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tv   Marlen  NTV  April 30, 2024 7:00am-8:00am MSK

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secular life for ordinary people, but i still liked it, by the way, i got acquainted with your materials that you gave me, a very promising topic, i didn’t know that you were doing this, i’m ready to try, it ’s an honor, but i have to warn you, that victoria helped me in my research before you, and i thought that she, like all of us , was working on the syndrome, only on paper, can you imagine if the result of our experiments turns out to be... how grandiose it will be, our competitors are at a price not will wait to receive it. and perhaps vika disappeared for precisely this reason. thank you, i am becoming more and more convinced of this. we all, of course, made very big mistakes with victoria. i did not understand you. she leaked information to our
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competitors, sebastyanov, 99% probability, so today, in all contacts with third parties, as well as contacts with investigative authorities, which, after all , may also turn out to be a tool in the hands of our competitors, report to me, of course, about my proposal. nobody has to know, it's ours there is safety with you, which means your meeting and the transfer of a thermal package from citizen zakharova on the night of her disappearance, you confirm. my client confirms that
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we have nothing to hide. what was in the package? laboratory test data. industrial espionage is a criminal offense. please do not put pressure on my client. he has not been convicted before, the damage is uncertain, the consequences are not obvious, a maximum fine. so let's go. essentially, let's say where zakharova was going to go after meeting you, she didn't say, rather hinted at a romantic date, with whom, as far as i understand, with his scientific supervisor, well, until the morning nestruev was in his private clinic, zakharova did not come there, aleb confirmed. preliminary investigation.
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pasha, alibi, alibi. an alibi - you know, it’s like the soviet union, at one moment it can just collapse and fall apart, that’s it. the main thing is to find his weak points there. three during the day, one at night, walking around the territory every hour, it turns out that you were on duty that night, that’s right, only the doors are on guard, all the windows and doors during non-working hours, but someone will answer wait, listen, the alarm itself is loud. oh, it’s designed for
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a psychological effect, yes, yes, answer, answer, i’m saying that you, your wife, well, yes, okay, i’ll go and have a look again, please, yes, i found out. uh, that you are consulting in your clinic after lunch, and it was on my way, why did i actually come to you, you see, in the criminal case file your... alibi
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was confirmed by the internal personal code system, well, in this office with testimony security officer, then after a party with graduate students you came here to work. stayed up here until late stayed overnight, here, uh-huh, so how is it, how to spend the night here, well, how, well, how, like a chair, or something, it must have been very uncomfortable for you, no, i was very comfortable sleeping. yes, everything fell into place, yes, a personal rest room, well, how could i not have guessed, here’s one more thing, i’m looking
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at there are no video cameras, this is a matter of our politics, famous people come to me, they don’t want publicity, i encounter similar things just every time. it’s very convenient, which means you didn’t leave the clinic that night, yes, you read my testimony, listen, how clever are you? i just want to sneeze sadly, i would just take it right away, something doesn’t come out, you don’t want to tell me anything, you ’ve been dragging women here at night for a long time, what kind of women,
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tell me who’s climbing through your window, i don’t understand, what are you talking about, back and forth, oh, zhanna, suzanne, then... i don’t care about your moral character, let your wife figure it out, who cuts your salads, i’m investigating a missing person, you’re actively interfering with this, why investigate, you think your boss will like it when he finds out that you're in you carry whores around here in the closet, and he ’s an understanding man, an understanding man, okay, let me call my wife, i understand, please don’t tell your wife, please, i understand, tell me in detail what happened that night? well, i use the services from time to time, they are inexpensive, the girls are good, here the salaries, i think, should be taken, and there is this little black one, listen, let’s get closer to the point, but they themselves asked for
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details, well, not with the same details, so that's the whole point, my alarm went off about once at midnight five, at first i ran, turned it off, and then i thought, what the hell, i have such a beautiful girl waiting for me, the money is dripping. and i ’m running around the territory like a stygak with bent pants, and you turned off the alarm, well , what would you do in my place, what time did you turn it off, somewhere closer to one in the morning, this is a show of stars, duels, lera kudryavtseva, that ’s what i made a project for a star, now i’m also limping, today they saw her leg, tomorrow, a hook will appear on her right hand, then...
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in short, you are recommended bed rest, i against, so let’s write it, against the regime. do you want me to laugh at every joke you make? sasha, we don’t have a show-masco here, a star, today lera kudryavtseva and her raisa team, and alexander reva and the soyuz studio will meet in a gut-wrenching confrontation. saturday at 21:20 on ntv. mask, finale. on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. there may be pain in the knee, pain in the back, pain in the neck. the gel contains a special component for better penetration into the source of pain. pentalgin extragel. there will be no money. sazonkarta, there will be money. now you are easy you can receive up to 300,000 rubles for any purpose, spend it anywhere, and also withdraw
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hurry up for the avito sale. dreel hammer for 559 rur. the pain can be different, no matter what caused the pain, if pintalgin is present. a universal remedy against different types of pain. pentalgin. let's do without pain. there will be no money. sazon card, there will be money. now you can easily. get up to 3,000 rubles for any purpose, spend it anywhere, and also withdraw cash and receive cashback. the money will always be up to 300,000 rubles. for any purpose, get an ozone card and pay anywhere. i've been waiting for you forever, i was in such a hurry to meet you. finally she came. spring, warm, sunny, bright, exhibition. russia has blossomed with all the colors of spring. you were waiting for
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spring, now spring is waiting for you. at the exhibition russia. polin georgievich, bon appetit. the professor has no alibi. yes, i know. by the way, he provoked the alarm. telephone,
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professors with the missing woman, let me give you proof of personal relationships , whatever you want, and i will starve the luminary out, i understand. igorevich, i hope you are coming to me for a return visit, you are kidding me, you will probably laugh, but i need it again. there are some questions, let's clarify here, unfortunately, the authorities forbade it, they ordered me to work only in the office, now i need to sign, summons.
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are you not ready yet? now one minute. if you are not in the mood, then it is better not to go on stage. yes , there is an attitude, love everything, well, i’m just a little tired. again they caught their own... caught them, well , how they caught them, caught them, and what they did, it’s better for you not to know, yes, you’re right, marlin, georgievich, it’s better for me not to know, it’s none of my business, and actually i don't care what you
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do at your job, but since you deigned to come to us today, then... marlene georgievich, and you know her, love. alekseevna, you cannot deceive me, especially if a woman says one thing but feels something completely different. get off the stage already.
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well, now i understand you, your creative nature is cramped within four walls. that’s why you’re persecuting citizens, but no, well, it ’s just impolite to visit you all the time, it was time to invite you to my place, so to speak, ask questions that don’t know anything, and then look for far-reaching answers to them, there’s a peep, there’s, by the way, here it is regarding your albie, that night in the clinic
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several times by mistake, the alarm probably went off. you don’t know what the reason was, i’m not an alarm specialist, i’m a blood specialist, so this puzzled me, you’re such an attentive person, systematic, you notice everything, you never mentioned it, you were probably fast asleep, but with 12 to one in the morning, although they say there was such a cacaphony there, but you and i heard when we came into the office, i work a lot, so sleep...
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unanimously, so, the entire laboratory team for expelling mishin from our ranks because of his actions. unworthy of the title of a future scientist, igor valerievich, you have a final word, yes, thank you, colleagues, you know that i
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have been struggling with dic syndrome for many years, dozens of experiments have been carried out, but, unfortunately, they all turned out to be unsuccessful, who said what exactly ... zakharova’s experiment was a success, the last thing i want is to shift responsibility for my failures onto others, you still have too little experience, but a lot of emotions, but i want one thing, so that you have desire to engage in applied science, mishin has this desire, do you want to forgive him? i want to appoint mishin as my first assistant,
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sorry, you don’t have a minute, you will soon become a full-time employee of our laboratory. i often came to you with something. igor valerievich just now, during his fiery speech, said about dozens of experiments, but in the documentation on the laboratory development of internal combustion engine syndrome, which you kindly provided to me on behalf of the esteemed professor, we are talking about only one experiment, and the rest, it wasn’t vika who did it, the professor was working. we have been working on this problem for 5 years; vika came to us just a year ago. and who took you to vika? six people. yes, six people.
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can i talk to them? unfortunately, they no longer work for us. yes, here they are.
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the fate of science, listen, that evening when you destroyed the rats, another rat disappeared, which contained a sample of the experimental substance that we are now working on, and if it gets to our competitors, if they refine it, that’s it, they are ahead of us, we have to speed up mishin, we’re working. marlen georgievich, professor nestruev is a maniac, but he’s in a dream, okay. of
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the six employees they gave me, the whereabouts of two have not been established, here is natalya igorevna podolskaya, 26 years old, worked as a laboratory assistant for a professor, went on vacation 4 years ago, went to the sea, never returned, here is denis aleksandrovich yudin, 32 years old, registered in the laboratory junior researcher, 2 years ago he went to siberia to taiga. supposedly to complete his scientific work, never returned, and the graduate student, three victims, malen georgievich, as they say, from a genius to madness is one step away, don’t do this again, so the laboratory assistant, the research assistant and the graduate student,
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they all worked hard. it was they, precisely the research, that sevastyanov’s competitor was interested in, it was in development, the professor most likely invested his money, yes, but you were provided with everything that zakharova was doing, that’s exactly what they provided, or rather who provided it, the professor, zakharova’s folder is on the computer empty, do you think the professor was hiding something from you? research, why? under the guise of a serious grant you can conduct own developments, extensive laboratory facilities, trained team. okay, but why secretly? well, apparently, these studies are not entirely legal in some ways, which is not yet possible to establish, but as the strugatsky brothers said, nothing is impossible, but there is pasha, not enough. probable, but
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pash, i need a rat that mishin dragged home, so his mother buried it, so i need to dig it up, i didn’t understand, but i understood, i understood, dig, pash, dig, quietly, quietly, be careful, i hope she didn’t mix up the place , i would not i wanted to dig up everything here, don’t argue, you dig, i dig, come on, move away, oh, well done, clean it up, what a marlen, quietly, quietly, quietly, drive away, georgievich, we have a rat, yes, they dug up everything here, in we're taking the laboratory, yes, rat,
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gandhi, no, stop, come on, stop, stop, good go, stop, plague! that, that's it, that's it, that's it, that's it, that's it, guys, be careful, come on, on ntv, the most unexpected premiere of this spring, via, supersta, bands that at one
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time gathered huge stadiums will fight on stage.
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guys, great idiots, i need to work, i can’t do it today, why?
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blue blood, polymer blood substitute or plastic blood, which means no streams. along with other research, he is engaged in the creation of a universal blood substitute, well, oh, igorevich, everything is fine, i feel responsible, you are doing the right thing, i am ready to work day and night, seven days a week, thank you, mission, i was not mistaken in you, you... what, take a sick leave and come to my
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dacha, because there you can calmly immerse yourself in an experiment, no one will let you work here, especially my curious friend, our dear marlen georgievich simonov, come on, let’s get together, just imagine what it’s like create blood, pure. without viruses, without the risk of infections, without donors, which, when needed, cannot be found during the day, huge storage facilities of cheap blood in any quantities, for hospitals, for emergencies, for military purposes, yes, these are millions of saved people life, yes, this is a good idea, yes, good, but not at all new, the japanese in the eighties invented fluozol, well, a plasma replacement fluid, but it caused blockage of blood vessels, they... also had a blood substitute with the function of oxygen transfer, but it has so much
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the strongest side effects are that it is actually of little use, so the british and americans have been trying to create plastic blood for 15 years, from the polyethylene glycol polymer, not flowing in their footsteps, they have polluted nature with plastic, and now they have started making their own blood, but how can that be? polyethylene by the vessels will leak, they still have problems with hemostasis, their blood is like honey, viscous, viscous, i think that our nestruev is trying to cope with this problem, secretly, firstly, an ordinary race for championship in the opening, in scientific circles this is all too common, which is why i didn’t become a scientist, that secondly, and secondly, the drug is at such a stage of development when... tests on rats are not enough, we need to move on to the next
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stage, and these are people, employees of his laboratory, you're moving, right? i took sick leave, here's one, carefully, but they sprained their ankle when they were hiding from me, yes, here you are committing an attack by law enforcement officers on duty, now you and i will go to the department, mishin, you understand, i... let you go, but marlen georgievich wants to save
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you life, so let's get up, get active, come on! greetings, andrey sergeevich, how are you? igor valerievich, i have no time for small talk. what's the matter, something serious? i have a warrant on my desk to search your apartment and dacha. here. well, you saved my sister, i remember. what's happening? can you explain it to me? i, andrey sergeevich, i really don’t know what we’re talking about, but in any case, thank you for your concern. yes, then... they won’t find anything on me, i’m not guilty of anything, hello, i warned him, as you
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asked me, marlene, but tell me, for mercy’s sake, how will you go to him without a search warrant, hello , marlene, marlene, hello, yes, hell, huh?
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leave here immediately, something happened, your competitors set off the investigative authorities, you shouldn’t know anything, no one is here for you no... for starters, i would like to admit something, that night i did not destroy all of vika's rats, yes, vika did not give the rat to competitors, it was me who took her out, i took her out, what and where is she, she
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is safe place, i exhumed it, and now i have your experimental sample, what do you want? i, i, i know exactly what i don’t want, i don’t want to be another apprentice of a great genius, do you want to be, you have nothing to do with this discovery, yes, and i was lucky in this, vika had a relationship, as did another laboratory assistant 4 years ago, it seems, natasha, the employee is not a jew, they all suddenly disappeared from it, they also helped you in your experiments, no one will believe this nonsense, even your curious investigator, in a savdepov jacket, don’t
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sleep your way out, remember, your task is scare him more, well, i can handle that, marlen georgievich. okay, don't, don't, yeah.
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sorry, marlyana georgievich, but what is he doing here? come out immediately, come out, i said on the street, and you come in, do you mind if my colleagues and i look into your house, yes , of course, of course, marlen georgievich, of course, thank you very much, where did i get it from?
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how is it, well, it rolls and rolls, look, the ball is rolling, it doesn’t hit the side, it goes to the side. are you okay at all? yeah, bring me the professor. the game rearranges the load on other parts of the brain. do you prefer russian or american? i prefer the table to be level, but your floor level is not level. here, the house looks like
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it was built by professionals, to make it level. screed and to god, it ’s as if they poured it themselves, got it, marlen georgievich, got it, the rescuer signed i took a georadar, imagine, a python penetrates at 2 me, interesting, they have more, at 50, but this is a call, so, excuse me, now, well, like this. what are we going to hammer? yes, of course,
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“i didn’t want to kill them, they, they sacrificed themselves in the name of the health of all humanity, and you asked them whether they wanted to be your guinea pigs or not, i hoped that their body would accept the blood, for some reason by manipulation , alarm system in your clinic, you have provided yourself with an alibi, which means you..." they assumed that the process may go according to a negative scenario, i am sure that your victims, they had no idea that they were your lab rats, that evening we agreed to meet secretly in my country house, it is very romantic here. let's drink, oh yes, it's
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time, juice. juice, we’ll drink juice, i don’t want to distort the picture of the world, as you say, professor, vika has always shown interest in me, a genuine one, but an interest, recently she has become especially persistent.
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i'll do whatever you want, and you'll do me , look, you know what you need, i tomorrow. “i understood that this was my chance, experiments with rats did not give a complete picture of my research, i needed people who were ready to sacrifice themselves for humanity, but i don’t know such people, i put vika to sleep to test new blood, i was sure that this time everything will work out, she will wake up, and i will say that we are the first, that we did this,
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turned fiction into reality, but something went wrong"? not so, but how did you lure other victims? the laboratory assistant was head over heels in love with me, i asked her to let it be known that she leaves with a new acquaintance at sea, then he lured her here, and the junior researcher decided to take part in something great, when i was at a conference in novosibirsk, on his behalf i sent a postcard to my parents, you killed three invisible people, but how many could have been saved. oh, well, yes, you think that the lives of three people, it changes ours. srugatsky, it’s hard to be a god, only they
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wrote science fiction, and i create history, and when making historical decisions you always have to sacrifice someone, and then bear responsibility for it, for me you are a banal killer. i’m reporting to the colonel, which means there are three bodies in the basement, a laboratory assistant, a research assistant and a graduate student, all poured into concrete, three levels of pouring were done at different times, these are, so to speak, the professor’s steps to the top of his confession, which i can’t wrap my head around . he saved people and walked through other people’s lives towards his goal. colonel, well, i basically reported everything, can i hang up? all the best, how are you in general? in order. why are
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your eyes so sad? not a murderer, he ’s a genius, i almost worshiped him, i yes... don’t make yourself an idol, yes, yes, that’s it, they packed the luminary, the world is not simple, not simple at all, come on, you can’t hide in it from storms, from thunderstorms, you can’t hide in it from winter in the south.
8:00 am
hello, welcome to information. service of the ntv television company, this is the program today in the studio of dmitry zaboisty. let's start with news from overseas in the united states: ongoing protests in support of palestine turned into direct confrontation with the police, security forces began mass arrests of students at the university of austin, more than 40 people were detained. collisions occur in others. universities in texas, police are already using stun grenades and gas. pro-palestinian rallies have already spread more.


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