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tv   Marlen  NTV  May 3, 2024 6:05am-7:01am MSK

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marlen georgievich, i just came to apologize to you, last time i was simply not myself because of everyone, for all these experiences, although marlen georgievich is trying to win over everyone, that he does not believe in paternity, in fact, somewhere in his soul it’s deep there, he really wants it, i see it, i know him well, but these are not all the reasons. “you like her, but you just don’t
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want to aggravate the situation, oh, pasha, pasha, what stupid men you are, marlen georgievich, how glad i am, well, you see, you see, the roles have been restored, all thanks to you, very i'm waiting for you, rattlers,
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let's go, well done guys, there are no words, we blew up the hall today, dear yasha, let's drink to your triumphant return, i always believed in you, i did everything i could, beyond all expectations, thank you, yakov, i insist , you deserved. friends, let me, so to speak, cause fire for myself, i’m really driving, but i’m happy to be with everyone, and i just have a toast, and you know each other, i propose to drink to yasha, who today acted like a real hero, like a real artist , came out of the scene, despite...
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this is a wrong comparison, he is kidnapped, is alive, but yakov is an unconditional huge talent, hurray, hurray, hurray, bravo, guys, come on, well, it’s time for us, yes, yes, out of harm’s way, yes, i , it’s time for us - you rule me, of course,
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colleagues, friends , continue, have fun with the premiere, with the premiere, thank you, oh, i forgot the bouquet, yes, thank you, thank you, all the best, friends, shura, glad, meeting, mutually, shura borisevich and i met at one corporate party, i worked there as an entertainer, and he is the head of security, and you have known him for a long time, for a long time, worked in the same department, yes, yes, yes, yes, he said that he was in the police worked, i didn’t know you were together, he was your best investigator, yes, yes, he told how he took one of the kingpins, came to the khaza, there was a gangway, and he alone, can you imagine, tied everyone up, yes , they shot him in the shoulder, two bullets, the right shoulder, the joint was crushed, they saved his hand for 3 hours, yes, imagine, a hero, and... i later
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used his stories in my roles, that ’s actually why i called him, for example, he kept - such a person, a family friend, i treated him well, he visited you, yes yes? soul is a man, we used to sit down with him for a bottle, i forgot my lighter, smoking is harmful, there’s no need, maybe we shouldn’t let you go at all, but here you go, i don’t need it, for god’s sake, yasha, tomorrow it’s 8:00 in our department . i serve russia, oh, don’t, for god’s sake, so you no, no, no, i’ll wait until you, yes, what?
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be late, and our guys are marinating there in armor, thank you, so i don’t understand
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what kind of masquerade this is? to be on the safe side, i 'm going to make an offer they can't refuse. i also love the smell of half a gram of adrenaline, i’m ready, why do you need it? got drunk, here, not the police, i work for them, you drink for them, it’s my fault, you shouldn’t have left him alone. what we shall do? well, we will act without him, what will we do? monitor the place where the money is transferred, well, then depending on the circumstances, what’s wrong with that? we need to support him for now, it’s unknown what he will do if we let him go home, and binge drinking is even the least
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of gold, take him, let’s go, let’s go, he won’t surrender to the enemy. our proud thief, i can pick you up, we’ve already been hanging around for 3 hours. well, what do you have there? there is silence on our issue, but there are two people working here pickpocket, i don’t even know what to do. marlen
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georgievich, we should not react, perhaps this is a provocation of criminals to reveal our ambush. yes, a criminal, pasha, i didn’t intend to appear here, that’s understandable. it’s clear, he made the appointment himself, have a nice day, perhaps he found out that instead of money there will be a doll, i hate slivers, let’s go, yeah, young man, if you want to watch a documentary about yourself, we’ll quickly return the money and wallet, return the money, come on, come on, come on, good afternoon, let's wean ourselves off coffee, let's go back to
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to the usual chef, what! well, they told you, return the money, let's go. well, really, be more careful, yes, thank you, marlen georgievich, how could the kidnapper find out about the doll, who could say, that’s the question, i don’t understand, but here we have... surprise, someone opened the safe, fix the situation can only one person, kostafiev, he will become
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one of his own among strangers, you are now our famous luger, disguise yourself so completely as not to be a stranger among your own, they sent his case, the uprisings in the olsklager, you heard, can you imagine how dangerous this man is when he's free, i'll find him and shoot him, i promise you that. emne is legal, i have no evidence of my noble heroic mission. a criminal and a police wife. the story itself. no, i won't let you in. gorky 53. we will show you now. premiere from monday at 20:00. on ntv. mask. the final. on sunday at
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medicine with discounts at i've been waiting for you forever. i was in such a hurry to meet you. with you, it has finally come, spring, warm, sunny, bright, the russian exhibition has blossomed with all the colors of spring, you have been waiting for spring, now spring is waiting for you, at the russia exhibition. all this is strange, marlin georgievich, well, if your guess is correct, that is, it turns out that borisevich is somehow involved in the kidnappings, yes to me his behavior in the theater immediately seemed strange, knowing his weakness for easy money, he couldn’t have happened to be nearby, but i didn’t try to promote him, i didn’t want to scare him off, i was mistaken,
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after all. it’s not clear, marlen georgievich, if it’s him, why did he come to the theater, because he immediately lit up, perhaps he wanted to find out whether the police were looking after bessonam or not, well, so as not to act blindly, like any criminal, he feels, that he is being hunted, he is in danger when the hunted animal stops, turns around brazenly , the hunter himself comes out, or maybe he thought he was doing himself, so i came myself, no one will suspect me. or maybe it’s just that a criminal is simply drawn to the crime scene, i’m drawn to have lunch,
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yes, and what about yours? where at the station, at which station, well, yasha, the bus station is at the entrance at 19:00, well, it’s clear that it’s rush hour, there’s a crowd of people, yes, he also said that he doesn’t trust me anymore, and if he’s not confident in the person who’s transmitting ransom, we won’t
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see drowning, eat and eat, huh? "we'll fix everything, but you need to be a little more open about what is it? i’ll tell you everything, just, i’m just thirsty, i’ll go and eat some nyuta for you now, add it, add it, don’t be shy, sour cream also removes the stink well, and how about you?”
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yasha, without your sincerity it will be very difficult for us to save your nyuta, i called, invited me to the premiere, okay, continue, continue, not to eat, but to tell me, he said that he would come, uh-huh, i couldn’t help boasting that now not only is he a tough cop, well, a former one, and i’m his... shura, he could, yakov, you eat better,
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and, god, you scared me, you have someone to be afraid, within the walls of one’s native.
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and i realized that i also need a security officer and preferably in bed, there’s something you’re not saying, but it seems to me that i was too frank even for an actress, and why then are you hiding your eyes, well, help me, yes please, i’ll shake the old days , now i’ll help you, now, you understand, i’m not just interested in borisevich, i mean it, exactly. “you see, it’s better for you to distance yourself from this situation, well, for this i must
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completely trust you, you don’t need me, you must be extremely frank with me, this as is clear, in general, somehow i..." man, what are you doing here? hello,
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hello, i'm from the state security service, can you help me? do you live in this house? yes, my colleague lives here, sasha borisevich, from the thirty-fifth apartment, you know, of course, i know, but at this time he is leaving for the dacha, either to malakhovka, or to nikolskoye, but what? no, okay, i’ll look for
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exactly the same stuff. how to understand this? i think that nyuta herself made these decorations, the kidnappers’ lair, and the finger too, i’m sure that the kidnappers are borisevich, nyuta, but there is no evidence yet, well, that’s why we need real money for the ransom, but this is the only way we can lure borisevich to catch him red-handed, but how else, the only way? okay, okay, write a statement, i’ll have to bother there, that’s it. andrei sergeevich, our employees are already making their way into dacha settlements,
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giving directions to borisevich, yes. doesn’t really help in this matter, well done, let him better deal with verbina’s case, but for now he hasn’t been released yet, what do you have with her, by the way, i have with her, well, we’re having an investigative experiment appointed, but it seems like it’s already been carried out, well , some details need to be clarified, so i ran, but marlyan can handle it, marlyana georgievich, we’re finishing the application. it says love, what? alekseevna, it wasn’t
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me who wrote this, it’s them, i understand, thank you, it’s delicious, yes, mm, divine, marlene, but you didn’t invite me here to drink coffee, tell me, in general, i need your help again. but no, how so, how not, i’m joking, malin georgievich, for your sake, to the ends of the earth, now, now, now, now, now, now, now, yeah, it’s possible, thank you valera. thanks to you, this
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boor will not become famous as the first investigator who was detained to pee right in the car, okay, groin, come on faster, wait, you’ll go there with me, of course, oh... it’s clear, you’re a pervert, yes, well, one of those who likes to watch, okay, look, god, well, this is some kind of paranoia, well, where am i going to go here, where, okay,
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you will stand here, well, at the bus stop, our people will be around everywhere, my dear , now you will have the ransom with you, the money will be real, oh, don’t be afraid, we we’ll be side by side across the road in the car at the appointed time, who will come up to you? “i don’t know, but most likely, here he is, very dangerous, but no, everything will be fine, asya, let’s hurry up,
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huh? vasya, don’t be a fool, asya, why did you run away, so, so, so , i haven’t gone far, come on, come on from this side, come on.
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yes, what an idiot i am, and she tricked me like a teenager, i’m marlin georgievich, she definitely has some kind of magnetism, although no, it’s not confident. magnetism. it's just that i'm a bad investigator, she stole the protocol, to come there again later. i already understood that, pash, she knew the way, so she planned her escape plan in advance. so,
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filippov is still at home, i’ll go and write a statement. quit the hell out. well, sit down, sit down. you cool down, cool down, you will always have time to quit, i really need you for happiness, we need to take borisevich, but without you, i can’t cope there without you, it’s true, it’s true, it’s true, it’s true. by willow, then we’ll chop off heads,
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you’re poorly encrypted, i forgot how you found me. only after i accidentally flooded my neighbors, it turns out that i’m kind of even the apartment that is not your own is registered, as scammers do it, an identical duplicate of the person’s passport is made, a photograph of another person who
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is as similar to him as possible is pasted in, and is there a way to protect your home from them? this will be on your central television on saturday at 19:00 on ntv. gorky 53. premiere on monday at 20:00 on ntv. tufun eye drops are created specifically to nourish and restore the youth of the eyes. tufon - triple action for eye health. we take loans. is it easy to apply? we are in sovcombank. we take loans. was it approved quickly? we are at sofkom bank. up to 5 million. loans that everyone knows. things became dull after that. when washing , use weasel gel, it maintains the strength of the fabric and restores color, things look like new three times longer, new, no, i wash with weasel, one of my friends is preparing for a new party, why is nothing ready, costumes need to be more modest, more modest, you that
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the number one mobile operator in terms of coverage and speed. what mood are you in today, light and airy, romantic and sensual, relaxed and sublime. find the vernelle scent to suit your mood. come on in. why all this masquerade? i’m tired of wearing this wig, and you’re great for running away, on time, i just have something to offer you, one sick little thing that i need from you, a mere trifle, since it’s a trifle, do it yourself, i can’t for... they are watching, but they are not following me, you have a talent for eluding, but you are
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at zero, it will be a great start for a new life, i will help you with a new passport, i i’ve already made it for myself, and i like this surname better, yeah, so that you can give me an amintam later, excuse the precaution. you are still the same prudent, okay, tell me what you want from me?
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ugh, what a disgusting grandfather i’ve already made of you, well , you’re not only an excellent artist, you’re also a greener, and what’s that, my favorite darblue, what’s that? sign, she stayed too long at a stupid dacha, give a damn here, no problem, we’ll soon be basking on the cote d’azur, if yashka forks up at all, he’s promoting himself, like he collected it for the viewer for ransom, and he himself collected the pieces of paper he slips it to us, he won’t give it to us again, according to my information, he mortgaged the apartment, so he has money, i know marlen well, he realized that there was a leak somewhere on the floor. a false ransom, so he won’t risk it a second time with the doll, open it, you
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serve such a beautiful dinner, that’s what real talent means, well, no, well, what are you, what are you, come here, well, in an hour, aren’t you nervous? , and if an experienced firi player does everything right, isn’t that what you’re saying? i'm jealous, kiss, he'll give me the money, i 'll give it to the names, he'll run away with our money, no will run away. where is this confidence? well, firstly, i’ll find her anyway, and this is very bad for her, and secondly, she won’t go far with her documents, i’ll take care of that, and i promised her a 100% clean passport, so she’ll come.
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this one is ours, uh-huh, this one, and this one, this one is also ours, come on, come on, my dear. lyuvushka pasya,
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i don’t know whether he’s really his daughter or not, but i know for sure that you’re definitely not a stranger to him, oh. so run and don’t get caught again, i’ll add to the left, stop the bus quickly! how could you, you know, get too carried away,
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well, look, look, now, now you have become an accomplice, why? what to calm down, you missed it, she warned me to calm down, maybe you can do it at the same time, okay, that’s it, you’re still here, marlen georgievich, that’s it, that’s it, that’s it, that’s it, that’s it, how could you trust this scoundrel? all the deadlines have already passed, that nyuta, the bitch took the money, ran away, the subscriber is unavailable, an idiot, the same worthless ol as beson.
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hi, don’t scold lyubushka, i have to leave and come back later, and i immediately wanted the best, it was her plan, to give i realized that borisevich wants to use me blindly, but i didn’t understand exactly how until the very end, well, now borisevich thinks that you ran away with his money, i can come back, i’ll call him and tell him that i needed
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time, i needed to lie low and that now i’m ready to give money for everything, but it’s too risky, yes, i know, you... insure me, but i just need guarantees that all charges against me will be dropped, this is no longer possible, yes, of course, of course, you’re not the kind of person who would go to office violation, even for the sake of my own daughter, the only thing i can guarantee in this situation is that you will not... go with borisevich’s accomplice, the choice is yours. thanks, dad. you want to eat, so do i,
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the fear is too much, because the excuse is too weak, asya, okay, you know the place, yes, your share, passport, everything is valid, everything. you yourself know everything, well, such problems need
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to be solved.
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did you bring it? you’re a good girl, well, you understand everything yourself, i’m sorry.
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no, no, everything, yes, yes, everything, exactly, hands, everything is fine, no, i just fell when he shot, marlene, he stole the money, i think i know where his lair is, well , i often ordered one of my friends from my past life there, this is some kind of dacha in soltykovka, are you sure that this is the dacha, yes, yes, yes, because men are very primitive in their habits, but nothing really hurts, no, for sure. yes, that’s it, i’m fine, i need to get out urgently, yes, i’ll get ready now, no need
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to get ready, anyuta, take forty passports, you, no, it’s a pity that i didn’t shoot the cloud, she handed us over to the management, you were right, blood , got hurt, yes, that’s all true, yes, nyuta, the main thing we have is this, nyuta. look for your passports, that’s it, that’s it now, in 2 hours we’ll be flying and drinking cognac. went. mr. boriseevich, i suggest you surrender.
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shura. you're going to give up like that, don't be a fool, you know me, we prepared for this so much, we almost succeeded, come on, shura, shura, i won't go back to my life, which stank of theatrical mothballs, it's all over, no,
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the money was returned, now lyubushka is not in danger, everything, lyubushka, they were taken away, good, very good, now, asya, you must honestly admit to me, admit what, and to me i even feel sorry for them, they are criminals, pasha. the real criminals are whether you are marlena’s daughter or not, in fact, me, asya, asya, asya, asya, this time you didn’t even run away.
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i took it from the guys, well, excuse me, today you’ll have to stay here, and tomorrow morning you’ll go back to the pre-trial detention center, i won’t go back to the pre-trial detention center, i mean, look, so that you don’t end up there yourself, what do you think, there are few reasons,
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missing from a criminal case documents once, my escape from the investigative experiment.


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