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tv   Syomin  NTV  May 2, 2024 3:00am-3:45am MSK

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why a photo so that everyone knows that it’s me, this photo is your only chance to survive, your husband thinks that you work for a merchant, this proves that this is not so, and what’s next, you may not have anything further, let’s accept troubles as they come, go get ready alive, and don’t hesitate. hello, who is this? it's me, are you crazy to call at 5:00 in the morning? she killed him, who, the merchant, she stabbed him to death... she's at the police, no, already at
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the airport, but she did it extremely professionally, how she slept with him, then stabbed him, and why didn't you take her away? she could have left traces, if i had removed her, the question would have arisen who removed her, i think we don’t need this, take her to russia. do you understand where my sister is? i don’t know, i can only say one thing: there is no point in kotov keeping her after the death of the merchant. sorry, hello, here you go.
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you will go home along the volkolamsk highway, there is a traffic police post there, ask for an examination, i hope they haven’t bought everyone yet, what are you talking about, it looks like they want to remove you, do as i said. and you
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understood everything correctly, the meeting at the post office, well, yes, it’s not clear only when chumakov managed to send him a dispatch, strangely, something was wrong here. come on, yeah.
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vadim nikolaevich, come in. what do you have? so, yes. here is a printout of all telephone conversations and messages, people from semin’s department and semin himself for yesterday. well, let's continue observing. nikolovich, derkiva came from the ministry of internal affairs, order of the minister. alexey lednev is suspended, suspended after all. tumilovich, well done, that's it, free. so.
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yes, hello, it's me, there are a couple of interesting messages here yesterday. at 22:10 semin sent an sms pyotr kolopov, come urgently, we need to talk, in my opinion, he knows about the wiretapping, thank you, you’re bluffing, semin, using live bait means you’re catching. well, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, answer already, uh-huh, yes, calmly, run, run, i
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said, get up, you bastard, what happened? ay, gotcha, idiot! the moscow criminal investigation department, well, did you get there? well, electrician, scum! beryukov is listening. i have information that my man ended up in the hands of semin. i would like this to be regarded as outright arbitrariness. i think you're easy cope with this task. i'll do everything. what is possible.
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look out, she's coming. understood.
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“hello, i significantly exceeded the speed limit, fine me, well, if it’s a little, a lot, a lot, i also drank while driving, i don’t even know what’s wrong with you, girl, nothing,
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what’s wrong, hey, what’s wrong with him, get an ambulance, faster, faster, come on, come on, what a day it is today, huh?” i advise you to write everything at once, then we’ll issue a confession, you don’t remember me, you fixed the light in my entrance, you work as an electrician, i don’t understand what you ’re talking about, the electrician grisha has a bad relationship with his father, remember...
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i'm giving you one last chance, write a confession, if you don't write it, i'm old, i have nothing to lose, if i write a confession, i'm done for, why are you taking the picture, good afternoon, gentlemen, put away the gun, what's going on here? happening to you? are you crazy? supervision department,
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frontal inspection. who is this man? why is he detained? tonight, as mentioned earlier, the most famous was killed. the murder was committed by his personal bodyguard using a bladed weapon, in other words, a merchant living under someone else's name, under someone else's passport, was stabbed to death, at the moment he is really dead, the governor of the british virgin islands met russian justice and signed a decree on the extradition to russia of marat olegovich drozdov, the merchant's personal bodyguard. the extradition is expected to take place in the coming days once the matter is settled. formalities, yes, i’m listening, what news, well what news
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, the merchant’s mole was detained yesterday, yegor ledenev, i think that he will lead us to the merchant, you don’t work as a greek, the merchant was killed tonight, and this means that your task becomes more complicated, there is a bodyguard. there is kuptsov’s wife, one of them has a paper. go ahead, greg, i need a bill of exchange. well, however, you have an option, you can get your money back. i'm doing the best i can. by the way, i congratulate you on the birth of your niece. 3.800, great girl. i sent her gifts, baby clothes, toys. try, grik, try, then your
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niece will receive only good gifts. yes. “you and i are meeting at the agreed upon place, got it? got it, yes the way out, uh-huh, here it is, here it is, let’s go, let’s go, let's go, how much money did you earn?"
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so, good afternoon, dear tv viewers, we are conducting our report from the walls of the moscow city court, this is where the hearing is being held in the case of yegor ledenev, an accomplice of the famous crime boss kuptsov , nicknamed kupets, who was killed in the british virgin islands , of course, the entire public hopes for the most severe sentence from the court, everyone expects that this person will never be released again, i knew, i knew that they didn’t have these cop things. they’ll pass, in the end i told them, why, what are you accusing me of, uh-huh, that’s it, fine... okay, well, further, but you have to go to great lengths
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these cops won’t go to in order to get a person to confess to being a creature and don’t tell me what you can’t achieve from any citizen with threats and beatings, but you’re right, well, you wrote something there, yes, it still has no power, and i knew that. and they knew, i agree, this has no power, you’re right, so what? husk, get started, otherwise it seems like your colleague doesn’t understand, maybe you explain to him,
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and... well, okay, enough of the lies, he’s had enough. i’ve never understood people who talk too much, let’s go to the estate now, and
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then you’ll stop by and pick up these two mothers and daughters. where should we take them? yes, to hell with it, take it home, wherever you want . in addition, the accused ledenev, egor aleksandrovich, collaborated with an organized criminal group headed by kuptsov, and committed a number of acts proven during the investigation, provided for by the relevant articles of the criminal code russian federation. thus, the investigation considers the direct involvement of egor aleksandrovich ledenev in the commission of the above crimes to be proven. during his arrest, ledenev offered fierce armed resistance, killing an employee of the moscow criminal investigation department, buretaev.
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i have everything, your honor. defendant, the court once again notifies you that when sentencing, your repentance and voluntary provision of information to the court about the location of kuptsov’s material assets may be taken into account. "i understand what i did, first of all, i would like to ask for forgiveness from my colleagues, boris petrovich semin, guys, forgive me if you can, most of all i am
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to blame for my brother, alexei, forgive me. and so i ask that i be sentenced to the maximum possible punishment, life imprisonment, that’s all. get up, let's go, let's go. andrei vladimirovich,
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well, everything went wrong for me, just like it did, exactly a minute before my people were supposed to do everything, she was detained by the traffic police inspector for driving while intoxicated , and then at the traffic police she fainted burst out, where is she now? i came home by taxi, a circus performer, okay, i don’t want to smoke, you don’t smoke, i don’t smoke, i haven’t smoked for 23 years, i won’t now,
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borya, i understand you, to warm such a reptile on my chest, but i feel sorry for him, damn it, the guy bought it, and now he’ll go to jail for the rest of his life, fighting, he didn’t buy it, he sold out. you understand the difference, he deliberately sold out, i understand that, but they took the tops, that’s where the roots are, where the merchant’s inheritance is, well, that’s your business, guys, and i, if i put people like yegor ledenev in prison forever, i’ll count my salary in a year you’ve already worked, you can make the person behind them sit down, have you dug up something? i'm wondering, are there people like that? you can be congratulated? with what? i don’t see the skin of the killed
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bear, that is, the merchant, did you think you would bring it with you? have you already been informed? yes, how about your adventures, the merchant’s bed. i 'll send you, an erotic show about the love of death, which i, unfortunately, could not attend, i did everything i could do, he doesn't have a bill, he said he doesn't know where he is, what rubbish you are, i i'm fighting with men, and you with women and children, who one of us is rubbish, i know that you wanted to kill me today, scared, little eyes, kill me, right? it’s not enough to kill you, why me, us, what do you mean us, i’m going to have a child, your
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child, andrei, they gave me an ultrasound in the hospital. forgive me, forgive me, forgive me, marina, forgive me, forgive me, forgive me.
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i found it in the village of yuriev, as i found out, one of the merchant’s huts, it’s here.
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where is my husband, at work, he has to be in the house all day today, as usual, i need money, he said that he will pick you up in the evening, he has an important visit to today deputy speaker, asked you to be ready for his arrival and not to abuse alcohol. i need money, marina nikolaevna, everything that is in my wallet is at your service, please.
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you, if it suits you, money, not alms, he blocked my card, but maybe your husband can be understood, he is a public person, and does not want your scandalous photographs to appear on the front pages of newspapers and magazines, what is your last name? kotova too, right? it’s not for you, guard dog, to tell me what to do, but one word from me about what’s going on, you we were hanging out with the merchant, marina nikolaevna, would you like to see my small collection of photographs? any of them will be quite
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enough for you to be in the place where you want to send us with your husband much earlier, but as for the dog, and even the guard dog, dog, dog, what if i want to answer one day, for example, here so. call a doctor, better than house doctor andrei vladimirovich, no, not me, marina nikolaevna, and tell him that there is something wrong with her heart.
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wake up, little girl!
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now the creature has left, where should you go to the city, sit down, it’s probably cold, that’s it, now you’re ready to get warm,
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let’s get out of here. drunk under the fence, you're a freak, i'll fire you now, you 're about to wash yourself with my tears, you pig, why, yes, your director has fallen, and the director, well, come in, come on, come on, hey, on you, don't ask, you're the one ... i’ve been in our system for so many years, you know this whole stupid procedure for getting a meeting with life-sentenced prisoners, mikhailych, i ’m asking you as a person, and not as a representative of the system, well, you understand, my brother is there, i can never see him again can't see it, yeah i understand, i would let you in, but just let me in, without legs, just let me in, if anything happens, i ’ll answer. you have 7 minutes,
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my shift ends in 15 minutes, thank you, mikhailovich. hello, hello, i came to, i know, i know, to say why my mother gave birth to me , that i disgraced my father’s name, that i came to ask you for forgiveness. why, i missed you, didn’t pay attention to you, we
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haven’t seen each other much lately, haven’t talked like before. forgive me, what can i do for you? what are you going to do? within the law? well, yes, yes, you are right, but i am wrong. egor, remember. no matter what happens, we are always brothers. lech, that's nothing.
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so what do you want? semin, touch colonel, a woman is asking to see you, who is she? mute, she can’t say, not may, that’s for sure. svetochka, little injection, stay with her. but it's okay.
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loss of consciousness in women in this state, unfortunately, is not uncommon. the pregnancy was at the very beginning. i think it was due to extreme fatigue. and alcohol, i will now prescribe the medicine you need to take. wait, so what does she have? did you have a miscarriage? alas, she apparently felt bad, looked for you, and came to me. i saw that she was very unsteady, so i called a doctor. now the most important thing is peace. and... i’ll tell you fundamentally, her nerves are not to hell, give plenty of warm drinks, give me some medicine, these, and most importantly, no alcohol, uh-huh, uh-huh, and this is
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for your confidentiality, but you didn’t have to warn, that’s all good luck. what happened? andrei vladimirovich, as always, came drunk and demanded money, i didn’t give it, then she created a scandal, threatened to tell the press everything about your relationship with the merchant, what could i do, and a child, what a child? it is unlikely that he would have been born healthy,
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i am colonel semin, i knew your husband well. thank you for coming, i want you to help us. can you hear me okay? yes, i can hear you well, that’s how you’re talking? what happened with me? you're fine now, there was
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some light bleeding, what happened? don't be afraid, is this a symptom after a miscarriage, a miscarriage? quiet, quiet, now i’ll make your baby, no more, don’t do it now, leave it me, go away, i will help you, wait, don’t touch me, leave me, listen. please leave us, okay, marin, i really wanted this child, the salon could n’t help, you fell and he called a doctor, but... why, he really helped, i
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just don’t know what i would have done without him , i probably would have simply bled to death, you blackmailed saul by divulging information about my contacts with your old acquaintance, it was a moment of weakness, i was annoyed, never blackmail me. and don't ever take me by the throat, okay, we're lost child, i feel guilty, really, but you also have a great responsibility, i know, in general, in general, i made a decision. we need to live separately,
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bravo, brilliant idea, yes, you're tired of me, and you're tired of me, i'd like to go to my sister's, don't you mind, okay. you were right, she decided to live with her sister, i, of course, will arrange it, but andrei vladimirovich, saul, let’s wait a few days, at least a few days, okay, let’s do it again. let's wait a few days, did this person
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come to him? do you want me to throat cut? yuri was killed by his bodyguard. marashka was a devotee. maradov, bodyguard. “they were sleeping, and in the morning he was found with a knife in
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his chest, he was killed by marina kotova, who else, she has a diplomatic passport, but the british didn’t want to take her, she has marat’s prints on the knife, what? what kind of documents? papers, i’m in i don’t understand them, but they are not reliably hidden, i am very secure, but well, but i won’t give them to you, i need guarantees, a new life, a new passport, perhaps a new appearance, you know, much
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more than i expected, boris called. “meet daria kuptsova, this is peter, my deputy, daria is an important witness, she is ready to testify against kotov, today daria will stay with me, but you will start preparing documents for the witness protection program right now, the witness protection program was handled by ledenev, now no one was appointed, so it means directly.” yes, you will go to my house, there is a lot of food at home, you eat well, lock yourself up well, and sleep well, it does not bother you that
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the wife of your enemy will go to manage your house, first of all, not a wife, a widow, secondly, we have an agreement. well, thirdly, it will make me feel safer. lord, witness protection, today i have four applications for witness protection, my grandmother was a witness to the theft of a car, we ask you to protect the witness, well, she will die before we issue a document for her. okay, well, who does semin want to protect, daria kuptsova. kuptsova, kuptsova, kuptsova, familiar name, listen, is this the merchant’s wife, or what? yes sir. so, i wonder if you took it? for what? did she come to us herself? yes, i understand, i understand.
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well, paperwork will take at least days. yes. but there’s no way, it can’t be done earlier, no, this is being formalized through the prosecutor general’s office, and where is she now, well, now she’s at usemin’s apartment, but we hope that no, no, of course, of course, i’ll do everything that depends on me, i think that the documents will be ready by evening, thank you for your understanding, good luck. “listen, it’s me, this one has a surname , first name, patronymic, this is beryukov, joy knows no bounds, what’s the matter, i have an interesting message for you, about what, i want this in person
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when we meet, i’m waiting in 15 minutes, and what can i do teleport?" "why is this close, we 'll talk about dara kuptsova, got it, food, address, bon appetit, yeah. good afternoon, i haven’t seen such an interior for a long time, it’s just a real excursion into the history of the ussr, was this specially arranged for me? no, i...


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