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tv   Segodnya  NTV  May 2, 2024 1:00pm-1:26pm MSK

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10 years of a terrible tragedy in odessa, then nationalists set fire to a building with opponents of the maidan. cleaning up before the olympics, paris authorities are removing homeless people from the city. what other problems remain in the french capital? the investigation is being conducted by the legendary leonid konevsky today, 85. about the main thing for this minute in the studio ilya fedorovtsev. hello. today is 10 years since the tragedy in the trade union building. on may 2, 2014, ukrainian nationalists brutally dealt with euromaid opponents. fleeing from the angry crowd, some of the pro-russian activists took refuge in the house of trade unions, but found themselves in a fire. the building was set on fire and
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almost fifty people were burned alive in it. these events became a turning point in the political crisis in ukraine, and led the country to a full-scale civil war. the culprits have not yet been punished. alexey prokin, together with fellow eyewitnesses, recalled the terrible events of may 2014. ntv journalist sergei savin is reviewing the chronicle of the odessa tragedy. 10 years ago, for several days he tried to break through from kiev to odessa to tell the truth.
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well, in general, people walk around with a camera, well , on the one hand, it seems like they are doing their job, on the other hand, well, it looks quite tough and cruel. from the footage that sergei is talking about, he began his first report from odessa, the fact that the fire was not accidental, that the death of forty-two anti-maidan supporters in the house of trade unions was an attempt to clear the city of dissenters, according to sergei, was obvious to everyone , it was obvious right away, hello, garage, if there is one, come out.
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courtyard after difficult negotiations for an interview. alexey with a broken head said that the events on the kulikovo field, where bandera’s supporters beat up anti-maidan supporters and set fire to trade union houses, were the work of the regime in kiev. and blaming everything on football fans will not work. alexey had to leave his hometown. now he lives in lugansk. on may 2, 2014, beaten by radicals, albu and his comrades took refuge in the house of trade unions. because, says alexey, unlike the nationalists, i still believe that there was no, because we were not ready to kill at that moment, our enemies, they already consciously they were coming in order to destroy us, this is evidenced by a lot of facts, the fact that they were armed with firearms, bladed weapons, they had special protective equipment, shields, helmets, body armor.
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now i’m translating with a camera, these are the remains of the separatist camp burning, i don’t know if you saw the remains of the separatist camp near the waders on the waders field, and these are frames from the report of ntv correspondent nikolai bulkin, in 2014 he worked in kiev and talked about the reaction of the kiev regime for events in odessa, according to nikolaev ukrainian media , no words of pity or words were heard that day. there were no attempts to warn against a repetition of the fratricidal massacre, against the civil war that was already looming over ukraine, the official resolution did not say a word about the radicals, nationalists, ultras who staged this massacre, this mass murder of such a large number of people, then there are no accusations, not even reproaches, and they said that these are all external forces that are pushing ukraine towards civil war, and the killer essentially. obvious ones, they were simply
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brushed off. 5 years ago, a un human rights monitoring mission in ukraine concluded that the authorities had failed to do everything necessary to... ensure a prompt, independent and impartial investigation into, quote , "the killings of violent deaths that occurred as a result of the violence on may 2, 2014 ". former ukrainian prime minister mykola azarov lists the perpetrators of the massacre by name. he is confident that with the fall of the bandera regime they will still be punished. who organized this tragedy, yes, who led this, so to speak, terrible act? after all, these people are all known, this is porubiy, who, so to speak, was in charge of this in odessa, this is turchynov, the so-called president of odessa, this is avakov, who was the minister of internal affairs, these same people, they bore some responsibility for this, did not bear any responsibility. according to azarov, the odessa tragedy should have
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shown the world the true face of the kiev regime, but instead of condemning the massacre of its own citizens, the european union signed ukraine has an association agreement and for 10 years continues to feed ukrainians with promises of joining the eu. during this time , not a single monument to the founders of the city remained in odessa, the streets named in honor of russian statesmen were renamed, and the land to defend which the participants of the tent camp rose on may 2 , 2014, has long been pledged to american and european corporations. alexey prokin, susana prutchikova and irina lemkina, ntv television company. the number of dead and injured residents of the gaza strip has already reached 5% of the population enclave, while 70% of the dead were women and children. these figures are contained in the official un report. israel has been conducting active military operations in gaza for six months now. a necessary condition for resolving the crisis is palestinian membership in the un.
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our permanent representative to the organization, vasily nebendia, stated this from the rostrum of the general assembly. but for now, washington is blocking all resolutions, not only on peace, but even on a ceasefire. correcting the historical injustice of palestine, which should have become a state and accepted in 1948 year. to the palestinians, and not some kind of carrot that should encourage them to be more accommodating in negotiations with israel. our diplomat added that violence begets violence, and this vicious circle can only be broken by a ceasefire and a serious discussion of the possibility of a just political settlement. in los angeles
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, police dispersed a student rally at a local university; its students joined demands to stop funding the war in the gas sector and staged a sit-in. columbia university and city college in new york ended in the use of force and mass arrests. 300 students were detained. amid growing protests, the house of representatives passed a bill to combat anti-semitism. the document now goes to the senate for consideration. in particular, it will allow the authorities to refuse funding to universities on the territory of which anti-semitic rallies are taking place. some congressmen even came out to students at the george wash university in the capital.
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the definition of anti-semitism in the new bill is quite broad and vague, lawyers noticed this. now this concept includes not only threats against jews, but criticism of israel and its politicians. congressman matt gaetz said the law was written quote: without regard to the constitution, common sense or even understanding of the meaning of the words. the gospel itself will fall under the definition of anti-semitism under the terms of this law. end of quote. french activists burned at may day demonstrations. ski rings as this year's games draw closer, the country's discontent grows. for example, the day before protesters tried to get a meeting with the minister of internal affairs to talk about the problems faced by migrants in the run-up to the olympics. the french are outraged by the so-called social cleansing, when
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homeless people are evicted from city streets. and in preparation for one of the most scandalous olympics in history, sergei khloshevsky. while the sailboat with the olympic flame, which the greeks lit on olympus , plows the expanses among. according to local journalists, nothing will be earned, despite the exorbitant ticket prices. france can break the record for olympics preparation expenses. france is competing with greece and great britain for the title of olympic spending champion. before the games, the french authorities launched a grandiose, so -called social cleansing of the city, evicting homeless people and beggars 101 km away, that is, to the suburbs. look, young people are being evicted from the streets of paris, they are being expelled to make way for the olympic games, and
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these are minors who are in care. we call it cleaning social cleansing, since people were never offered a proper solution, they were simply expelled all, so you see, a picture is created for a beautiful postcard called paris. the clachards are dissatisfied with the human rights organization and write petitions, but the authorities are adamant and are spending one and a half billion euros on cleaning the hay and the facade of the paris city hall. the famous meme about the parisian bedbugs of rats preparing to receive guests is more relevant than ever, especially against the backdrop of threats from the garbage workers' union, which threatened strikes if the mayor's office does not fork out money. 400 euros for salary increase of almost 2.0 euros olympic bonus for everyone. to this it is worth adding the stern attitude of air traffic controllers, who a week ago put the entire parisian air hub on edge, then because of the threat of a strike at the capital's charles airport...
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it took seth 4 days to ban russia from participating in the olympic games. in gaza, the genocide has been going on for months, the number of victims has exceeded 40 thousand people, most of them women and children, but no, the israeli delegation is preparing to welcome the games, because this is business. left mps demand that israeli athletes be deprived of the right to compete under the national flag, but the authorities say that israel is different, so that there are no additional questions about russia, the organizers of the summer olympic games have withdrawn.
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the first may holidays were not easy for everyone, and obvious difficulties arose for the russian post. the prosecutor general's office said it launched an investigation after reports of massive delays of international parcels that could not reach russian recipients. according to estimates by the prosecutor general's office of such parcels more than 3,000 have accumulated. the agency clarifies that the reason for everything was the mail itself, since there was not enough money in its personal account with the federal customs service for all customs procedures. the prosecutor general's office added that they will top up their russian postal account today, but
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about half an hour ago the post office announced that international shipments are again being processed without delay. previously, the federal customs service reported that the same delays with international parcels began on april 30, and the problem, as customs officials clarified, affected only paid parcels, that is those who need to pay customs duties, those russians who are waiting for their goods from abroad, were reassured by russian customs. they say it does not send back problematic parcels, the post office itself explained the situation to rbc by saying that in 2 days, from april 30 to may 1, the number of such paid parcels, mainly in the electronics category, increased six times, when compared with average indicators, from 1 april, the threshold for duty-free import of goods into russia from abroad decreased, whereas previously it was possible to bring goods without additional duties from a foreign online store goods worth up to a thousand euros, now the amount has decreased to... euros. american exchanges did not reach a common opinion based on the trading results.
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the federal reserve left its key rate unchanged at 5.25, 5.5%. and fed chairman jerome paul, on the one hand, did not give a signal for an imminent rate cut, but on the other hand , he said that a rate increase at the next meeting is unlikely. the moscow exchange had already managed to trade on monday and tuesday, but there were no significant changes on the russian stock market. and in general in in the next few days, sharp movements are also not expected, but on the foreign exchange market, after the dollar rose in price on monday, tuesday, exporters seem to have become more active today and began to exchange currency. sell as a result, now the dollar has gone even below the level of 92. the russian flag may soon become mandatory for car license plates in russia. amendments to the guest regulations were developed by the road safety research center of the ministry of internal affairs, the newspaper kommersant writes about this. earlier, such a proposal was made in the state duma. the only exception they are going to make it for diplomatic vehicles.
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now the traffic police itself already issues license plates with the flag, but you can only get a combination from them. letters and numbers, and the participants can order the plate itself, and, as the kommersant newspaper notes, a plate without a flag costs 300-500 rubles more. according to vice-president of the national automobile union anton shaparin, license plates without a flag can be ordered by those who travel abroad and are afraid of, quote: anti-russian vandals. now, if the number plate on the car does not meet the standard, then the owner faces a fine of 500 rubles. will those who received license plates without a flag be punished? it is unknown before the innovation, but one of the newspaper’s interlocutors says that private companies do not transmit to the state traffic safety inspectorate the data on the numbers they printed, which means it will be impossible to determine whether the number without the flag was produced before the new requirements came into force or after? ilya is all about economics. thank you, denis talalaev with his economic review.
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the government approved the launch of the third stage of the investment project for... approaches to seaports, modernized platform station, the expansion of the eastern polygon will create new opportunities , including across the amur river, industrial enterprises will be organized, especially in the extractive manufacturing sectors, this will also help increase cargo flow, reduce the overall travel time, the volume
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of orders will increase, new jobs will appear, and amenities will be developed territories along the highway, will increase, which is very important...
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several generations, brilliant today, congratulations are accepted by the beloved actor , tv presenter, honored artist leonid konevsky. the palette of lenin semenovich's acting talent is bright and varied. everyone, of course, remembers the expressive role of a smuggler in hyde’s comedy the diamond arm. well , the legendary tv series the investigation is conducted by experts brought truly deafening fame. brave detective. did not leave the screens for three decades, becoming, without attracting attention, familiar to every family. it’s hard to believe, but leonid konevsky is 85. for a quarter of a century he is still our colleague, the permanent presenter of one of the most popular programs on our television, which airs on ntv. the investigation was underway. throughout his career, konevsky starred in more than seventy films and tv series. on the occasion of the birth of the master, our channel shows the cult film adaptation of dzuma dartanen’s book the three
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musketeers, in which the honored artist played the role of the hollotter banasier. continue watching. that's all for now, go to, see you. the state has abolished fees for transfers between accounts in different banks. from may 1, russians can transfer their money from one bank to another for free. the law came into force. now you can receive a salary from one bank and immediately transfer it to another. where it’s more profitable: transfer money to a free alpha card, receive a supercake in rubles and a 16% rate on savings. not just profitable, alpha profitable. preparing for the summer on ozone is spreading its wings, all the goods have already flown here, summer sale on ozone, bombar protein bars for 1.190, modelini suit for
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1.199, we present the new, perfect taste of baltika 7 non-alcoholic, brewed from 100% malt and hops grown in altai, new baltika 7. no alcohol, feel the perfection of taste, oh, it pleases me so much 4,900, well, yes, of course, oh, the panda is for sale, yes, it is for sale, so what, psb credit card double cashback, increased cashback on everyday purchases, everyone wins the charity easter draw of the russian lotto second ticket, from each ticket sold, 10 rubles will be donated to charitable causes, buy tickets in company stores on the website: if inflammation is complicated by fibrosis and the organ stops working normally, the smart enzyme langidase can help. langidase breaks down fibrosis helps restore
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easy to recognize by just one yellow stripe, it’s easy to love this cheese only after trying it, simply delicious forty rostagroexport, just try it! sportmaster presents norsland, an austrian brand of travel equipment, order and pay in installments via mobile. sportsmaster application, simply delicious sour cream growth agroexport, just try it, i help calm the most raging stomach, i am fospolugel, i cope with heartburn, stomach pain and poisoning and is available on the yandex market, this is rostagroexport cheese, you can easily recognize it by just one yellow stripe, simply delicious rostagroexport cheese, just try it, viia superstar, premiere of the twelfth. may at 20:20 on ntv.
1:25 pm
dartagnan, we have to go, they will do whatever is necessary with the body, but her soul, alas, is already far away. who knows, aramiz, maybe them. will meet much sooner than you think, beware, dartagnan, i think i know who is hiding under the name lady winter, and i feel that this death is not the last. shooting, taverns, skirmishes, swords, horses.


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