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tv   Yemelya  NTV  April 30, 2024 10:30pm-11:46pm MSK

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i was driving, and six months later sonya called me, said that she was pregnant, and i sent her, i remembered for the rest of my life that i had a child somewhere, so 35 years later we met, i wrote her in my will, i wanted so that she continues my work. it's time for you, okay, thank you, get better.
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thank you, when else can i meet with tikhomirov? i'm afraid never, the doctors give him severe pain for a week. does he have any other children? son, how old? 25. what's your name? radion? so he turns out to be the only heir? well, yes, alexander petrovich, he bequeathed half of his assets to his daughter. half to my son, and now it turns out that we’ll get everything to soradion, but what is he doing, he’s driving around, he doesn’t want to study, he doesn’t want to work, he also has only chicks and clubs on his mind, alexander petrovich tried to talk to him, but it’s all to no avail, thank you, radion, that means ,
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i rang the billing during the murder of soveleva, radion was in his apartment, his friend, georgy kazakov, was in the building where her office is located, went there at 16:30, left an hour later, it seems to me, or i him i saw it somewhere, yes, where did it come from? i'm being carried away, let me go, on ntv on may 2.
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anniversary of leonid konevsky. hello. in the morning, dartagnan's favorite film is the three musketeers. countermasters cardinal. this is power. during the day the investigation was carried out. however, this is a completely different story. are you filming a movie in the evening? about whom? about me? what for? new documentary film leonid konevsky, people's artist. leonida semyonovich is a bridge between times. planets, events, leonid konevsky’s apartment at margulis’s, i really like that a star of this format, but not to be rude, came to us, our service is dangerously difficult, at the end of the day the series semin with leonid konevsky in the title role, act only on my command, leonid konevsky’s anniversary, may 2, all day on ntv. gorky 53 premieres on monday at
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20:00 on ntv. one for all, all, all for one, there is a classic that you like more and more every time. classic grand burgers and new ones. grand piquant with spicy tomato sauce that you really want to repeat. the classic is already waiting, delicious, period. now you can easily get up to 300 rubles for any purpose. and the first payment only in a month, the money will always be up to 300.
10:36 pm
the megaphone catches it - the number one mobile operator in terms of coverage and speed. many entrepreneurs have already received money from the fund for quite a few businesses. now it’s your turn, alfabank will give away 100 million rubles. entrepreneurs across the country. the best stories will get the money. tell us about your business on introducing the new, perfect taste of baltika 7 non-alcoholic, brewed from 100% malt and hops grown in altai. new baltika 7 non-alcoholic. experience the perfection in the course. there will be no money. there will be money with a card. now you can easily get up to
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rub 300.00. spend them anywhere for any purpose . there will always be money with a sazon card. via superstar. premiere on may 12 at 20:20 on en. it’s just space, the taste of ham with pork ham from cherkizov’s own farms, cosmically delicious, cherkizov, profitable again, not again, every day, profitable on the price tag, means low price, water, holy spring, 43.99, pyaterochka helps out, credit card beneficial in any situation, the interest-free period of 120 days begins every month, maintenance and notifications. free forever, which is why the sberbank credit card is the best in the country. apply for a credit card , everything will be the way you want. get an additional 15% discount for fashionable transformations. choose clothes, shoes,
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open a free business account and join the sber business loyalty program. thank you. receive 10% cashback bonuses for purchases with a sberbusiness card and bonuses for account transactions. sberbusiness. mask final on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. well , let's go? here you go, here you go! goshar, hold it! wow cool!
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uh, uh, where, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, where, what happened, calm, the police are working. yes, yours to the left, and don’t let anyone out, tolbuls, take it, yeah, so, stand, hands up, forgot the gun, but still stand, i said stand. oh where are
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your hands oh oh how it’s going to end up so you’re going to call out like oh okay on your heels well that’s enough oh that’s enough already let’s go let’s go boys girls into the room into the room who is the owner of the apartment well i resting what's your name? i know, this is his sister, she was supposed
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to receive half of the inheritance, but on the order of radion you killed her, i didn’t kill anyone, what i did yesterday at 16 o’clock, i was repairing the phone, yeah, where in the service, the service is called mobilcom, i don’t remember, but you're good there. the most important thing is the result of the examination. your hair was found on soveliv’s jacket, and how did it end up there if you
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weren’t there, but what do i know, it’s good to resist, you understand that you get a spot at least, and if you tell me how it is, you’ll get it half, look, this is a good offer, i won’t offer it a second time, okay. “i owed 500 rubles, he said, if i screwed up his sister, he would write off the debt, well , i did it to her, another thing, write everything as it was, this is nonsense,
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i said, yeah, i’ll hire the best lawyers, they are they’ll prove it, my father will never believe it, he’ll smear me anyway, petrovich died today, before his death he rewrote his will, you have nothing else. he cheated me, how could he? i was his only heir. this creature wanted to take mine. grandma, take him away, i hate him, i hate him. but
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what will happen to tikhomirov’s inheritance now will go to his grandson sasha until he reaches adulthood, the assets will be managed by the fund that i manage, and you are a businessman, thank you, all the best, goodbye, i don’t understand how you could kill your sister ? and how could you kill your brother like that, he’s a kaini and avili, but it was a long time ago, well, they’re like that... because nothing has changed, let’s go, mikhalych, maybe we’ll change the place, something’s not biting me, but don’t rush, but you've already
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caught so many, i have none at all bites, you have to be able to catch, but what do you think i don’t know how to do? you don’t know how, since you didn’t catch anything, you’re just unlucky today, uh-huh, bad dancer, something always gets in the way, mikhalych, there’s a boat that’s not sailing, well, let it float, what do you care, there’s no oars and no one, maybe she got rid of pierce, but it looks like fizyunin, she’s coming towards us, as if with a motor.
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hello everyone, hello, how are you? well, as you can see, well, we’re telling you, they beat him, cut his throat with a knife, when around 12 at night, there were traces of rape, well, i didn’t find any during a superficial examination, i’ll say after the autopsy, what kind of manicure, yes, of course, you know this girl, no, but whose boat is this, we
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don’t know anything, you’re local, you should know everything, we don’t owe anyone anything. well, it seems to you, they give you the task of false testimony for 2 years, this is no fishing, yes, yes, this is coffee, what are you talking about, well, why don’t i want to sit for it, so, well, everything is clear, the case is solved, i’ll go take a swim, not here, but i’m there, but somewhere in tonin, in petrovsky, far from here? no, it’s just a stone’s throw away, yeah, i added the data, yes, freely, but the boat is like a boat, then you’ll take it, okay, who’s giving you a star, let’s go to the seat, but wait, now they’ll take the pipes, but help, he
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’s the one pinning it, he’s taking it, you want us to run after him, so what if he drowns. in short, here are his things, and where is he, help, guys, what are you doing there, i’m hiding from a snake, what kind of snake is crawling, i found a snake too, it’s an ear, it doesn’t bite, you know, even once a year the rake is shooting, yeah, get off, come on.
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i don’t understand what’s going on here, he broke the tv, why did you break the tv so she wouldn’t watch it, i still love him i’ll look, you know what i’ll tell you, who will take care of the stingray, i have a pig.
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if you crawl on your knees, i won’t forgive you, didn’t you see, yes, i still wanted to marry her, who is she, a neighbor, my wife died six months ago, and her husband drowned, so we decided to try to live together for a while, yes, apparently it doesn’t work out, and for me... this is my tv, i do whatever i want with it, i bought it myself, i broke it myself, so he’s right, wait, men, wait, what else, the boat is yours, mine, and where did you get it from, well, let’s go, show me where she stood, here she is it was stolen by the bastard, who is it? how do i know you didn’t give it to anyone, but who can i give it to? well, friends, relatives. i don’t have anyone,
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they called me, i want her to inspect everything here. okay, andrey, do everything, i found murdered prints in the database. podushkina valentina alekseevna, born in the ninety-seventh year of birth, registered in the yaroslavl region, the village of bukhalovo. what are they doing here? she probably came to work. who did you work with? a prostitute. there are relatives in dedumsk, it’s clear, but what about fidyunin, his prints are in the database not registered, but there is his son, anton nikolaevich, also born in the same year, served time under article 228, was thrown out six months ago, and where he lives, in the same place where his father is, the village of petrovskaya, he said that he has no relatives, which means he lied, means. let's go, a can of stew,
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a pack of pasta, yeah, a loaf of bread and vodka, vodka, how much? three bottles, yeah, buy a chocolate bar for your wife, i don’t want to marry you, just eat it yourself. okay, come on, how much is it from me, 1.520, what did you want, what do you have pies with, with meat, fresh, yes, i just baked babanyura, then come on, take it yourself, but can i forgive you, yes, you don’t happen to know this man, i know, anton fedyunin, but why do you need him? yeah, it’s clear what you can say about him, what can you say, he’s a complete junkie, like his mother died, he went completely crazy when you saw him for the last time, yesterday he came with
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a girl of some kind, by chance not with this one, this, and what time they arrived, well , somewhere closer to the evening, around 6, where they then went, to anton, probably, thank you, uh-huh, thank you, no change needed. oh thank you s birthday, megamarket, give joy, only on birthday megamarkets, household goods with cashback up to 70%. the most unexpected premiere of this spring is on ntv. viya superstar. groups that once filled huge stadiums will compete on stage.
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the house is on sale. have a teekna smartphone for 25,999, a shower set for 4,399, a makita jigsaw for 3,899. many entrepreneurs have already received money from the fund for quite a few businesses. now it’s your turn, alfabank will give away 100 million rubles. entrepreneurs across the country. the best stories will get the money. tell us about your business on bitter 53. premiere on monday at 20:00. on ntv. at global village we select ripe fruits from the entire planet. and when you try our 100% natural apple juice, others want a sip, too. once we bought it, we immediately loved it. global village - ripe for your table. pyaterochka helps out. start the path to your dream with sber. open a free business account and join the sber business loyalty program. thank you. receive 10% cashback bonuses for purchases with a sberbusiness card and
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bonuses for account transactions. sberbusiness. when you're an adult, it's so easy to forget that joy lives within us. it can be found in every moment can be easily shared. the holy spring with natural juice fills life with joyful moments. the source of joy is in you. simply delicious rostagroexport cheese. just try it. retiring is profitable with sberbank. for pensioners - a free sbercard, a favorable rate. deposit to please yourself more often, cashback bonuses in pharmacies to take care of yourself, discount on a loan to buy something you have long dreamed of. apply for a pension at sberbank online or in a branch and receive special, favorable conditions. get more 15% discount for fashionable transformations. choose clothes, shoes, accessories on ozone. use
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the promotional code vesna, it will be added to the existing discounts, everything for your looks at even more attractive prices with the promo code vesna. a credit card is beneficial in any situation, an interest-free period of 120 days begins every month, and maintenance and notifications are free forever. this is why credit sbercards are the best in the country. apply for a credit card, everything will be the way you want. lera kudryavtseva vs. alexander reva. stars on saturday at 21:20. something again did he do? i didn't do anything. again, it wasn’t you who came. congratulations to them on this. where's my boat? they took your boat. i have a lot to do without her. listen, i know all your affairs. make sure you don't get locked up again. let me figure it out myself, okay, somehow. hurry up
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, hide me somewhere, come on through the back entrance, go to the sinal, get in, come on quickly, one more time, hello, hello, where is your son, but he’s not there, where is he? a friend, and which friend, i don’t have any reports, this? not her, so shut up, your son is suspected of murder, and you are covering for him, i don’t have to snitch on my son, uh-huh, but i can look at your phone, but why, i wonder, yes, here you go, and whose then, anton, he couldn’t leave without it, uh-huh.
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look at the house, i'll go out into the yard. it's you, my friend, anton, come on out, i'm not in the mood to play ancestors. anton, i took the pitchfork, if you are not immortal, count to three, one, two, two and a half, well done, how
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did you meet valentina podushkina, with valka, or something, with valka, with valka. " i met her yesterday, where on a dating site, she arrived, they went into the store, took some booze, hit her hard, i was knocked out, i don’t even remember how she left, but how did you end up in a boat, in which boat, in my father’s boat, i wasn’t in any boat with her, on on the pier where the boat is, they found your cigarette butt, this..." in the morning i swam, smoked, uh-huh, uh-huh, swam, and at night, what were you doing, sleeping at home, who can confirm this, a neighbor, my father's live-in wife, what's wrong with my hand, fell, from a boat, no, not from a boat,
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from where he fell, walked, fell, galina anatolyevna, and anton went for a swim in the river yesterday? when after the morning news, uh-huh, what did he do then, they bought some kind of sashli dick, and as long as they left, he didn’t leave, he was lying around drunk, and it was the lohud who stole kolka’s wallet and wanted to run away with it, and he her caught, knocked down, tell me how you beat the pillow, i didn’t beat her, she stole my wallet, i just cracked it a couple of times, but what ? they didn’t tell me right away, i was afraid that they would put me in jail, they found her in the boat anyway, what happened next, she went, where, to the bus stop, why did she go, on a minibus, and how long did it take?
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it was about eight in the evening, well, it looks like fidu is not lying, i rang the pillow on the billing, at 21:30 it was in the city, at 22:00 it was already turned off. mobile phone and disappeared from all radars, which means it’s not father and not son, we’ll release it, well, first i’ll tell the sorority that this is uncivilized, the police captain in telnyashka, it’s in his mouth, in our village they’re only talking about this murder, what are they saying? different, but don’t be too dark, everyone thinks that the girl was killed by satanists, why are satanists, and we had a similar case six months ago, in the forest they found a girl with a cut
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throat, everyone thought they were satanists, but no evidence was found, they were released, and the murdered woman was raped, no, she was simply drained of blood, why was the blood drained? for what? i think it's for sacrifice. by the way, anton fedyunin was a witness in this case. that's how he sat then. by that time he had already been released. and one of the satanists had his phone number in his cell phone. i'm sorry. hello. hello. did you do the hiding? yes, she wasn't raped. tell me, did she lose a lot of blood? well, pretty good. well, how much? well litar?
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dad dad was also released, so what happens? went, it turns out he went. good luck, i beg your pardon, hello, what kind of a freak did you set me up, i didn’t set you up, who threw a whore into my boat, what kind of whore, with her throat cut, what kind of whore, did you fall from the oak tree, you creature, and because of me you were grabbed by the cops, doha, it’s not me, but you don’t know, in short, listen here, sapunn, i don’t want to have anything more to do with you, i’m sick of your shoals, well
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, don’t, i’ll make an agreement with the snob, make an agreement with whoever you want, they talked meaningfully, even too much, who the sapun is, i’ll find out now, shonobel. him to all his patients, and who are you? narcologist,
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here's my business card, stop, baby, before it's too late, i rang the phone number of the dude with whom anton was talking, sapun, dmitry sergeevich, born in 1992, lives in the village of pavlovka, on lenin street, building eight, looked at his account, impressive, wait, is this some kind of satanic symbolism? uh-huh, okay, i'm getting a hotdog, you sit for a while, vasya, hurry up, nobel, where are you? home, when will you arrive? tomorrow, why not today? today i can not. "please come, what about
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is that? i’m having withdrawal symptoms, okay, i’ll come now, have fun, what’s more?” “hotdogs or burgers, sushi, there’s no meat, but there’s fish, the best fish is sausage.
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lena, is there anyone alive, oh, you’re such a bad mother, now i’ll treat you, come quickly. drive, hello, good afternoon, did you
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want something? - we could use something to read, but the library is closed, technical break, seriously, break, i have a subscription, but can you have a minute, me, class, you, of course, girl, please take your hands, drugs, no i have nothing, a lot
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you clients, these are not clients, who are acquaintances, oh. do you know dmitry sapun? don't know. where did you get his number? i do not remember. you talked to him today. so what? what were they talking about? nothing. and i'm thinking about drugs. drugs are not my thing. what's yours? what's this? don't know. this is drugs, your fingerprints are on the bags , look, well, i think we’ve closed the topic of drugs, and now let’s talk about
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murder, what other murder, pillow shaft. the prostitute you killed, i didn't kill anyone, who did, breather, ask lenka, she hung out with him. i’m a dealer, not a satanist, damn it, the only thing i can’t understand is how you, a girl from an intelligent family, got involved with this satanist breather, dima is an unusual, very strong person, and i like strong men, what is his strength, that that he
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killed people, this woman was. like your mother is a doctor, she left two children who are now in an orphanage, it’s not true, it’s not true, she was a prostitute, who told you that, everyone knows that, but look, she wasn’t a prostitute, the breather deceived you, now he testifies that it was you who organized her murder. i, yes, you, another corpse for you, i don’t know her, this one, give me a dose, tell me everything, how you killed these women, we didn’t
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touch this one, but this one... dima killed it, why, so drink blood, you fucking bastards! knock-knock-knock, cover up. hello,
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the candles are burning, that means he’s here, these satanic things come from satan, you think he exists, there wouldn’t be anyone who would kill, rob, rape, that is, it’s all satan, not people, everyone makes their own choice which country, on the side of good or evil? personally i'm on the side of good, that's obvious, you, dolbanov and i, go watch the yard, supporter of good, okay, vinline presents batrace,
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shout, 3. reasons, in the morning we won't wake up in moscow, the russians are playing music. there will be money cards, now you can easily get up to 300,000 rubles for any purpose,
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11:22 pm
friends, there is something ahead of us. happy easter holiday. russian lotto has its second charity easter draw. each lottery ticket is an opportunity not only to become a winner, but to contribute to charitable causes. 10 rub. every ticket will go to charity. wins every second ticket. we help more when we are together. they win in our program. on sunday, may 5, 8:20 on ntv. vinline presents. new freebie 3,000 without conditions and deposit for all new players, get it right now. vinline makes a difference. so what's there? there's no one there, right? but stand there,
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you're alive, yeah, yeah, catch the goat, throw it, yeah, well, you broke off the horns, why did you break me off? stood up for the murder of two women, i didn’t kill anyone, uh-huh, your mistress testified against you , lenka or what? listen, she's for dose, he'll give anything, crap, this is not an indication, crap, okay, let's watch this movie then. i found this recording on
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your flash drive, everyone who was already arrested there and is testifying, do you have any more questions about this episode? ok, well done, let's move on to another, how did you kill a prostitute? i didn’t kill her, where were you yesterday at 12 at night, in the club? who can confirm this? anyone? well, here he is, he enters the club at 23:15, and he leaves, i see, already in five countries, but he couldn’t quietly leave the club and then come back, no, there there's a camera everywhere, i checked, it means it wasn't the breather that killed the pillow, start over.
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what am i saying, oops, help me, wait, police. good morning, good morning, i brought you donuts, thank you, so the duty went, yes it’s normal, they pulled only once, some mother threw her child into the entrance, they came with a protocol, these women
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went completely crazy, you know what she wrote: on a diaper so that they could help him, why did she interestingly write on a diaper and not on paper? that's the question, hi boys, hi, good morning. i want donuts help yourself, wait, you bought it for me or i want it, i bought it for you, then i’ll give it to you, eat one, well, i’m not greedy, but coffee is okay, no coffee, well then i won’t tell you anything, take it, and what will you tell me, for example, the fact that i did an examination and found out that the inscription on the diaper was made in blood. by the way, yeah, what about you too,
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so you talk to the woman who found it. child, and i’ll interview the neighbor, no, no, let’s better interview the woman who found the child, and i’ll interview the neighbor, but you can’t, why, you’re married, think about your friend, hello, hello, you need to work on stretching so that you can sit on the spatka, and what for... what is needed, special exercise, special for a certain muscle group, which ones, i can show you, well, show me, well, not here, but where
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at home, they are very difficult, no, i think you can handle it, well, let’s go then, i ’m chewing here, i came in and heard a scream, excuse me, please, but it seems to me that your pancakes are on fire, and the pancakes, oh, what are the pancakes with - then, with meat,
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my beloved, you will, come on, well, how are you, magical, and you, and also nothing, well let's train like this every day, come on, what's your name? emilia, that’s a cool name, why don’t you ask me what my name is? well, because you're stefa. how do you know? and you are attentive, oh. this is the job, who are you? sheriff, policeman, or what? yeah, you're crazy, show me your id? no, no, no, no, i believe you, and what are you doing with us? i see
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a woman who dropped off a child at your entrance. yeah, i heard something about that, but what did you do last night? a friend had it, and how many did she return home? at about 12:00 at night, and i didn’t see a woman with a baby, i didn’t see a woman, i saw a man, so i did, i went to my car, yeah, but you can describe him, it was dark, i almost didn’t see him, and what kind of car, in my opinion, is a niva, niva , but didn’t remember the number? are you kidding? i can’t remember my phone number, let alone someone’s car number, well, at least what color, black, i didn’t see anything else, no,
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just a second, yes, yes, i’m going, i’m going, i’m working, how do i should i go already? will we still train like this? necessarily! add another pancake, thank you, no need, well eat another one, to be honest i can’t take it anymore, but if it comes with some tea, let’s do it, okay, ah. okay, well, why did it take so long, and the old man,
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such things are not done quickly, did you manage to find out something? well, he testified that he saw a man in a black field at night. why do we need a man, are we looking for a woman? no, the woman didn’t see it, that is, that’s all you found out, i’d rather interrogate you, you couldn’t, what is it? well, you don’t know how to teach how to do the splits. hi, how are you? i haven’t realized yet, you bought a chocolate bar, what kind of chocolate bar, well, which you promised, but the chocolate bar, that is, you forgot, nothing i haven’t forgotten, i’ll buy everything when today, okay, i’m waiting, listen, i wanted to ask you, wait, what do you smell like, nothing, oh, here’s a hair, she’s a brunette, and this is... no, i’m just asking, yes ,
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she’s a brunette, that is, you like brunettes, yes, you do, well, let me change my color, but no, i like blondes too, that’s right, uh-huh, okay, calm down, ask what can be said about the diapers that the child was dropped off with, well, the diaper is new, never washed, just as cheap as a diaper, and where can you buy one, in my opinion? they were discontinued altogether, maybe on the market? maybe, lord, alive, at the market, good day, tell me, are you the only one selling diapers here? yes, just me, tell me, do you have something like this? that’s how it ended, man, yesterday.
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i tell him, why are you charging so little? but he is none of your business, but how old is he approximately? well, about forty, what was your age? well, i don’t remember, but he looked like a morel, yeah, maybe there were some special signs, scars, bruises, maybe he was limping, but no, nothing like that happened, don’t remember anything else, someone called him, it looked like some kind of advertisement, but he sent them, and what time was it? - at three o'clock? download
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i saw him somewhere, but where did you see him? do you remember, we went to the store to buy pies, these were pies. so it's him, what kind of car does he have? no eggplant, we found it. owner, owner, open up, who is there, open up
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from the police, what happened, your dog bit a child. i don’t have any dog, but the neighbors said that there is, and i say that there is no, well, open it, let’s check, well, check, well, where do you see the dog, maybe you ’re hiding it in the house, well, let’s go into the house, tuzik, tuzik, tuzik, yes, there is no tuzik here, but maybe there is, you live alone, alone, and there is no girl. no, but the children didn’t either, why
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did they buy diapers and diapers, but i didn’t buy them, it’s clear, but your car is parked next to the fence, it’s mine, let’s see what, by the way, the search warrant is for, what are you going to look for there, well, we they said, a dog, let's go, let's go, tuzik, tuzik, some kind of nonsense, i never had dogs, the neighbors wrote that there are, what kind of neighbors, or what? yes, yes, antonina, your car is in good condition, but there’s no money for a new one, so i keep an eye on her. what, haven’t you seen it? what kind of dogs could there be? can i see you? please. and what do you have here, and this
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is the cellar left from the grandmother, let’s open it, i haven’t opened it for years, it’s jammed in there, there are keys, so what keys have i lost, or maybe there’s a crowbar or a crowbar, a crowbar, a crowbar, there’s a crowbar in the car, i’ll take it, please, i left the knife to stand, and now i’ll throw a stalemate, yes!
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can you tell me, i can, how did you get here? i was walking home from kotyaki at night, a car pulled up on the road, he offered me a ride, i sat down, and threw some kind of rag over my face. i passed out and woke up here, he raped me here for a year, a week ago i gave birth
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to a child.


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