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tv   Syomin  NTV  May 3, 2024 4:20am-5:11am MSK

4:20 am
maybe drinks? but choose something to suit your taste, oh, be careful, excuse me, yes, alyosha, when you get home, honey, i’m still at work, answer me one question, which one? you’re with a woman now, yes, then everything is clear, i don’t want to know you, i’m sorry that’s your wife, oh well, don’t worry, now take me to the hotel and back home, koladyam, children, komasutra, marin, yes. “are you not
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afraid for your car, it could be stolen, no, my husband will buy me a new one, he would buy it for you too, if you agreed to work for him, maybe enough about this already, i want to talk to you about completely different things, the only thing that worries me now is my salvation, you can save yourself only by testifying against kotov." forgive me, grik, but the service is today i beat you up, tomorrow you’re me, and the day after tomorrow it’s like a joke on everyone, oops, and what should the old one say?
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“well, take it, oh, mikhalych, why can’t you sit at home, okay, do your job, i’m deprived of mine, tomorrow on my carpet, with a detailed explanation of what happened, the prisoner you beat, from the twenty- second, died in the hospital, tomorrow in de. why are you
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hanging around, you old stump, you can’t sit at home, go take your people for a walk!
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i just ask you by christ god, from the blood, i promise you, open, stand, drop your weapon, stand still, stand, stand, shoot, or i will kill him, put down your weapon, guys, calm down, i said, put down your weapon, you don’t care don’t run away, follow the order, everyone will remain safe. nobody wants your blood, well, i
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want it, i haven’t seen the second chechen blood, don’t make me angry, okay, okay, what do you want, car to the gate, open the gate. car, i said car, dodge car, and now everyone put their guns on the ground, get out of here, put your guns down everyone, move away from here, let's go, when we go out on the street, there shouldn't be anyone, okay, okay, what do you want, no one, otherwise i'll shoot him. calm down, calm down, well, marat, no need, come on, he’s gone, mikhalych, let’s leave,
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i knew, even though i can’t trust him. marat, marat, you are dying, marat, i need to save my wife, i really, really need it, help me, tell me where the money is, tell me. mihalich, mihalich, we’re leaving, did you hear, grik,
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it's at the western gate. they didn’t deceive us, bitches, and this is verified information, verified, this is milovich, verified, they are all under surveillance, traffic police officers reported that semin is also at koluchev’s dacha, and you have been entrusted with leading the operation. every person in tumilovich has his finest hour, forgive me, i didn’t understand you, well, how do you understand that ukolychy’s dacha is full of weapons, semin is also armed, but if you give the command to open fire, in general, from
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today, maxim, it depends whether you and i work together or not. marin, i know that you are semin’s witness, you are ready to testify against your husband, that’s it, my sister was killed, everyone thinks that she just died, semin is on the run. in my arms there is a little girl, mine, you call it readiness, i don’t want to die, you hear, i don’t want to, show me to my room, me.
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i’m scared of me, okay, but i like the name alexey, but i’m not alexey at all, i thought, you’re a bird of great flight, oh, what is this, what, what, i’m waiting for you, yes, they are entering the hotel, i understand,
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oh , i'm afraid, i'm afraid, i'm afraid, i'm going to look! what are you doing? what are you, what? so, why were we told to be on duty here, it’s quiet here. yes, it seems they asked for the prosecutor. okay, don’t bother me, i’m counting my salary, captain, what happened, they just
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threw out a woman on the seventh floor, where, yes, from the seventh floor, i just saw, rather, you say. where is the seventh floor and where exactly, think quickly, well done.
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i wanted to help semin, so why not do it now? not here. it’s just, alyosha, it’s not so simple, why? now you will know everything, stand, stand, said, don’t move, quietly, quietly, yours, yours, yes quietly, what are you saying, let go of your hand, twitch, don’t twitch, i told you, the id is in your pocket, calm down, we’ll figure it out, we’ll figure it out.
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the biggest stupidity is to come back here, i feel like they're snatching us up here like kittens, it's an ambush, i have a feeling, most likely, damn it, the phone, the battery is dead, if you want to break free, you can break out right now, even if they... announced an interception, no, i don’t abandon my children, but i don’t have children, you know, i don’t want more than anything in the world, you know what, i’m burning with curiosity, i don’t want more than anything in the world to return to prison as a prisoner, i understand, i understand, if you knew how i understand you, what is this? what are you, a hostage? well, sort of, in general, if the cops decide
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to take me, i will only talk to alexei ledenev. don't think he'll want to lose his own brother. he will also pay you extra. better a dead brother than someone like me. okay, come on, come out. walk, walk, it’s bad, saul, you hear, it’s very bad, where are they now?
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i didn’t see it, much less throw it out of the window, there was someone in the room besides you, before us, perhaps there was no one with us, or maybe she saw how you came with your little bob
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to play cupids, well, she didn’t want to interfere, and then she threw herself... out of the window, and listen, you, captain, i’m still a lieutenant colonel, and you, this is still ledenev, so far, after such raids the police don’t stop at all, and you know this, listen, aren’t you a relative of ledenev, who escaped from the pre-trial detention center today, what? come out, i said, come out, come on, come on, come on, come out, you have a couple of minutes before beryakov shows up here,
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i’m sure they’ve already called him, briefly and quickly, what's happened? great! wait, son! oops! who do we see? quiet, quiet, and where is the bodyguard? should it be in the morgue? damn, then tell me where the merchant’s money is? sorry, brother, but the bodyguard chose not to tell me about this, so he, old man, put the gun on the floor! just don't drop it, otherwise i'm nervous. let her go first. good morning, gennady mikhailovich, here is our patron, well, he brought the other half of the money, my wife is dying. did you bring it? gennady mikhailovich, i wanted, i asked the owner, but, but
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he said that you are still small, so that decide who will live and who will die? yes, why are you bothering with them, where to... but now, let's talk, brother,
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come on, come on! how many of them could there be, two, maybe more, it’s clear, let’s go in and take it, listen, be careful, there’s an elderly man there, a former policeman, he persuaded him, at the trial, he’ll be alive, listen, don’t frolic, take him alive, well, that’s how it will turn out . we are preparing for the assault, the soldiers are assaulting, work, run, run, it’s a shame, now everything will be smashed to pieces, nothing, nothing,
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again, you’ll finally do the repairs, yeah, but the neighbor needs it. put a liter, it’s not for nothing that i like it flowers, yeah, but i can’t stand them, water them, this time i felt it, i took the keys to his house, i said, drop the weapon, otherwise i ’ll shoot this bitch, just try, i’ll blow his brains out, that’s it, you’re done , puppy, we are with terrorists. they agree, put on the armored armor, grik, come on, these are the women, what kind of people are they? damn it, i knew it, mikhalych, there is another exit here, through the basement, there is an exit to
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the other side of the street, hurry up, let's hurry up, i won't leave him, let's go, let's go, not to prison, i won't return him, come on, yeah there's no one here a centimeter of dust, and missed by a kilo, you know, when they call... from the prosecutor's office, i think more and more often that paranoia has settled in our investigative agencies, well, whatever you want, investigator, the profession is creative, you can’t do without imagination, by the way, it wouldn’t hurt to check the neighboring houses, but i’ll tell you myself, or maybe you’ll give everything like a dog, but not me, if i give the command, “what the hell is he doing here?
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petya, where did you park the car? behind the house, near there is no neighbor in the garage, write here, it’s gone, nothing else is missing, there’s always a way out, petya, don’t you dare, don’t you dare, i said.
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left, but did you see the car? one of my charges said correctly during interrogation, there are people among the cops. “boris petrovich, i didn’t expect such quotes from you, sing, you just don’t know me well, no, no one, fighters, lights out,
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how did you get imprisoned, for what? for murder, outdid your brother, took and threw the maid out of the window, so come on bullets towards me, from behind.
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grig, be careful, into the attic, there is an exit to another entrance, up here, look, the door is open, dad, it’s closed,
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open it, damn it, move away. cover, come on, come on, come on, come on faster, just stand there, come on, come out, come on, come on, yes, come on, come on, what are you doing here, take the initiative? but you can run as a lieutenant, you can immediately become a lieutenant colonel, it’s true, but they didn’t work well together, but with alexei, and i don’t like flattened informers, as well as their brothers, the favorites of the ministry, yes, yes, i keep forgetting, you’re our detomovsky, bitch, deprived orphan syndrome, yes baby, listen, maybe i shouldn’t take you alive at all, but you have a gun, well , let’s get it, there it is, let’s get it, point it at me, then my conscience will be clear, come on, i have another option,
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right? “i expected everything, anything, but what would it be? alexey, then, was right, yegorka, what? yegor was right, that the system will crush everyone, your yegorka fled, they will find him in a coffin, they will bring him back, so we’ll tell you about the witness , there’s nowhere to go any further, they’ll kill her,
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she..." they’ll kill her anyway, do you think she ’ll say something after such a setup, i ’ll try to talk to her, well, by the way, they’re investigating the crime involving lieutenant colonel ledenev my management, i ask strangers to leave the premises. well, please, last name, first name, patronymic.
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trees and sticks, i knew it, boris petrovich, i always thought, why do we treat other people’s property so carelessly during our searches, it’s unpleasant for our own skin, yes, maybe i should roll a cart on them, our own security service... . and just think, as my grandfather said, the safest place during a bombing is a crater that has just exploded from a shell, right, well, at my age you need to sleep.
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at least a couple of hours a day, you have a mattress, you can find it, arrange it, it’s not hot here, you can’t save the stove, you’ll see smoke, we’ll light up, that’s true, that’s true. as reported by the head of the city department
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of internal affairs. an interception plan has been introduced in the city and the question of the capture of yegor ledenev, sentenced to life imprisonment by the moscow city court, and his accomplice, gennady bolshakov, turn off the tv. good morning, marina nikolaevna, good, you don’t know me. but i know you very well. and who are you? let me sit down. colonel sergeev, semin's colleague. it seems to me that the time has come
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for us to have a heart-to-heart talk. before you are called in for questioning in the case of alexei ledenev. i don't understand. what are we talking about, i know that now you are in a position where you cannot trust anyone, but you need help, help, you give it to me, well why not, your husband is a powerful man, but you hate him, that's how , who do you want? he said this, semin, i am aware of your meeting with semin, and i also know about the reasons that prompted him to raise arms against your husband, yes, you can now
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do what kotov ordered you, you can destroy alexei ledenev, but know that ledenev and i are two people who really want your husband to go to prison. “i don’t know what we’re talking about, but you know everything, and the choice is now yours, either you will indulge your sister’s killer, or your sister’s killer, i ordered an additional examination from the expert opinion, it was a murder, but i don’t understand anything . under the table where your sister was sitting, someone quietly threw a tube containing a piece of smoking plastic. plastic, when plastic burns
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, phenol is released, for ordinary people it is harmless, but an asthmatic will definitely have an attack. saul. scum, what are you doing, it’s okay, everyone stay in place, act on my command, snipers are ready, snipers are always ready, then let’s do it on your command, not before, guys, let’s go, well, where is your strength, yes, buddy met, so what, where next, the door is closed on the other side. attention, everyone get ready, take positions, they just explained to me why alexey ivanovich didn’t pick up the phone, well, he fell asleep, detained on suspicion of murder, motherfucker, today in the news they will definitely give us the reverse status, come on yakov to the car, microphone,
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come on, captain, yeah, put people behind the cars, come on quickly, let’s quickly get to their places, ice-cold, come out! resistance is useless, they will kill us, it’s all your fault, calm down, who are you, i thought you were a normal guy, but you came to kill us, you’re a bandit, i didn’t intend to kill anyone, gennady mikhailovich, they have a family hostage my sister, i had no choice, me too, i also have no choice, i really need money for this operation, really, it’s chilling, don’t get too deep, come out, you children, well , say that i forced you, in general, blame it all on me, dad, you and me, you and me,
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bal, well, look , just remember that everything could be different if something goes wrong, although, there should always be a way out, which is the only one i have. little thought, come out with your hands up, hey, don't shoot, we 're leaving, attention, they're coming out, don't shoot anyone, let me through, i have a hostage, bashakov, put down your weapon, bashakov, calm down, you have no chance, grenade, calm, calm, don't shoot, don't shoot anyone, i have a grenade. calm, calm, i'll blow everyone up, forward to the car, lowered the weapon,
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don't shoot, don't shoot, put the weapon away, move away from the car, step away from the car, step away from the car, that's it, everyone stand, in the car, in the car, calm, calm, car keys, quickly, car keys, here, stand, everyone moved away, don’t shoot anyone, i see the tail, i’ll blow everyone up, calm, calm, let’s go, we’re not chasing alpha alone, we’re driving calmly, oh, damn, i feel sorry for the car, huh, captain, take the megaphone, please allow me, hi, come in, sit down. well why are you quiet?
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when marina and i entered the room, there was no one there, that’s one thing, i didn’t see any maid, that’s two, the woman who accompanied you had a completely different opinion on this matter, at least she showed the dress that arrived exactly you as the murderer of the maid, and we still have a witness. witness, witness, well then, cover him in the witness protection program, and maybe then what happened to daria kuptsova won’t happen to her, uh-huh, kotov here, it’s up to you to decide, marina, i beg your pardon, colonel, marina nikolaevna, please follow me.
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all the best marina nikolaevna, goodbye, sorry, yes, hello, marina nikolaevna, marina nikolaevna, now they will take your testimony, please behave prudently. i... i know what my sister died from, this means you know that she still has a treasure that you do not cherish, children are so restless now, they will definitely get involved in something with unpredictable consequences, saul, you you will regret this, i swear to you, marina nikolaevna, i i always regret when something wrong happens... especially with children.
5:00 am
mihaloch, mikhailovich, what? the car needs to be changed. yes, it seems like there is no tail, maybe there is no tail, the fish is so skinny, it just won’t leave, the fact that there is no tail doesn’t mean anything, they can just take us so easily, you know your friends better, well, to change means to change who it is , customizer. better yet, throw away the phone, it wasn’t enough for us to be detected,
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they told you, throw away this damn phone, dad, don’t you dare defend it, because of it we almost died, if it weren’t for yegor, he would have killed mikhalych, there are five of us in the car, one of us. with oriental appearance , they grab everything before the first post, but i ask again. you saw how alesey ledenev pushed the maid out of the window. i, well, well, i warn you about the liability for giving false testimony, i want to hear a complete, detailed answer.
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when me and alexey ledenev. we went to the hotel room, there was no maid there, i didn’t understand, there wasn’t, and i didn’t go anywhere, now she’s dead, do you know? and i also know about the reasons that prompted him to take up arms against your husband. which will there be orders?
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i want it to be today. and so that she doesn’t suffer, andrei vladimirovich, well, of course, i understand everything, so, grik, are you going out? let's go talk, well, let's go, do you at least understand that it was i who agreed to your escape with a bodyguard, and thanks to me, you are now not wasting your life sentence, yes, where would you go, but
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good, there's a road, you'll catch a car, you'll get there to the city. you won’t get lost, i, i won’t get lost, of course, dad, i won’t go anywhere without him, daughter, what are you talking about, dad, i said, i he won’t go anywhere without him, you can drop me off, well, look. hey, that's enough for you, sit down, both of you, we have to go, everything is fine, let's go, let's go, ah, love, carrots, marina, what? what bothers you so
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much when you work with people, it’s useful to arrange checks from time to time, marina nikolaevna, for example, couldn’t stand such a check, it’s your turn, why did i, frankly , want to, well, okay, i asked for it, well , firstly, because that i never fully trusted you, because of your eternal showdown with copperfield. it's his own fault, but secondly, well, maybe it’s just time for you to gain experience in eliminating a woman who bothers everyone, come on, husk, get it,
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yes husk? i was ordered to kill you, run, i will send the phone number and code delta 21 for subscriber 777, phone 21011, they will call you back, that's it, hello, girl, please accept the message for the subscriber. 7 7 74 boris petrovich, boris petrovich, petya, this is not hospitable, boris petrovich, it came through the old channel for informants. message, dykam,
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hello, who is it, boris petrovich, marina, is it you, where are you, they want to kill me, what do they want kill me? can you come quickly? of course, tell me where?
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it’s me, i know who will help us, i have connections with the adjuster, hello, you heard, very good,
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kuptsov’s killer, my wife, there is a suspicion that all this time she knew where the bill was, so you are interested in joint actions no less than mine, i will send people out, we will join forces for one hour, but believe me, there is no one else on your side. i will eliminate the problems with the husk myself and immediately, and there on leningradka, together with my allies, i will solve all our other problems. fine, do it saul.
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contact the connecting rod and tell him that it’s time to end grieg’s family, it looks like he and his girl are off the hook, you take people to... the fourth kilometer of the leningrad highway, they will meet you there, you will clear everything there, i understand, although this is not to my taste.


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