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tv   Syomin  NTV  May 2, 2024 2:15am-3:01am MSK

2:15 am
no, of course not, okay, savla, i’m sorry, okay, then prepare a plane for marina, it will fly to the merchant, take care of things, take oksana and the child, marina won’t leave them, andrei vladimirovich, of course, i understand everything, but...
2:16 am
no , let's wait a little, let's wait a little, wait, but don't forget that every day and hour marina nikolaevna is becoming more dangerous and uncontrollable.
2:17 am
tell me, what’s working now, did something happen? so, today
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the reason for the series of unsuccessful attempts to detain the criminal authority kuptsov has finally become known. previously, the death of kuptsov was repeatedly announced, whose death many still do not believe. egor ledenev, who was an informant for the merchant, served in the ranks of the operatives of moore’s special department headed by colonel semin. olga svetlova details the publication of roskapital bank, where the werewolf was detained today. good evening, anna. today, when trying to restrain his former colleagues, yegor ledenev put up fierce armed resistance, as a result of which captain senjimty buritaev was seriously wounded, who died in hospital.
2:19 am
well, everything is fine with the car, we changed the stance, yeah, where are we going, i’m going, and you will have a different task, in 2 hours you have a plane, marina nikolaevna is flying to virginsk, you will accompany her, she has business there, i’ll tell you straight , not easy, well, your task will not be easy, get ready, i understand.
2:20 am
when it should happen today. he will go to the airport, but the road, you know, is full of surprises, 10,000 euros for an interpol employee, that’s very little, how much do you want, it costs at least 20, well, 20, means 20. although, when saul pulled you out of russia, where you were facing life imprisonment, he didn’t bargain, i’ve worked off my debts,
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i don’t intend to work for anyone else, it’s easy for you there, it’s like you’re out of business, but here i’ll get complete. to the fullest, yes, if it weren’t for the dump, you would now be sitting on ognennaya island, in the vologda region, in a cell and drinking rusty water from the tap, and not bardot, so be glad that you see me, frenchman. that's all, no, tell the alchemist to pack his things, we need him, why do you need him, so small assignment, we have few people, his
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qualifications, questions, no, and we are behind. get ready, nina, i said, get ready, hello, let's go to the cats, let's go, let's go, come on, where are you, hello, i'm standing on the third ring now, i can't leave, vit, come on, well, we're waiting for you, ok, vitenka, we're still waiting, bye, who is it? hello, hello, hello, yeah, i have marina, i know you don’t have marina, listen, oksan, are the tiles on the floor too small? i really would repaint the walls too, there’s a lot of yellow, like in a mental hospital,
2:23 am
there’s such a thing, you and nina should move out of town for a while for safety reasons, why? out of town, to a nice place, here you see, recently threats began to come to andrei vladimirovich, and a family decision was made to save the life and health of relatives to get out of harm’s way, are you crazy, now victor will come, we let's go to the skating rink. who's coming? victor. where are you going? to the rink. you probably didn't understand. you quickly pack your child’s things and go with me out of town. and leave a note for your vitya. i fell out of love and left for someone else. do not wait.
2:24 am
now do you understand? smart girl. go quickly. go, go, you are a smart guy, a greek, i once picked you up on the street, made you a real person, today you occupy far from the last place in our hierarchy, you are my right hand, i hope that you will remain so, but the laws of life - then you people arrange the first place, and silver is responsible for everything, do you understand me? no, we invested in the merchant’s business, spent a lot of money, and where is it now, people demand to find the switchman,
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they don’t see him in my face, i’m already 75 years old, 30 of which i spent in prisons and camps. but i no, wait, wait a minute, there is a decision to identify you as the switchman in this case, this means that you will be from... what kind of return of the entire amount of money and interest on the profit, is this a sentence? no, not yet, although i understand you, you would have listened to the verdict more calmly, you have what is to come, i’m used to you, i’ll give you a hint, keep an eye on everything... semin will look for the merchant,
2:26 am
boris petrovich, i don’t at all i understand what ’s happening, why don’t you understand, sasha, we broke through, but we have new evidence of work for the merchant. no yes how is it, he leaked information to the merchant, he was in the bank, he shot the buryats, i was the leadership, we had no right to use provocation as a method of conducting investigations, what should we do, call alexey, it’s difficult for him now, but we’ll decide together, yes, i’ve probably already put a star in the glass, sasha, don’t you think that cynicism is not the best trait for working in the police, call, yes, isn’t that why he came with us to take yegor, you’re a fool, he went with... to take yegor with us, to prevent us from shooting his brother, okay, call. i you
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i beg you, just don’t stay too long as a guest, okay? yes. lyosh, maybe i won’t go to dad, i’ll stay with you, you just came this morning, well, what are you doing? but you don’t have a face, everything will be fine, say hi to your father, okay, if it works out, i ’ll come pick you up, everything will be fine, don’t worry, let’s take a walk, get some air, that’s it, come on, bye, bye, happy, good luck to you, further on the sides, call, yes, okay, i'll be there soon.
2:28 am
mom, i want to go home, where you go out, now. "hey, i'm out of medicine, don't let me die in front of a child, what is this happening, and why not
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leave you for a minute?" , don’t thank me if you have to... kill, i will kill, i thought you would shoot yourself, well, i’m sorry that you
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didn’t shoot yourself, where is the merchant, i don’t know, you thought if you were silent, it would be better, it won’t be better. . i helped you, but i won’t do it anymore. i thought i had a loved one who would. accept me with all my advantages and disadvantages, but it turns out that he is not there, you need my recognition.
2:31 am
hey, another glass of cognac, bring some light, pinkie. do you mind? please.
2:32 am
“i’m looking at you, i’m surprised how you, in appearance , such a noble, intelligent person, were able to serve such a nonentity as cats, you wanted money, you see marina nikolaevna, you also pretty much surprise me, why?”? there are different women, but you, marina kotova, ballerina, are from a good family, the daughter of famous parents, their friend, not only married this nonentity, fly and sleep with your partner, who are you to tell me about this, can you believe it, what
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a thing, a man who is almost twice your age... you will be fired as soon as we return, why did you assume that we will return? i have the desire to return your neck immediately after we determine the location of the documents. why did you tell me about this? do you remind me of my daughter in some way? she died, you see what a difficult situation we have, i even wonder how we get out of it let's get out.
2:34 am
what's the matter? okay, hello, lively lieutenant colonel, how was your service? okay, well done,
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you cops would go completely crazy. great, great, guys, why don’t you turn on the tv, there’s hockey going on there right now, isn’t it interesting or something, and you’re looking for something here, keep going, keep going, alexey, you, this, you know, we not ourselves, we have orders, then it’s clear. i have beer in the refrigerator there, if anything happens, help yourself and make yourself at home. where is yura? at the bottom. yura, marish,
2:36 am
good afternoon. hello. i'm so glad to see you see. how did you get there? i have a lot to tell you. i can't cope without your help. who is this with you? yes, escort. listen, well done for coming. anton, hello, how are you, how is natasha? everything is fine, says hi. we're going to the airport. guess where we're flying, i got it, i got it, it means that after work i have to go to the store in time for your favorite cake, yes, cake is great, i'll try
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to compensate for my long absence with good fat, oh, so we'll go on a spree, antosh, father, when i arrive, i’ll share something interesting information, we will be with you in the evening around nine, this is paris time or moscow, this is our time, dad, ours, but this is unlikely. “okay, i’ll gather the guys, everyone will be happy to see you, almost everyone, something happened, we found the krat, anton, who is he, yegor ledenev, during the arrest he killed buryataev, ah, hello, hello, ah, technology will always fail , they took it." her daughter, and then i heard him talking to his saul and ordered to kill a man abroad, it seems, the son of some semin, he will kill me too, yura, for what? kotov hates me, he
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he’s afraid that i’ll cause damage to him, but no, i’m talking about semin’s son, i don’t know, you have to help me, you have to, hello? everything was done, returning to the base, i understood, andrei vladimirovich, it’s me, diplomatic relations with france are settled, everything is clear, but nothing can ever be guaranteed 100%, but at the moment the situation looks like this: this is an ordinary car accident, as a result which, unfortunately, no one survived. i want everything to be just as beautiful
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with marina, the car, the plane, i understand, yes, of course, boris petrovich, yes, he split, wrote honor, contacts of the merchant. okay, i myself, that’s what you say, sing, anton is flying in, gather the guys, we’ll sit, have a drink, remember the buryats, i told the family, yes, i myself sent a telegram to his village, but egor, egor, i can’t wrap my head around it, thank you. for the noise, will you help us? please, yura, it’s
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a vet, there’s nothing to stop the cats, he knows about everything, yes, if he knew, he would kill them both at once, and me at the same time, i knew that this wouldn’t end well, i knew, i knew, you will you help her? marina, i'm not with terrorists i agree, thank you, because if i don’t bring the bill, the cats will kill them. marin, you don’t understand, we’re talking about billions, billions of dollars here, that’s why all this dostoevschina, all these songs about the slime of innocent babies... doesn’t work here, i can’t help, i can’t, i really want to help , but i can’t, i can’t help, marin, marinochka, i can’t help.
2:41 am
2:42 am
he's busy, why? therefore, brother, thank you, say that you are watching, you are free, and wait for a call to management, once again, on business. i repeat once again that i won’t talk to journalists, but i have nothing to tell you, but the court will put an end to his case, sorry, this is the seventh time they’ve called.
2:43 am
boris petrovich, such a dejected delegation, such a representative delegation, and boris petrovich, we came to say, well, yes, i see that we got into trouble, but don’t pull the cat by the tail, what, what, what, what kind of habit? boris petrovich, in general, called from interpol and... what, petya? husband otes, anton and natasha are no more, but a car accident in france near leon.
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died today. anton chumakov, a former officer of the russian ministry of internal affairs, who until recently worked for interpol. it is not yet known the exact time when the body of anton chumakov, who died in a car accident near lyon airport, will be delivered to his homeland. let us recall that before joining interpol, anton chumakov served in the moscow criminal investigation department, and is the adopted son of the legendary crime fighter boris semin.
2:45 am
great, you can do it, you’ll teach me, it’s not a toy, it’s not so rude at all, i can help with something, you, no,
2:46 am
how are you, maryash, great, the cats killed semin’s son, and so everything is fine.
2:47 am
boris petrovich, maybe some tea, but isn’t that? petya, this is not an accident, why, any life could be, look at the tread marks, he practically did not slow down, you see, this is not
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an accident, petya, not an accident. this is murder, without options, merchant, merchant, thank you, freedom, iceman. “listen to me carefully, you must have a channel for urgent communication with the merchant, he did not leave me his business cards, you must help me contact the merchant, i know he ordered my son,
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if you don’t tell me now how to contact him "egor, what do you think?" "the merchant is sitting somewhere in the forest, doesn't he know that i arrested? he will want to talk to me, but i really don’t have any contact with him, but you somehow contacted him, did you have a prearranged signal for urgent communication? was, well, in case of need, emergency, i had to send him an email, then he would call me back, we try, i know that this is practically impossible, but what if? we've got everything ready, come on!
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naive! urgent signal, naive, no one is going to call, yegor was arrested, yes, he will now have others interesting interlocutors, well, yes, at least for the next 25 years, and
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now i have a brother, another task, i need to contact an old friend who will help me resolve the issue with the person who took nina hostage. we need to hand over kotov, yeah, we’re waiting. he’s watching, but he won’t call, he’s watching the news, and the story about yegor’s oreste was shown on all channels, he didn’t jinx it, peel, yes, yegor, this is not yegor, semin, old man.
2:52 am
thanks to you, i became who i am now. you killed my son. i heard about this, my condolences to you. boris petrovich, only i didn’t kill him. who killed him? you know? i know. tell. well, i guess i'll tell you. he killed your son, regional duma deputy kotov. for what?
2:53 am
please find this scum. merchant, for what? i need to talk to you. she is silent all the time, yes, she is not a may, not a may illiterate, she will never tell anyone anything, she has been silent for a long time, why, her parents died, so she has been silent for 25 years, you know, for me now the question is about my
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safety above all other interests, even such, i don’t understand how your husband can let you go so far and for so long, but he’s not interested in this, but... but i understand, i understand, the affairs of sovereigns take up all my energy all the time, yeah, i don’t give any comments, i’m alone. they still have to, they still
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have to go home. boar, i ’ll write you a business trip tomorrow, you’ll fly to lyon to accompany anton and natasha. okay, so what, kids? guys, boris petrovich, sleep. i feel good with you,
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i do too, and i missed you, and i. will you help them? you see, i have already taken some steps. "i told you, where we're talking about billions, i can't deal charity, this is your last word, yes, tell your husband that i
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have nothing for him, what time is your plane, 8 am? well then it’s time for you, it’s time, yeah.
2:58 am
i’m listening, petya, it’s me, yes, boris petrovich, i just found a receipt, i received documents from anton, well, the buyer, his partner, tomorrow at 9 am at the post office i can get the whole package, do i have to drive there, no,
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why, i’ll get it myself, we’ll be in touch with you, i understand, boris petrovich , that’s it, bye-bye, goodbye yura, i wanted to say that, why are you standing there, get ready, why do you need a photo?
3:00 am
so that everyone knows that it’s me, this photo, your only chance to survive. your husband thinks you work for a merchant, this proves that you are not. so, what is next? you may not have any further. let's take troubles as they come. go get ready alive. and don't hesitate. hello, who is this? it's me, are you crazy or what? 5am ​​call? she killed him, who? the merchant, she stabbed him to death...


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