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tv   Syomin  NTV  May 2, 2024 4:30am-5:16am MSK

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is my finger always on the trigger? yes, understand, petya, well, he couldn’t just, without telling anyone, take a gun and go shoot at this cat, he’s not crazy, i see that you’re not telling me something? i don’t know anything, he was alone, of course i understand, you have no reason to trust me, at first my brother worked in your department, who turned out to be a traitor, then i suspected you and even followed you, and now i’ve been appointed to lead you, orders from our superiors are not discussed with us, i
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don’t know anything, but you understand, we have to finish semin’s investigation into the merchant’s case, if i ’m left alone, nothing will work out for me, as far as i understand, he wanted to get kotov arrested, i would talk to sergeev if i were you , in my place, what would you do in your place? and i’ll just follow orders, and what and, well, why change your soul, you still won’t understand a damn thing when the person you trusted as yourself is in prison, when the colleague you worked with is a murderer and your wife is filing for divorce, but because she doesn’t like your work, well, i don’t think so i don’t think about anything, that is, you think it ’s right, yes, comrade lieutenant colonel, how old are you? 35, 35. and i’m 40, 40, 10 years old, i’m still
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a major, i think we’ll succeed, you’re sure, okay, let’s go , the meeting is over, i'm going to see sergeev, uh-huh, hello, you, good afternoon, i have a couple of questions about... well, he came, he said about the same thing as on camera, he said that he has a witness who will confirm in court , that the merchant’s partner, who ordered the murder of anton, asked to initiate his general detention, and you refused to help him, listen, you, well, you couldn’t i, relying on the testimony of a non-existent witness whom i have never seen. without
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holding any papers in his hands, he demands the arrest of a deputy of the regional duma, do you at least understand this, yes, but now you can interrogate him, now he is not a deputy, listen, don’t teach me how to work, if seminova, someone somewhere said something, this doesn’t mean that kotov, a criminal, now, thank you, god, it’s not 1937, they’re not imprisoned for slander, if i promised...
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listen, where did you come from so smart? first, interpol was involved in it, second, the case was recognized unfortunate and the third, the culprit of the accident, drowned safely, like that. so, chumakov’s case will be transferred to the russian prosecutor’s office, this is my problem. yes, but there is another way
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to get marat drozdov to talk, which one? egor ledenev. egor, andrey vladimirovich, i have two news, start with good, both are bad, your creditor sent a warning, apparently, the latter, apparently, he knows that you are no longer a deputy, does not mince words, you owe you s'.
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but i have some thoughts, i’ll tell you later, andrey vladimirovich, bring yourself get in order quickly, don’t sit by the window, you can get a field instead of a fax.
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i understand everything, he’s looking for fish somewhere deeper, but a person is better where, like a dream, he doesn’t bother, worries, you consider me a traitor and a nonentity, i know, i’m guilty before you, but you also have loved ones when they take you into circulation you are in danger of being fired from work, god forbid you end up in such a situation, okay, sorry, my mobile number has not changed. if you need my help, call, yes, i understand how bad it is, everything was fine with her, where they took her, i’ll be there soon, yes. oh, lyosha,
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lyoshenka, quiet, quiet, quiet, lyoshenka, she ’s not allowed to go to the reception, lyosha, she’s all blue with pain, you know that she’s even out of breath, her breath has stopped, lyosha, we’ve barely made it there, lyoshenka, i beg you, dmitrievna, i was worried about you, but i wasn’t worried, i told her, she shouldn’t have married you, doctor, hello, what’s wrong with her, hello, in vain. last time she refused hospitalization, she has acute renal failure, doctor, sorry, she will live, fortunately yes, the threat to life has passed, we gave her hemodialysis, thank you, thank you very much, don’t rush to rejoice, why are your kidneys bad, there may be relapses,
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you will have to constantly do hemodialysis, excuse me, i have work, hokloraevna, be careful, god, god, everything is fine, everything will be fine,
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yes in the evening. hello, hello, you won’t consider it a stop, but when i see you, i want to say that i am proud that i live with you at the same time, don’t think anything like that, vadim nikolaevich, you know who was the first prosecutor general in russia , no, i do not know.
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earned, secondly, if you don’t need it,
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then you can, not without pleasure, spend this money on gifts for both your wife and girlfriend from the c&m salon. by the way, i liked it, you have good taste, vadimir nikolaevich, but if we still talk about our affairs, then i would like semin to write a sincere confession in which he would tell what he heard. a voice from heaven, or, for example, that someone appeared to him and forced him to act as he did, and you and i would have received legal grounds for sending the above-mentioned semin to one of the psychiatric hospitals, with long-standing good traditions, and it’s natural that he would stay there forever, while all this is happening, i... with your help, i want to find out the name of the person from whom semin received this information, who welcomed him to such
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an excited and unhealthy state, that’s all, no, alexey ledenev, everything you know about him, letnev is a careerist who will pull his own mother out of the grave for an extra star. and for money, i don’t know, i didn’t specify, vulnerable points, his brother was sentenced to life, yeah, himself appointed to replace semin, thanks to his father-in-law, deputy minister, yeah, his wife is disabled, i hope our next meeting will be held in the same friendly, warm atmosphere as today. i must warn you about criminal
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liability for giving false testimony, read and sign, uh-huh, thank you, you. you will be interrogated as a witness in the case of an attack on you by colonel semin, but he is still a colonel, yes, he is a colonel, why did he shoot at you? you know, i’m not a psychiatrist, you’re watching tv, did he give some explanations, talk some kind of nonsense? do you agree with from his point of view the current situation?
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i didn’t know any kuptsov, that’s all, a strange coincidence, some. time ago you flew to road town on the virgin islands, where merchants were killed, yuri. may i know what you did there? well, firstly, it’s none of your concern what i did there, and secondly, i do n’t have to answer this question. at that time i was
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a deputy. this is true, but now you are not a deputy, you see, it’s a strange chain. you flew to the virgin islands, where kuptsov was killed. chumakov was involved in the kuptsov case, who got close to the investors' trail. chumakov is dead, semin shot at you, it doesn’t seem like too many coincidences. well, what did he tell you? they start squeezing the ring, they will probably be watching. wait, what did he tell you? it was absolutely necessary to kill this chumakov. everything went wrong. it's your fault. look, stop accusing me of things i didn't do. didn’t i
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warn you about chumakov? i didn’t tell you that interpol is a non-zhekov repair shop. you screwed up the basin yourself, now you’re raking it yourself, oh well, sorry, let's go. lyoshka, lucia, lucia, dear, it’s easier for you, lyoshka, i want to go, let’s go to germany, let’s
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leave moscow and start all over again. i feel trouble, let’s go, let’s start all over again, and lucy, if you want to go to germany, go, okay, but you, well, you know, i can’t, uh-huh. what is more important to you, me or work?
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semin, i ask again, on what basis did you decide that kotov ordered the murder of anton chumakov? i have already answered this question. i have a witness ready to testify in court. yes. very good. full name, witness. if i name them, the witness will not be fine with it. do you understand why? we will organize his defense before the trial, last name and first name, patronymic of the witness, remove the handcuffs, who is the witness? i'm tired, you didn't let me sleep
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all night, arrest kotov, the head of his security service. there will be a witness at the trial, you forgot, boris petrovich, the trial will be on you, no one called, i understand, i will have to leave for about 15 minutes, my father is sick, i need to get him some medicine, i will wait in the cell, sochi, wait. here, handcuffs, now. the results of the examination will only be ready in 2 days, lately
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she has been in severe pain, uh-huh, she wakes up at night, she keeps moaning and groaning, dad, god willing, everything will be fine. the guy who saved me from robbers yesterday, isn’t that ooh, a boyfriend, or what? no, just the good one with whom i saw you in my work. yeah, he has a friend there, his daughter is in jail, good guys don’t have friends in jail, the main thing is that. i fell asleep, forgive me, i lost my temper
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today, i understand about your request, interpol will transfer the case to the russian prosecutor's office, as you asked, sergeev will lead, i agreed, thank you, kirill mikhailovich, alexey, take care of the people, take care, okay, yes. dad, what about you, what about me, well, you ’ve been in prison for almost 20 years, well, well, well, well, don’t confuse one with the other, although of course it happens, you come after work, you go to bed, sleep, i keep dreaming about prison, dreaming about dreaming, don’t know why i dream about prison? dad, he just asked for a note to his friend. it can be conveyed to the season, it can be done by mail, if he
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comes to you with such a question again, tell me, maybe i’ll organize he met with a friend, in a cell, in the german championship, all the leaders won victories, first-place wolzburg beat bayer at home in the 28th round.
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well, hello, good fellow, yes, little greek is no mistake, you set him the right task, just time. he’s waiting for time, maybe press him, press him harder, and i heard he has a lot of relatives, he’s been with me for 10 years, if you grab him by the gills, he won’t take off while he’s doing everything he can, listen, payout time is coming soon our duty to you, what will we do if the greek doesn’t make it in time, and i say: i’ll go to the porch, i’ll have money for a turazhka with sour cream in my old age,
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don’t be angry, how can i help you, you can help me with people, i need to check everyone who somehow involved in the case? ask, don’t just ask, clearly ask if anyone knows where the bill of exchange is, maybe someone will tell you, by the way, you have someone in pre-trial detention, you offend, that’s good, that’s very good.
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something? don't eat anything, thanks, dad, will you have some tea? thank you, daughter, i don’t want to, i’m going now, dad, let's go have some tea, i said i don't want to. why are you so harmful? what's happened? period, i wasn’t expecting anyone to visit today. dad, mommy, how was your walk? great.
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“mommy, we have a guest, this is gregory, gregory, the same gregory who saved me from the bandits, good afternoon, it’s very nice, the same one, well then you just have to stay with us for dinner, with pleasure, great.” tomilovich, i’m listening, max, you said that you can help, how? if you can, tell semin that a criminal case has been opened regarding the death of chumakov, it will be conducted prosecutor sergeev. i understand. we really, really
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need this witness. max, you and i have worked together for many years, do what i ask of you and let this remain between us. i beg your pardon, my father’s heart was taken away,
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we live. century, until you get the necessary medicine, you had to travel around half the city, well, where did we stop, boris petrovich, we’ll sleep in a cell, where should i go, i told you, for a wash, yesterday, you didn’t read the mayor. i don’t understand something, am i the only one doing a wash, or something, special service, but what do you want, girl? fit it here, you’ll get by, in short, you’ll leave your things here, now i ’ll bring you a towel.
5:00 am
where is the money merchants? guys, you didn’t have enough money for a bathhouse, or what? either you say it, or you yourself will ask the merchant in the next world, you bastard. well, what do you say, you bastard, did you remember?
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oh, what happened here, the men asked for soap, but you didn’t give it to me. so everyone was so surprised, because the island that the oligarch bought was in great britain, victoria ivanovna, the cutlets are luxurious, thank you, anechka helped, she is so smart, well done, well, young man, maybe let's go and have a smoke. with your permission, ladies, dad, i’m with you, sit, eat some candy, better yet, let’s smoke, i ’ll smoke for you, well, what do you want from me, i mean
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literally, my daughter told me that you want to convey something to my friends? in a pre-trial detention center, is that so? gennady mikhailovich, you’ve been working in sezo for several years now, your reputation is excellent, it would be nice to have a decent salary here, but they don’t pay you, right? let's agree this way: i will now ask you one specific and honest question. and you will give on there is one specific direct answer, and no matter what you answer, this conversation will remain between us, let’s assume, well, your pension will
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be, well, no more than 7,000 rubles. and your wife’s tests are not the best, it’s possible, in short, it’s possible, i need to give a note to my friend. such a note that would not be read by third parties, i completely trust you, if you agree, i will be very grateful, believe me, my gratitude will be palpable, so i understand, you are right, young man, i have 1 year left until retirement, but after spending half my life in front of a camera, i don't want to spend the rest of your days inside. no matter how hard it was for my family, i understand, but then we will assume that this conversation between us did not happen, but no, there is one nuance, the conversation
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still took place, i would not want my daughter to communicate with people related to criminal. miru, you understand me, or maybe we will let your daughter decide for herself how to live, i said my word, and so it will be. dad, where's the grig? grik, he asked to excuse him, he has business, well, really, he has to go, dad, explain
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to me when you will stop interfering in my... personal life. anya, anya, anya, don’t cry, mom, what is he doing, don’t cry, dear, everything will be fine, don’t cry, boris petrovich, let’s tell you everything calmly, go to sleep in the cell, well... the years aren’t the same anymore , to strain yourself so much, don’t grab it, i didn’t know that you were using gestapo methods, well, why do that, well, okay, i’ll name it, well done, very
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good, that’s very good, really, it’s always good, i’ll name my witness when you’re with you'll be in jail as a cat. well, let's start from the beginning, but what about knowledge? laws, interrogation cannot last more than 8 hours, and there was no interrogation. and i didn’t even keep a protocol, well, you’re a bastard, yeah, i demand your recusal, but for god’s sake, tamilovich, tamilovich, come on, it’s your turn.
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surname, patronymic name semin, boris petrovich. rednyuk asked me to tell you that a criminal case has been opened into the death of anton chumakov, it will be led by sergeev, they really need a witness, years have taught me not to trust anyone, if serge needs a witness, and the case has really been opened. let sergei
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come himself. so, andrey vladimirovich kotov, born in 1967, deputy of the moscow regional duma, member of the moscow regional duma commission on combating organized crime. he was a witness in the case of embezzlement of a government loan in the amount of $231 million. so. criminal case of embezzlement. the case brought against kotov was terminated on
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non-rehabilitative grounds due to the expiration of the statute of limitations. on behalf of the russian federation, moscow city court, taking into account that semin boris petrovich, being at large, he can be hidden. be appealed to the cassation court within 10 days, yes, colonel, allow me,
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yes, have a seat. yeah, yes, yesterday we put a granite cross on anton’s grave, well, now we’re working on a better monument, a cross is good. how are you? okay, i read a lot,
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i study the bible, i became interested in religion, in search of true justice, the bible, all of a sudden all the bastards became believers, you know, there are a lot of interesting things outside, very interesting things, who am i? there is, for example, different evidence, but in everything in the world, for some reason not. because in the bible, but on the contrary, exactly the opposite, there are wise words there, page 574, psalm 17:17,
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read, you will feel better, uh-huh, 17. the bible, so page 574, yes, uh-huh, 500. 74 so psalm 17:17 he stretched out his hand from on high , took me and brought me out from the plague of many, delivered me from my powerful enemy and those who hated
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me, who were stronger than me, what does this mean? some kind of crap, it looks like this old stump mocked us, he stretched out his hand from above, took me and pulled me out from the persecution of many, i don’t understand anything, wait, wait, he said, with the precision of danab... well, page 574 47 well, let’s see 475, either the spirit of jealousy will come over him, and he will be jealous
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of his wife when she is not defiled, and will well... testify against your husband, you understand, marina kotova, witness marina kotova, yes. first we talked about my husband, then about me,
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they offered to help you, the man said that he felt my melancholy and loneliness, he saw that i was needed. support, and he is ready to give me all this, forgive me, and invited you to his community, yes, he said that i could come to them at any time, promised a meeting with my deceased husband, quietly, quietly, he said that my husband’s soul had not died and lived nearby. and only my strong grief prevents me from hearing it and feeling it. sobolev, sergey leonidovich, born in seventy-five, a native of the city of leski, voronezh region, a civil engineer by profession, worked for 5 years in voronezh at a mechanical plant, then moved to moscow.


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