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tv   Marlen  NTV  May 2, 2024 5:15am-6:11am MSK

5:15 am
did they offer you help? the man said that he felt my melancholy and loneliness, saw that i needed support, and he was ready to give me all this. sorry, i invited you to my community, right? he said that i could come to them at any time and promised to meet with my deceased husband. he said that my husband’s soul did not die and lives nearby, only my strong grief prevents me from hearing him. sobolev, sergey leonidovich, born in seventy-five, a native of the city of leski, voronezh region, a civil engineer by profession, worked for 5 years in voronezh at a mechanical plant, then moved to moscow.
5:16 am
meeting grieving women, what is this gandhi? some kind of devilry, you're almost right,
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almost, this is a community, the future members of which sobolev picks up at the cemetery, now it’s clear how lesnevskaya, irbovka ended up in the cemetery - it’s a proven scheme, marlen georgivich, well, why do they need these mourners, well, for sure not to cultivate the gardens, the funds of their wards... live from gullible citizens by thread, as they say, the swindler's shirt, the sect, yes, lesnevskaya is a big jackpot for them, this is what happens, lesnevskaya gave money for the sale of an apartment for the sake of communicating with her deceased son, apparently i only have money, a painting, you think, for this she went to steal, the motive is not yet clear, the heart of a mother, well then he...
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in the movies at this point i usually do this: pa-pa-bam.
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i invoke the spirit of alexander the great. i agree, i beg your pardon, colleagues, just a minute, can i talk to you for a second? and you discussed my business with asi, right? no, we just
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exchanged a few words, by the way, she didn’t have any magic ball, but she helped me get it. marlen georgievich, everything is fine with your
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swallow, and the book is in place, the main thing is that lyubushka waited for you at the rehearsal, marlen georgievich, you knew about asya’s interest in this picture and through lyubushka you let her know that... the picture might be sobolev, i understood that, but you understood that when asya gets either to lisnevsk or to the painting, the last person she will tell about this will be us, pash, you’re right, moreover, she knows that we are watching sobolev, and we will definitely see her, so she will pretend that decided to help us, out of friendship, you know, out of love for art, and we shouldn’t let our eyes out of her, pasha, i’m already leaving, that’s it, i understand, i ’ll follow her.
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marlene, are you watching me? i just noticed your rare item? auto, how can i portray you as an inconsolable widow? asya, you are in good hands - this is the most important thing, i had no doubt that you would be extremely convincing. i just happened to find out from our mutual friend that you are working on a stolen painting? to be honest, i was also interested in this theft, why not? klimentsov is my good friend, i decided to help him return the painting. well then, to be honest, i just feel sorry for these poor women who are being fooled by sectarians in cemeteries. “i am an orphan myself, and, unfortunately, i know what it’s like to lose loved ones. asya, you want to convince me that you are going to infiltrate the community completely without any selfish motives, right? i want to become that a person who will help the police return the masterpiece. i am not
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so much interested in this painting as in its thief, she became a victim of deception and believe me, she is in real danger. yes, yes, of course, i understand everything, there is nothing more valuable than human life." yes, and you explained this to me very clearly, for example, to lyubushka during our last meeting, yeah, yes, i will try very hard to save someone’s life, goodbye. my dears , i’m here to help you, this is my purpose, my abilities, this is a gift to help people,
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but i don’t own this gift, it owns me. let’s start, let’s join hands
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and feel like one. it’s impossible, we’re most likely being watched, but i should have fed her to mine right away as a boy, as soon as it became clear that she had problems with her head. listen, feed your dogs, we will always have time, go away, i need to concentrate, i have a session now, go away, i said. how did you sleep? hello, thank you, okay, i came out
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for a breather. you know, i’m just not used to sitting within four walls. when i start to feel chondria, i like to go to exhibitions in the gallery there. after all, it is art, it inspires life. let me help you. ask. oh, today, well, let's go, i'm with you now, stand, stand, let's go, now let's take a walk,
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shoot what? decoration? what, perfumes don’t like jewelry? it's metal, it will create a barrier. okay, okay, now we’ll have a session, but you won’t get your husband back. this is not so, i will help you meet, that there,
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boys, you sensed someone, there is someone in the house, go ahead, a stranger, take him, go ahead, good morning, anastasia olegovna, apparently, that same mr. investigator marlene, comrade, i prefer to be a comrade. such cute dogs, i am everywhere and i am nowhere, there is no death, no time, there is only love, she flows from form to form, and i am ready to perceive it. well done, well done, i feel
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the energy of your love, well done, and you know, i’m a cat lover, there is a mystery in cats that no one can solve, i ’ll show you now, this is my lisa, here... here’s more yes, beauty, i really don’t like cats, sorry, cats can betray, but i don’t like betrayal, what do you need i... your energy of love, it is bright, hot, she calls her husband, he is already nearby, you feel him, well, for now i only feel your hands on mine hips, this is how it should be, this is the anchor of the material world, but soon your consciousness
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will feel the energy of other worlds, i’m still worried, please forgive me, i’m on...
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you’re great, if you continue to work on yourself, you’ll very quickly master all 12 steps . where's my jewelry? metal creates a barrier, then what do they mean compared to what we will get in the future? okay, okay, thanks.
5:33 am
this follower was here and sniffed out something, i’m right, that means for now we’ll forget about the picture, let’s focus on work, if leisnevskaya dies there, that’s her problem, let's get rid of the body and move on with our lives, not now. i need to find the pain points and make a plan for treating the new girl, did you like her? no, it’s stupid, it’s just a job, we talked about it, you
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’ll finish it quickly and won’t hold back, otherwise i’ll send my boys onto it. uh-huh, by the way, there’s another one of your jobs, she’s trying to escape, the dogs are catching ustinova for the third time in a week, take action, or i’ll take them, bring her to me, that’s it, i have a wonderful planned i... pie, i need to thank the woman an extraordinary date with husband. over the past 3 years in this area there have been two fatal cases of dog attacks on people, all women, one a resident of zakharkov and the other a local summer resident, the police blamed everything on stray dogs, there was even a raid announced, but
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interestingly, i noticed that both victims lost loved ones the day before. “here’s the secret of community cohesion, pasha, fear, as soon as you start to doubt, they let the dogs out, but excuse me, please, but can i have you?” oh, you did it yourself, cool, listen, i’m new here, and you? i’ve been here for a long time, i understand, tell me, what's going on here? did you have a session with the master? yes, and he groped me, sniffled in my ear,
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another 12 steps of shame await you for his conscience, until you understand that all this is for the sake of love for the person you lost, he rapes himself, i myself, i myself must want contact with my husband, intimate contact, yes, but your husband died, he comes to me, from the master, i have to ask him for intimacy, but i, i don’t want more, i know that you can’t say that, master, he doesn’t disgusting, that's what i get, listen, you know someone who here he holds you just as forcefully as he holds you, you know this woman. this is not a community at all, marlene, this is
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a real sect, with shallow pleasures in the form of bonuses, they took my gold, groped me all over , forced me to dig up tomatoes, okay, what, i’m glad that you didn’t fall under sobolev’s spell, but he did my. “i hope that you have already earned yourself a rival in the person of antonova, you have calculated this too, you never cease to amaze me, women believe sobolev, perhaps even worship, all this is the result of such the most thorough analysis, individual approach and subtle psychological treatment of these women, but he didn’t write you in the video, but it seems like no, i didn’t notice, but it would be good to check”? try to get their recording, maybe they have lesnevskaya on them, well, in general , if i’m there of course, they keep their eyes open, okay, i
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’ll go, i have to go, escort me, i understand, that’s it, she thinks that we no longer pose a threat, now she will act, listen, take the fork, i’m begging you, and i’m going, now i’ll escort you . you haven't seen the master, i need him talk about my late husband, you ’ve already forgotten to think about him, no, you’re wrong, i loved my husband very much and still love him, i don’t understand, what kind of idiot are you treating me like, i decided to arrange my personal life. “if you don’t clean up today, then tomorrow you will regret it, well, if the master tells me to leave, i will leave,
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yes, on camera, but i caught antonova, nothing was missing from your personal belongings, marlene, who is also a psychic , or what? they just stole one of my sneakers, and by the way, they’re not cheap, i should have bought a pair then, antonova wants to set the dogs on you, it’s okay, i have a gas canister with me, you understand, these are not just dogs from the street, they are very well trained, marlene, i’m also well trained, then, listen, well, i can’t purely from female solidarity, throw her away, you... we need to get her out of there, marlen georgievich, i understand everything, you were looking for a long time to catch her, well, those dogs are there, you saw them, right?
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once again, good afternoon, it didn’t hurt, but sergei lenievich, and you’ll forgive me, on what basis is this here, but i just want to show you... something, for this legal basis is not needed. oh, and i
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heard cracks, they, to put it mildly, give incorrect information, but what are you looking for, my air is fresher or you can’t decide on the place where it would be more effective to surprise me, you’re kidding me, i’m testing your method, my method is communication with the spirits of the dead. you 're doing the same trick, trying to convince gullible women of something that 's not there, just a second.
5:42 am
marlen georgievich, there are no dogs here, the sneakers are gnawed, asen, calm, calm, wait in the car, the problem is that you yourself are not believe in what you do, use it, supposedly, like, inexplicably.
5:43 am
you're hanging out with your pack, this one has already come twice.
5:44 am
what? this is her sneaker. they ate it. wait a minute. most likely, she has only trained them to smell her. the attack will not be at home, no. somewhere else to make it look like an accident. with a pack of stray dogs. where is asya then? yes , stop in the eyes of the guy, tell me who could get into my computer, what he needed there, and i’m sure it’s your pretty asya, you’re an idiot, we have cops on tail, you have only jealousy in your head, you all need to get out of the country, but what about your museum rat, bad luck, lady, you shouldn’t have lost your memory that you’re standing there and don’t get ready.
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how could i let her go alone, and i’ll shoot these dogs, it’s our fault, no, it’s your fault, marlen georgievich, this is your plan, you let her there, here, girls, well, let’s go, you saw, you saw what it was i know this, pasha, can you imagine,
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under the pretext of communicating with deceased relatives. our editors have at their disposal a number of similar files, as well as a dossier an imaginary psychic for each client, indicating the weaknesses of the victim. legs, and asya will offer him a deal, help in realizing the picture, i think in such conditions sobolev will have no choice, he will agree, yes, pash, go ahead, call for reinforcements, and sobolev has every chance of not getting out of here alive, i’ll tear it up now . well, the pieces will tear me apart, you know, calm down, i’ll think of something, follow me, where, follow me, open, open,
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fight! so, wait here for now, i’ll unload everything now, he forced me, i didn’t want to, i’m done, that’s it i’ll tell you, i’ll tell you, look, now, i’m not lying to you, look,
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yes, what kind of bastard posted this video, i didn’t even watch it, i don’t like to peek, why are you helping me, but you would have been torn apart, but i couldn’t stand it, i’m already nervous , yes woman, your weakness, but this has nothing to do with your gift, before meeting
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you i almost jumped out of the window, went to his cemetery to get at least some -that’s a sign whether i’m doing the right thing, here you are, you still believe in my gift, then at the session i felt some kind of... strength, i realized that i can trust you, i trusted you and found peace, we’ll stop here, and that’s all, well, you found peace, that means i helped you, goodbye, you lost everything, but you have a gift from lisnevskaya, you can only sell it through me. who are you? a person who can help you build a deal, quickly and profitably, even today, well, for your percentage, of course, is it you who got into my computer? yes, forgive me, please, and i don’t have a deceased husband, i’ve been following this picture for a long time, i
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recommended it to klimentsov, and i have lesneska stole right from under my nose, so you are a painting thief, from me you need what you need, today, if you trust me, you will get exactly half of what you expected, or you can lose everything, no, you lose, this fool lesnetskaya doesn’t remember where she took the painting. okay, please let me talk to her and we 'll come up with a deal in the morning, okay? listen, girl, i didn’t succeed, what can you do? well, apparently, there are quite a few times when i’m standing here talking to you. calmly.
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finally, you've been gone for so long, i'm crazy i’m losing my loneliness, olenka, be patient a little longer, you’re still wanted, by the way, this is asya, our new friend. hello. nice to meet you. how are you feeling? yes, i don’t even know what to say, i lost my memory recently and i remember almost nothing. no glimpses, will. well, in general, i know one effective way. yes, but i need to go to a pharmacy or some decent grocery store. is there any here? there is a supermarket 2 km away, everything is there. yes. okay, i'm on my way now. i'll come, thank you, calm down, my dears, mom will come soon
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will let you out for a walk.
5:53 am
killed, wounded, thank god, you, lord, took the sin on my soul, pasha, i’m under the railway bridge, 200 meters from the source, come here, yes, anton, stop, stop, i said, stop, i’ll shoot, call the dog off, yes i can’t, call me back yourself, asya, asya, ah!
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that's it, let's go, marlene, thank you very much, you saved my life, you even donated your hand, it hurts. well, that’s nonsense, only soft tissues are affected, you’re great, well done, thank you, sorry i couldn’t do it sooner, marlen georgievich, it’s my own fault, i forgot about the second one the dog, and what about the first one, which i, she’s a veterinarian, well, she’ll live, for sure, yes, well, thank god.
5:55 am
yes, you understand, it’s pointless to push, everything is against you, but you can still save yourself, you didn’t rape, sergei ilianevich, you are suspected of organizing the theft of a painting, the illegal imprisonment of citizen lisnevskaya, fraud and... sexual violence against women, in -firstly, the painting was stolen by lisnevskaya, you know that, and secondly, no one was holding her violently here, she lost her memory, she needed help, i took pity on her and gave her blood. thirdly, i do not deny intimate relationships with some women, but this always happened by mutual consent, moreover, at their urgent request. and fourthly, regarding fraud, you and i had a conversation about this, i have nothing more to add, so take it off. i
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’ve tried this recipe on myself a bunch of times, my own know-how, well, when you need to remember a large amount of information or text, it’s to make it tasty, so yes i do. i forgot to add a very important point, i need to drink it in one gulp, huh? and my son really loved this cartoon,
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i don’t remember what it’s called, i guess. from the data on your computer, it turns out that you were looking for a potential buyer for the painting, which means you were going to sell the stolen goods, which means you are an accomplice in the crime, lesnevskaya, she herself offered to steal the painting, well, in order to somehow pay you for the services, or is it you she was advised, maybe antonov? “what did you promise lesnevskaya in return, she didn’t lose her husband after all, she couldn’t get sex, what nonsense are you talking about, so we already have eight allegations of rape, well , even this is not the worst thing, you see, sergei lenenievich, these are not all crimes, in which you
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refuse to admit involvement, and there is also murder, yes, i don’t really understand you, along with your accomplice, citizen":
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i put up with her because i felt sorry for her, who needs her like that, excuse me, she’s a dog for a kilometer, and for the sake of this bastard you crossed out your life, wait, let her through, yeah, yeah, from i smell like a psy, but these dogs, they will never betray, unlike people like that. you, and you will answer for this, i will tell them who and how we killed, then i will only talk to the lawyer, yes, of course, yeah.
6:00 am
when you go, let me know, it’s a good day, yes, pasha, yeah, we were looking for a painting, but two murders were solved, but i don’t understand where the painting is and how we’re going to take asya, somewhere? there was a woman with you, where is she, she left, she is so sweet, apparently you remembered where the picture is, forgive
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me, please, i cheated you again, huh? “why did you steal the painting, why did you say that my son, my son, he can incarnate in the body of a child, whom i can give birth to, but it costs very much, you understand, i, this is my family, this , lord, my god, i’ll steal mine, because it’s almost impossible, but i forced you”? i forced myself, and then, when i left there , something exploded in my head, and... and i didn’t remember anything, what i was doing, where i was,
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let’s live, everything, everything that parents wouldn’t do for their children?
6:03 am
oh, take it easy, guys, take it easy, verbina, asol arsenyevna, you were detained on suspicion of committing theft. i wanted to return it to the museum, i just came to evaluate it. got a million dollars, right? can i have your pen? thanks guys, i'm on my own. asya, would you like me to take you to the car? i won't refuse. “i’m very sorry, honestly, really, you
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finally understood what you mean, why on earth, you know, if i were you, i would just hang myself out of grief, of course, i don’t understand, but you understand everything, come on, tell me what imprison your own daughter"? who am i? your daughter marlene, by the way, can i call you dad? it’s not at all easy, you can’t hide in it from storms and thunderstorms, you can’t hide in it from the winter south and from separation.
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your mother! “i grew up without a father, only my mother and grandfather, you were brought up in an orphanage, your parents are unknown, do you really think,
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marlene, that in my occupation there is truth in official sources, my grandfather’s name was arseniy estomen, we heard, yes, of course, very a well-known figure in the criminal world of the eighties, specialized in all aspects of fraud, so what do you want? “ to say that you are his granddaughter, yes, and my mother olga istomina, remember me, what year were you born, 1989, vasya, why are you telling me all this? only now here, well , because i always wanted to know who my father was, my mother was silent, and my grandfather forbade me
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to think about him at all. and then during the spiritualistic session it all washed over me, yes, i understand that all these spiritualistic sessions are fraud and lies, but they somehow awakened memories in me that i had been trying to forget for a long time, you are trying to prank me, i ’ll tell you right away , it turns out very badly for you, think of me what you want, marlene, i’m also not delighted with this relationship, you’re mine father. yes, you just want to escape responsibility for the crime for which you were caught red-handed, that’s it, i won’t tell you anything more, you fool, grandfather was right, my father doesn’t even deserve to know that he is my father, forget everything, you you are not my father, you are nothing to me at all, yes, comrade
6:08 am
colonel, varlen, our football players. in the lake, a player of the national team, there doesn’t seem to be any crime, but he was a star, so now they’ll make a fuss, the ministry of sports wants clarity, yes, yes, but i’m ready to go wherever, that’s it, that’s it, that’s it, that’s it. marlen georgievich, what if asya is real? your daughter? this is just part of her cunning plan. yes, but such a possibility exists. you yourself told me how you handled the estomin case so that you were assigned to infiltrate his family. pasha, our world is such a tangle of cause-and-effect relationships.
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you need to believe facts, not probabilities. yes. well then you need to do a dna test, so what kind of players are these, hold on well, this is the pride of the club, and what about the club, these are generally the hopes of our football, great guys. it’s more careful here, well, what can i say, we came to relax in nature, alone decided to swim, drowned in clothes and boots, guys, can i take a photo with you, yes, thank you, listen, which one of them, which one, in gray,
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is it baranov, vadim, protection? yes, and next to him is nikita kozlovsky, oh, this is an excellent striker, a little calmer, which means, and this is the goalkeeper, mikhail leonidovich veretyev, 27 years old, the exact cause of death has not yet been established, well, i tried the body in the water for several hours, several , this is what, five, 10, more like five, no stab wound storage was found, no firearm storage either, from interesting, just look, this and... this body was discovered by friends, they were pulling it out, so in principle they could have torn the collar when they were dragging it, here it is, the bruises are definitely not from this, by the nature of the hematomas, i would assume, that they appeared while they were still alive, so what else, well, oh, be careful, help, thank you, what else, i looked around the parking lot, nothing like that...


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