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tv   Yemelya  NTV  May 1, 2024 9:40pm-10:46pm MSK

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dna will now confirm that before the murder the lyudmilovs did not have sex, but i did not kill her. they didn’t kill, but if you don’t want to go to jail for murder, tell me, my wife had a difficult pregnancy, she was put on hold for a month, and lyudmila and i lived together, one day i came home from work drunk, and i, well, they raped her, yes , yes. then we began
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to live with her until my wife arrived with the child from the maternity hospital, then luda moved, how did you end up at his house, i called her, said that i wanted to visit, and she said that i didn’t wants to see me, and if i touch her again, she will commit suicide, i said that... pineapple came to her, dragged her into bed, she resisted, and then lay as if dead, i went to the shower when i returned to the room, she was already there, so i didn’t kill her, i have evidence, her phone, i hid it in the country. why, when
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you find it, you will understand, i ask you not to blame anyone for my death, mom, forgive me, i love you very much. the brute didn't even try to help her, he packed his things and ran away, i hope that he they won’t find it, creature, everything secretly becomes clear, we have to answer for everything, bitter 53, premiere on monday at 20:00 on ntv, simply delicious sour cream. agroexport, just
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try it! sportmaster represents norsland, an austrian brand of outdoor gear. buy sportsmaster in the mobile app and receive double cashback bonuses. national lottery, buy a dreamlion at the post office and online, register at, one of the four cars can be yours. leon's dreams, second chance promotion, push towards your dream. moscow coffee shop drunk, taste, pleasure. i love it, i recommend it. central television. on saturdays at 19:00 on ntv. what are you doing here? are you ready for scrambled eggs? who eats scrambled eggs at night? you didn't cook dinner, did you? and i’m not your housekeeper. and i don't say anything. i hate this one. you didn’t
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notice him before, it’s better not to start, we still have a chance to fix everything. clean up after yourself and take out the trash. those yellow streets, i seem to be captivated, beautiful lips, why haven’t we danced before, things to do, things to do.
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he answered, we have a corpse, great, hi, hi, where is the corpse, hi, na second floor.
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i’m not telling you anything, we slept, slept, slept, yes, like somewhere in the dressing room, in a wild dance. the coffee is delicious, fragrant, my husband also loved him very much, who he was according to the horoscope, i don’t know how you don’t know, i was never
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interested in this, well, when is her birthday, february 5th, aquarius, he is an aquarius, now we are. .. let's see what aquarius has, so aquarius has a complete, black streak here, a corridor of eclipses has opened, aquarius is now in the fifth house, mars is putting a lot of pressure on him, aquarius needs be careful, he didn’t need to take out the trash, we didn’t know that, because horoscopes should not be underestimated, this is a very important thing in our lives.
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and you finish, and i’ll go to his apartment, don’t worry, we’ll find your husband’s killer, as soon as the corridor of eclipses ends, and aquarius enters the sixth house, then everything will work out, but aquarius is a good sign, and if he doesn’t enter , this can’t be, yeah, everything happens for the first time, well then for all of us. armaghidian, good evening, captain emily, marina ageeva, are you the wife of the murdered man? yes, what was your name your husband? ogeev vadim valentinovich. how old was he? 40. uh-huh. where did he
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work? at school. was he a teacher? he taught history, but recently he was appointed director of the school. yes. tell me, did he have problems at work? probably not. he was threatened by something, who could have threatened him, you never know who, high school students, crazy parents, he didn’t say anything about it, yeah, you found the pipes, yes, but what did you do before killing your husband? one evening he came home from work and asked cook him scrambled eggs, i started cooking them, he went to take out the garbage, he himself did you go or did you ask for it yourself? and what happened then? i cooked scrambled eggs, vadim still wasn’t there, i went to call him, i thought he was talking to a neighbor on the landing, he went out to smoke, and he was lying there, earning money, of course,
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i feel sorry for the neighbor, he was a good guy, well, yes, yes, tell me, eh you don't know who killed him? i don’t know, maybe you heard a shot? no, i was sleeping, when i sleep, you can’t wake me up with a gun, the neighbor often took out the trash at night, he never came out, but... his wife always threw out the trash, i often saw her in the morning, when i smoked. thank you, please contact us. did your husband have any enemies? no, one was a non-conflict person, he did not quarrel with anyone. well, maybe just a neighbor in the country. why didn't they share? a neighbor started pigs at his dacha, and it became impossible to stay there because of... “vadim explained to him that you can’t have pigs in snt.
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of course, but the neighbor didn’t want to hear anything, and vadim filed a lawsuit against him, but the neighbor didn’t care, he began to threaten him, and you said that no one threatened him, i was very scared then, i really thought he’ll shoot, he’s completely crazy, and what was your snt called, diet.” do you smell the smell? yes, you wouldn’t wish such a neighbor on your enemy. no, i love pigs, but living with pigs is too much. zadon.
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what are you doing? now, reinforcements have arrived . you don’t know redkin yet, i’ll show you, bald ones, what to do, damn it, legs, listen, swineherd, i put down the weapon, i’ll put it down for you now, i say, i put down the weapon, okay, yours took it, hands, arms,
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everyone here is afraid of coreton, only one person can correct the situation, bitter 503, either he is us, or we are him, premiere from monday at 20:00 on ntv, mask, final, on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. peace of mind, it is priceless, it can be lost due to a lack of magnesium, but magneles b6 forta is available at an affordable price. magnelis b6 forta contains twice as much magnesium and is enhanced with vitamin b6. twice as many
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an additional 15% discount has been extended, choose clothes, shoes, accessories on ozone. use the promotional code spring, it will be added to the existing discounts. buy more profitably with the promotional code spring. the state has abolished commissions for transfers between accounts in different banks. from may 1 , russians can transfer their money from one bank to another for free. the law came into force. now you can receive your salary from one bank and transfer it immediately. to another, where it is more profitable. transfer money to free alpha card, receive supercake in rubles and a 16% rate on savings. not just profitable, alpha profitable. at bigfest , four nuggets for 39 rubles. and other offers at a very competitive price. friends, the bright holiday of easter awaits us ahead. russian lotto has its second charity
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easter draw. each lottery ticket is an opportunity not only to become a winner. but to contribute to works of mercy. 10 rub. every ticket goes to charity, every second ticket wins. we help more when we are together. in they win our program. on sunday, may 5, 8:20 on ntv. how are you feeling? does your jaw hurt? could be worse. i understand. why did you shoot us? the bandits called me. they said they would come.
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well, not to kill, you have a weapons permit, yes, a safe for storing a gun, but why didn’t i have a pistol, what pistol was used to shoot a neighbor who was also against your pigs, what neighbor, vadim ogeeev, his they killed him, maybe stop being a fool, i’m not being a fool, you threatened him after ogegeev filed a criminal complaint you to court, they promised to shoot him, who told you this, his wife. and you believed her, well , we have a good relationship with him, we drank with him, and if it weren’t for his wife, he would never have sued me in his life, why do you think so, because they lived like a cat and a dog , she bullied him all the time, but he was generally a normal guy, i also have a question for you, what will happen to these bandits who ran into me, don’t worry, we’ll find them, so what about
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retkin? who says that he didn’t kill ageev, maybe he didn’t shoot at us, well, he says he did by mistake, well, now let him sit, i’m sure, goodbye, horse, no, i’m moving on, and you didn’t weigh, you hung your head, but the salary tanks increased, now he’ll trump, they say i’m more... i get to reproach too much a piece of bread, don’t worry, we’ll come up with something, but what did he come up with, the trick would sooner succeed than raise my salary, yes, he can fire me, whoever quits, i’m serious,
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but am i kidding, that’s it, you’re in charge now, stepan olegovich, i’m in charge, yes. yes, yes, yes, the process has begun, it’s in check, i’ll score something. and if this doesn’t work, he’ll fire you, don’t panic, you, and if he fires you, then he’ll definitely choose me, then i ’ll be left without a salary at all, did you want it? street, i didn’t want anything, who pulled your tongue in the first place, that ’s it, don’t bitch, it’s better to eat, but don’t interfere, then it’s okay for me, you call, well, well done,
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damn, it worked quickly, yes, comrade colonel, hello, emilina, where are you going, and what is it, yes, operational information has arrived that you want to leave, well, there is such a thing, and why, but i’m sick of everything. i'm sick of everything too, i'm i’m not quitting, well, i decided to quit, listen, this won’t work, let’s negotiate, come on, get out of here, what do you want, i want you to increase your salary, by how much, by how much more does your wife earn, by 10, i want, so that you...
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there is such a thing, uh-huh, goodbye, well, what, twenty.
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i checked everything, found his friend, mikhail aleksandrovich fedulov, teacher, that’s it, that’s it, get busy, i’ll just be a minute, listen, about the murder of ogeev. "you've known him for a long time, we studied together at the pedagogical institute, only i physics and mathematics, and he’s in history, yeah, what
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can you say about him? vadim was a decent person, we were good friends, and for me it’s a big loss, but for his wife, i don’t know, he and i recently had a drink and vadim said , what’s going on with their raspberries..." everything is heading towards divorce, uh-huh, why? they are very different people, vadim was soft, intelligent, and marina , on the contrary, tough, assertive, as soon as marina wanted vadim to earn more, but he said that he wouldn’t steal, yes, than an apartment, he has a car, and what else is needed, from him or from them, from him, a dacha apartment, he inherited from his mother, and he bought the car before marriage, so marina didn’t belong to anything, yeah, that is, in a divorce, marina wouldn’t get anything, well
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it was her choice, her husband must be respected, but she didn’t value vadim at all, that’s why he wanted to file for divorce, i must say that he refused to steal, he worked as a school director, what can you steal here, art to the chairs, you can , if you want, you know, an elite school... "children of rich parents study, a lot of sponsors, without the salaries we have here, i assure you, are very decent, the previous director had five apartments, a car, a country house, not sour, not one, why didn’t i become a teacher, the deposit is the best percentage in the savings account with clear conditions, this is a reliable and profitable way increase your savings at a rate of up to 16% per annum. quick registration in the sberbank application online, deposit - the best interest rate, with prime it’s more profitable, now we have something to go with, zhenyaeva, you have a little umbrella with you, it doesn’t seem like everything
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will be... wait, i’m talking about someone else, then we i need to go to the office. hello, can i come in, have you been arrested?
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for a pig, yes, he says that he did not kill your husband, he has an alebi, what else, at the time of the murder he was driving a car to the dacha, exceeded the speed limit, he has already received a fine, well, if it wasn’t him, then who could kill vadim, i don’t know yet, we’re looking, sit down. tell me, what kind of relationship did you have with your husband? strange question, i loved him, but did you love him too? do we have information that your husband was planning to get a divorce? well, like any family, we had conflicts, we sometimes fought, then they made up. vadim and i had a crisis, but we got through it safely and had no intention of getting a divorce. yes yes. yes. tell me,
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does your husband have relatives? no, that is , it turns out that you are the only heir, yes, but what? no, nothing, but why do you suspect me of something, the neighbor from apartment forty-five said that your husband never took out the garbage, this is always a left-handed matter, this is not true, vadim also took out the garbage, we divided all household chores in half, and you they said that they were preparing an izhnitsa for my husband. no fingerprints, only him, why are you deceiving us, i’m not deceiving you, let’s still clarify, vadim went to take out the garbage himself, or you asked him, but i said that i did it myself, that you don’t believe me, last night, what happened to you, i have nothing more to say to you, i’m in grief, and you ’re mocking me, i’m sorry, leave
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me alone, here’s a business card, if you call, start the barrel organ, is that what i ’ve hung up in the corridor, so we won’t see anything. but we’ll hear, it seems he opened the refrigerator, i think she’s pouring wine, hello, who is this for? she says on the phone, how are you,
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the cops just came, now they’re gone? you didn't tell them about me? no, of course not, well done. max, i'm scared, i don't know what to do. go outside, take a walk, breathe some air. well, yeah, and when are you coming? don't know. it's dangerous for now. what if they are watching you? won't they arrest me? don’t be afraid of anything, i’m with you, they forgot from the zone, i’ll call you back, it seems we were spotted, she’s calling me, go pick up the zone, why did i, well, you hung it up, i’m here now, i found his
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number. maybe we can try calling? subscriber temporarily unavailable. this is not surprising, look at her correspondence. now, well, there is something interesting here, he writes: “bunny, i miss you, she replies, max, me too, when we see each other, on the weekend, my husband will leave for some courses, we’ll go to a boarding house, he writes with pleasure , this is him, now i’ll try to identify him, yeah, kozhin maxim sergeevich, 35 years old, works as a traffic investigator.” something doesn’t add up, but he loves a gay woman, why did i get up, especially since i think his husband received more, maybe she wanted to use him for murder, that’s possible, oh, yes, this is our client, who was imprisoned for robbery,
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got out six months ago, so let’s call us, maybe we can eat first. i have reason to think that your lover did it, he didn’t do it, then why did you deceive me with the eggs with the trash can, i was afraid that you would suspect me, and i did not commit the murder of my husband. i don’t believe you, listen, vadim and i were really going to get a divorce, because i love another man, i wanted to tell him about it, but didn’t have time, this other
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man’s name is maxim kozhin, yes, well, how are you? contacted a criminal? max, not a criminal, i love him, how and under what circumstances did you meet him? “it was 8 years ago, on vacation in sochi, i was not married then, max and i had an affair, it lasted 3 years, we were going to get married, but then he was imprisoned, and i was in shock, then i met vadim , he proposed to me , and i agreed, everything was fine with us until max returned from prison, everything stopped again, do you think kozhin could have killed ageev and not told you why he needed to kill vadim, if we were going to get a divorce, but he doesn’t have his own home, and so with you an apartment, a car, your husband’s dacha will appear, what are you saying,
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he’s not like that, are you sure, yes, well, if you ’re sure that he’s not a murderer, tell me where he ’s here now, well, if you arrest him, we’ll let him go if he’s not guilty. do you really think that he could have killed vadim? and for a person who committed armed robbery and served 5 years in prison, everything can be expected, right? finally we have waited, the greatest voice of ours. absolute delight, you just made me tore into pieces, mask, finale,
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sunday at 20:20 on ntv, gorky 53 premieres on monday at 20:00 on ntv. many entrepreneurs. have already received money from the fund for a considerable business, now it’s your turn, alfabank will distribute 100 million rubles to entrepreneurs across the country, the best stories will receive the money, tell us about your business on, have fun reflecting yourself, fill the summer with bright images of nazon. for msfresh products, we grow, collect and deliver fresh vegetables, mushrooms and herbs. m-freshness. from the bed to the shelf from speed of freshness only online magnet deposit - the best interest up to 16% per annum in sberbank online sremyer you can not leave home all weekend and relax as you want you
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broadcast on ntv. in short, can i hang out with you for a couple of days? and what happened? never mind. marinka's husband was killed. who? who, who? how do i know who? what are you telling me? i don't need trouble. and i'm not going to the zone. if you want, i'll give you money and you can rent a house. police, open up, who, police, what is needed, rybin, timur alekseevich, yes, it’s me, we need to talk, we can go. come on,
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do you live alone? yes, why so? well, somehow so. where is the skin? and who is this? hmm, your brugan, have you forgotten or what? i don't remember this. don’t remember, we were sitting with him. who did you have tea with? the neighbor came in, where is he now, he ran away, oh, why is that hot? not cool. and you didn’t meet your neighbor, well , something like this,
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look after him, sit down.
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i threw the shovel, now i’m running away, you can’t use the chance tool, don’t touch it, well, i won. how did you know that i am with timur? your mistress said, marina, it can’t be, you killed her husband, she’s helping the investigation, i didn’t kill him, but for some reason i wanted to hide, but because i knew that you would pin this murder on me, when marina called me and said that her husband was killed, i immediately realized that i was screwed, and i
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don’t want to go to the zone anymore, i want to live normally, i’m alone since i already made a mistake with the collectors, but then i needed money so that... i talked about the elite school, that they have a lot of money, maybe we’ll check them, let’s check, we don’t have any other options, hello,
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i’d like to talk to the director i'll call the receptionist to talk. here it came from the police, yeah, got it, come in, i smoked, i went to the toilet, don’t smoke in toilet, little children go here, okay, i won’t, and you’re all quitting because of the new director, but no one is quitting, go already, hello, hello, don’t let the director in, there’s the first door around the corner, thank you, please, smoke i won’t, okay, this week... is accepting, i can sign you up next, everyone is urgent, i can’t help you, tell me your last name, i ’m writing it down, you’re from the police, sit down, i ’ll report you, boy, call me a car , i'm leaving for the department, the police came to see you here,
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it's me from the police, come on in. please take a seat, introduce yourself, captain imelin, criminal investigation department, and you? tamara vladimirovna shpag, director of this school, did the department tell me that you are acting as director? this is a formality, one of these days the order on my appointment will be signed, what did you want to talk about ageev. it’s terrible that he was killed, ageev was a good director, our school is proud of him, we miss her very much. you can’t imagine what it’s like to lose such amazing people, in
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general, i and the teachers of our school are very sad, tell me, did agiov have conflicts, conflicts, what kind of conflicts, with high school students and teachers, no, he didn’t have conflicts, well, maybe he was trying to solve the problem at school with drugs, without resorting to the help of the police, well, for... i can’t stand you saying this, there are no drugs in our school, and there never have been, and what happened to ageev is a tragedy, but it has nothing to do with the school, let me give you a ride, thank you, no need i need your help... do you want to improve your math skills? well no, to be honest, i’ve never understood mathematics, i can’t figure it out anymore, i’d like to talk about bageev,
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your former director. but i don’t know anything, but suddenly you remember something. okay, what kind of relationship did ageev have with the new school director? with tamara vladimirovna? uh-huh, not really. and why?
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tamara vladimirovna believed that vadim valentinovich took her place, because of this they had a conflict. why did she think so? i 'll say it, but it's just between us. certainly. when the former director of our school retired, he promised tamara vladimirovna that she will become the director of our school, but something didn’t work out there, and vadim valentinovich was appointed director. think about it, just now i was in the dining room, there is borscht, but there are no spoons, well, the country has been ruined, it
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’s edged weapons, what about spoons, if you sharpen them, i’m serious, but you can’t bring it down here, there won’t be any money, there won’t be any, now the salary will come , is this a salary, just a name, you know ... which is enough for me, first of all, i don’t eat and drink, like some people, you’ll die healthy, no, i’ll die somewhere on the seashore, yeah, with a view of the sunset in this one gomake with coconut, like homing, but he shot himself, who?
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i’ll just go in and talk to him seriously, but you can’t leave it like that, just seriously, okay, very seriously, twenty is certainly not enough, but on the other hand, i now get more than tanyukha, let him know who’s boss, that’s right, you did what what i asked for, i rang the bells of this director of the sword and found an interesting man, what kind of man, chukhov, sergei petrovich, born in the second year, retired military man, served in the same unit.
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he was in his house, and secondly, he is tall meter 95, bravo, we solved this case. the car is here, that means he’s at home, citizen chukhov, open it, the police don’t want to open it.
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so how do you get there? i don’t know, we can stand like this all day, come on, move away, what? move away, move away, there is a gate there, who knew? citizen of chukhov. but if i go around there, be careful, and you take care of yourself, we are starting a real musical holiday, my, the blood is boiling in my body, i am not afraid, my sweet ben, i
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yes, citizen chukhov.
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neat phone.
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stand, threw down your weapon, fuck you, put down the gun, fuck you, vasin, what a vasya, he got it, emel, i took the fish here, well, how did you end up with such a life, and also a retired officer? “leave my past alone, okay, let’s talk about the present, you know this woman, i’m the first one, what are you
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saying, you can’t help but know her, you served in the same unit with your husband, you never know who i served with, yeah , i'll tell you more, you're not only served, you were also friends with him for many years, when his wife was escorted to the apartment, when ageev went out to take out the trash, you shot him, you can’t prove it, let’s see, goodbye vladimirovna, all the best.
10:43 pm
hello tamara vladimirovna, good afternoon, who are you? we'll have to come with us, what happened? and the department, i’ll tell you everything, you can give flowers, take them! on what basis was i detained? you know this person? no i do not know him. yes. and he says that they know you? where? you lived with him in the same garrison. yes, uh-huh, dacha, yes, i him
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i know, it seems, chushkin, his last name, chukhov, what difference does it make, when you last saw him, i don’t remember, about 10 years ago, maybe you talked on the phone, no, what should i talk to him about, about the murder of ogege. i don’t understand you, you paid chukhov for the murder of ogeev, here are the results of the examination, in chukhov’s house they found 2 million, which you paid for the murder, they found your fingerprints on the banknotes, they talked and met with them. why are you silent?
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i don’t know what to say, but you tell it like it is, he’s already started to attack you indications. tamara vladimirovna, if you don’t want to get completely caught up, i advise you to start collaborating. and admit my guilt, all my life i dreamed of becoming the director of this school, when my dream was to come true, ageev was appointed instead of me, it was unfairly humiliating, i cried for a whole month, then i met with chukhov, why did i do that?


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