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tv   Marlen  NTV  May 3, 2024 5:10am-6:05am MSK

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“contact the connecting rod, tell him that it’s time to end grieg’s family, it looks like he and his girl are off the hook, now you take people to the twenty-fourth kilometer of the leningrad highway, they will meet you there. clean everything there, i understand, although this is not my taste.
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so we have a detective i have the main thing in life work in the center of the story the story of a lonely man, you are so chaste, it... provokes, thank you, who suddenly finds out about the existence of an adult daughter, by the way, can i call you daddy, verbina salt , me, not my daughter, you are callous cracker, because of your work, you generally stopped trusting people, asol verbina is not my daughter, what kind of daughter is she, she is not my daughter, i’m also not delighted with this relationship, but it seems to me, marlin georgievich, you’ve never been like this before life did not want the untruth to turn out to be true, shurik borisevich. rare,
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god forgive me, one of ours, a former employee, you didn’t get him, at the beginning of the two thousandth they kicked him out, generally miserably.
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you have exactly a week, bring 50 million, i’ll tell you the location later, even... please don’t take me from here, here, i, please, i, and come on, no surprises, otherwise, but i think you understand me, you received it yesterday, at night, and after the rehearsal i went to her, but she wanted to work on the sketches, and i was waiting at home,
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called, the phone was unavailable, i called already at the theater, they told me that she left a long time ago, left in a taxi, she did this before, of course, she never wanted to drive a car, can anyone confirm that after the theater you immediately ended up at home, i knew, i knew, what do you ask me, i starred in detective stories, so i know that the first the suspect is, of course,
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hiding your wife, if i had known, i would have been there already. so it turns out that you and your wife work at the svechnikov theater, you work, the young man doesn’t work in the theater, this is a temple, he serves in it, i serve as an artist, this is our production designer, scenery, props, everything for a penny, everything is art , that is, the kidnapper is in vain counting on a ransom, but where does that money come from? do you suspect anyone in particular? i don’t blame anyone, although our new artist is a mediocrity, fry, fry, director
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ours, shchedrinsky, an impostor, thirdly, accounting. 66 people, including usherettes, cloakroom attendants, security, that’s all, we have a decent person in the theater, this is our director,
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there’s still one, yeah, although he’s also a pig, 67, on what basis is the actor malkov and the director? shchedrinsky, your main suspects, and you come to our theater, and you will see who is chilling in this jar with spiders, unfortunately, you will have to. father, have you forgotten how to read russian? written by candle makers, artistic director of the theater, well, while
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he’s gone, let my swallow stand here, i artistic director, let’s put away your metal, this is your car, it’s beautiful. but in winter it’s probably not very good, yes, the clearance is very small, yes, if you scratch it, you won’t have to pay, free up space, and what a good life now for the workers of municipal theaters, yes, what can you afford, go ahead, they can’t ride in such cars they're blowing, and who the hell is, well, now we'll show you, ah, ah.
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come on, oh, oh, my mother, for god’s sake, once again, sorry, okay. at first i do it, then i think, oh, maybe you have nothing, thank you, i’ll refuse, well then i’ll do it myself, so you’re driving, well, yes, that’s it
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that means both artistic director and... director, all in one person, yes, yes, we lead the families of the forces, an interesting thing, yes, you yourself were once a star of the stage, and now you are in charge of the theater. in my own name, yes, i was friends with the right people, i heard that you live well on government subsidies, and your car is so cool, oh well, i’m here for another reason, well, for now anyway, my goodness, nyuta, so here you are for what reason, the kidnapping of nyuta is a crushing blow to our theater, she ’s like...
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no, no, i can’t even imagine who could would have committed this act, i’m sorry again, and you’ll excuse me again, in the theater with the sleepless woman, how are the relationships there with the people, with the staff, in general, well, don’t think, you’re alive, that in our theater, or maybe to your husband someone wanted to hate, there is some envious actor or director, a despot, what are you talking about, snow love reigns in our theater.
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acquaintances, well, who knows about pipes, i crawled all over the internet, i didn’t find anything, the pipes are still
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like that, attention, 10 inclinations of 90°, also inhale and exhale, please, the main thing is that the pipes are strange very much, listen, well, i have one friend, he works here at a construction site, yeah, he’s a specialist, a welder, he welded these pipes in his life, to the moon, you can stretch the water supply, huh? here he is, oh, bahadir, bahadir, bahadir, this is my friend from the police, he wants to ask you something important, hello, my name is pavel, but i ’m just asking, but wait, stand, and this is a sketch for lermontov’s masquerade , here i also worked under the leadership, but whether you look at it this way or that way, what difference does it make? avant-garde, yes, but is this her idea or yours? no, well
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of course, our idea generator was neuta, but i completely share her concept, all people are masks, they can’t trust anyone, everyone plays in this masquerade, and your theater is also like that, well , like lermantov’s, well, i don’t know, but we have a theater , like theater, then i’m a simple artist, i’m not a thinker, so what, i thought you were just a props man? your artist is right, nyuta, a real artist, such a hard worker, here repin, surikov, levitan would envy such productivity, but i immediately see that you are a layman in art, tough, like repin, like surikov, they even managed to do it here put the story in cement, they even came up with their own style, oligarchic industrial, you know! well, you, you see that this is all just ridiculous, this is a daub, that no nude
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is an artist, a hard worker, this is the notorious avant-garde artist, you know, she creates all sorts of crap, and simple prop makers must then embody it all, or maybe this is her modern vision, well, this is the interpretation, uh-huh, interpretation, here, here, this, this is the interpretation. i was an artist here, i embodied the ideas of russian academic theater, listen, i like it, thank you, i really like it i like it, but your... the theater has clearly taken some other path, and after bessonov’s wife arrived, you were demoted to a prop man, i looked into your personnel department, but i’m above all this, or maybe you’re just jealous of her, and i why did she sleep with svetnikov?
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thank you, i called the security.
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somehow they treat everyone, that is, it can be assumed that someone from the team may be involved even in such immoral cases as kidnapping, 100%, i wouldn’t be surprised, of course, but nyuta, you know, nyuta, nyuta, she’s too contradictory person, she even me managed to make her an enemy, but i, i’m sorry, i don’t want to talk about it, sorry! forgive me, you were in love with her, push, be healthy, one in you.
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she considered herself, thank you, she considered herself a bird of too high a flight, thank you, but no, no, keep it for yourself, the candle maker himself came to her, they closed in the workshop to discuss the details of the production, and i, and i heard everything, you me you despise me, yes, do you think i’m a weakling? such a loser, a loser, fell in love with a beautiful woman, she refused me, and now i’m throwing mud at everyone, yes, yes no, but maybe it’s so, but you know, you come to the morning rehearsal tomorrow, you’ll just see our whole team, and maybe
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then you’ll understand how terrible it is place, the svechnikov theater, they demand tribute from our brother, for work on a construction site, i don’t pay them, they’re doing the right thing, you don’t pay, these will sit down, if anyone else comes, call me, oh! so these pipes, i saw where, in apartments, no way, it means that such pipes are not installed in residential buildings, yes, well, the pipes are rusty, old, well, maybe some kind an industrial facility, last year i
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worked, like i did there, a weaving factory, but here it’s been centuries. well, we hung it on a pipe there, hung a picture for an exhibition. yes, it's fashionable now. thank you bahader. well done, well done, you disturbed my intention to work behind the monitor. came out, naplumer. that's it, i paid. well, at least i dug up some valuable information. yeah. only now we will need to work out all the objects that may be suitable. at the tip of this bakhadir, can you even imagine how much it works, well, this is marlin georgievich, well , at least now we count on dozens, not thousands of objects, and now we know exactly what we need to look for. an old factory or plant, i’ll try everything that is in moscow, but did your trip to the theater give a more significant result? so far, one thing is clear: there
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it is, this is a real terrarium of like-minded people. is that all? have you become really bad? suspect! it appears, it appears that the marriage of our applicant, yasha bersonov, was not so ideal at all, at least the lady had affairs right at her workplace there in her theater, wow, something else is confusing, look, look, they demand a ransom, give some unimaginable time, well, a week, and they still haven’t sent any part of the body, which means...
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damn, i’m late, listen, i have a small request for you it will be, i wanted to ask you, you tell asya there, sizo, after all , it’s not a kuror, my mother, she herself once knitted from camel, they are new, tell me what to put on the bass leg, otherwise they don’t work, well there yeah, pass it there, and i’m watching marlen georgievich. are you humbled by the fact that you have a daughter? pasha, you, you're wearing your pants cleaned up and a shirt, well, who do you look like,
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you seem to have dusted yourself off already, you can’t, asolya arsenevna, which means you still claim that you didn’t have it in the first place. you were already interested in this painting, it’s just a coincidence, i’m telling you, it’s a coincidence, yes, asya, asya, asya,
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let me go! the suspect became ill, the interrogation was over, hey, what about the matter, he forgot the matter.
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and you understand that this svechnikov theater is now the most fashionable place in moscow, an elite boutique theater, this is a breakthrough, the future, a prize, a platinum mask, i understand, yeah, yes, somehow i'm a little behind the times, does anyone have time to investigate? it’s not enough until we work out all the versions, well , we need to be on the safe side, you’re kidding, where will i get 50 million of these for ransom, but i’m sorry, marlene, there’s no money and there won’t be any, come on, try marlyan georgievich, somehow work it out quickly, go ahead and sneeze . forest fires are a dangerous and formidable element; stopping the fire is the calling of the strong.
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observer pilots, parachutists, firefighters, paratroopers, fire fighters of the rosleskhoz aviation forest protection service, a reliable shield of the russian forest. it’s all terrible, yes, i understand, of course, it’s hard for you, yes, i know, a theatrical body, it’s like a family, right, when something like this happens in a family, it’s... you see, as
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a director, i had certain clashes of a creative order, with yasha, yes, but now in the context of what happened, you see, as a director, i cannot stay away from the drama unfolding before our eyes, well, i’m bringing some today’s notes of experiences into the new production. the artist has only the means of art, yes, but no money, i heard you, you you even had a conflict with bessun, you see, i would put all my creative potential into this production and i was sure that he would support the young talent, the young talent is you, for the director i was only at the beginning of a long journey, i understood that he had talked a lot just
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to outrage. he forgot that he should be just clay in the virtuoso hands of the director, listen, you didn’t want to take revenge on this stubborn one, that i would be too low, a genius should not descend to the level of mediocrity, yes, although you know, i already ... took revenge on him, took revenge, that's how, yes, there has already been enormous interest in my production, journalists are hanging up the phone, it will be a huge success, i repeat, a huge success, the fool refused, asked to go back, but it’s too late, now all the triumph will fall on malkov’s head, from the artist, from the block, this is from the monks, m? tell me where
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you get this addiction to sleeping with every woman you meet, you believe in god, you ’re not afraid to die, don’t tremble, don’t tremble, not now, you promise, stop, stop, i need to talk to you. i warned you, you will suffer with this pike perch, you i warned you, lyuba, i’m the one who you are, a loser, a luzher, you, pogonok, you took my role, i’m crazy, now i’ve decided to
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kidnap my wife, well, i. that he refused to play in this play, and your wife ran away from you, you fool, let’s do your thing, someone don’t need it, i warned you, i won’t shut you up, you see, you see that i warned you, i warned you, you can be careful , noise, devour, horror, horror, horror, i understand that what is happening in our theater is completely discouraging, because somewhere out there they are torturing poor nyuta, and you are forced listen to her husband’s creative insults, but don’t rush to feel sorry for yasha, we must know the whole truth, see the whole picture, we are...
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capable of a lot, getting rid of a boring wife is not the worst crime committed out of lust, i i’m trying to somehow visualize this complex tangle of passions in your corpse, it turns out
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badly, this is theater, my dear investigator, this is just theater. i had to send yash home by taxi, but why didn’t you go with him, he forbade it, it seemed to me that there was quite trusting relationship, that’s why i wanted to talk to you as soon as possible, but not in the theater, but i’ve already told you everything. about us, i even know who, yes, it’s true, we had an affair, but, but i’m not to blame for anything, i was new to the corpse, he talked about his love, she promised career
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growth, you’ll forgive me, i confused, so what was the basis of your romance, after all, love, or an opportunity for career growth, i don’t know, i, i’m a weak woman, i gave in, and he took advantage of it. do you think mita, could she have found out that yasha was cheating on her with you? of course, i told her everything myself. i, i repented of the request and begged me to forgive him. but this old silver snake, she didn’t repent of anything at all. so. “she too, yes, she, too, was yasha’s mistress, and cannot forgive him for leaving for me, so what we get is the
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bottom line, the feelings of the bessonov spouses have long cooled down, the kidnapper is in vain counting on a way out, but no, why it’s in vain, this is, this is theater, and what about betrayals, they’re just...” they only fuel old feelings , make them glow again, and nyuta and yasha love each other madly, you know, we are actors, we are not exactly like everyone else, sometimes we need something, something different, to remember what we is really necessary, and we are ready to experiment. it's a pity that i'm not ready.
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oh, suspect. in the collection, yes , the suspects are in the collection, dear, there are no accused yet, he has a pale face, and sveshnikov, sveshnikov sits on the theater budget, earns good money, why should he take such a risk, kidnap the artist, and jealousy, marlene georgievich, nyuta was his mistress, and kidnapping would once again confuse the investigation, revenge for the sake of jealousy, no, this is a big risk. lose the feeding trough, go to prison, a hustler, no, neotel, exactly, there, there, manic little eyes, the director, as an intellectual person, of course, could have planned everything, potentially
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could, he is captivated by his own talent, he is too in love with himself, too, when a person is absolutely sincerely sure that the world is somewhere out there, there at his feet, he... will be humiliated in the home of some kind of pathetic the actor who crushed, bliss, a prop, a hunted, offended look. from them to the other, that’s it, you see, they would give one
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another to a click, right away, but malkov, i’m working on the fry, but this is of no use, marlen georgievich, why is this, because? i understood everything, that you understood, you see, this is not a one-time request, sleepless, he organized an entire fundraising campaign on social networks, listen, how simple it is, a fundraiser was announced, the artist was kidnapped, newt’s beloved wife, well, what did you think, on the internet you can raise money for anything, there is even a special word, it’s called crowdfunding, i won’t even remember it, by the way, besonov has already collected a considerable
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amount for the ransom, that is, you think that the bessonovs themselves organized all this, i’m sure he has a business plan, they organized a kidnapping with his wife, well, they adjusted the family budget , well, naturally, this is the first thing that comes to mind, no, i thought so too, i even watched the lack of sleep, we didn’t want to make hasty conclusions...
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so, will you now appreciate lyubushka after these worthless actresses of the svershnikov theater? and i, i appreciate, i always appreciated, that’s why i please help me. yes, i’ll say right away, not all artists are the same. but among theatrical bohemians , the system of values ​​is sometimes a little shifted, to put it mildly, yes, and for them , betrayal is not an obstacle to feelings, i really don’t want to drag you in, so you have to, i must admit that you know better than me in this acting environment, do you want to find out how biased the value system is... in general, to find out what
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people from the creative community say about them? i understand that you are a person with an investigator’s id and not everyone will want to be frank with you, here sensitive questions, intimate relationships, financial debts, well, all that, don’t doubt it, marlen georgievich, i’m like a duck to water in this crowd, no one will even notice that i’m an undercover agent, my love. don’t forget, after all, this is not a game, lives are at stake, man, somehow excite me, and this is you, can i have an autograph, and this is you, is there any news? no, bye, what's wrong with you, migraines,
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you know, yeah, against the background of alcohol intoxication, a trap for a flight attendant, cool movie, youth, youth, on this set we just met nyuta, yeah, oryol central.
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besonov, i will prove to you my innocence, but first you will prove that you are worthy of listening to my bitter truth. just imagine, he pawned his own four-room apartment in the center of moscow to his friend producer in order to pay himself the ransom money, well, on behalf of unknown fans,
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he even made a receipt for himself from a notary, all this in order to show everyone that he still loves him. he is still appreciated, i called my former classmates in the theater workshop, everyone with whom i had the opportunity play, work, firstly, your yasha is cheating on his wife, well, these moral facts, unfortunately, are not news, secondly, yasha mortgaged the apartment to promote his wife’s kidnapping, so this is also not news, i’ll check.
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of course, it can’t be any other way, but when actors love an actor, when in this environment success is such a rare guest, everyone is the other’s competitor, and don’t say, darling, don’t say, i’m just a godlike scoundrel who won’t grow up, that’s all , and nyuta, with nyuta the situation is completely opposite, of course, people tried to speak out somehow delicately, tactfully, but one thing is clear: she is very disliked. so, yes, yes, many say that bessonnov is terribly lucky that someone stole his miger, an interesting point of view, pasha, is he an alcoholic, but no, he is
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a very good guy, he’s just tired, he didn’t calculate a little. head for the bug, bug for the granddaughter, granddaughter for the grandmother, grandmother for the baby, baby for the turnip, they pull, pull, they can’t pull it out, the cat called
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the mouse. yasha, yasha, go back to your place, calm down. what are you doing, what are you doing?
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oh, simonov is listening, hello, comrade, follow, i really, really need your help, i beg mar'. well, the limbs are fake, right in front of the audience, but i, i got drunk again during the performance, hid the bottle in my turnip costume, he has a notch inside, and
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shchedrinsky jumped out to calm them down, and i hit him on the head with the bottle, the bottle broke, and then we tied him up and took shchedrinsky in an ambulance, but that’s how it is now, so where is this turnip now, and you ask this zealously? well, yes, she untied it, but because he deserves another life, you know, well, the man lost his temper, he has nothing like that, the clouds are not strictly hier, gas has climbed onto the grate, just lean towards me, i will jump, i swear, i give you my word as an artist with a capital letter a, so let’s save. that reepka matai, matai, matai, parlin georgievich, everything is gone, you were right, as if i was to blame,
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nothing can be corrected, yash, but this is for your own good, goodbye, my faithful friend, a demon is waiting for me, “a killer can’t hang himself in these costumes for matinees, well, i hit this mediocrity in the head, but how could i not, he was a bastard who slept with my nyuta, that’s why you appointed him to the main suspect, naenyuta, only now i understand how much..." she is dear to me, but it’s my own fault, she told me for a long time that she would leave, she left in such a terrible way, why
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don’t you tell us about this before, who will confess to you, that he is a worthless husband who is not respected by his own wife, yasha, nothing terrible has happened yet, yes, i found it in the mailbox this morning, maybe it’s not possible to accurately determine the identity of the finger from the photograph, i’m at a loss, it ’s better, but it’s on the other side. what else is this, how to understand it, he’s an ultimatum or something. puts? the kidnapper called the sleepless man, made an appointment already, and the call
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could not be traced, it seems they know our capabilities, leaves no traces, what is your plan, we will convince the kidnapped husband, play a staged transfer of the ransom, but the ransom will be fictitious, what are the options? , cope, well, that... actor, now you’ll see, start, come in, i’ve thought about everything, i accept your offer.
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i know how to behave in such situations, i have embodied this more than once on stage, on screen, in life, but you have no doubt, don’t let an opportunity for me to make amends to my wife, moments of weakness in the past, like the present, i remember when i was filming in the oryol central, we had one artist who also went to work with such dolls, so you clearly remembered everything that you must do when handing over the ransom , everything will be without a hitch. but without a hitch, let’s go without a hitch, well, today is the premiere, i was restored to the role, today you will see for yourself that i am in excellent psychological shape. marlen georgievich, are you going to the performance? yes, don’t you also want to join the high? yes i would with pleasure, but i have an interrogation, and verbino,
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how is it? it’s progressing, everything is according to plan, so is the briefcase, are you okay, yes, yes, yes, marlin georgievich, everything is in order, well, let’s go, the premiere is late after all.
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well, let's get together, goodbye, for some reason you 've been visiting me more often, i even... suspect that you 're not indifferent to me, you stole the protocol, an investigative experiment, they stole the protocol from you, what a nightmare, where were you looking, quietly, i’m sure that it was you who won the protocol, well, this is a very serious accusation, maybe you also have evidence, nasya, don’t be a fool, you will have serious problems, well, yes, maybe i’ll get a couple more years to my sentence, but you... will lose your place in the main investigative department, but all this is not important, the main thing is how my dad.
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marlen georgievich, i just came up to you to apologize, last time i was just not myself because of everyone, because of all these, forgive me. although marlen georgievich is trying to convince everyone that he does not believe in fatherhood, in fact, somewhere deep in his soul, he really wants it, i see it, i i know him well.


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