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tv   Syomin  NTV  May 1, 2024 4:25am-5:11am MSK

4:25 am
everything is ready, show us the documents, since we have a surname, bulls, but there wasn’t a better surname, okay, what’s up with the matter, they were both criminalized, egor did an excellent job, keep it with his mother, it will be done, about at the airport, no, wait. “let’s do it differently, change the tickets, but i want to see the tuner, now we’ll go to him, how come, he wanted us, yes, he tried, he tried, but i want to make him an offer that he won’t be able to refuse , we must not exterminate our enemies, we must lure our enemies over to our side, let’s go!”
4:26 am
a cat has nine lives, and you, apparently , have more, yes, i have more, well, because thanks to you and people like you, i have to be resurrected quite often, it doesn’t hurt, no, it doesn’t hurt, i also forgive everyone i’m not suffering, what are we talking about, that they knew who attacked me near the restaurant, you, and you?
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you’re not the only one bothering me, a decision was made, we don’t like it, what you’re doing, you’re putting young people on needles, we suggest you stop, yeah, that means i’m quitting, now you’re starting to put young people on needles, and those the money that i receive now, you are starting to receive, everything is correct, well, although you are right to talk about it, i have been planning to quit myself for a long time. i’m thinking about it, i’m tired, it’s time to retire, but just before you tie me up, i have to get something in return, say, you know, that everything is bad in all this, it’s bad that my youth is gone, well, yes, this is news, i'm tired, damn it, well, i finally want a big jackpot.
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well, my dead soul is proposing to build a business center on this site, but what about the guarantees? well, this site is a guarantee.
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thieves can be investors, but returns, returns can happen with their heads, i am ready to answer, and if necessary, i will rise again, goodbye, goodbye. “i don’t like it when people are late for work, i also don’t like the smell of fumes, there is a serious organization here, everything is free, therefore, based on the results of the examination, including dna tests, the conclusion follows: the bodies found in the mansion in podlniki belong to lyudmila nikolaevna markova, born in 1991, okay,
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the meeting is over, boris petrovich, stay for a couple of minutes, everyone else free for work. well, science still proved that you wiped him off the face of the earth, for some reason i don’t want to accept congratulations on this occasion, but i don’t congratulate you, because you have a merchant mole in your department, ledenev is looking disgustingly. all this, that beryukov comes to you, says urgently, asks to accept, this prosecutor’s rat was just not enough, call him, where should he
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go now? hello, what's going on with phone verification ? nothing, they can’t determine where the call came from, it could have come from anywhere, yeah, from semin, because of the case from peter, tomorrow i’ll need to take voice samples, i won’t be here tomorrow, i don’t remember letting you go, did something happen?
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and you are the night, remember, i told you that if you follow the lead of your exceptions, then you are going in the wrong direction, i remember, but if you follow the lead of other people, good luck to you. you should have been born at a different time, mr. prosecutor. i don't understand what you mean? it’s not 1937, and this piece of paper doesn’t tell me anything. well, yes,
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you consider the presence of your employee in the work area, a radio signal from a mole, to be the norm, i tell you i understood correctly, it’s strange that they didn’t spot me there, i live in... get it, let’s see what shevelev has to say about this, not everyone has a deputy minister’s father-in-law , let’s let naryzkin go, okay, naryzhkin,
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go out, look at ryshkin, more once you get into trouble cutting down the forest. i’ll send it, but you can draw, give me your passport, here you can draw, you can draw, go be an artist, i saw repin, yes. oh, no, no, walk around later, ugh,
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cremated, well, yes, they took a dna test, the usual procedure, egor, no, that’s it. she was a jumping blond, then she became. miss russia, then married him, miss universe, now she is mrs. deputy
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of the regional duma, what did he find in her, if only i, oh, lenk, sit down, some water, to the boss, yes, of course, fresh, yes, of course, roadtown passage charter 2884 under your management roadtown control. good afternoon charter 2884 roadtown approach. good afternoon. we have a storm. visibility 250 m. the height of the lower edge of the clouds is less than 50 m. leave for an alternate. now, he will give you a spare one. he seems to have an important meeting. we'll fly to the reserve and we'll all work in aeroflot. you have to ask, he’s
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legally dead, what do you do with him? communicate? well, the fact that he ended up in apala doesn’t mean anything. he was not put on the apala list, but on the international wanted list. there is a difference. what do you think, saul? well, i know that his business is profitable, i would even say, the most profitable, to what extent? 10-15 million years of strict regime. lately, he has been building real estate with the money he gets from selling drugs. well, for you, before your elections, you know, just right, i think, less. 10 years won’t last, i don’t like
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all this, oh, i don’t like it, maybe not you need to negotiate with anyone, just relax, but it seemed to me that last night you were upset by your promissory notes, very upset, don’t you think, you yourself can deal with him when you communicate with such people... no one to me never gives any guarantees, i heard you’re a friend, like all senushki, that’s how it is, well, okay, i ’m sorry, we have problems, it’s dangerous to land in roadtown, the dispatcher offers a spare, we land in roadtown, yes, but there, i i’m not paying you money for your doubts. it says in rodtown, it means in rodtown, there is, isn't it?
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you are afraid of not collecting the bones, this does not threaten me, neither do you, why is this, disasters are the lot of losers, i am not one of them. charter 2884.284 recommend an alternate airfield. aisle 2884 we sit down with you.
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under your control 1,500 m, please allow. tell him that the airport is closed, maybe they’ll listen to you, there’s a thunderstorm below us, andrei vladimirovich, the airport doesn’t accept it, then maybe go to the alternate one, lena, if we don’t land at roadtown, i’ll fly back with another crew, sorry, i’ll be right back.
4:41 am
guys, information only for me without nerves, how is the situation, why is he yours cats, he thinks to himself, we’re like magicians to him, all the planes have gone to the spare, and you’re fired, with such nerves, you have nothing to do in aviation, so you’ll fly home on foot, and our captain is also unsuitable for landing, charter 2884, we’ll board with you , starting descent, charter 2884, go to reserve, turn off communications, take
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the helm, take control, do you have a family ? there is, and there is a black box, recorders, it all functions normally, they write, well, it means there was an accident, the family is missing out on compensation, this is why, well, how why, decipher it, it will immediately become clear that the crew was manipulated by the passengers, in particular me, but if we go to the reserve, you get a wolf ticket, then we sit down carefully, so that i still have time. take a little nap, agreed, charter 2884 roadtown landing, go to the alternate, rottown didn’t understand you, i ask for an emergency landing, i’m going into
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the glide path, give me an emergency landing. reinforced balkan, we are preparing an emergency landing, i see a runway, on the glide path. we won’t sit down, it’ll blow like that again, we won’t sit down, we’ll sit down, how long? 10, 9, 7, 4, 2 m, damn,
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kazan, brake, something with a brake, reverse, there is reverse. don’t slow down, reverse again, damn it, slowed down, yes! idiot!
4:45 am
well, the little girl is bad, hello, doctor, what’s wrong with her? well, what can i say, i must say to klara dmitrievna, thank you very much. what's happened? i made an agreement for you, don’t leave the first aid kit in a visible place, 40 tablets. so it’s a suicide attempt, we won’t take her to the hospital, she’s already normal, but for now, a warm drink, peace, all the best. thank you, i came to clean up as always, cook dinner, she seems to be sleeping, breathing or i hear you, i'm going to the ambulance, thank you, please see the doctors out, what are you doing, don't touch
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me. lucy, what are you talking about, this is my job, i’m looking, i know what you’re looking for, i hate you, give me my pills, lucy, why did you do this? i wanted you to feel better, without me, how can it be easier for me without you, i
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love you, maybe when a person dies, it becomes easier for everyone. daria, go into the house.
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welcome, thank you, wait here, and i ’ll call the owner, okay, marina, listen. "you know, saul is right, i don’t have no guarantees, and my guarantees are not enough for you, for some reason i don’t believe you, i don’t know why, but i don’t believe you.”
4:49 am
well, have they arrived? my marriage has arrived. i am very glad that you responded to my invitation, andrei vladimerovich , good afternoon, but as i understand it, you don’t need to introduce marina, i think this is unnecessary, we have known each other for a long time, my mother literally raised her, yes mariage, i remember this touching story, st. petersburg courtyards, aunt cook. what, let's continue our conversation in the house, please tell daria, let
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covers. boris petrovich, you are again engaged in the business of a merchant, because he is already dead. sing, how long have you been in the organs? 18 years old, oh, soon to retire, but you wonder what’s wrong. the merchant knew, knew about the operation. the mole managed to warn him, he knew, but why didn’t he leave, who told you that he didn’t leave? boris petrovich, there are the results of the examination, dna analysis. petya, i am a man.
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old school, you know, the proverb, paper will endure anything, so there’s a lot of nonsense, but there’s only one truth, i’ll find out. so why did you choose me? well why? you were deputy minister of finance, now you are a deputy of the regional duma, a person who was embarrassed to fly on a state plane and flew in on a personal one, isn’t this a reason to imagine you as a partner? yes, but how can i discern your partner, you are officially declared dead,
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then yours. passed, well, you know, in the past of every person you can find some nuances, and by the way, the case against you was closed years ago, in my opinion, yes, marina, please, okay, since you are going to help me if you are not there , you know, andrei vladimovich, i am always in everything i rely on luck, chance, because if it weren’t for chance, we wouldn’t have met, chance, well, yes, mariasha, it was a chance meeting, okay, so what kind of case, well, a simple case, recently one... my sister-in-law got hurt
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from an unscrupulous partner who cheated her out of $4,000, she turned to me, i decided to help, at the same time i found out about your payment situation, i now know quite a lot about you, andrey vladimirovich, as i understand it, because of this deotka, i owe you 4000, andrey vladimirovich, just for god’s sake don’t look for in my words, in my actions there is some kind of double meaning, i am not a petty person, i am simply helping the family next to whom i grew up, i see you...
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something else is not known about your upcoming reassignment, but what do you have to do with this? the most direct thing is that recently, at my request, one of my acquaintances acted as such a transfer villain, he talked with your former partner, to whom you owed a large amount of money, i hope you recognize his voice, for him i can offer you have 3000, don’t rush, there should be re-elections. his cat leaves much to be desired, if his financial situation remains the same, then the head of a former deputy will cost slightly less than the current one, i know that you are not used to suffering losses, you need fresh blood, you need new revenues, where can this come from? , from here, from this country, where i suggest you make a deal, this is an offshore zone, which means the deal will be concluded incognito, as a result,
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in total you receive this amount, which, i hope, will help you solve your financial problems. hmm, i see that you are interested, this is reassuring about the details of the transaction, my lawyer, who understands everything much better than me, will tell you. well, for now, what for now? relax, the sea is warm, the air is fresh. i’m sure everything will be fine, andrei vladimirovich, repeat dna analysis, why? zinnoy mikhailovich, what do you think these spots are? knowing from you that this thing belonged to
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the deceased merchant, i will assume that these are particles that smoldered in the fire of flesh. bodies found in the merchant's blasted talus, cremated, the amulet is from the man’s body. now i have doubts that it was a merchant, but the markers matched 99.9, so why are you arguing for science? i won’t argue for science, zinovy ​​mikhailovich, you still check, i have doubts. the amulet lay on the body of a man who was recognized as a merchant. check out zena mihailovich. if you please. and further? “ no matter who of ours comes to you, not a word about the fact that i was with you, and most importantly, do not tell anyone about the results of the examination, no matter what they are, the devil, she got mixed up with god knows who,
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we're all rubbish here. everyone will be killed, shot to hell, andrei vladimirovich, that everything is fine with you, everything is fine with me, but what happened? marina nikolaevna, what’s wrong with her? well, in general, they couldn’t stop her again, that’s rubbish, quiet. lie down, get out of here, you idiots, close the door, then disgrace me in front of this collective farmer, andrei vladimirovich, i’m tired of this, that’s it, i’m quitting, that’s enough, wait, wait, saul, wait, well, what
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do you want, i work for you head of the security service, that's right, so i'm speaking directly responsibility for your life, come on, without lyrics, what do you want, a salary increase, an increase in pension, that as long as you communicate with this merchant, i cannot guarantee... andrei vladimirovich, you are simply following the lead of your own wife . saul, you are a great security guard, you are the head, i don’t want to lose you, but you know how much i need money now, you know, i need it, not a single bank, not a single enterprise will give me one hundred percent profit. okay, tell me, if i don’t repay the creditors, can you protect me? you you don’t understand that when we are not talking about millions, about billions, no one can give any guarantee, and then just imagine for a second that at home you won’t
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be re-elected, then they got involved in this story, and you’re not for any reason ten from the kokokoshat, listen, well, you won’t leave me, but you won’t leave me, i ’ll think of something, i swear to you, i’ll come up with something, let’s kill this nit by... well , will you stay with me? i’ll stay, that’s good, that’s good, i couldn’t even imagine that she, she was with him, andrey vladimirovich, what’s wrong with you, are you crazy, what are you thinking, what difference does it make to you whether he slept with her or didn’t sleep with her, don’t you understand that it’s much more important to find out whether your wife is.
5:00 am
well, baby, it's easier for you. you like her, lucy, i can’t have anything to do with this woman, she’s just a defendant in one case, that’s all, agreed,
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agreed, but you like her, i only like you, is that true? well, of course, it’s true, i actually want to be with you today, let’s go somewhere. come on let's go somewhere, i'll call you now, duty officer, hello, slav, good morning, comrade lieutenant colonel, hello, i'm listening, alexey ivanovich, slav, i'll call you back, lucy, what are those sounds? is our battery dead? well , yes, klara dmitrievna probably forgot
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to put the phone on the base, okay, but did something happen? no, no, everything is fine, i want you to see the owner off on his last journey, i want you to see the owner off. on our last journey, that means, radiotelephone, lucy, as i understand it, we’re not going anywhere, business, well, do you want me to put it all off until tomorrow, no, no, go, if you can, be back before
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midnight, okay, just promise me that no more, if you don’t cheat on me, there won’t be any more hysterics, lucy, well, you know that you never need me , well, never say never, yeah, go. no, no, these are all minor formalities, we will sort them out in 5 seconds, don’t worry, anyway, what do you think about this? the money was found, but the amount you spent through hell is high. and you don’t have to worry about the amount, feel free to divide it in two, i found more one investor. listen, tuner, can i not answer this question? you ’ve known me for 100 years, believe me, it’s better for you not to know anything about him, just as it’s better for him to know nothing about you. drink your tea calmly, i understand you, the devil
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is flying out, he is bringing you money, we will meet her at the airport, let her not worry about anything, well, how is she sleeping, her pulse seems normal, they gave her an injection of glucose, yeah, i haven’t seen her for a long time , she became even more beautiful, she grew up before my eyes, i remember as a girl how... i went to music school to play the piano, here 12 years ago i met her, oh, i lost my head, for a while, such a woman came, marina kotova, it’s a pity, only the freak got it.
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well, you were confused with this criminal, and the damn alcoholic, you were confused, we were friends, oh you were friends, unlike you, he never insulted me, he is a real man, real, maybe don’t touch me, maybe you slept with him , slept, speak, slept, speak slept with him, touch me, marina, marina, what are you doing to me, what are you doing, i love you. love, love, love, love, love, therefore, on you full responsibility is assigned to the delivery of money to the merchant, you will, as far as possible , track his movement, keep in mind that in our circles the merchant has one more chase, the elusive fox, he built and sold it to foreign...
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this sheet will not go anywhere from me, well- well, with god.
5:07 am
peter, it can’t be, maybe boris petrovich, why are you moving a spoon around the plate, eat, eat, come on, thank you, dad, well, if a dog has four legs, a cat has four legs, then why does mom
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say that she can’t help but give third chicken leg, because if the chicken had four legs, no one would have caught up with her, clearly, the chicken is alive, how good it is that you are at home, they finally gave you a goal, years old, but in vain you turned off the phone and hid it, petya, don’t start, but today you and dimka were going to go for a walk, at least once a month we can afford it, okay, okay, but i warned you. work, i’m going, don’t even ask, guys, well, i have only one day off, my wife will file for divorce, there’s a conversation, go to bed, what happened, alexey ledenev figured out the mole,
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okay, interrogate him, shoot him, but i not the only decoction, we will interrogate, shoot, sing, don’t worry. guys, leave me alone, but why do you need me? it turns out that the mole is you, pete. what are you guys? here is the warrant for your arrest, come on, get ready. again they caught their criminals, they caught them, well
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, how they caught them, they caught them, yes, but this is what happens when you work with very young people, they are not able to always think about work, sooner or later i will squeeze you, well, squeeze you now, if you can’t stand it, asya opened my eyes, and you don’t need to tell me more, how bad she is, asya found a sponsor for our new production, what is your role in, lyubushka was right about you, you are a callous cracker, but in your work you generally forgot how to trust people, and don’t you dare involve lyubov alekseevna in your schemes, she is too trusting.


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