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tv   Segodnya  NTV  May 1, 2024 7:00pm-7:30pm MSK

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more than thirty fires per day in buryatia against the backdrop of hurricane winds; energy and utility workers are dealing with the consequences. vlada kopylovskaya with details. burnt abrams, broken bradley and 30 more pieces of equipment from which. barricades, stun grenades and arrests about the palestinian demonstration at columbia university from the elite ivy league spilled out beyond the university. the beginning of the season, what russian summer residents plant and how their image has changed in recent years - found out nahid babaev.
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hello, welcome to information service of the ntv television company, the program today and its presenter van and igor politaev. on the territory of ulanu in the vicinity of the city , the consequences of severe fires were eliminated today. that night , dozens of private residential buildings and outbuildings were burning there. the hurricane winds that hit the region caused the fire to spread rapidly. the fire area reached 17 m2. all fires have now been eliminated. the prosecutor's office has already begun an investigation into how the events unfolded last night. vlada koplovskaya. it was right away it’s clear that a raging storm wind with gusts over 30 m/s will bring a lot of problems when in the city and on the march.
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up, and accordingly, thanks to this , it was possible to quickly localize and eliminate fires at two points, at the third point we are now here, we are working on the fourth number, there are enough resources, to evacuate people, the authorities set up a temporary accommodation center on the basis of a sports school, however, people are fleeing there were in no hurry, dropped everything they were doing to help firefighters cope with the fire, rushed from other districts, we took the car right away and came here to help, we were from above at first, we helped two houses, because now here... yes, we
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immediately jumped out, took shovels and ran here, we’ve already extinguished two areas there, well, these fences were knocked down, and the pillars were knocked down, two landscape fires in vonakhoye and upper berezovka were extinguished quite quickly in the burvot microrane; the flames destroyed the outbuildings. the most difficult situation arose in the zabaikalsky district of zaigraevsky, where the entire street of the gardening association was on fire, due to the wind the square the fire quickly grew to 10,000 m2.
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volumes and quality of weapons and military equipment supplied to the troops. in addition , shaigu instructed to reduce the time required for repairing military equipment. after the meeting , the minister was shown the results of modernizing standard weapons to combat enemy drones on the line of combat contact. in moscow, in victory park on poklonnaya hill, an exhibition of captured weapons captured during the special operation was opened today. german leopards and american abrams, which are in the west were considered invulnerable on the battlefield. were
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shot down during the advance of russian troops near avdeevka. the exhibition includes military equipment supplied to ukrainian nationalists from britain, austria, france, and sweden. the exhibition will run until the end of may. paul. rybalchenko examined the military trophies and asked visitors what they felt when looking at them. the first visitors to victory square near poklonnaya gora began to gather several hours before the opening of the exhibition. look at captured equipment captured from the enemy in the venue area special operations , thousands of people arrived on the first day of the exhibition. my colleagues and i have already walked around the entire exhibition, and suguva’s feelings are patriotic. of course they make an impression. uh, you empathize for the people who are now on the line of combat contact, and you also feel proud, of course, for your country. time changes, people change, eras change, views change, you know, everything changes, but for some reason the stupidity of people who preach fascism has not
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changed, well, our soldiers showed again, as many years ago, that they also courageously ready to defend their fatherland, ukrainian armored cars, german tanks, british infantry fighting vehicles, everything... directly from the usa. the crane is removed just before the start of the exhibition on poklonnaya hill. the same vaunted american abrams brought the latter here. almost nothing remains of the fighting machine that was once considered indestructible. heavy combat vehicles were displayed in the open air. there is another exhibition in shatri. the technique is the smaller one. trophy means. from ukraine to canada, right there there is a burnt australian car, in australia there are only 10 million people there, so what and what they are sending here is completely
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incomprehensible. the theme and motto of the exhibition on the bow is repeated; guides tell visitors not only about the characteristics of the tanks or where one or another was shot down.
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i think it will return there, also our historical exhibit, which expresses the continuity of our trophy exhibitions, it was also delivered from there, but most likely it will all return there, but the part that was brought just before our exhibition, while there is no such information, in the meantime, residents and guests of moscow have almost a month to see the captured equipment with their own eyes; the exhibition on poklonnaya hill will be open every day until may 31. in the dpr , russian snipers eliminated a group of militants east of chasovo yar, thereby disrupting their rotation. the ministry of defense reported this today. having noticed the infantrymen of the armed forces of ukraine who were moving under the cover of a forest,
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a paratrooper from buryatia opened aimed fire at them and fired shots from a distance more than one and a half thousand meters destroyed five opponents. sniper pairs of the southern group of troops daily eliminate groups that try. the crew of the tornado-g multiple launch rocket system was hit by fire. the fighters launched a salvo attack, destroyed the enemy, and then promptly changed their position. at a meeting of the un security council, the post of president of russia vasily nebendya sharply criticized the draft resolution on the genocide in srebrenica in 1995
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. the meeting was convened at the initiative of moscow due to the deterioration of the situation in bosnia and herzegovina. the shortened country is often called big. nebendze noted that he was in favor. bosnia and herzegovina, the main body responsible for the future of the republic. the diplomat named the initiative.
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a gigantic memorial built with western money, thousands of tombstones with the names of the dead. with quotations from the koran and the inscription 8,372 victims, and this figure is inconclusive. the granite slab at the entrance clearly states the reason for the death of these people, genocide against bosnian muslims. the fact that srebrenie was a real tragedy in 95 is not denied by anyone, nor muslims, nor serbs, but what’s important is that through many years of efforts of the western press and non-state foundations, the silver coin was turned into a kind of tool. which western politicians take advantage of, this is a real, undisguised, very
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cynical play on the blood and feelings of those who lost their loved ones here. the muslims who died in that war were brought to this memorial from all over the area to be buried, while the local authorities allowed the serbs to erect only one cross near the road, on which the number of deaths in this village alone, 3,267, was killed in the ninety-second my father, uncle and grandfather. we kept what was left of them. we are now under very strong pressure, we are forbidden to talk about the fact that we did not commit genocide, we are forbidden to talk about our heroes, about our victims, we are forbidden to love russia, all this can again lead to new clashes, which they so want to organize here west, in ninety-five, srebrenica, where the muslim militants of nasir oric dug in, was surrounded by a triple ring of the republika srpska army, and the dutch battalion of un blue helmets was also located there, commander of the serbian troops, general...
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of the military and general radka mladic, he is still in jail with a life sentence anasar oric was sentenced to only two years in prison, after 30 years the west suddenly remembered srebrenica when it came to reining in the inconvenient and the obstinate milorad dudik, the president of the republika srpska, for this reason they started this whole story with a un resolution and accusations of the serbs as a nation that carried out genocide in those years. what does the official definition of the term genocide mean? the intention of one people to destroy another people, but this did not happen, there is no evidence, but they want to attribute it to us, and
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you know who wants to do this, germany, and a couple of years ago britain, who committed more genocide in the world than them, against russia, for example, excuse me, who can even start talking about the genocide of other peoples, the germans, or something, or have everyone forgotten about yasenovaya, a concentration camp where more than 500 thousand serbs died, right here, next to the place where we are writing this interview, according to donica, the ultimate goal of this resolution is to recognize republic.
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became a prestigious colombian university, the building in which students barricaded themselves was stormed by the police. the administration of the educational institution called the law enforcement officers; the university management wants the police to remain on campus and patrol until the end of the academic year. alexey veselovsky is observing the outbreak of student protests that have spread across all states. after the administration refused to make concessions to the protesters, they responded by seizing one of the university’s administrative buildings, hamilton hall, they promised to hold him until the university complied with all the demands. the main thing is to break
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all colombian ties with israel and refuse to expel. or suspension from studies of students participating in the protest. the university did not come to an agreement. the new york police chief and mayor eric adams addressed the students with an ultimatum. i call on every student, every protester to leave immediately to continue their struggle through other means. we will always protect the right to protest, but this should not interfere with students' right to study and city ​​security. we will not allow what should be a peaceful assembly. to push back the police, clashes began, one of the protesters was pushed down the stairs by the cops, then the police launched an assault to divert attention, they used several stun grenades,
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and in the meantime , officers drove a car from the stairs up to one of the windows of the building, breaking out the glass. .. any student who supports terrorism or participates in terrorist attacks for hamas should be immediately added to the list of terrorists and they should be banned from flying
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airplanes, she wrote on social networks and also proposed deporting everyone from the country and... the palestinian organization hamas. the students who spoke out in support of columbia university for now want to limit themselves to excluding the students who participated in the seizure of the building. and the university asked the city authorities to leave reinforced police on its territory at least until mid-may. alexey vasilovsky, alexander gusiev, ntv, new york. there was a fight in the georgian parliament today over the law on foreign agents. literally it has just been adopted in the second reading. the opposition accused the current authorities of beating the head of the largest opposition party, the united national movement lebanon, khabieshvili, during a protest the day before. the actions of the security forces were supported by representatives of the ruling georgian dream party, who said that the opposition deputy himself provoked them. a verbal altercation escalated into a fight. the day before
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, another protest against the law on foreign agents took place near the parliament building in dvelis. police and riot police pushed protesters away from buildings with help. because of the gas and water cannons, the ministry of internal affairs stated that the use of special means was a forced response to the fact that the protesters threw stones , bottles and insults at the security forces. sixty-three detainees were reported, as well as six police officers injured. a bill on transparency of foreign influence has been proposed by the ruling georgian dream party.
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among its participants are students and activists of youth organizations. vdnkh guests who came to the park to relax also eagerly joined the columns. as we celebrated today the first may in russian regions, more about this, alexander kanevich. today in russia, the national holiday of spring of labor, directly showing that respect. to the working man, gratitude to the working man - this is the state ideology of russia. where, where, and even in the urals they know exactly the price of this holiday.
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it’s not for nothing that the region is called the industrial center of the country. thousands of people of various professions gathered for the rally in yekaterinburg, despite the not at all festive weather. this is a holiday of solidarity, a holiday of mutual support workers. and, starting from soviet times, it became a state holiday. and it is very good that this has now been preserved in our new russia, in the russian federation, this holiday has truly become a national holiday. times change, and so does the format of celebration. in some regions, instead of rallies and meetings , trade union organizations organized a collection of humanitarian aid for residents of donbass. these are shots from samara, which has been bearing the honorary title of city of labor valor for 4 years. at exactly noon, a convoy with humanitarian aid. the cargo went to donetsk and lugansk and from moscow, for the drivers of these trucks may day turned out to be a working day, but they say that’s why it’s labor day, we’ll have time to rest, the main thing is to fulfill our mission. we’ll be
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driving for 15 hours, well, no, it’s not scary, everything will be fine, we always help, we don’t leave our friends. trade unions in moscow and the moscow region collected more than 60 tons of humanitarian aid. these are clothes for the wounded, food, building materials, tools for the teams that are working. there is nothing superfluous here, there are generators, there is warm clothes, there are special fabrics, there are food sets, hygiene sets, everything that was requested, we remember the slogan of the great patriotic war, everything for the front, everything for victory, today this slogan is more important than ever, i am sure that this help will be continue on an ongoing basis, of course, for the majority of residents of our country, may day has always been associated with holidays, and
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despite the holiday weekend , today was celebrated with hard work; work was in full swing in summer cottages across the country sowing season is in full swing. along with the classics, potatoes, cucumbers, tomatoes, domestic gardeners are increasingly experimenting with new crops; over the past decades , the summer resident himself has changed noticeably; nakhidbaev conducted a study. using the summer menu as an example , peter calculated that his food basket is 70% filled with what grew in the garden. we traditionally plant cucumbers, tomatoes, both in open ground and indoors, both here and there, zucchini, radishes, well, it’s understandable, during the summer
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it’s always good for crumbs, it’s very useful, onions, dill, parsley, enough not only for the summer, but for the winter, the pleasure of opening a jar of your own pickled cucumbers for the new year cannot be compared with anything, we have tomatoes here, then various preparations, then peppers. and others, this is adjika. every spring, every gardener is faced with the question: where is the best place to buy seeds and seedlings. statistics show that the share of purchases through marketplaces is growing; sales of seedlings have increased, for example, by 12%. blueberries, mint, and peonies are in the top, but most gardeners still prefer the classic ones. the shops. we bought both through the mail and through markingplaces, you know, it’s 50/50, whatever happens. it happened that we bought a certain variety of carrots, and beets grew. summer residents have probably always had a love of experimentation. yes, no one canceled potatoes, carrots, onions, but you want
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to grow something unusual. this year nina aleksandrovna planted 13 varieties of tomatoes alone. i love tomatoes very much, i especially love tomatoes, of course, tall and large-fruited ones. i will have basil growing around the edges. here i have two varieties, some a little higher, others a little lower. a curious trend of the last 5 years is the image of the average summer resident. the modern summer resident has changed, whereas before it was 70%, people, so to speak. pre-retirement age, now it’s 30 percent, probably there are some left, the rest are young people. growing something in your dacha is no longer a question of food security; the same potatoes or cucumbers and tomatoes are cheaper to buy in a store. it is interesting, very interesting to watch how huge plants grow from seeds. so it turns out that gardening is a form of active recreation, and for people of different ages. nakhit babaev, ekaterina
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