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tv   Syomin  NTV  May 3, 2024 2:05am-2:51am MSK

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who started it, but the old man has gone crazy, he’s crazy, of course, 991,793 connections, great, guys, listen. can you tell me something about this astronaut? you know what he did here, he comes to the construction site in crown city and says: i’m the director, give me a hangover, but you know what i’ll tell you, he’s actually the director, show me your id, and he’s sitting there .
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let's get going, go take a rest, repin, damn it, side, you want to eat, yeah? in short, the situation
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you and i have is approximately this: either you get a year in prison, for a fight with a security guard in crown city, or you tell me everything, but what about him , he himself is a security guard, a lawless, bullshit, i just taught life, to respect the authorities, they are completely crazy there, they don’t listen to the boss, how did you become a director, who hired you, i was checking the document or something, some guy came, well... he said, sign, i signed, well, how much money did they pay you? 5. green, in rubles, patriots of their homeland do not take dollars, because they don’t sell you a bubble for dollars, you are a poet, you can describe it, who is the bubble, the person who gave you the documents to sign hired him for the job, but i’m not happy here, yeah. “listen, i have one thing here, yeah,
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there’s a murder on the sign, yeah, unsolved, if you want i’ll hang it on you, with aggravating charges, otherwise, well, if i’m writing, go to russia, and i’ll give your woman the recipe for pies.” oh, okay, it’s a pity, there’s still a little left, slana petrovna, good afternoon, the security service of your bank, just a moment more, the fraudster would have had access to the money , a suspicious transaction on your account, but svetlana petrovna turned on the intelligence officer.
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hung up, whoever the scammers pretend to be to extract money from you, hang up without talking, smoke, thank you, you know what i’m doing now, well , the inheritance of the merchant and his partners, well, yes, who else could do this after semin, will you help? you know why i asked for a life sentence, not a ten, not a quarter, but for life, because in a cell for life prisoners they will put one at a time, at most two at a time, i don’t care... they will kill me
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sooner or later at the stage or, in prison, where- somewhere on the island of ognennaya vologda province in... in the prison cell this will not happen so quickly, but i remember our whole childhood, remember how i told you that when neither he nor his mother will be there, you and i will remain together for each other we held on, now you and i are on opposite sides of the fence. lawyer, the merchant had a lawyer, what’s his last name, i don’t remember, check the database, he might know, he was involved in transactions, do you want
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to leave earlier, the merchant’s bodyguard is sitting on the block, i want you. even without a uniform, even without a certificate, but to work, you know, well, well, why not, you have time i have a lot now, but i have very little, tomorrow you will be in marat drozdov’s cell. very beautiful, you are prettier, i’ll call you, uh-huh, run, you’ll freeze, okay, bye, see you tomorrow,
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i’ll call you. so far, this guy is diligently working on her, you’re jealous or something, it’s not he who’s working on her, it’s he who’s approaching her dad, her bodyguard, hello, how’s life, great, the girl is being courted, how is her daddy set up? he is firmly against our meetings, but i think that i will wait for her, but i think it’s not a girl who will open the cell for you, but i have one plan, well, well, perhaps it’s time to establish
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diplomatic relations with the republic of zimbabwe. romeo, we are talking. well, actually it’s not allowed. i said two words. hi hi. how are you? okay, you see, they were afraid of me in freedom, they are afraid of me in prison. boris, they didn't achieve their goal. what are you talking about? tomorrow it's 3 o'clock,
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the mating is scheduled. beryakov demands that you be sent for... a forensic psychiatric examination, he motivates this by the fact that you attacked a cellmate, which means it was i who attacked our former officer volodya, in normal, normal, everything was confirmed, the whole cell, boris, i've known you for 40 years. “we studied together, well, i’m guilty, i’m guilty before you, borya, well, i couldn’t sign this decree for you, i couldn’t, the decree for kotov’s arrest, even if he had signed it, he would have left
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in 3 hours, and i would have sat next to him with you, and you have children, grandchildren, an unfinished dacha near moscow, stop it, i understand, so, if we call a witness right at this meeting, it will cover up beryuk’s facts “i will involve my friends in the fsb, but in the end, i myself will sit next to her and protect her, i won’t allow them to send you to a psychiatric hospital, you know how you can come back from there, i ask you, but in the end, have pity on my conscience, thank you, thank you, sergeev, you know, “they have such long arms, they reached my son in leon, they’ll get
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to the witnesses, then the hell with it, then i’ll definitely never get out of here, never, borya, then this may not happen for you, you just won’t wake up one day in a mental hospital, but now i’m not worried about myself at all “lesha, these bastards are important to me.” put here no, no, no, no, no, no, not him, not him, not him, hold on, that’s mineral water, well, yes, yes, i don’t work without a glass, but doctors recommend a little pure alcohol when working with a computer, it will happen later, i promise you, keep watching, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on! well, why are you showing me this pensioner, well, he was so womanish, so
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mannered, disgusting in one word, i remember why he was like a burr, this will help us a lot now, uh-huh, back, back, back, back, and he’s legendary.
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the defense has the floor, your honor, i consider it necessary to report that during the incident in the cell, my client defended himself from an attack by a cellmate. as for boris semin’s mental health, i would like to remind you that two weeks before his dismissal from the internal affairs bodies, he underwent a full examination at a non-departmental clinic. nevertheless, another more thorough examination, which the prosecution insists on, would not hurt.
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thank you? sent by the owner? i came myself, well
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, let’s say what you want from me, money post, post, yes, if we assume that according to for some reason, you yourself... do not want or cannot manage crown city, i offer my services as an administrator, general director, no matter what you call it, except this, if mine. current affairs will go well, i will be the first to find out the whereabouts of the bill, then first of all i will inform you about it, but if we find out first, then my offer is not canceled, i can really be a good manager, and for my part, i guarantee you that all the possible
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problems that... you may have with your co-investor, i undertake to decide on my own, he says it smoothly, but you know how to shoot, if necessary, yes, you signed it. good afternoon, i thought that you might be
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interested in some materials; according to the reports , there was information about the search for lawyer kozlov. let's watch him flounder, then we'll take him away together with his owner, and also, stop
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messing around with this guard and his daughter. we don’t have time to wait until he agrees, you take this, what’s her name, anya, anya, anya, take her to the base, and tell your father, she won’t help with bodyguard, we'll send her head in a valuable parcel, it's clear to you, it's clear, so, your last name, first name, patronymic? semin, boris petrovich, yeah, your occupation, services to the population. boris petrovich, tell me how often you had to use weapons. well, as a rule, if someone shot at me, i shot back. there are statistics in my business.
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true, the last case showed that... it may be different, well, yes, i watch tv and read newspapers, yes, what you say is surprising, but what exactly, well, why are you here as an attending physician, and not patient, this is a diagram of kotov’s house, a security post and a security camera, and semin claims that there was a camera working in kotov’s office. video surveillance, yes, but an inspection of the scene showed that the camera was not working, i compared the testimony of sovelev and luzgin. so, savelelyev claims that he saw semin’s movement at this point. so. luzgin also testified that he saw semin moving at the same point, but they
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were in different sectors. and sovelev is at point a, luzgin is at point b, in the room. well, what conclusion can we draw from this? luzgin could see semin's movement from the cctv camera. yes. and if the camera worked, that means there should be a backup copy on the server, recordings of what happened in kotov’s office. if it even survived. and we'll go there. security, they will destroy it, it’s a good idea, it should have been used much earlier, well... there are other thoughts.
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well, luka, welcome your neighbor, hello, uncle, and you have. i don’t smoke, guy, and i don’t advise you, but there is, but you have money, but
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why is there money here, and guy, it’s not needed here, why, don't you need money here, huh? thus, we have the following scheme: the money was invested in crown city llc. all
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financial flows went through the edelweiss company, located in the british virgin islands. it belongs to a person who, according to the laws of the offshore zone, cannot be issued. therefore, most likely, a bill of exchange was issued that was lying in the bank. it was this information that anton chumakov came up with, after which he was killed. so what do we have about the lawyer who negotiated this deal? put on the wanted list as a possible accomplice in the merchant's case. what, did this information go through the general summary? yes. then to make the rocks more active. thank you, yashi, thank you. congratulations. now everyone knows about it. let's pass. i hope you won't be bored.
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together. hello, marat! hello, hello, tanushka, oh, hello, you
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haven’t called for so long, where have you been, there were problems at work, where are you, look out the window, hello. hello, listen, let's go to nature today, i rented a house in the suburbs of moscow, well, well, i don't know, grik, i'm not ready today, and there's a river nearby, a fireplace, i bought wine, grik, well, if dad finds out, they’ll just kill me, and if i say that today is my birthday, is it serious or what? why didn't you tell me earlier? grik, well, i would buy you a gift, so you’ll come out to congratulate me, huh? well, of course
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i’ll come out, i’m waiting for you, dear, well, what, what, what, wait. the merchant was so overwhelmed, you know, i know, marat, marat, you started calling me by name, as you used to call me, remember, dog, deprived.
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what's going on here? did you want to go to the isolation ward? i’ll quickly organize you now. sorry, boss, i had a terrible dream. scary a dream, you say? when you are transferred to the stage, for you the rest of your life will be like one continuous, terrible dream. let's go, i have one thought: get out of here, marat?
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tell me, saul, has marina confessed anything
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to you? “what would you do if your own sister had a knife put to her throat, and what she told you, she said that she told semin, what she knew about you, you’re lying, explain to me. please, why should i to do this, you think, i don’t know where you’re going, you want to be the director of crown city, isn't it, why not?
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bear, communications, you will check the sector, i understand, i’m coming. and the eleventh, damn, here are the women, by the time he gets his act together, 3 hours will have passed, the tuner is nervous, dude, shut up, and for
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the tuner’s nerves, don’t worry, you won’t get paid for this, who knows, who knows, maybe...
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and here i am, i thought you’d never come out again, sorry, hello, hello, i didn’t even have time to buy you a gift, you’re my gift, eh! or maybe we’ll go, otherwise there’ll be traffic jams in an hour, we have to go now, and who is this? yes, it was so bombed, i caught it on the way, my car was just, yeah, for repairs you passed it, sit down, but it’s really your birthday, sit down, i say, hello, hello, right?
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trick, what does dad want to talk to you about? yes, hello, hello, good afternoon, gennady mikhailovich, i felt that you were next to my daughter, but we were going out into nature, for a pleasure walk, if you don’t mind, of course, this is not the time to have fun, guys, come home, i’ll be there soon i’ll come, we need to talk, my wife needs surgery for cancer and it’s worth it, understand, then... is the offer still valid? of course in force, gennady mikhailovich. greg, i'm here. i'm only doing this for my wife. so it is, gennaty mikhailovich.
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what's happened? dad asked me to wait for him at home. man, we're not going. what? bye. what about your birthday? but it is possible. celebrate on any other day, especially since it’s in may, you, you’re a liar, let’s go, that’s how i am, what can you do, angela, you’re crazy, what are you doing here, what do you think, yes you you understand that cats and saval are here, they will come in at any minute, you need to quickly leave here, you let me go if you if you don’t leave, they will simply kill you, and if they kill you, then... how will boris semin defend him? it's strange that the wife of the man he shot is worried about this. it doesn't matter. what are you looking for here? i was sure that the server had a recording of shots fired at kotov. how can this help? but if i know
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that kutov was the first to take out a weapon, semin was simply defending himself. well, look quickly. yes, but she 's not there. it seems to me that it was simply erased. look, look, there you see. maybe another folder, but if you look here, i can help you. oh, how unshakable you are. okay, i'm canceling the hardware pedicure. come over tonight, bye. ilya lvovich? yes it's me. lieutenant colonel ledenev, can we come up to you? this is impossible, i have guests. well, we can talk here too. well, we learned that you addressed a certain mr. naryshkin. to the chairman of the crown city company.
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the merchant has been killed, and those who know about our visit to you will most likely also come to visit you, and then we will not be able to help you, excuse me, as soon as i start to panic, i immediately begin to treacherously if i’m shaking, i’ll probably go home, and if you want to meet with me again, stock up on the necessary documentation, have you seen that? saw, saw, let's figure it out, let's go,
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they came to... him, well, they just talked to him, it looks like he sent them, show miracles of ingenuity, and you can go to france, but of course, act as saul says, two news both bad, video file with the assassination attempt on kotov, destroyed by saul. 15 minutes after the attack i didn’t
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have time to copy it, i’m afraid to ask about the second one, the fact is that saul has a habit of every day at 6 o'clock come here to ask how you are, it's late, sit down, stand, stand, i said, wonderful meeting. well done, it’s just not a day, full of surprises, andrei vladimirovich, go down to the security room, there ’s something to see here, and... i wonder what this one is doing here, why, how did she
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get here, i don’t know, in the fourth sector , the alarm went off, i was there, do you think our domestic police will be happy when they learn about your illegal entry into private territory, you will look comical and stupid, that’s why, because before coming here, i called a couple of decent publications and... great, in front of their eyes you will be taken out of here in handcuffs, i called and said that ex-detat kotov is ready to publicly withdraw his statement, and for this he needs press coverage, yeah, this is your new press secretary, andrei vladimirovich, there are a lot of journalists here at the entrance, they are demanding the cats come out. and semin’s lawyer, let them demand it, we
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’ll get out soon, i think they will be delighted if semin’s lawyers take him out of here in handcuffs, the creature, so what, you’re like this let her out of here, let her go, well, actually, you have no other choice, i ’m waiting for you, mr. kotov, throw on something, it’s cool there, bravo, biss. listen, marina, this is not a place for drinking, i’m tired, i’m going to bed, hello, that’s it, we’re in place, we’ll start working, then i’ll shoot right away, so,
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dear tv viewers, today we can witness how things unfold an incredible scandal event in recent days, we all know that the former... are wretched, but my forgiveness must be documented, expert. if consider that semin is prudent, then i will say as i said at meetings on the fight against organized crime. the criminal
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should be in prison. as soon as this was confirmed by generosity, mr. kotov does not suffer, but the defense has no doubt that colonel semin is not guilty. and evidence of this will be provided in the near future by a task force led by lieutenant colonel ledenev. thank you. mr. kodov, what do you think about semin’s accusation that you are a participant in the liquidation of chumakov anton, who worked in the french bureau of interpol. what are your plans for future political activities? tell me, how does your wife feel, who was recently noticed in a scandalous scam? no comments. well, how can it be? thank you daughter, well, i’ll go change, yeah, close the door, just close it, otherwise we’re having a serious,
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masculine conversation, okay, you like my child. i like it, we waited for anya for 5 years, the birth was difficult, vika almost died then, times were different, now it’s not better, now she’s dying again, and i can’t do anything, well, let’s do it, let’s get closer to the point, closer to the point, you say. “my wife is sick, seriously ill, the doctor made a calculation, the operation costs this much, yes, good
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doctor aibolit, the prices are atomic, and you know, i work at a nuclear power plant where, instead of an atom, prison walls are split. and how you say, your friend’s name is marad drozdov. your friend received a life sentence, and i know this. you will give him this money, half, like half, and where will i get the other half? you’ll get the second one when the marauders are drinking vodka at the same table with us.


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