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tv   Syomin  NTV  May 3, 2024 2:50am-3:36am MSK

2:50 am
yes, good doctor aibolit, the prices are atomic, and you know, i just work at a nuclear power plant where instead of an atom , prison walls are split, and as you say, your friend’s name is, you idiot. your friend received it, and i know this, you will give this money if i give him a note, half, like half, and where i get the second half, you will receive the second when morodrozd with us at the same table will crack into vodka.
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and people like you, your friend should rot in jail, and people like you on may day demonstrations, rip your throat out and thank yourself for the life you have. here i am, come out, why? i said, come out, we haven’t agreed yet, so, gennady mikhailovich, we’ll come to an agreement.
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let's be a jerk. treasurer urgently needed. well, don't you believe me now? you don’t believe that it was your wife who ratted us out to semin. what am i supposed to do? should i remove it? now i wouldn't rush into this. i would use it. nikolaovna in order to
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discredit ledenev so that he would fly out of the authorities, just like semin. ledenev contacted the merchant's lawyer. if the lawyer talks, i'm done. is there really nothing that can be done? he won't speak. my people work impeccably. the lawyer will no longer be able to tell anyone anything. how are you going to use marin? i have one plan, as a result of which we will smash semin’s entire defense and eliminate ledenev. are you coming soon? i'm on my way now.
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honey, how long can i wait for you? wait a second, i'm already flying.
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what do you have there? well, what do you have here? arthur, arthur, what’s wrong with you, little arthur. what a nuisance. asichka.
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where's the bill? if i knew where the bill was, i probably wouldn’t be here anymore, i’d be far away, good night,
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you’re from the newspaper, i warned the guards that i wasn’t giving any comments, only a clear, objective analysis, but i just wanted to talk about this, to clarify something, no, it’s too early to draw any conclusions, lidia mikhailovna, i came, so to speak, to warn you in time, about what to warn you, that... and semin’s diagnosis should be very specific, it is necessary that he was such that semin would never be able to leave here again, oh that’s it, connect
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with security, vera, i want to tell you that i don’t make custom diagnoses, and tell those who sent you here that if you come to me... we didn’t agree with you, i ’ll call you later, i understand you, 1982, dissidents ,
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remember, isn’t it strange that now the texts of some of them are included in the compulsory school curriculum in literature? then they treated and treated, as it should, to the point of seizures, convulsions, to the loss of human appearance, yes, it was, i am ready to answer for this, there was time, the party ordered, we treated those who were not sick, you know what, you don’t succeed me blackmail. if you want, write, i’m ready to answer, to whom? in front of people, you shouldn’t answer anything in front of people, but in front of one person, that’s a completely different
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matter. what do you have in mind? yes, stop it, we were watching you. we followed you very carefully, we are aware of the smallest details of your wonderful biography. we are well aware that in 1986 you gave birth to a boy, mental. patient, this boy, apparently, still dreams of finding his mother, what do you think he will say when he finds out who you are and how much you managed to do good things for this child during this time. luka, don’t sit here,
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go to your place, little crane. it doesn’t work, can i try, but how is it? it works out this way for you, a japanese friend taught you, and you were in japan,
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yes, many times, but i didn’t go there myself, my mother took me with her, i have a mother too, she, she lost me, then me... they took her here, don’t you remember her? i remember, i remember everything, mom, it’s her in the big room, and the sock is blue, the scarf is color, color, mom, light, and... do you know anything about her, where she, what’s wrong with her, she’s sick, she, she
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’ll get better, she’s being treated, she’s being treated, she’ll come and take me away from here, we’ll go to the sea, she doesn’t write letters, she writes... he writes me letters, wow, a lot, huh how do you get them? by mail? and lidya mikhailovna brings them to me, to me. it’s good, it’s very good that
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you came to an agreement with this old goat, but you ’re a smart guy, a greek, and what are we talking about? you understand that after everything works out, you will have to do everything that i call for... “i would like it to be you in my place,
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greek, but i can’t, and i understand, you are not crowned, you are not a thief in law, and none of us will be born into this law, but you know that our sacrifice is no less serious than monasticism." we cannot to have no family, no close people, no children. although you have always been like a greek son to me, tell the bodyguard, offer him everything you want, let them bring us a bodyguard, and then we will have
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to get rid of them,
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girls , these are her dads. what kind of event is this? i'm sorry, but i can't tell you, so pack your things and leave very willingly. willingly, only after they have fully paid me off. i'll pass it on. by the way, don’t you remember where we have the big black bags, they are today. will be very useful, that's it, that's it, that's it, take it away, take it away, take it away, well, come on, come on, well, well, here, here, here, like that, like that, witnesses, come here, please, what
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do you say, zeno mikhailovich, what, gentlemen, let me tell you, “the bullet hit him right in the heart, his friend, double bullet wound, died from this, however, blue may be mistaken, an autopsy will show whether it was from a cold, thank you big, mikhailovich, i’m sorry that you pulled me out of vacation, since my sonya died, i ’ve only been waiting for one vacation, by the way, who will you call when you need to open me up, right?” “why are you up? well, come on, come on, don’t sit there, come on, because of your unprofessionalism, a witness died, another of your offenses, you’re going to serve as a police officer for me, what about the neighbors? neighbors, no one, nothing, with a muffler, of course, that's it, get out of here, well , something tells me that
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there are no prints in the apartment that are useful to us, or they belong exclusively to the goat, so yeah. “damn, hangy, oh, and the fish and i are still thinking, wondering where that ring went off our finger, there is no ring anymore and there is no family, you got divorced yesterday, a traitor, it turned out to be your wife, listen, you are tarplo, i am for you for these, quietly , gone, gone, gone, but he’s right to sing, alexey ivanovich, well, at least you’re not putting pressure on the callus, but forgive me, i’m not talking about your wife”? traitors, but there are traitors, kozlov was killed when, when someone who had access to the search report of the ministry of internal affairs drew attention to him, come on, we screwed up everything ourselves, any dog ​​had access to this report, okay, now remember who had access to the information when we took daria kuptsova under protection, but
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no one, well, that’s all... and i knew too , well, and the prosecutors, which of the prosecutors, sergeev? no, sergeev was not there that day, but in general, when we are protected, we are always assigned. marina. where are you going, if you remember, nina was left alone, the nurse you hired for her is a stranger, she will not replace her own mother, sit down. "sit down, sit down,
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i understand you, you know, it seems to me, in my there was also a stranger in my surroundings, what do you mean, but i’m still tormented, who handed me over to semin, i don’t know, maybe it was a sap? saul, perhaps, then why didn’t he allow semin to kill me like a dog. it should have been possible not to kill you, but just to put you in prison. now all the newspapers are talking about it. hmm, semyon also thinks that i ordered his son, but the question is, who told him about it?
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maxim, yes, i want to . talk to you, let's talk in 15 minutes at the cafe opposite the prosecutor's office, okay, i'll be there, lidya mikhailovna, really? right now. you see, mira, american psychologists strongly advise changing your place of work every 5 years, otherwise there will be distress, internal panic, and so on, and if the leader does not sign your application for luka’s transfer to vladivostok, well, luka needs fresh sea air, he has just last year they found dark spots in the lung, and why do this for the sake of one patient? well, you know the expression, you save one, you save the world, yes, of course, i’m listening to you, lidya mikhailovna,
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hello, i’m listening to you, lidya mikhailovna, i i met your son, he is an amazing boy, i really liked him, he is so polite, romantic, he believes that he has a mother, that she writes... i, i ask you, i beg you, these letters are his the last hope, he is waiting for them, they, they come to him, every sunday, i beg you, don’t say, of course, of course, how could you think that i would do this, we agreed, he has very weak cerebral vessels. and the pressure jumps to 200, if he finds out, every attack could
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be his last, lidiya mikhailovna, well, it’s a shame, honestly, who do you take me for, here, you see, in my position there is, after all, a small difference, not unknown to you, dangerous crazy semyon, it seems to me that today he should receive an injection, as a result of which the commission... can argue my conclusion about his mental insanity, how can i, you see, this is the situation here, if you don’t accept my offer now, i , too, can lose my temper and accidentally tell the whole truth about his mother to the over-aged boy luka, how are you, lydia mikhailovna, you accept my offer, and... also, i forgot to warn you, my person will be next to you all the time, and if you want to do something, for example,
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evade responsibility, do something unexpected or go to feodosia or somewhere else further, they will find you. people mikhalovna. you can't escape anywhere.
3:16 am
well, if this is not so, then work as you worked, no questions asked, well, you don’t have the authority to rush after him, of course, it’s only they who have the authority, the authority to put an innocent person in prison. put semin in psychiatric hospital, kill daria kuptsova, this has been proven. max, help us, max, but it doesn’t happen that there are no traces. you just need to find them. what if it's not him? who then? who framed daria? i’ll think,
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yes, of course i understand you, it’s probably really easier to bury your head in the sand like an ostrich so as not to see anything.
3:18 am
“there will be no one to treat measles, goodbye, goodbye, we really wanted to discharge her home, hello, hello, how about going home, why go home, well, you see, finding such seriously ill patients without surgery in the onological a dispensary is completely pointless, so they are discharged either home, or, if their relatives want it, then what? then we make a referral to a hospice? no, my wife will not go to the hospice, she must live, she survived childbirth, the most difficult birth, gave birth to our children, and she must live, she must rejoice, she must nurse her grandchildren, well, yes,
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yes, of course. of course, an advance payment gives us the right to start searching for a specific neurosurgeon, but the operation itself, and what about the operation itself, will be scheduled when we have the full amount necessary to carry it out, understand, sorry. dima sleigh went to his mother, yeah, let's go and talk, yeah, okay.
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what did the doctor say? he said that they will operate when we collect all the money. well , that means we need to act quickly. when do you go on duty? today at 4:00. okay, so the note should be sent at 4:00, and in the evening i expect a response from them. yes, i can ask the owner for the second half of the money only when maradov is there. listen, maybe i ’ll collect the second half myself, i have a plot of land, i’ll sell it, the car is old, volga, i’ll sell it, inexpensive, but there will be some money, listen, you are a normal person, you understand who you are dealing with, or i have to explain it to you, i ’m talking to you politely, only because anya, i’ll give you a note, but you don’t need to know the details of our agreement.
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i don’t think that i did it in vain, at least now i know for sure that marina kotova wanted to help us, you don’t understand, from this ambition of his, marina kotova should be removed today, now, excuse me, i don’t know something, you were seen next to her, and now i wouldn’t be surprised if we lose her, right? alexei ice-cold? am i listening, who am i talking to? it does not matter. i have important information about the witness semin. information on witness semin? yes. no, this is certainly good, but i don’t believe in information from anonymous people. today
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all the servants have been recalled from the kotovs' house. there is only one person left from the guard, he is a professional killer. if something like suicide happens to her after yesterday's events, you shouldn't be too surprised. i just wanted to warn you. can you somehow prevent this? i 'll try, but stay close, my a repeated call from this phone means an alarm signal, you understand, i can’t risk my people and trust you, then ask semin, say that the person who called was the one who said signal 40, what’s there? they decided to remove it. husk demands payment, but saul is not there, what should i do? calculation? come on, call this guardsman here. you know, marina, i would have
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killed you a long time ago, but what’s stopping you? don't interrupt me, i'm losing my nerve. what do you want from me? you must help me achieve this. will you give me a gun with a silencer and send me to him? no, you have to will you make friends with alexei ledenev and sleep with him, is that what you’re telling me? to your wife, after you slept with the merchant, i don’t care who it happens to next. i'm not greedy, marina. and what happens next? then i will make sure that he and
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his brother end up on the same bunk. i’ll catch up, i’ll catch up, i’ll catch up now! “caught up, grig, yes, i wanted to say thank you, but for what, i didn’t seem to do anything, well, i didn’t do anything, i did, i know how much this operation costs, i know how much money is not needed, i know, what you gave them, half of them, i'll give the other half when a very important deal for me happens, i hope it will be very soon!" what? what? i love you. what? is something wrong?
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well, usually boys are the first to explain and with us, is there something normal with you? everything is unusual with us, hello, unusual, i have been instructed to submit a report on your mental state, well, please, you are a good specialist and it seems to me that you are a good person, luka you. loves, luka, luka, he is good, he is kind, but he is very vulnerable, i am afraid that he will not stand it, i am afraid, that he can die, how absurdly all this is sometimes connected in this world, yes, you are right,
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yes, lidya mikhailovna, this is sergeev, i’m here with you, i need to talk to semin, it’s possible to do this, right? of course, i'll make the arrangements. we’re waiting for the group, don’t bother anyone, we’re waiting for my command, and you can explain why the hell we’re going to storm this house, or we should all go for an examination at the serbian institute, we’re waiting for my command, great, it’s just a radio broadcast, the deaf person at the microphone. look,
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you’ll recognize it, husk, yes, husk did it, on saul’s instructions. so it turns out, marina, you were the merchant’s agent, you killed him, threatened me, you think the court won’t believe this, and if you don’t agree, there is another way, to say that you loved the merchant, cheated on me with him. and then she killed, got upset, committed suicide, what kind of
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scum you are, so what can i do? i will not administer any drugs to him. whatever you want, but i, as a fighter for the truth and education of people with disabilities since childhood, cannot help but take appropriate measures, nothing will work out for you, i will protect him from you, i have already written to the chief physician, we will have increased security and no one outsiders will not be allowed in, yes, all correspondence will be... filtered by the doctors and me personally. lady mikhailovna,
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you know what? do what you agreed on, without any initiative, and do not forget that i will get you at any time, anywhere. yes, give the boy the letter, i understand, luka, there is a letter for you, this is the situation.
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i know this, some person called us, he told us some password, he said signal 40, this is really my person, and this is really very serious. from here you will write, yes, well, what’s there, me, semin, boris petrovich, really. shot at kotovo due to
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personal trouble, you're crazy, boris, listen, by giving evidence against yourself, i can always refuse it, having killed her, i will never correct this situation, use it as a last resort, what happened , you can’t do that, you can’t do that, what? no, no, she loves you luka, she loves me, please, vira, soothing, fast, loves you, luka, well, believe me, believe me, oh
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god, why did she leave me here, one, one. i would like to get a settlement, a settlement, you will get a settlement right now, luzga, yesterday i doubted your integrity towards me, you know, marina doesn’t want to help me, which means... she’s killing me if you want to prove that you not a rat, shoot it, prepare your weapon, act on command,
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but what if you? then it won’t cost copperfield anything to kill you both, just no tricks, old man, come on, let’s start, we’ll all go out, two of us, let’s go? shoot her, it's okay, what i said, it's okay, i 'll do it myself, you hear, you understand, let's leave, let's leave quickly, what's cancelled, what kind of
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ruby ​​is this, one step forward, one step back, come on with them, i'm staying here, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, what did my boss order with you, yeah, move , come on, you understand, you understand me, yes i understand, i understand, motherfucker , come on, do your thing, in your head? what am i asking, shoot in the head, pull the trigger, husk, otherwise i’ll pull it now,
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bravo, bravo, husk, bravo, well, actually, i never doubted your loyalty. i forgot to load it, that’s okay, we’ll consider it training shooting, go to the losgai salo, say i'm taking you back to work, congratulations.


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