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tv   Syomin  NTV  May 1, 2024 2:55am-3:41am MSK

2:55 am
what should i do? well, are you continuing, sir? well, it looks like you're in luck again, igor. well? “goodbye, i never let you down, childish lucky guy, well, maybe a third per road, well, but three cartridges, even more
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interesting, and we keep going to them, but their ashes, is this an ambush? it’s a pity that you've run out of ammunition.
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now it's your turn, it won't work, who will stop me, you didn't signal, boris petrovich, we're all exhausted there, we need to check the equipment, whether we've exhausted one, a village, one road, and even the dark ball will fall off, if suddenly, it seemed, we will resist, we will yield only to god, perek, quickly, tell me, my soldier, the battle is not over, but without you now i am in the wind.
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blows in the back, there is a right on earth, but not for us with you, the department has become a family for me, and i am an adopted son, they don’t cost a penny, beautiful words with reality, their meaning, yakvalen is now connected, and the former...
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marin, well, you you know that if i don’t pay them this money, they will kill me, let him, marin, catch him, this is not a reason to ask him for a handout, what are you talking about, he called, said that he wanted to meet, maybe he missed you, i understand, it’s very difficult for you now, but there are people from whom you can ask and are not afraid that they will then... demand something in return. yuri kuptsov
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is not one of them. marina, can you give it to me? sometimes you find yourself in a situation where there is no way out and then to hell with it. i understand, okay, boris petrovich, you can check the time by your watch and find out your mood, my father’s, i wear it only in one case, when there is a chance of not returning, you know, i think i’m in ukraine, i woke up, oh, forecasts you, however, have leaking officers, good morning, sunshine, yeah, i actually don’t i’m sleeping, well, yeah, yeah, i told you, i’m with the tp club until 5 in the morning, i have to get up for work at 6, but that’s all nonsense, about not returning from
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the fields, you know what i’m thinking about, and i wonder what, if kabantsova sends for death, then we still have a long time to live. well, yes, half an hour ago they sent for coffee, it’s time to declare a federal wanted list, that’s right, well, young man, they’ve chosen it, i’ll have two coffees and one more.
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san-zhe mitip with the bottom dorzhivich, i agree, that ’s what concerns your name and patronymic, i ’m pronouncing this for the first and last time, okay, boar, where are you, come on quickly, where, where, yes, i’m going, i’m going, boris petrovich, and why didn’t we take the merchant from the house, we kept walking, walking, chained around, 10 people. the person on the wanted list went to the city, which means he has a secular reason, and i want to know it, what about the hundredth bear, why will you know a lot, they will take you to the department of your own security, uh-huh, oh, ledenev senior appeared,
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what do we have today lekbes, what are you talking about, well, in the sense of a lecture on how to become a lieutenant regiment? “i wish you good health, you chatted, but don’t worry, boris petrovich, there was no leak, i
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’m not asking you, but if there wasn’t, then what i need my own safety here, i ’ll have to go with you under the merchant, i hope you don’t mind, i’m categorically against it. how did you know about secret operation 2, all your operations to capture the merchant end in failure, one after another, you want to say that i am extinct and it’s time for me to retire, understand? why are you doing this, boris petrovich? i came to say that among your team there is kuptsov’s informant, in other words, a mole, and as for your departure, the internal security service is listening to all your telephone conversations, thank you for your trust, especially everything that...
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i’m tired of your stupidity, yurka, stop it, what are you saying, i’m not little, please, everything is as usual, that you’re wound up, and that’s only 50,000, that’s only 50,000 dollars, dammit, do you think that you are talking, in total, not weak, how old are you, that’s what you are? you don’t know, i know, it’s great, and i know that having lived to these years you haven’t even
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earned your hundred dollars, you could have avoided disgracing me in front of the servants, and this, as you put it servants, shields me from bullets with your body, and you’ve been setting me up for the umpteenth time, i ’m also a non-stakhanovite, i haven’t earned much, i’m a non-stakhanovite, yes, but for the tenth time i’m getting you out of your meager gambling debts... i’m taking over your bills, a stakhanovist, oh, if you take it into account that you i got it right, mother, mother, i ’m going to listen to these reproaches for the rest of my life, we’re brothers yura, you know, we have to help each other, i ’m yurka, i know so much about you that i could loosen my tongue, what did you say, but not , nothing, just... joking, fedka,
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don’t joke like that again, you’ll regret it, yes, andrey, marin, i ask you, we have a meeting with the ambassador 15:45, i will arrive soon, soon, it’s already 3 o’clock, where are they taking you? andrey, i'm going, you know? and stop controlling my every step, promise me that you won’t take his money, marish, but i will, then i’ll take the child, aunt marina, and it would be great if, what, baby, you took me, nina, what what kind of stupid habit are you talking about, filling people’s heads with your fantasies, listen, don’t yell at the child, and don’t you dare take money from the merchant, then maybe you’ll pay me for the fact that i’m with yours, that’s it, slow down, okay,
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calm down, come on, leave with a voice, move from here, change seats, he said, people should come to me, i understand, i understand, a confidential conversation. and, if you do this, you don’t have to come to me anymore, of course, you yourself will be the first to come to me. you come running, for a ruble,
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kaymak, i’m buren, a red one is approaching the restaurant.
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lieutenant colonel ledenev, thank you for the advice, always please, guys, attention to everyone, don’t do anything without my command while there’s a woman and a child in the room, don’t rock the boat, we don’t need hostages. well maybe are you going to eat something, anyway? thank you very much, i’ve eaten, thank you, oksan, let’s order, it’s very tasty here, really, thank you, i don’t want it, you know, i was very touched when you turned to me for help, you did the right thing, besides, you know, that i’m on
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the international wanted list, cherry got scared, or... scared, i won’t be any more scared than now, ninochka, say hello to your uncle, he’s good, he’s a stranger, ninochka, you know that sometimes a stranger is much closer dearest, this is, for example, an apartment your st. petersburg on nevsky, it seems, is not a stranger, i dream of it as if it were my own, your parents are in the picture, professor anna mikhailovna, you often go to the grave with marina, rarely. here it is: children rarely go to the grave of a professor with a ballerina, their cook, my son often, i try to show up in the bryansk region every month to bow to my mother, god rest her soul!
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there are no more people like her, no. “rush hour is coming, then the merchant won’t get out on the highway at all, we’ll fail the operation, we won’t be able to get him in the city, that’s how long i’ve known you, little guy, alone i can’t understand, why are you working for the tuner, and not catching fleas, why are you glowing?” when the tuner says to take it, then we’ll take it, you’re calm, yes, well, look, we’ll answer together, why couldn’t kutov help? you know, i didn’t even bother him, but it’s unlikely that he did the right thing,
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that he didn’t turn to him, but to me, i need money and i’ll help, and that’s right, i’m very grateful to your family, i’m very grateful. they did it for me, i haven’t forgotten it, they helped me get into college, they buried my mother, yes, well, your grandmother, she actually did it for me, that’s what? she gave me a talisman, yes, she said, as long as he is with you, you won’t burn in fire, you won’t drown in water, that’s right, it turned out that you were on fire, didn’t burn, drowned, didn’t drown, and that your apartment, by the way, is on nevsky, i they said that you sold it, i was so upset when
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marina married kotov, i sold the apartment and opened my own business, i wanted to get back on my feet, but if... it hadn’t happened, i would never have bothered you, it’s a pity apartment, i loved it very much, it’s okay, everything is for the better, you did the right thing in turning to me for help, this amount you are asking me for, i’m sorry, this is not money for me, thank you very much for the future, one piece of advice, next time you start a business , choose better partners. look for those who won't quit. fine. ning, will you take me as your partner? no, nina. it’s a pity, oh, we’re passing the merchant’s new building,
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where? here is the scheme, you know, we guess, drug trafficking and construction of buildings, in moscow, in the moscow region, well, office centers, houses, then all this is sold western companies, new money, and how it wasn’t donated, and there are a lot of new buildings from merchants around the city, i thought that in the internal security department they knew everything, antosha, hello, what’s wrong with you, they can’t listen to us, dad, no, they will definitely listen to us, anton, lieutenant colonel ledenev is here, his own safety, he will just cough at me. on the microphone at night, wow, everything is like an adult with you, don’t delay, don’t delay, what do you have? madrid, on what street, i won’t even tell
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you, sorry, don’t be offended, the batch of heroin that his people are storing is estimated at 700 million dollars, like me, well, i’m proud of you, antosha, but we’re also not sure when the merchant operation starts, i won’t even tell you. everyone is right, well, well, why are you like that, you are like that, you saved us like that, thank you very much, okay, stop it, and i’ll also tell my sister, i
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didn’t want to load up the mail, so as not to compromise the lady deputy, what’s going on with him and kotov , all happy families are similar to each other, each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way, but i wanted... to be happy and warned, the woman came out, i understand you, fuck, we we’re approaching, don’t do anything without a command, you understand, don’t do anything without a command, yes, yes, yes.
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the third group, look for the red beige, the third group has been accepted, everyone get ready. well, zhaka, let's go, little boy, who are they? central, urgent reinforcements, car, damn, they won’t have time,
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well, what to do, go ahead, go, stand, police, ford, ambush, you need to take a spare magazine, hunter, they killed you!
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throw a grenade, throw it, bring it down, quickly, quickly, fall. zhiga, stop, it’s coming out, don’t pursue him, zhiga, stop!
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well, have you lost weight? that the merchant went to the libation, apparently it’s too early to lick him, we’ll take him there, call a special group, everyone to their cars, everyone to their cars, egor, wild boar, car! idiots and brutes, they almost killed us, but they managed to turn us into headlights, but somehow it’s strange. as
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if someone had suggested it, yes, probably, what are you, leave me alone. what a fool you are, oh, what a fool you are, yurka, they forced me, they said that they would kill me, you, and me, yur, well, forgive me, but
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we are working tentatively with the international one. interpol police, according to available information, have already detained kuptsov’s dealers in berlin, munich, lyon, paris and other cities. now kuptsov can be said with confidence to be driven into a corner, and i am confident that the operatives of the department for solving crimes without a statute of limitations, under the leadership of boris semin, will cope with the task entrusted to them with honor. so, we remind you that today in the center of moscow, near the russian estate restaurant, a real bloody massacre took place with dead and wounded. find out more from our special correspondents. nikolai the devil doesn’t take such people to himself, he has nothing to do in heaven, so to get out, i hope you didn’t take from his money, marin, well, you know that i’m facing trial, oksan, i warned you, nina will live with me, so how will you explain all this to kotov, because i’m my mother’s and i’m alive. and that
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he didn’t say anything about me, he asked me to tell you that he asked me to give you this. hello, marina, hello, andrey, well , actually, i was waiting for you, who had already been named as his ambassador, so what? you are my wife, and you should have been there with me, instead i was there alone, looked like an idiot, and i was tired of these sensitive ambassadors with their stupid wives, i re-election is coming soon, i can’t
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look ridiculous where everyone else is. is with his wives, dear, well, you can always find a good reason, for example, you could say that you were widowed, this would immediately increase your... rating, listen, if i say that you should be with me, then you should be with me, otherwise, that you will divorce me, and marina, you will divorce, what a serene face, velaskas with a portrait of infante margarita, as if at this time in spain there are no inquisition, no executions, no torture, no bonfires, no one is suffering who doesn't die
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he writes to us there, it doesn’t matter, this, but this was sent from jeweler platinum, i offer discount cards. and they always sign envelopes by hand, they’re a reputable company, they don’t have a computer, right? hmm, i didn’t know that you were interested in discounts, okay, let’s forget everything for today, but in the future, please be more prudent when i warn you about our visits, and i take advantage of discounts, what’s wrong with that? you, yes, but they give it to me, you got burned, velaskas with infanta, what nonsense, yourself, but she threatened you with divorce, i
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thought, why do you need this on the eve of the election campaign, intervened, okay, sorry, you're right, andrei vladimovich, where are we going now, where, where? to hell with the horns, i understand, that is, to the deputy prime minister, as planned, yes, okay, logic, you look after marina nikolaevna for now, even if she doesn’t want to, i understand, report every half hour, you will report every 5 minutes, if necessary , what you don't like, the car to the entrance, okay, the car.
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the bastards drove around in their chalk, in short, in cars, that, no, when ours come to power, i will take my rightful place on the barricades of justice, ours who, communists, or something, stupid, what kind of communists, ours, well, i still don’t know who ours are, well, they’re... they’ll definitely come, they’ll come , they’ll come, wait, it hits you in the face, stupid,
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great, great, the tuner is below , they are waiting for you, come down. everything incredible became obvious, but now what? there's only one beauty on the screen, is that really
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possible? i answer you, if it weren’t for this dog, we would have taken him, you know, would we have taken him? it's clear. well, he’s the devil, he killed everyone, everyone, it’s all clear, but why doesn’t he kill you... yikes grik, say, grik, say, say, say, tell me, i coordinated everything, i was with you, grik, tell me, grik, tell me where he was during the raid, grik, what are you, what are you, i coordinated everything? i was sitting on the steering wheel, what are you doing, what? no, you weren’t with me, zhiga, you didn’t
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coordinate the boys. you ran away to save your own skin as soon as you saw that the merchant had cops on his tail.
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sit down, you know, i often think if god would give me a day at home, and not in a stinking hospital, among your own people, you leave, your friends remain, life goes on, my mother told me, you want to understand whether a person is lying to you or no, smell his breath, i checked this many times, ulgu always stinks of ort, and you have a cry, breathing... it was fair, but the blame for
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the failure of the operation is entirely on you, there is no one else to ask, we did not interfere, who could stop you? semin, semin, semen! “that means he’s still alive, so how many of our people were killed, six people, damn it, think about how families can be helped, this is very important, don’t forget, okay, but i’ve known this guy for a long time, he won’t leave me alone, i have to disappear.” . like about fedor, few people knew,
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this could help, all groups, this is kaymak, groups 3 and 4 block all entrances to the holiday village of sosnovka, groups one and two, prepare for capture. yes, anton, yeah, cool, thanks for the information, now our devil, sash, how are you, ready, yes, move forward, we’re working, maris petrovich, well, guys, go ahead, you stay, boris petrovich, stay. attention, all groups,
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act only on my command, well, get ready, fedora, we’ll have a wedding, we’ll do it. doll, where are you? yes honey, come here. i miss myself so much, me too,
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hurray, we're going on a honeymoon for... of course we’ll go to hawaii, when? right now, well, you said that you are busy, what are you doing? yes, i’m busy, i have things to do, but someone else will go with you, you don’t care who you go with, little one, really, no, no, i want to go with you, really, take your hands off, leave me alone, take your hands , yurka, yurka, forgive me, and yurka, well, for the sake of my mother’s memory, i ask you, here, here, here, here, take it all, take it, they gave it, take it all, i’ll give it all to you, i ’ll cry, honor , that you remembered about your mother too late, yes, why should i think about her, you
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where he lived, in a good house with professors’ daughters, and there is a grandfather named mitya, who drank hard and beat me for 10 years. “that’s why you sold me to fedya, right? there can’t be a mistake, one of yours? did they punch the number? yes, the owners kostya are from the urals, now the phone is turned off, he probably threw it away. yeah, i understand, thank you, boris petrovich, we asked information from all cellular operators whose stations are located near the restaurant, well , a message was sent with the word ambush, the owner of the number could not be determined, it was registered under a dummy, which means
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after all, my people, yeah, i don’t believe it. boris petrovich, lieutenant colonel, i don’t believe that this is one of my people, i assure you, the mole is here now, don’t, yuri, i’m sorry,
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it’s started. well, boris petrovich, some movement is promised in the house, petya, let's start, yeah, egor, stop, attention everyone, get ready for the assault. it’s time for our guests to leave, i gave him pure alcohol, he’s completely passed out, i’m downstairs, yes, okay, okay, okay, guys, okay with
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you, but business, sorry.


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