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tv   Segodnya  NTV  May 2, 2024 4:00pm-4:44pm MSK

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10 years of a terrible tragedy in odessa, then nationalists set fire to a building with opponents of the maidan. russian post has resumed processing parcels from abroad, which was caused by a failure, we will tell you in business news. cleaning up before the olympics, paris authorities are removing homeless people from the city. what other problems remain in the french capital? about the main thing, by this moment in the ilyarovtsev studio, hello. today is 10 years since the tragedy in the trade union building. on may 2, 2014, ukrainian nationalists brutally dealt with euromaid opponents. fleeing from the angry crowd, some of the pro-russian activists took refuge in the house.
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unions, but found themselves in a fire trap: the building was set on fire and almost fifty people were burned alive in it. these events became a turning point in the political crisis in ukraine and led the country to a full-scale civil war. press secretary of the russian president dmitry peskov called the tragedy in the house of trade unions a shameful page in the history of ukraine, saying that such crimes have no statute of limitations and everyone who was behind what happened must be punished. alexei prokin, together with his fellow eyewitnesses , recalled the terrible events of may 2004. 10 years ago, for several days he tried to break through from kiev to odessa to tell the truth about the arson of the trade union house, the pearl by the sea was then surrounded by checkpoints, the city was surrounded by radical militants. sergei recalls that it was a miracle that he managed to get to odessa . while sergei was getting there, editors in moscow were preparing for him footage from the house of trade unions, a chronicle of the crime without a statute of limitations.
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an hour and a half of video that hurts and it’s scary to watch, then in the remaining days, there ’s this video at three or four, then a new one, a new one, a new one, there’s footage of people walking around with a camera, well, that’s what they’re doing on the one hand your work, on the other hand, well, it looks quite tough and cruel. from the footage that sergei is talking about, he began his first report from odessa, that the fire was not accidental, that the death of forty-two anti-maidan supporters in the house of trade unions is... an attempt to clear the city of dissenters, according to sergei, was obvious to everyone, it was obvious right away, hello, mountain, if there is one, come out, we won’t kill, then burn alive, people who were able to speak, well, these are very brave people, because odessa was unrecognizable, i’ve been before, odessa is there at the beginning of may - it should be a very warm, cheerful, cheerful city that wakes up there, humor. dialect, his own
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style, charm, no, odessa was shocked, odessa was scared, one of the heroes of sergei savin’s report was odessa resident alexey albu. sergei met him in a closed odessa courtyard after difficult interview negotiations. alexey, with a broken head, said that the events on the kulikovo field, where bandera’s supporters beat up anti-maidan supporters, and the burning of trade union houses were the work of the regime in kiev, and it would not be possible to blame everything on football fans. alexey had to come from his hometown. to leave, he now lives in lugansk, on may 2, 2014, beaten by radicals, albu and his comrades took refuge in the house of trade unions, because, says alexey, unlike the nationalists, anti-maidan supporters did not want blood. many people ask, was it possible at that moment to somehow resist, i still believe that it was not, because we were not ready to kill at that moment, our enemies, they were already deliberately traveling to... to destroy us, this
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is evidenced by there are a lot of facts, that they were armed with firearms, cold steel, they had special protective equipment, shields, helmets, body armor, now i’m translating with a camera, it’s the remains of the separatist camp that are burning, i don’t know if you saw them, the remains of a separatist camp near kulikovo on the kulikovo field near station, and these are frames from a report by an ntv correspondent. nikolai bulkin in 2014, he worked in kiev and talked about the reaction of the kiev regime to the events in odessa. according to nikolai, no words of pity or words of sorrow were heard in the ukrainian media that day, there were no attempts to warn against a repetition of the fratricidal massacre from the civil war that was already looming over ukraine. the official resolution did not say a word about the radicals, nationalists, ultras who staged this massacre, this mass murder of such a large number of people. that is, there were no
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accusations, not even reproaches, and they said that these are all external forces that are pushing ukraine towards civil war, and the murderer is essentially the same. obvious ones, they were simply brushed off. 5 years ago , the un human rights monitoring mission in ukraine concluded that the authorities did not do everything necessary, who organized this tragedy, yes, who led this, so to speak, terrible act, because these are all famous people, this is parubiy, who, so to speak, was in charge of this in odessa, is turchinov, so called its president, it is avakov, who was. minister of internal affairs, these same people, they bore some responsibility for this, they did not bear any responsibility. according to mazarov, the odessa tragedy was supposed to show the world the true face of the kiev regime, but instead of condemnation and reprisals against its own citizens, the european union signed an
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association agreement with ukraine and for 10 years continues to feed ukrainians with promises of joining the eu. during this time, not a single monument to the founders of the city remained in odessa, named in russian honor. statesmen , the streets have been renamed, and the land to defend which the participants of the tent camp rose on the sandpiper field on may 2 , 2014 has long been pledged to american and european corporations. alexey prokin, susanna prutchikova and irina lemkina, ntv television company. in los angeles, police broke up a student rally at a local university. his students joined demands to stop funding the war. staged a sit-in strike. snipers were spotted on campus rooftops. on the eve of the action in columbia university and the city college of new york ended in the use of force and mass arrests. 300 students were detained. amid growing protests, the house of representatives passed a bill to combat
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anti-semitism. the document now goes to the senate for consideration. in particular, it will allow the authorities to refuse funding to universities on the territory of which anti-semitic rallies are taking place. the definition of anti-semitism in the new bill is quite broad and vague. lawyers noticed this. now this concept includes not only threats against jews, but criticism of israel and its politicians. congressman matt gedson said that this law was written, quote: without regard to the constitution, common sense or even understanding of the meaning of the words. the gospel itself will fall under the definition of anti-semitism under the terms of this law. end of quote. french activists. and at the may day demonstrations there were olympic rings. the closer the 2024 games draw, the more dissatisfied the country's residents become. for example, the day before, protesters tried to get a meeting with the minister of internal affairs in order to talk about the problems faced by migrants on the eve of the olympics.
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the french are outraged by the so-called social cleansing, when homeless people are evicted from city streets. and preparations for one of the most scandalous olympics in history. sergei khloshevsky. with the olympic flame, which the greeks lit at olympia, plying the expanses of the mediterranean sea on the way to marseille, the french are already calculating how much the upcoming olympics will cost them. the first record seems to have already been achieved, the initial budget has been exceeded by 6.5 billion euros, so that france, in the opinion local journalists will not earn anything, despite the exorbitant ticket prices. france may break the record for spending on preparing for the olympics. france competes with greece and great britain. for the title of champion in spending on organizing the olympic games. before the games, the french authorities launched a grandiose, so-called social cleansing of the city, evicting homeless people and beggars 101 km away, that is, to the suburbs. look, young people
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are being evicted from the streets of paris, they are being expelled to make way for the olympic games. games, and these are minors who are in their care. we call it a purge, a social cleansing, because people are so... euros for a salary increase of almost 2.0 euros of an olympic bonus for each, to this we should add the stern attitude of air traffic controllers, who a week ago put the entire paris air hub on their ears, then due to the threat of a strike at the capital's airport charles de gaulle, 65% of flights had to be canceled, at orly -
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75%. plus security problems. before the start of the games, the police promised to conduct an inspection of almost 1 million people, including volunteer athletes. it took the international olympic committee 4 days to ban russia from participating in the olympic games. in gaza, the genocide has been going on for months, the number of victims has exceeded 4,000 people, most of them women and children, but they are preparing to welcome the israeli delegation at the games, because this is business. left-wing deputies demand that israeli athletes be deprived of the right to compete under the national flag, but the authorities say that israel is different, so as not to there were additional questions. about russia, the organizers of the summer olympic games have revoked permission to work as volunteers, previously
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issued to russians who live in france. sergei khaloshevsky, polina timofeeva and boris filchikov, ntv european bureau. in kyrgyzstan , an out-of-control truck hit 29 children at a mass festival, 18 of them were hospitalized, seven in intensive care. hundreds of guests, participants, and children gathered for the celebration. they were just preparing for a performance when a car rolled towards them from the slope, they had to run away from it many simply had nowhere to go, the minister of health of the republic took control of providing assistance to the victims, the circumstances of the accident are being clarified by employees of the traffic safety department, the driver was not driving at the time of the accident, local media write that the owner forgot to put the car on the handbrake. until the end of the year , russian license plates may be required. denis, this means that
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we will have to change everyone’s numbers, those who don’t have them. ilya, well, yes, so far everything seems to be going to the point that the innovations will not be retroactive, which means that those who already drive without flags will not face fines. the russian flag may soon become mandatory for car license plates in russia. amendments to the guest regulations were developed by the road safety research center. letters and numbers, and the plate itself must be ordered by the participants, and, as the kommersant newspaper notes, a plate without a flag costs 300-500 rubles more, according to the vice-president of the national automobile union anton shaparin, plates without a flag... are ordered by those who travel abroad and afraid, quote: anti-russian vandals.
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now, if the license plate on a car does not meet the standard, the owner faces a fine of 500 rubles. whether those who received numbers without a flag before the innovation will be punished is truly unknown. one of the newspaper’s interlocutors says: private companies do not transfer to the traffic police data on the numbers they have printed, which means it will be impossible to determine whether a number without a flag was produced before the new requirements came into force or after. apple authorized service centers in russia have run out of original spare parts for iphones and macbooks, vedomosti newspaper writes about this, clarifying that the services themselves both worked and continue to work. on the restor network, which used to be the official seller of apple equipment in russia, they explained it this way: in february of the twenty-second year, apple left russia, the warranty period for the equipment was 2 years, in february of the twenty-fourth it expired for the equipment that was imported into russia before the announcement. that is, officially, because in february of 2019, apple simply stopped supplying components to russia, as
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an analyst from the mobile research agency says group eldar murtazin is now importing chinese kits to russia or dismantling old devices. according to independent expert alexander surkov, although apple has formally left russia, it will not interfere with sellers; apple devices made for other markets will arrive in russia at their expense, and repairs can be provided. according to jas group, in the first half of 23, russians had more than 13 million iphones in their hands. trading on the russian stock market occurs with little activity between holidays. movement indexes today are determined largely by the fact that the ruble is again sharply rising in price. this is probably the reaction of exporters who began to actively sell the currency, which had noticeably risen in price at the beginning of the week and as a result, the dollar today periodically still sometimes falls below 90. russian post announced this afternoon that it is again processing parcels from
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abroad without delays. the state-owned company clarified that customs payments, which caused problems over the weekend, are again written off as usual. according to the federal customs service, delays with international parcels began on april 30 and affected the so-called paid parcels, that is, those for which customs duties are required to be paid. the prosecutor general's office stated that they were in favor. parcels, because the post office was unable to replenish its account with the federal customs service in time; there simply was not enough money for all customs procedures. the prosecutor general's office promised that the post office... would replenish the account on may 2, that is, today, and apparently, it has already done so. from april 1 , the threshold for duty-free import of goods into russia from abroad has decreased. if earlier it is possible it was possible to bring goods worth up to 1.00 euros from a foreign online store without additional duties, but now the amount has decreased to 200 euros. ilya is all about economics. thank you, denistolaev for your economic
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review. putin today held a working meeting in novogorev with the governor of the tula region, alexei dzyumin, to discuss the socio-economic development of the region. you have such an impressive growth in industrial production, construction is growing there, good indicators in general. how about one of your main social problems - this - will there be any movement there? i want to thank you for continuing federally. program for the resettlement of all emergency housing, which means that we completed the previous stage ahead of schedule, now regional projects are being implemented, this is over 900 million rubles and 230 have already been resettled, but the need remains high, we need to calculate about 300,000 km, work is underway, we understand how
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to move on , and this work, taking into account that it is quite sharp. one of three such key ones is medicine, ecology, emergency housing, so special attention is also paid to it. alexey dyumin also spoke about the growth of production capacities of defense enterprises. the head of the region noted that large amounts of money are being invested in their development. the governor also recalled that in the tula region one of the first centers in russia to open a training center for drone operators for law enforcement agencies. the government approved the launch of the third stage.
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additional tracks, sidings, tunnels, bridges, including those across the amur river, approaches to seaports have been organized, modernized stations, platforms. the expansion of the eastern site will also create new opportunities for industrial enterprises, especially in the mining and manufacturing sectors. this will also help increase cargo flow and reduce the overall travel time. the volume of orders will increase, new jobs will appear, and amenities will be improved. territories along the highway will increase, which is very important, the quality of life of people in siberia and the far east. the government has made a decision. the government also approved the concept for the development of automobile tourism to 2035. its main goals are to create comfortable and safe conditions for traveling on roads and to increase the accessibility of tourist sites in the country. in addition, it is planned to develop
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road service facilities, including multifunctional zones. they will include gas stations and mini-hotels. trips, which is 21% more than in 2022; by the way, a year earlier there was another 15% increase, so this dynamic continues, and a third of these domestic trips are accounted for by auto tourism, the overall contribution of tourism to gdp is growing. at the end of last year it amounted to 2.8%, other objects for comfortable. the concept for the development of autotourism is also proposed to equip with observation decks and roads that pass through picturesque places. for comfortable travel by any type of transport, it is planned to build campsites and parking lots. the potential number of motor tourists, as noted in the cockpit, will double by 2030 .
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apply for a pension at sberbank online or in a branch. deposit, best interest, up to 16% per annum in sberbank online. gorkiye 53, premiere, monday at 20:00 on ntv. these are the programs today, we continue our release. russian troops liberated the village of berdychi in the donetsk people's republic. groupings center, west, south and east are developing an offensive, occupying more and more new positions. the enemy is trying to recapture the lost fortifications, but to no avail. our units repelled 16 nationalist counterattacks during the day. artillery, aviation, and missile forces destroyed a drone production plant and two installations. as well as the accumulation of manpower and equipment in 117 regions. the force shot down 25 drones, two guided bombs and three missiles. well, in avdeevka, which
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was liberated. 2 months ago , peaceful life is gradually getting better, the authorities of the donetsk republic are planning to restore transport links with the city, already this week the neighboring ones are clear, minibuses will start going there, it is not yet safe to launch full-fledged routes, the front-line city remains under constant shelling from militants, how do people live there, omar magomedov saw that no one had windows or doors anywhere, boris shows everything that was left of... due to the reluctance to leave the city, as it turned out, the evacuation of people turned out to be just a cover for retreating military units, this is all ukraine, they purposefully stood, they directly hit here from the road, they knew which one, they walked, saw, where people live in apartments, and the target has been targeted, what is the target, that is?
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to intimidate the civilian population, the ground floor became a real salvation for this family; during cold weather and shelling, animals, two dogs, three cats and a neighbor parrot, the conditions in the room are minimal, three beds, there is a kitchen, a place to store food, water tanks and even a tv that works through a voltage converter from a car battery, now everyone lives like that, now no one lives in apartments, that’s it they live in the basements, points to the next entrance, the ceiling of the fifth one is broken...
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but even in such a difficult situation , social assistance centers operate here, humanitarian aid is delivered here, doctors and specialists from various departments receive patients and organizations, including employment, the first teams of general workers and builders from among local residents were created, at the moment we have damaged 19 apartment buildings, and with possible forms of security, we, of course, literally... the kiev regime turned avdeevka into a powerful fortified area, the city was handed over to nationalist battalions, militants carried out extrajudicial reprisals against semi-dissidents, dozens of young men disappeared without trace, each resident has their own story of survival, and they also want to quickly forget survived the horror and returned to a peaceful life; faith in god helped to survive. well, it’s okay,
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we all need to survive. omar magomedov, rabadam bagomedov, ntv television company, donetsk people's republic of avdeevka. in crimea , queues for kindergartens have been eliminated. the last problem, the lack of nursery groups, will be solved this year. the region is preparing to open 23 more children's institutions. rostislav skidan learned how preschool education has been restored in the republic over the last 10 years. vytaki. district and there were two operating kindergartens, a children's the garden in the village of zarechin began to be built in 2016, opened in september last year,
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after my son went to kindergarten, i remember. in the fall of 2014, there were 3,000 children in line, the parents of half of them had to go to work, they couldn’t, there was nowhere to take the child, this problem had to be solved as soon as possible; already in 2015, construction began, the federal target
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program for the development of crimea came to the rescue. sevastopol. thanks to her , 55 new kindergartens with 12 thousand places were built on the peninsula in 10 years. children from 3 to 7 years old have a place in kindergarten no need to wait. this age category is preschool. the system is ready to welcome new students, that’s what kindergarteners are now called, for them there are music lessons, and theatrical performances, we need milk, what else do we need, physical education, construction and generally busy everyday life, guys, who is this, this is a hedgehog, teacher yana chernichenko delicately laughs it off, answering the question, but sleep when a student at the sevastopol pedagogical college has final exams and a hot summer season in kindergarten just around the corner. and so not complicated. the new educational building , you know, when you love children, then the work of the center of the sevastopol cossack bay
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opened in march twenty-third. jaana has been working here for six months, her colleagues are joking, she missed the most interesting part - the renovation. the teachers themselves designed the design of the premises, chose toys and equipment, so sensory and light-music rooms, and wide ones, appeared in the garden. the corridors have turned into separate play areas, just like each of us builds a house, we select materials for ourselves so that we feel comfortable, so that it is cozy, that’s why we selected materials, first of all equipment, color, the children appreciated the design efforts of the teachers, which kindergarten did you like better, the one you went to or this one, this one, and why? because it’s cool there, what do you like most there? playground, and also a playground, uh, teacher? while the lighthouse was being built, little margarita makarenko went to another kindergarten where there were places, or rather, she went with her mother victoria. now it’s a shame 5 minutes walk, freed up time victoria often spends time in the lighthouse, helping teachers, she wants to create some conditions,
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comfort, participate in the same matinees, competitions, this is a parental position when you are included in the life of the child, in the life of the garden. new kindergartens, about 200 throughout the peninsula, have also helped the economy. sevastopol, over these 10 years, more than 15 thousand parents whose children were waiting in line to go to kindergarten were able to go to work. rostislav skidan, alexander solovenko, dmitry mezintsev and oleg shalya, ntv television company, sevastopol and republic of crimea. the derkul stud farm of the lugansk people's republic was included in the list of tourist attractions in russia. and this despite the fact that the territory was liberated from nationalists only about two years ago. the enterprise was practically on the verge of ruin, which was already done by a new one. administration and what else is in the plans, alexey ivleev found out. meet onyx, son of banderros, the horse given to vladimir putin by the king of saudi arabia. now this purebred arabian stallion
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is busy increasing the number of herds the legendary derkul stud farm, very close to the oriental beauties there are also english mares, this isabella color is more expensive than many luxury ones. mark, she has blue eyes, this is a rare color, there are kholtukin cuts, this is chic in the world of english breeds. the current director of kanizavod, mikhail gladkov, came here a little over two years ago. this territory was barely liberated from ukrainian nationalists. he was horrified by what happened to the enterprise where five generations of his ancestors worked. the number of horses has decreased, the number workers were reduced by 10 times, the land for growing horse feed was used by kiev businessmen.
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the large museum building is filled with trophy cups won by champions raised here. now the grooms are peering at each foal, maybe this fastest one will become a new champion in the future, and the main joy is that a real baby boom has begun at the stud farm, over the past 2 years the increase has been over 100 heads, and there will be more, look.
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and warm in winter, built under catherine ii. there is more to this building. two centuries, uh, the walls of the building reach up to one and a half meters, the thickness of the walls. this building does not require heating. in russia, the results of the competition from the southern seas to the polar region have just been summed up, and unexpectedly for many, the herkulsky stud farm entered the top 30 main tourist attractions in our country. many russians want to see with their own eyes beautiful horses with champion blood flowing in their veins. and the horses themselves missed attention and sincere care.
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temperatures are even near zero , when it gets warmer again, we’ll find out from
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evgenia neronskaya in connection with our studio, zhen, what’s in the forecast? while we continue to chronicle the cold snap, temperatures in almost the entire european territory of russia are below normal. the most difficult weather tomorrow will be in the volga region, the wind will pick up there, there will be a lot of precipitation and wet snow is possible in some places. during the day it will be above 10°, the temperature will rise only in saratov, mostly +6-8. at night, where the rains stop, for example, in nizhny novgorod, frost will strike. it will become another five degrees colder in the center. night temperature tends to zero. it may freeze in the northern regions. the minus will arrive in the moscow region on saturday night. tomorrow afternoon it will be about 10°. maximum +14 in smolensk and bryansk. but the pressure is high and there will be no precipitation. the sun is quite possible. in the northwest it is also sunny and the wind is a little warmer, so in the daytime it can reach +10° and a little higher. wine. the north still
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won’t warm up, there are frosts everywhere at night, down to -10 in some places, during the day in arkhangelsk it’s only +2, in murmansk +3, warming is not expected yet, but snow is expected, the south will not remain in on the side of the general cooling, and for it this is fraught with increased wind, in the area of ​​novorossiysk to shtormovoye, the rain zone will press against the caucasus mountains, basically there will be no precipitation, it will be about +20, the day after tomorrow a few degrees less. in petersburg. on friday without significant precipitation and + 10:12, in moscow only 8:10 at night +2, the next night frosts. this was the weather forecast from evgenia neronskaya. that's all for now, go to, see you. between their accounts in different banks, from may 1, russians can free
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