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tv   Syomin  NTV  May 1, 2024 3:40am-4:26am MSK

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it started, well, boris petrovich, some kind of movement is commanded in the house, petya, let's start, yeah, egor, stop, attention everyone, get ready for the assault. you, it’s time for our guests to leave. i gave him pure alcohol, he was completely passed out. i'm downstairs. yes ok. so, okay, guys, okay, but things are going on, sorry. that's it, little ones,
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stay in charge of the hostess, eat, drink, have fun, all groups, storm! well, your insurance comes in handy, well done!
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thanks to this house, let's go. it's a draw, brother, sometimes the coin hangs in the air, and sometimes it lands on its edge, you where was he, what? i ask, where have you been? i
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was just a little stunned, i cooled down, i came in with the soldiers, i promised my father that you would stay alive, you understand, you understand, a caretaker, you didn’t promise him me at the zoo, but good, lech, what are you, you’re the same cop as and i, two corpses, male and female, very badly burned, what’s here? city, probably a prostitute just for the girls, boris petrovich, heroin, the whole basement is littered with this thing, i didn’t have time to dump the goods, this is not heroin, fedya, this is cement, heroin for sure, yes, we are here, this is cement, this is the rubbish merchants are building their luxurious houses and office centers, boris petrovich, look, what a strange thing, some kind of antique, this is a merchant’s, he never parted with it. this thing
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passed through the orientations as a special sign. comrade colonel, there is no doubt, gas cylinders exploded. still, i can't believe it. what? no, that the merchant, who left you so many times, simply died in a household gas explosion just like that. but is there someone lying there? listen to me, i'm telling you, there will be money. you hear me? i repeat, you will money, yes there will be, there will be money, well, don’t talk to me like the huckster from the cherkizovsky market, there will be money for you, i said there will be, that means there will be, that’s it, i don’t want to continue, the devil knows what, hello, dear, hello, marina . something
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happened? no, i just missed you. can't i just miss you. scary again. well, why is it scary, i get scared when it’s dark, but there’s no darkness here, i wanted to ask you, i can already guess, yes, the money on my card ran out, i wanted to change the car to a newer one, but that red one, remember, we saw at the exhibition, well , yes, okay, you will have money, you will, tomorrow or in a week you will definitely receive it. something happened? you didn't react this way before when i asked you to give me money. have you got any problems? yes, i have problems. you know, we don't have as much money as you think. yes, it’s just funny to hear this from one of
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the moscow millionaires. yes, i am a millionaire, but i have big, gigantic debts. 200 million dollars, just now the creditors called you, yes, yes, the only thing so far is that what saves me is that i am a deputy, anyone else in my place would have been killed long ago, so it’s dangerous to live with me, marina, very dangerous, you can share this fate with me, but what about saul, his people? neither the saval nor his people can save you from a sniper, but i can help you, help you, no, marina, you are a beautiful, very beautiful woman, but it’s unlikely that anyone will want to pay 200 million dollars for a night with you,
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i’m sorry, i’m glad that all your life you've thought of me as a cheap whore, but i really know where to get this money. "boris petrovich, timer melted by an explosion, as they say, i recognize from a thousand, or maybe it’s those who shot near the merchant’s restaurant, well, yes, yes, yes, they suffered serious losses, ran into a police ambush, they got into trouble, if it wasn’t them, a rat among us, you're right, you know, colonel"?
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grenade, lie down, just like that, goal. i wonder how he came across me, or rather you? it's very simple, he's our old friend, who do you mean when you say ours? he lived with us on nevsky prospekt, someone from the st. petersburg intelligentsia?
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no, he was the son of our cook, a simple one. women from the bryansk region. cooks? do you want my partner to be the cook? have a good opinion of me. well, who is this peasant? this is kuptsov. no good. a man with the same last name who is wanted by the whole country cannot be my partner. this could tarnish my reputation on the eve of the elections. you didn’t understand me, andrey, this is yuri kuptsov himself. criminal authority. ah, that's how it is. marina, do you understand where you are pushing me, how this could end? look, you don't have to sign a formal contract with him, trumpet this in the press on tv channels. do you
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want your money back? well, let’s say kuptsov knows how to do this. it seemed to me that we stopped surprising each other, so it’s your decision. “i need to think, consult, well, think, think, but it seems to me that you have no choice, my dear. saul. saul. who is this? it’s me. andrei
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vladimirovich. what happened? listen, i need to bring up all the information about kuptsov. kuptsov, is he a communist, or what? i ’m interested in his reliability as a business partner, i don’t understand, he was the one who put me in touch with him. man, he offered cooperation, what do you think, but i think that agreement is tantamount to suicide. but would i hand this man over to rubbish and stay away from such people? i can’t,
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why? this is marina, oh, that’s it, of course, i’ll collect all the information, about consent, i’d think about it, good night. good night, well, now try to sleep, so the second group arrived at 14:25 at the russian manor restaurant, where it was supposed to happen. the detention of citizen kuptsov, but the operation was prevented unexpected attack by unidentified persons,
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who as a result of the collision almost all were killed, the wild boar is good, but i can’t live without food, why was i told at the medical examination that to maintain my complexion i need 44-45 g of animal protein in... i have brain cells refuse to work, where did you get these cells from, yes, yes, the cells, yeah, okay, okay, they’re finished, so you, well, the identity of one of the doctelloscopic attackers has been established, this is viktor mikhailovich karavaev, born in 1984 , previously convicted of assault sberbank, when june 2006, this is... when kasir was killed, well, memory, it was
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the adjuster’s man, by the way, krovaev served his sentence to the end, he escaped, he had already been wanted for 2 years, well, he ran, ran and ran, ran to with his own, it means that the merchant probably prevented the tuner from pushing drugs, well, yes, a business competitor, so his tuner decided to screw him, kapantsov? what kind of girl was in the merchant's restaurant? so i found out, a certain oksana orlova, 25 years old, when she started her business, she sold her parents’ apartment, wanted to open a beauty salon with her partner, well there stem cells, this and that, but he took and lost everything, a gambler, this is such a sad story, but the most interesting thing in this story is not this, but the most interesting thing is her relatives, what is interesting, what kind of relatives does she have? little sister, a certain marina, a cat... kotova, and what does she have to do with deputy kotov,
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the most direct thing, she is his wife, who is in a long and uninterrupted happy marriage with him, take away the little fish from the bush, uh-huh, good, well, that’s necessary take this marina, well, i mean oksana, of course take it, well, would you rather send a notice to the place where the cats are registered? for the ruble, so that tomorrow the order for your dismissal will come, yes, that’s not the point, if they don’t find out that we called her in for questioning after the meeting with the merchant, she’s just... ut, okay, everyone is free, with me communications, work, uh-huh, return the fish journal to the base , i won’t give it back, but according to the coincidence, come on, brother, not yet to berikov, egor, ah, i’m serious,
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return the journal, listen, maybe he served where the landing force was, special forces , like him with a grenade, yes , he’s a virgin, he has such a reaction. it’s always better for yourself, listen, in general, thanks to you, or something, and to my brother, i have something to eat, i want it, but i want it, that’s it, ugh, off i went, i went to my place, i went, i said, ugh, ugh, how was the run, how are you feeling, terrible dreams, saval, all night, what is it, again? did you dream about the elevator, did you fall again? yes, that elevator again. you know, i'm sorry, of course, but there is a way to get rid of your own fear and experience it again. again? yes. wedge-wedge, as they say. have you ever been shot at? a? but that’s not my fear. and what? i was afraid to shoot myself. yes, and
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how did you get rid of it? i couldn’t believe it, i watched the execution of death sentences, seriously, until i stopped being afraid, well , at first i didn’t sleep, nightmares tormented me, all sorts of dreams, and what did you dream about, a bullet, a bullet, a bullet flies out of the barrel and flies straight to your head. andrey vladimirovich, i have good news, please read, one of our problems was solved by itself, that’s good,
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good. “you know what conclusion i can draw from your report, lieutenant colonel, police officers from semin’s department were involved in the bloody massacre, the result is several corpses, whose miscalculation is this, who allowed the fighting to take place?" "there was apparently a leak in the city, now we are finding out who it could be, we are finding out, while you are finding out, television has us in full. ledenev, what about your younger brother, does he still work in usemin’s department? you know this very well, yes,
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yes, i know, but you’re not angry, don’t be angry, ledenev, what? tell me, under such circumstances, can you be objective? to answer the question posed, in my opinion, you can’t, so i have a proposal for you, you remove yourself from the search for the mole in semin’s department, and transfer this matter to me. i think my guys can handle this easily. that leaving looks more worthy than resignation, and ledenev, more worthy, it’s somehow strange to hear
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this from you, the matter in akhrushev is not something i dream of for an hour, free, yes i am free and... your permission, you can’t forgive me that 8 years ago i didn’t let you put the innocent vakhrushev in prison, listen, you, if vakhrushev was in prison now, he would be alive, his blood is on your hands, vakhrushev was innocent, and you they knew this very well, his blood was on their hands , those who tried to imprison him, in the end forced him to shoot himself, that’s all, i’m absolutely not interested. i simply don’t have time for you, that’s all, ledenev, and as for your professionalism and professional capabilities, i will talk about it with your manager. goodbye, i hope you don’t throw a gun at me, get out, after all
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, there’s a mole in the department, i’ll find you, you bastard,
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lucy, please don’t be nervous, please, everything will be fine, and if you die, you understand that there's no one else for me will remain, well, why don’t you take care of yourself, why are you interfering everywhere, then i’m not 30 anymore, maybe i’ll never have children at all, lucy, baby, we can always try again, i could turn it off at least today , well, excuse me, forgive me, be careful,
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i’m listening, standing lieutenant colonel, ask for a late call, nothing, nothing, max, everything is fine with you, you remember the phone, max, and you remember the saying, speak briefly, leave quickly, phone was turned off immediately after sending the messages, you also said that it was destroyed, well, drag the lieutenant colonel, the number went on air a minute ago, so max, unhook the whole area, check everyone against the photographs of kabantsov, rybin. petra, and even semin, in general, the shortest of all, if you see him, don’t take him without me, report every 5 minutes, there is,
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forgive me, sun, that i ruined your evening, only dead people or sleeping beauties are kissed on the forehead, well you, thank god we don’t have the same one... another, yeah, exactly, well, you need to go, yeah, by the way, dad came by, and that offering treatment abroad is great, it’s necessary will be leaving for 2 years, how can you do without me for 2 years, i don’t know, but i know, so i guess i should take you to the bedroom? no, then i’ll call klara dmitrievna so that she
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can stay with you, uh-huh, uh-huh, that’s it, bye, bye. max, what do you have? comrade lieutenant colonel, the phone number is working, we are trying to set the location. great, we announce the interception plan, watch everyone who is talking on the phone, i'll be there soon.
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well how are you? yes, everything is fine, the mole is somewhere nearby. here it is, the signal is coming from the supermarket. can you be more precise? well, give me a couple of minutes, it will be more precisely. don't worry, we'll figure out this mole. how do you detect it? code. how is that? well, every phone has an imi code, which is used to identify the device on the network. in terms of? well , i mean, he can change the sim card as much as he wants, but never this code. why doesn’t he change his phone number? aren't you scared? we’ll detect it down to the centimeter. i think so, he’s playing cat and mouse with us, brazenly, i guess. so, there are two exits here.
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i’ll stand next to someone else, uh-huh, warn everyone to keep their eyes peeled, give me a walkie-talkie, that’s it, i’m connected, uh-huh, yes. not a homeless person, group one, come in, hey, get out, let's hurry, i want to go to the toilet, get out, i told you, here you are oh, hello, yes, yes, everything is fine, northern sector, so far everything is clear. group two,
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we are moving towards the northern sector, okay, come on, you have an open-hearth, and i have a horse, egor, oh, now, just a second, one straight, okay, let’s hurry up, it’s cold here, modest harry potter greets the iron fel. when you sleep , eternal battle, we only dream of peace, are you here, you also decided to take a walk along moscow broadway, well, yes, something like insomnia, but it’s clear, it’s clear, well, what did you want, speak quickly, you see, the girls are standing, freezing, your flock will not run away anywhere, but i’m not talking about the flock, he see, he’s standing, the doorman, at the club, now i’ll leave your little room, and
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no one us. he won’t let me in, where do you get the money for clubs, lech, he’s good, and since he went to the club with the girls, it doesn’t mean that i slammed the collector yesterday, well, something like not my father’s, by the way, yesterday was the anniversary, i thought you were coming, i forgot, uh, sorry, i got confused with these girls. what kind of girls, yes, medical, fourth year, students, just the second group, second group, we are in place, i realized that you are catching someone, well, something like that, well , i won’t, as they say, interfere, come on, finally... then, let's go, oh, oh, oh, oh, well
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, my good ones are frozen, but now they'll warm you up, nothing, ours was dull, i hear you, what are you showing off here, there is no toilet here for an attack, like you, i understand, okay, i thought you understood me, oh, egor, oh, pash , healthy, hello, hello, hello, hello, come on, ordered, okay, listen, don’t you understand, let’s get out of here, i told you, i can do it here. what are you doing, you bastard, who is going to clean this up now? get out of here!
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that’s it, there is a clear signal, it’s direct. let's start for all groups. so the first group is from the back entrance, the second is from the other side, maxim, come on faster, that's it, let's go, faster, faster, faster, he's here, i doubt something, he's not such a fool, the signal is from there, faster, well, quiet, quiet , quiet. got away, i told you so.
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all lights out, lights out, lights out, guys, let's go, he's gone, he's not such a fool. brother, brother, it’s strange, somehow, with him
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there is a very big difference in age, 21 years, he was a rude kid at first russian, and i taught him all the time, well, sort of. stand up for yourself, don’t let anyone down, punish whoever needs to be punished, when he was in the first grade, one day some boys attacked him, about five of them, he was 6-7 years old, that’s when he didn’t chicken out for the first time, broke the picket fence out of the fence with a nail and away they went, their parents came to their mother and complained. they said your youngest is even more furious than your elder, your mother punished him, in one place,
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documents, hello, i’ll give you 2 more days, 2 days. unfamiliar number, answer! listen, i didn’t receive the last batch of money, you didn’t receive
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the next batch of money, you will, how is the situation, well, everyone is grieving over the death of kutz, hmm, tell me, let the worthy ones provide for it. funeral, i want you to accompany the owner on his last journey, his last journey, well, i'm waiting, okay, happily, happily, oh, great, hello, how are you, yes. there was no sadness,
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tumilovich, how many years have you been working at ssb? 5 years. 5 years and not a single penalty. well, in general, this is natural. service own security. should be qualitatively different from other law enforcement agencies, you agree with me, and damilovich, i agree, excellent, tell me, how did the last operation to identify the mole in... apart from usemin, i reflected everything in the rapport, they requested video from external surveillance cameras those organizations that were in the area of ​​​​the operation, yes, yes, i asked, and they noticed something interesting, curious, unusual there, i wrote everything in the rapport, you know, you really are, you are a very good operator, tumilovich, i would i sincerely wanted you to work for me, i like working at ssb, yeah. only the feeling
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of elbow bothers you, do you like movies? i mean, well, let’s watch a movie together, it’s an interesting picture, really, we’ve seen it before, no lie, no, no lie. saw, great, that means you saw how detective yegor ledenev was present at the scene of the operation, he was present, tumillovich, he was present, great, well, and if he was present, then you should have shown it in the rapport, you should have, yeah, why? not displayed, i don’t know. i don’t know how
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you know, tumilovich, you know that ledenev asked, didn’t ask, asked, asked, milovich, you understand that you are making a big mistake, and i just didn’t attach any importance to it, didn’t attach any importance to it, you leave me only... two option: option one: you want me to decide that you are not a professional, but this is unlikely, option two, that you have a personal interest in this matter, but if you offer me two options, i will also offer you two, the first, explanatory , in which you repent that you did not reflect the moment of presence detective ledenev. together with the operation, well then i immediately begin
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my own check and quickly find out who bought you where, where for how much, or the second option, you write a report where you say that linev was there, that he met with his brother, and what he hid this, and the most important thing is that he asked you not to tell anyone about this, i can’t, tumilovich, what do you mean i can’t, by the way, your mother is sick, don’t, don’t glare at me and make an operetta face either you have to, you have no options, or or how will i work, i’m his deputy, honey, who told you that you would work with them, huh? how did you know that the call was from our
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department? boris petrovich, as i already said, is a mole among you. that's why we listen to all the crime department's telephone numbers without a statute of limitations. thank you for your trust. so, you said the call was from us. absolutely right. so, can you tell me the name of the mole, or maybe someone has already been arrested? unfortunately, we were only able to find out the switch number on this number for three telephones. i i know, three phones. my deputy and mine, yes, unfortunately, the voice of the caller could not be determined, one thing is clear, this is a man, but this is already clear, well, what was the conversation about, if this is not a secret, i have no secrets from you, a man called merchant, he was ordered to accompany the merchant on his final journey, now the experts are working on the recording, as soon as something becomes clear, i will immediately inform you, okay, yes, alexey, “i wanted to tell you, in
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general, me and my guys , we are grateful to you and egor for saving people from the explosion, you’re smiling for some reason, you know, this is the first time you’ve called me by name, i’ve even somehow gotten used to hearing you, lieutenant colonel ledenev, lieutenant colonel ledenev, i personally have great sympathy for you, my gratitude, the gratitude of a person.” even if he is going to carry out the sentence, a fair one, but still a sentence. well , when, what when boris petrovich semin asks as soon as possible, but we all can’t wait to find out, it’s not him, dna samples have been taken, yes, we will study it urgently, a corpse, what a corpse, just a firebrand, you can take it, it’s for us
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no longer needed, yes, the cause of death is a no brainer, by the way, he had an overdose of alcohol in his system. does that mean you are going to give him to the crematorium? whatever you say, yes, say hello to boris petrovich, don’t worry, zyama friedman has never let him down in 30 years, hello, yes, tomorrow, i said, tomorrow, after lunch, come, then everything will be done, yes. yes, how futile the life of crime bosses is, today you exist, and tomorrow you will be taken to mork for examination. well, what can you do, such is life. i think it's necessary choose more reliable people and not
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get involved with the dregs of society. listen, i hope that the deputy’s phone, connected to the government special line, is not tapped by the cops, give the phone to your husband, you, me, you, you, who? well, in all likelihood the one who was sent to the morgue. i’m listening to kotov, hello, i hope your wife gave you my new creative proposal? even if you are a hellraiser hero, i don’t understand the mechanism of resurrection, but i
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suggest meeting with me, there we’ll discuss all the nuances, where in lifortovo? i'm leaving today from the country and inform the time and place of my new stay, you know, it’s not my style, it’s not my style just to communicate with anyone, well , whatever, whatever, but you know, recently one of your creditors told me at dinner that expectations are very similar to death, all the best, my man will contact you in the very near future. let him freak out a little, call him later and say that i’m looking forward to meeting him on the islands this evening, and maryasha must definitely be with him, in general, we’re flying today, you’ve got everything ready, show me your documents,
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so what is our surname, bulls? wasn't there a better surname? ok, what's up? both were cremated, egor did a great job, bury him at his mother’s, it will be done, about to the airport? no, wait, let's do it differently, change the tickets, but i want to see the tuner, we'll go to him now. how come he wanted us? yes, i tried, i tried, but i want to make him an offer that he will not be able to refuse, we must not exterminate our enemies, we must win our enemies over to our side, let’s go.


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