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tv   Segodnya  NTV  April 30, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm MSK

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our infantry is pushing out the enemy and taking up new positions about the work of russian assault groups in the southern donetsk direction, report. what are the roots of russophobia and what underlies the contradictions between russia and the west, russian philosopher alexander dugin told american journalist tucker carlson: the term tradition is heard more often than others, warns nikita korzun. clones, tasty and healthy. tomsk scientists began cloning red book medicinal plants. vladalovskaya about the prospects. all flags in guests. it opened in st. petersburg. navigation and
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tourist season. ilya fedosov and the first tourists entered the gulf of finland. hello, welcome to the information service of the ntv television company. this is the program today, its host is aina nikolai ivan. and in russia today they remember those killed as a result of the terrorist attack in crocus city hall. 40 days have passed since the tragedy. according to orthodox tradition, a memorial service was celebrated at the place where people died. the memorial service brought together priests, relatives and friends of the victims, as well as all those who decided to join common prayer. those who came lit candles in memory of the victims of the terrorist attack, laid flowers and wreaths at the spontaneous memorial, and left children's toys. this is pain for... for all
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of us, it cannot be put into words, just as support, that’s what we are united, and that is, we need to take care of each other at this moment here now and support, as they say, everyone, we came from st. petersburg in order to honor the memory of people who, unfortunately, left us in a tragic way, and this can probably happen in our troubled times with each of us, therefore... we definitely must pray to honor the memory of the victims. the terrorist attack at the crocus concert hall in krasnogorsk near moscow occurred on march 22. the attackers first opened fire with machine guns, point-blank, shooting unarmed people, and then set the auditorium on fire, which led to a huge fire. 144 people were killed and more than 500 were injured. the investigative committee proved the connection of the attackers with ukrainian nationalists. 12 people were arrested in the case, including the direct one. perpetrators of the terrorist attack, as
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well as those who financed and provided criminals with weapons. russian artillerymen destroyed the reserve of the ukrainian army in the avdiivka direction; aerial reconnaissance discovered the enemy's advance to the front line. the task of inflicting fire on units of the armed forces of ukraine was given to a crew of grat rocket systems from the center grouping of troops. the fighters launched a salvo attack with high -explosive shells, thwarting the enemy's plan to transfer manpower and equipment. artillery. coordinates of the target, then the computer performs work to guide the combat vehicle, we we move to the shooting site, from where we will work, then i work with the bead, that is , i drive the coordinates and orient the vehicle towards the target, mostly infantry.
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operators of kamikaze strike drones support, preventing the enemy from raising their heads, report by ntv military correspondent sergei pikulin. this is what you look like. inside the tank, despite the fact that it’s already hot in the donbass, all the hatches are battened down, a copter can drop a shell, as they say here, right through the window. these are tankers of the fifth army from primorye, now they are the best friends of the infantry, our t-80s are paving the way through minefields, while working at direct fire. only after serious artillery barrage do our attack aircraft move towards the enemy position. now at this time our fpv drones are already ironing them without letting them. raise your heads, along with fpv drones in the air and reconnaissance. we also start them up, control them, they are, as it were, controlling the battle, well, operations, and this is reconnaissance from the air, when we determine
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enemy positions, such as machine-gun points, dugouts, fortified areas. entering the trench, our soldiers already know exactly where the enemy is, how many meters, sometimes and how many steps to the dugout. come in, come in, first, don’t shoot, many people think that stormtroopers are like those guys from the movies, healthy, pumped up, this is a staple, it has 70 kilograms, this includes armor, they say the small one has an advantage in the trenches, there is more free space, his own the violinist received his call sign because he masters the instrument and his ear for music helps in the trenches, well, i violin because i can.
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activists of the popular front congratulated the fighters of the assault brigades in the kharkov direction on the upcoming easter. representatives the public movement brought materials for shelters, camouflage nets, thermal imaging sights, sleeping bags, as well as portable gas stoves and fuel cylinders to the front line. cooking master class. priest father dmitry from the belgorod region illuminated the dugouts, water and read a prayer for the health of the defenders of the fatherland.
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an interview with russian philosopher and political scientist alexander dugin appeared on the website of the famous american journalist tucker carlson. the twenty-minute video conversation was recorded in moscow. in the western press dugin often called. an ideologist of the kremlin, in the usa, his books, according to carlson, are actually banned. nikita korzun will tell you what thoughts the philosopher shared in his interview. when exactly tucker carlson spoke with alexander dugin, one can only guess, but it was in moscow, at first even in the format of a private conversation, and hearing, they admit, the hopes of american conservatives forced them to turn on the cameras, and the philosopher did not seem to mind. he was an anti-soviet dissident in his youth, but now from...
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therefore, the majority must be taken under control, and the minority must rule.
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needless to say, russia remains the island of common sense in this stormy sea, even despite the dominance of progressives. supporters of this teaching despise spirituality and tradition, believing in scientific and technological progress, that is , again, western tricks. and putin is sure that the philosopher has alerted the west from the first days of his presidency. they sensed that the new leader would try to lead the country not only from the influence of the globalists. but will try to restore traditional values. year ago, putin issued a decree on the political protection of traditional values. it was a turning point, but observers from the progressive camp in the west, i think, got it right from the beginning of his reign, so this is hatred, not just an accident. everything is actually even more complicated, the russian philosopher told the american journalist. on the one hand, the desire to destroy everything traditional, relationships, families and religions, on the other hand, the defender of these values. possessing the most prominent nuclear arsenal on the planet. i think they have
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there is a basis for this russaphobia and hatred of putin. so this is not just an accident, it is something deeper. it’s even more interesting to follow this conversation if you keep in mind that today tucker carlson is an ideologist of the republican party, and he is also called a contender for the post of vice president of the united states if trump wins, that is, dugin, if not converted, then helped the potential number two in the white house. in the united states , the confrontation between the authorities, students protesting against the genocide of palestinians in the gaza strip and against the american military has escalated help to israel. today at columbia university in new york, one of the most prestigious in america, students occupied the main academic building of the campus, hamilton hall. they barricaded the entrance from the inside with pieces of furniture, metal barriers, and hung a palestinian flag. something similar happened here in 1968 during protests against the us war in vietnam. the students did not
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comply with the requirement to remove their tent city from the campus by 2 p.m. monday, and the university administration began expelling the participants protests. we will not fall for these intimidation tactics. you see, we are mobilized. there are hundreds of us here today. we demand an end to funding for the war. students refuse to trade palestinian blood. police arrested dozens of student protesters at universities in texas, utah, north carolina, virginia and other states. the total number of those arrested is already approaching a thousand. detentions also took place where student protests were absolutely peaceful. the white house refused to assess the actions of law enforcement officers, saying that decisions remain with the university administration. the pro-palestinian actions of american students found responses in europe. in paris. the student demonstration in support of palestine paralyzed the work.
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in the gur region, experts note an improvement in the situation; there, within a day, water has drained from more than a thousand household plots; rescuers continue to pump water from flooded streets and courtyards. 57 km of damaged roads have already been restored in the region. the consequences of the flood are being eliminated today in the kurgan region. water level in the tobol river is steadily declining. in kurgan, the water
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dropped below the dangerous level. authorities say that the most acute period has passed. nevertheless, the state of emergency continues to operate in the region. specialists are visiting houses to assess the damage, and areas are also being sanitized. today , the russian fire service celebrates an anniversary: ​​375 years ago, tsar alexei mikhailovich passed the order on city deanery: the first national document on the organization of fire safety measures in russia. later, already under petrya, it was built fire station at the admiralty, and during the time of alexander i in all. patriotic war. they also remember the heroism of firefighters during the liquidation of the accident at the chernobyl nuclear power plant. they also admire the resilience of rescuers in the border areas and in their own zone. from generation to generation, firefighters pass on traditions.
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high moral standards. dedication and dedication to your chosen cause. in that. in the urals, a motor rally took place in the center of yekaterinburg; a column of modern cars and retro equipment was led by a horse-drawn fire brigade. tomsk scientists are conducting experiments on cloning red book plants, which in the natural environment have difficulty restoring the population. we started this work several years ago with fruit and berry varieties, but now it’s time
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for medicinal species, and they are not only grown in test tubes, but also adapted to life as a whole. on the selection of the optimal nutrient medium. the laboratories of the tomsk biotechnological enterprise have been cloning fruit and berry plants for several years. and now biotechnologists have come to the attention of medicinal, and even endangered red book species. radiola rosea, also known as golden root and ginseng. both plants are considered powerful adaptogens, that is, they increase the body's resistance. they are valued in our oriental medicine, which is
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why they are practically exterminated in nature. since last year, criminal liability has been introduced for the collection and sale of pink radiola. scientists say, will make it possible to effectively replenish species that are disappearing in nature; they propagate in vitro, that is, in test tubes with microcuttings, this is possible thanks to plant superpowers, a plant cell can give birth to a whole new organism. this method is especially attractive because it allows plants to be propagated in large quantities and... from one mother plant you can get up to several tens of thousands of plants, and these plants will be identical to the mother plant, which is why it is called colonization. nutrient media for each plant are selected based on its needs for macro and microelements and hormones. this is a research work that can take more than a year, but the plants also make them healthier.
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sterilization kills bacteria and fungi in plants, resulting in all the cloned plants we occupy. our plants are healthy, that is, they grow faster than ordinary plants, for example, either from seeds or cuttings. after the plant has successfully multiplied and taken root, it needs to be retrained from laboratory sterile conditions to live in our earthly ones, this is similar to how a baby, when born, switches to breathing with its lungs, plants also learn to breathe in a new way, now here in the greenhouse , farms are preparing to move, cloned strawberries, raspberries and honeysuckle, and if you just pull them out, plant them in the ground in the open. soil in the open air, then they will simply dry out, lose all moisture, dry out, and thus the plants will simply die, so we need to gradually accustom them to the fact that there is... low humidity, which is why we are gradually planting them through greenhouses. medicinal plants are used to produce drugs and cosmetic supplements. according to estimates manufacturers, the demand for russian
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dietary supplements after covid increased from 3-4% to 15-18. in the future, doctors will be able to prescribe them to patients. a bill on this has already been prepared, but has not yet been adopted. siberian enterprises are increasing their volumes, including using plants obtained in vitro, for example, successfully cloned white cinquefoil. in advance. entrepreneurs are interested in the experiments with microcloning of radiol and zhenzheniya being successful, this will not only allow preserving plants as a species in nature, but to provide the growing industry with raw materials. vlada kablovskaya victor.
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centers of attraction for tourists this year are much wider, ilya fedosov was convinced. as if waterfowl missing spring, tourist boats of all colors and sizes come out into the waters of the neva. with the noon shot of the cannon , navigation was opened in st. petersburg, and invitations to take a ride along the rivers and canals are again heard on the embankments. before the revolution, this day was called the holiday of clean water. now the tradition has been resumed. at the peter and paul fortress in parade line. volga-balta emergency rescue service here. during the tourist season, st. petersburg is beautiful. palace square, peter and paul fortress, nevsky prospekt, marinsky theater, amazing city
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architecture, but to truly see st. petersburg, you need to look at it from the water. there are new additions to the st. petersburg tourist fleet. new high-speed catamarans have entered the routes; they will carry tourists to kronshtat. these are ship engines that accelerate to almost thirty knots, easily overcoming the waves. they were designed. especially for st. petersburg, so that they can confidently pass under city bridges, even in high water. there are other advantages too. a panoramic salon, a multimedia system, an air conditioning system, a heating system, a bar and the main advantage of new ships is this stunning open deck on which we are located. in the vastness of the gulf of finland , the catamaran is at full speed, but passengers can always take shelter from the wind in a cozy cabin. this makes it much faster and more convenient to get to granstatt and the fortov island museum and historical park. opening. navigation, as a rule, coincides with the opening of the tourist season, and this is another new tradition: soldiers of different eras line up in the courtyard of the imperial chapel,
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preobrazhensky soldiers demonstrate to tourists how to properly load a musket, boys and girls look at them with wide eyes, family tourism - this is what they are now especially trying to develop in st. petersburg, the main engine of our travel is our children, if the children go to st. petersburg, the parents will bring them and come to our city, if the children... this is what they liked about st. petersburg, and parents and their children will return to st. petersburg more than once, and then the children will grow up and come here as young children to study. to the sounds of the anthem to the great city, volunteers distribute reference materials to everyone. this is part of a large-scale information campaign that should help tourists feel more comfortable in st. petersburg. city pavilions have opened at the airport stations, as well as in kranstat. st. petersburg offers different types of tourism: industrial,
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medical and health, and finally, patriotic. ship poltava - new a st. petersburg landmark, the opportunity to see a real sailing ship of the peter the great era and at the same time appreciate the work of those who were able to recreate it, guests will not only be able to see, they will be able to immerse themselves in the era of peter the great, to see. how the sailors lived, how they existed here, guests will see and even be able to touch cannons, real cannonballs. once upon a time, similar cannons fired salvos of welcome to ships entering st. petersburg, and tsar peter alekseevich personally met the first merchants and tourists. now a significant number guests come to st. petersburg from the former cis countries, as well as from the middle east, china and india, so the window to europe is cut by peter. can now be called a window to the world. ilya fedosov, victor khudi, pavel zelenkov, ntv. saint petersburg. these are the main news at this hour.
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