t know, sorry, sorry, so what needs to be done to make this all end quickly? yes, anton and i are lovers, we sleep with him, so my husband wanted to get a divorce, my husband wanted to get a divorce because he was tired of me, because i became too old for him, oleg and i have not slept for a year and a half. what, what, what, what, what, vitalik, look, look, what did you hear that’s new, maybe from yours?
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to be in touch with the client, to be honest, i don’t care, i’m more concerned about the reputation of my business, witnesses, please record men's shoes with brown spots, come on, yes, this is blood, these are your husband's shoes, yes, he was wearing them that day, unfortunately, you were detained. do you think it’s possible for a person, something could remain there, the temperature in the sauna stove is 700°, for human bones to turn into ashes, you need at least 1,700, or burn it for several days, so turn off the stove, stand, hands up the hill, that hat take off
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your burda, who is there, a client, oh, excuse me, this is something new, i’m on... if you have a veneta there instead of batons, why are we burning, get out of here, yes, well, marlene, you took the organizer, now you’ll deal with the executor in time, you’re not in a hurry to report the car to the colonel, we have here... what doesn’t add up, what
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doesn’t add up with you again, and we still can’t find the body , and they stuffed the clothes in all the offices, marlene, you know better than me that in a murder it is impossible to plan everything to the end, and in general it’s me who needs to worry, i arrested the person who asked me to help, everyone wrap up, report to me tomorrow , pa-pa-pa-pam.
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you must leave the bathhouse within investigative activities, and what did you forget in the women's bathhouse? who are you processing here? and now we're on the same page, okay. pashenka, actually women come here to be processed, i’m not pashenka, i’m a senior lieutenant of justice, gavrilov, pavel leonidovich, something interesting is happening in this building, pavel leonidovich, it’s none of your business, it’s okay, sooner or later i’ll squeeze you, well, squeeze you now, if you can’t stand it, these jokes of yours don’t work with me, if he’s... with marlen georgievich, you have
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some kind of paradox there, then i’m clear to myself identified, immediately asya, i understood everything, it’s her, she’s involved in all this, who she is, oh, as if you don’t know, asya, she needs to be detained, marlen georgievich, don’t you want to talk to her, find out if she’s lying? or no, i don’t want to lose confidence in my abilities, but we don’t have any statements from her, no statements, no grounds, except for verbina, i haven’t met anyone else suspicious, no, well, pike. i met the manager near the door, but this is the witness in the case,
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yes, gandhi, marlen georgievich, in the remains of the oven human body, well, that was what needed to be proven. that is, this is the skeleton of the escaped eliseev, yes, the colonel, all the bones are in place. it turns out that the escaped suspect didn’t escape anywhere, why can you say that he escaped through a pipe, in a gaseous state, crap, now i need your medical humor, well, that’s not all, secret colonel, look, this is a hair, i found it was in
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bottle glass, it was caked there, like an insect in resin, i found the glass in the coal from the furnace that we seized the first time, it also belongs to the manager. no, the first victim, well to the missing husband, the mistress, and you are silent, so gandya finished the analysis only in the morning, yes, the first victim was also burned quite possibly, i have a request, let no one except us know about these finds in the oven, as well , i need this the bathhouse complex continued to function, but what if it became known about the bones, would they stop walking? well, but inna semyonovna, yes, inna semyonovna doesn’t know anything, she thinks that her manager ran away, that is, you didn’t involve kostya in the case, we will, we will, but a little later, i would now i easily promised you, marlen, well, you
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and your detector, you will immediately feel that i can’t help but share information, andrei sergeevich, i’m sure that you will succeed, however, colleagues, andrei sergeevich will succeed, of course, it will work out. man and woman, what does that mean? well, this means that the security guard or the massage therapist has an accomplice.
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discovered, which means that he thinks, he thinks that the police, that is, we, are sure that the manager has escaped and is guilty of murdering the mistress’s husband, which means that it turns out that he has detained mistress, we played according to the plan of the criminals, what a good fellow you are, and well done, absolutely
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right, well then we need to let her go, not always, pass, to catch a criminal you have to thwart his plans, sometimes you need to play according to him, i don’t understand, someone wants us to think. wife, and we’ll think about her, it means you don’t suspect me, i suspect, but most likely it ’s not you, you’re still detaining me, no, no, what are you, i’m not detaining you, i just need to ask you a couple of questions, what are you you can say about this young lady. "makes a face a socialite, but essentially a beggar, lately she has begun to appear often at our place,
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every time she looks into my office, as if she were stuffing herself with a friend, and how often do you go to work now, after the disappearance of your husband, i spend the night there, but you know, i’m unaccustomed to being alone and i feel more secure there, because now there is always security at the office, and today shchokina has a session for one minute”? so, yes, literally in a couple of hours, can i kindly ask you not to appear at the spa, but to be nearby, and order, remove security from the office today. today we decided to try the finnish one,
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you know, i’ve always loved the glazika, thank you, thank you, hello, i took the finnish one, next to the japanese one, where your madam lyubov alekseevna should be there, but it’s not necessary to say welcome. i understand you, the end of the connection, and the end of the connection too, okay, madam, i decided to walk a little, well, you never know, maybe i forgot something or forgot where, wait, on the spot, that i’m improvising, swear, be quiet , of course, i don’t
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understand anything, some kind of suspicious guy, what like, darling, you are looking for the woman from the photograph, please, but what am i doing? pasha, take a walk after her, come on, come on!
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you go up to the second floor, to the hostess’s office, good evening, a good threshold, yes. she was in the director’s office, i just came out with a black bag, with a large black bag, in the realm of white coats, isn’t it suspicious? who is this? what does this mean to you, pavel leonidovich? listen, don’t you hate doing this yourself, going to the spa? you know perfectly well what i'm talking about. well, you’re just like that, you could, and you, pasha, are with us
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movement, good evening, marlene, good, yes, i lost her, i lost her, she has a big bag, what’s in the bag? i didn’t know that they have such beautiful girls in their department, we don’t know each other, asol, you can just asya, lyuba, you can just lyubushka, thank you very much for the girl, of course, i’m not serving, i’m just helping to capture a particularly dangerous criminal, in general . and he probably shouldn’t have told me this, ladies next, we’re on our own without you, lyubov alekseevna, wait in the hall, in the hall, hall, uh-huh, pasha is calling the headmistress, let him quickly go to his office, it turns out that we are colleagues, i was also just helping marlena and pavel, however, you are also an undercover agent, we are colleagues, it’s wonderful, you know, we can chat, share experience,
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but nothing i’m not missing, what could possibly be missing here? marlen georgievich, shchukina is undergoing procedures, the bag is apparently with her, we are waiting, or maybe you have something that you don’t want to tell, even to me, you’ll think, well, i see it.
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igorevna, thank you boys, i'm sorry, could you show us the contents of your purse, that citizen, i of course apologize, but your purse can be searched, on what grounds, it’s not a search, it’s just a personal search, and if i refuse, that’s also possible, but then we ’ll... need i’ll go with you to the department and have your bag inspected, but you understand that this will take at least 4 hours, perverts,
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pasha, you should have found the safe during the first search, but i know marlen georgievich, well, it’s my fault, that’s what... . i didn’t mess anything up, it was yours from the photo, and it’s also very suspicious. with a fake beard, yes, they all have fake beards, you can identify the guy, uh-huh,
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cute little face, but he’s not here, everyone is here. well, almost, there’s another one, it’s been working for a week, but the photos haven’t been uploaded yet, where are you now, yes, it should be here, i’ll call you now, so, so, so, so, so, so, this is not necessary, i understand, but how much was there, more than twenty million rubles, huh? prints of one person, most likely this is the owner of the safe, they worked with gloves, did anyone else know the cat from the safe, only i am the late husband, so apparently he was someone i told you, of course i told you, it’s not the bigots, it’s all your fault, why did i trust you. “sorry it’s taking so
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long, this is our job, this is my job, you ’re just helping me, thank you, not just at all, but out of deep respect for the nursing business in general, for individual detectives, in particular, everything is fine, clean”? good night, find the bath attendant, and, of course, wipe off your lipstick. there is no bank anywhere, marlen georgievich,
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telephones, registered with a fake passport, the signal is only from around the complex, but apparently they kept it only for the employer, so so. it’s not for nothing that our tadpoles get paid, they checked the pages of all the defendants in the case on social networks, well, of course they cleaned them, but they managed to restore some of the deleted ones, and the suspect had a connection with the first one, this explains everything, shchukin found out from her husband the hostess about a large amount of cash, informed the counterfeiter about this, they carried out their plan together, well, who is under? the man is a mystery, not a single normal photograph, not a single fingerprint, on the cabinet, on the phone, always wearing mittens, you see, here, well, in mittens to protect
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hands, when the manager has a car, why do you need varyks in the bathhouse, according to the employer’s questionnaire zemin, konstantin ivanovich, all personal data is fake, passport, phone number, address, everything, well, how are you there in this bathhouse, they called him, they called him hello, they everyone doesn't communicate very well there. and this one was generally unnoticeable, don’t tell me that we have a ghost of a bathhouse, pasha, but let’s check which of the massage therapists shchukina had sessions with during the first and second episodes, just with our ghost, well, that’s it, take it lady and inject on a jar, there is won't pass. marlen georgievich, i haven’t taken on her yet, one wrong step, her fall guy will evaporate forever, look, how are you going to catch him? marlene, this
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ghost, firstly, shchukin will definitely appear in the spa, well, at least for a couple of sessions to show that there is nothing to be afraid of, so that no one would suspect her, and secondly, pasha, who hired this bathhouse attendant? i don’t know, but what we need is one day, one and permission to wiretap shchukina’s phones, very much, there will be permission, i’ll give you 12 hours, so on this, well, i still had to report that the manager was burned, and you held out for so long, what are you doing? but what are you waiting for, marlen georgievich, you need to take this pike in the chamber, marinate it, press it, with a broom,
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why with a broom. “marlin georgievich, they’re going to run us away from the mental hospital, why? yes, because you trust some kind of toy, you know where it will lead you, i know, forest fires arise due to human fault, stop defeating the fire, callings of the strong, forest fire fighters, air forest protection, rosleskhoz, 90 years, guarding the forests of russia." good afternoon, ina semyonovna, are you following me? well
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, semyonovna, i just wanted to thank you. let's not talk too much, i have an important meeting in 10 minutes. i have one question here. sorry. yeah, okay, for this i’m ready to work as much as you need, not everything, i
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just. to ask you, did you know that your client shchukina had a love affair with your husband, no, no, yeah, no, what are you saying, marlen georgievich, the woman is in shock, and you’re talking about her husband’s infidelity, it’s not your thing character, i decided pasha to take the criminals red-handed, and shchukina herself will help us with this. valeria igoryevna, came to the last session, as if it were the last, are you closing, what a tragedy, how can i live without you, rather without our massage therapists, please, thank you.
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it seems to me that she suspects something, today is the last chance to take the bag out, the complex is being closed and sold, the new owners may start renovations here and discover a hiding place, i won’t carry it, i will do it, we won’t see each other here again, that’s it. lyubushka says that it’s unethical to go to the women’s bathhouse with cameras, it’s unethical, pasha, to burn people in the stove, it’s unethical, we we’re just doing our job, although you’re right, it’s too early for you, let me know the situation, i’m fulfilling my duties, marlin georgievich, that’s good, of course, don’t forget what your main task is, to stay closer, closer to the owner of the spa and keep an eye on her don't let us down about you. and
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according to all the contacts of shchukin, the photos that i showed you, you immediately inform me about you, i understand, she is now in the russian department, marlina georgievich, god, i generally can’t stand the wrap, like a glistening in a spacesuit, everything is check, yeah, especially if you're still in is the toilet coming in? "hello, hello, oh, now, hello, lyubov alekseevna, marlene, you can’t even imagine how pleased i am that you remember about me, what you ’re doing, i don’t understand you, do you even for a second imagine what the woman next to you, even i can’t fully imagine,
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immediately, marlene, you are not my husband to tell me where to go with whom, you have your own affairs, we have our own affairs, yes, yes, that’s right, that’s the only way with them. it is necessary, it even spurs their interest in us, that it has become hot, listen, remember, you said that here - someone killed someone, because of money, i even... i know who our men suspect of this, these are women, this is marlen georgievich, this is all your love, so, that means, firstly, she is not mine, and secondly, pasha, there is no need to harbor illusions about asya, okay,
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the mistress went out into the corridor, i followed her, where, you have already finished everything there, let her, it seems, she went to the russian bathhouse , to this photo of you, so, marlen georgievich, now there will be one more corpse. this is exactly what we are waiting for, corpse, movement, movement, shukin’s phone is not on the wiretap, she’s not a murderer, no, but she ’ll bring the murderer to us, okay, but if the housewife is in this state, she’ll go crazy now , and she doesn’t care about her husband, so she won’t take revenge for him, and semyonov needs his money, and for this yashchukin may be alive, i wouldn’t have gone through with all this otherwise. it's you, i
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miss you so much.
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how dare you get behind your drama rat! i knocked her out, she knows everything, what should i do? don’t panic, pull yourself together, pack your things calmly and get out of there, i can’t understand anything, calm down, i say, i’ll be right back, that’s it, it’s time, it's time, it's time, it's time, yeah, it's time, since childhood i
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dreamed of being a detective to catch all sorts of scammers and scoundrels, can you imagine, i'm also like in the movies, gauze? just like in the movies, i wonder what they are doing there now, yes, i wish i could be nearby, take part in the operation, well, we are already nearby, i mean, well, you know who they are catching and what they are looking for, what is stopping us to participate, especially since i know how to go unnoticed. it means that now you can calmly leave
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here and head home through the service areas to the parking lot, and don’t worry, everything will look like like an accident, come on! go quickly, yeah, the woman with the photo is leaving. towards the service exit, stay there, i'm coming, pikes, well, intercept it, you, you understand,
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citizen shchukina, you are detained on suspicion of double murder, it looks like there's still a third murder, you can have your purse, yeah.
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are you here, an active civic position, yes, we can’t stay away, so, hands in front of you, the other hand,
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you locked me, open, but no, he won’t open, and you expected to see your wife here, yes, this you, yes, oleg sergeevich, didn’t disappear anywhere, were sheltering here all the time, you’re right under our noses, you understand, but open, open, if he breaks the door, shoot him right away, that’s it, your head is in trouble, and soon you’ll completely lose consciousness out of habit,
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oh, that used to be bathhouse, everyone sat in the steam room and just steamed, they arranged graters here and negotiated with the girls, okay, well, you planned your death in order to set up your wife’s lover to take all the money for himself, right, are you sure? crazy, i don’t have any wife, i’m a simple bathhouse attendant, konstantin zemin went to the steam room to check if everything was okay. listen, you're lying to me, it's stupid. now we’ll just remove the mask from you, oh, now the stack will fall into place, and you take it off, try, they say, vanya, it doesn’t wash off the grigs, let’s try, you’ll kill me, and you ’ll kill us. oh, now you will be like a baby with us,
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clean, honest, and the accused is like that, and i already know almost everything, when you realized that your wife was cheating on you, you wanted to divide the business, yes, but they promised to leave you without a penny, then you came up with a plan to take everything from your wife, everything, but you started an affair with a client, huh? "they staged their disappearance and framed their wife and lover, why, why did you kill him, i didn’t want to, i didn’t want to kill him, that’s it, that’s it, stop it, that’s enough, what am i going to say now, i said, i’m done, that’s it i’ll tell you, go ahead, tell me, in the morning of that day i cut myself and collected blood, my wife didn’t see anything, the wound was under my shirt.” then he provoked a conflict with anton eliseev,
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it was not difficult. that was over, a new person appeared, a couple of days before i got myself a job work as a boss konstantin zemin. in our spa it is not customary to look at the face, mainly at the torso, so the policy of the establishment worked for me. all that remained was
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to periodically play the role of a bathhouse attendant and wait for you to arrest your wife and lover in order to open the way for me to the safe, because only i and my wife knew about the safe. your hair, unexpectedly preserved in molten glass, led the investigation astray and made me assume that you were also burned, but you did not arrest eliseev. well, eliseev, i really didn’t want to kill him, well,
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this bastard, he ran into me when you were chasing him, and he recognized me, i had to. decide very quickly, and then you finally arrested my wife, i’m valeria, she took the bag and almost caught you on the way out, and we decided to hide the money in a hiding place. then i found out that my wife, she was selling this complex and was closing it, and today was the only day when i could pick up the bag, but something didn’t go according to plan, not my friend, everything went according to plan,
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only in my opinion, i thank you, pashenka, you are a real gentleman, not like some, marlyan georgievich asked me to convey my deep gratitude to you, however, this is from me personally, thank you, here is your bag, thank you,
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sit down, and i knew you had potential, yes, not on my own... well, apparently you have a beneficial influence on me, bye bye, and the bag, yes, the head, lyubushka, goodbye, go! marlen georgievich, just for information, there is not enough cash in the bag, how is that? pasha, did you give the bag to anyone? to no one, marlen georgievich, the money seized before
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i had operas coming. but you, when the suspect wasn’t handcuffed, and you accompanied her down the corridor, right? and who helped you carry your purse? pasha? marlene, georgievich, she, pasha, it’s not her, marlene, hello, as i understand it, you won’t write a statement either, i mean, too, well, we’ve already encountered a similar situation, the funds, i believe, don’t quite go through the tax authorities reporting, and the nature of their occurrence will be more expensive for you to prove to yourself, but why do you need it, marlene? i can only admire your insight, all the best, it’s my fault, i, i, i, am to blame, i, i, only i, i, foresaw this, well, i couldn’t be in two places at the same time, well, i couldn’t, she
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’s good, well, good, girl, everything i have in life , everything that is the joy of every day, everything that worries and dreams about, that’s all, that’s all you, everything, everything that i have in life, everything, everything. what is the joy of every day, every day, everything that i share with my destiny is connected, connected, only with
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you, congratulations, congratulations, congratulations, it reminds me of something, but it looks like, it looks like, it made me happy. listen, well, if we are the same age, you perfectly preserved, diet, jogging
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in the morning, healthy eating, yes, no, no, no, work, work, i am a doctor, igorevich nestruev, a hematologist, deals with blood problems, so i take my hat off, and i am marlen geogevich simonov. colleague of the birthday boy, the birthday boy just told me, you really have a nose for the truth, it’s impossible that you, that you are a marlet, well, it’s my birthday or a funeral, i don’t understand, well, you took up music, put on something funny, people want to dance, people, disco, attention, scratched, let me help you, thank you, mommy, we are still celebrating, listen, we are so great, just huge, we have an experiment, don’t wait for me home, i still
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need to work. varlen, thank you for coming, thank you for inviting me, and friend, happy, once again, thank you for the evening, thank you, congratulations. yes, in touch then, of course, of course, igor, alive, that now the ambulance, put in the ambulance, put in the ambulance, now, now, now, now, now, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet. so, let me see what you have, smiley, smiley, igor, igor, okay, everything’s fine, head, no,
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he’s alive, what is it, he had to lose weight, bastard, die, why die, because he killed my daughter, look at me. everything will be fine, don’t even doubt it, we will examine this chicken now, we will do it to the fullest extent, but i didn’t drink, i don’t drink at all, but that’s it, excuse me, you know this woman, marlene, well, not now, it’s okay, k unfortunately, i know...
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marlene, did you hear that no one killed anyone, that's it, go home, what do you think, do you think your daughter is dead? u we got an experiment, don’t wait for me home, i still need to work, she sent this recording that evening, and disappeared, if she were alive, she would have called, this terrible silence says that she is no longer there,
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why professor? who else? she was always interested in him, and i’m sure that she went with him that evening, went and never returned, and in the morning i went to see him, and he began to deny everything, and that there was no date and that there was no relationship at all that vika lied about everything, he is lying, he will die because he killed my girl. who, you ask him, nadezhda nikola, dear man, well, to ask the professor, i need legal grounds, you ask yourself, when you have a daughter, someone wants to take her away, what grounds will you need
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then? ? listen, if i open a case on the fact of a threat to the life of a professor, are you ready to become accused for the sake of your daughter? checks before the disappearance of zakharov was with other graduate students in a cafe, the professor himself was there, they noted some kind of successful experience, and the professor almost immediately left, and zakharova was still there for 2 hours, then she left, no one saw her off, no one saw her again. marlina georgievich, do you really think that a successful professor could kill his graduate student? i think, pasha, that as long as the graduate student’s mother thinks this way, the next attack on the professor, it’s a matter of time before you go to
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the professor. let’s go to him, here we are , narkhovki, in my opinion, 3 years ago, yes, svetka, yeah, still a very young bear, yeah, my graduate students, with whom you are trying to make reality out of science fiction, yes, my ambition is much greater more modestly, dic syndrome, have you heard of this, dhs, the scourge of our time, and the monster from... heads, hundreds of thousands of lives taken on his conscience, look, this is a blood vessel, a blood clot forms inside it, as a result, blocking of blood circulation begins such hemorrhages that simply cannot be stopped, a stroke or something, that’s absolutely true.


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