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tv   Marlen  NTV  May 3, 2024 7:00am-8:01am MSK

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missing documents from a criminal case, one, my escape from an investigative experiment, two , it’s vile, yours, let me go, undertaking not to leave, i won’t make it anywhere, i don’t believe you, and in our case this is not necessary, why , because you co...
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hello, sergey lenevich, where are you? i'll be there in 10 minutes, i'm not late for live broadcasts. you had a great announcement this morning, everyone is waiting for the continuation. i worry. waiting, my friend is just warming up the crowd. don't overheat, our website even freezes from comments. mayor, a prominent figure. well, where is he, get ready for broadcast, coming soon.
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the subscriber is temporarily unavailable, call back later. the motorcycle is here. the username is temporarily unavailable. call back later. where is he? the topic of the day in news agencies’ feeds is still the mysterious disappearance of journalist levitsky, who never appeared on air to expose the mayor of a town near moscow.
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yes, beethovin needs to be changed. yes, pasha. not at all easy. it is impossible to hide from the borax in it. and from thunderstorms, it is impossible to hide in it from the winter bugs and from separations, sound, the body was found in the morning, mushroom pickers immediately reported to the police, the duty officer the task force found a fragment of documents , identified the body, who is the famous journalist, hello, levitsky, by the way, disappeared right before the live broadcast. there
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's going to be such a fuss there right now, so filippov said that we shouldn't tell his colleagues anything for now. dozhik passed, the body was not completely burned, so they quickly identified the cause of death, multiple wounds on the head, possibly carried with a blunt object, and also very similar in the area of ​​the temporal part, a severe bruise with a hematoma, but i’ll tell you for sure later, you think you were stunned. his first, perhaps, and then finished off, time of death? very approximately, 14-16 hours ago, and it turns out yesterday between three to five, well, just before the broadcast, that someone really didn’t want this broadcast? look, yesterday morning levitsky wrote a message on social networks, i quote: oh, the local mayor won’t like this, i’m bringing to the studio not just incriminating evidence, but a bomb, live broadcast!
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should have been dedicated to verikhov, this is the mayor of a city near moscow, and i know this mayor, pasha, it looks like we have our first suspect. levisky arrived here at 15:45, that is, 15 minutes before the broadcast, collect a picture from the cameras of the business center, install the cars that left there after 15:45, and check the victim’s apartment, of course, i understand, marlen georgievich, i also wanted
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to talk about asya, this picture contains our approach to journalism, we... are just contemplators, we talk about life as it is, of course, sacrifice one to save others, levitsky took the same position, ask him when you find him, they killed him, yeah, like they beat him to death, but this is for now... "the information is confidential, i will tell you i beg you, please don’t disclose it, okay, yes, of course, what kind of relationship did you have with the victim, normal, well, in the business sense, he broadcast for us, how long ago, for six months, exclusively with us, his daughter asked us
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to promote our radio , he agreed, there the ratings immediately went up, the pit of the grave of life is bound to be. didn’t go anywhere, went away, i looked for him with the security guard, then, forgive me, please, what kind of incriminating evidence was he bringing to you on the radio, i don’t know, or rather, i know that it was incriminating evidence on the mayor, but i don’t have the details. so yeah how come you put a journalist on air and don’t even know what they’re going to talk about? this is a live broadcast, it is necessary that the news be heard from first-hand sources, otherwise it is no longer news, but if levitsky, for example, had reported information that discredits the honor and dignity of velikhov, the radio station is not
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responsible for the author’s speeches of journalists on the air, read the law, your profession is great, i noticed you don’t have cameras at the entrance, right? no, we haven’t had time to install it yet, it’s been 2 weeks since we moved here, we have a security guard yes, but he always sits at the entrance? no, his responsibility also includes checking the premises, that is, in fact, no one controls the entrance and exit, yes, although you have no one to fear, you don’t interfere anywhere, well, you personally, right? sergei leonidovich levitsky, 55 years old, as the media writes, an independent journalist, a headhunter, had a crystal reputation, was not keen on lobbying anyone’s interests for years, broadcast exposes on different stations, but in the last six months on one, his daughter talks about this asked, you found out
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who is she, she was tsarev’s friend, they studied together at the journalism department, what did it mean, they were knocked out six months ago, the crime was solved, not found, they say levisky continued to look for the killer himself, interestingly, we need all the investigations that levisky and his daughter conducted, but for now, let's start with the mayor, uh-huh, uh-huh, what about the cameras in the business center? levitsky was not caught on any of these cameras, which means he did not climb the business center building from the parking lot, that according to calls to the victim, except for calls from the editor, the last call was 15:45 from zhdanova lyudmila sergeevna.
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30, and left at 15:57, almost 30 minutes, what was he doing there? according to an eyewitness, he was in a cafe, he was nervous, otherwise we called him, he immediately... well, what if the mayor changed his mind about negotiating with levitsky, decided to remove him, his security guard went down to the parking lot, killed the journalist from
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the body, took out the trunks, outright murder before the broadcast, well, it’s risky, no mayor would have been installed like that, especially a former security official, especially since there was correspondence, but there was no time to think about it, the broadcast had already started, so something unexpected happened, after which they they couldn’t behave differently, well, there are questions, well, let’s stick to the... version for now, okay, pash, come on, you want to talk about asa, marlen georgievich, i’m 100% sure, she won’t run away while under subscription , i... understand the reason for your confidence, you’re not the first who fell for this sweet bait,
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so, marlene georgievich, i didn’t fall in love with her, why did they get it, i don’t know what happened to me, she hypnotized she either put me in a trance, or maybe she has some abilities, you forgot about my abilities, pash, i he didn’t sneeze, which means you’re talking, well , you know what... you’re right, marlen georgievich, i’m a moron, i found someone to fall in love with, yes, love is almost impossible to choose, yesterday i sent the case to court, she has 2 years to live, for sure, even at the minimum wage, i’ll wait, yes, oh, pasha, your business sucks. it sucks!
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arkady vladimirovich, a few words for the townspeople, they are waiting! dear friends, i greet those gathered. the shopping center is now opening. hold the mayor until i arrive, yeah, arkady vladimirovich, please comment on the murder of journalist levitsky, no comment, he was going to the radio station to discover incriminating evidence on you, no comment. his death is connected with this incriminating evidence, comment
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, it’s not allowed, but you still have to stay, without comment, your performance, you like to be taken by surprise, marlen georgievich, you were taken by surprise, dear arkady vladimevich, i don’t care at all, yes, indeed, news about levidsky didn’t surprise you, you know, nothing surprises me for a long time, and you, dear marlyan georgievich, as always... you’re sneezing at the truth, you know, we were colleagues, we served in the same
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department, on the day of the murder of luwiski, what did you talk about on the phone with your head of the security service, let me remember, i ordered him to come to the administration, you canceled the meeting with lewiski, i didn’t schedule it, that’s what you want say: that this was pokrovsky’s private initiative, but ask him, did you know about some compromising evidence on you, of course, he announced it himself, did you order pokrovsky to kill levitsky or just scare him? but he overdid it, marlene, you have nothing on me, something, be healthy, marlyan, i would believe you, but somehow you have a lot of dust, a lot, uh-huh,
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there’s nothing for the security guard to come, but it won’t hurt to take care of his car, go ahead, uh-huh. well, in vain i cooked, twisted cutlets for you, took you, pasha released asya on a subscription. why are you okay, darling, well, darling, i’m already starting to doubt everything myself, so what is it, well, explain it to me clearly, maybe your daughter is true, maybe she’s deceiving you, i
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’ve always said this, i’ve said it, well, i’ve said it. but i don’t understand, i don’t even understand what i want, i played this game so badly, i even i’m used to her, pasha also seems to be in love with her, yes, yes, i don’t know what to do, for the first time in my life i really don’t know what to do, but i don’t need to do anything, marlene, well, let everything go as it should goes, and life will put
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everything in its place, and we will eat cutlets, will we? two, soot just be careful, okay, don’t crumble yourself here, aunt, asya, sasha, you and i agreed, i’m not an aunt, asya, i’m a mother, well , can i have some more ice cream, then finish it first, please, it’s almost done , well, how can i refuse you, go, stop, now go, you know, at his age i have such an appetite there was, yes, don’t say, i don’t even know how everything fits there, and this is a distinctive feature, a distinctive, well, yes, a distinctive
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feature of those who are from the orphanage. excuse me, i just don’t understand what you’re talking about, what’s incomprehensible here, well, firstly, the child doesn’t look like you, secondly, you teach him to call you mom, well, yes, yes, what do you care, sit further, go dig through your phone, for god’s sake, forgive me if i upset you in any way, believe me, i didn’t mean to do this at all, i want to tell you straight, i admire thank you, as a woman, but this is still really not yours. i agree, sorry, not mine, i just remembered that once upon a time i sat in the same way with one woman in the dining room and also could not call her mother, yes, you are also from an orphanage, yes, i am an orphan, i am the one who i am, thanks to my mother, i buried her
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six months ago, my s... thank you, yes, i’ve already come to terms with it, oh, i’ve stayed too long with you, i have to go, okay, all the best, goodbye, it was nice to talk, mutually, well, we didn’t agree, i want to go home, my mother is waiting for me, go play there for 5 minutes.
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here, come here, did you want something? yes, let’s get to know each other better, where did you get the boy? for rent to a friend, for rent, but how are you doing? well, firstly, i have a meeting here, and secondly, believe me, i can already foresee your every move, which is why in my free time from work i keep an eye on the judge, although i’ll be honest, he’s a fake adopted son, i didn’t assume this, this is how you found out that the judge was dedomovits? this is confidential information. are you going to capture the heart of a lonely man with the help of a child? you know, i'm here i can ruin your combination with one shot, i’ll tell the judge, who are you? why did you start
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this performance? when you come here tomorrow, he will chase you out of here, but won’t you do that? after all, why don’t i do this? hey, just left the car wash yesterday, so what? there are no problems, well, great, because, marlene, because no matter what, you treat me well, you wish me well, and if you tell the judge everything, then you will turn him against me, then he i will be given the maximum sentence, so no, you won’t tell him anything, but i won’t tell him. i just want you to stop doing bad things, don’t you understand, sooner or later it will all end badly for you, asya, leave your
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instruction for someone else, teach pasha about life, okay, not me, by the way, how he suffers from a guilty conscience, yes, yes, you, you are an extraordinary woman, and by the way, i didn’t make him fall in love with me, it just happened that way. that's all, well, i chose, you chose, well, we'll buy it another time, say, uncle, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, pasha, whatever the mayor's security guy's car is probably all cleaned to a shine, just yesterday, well, that's right, they were at the car wash yesterday, you check, check, i'm testing something else. i found out levisky’s girlfriend, her car was parked near the business center on the day of the murder, she left a minute before the start of the broadcast, this was to
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be expected, i’m meeting with her now, so i’ll find out what she was doing there, and you can give me a selection of levisky’s investigation and i made it for my daughter, naturally, it’s on your table in the office, okay, thank you, i’ll dig into it with her this evening, we can... go, you can, you can, but you want, i will guess your plans for tomorrow morning, we are going to the car wash tomorrow and will wash your car, coffee from selected arabica beans, colombian passion, the pleasure of feeling, genuine jardin colombia medalin, and we have here surprise, someone opened the safe, only one person, kostafiev, can correct the situation. he will become one of his own among strangers, you are now our famous luger, disguise yourself so completely so as not to be a stranger among your own people, they sent his file,
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about the uprising in the volsk camp, we heard, can you imagine how dangerous this man is in the wild, i will find him and shoot him, i promise you this, i am not legal, i have no evidence of my noble heroic mission. 20, maybe with a sister, anywhere appetite,
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only dad will tame. the source of my energy, when it’s frosty outside, everyone wants the house to be warm, i like that i can control it.
7:27 am
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good afternoon. your bank's security service. more. lately, he himself has been trying to find the killer, and now they killed him, maybe because he got too close to his daughter’s killer, i don’t know, he didn’t let me in on his investigations, be healthy, it’s strange, as far as i know, you’ve been together for years a person close to him, yes, close. and what,
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is not it so? you see, when marina died, of course, he found support in me, we talked about her, remembered her, did not sleep at night. i made him smile, and then he closed himself off, and i could no longer reach him, he moved out of the apartment, did not answer the phone, i later understood why, and why, because he decided, in general, he crossed out his previous life, and i was part of it, started a new one, who does she seem to be working with him? on the radio, works on their website, have you talked to her? no, what were you waiting for then? business center? in those minute and a half that
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you talked to him, could you really decide anything? it seems that i was quite frank with you just now, you are trying to catch me rather awkwardly, but you weren’t completely frank. thank you, that’s it, i won’t keep you any longer, excuse me, please don’t be offended,
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pasha, find out who is in charge of the radio station’s website, that’s... that’s it, see you tomorrow, come on, panayotov, the disarranger of the city-forming plant, this is 2 years ago, a long time ago, kruglyakov, a ministry of agriculture official fired for a bribe, a year ago, it could was there? state defense order kickbacks, the case is being investigated, velikhov, what about velikhov, a new shopping center, yeah, velikhov, shishlov,
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contractor, construction of the center and friend of the mayor. yes, as i understand it, we have only two versions: mayor, the motive is compromising evidence, and zhdanov, the motive is jealousy. yes, that's right, yes. well, about a dozen more spiteful critics whose lives he ruined with these investigations,
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is there anything to grab onto? no, not yet. there seems to be some confusion. pokrovsky stands with money to buy incriminating evidence, the mayor calls, the goals change. velikov is a former employee, he would not have acted so rashly, marlene, who am i talking to, i wear a helmet, a motorcycle helmet, neither in the parking lot nor at the scene of the incident.
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the killer forgot his helmet in his car, otherwise he would have tried to burn it along with the corpse, well, no. he would hardly have succeeded; after all,
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a forest belt is not an industrial furnace. however, we would have had burnt plastic, and so, he drives 3 km away and remembers: but the helmet, you have to throw it away, but it’s from ubilovsky, there could be fingerprints left, so he takes it alcohol gel thoroughly wipes the surface of the helmet, that’s all, but the criminal forgets about the inside, he hit him like that, yeah. here are the fingers inside, you see, you’re right in what you say, what kind of prints, it’s scratched from the inside, and the scratches are fresh and deep, there’s even a fragment of a nail, which i ’ve already sent for dna testing, no problem, sorry, come on, pasha, what have you you, talked to the washer, no blood, didn’t observe anything like that, but the security guard himself is tense, but pretends to be calm, but have you identified levitsky’s girlfriend? yes, this is a certain eltsova,
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alena, alena, in my opinion, yes, alena vladimirovna was born in 95, imagine, she is 30 years apart from levitsky. levitsky is successful, now young people love success. it's true. by the way, and most importantly, the security guard confirmed that 15 minutes before the broadcast she left the radio station. and she returned when the search for levitsky had already begun. well, find her for me, find her. how long have you known levisky? about six months since he started broadcasting on the station. and you didn’t make the expected scandal when you found out about your relationship, maybe there were any threats? well in my there is no address about seryozha, i don’t know. what do you think, is it her? and what do you think? i have no idea. well, she is still an adequate person. it is unlikely that she would have decided to do this. on the day
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of the broadcast, was your car parked in the parking lot? yes, as usual. and you forgot something in it, right? when? well, before the broadcast? no, where did you get the idea? why did you go down to the parking lot then? i didn't go down. yes. where did you go 15 minutes before the broadcast? in the cafe. yeah. sorry, it's time to go. yes goodbye. thank you. yes. marlen georgievich, she said that she was in a cafe, but it seems to me collected, pasha, wait, there’s a second line, but how, like the second, yes, gandhi, chromosomal dna set of a nail, female, unexpectedly, yes, what exactly? here is the expert's conclusion: your fingernail
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was found in levitsky's helmet, and the dna of the nails matches the dna of the hair on your desktop. and what does it mean? well, this is what we wanted to know from you. i have? i have no idea. fine. you want me to tell you everything, right? you haven't been to the cafe. from the lobby to the radio station, you went to the fire escape, which leads to the parking lot, nowhere else. doesn't know why did you go down to the parking lot? i didn’t go down, no, you went down, you had a struggle and hit levitsky with his helmet, hence the nail, some kind of nonsense, in general, yes, i rode his motorcycle, in his slap, i loved him, clearly, so, okay, okay, alena, calm down, sit down, sit down, when did you take it? levitsky had a motorcycle, we were at his friend’s dacha, i
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was riding along a country road, so you remember how we rode along the road, but how we broke a nail, no, no, i don’t remember, but obviously i didn’t break it much, otherwise i would have remembered, listen , and ask her what she did on the stairs, uh-huh, what were you doing on the stairs, towards me? my boyfriend went, so, you were levitsky’s girlfriend, listen, he is 30 years older than me, yes, i used him, he promised to arrange it. no, write your first name, last name, address where he works, don’t tell him about levitsky, okay, i don’t promise you that, ikulin could be
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jealous of eltsov, and this is a motive to eliminate levitsky, well, yes, especially since he was at the crime scene in time for murders, yeah, you're interested in boxing, just a minute. the day before yesterday it was not my shift, i actually went to see the girl, she she works for me at the radio, you go to see her for an hour, no, the first time i wanted to make a surprise, i did, no, i called her, said that i would come to the radio to see how it works, she said, i’ll meet you on the stairs, that’s it, you this didn’t surprise me, it was a little off-putting, but why
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do you know this man? no, actually i have a training session, let me train you, are you sure, you found out, the one who was killed, yes, and on the day when you were on the radio, i have something to do with it, and you found out everything, well the fact that alena was sleeping, are you crazy or something? found out everything.
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but my trouble-free one, you will come with me. this is the show of the duel star lera kudryavtseva, that’s what the star’s project did to me, now i’m also
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limping, today you see, he has a leg, tomorrow what, a hook will appear on his right hand, then a parrot against... alexandra reva, serum ap- 69, arthur pirozhkov. sit, sit, autographs later. why is sergei zhukov receiving compression garments more and more often on stage? why isn't he responding? is he charging? in short, you are recommended to go to bed . i'm against. so let's write it down, against the regime. do you want me to laugh at every one of yours? sasha, we don’t have a show here with a brushstroke, a star. today lera kudryavtseva and her team of raisa and alexander reva and the soyuz studio will meet in a gut-wrenching confrontation. tomorrow at 21:20 on ntv. bitter 53
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7:48 am
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life without heartburn. it was you who stole your grandfather's dirk at the age of 7. this is what the men from the yard told you: fighter! you were the one who was never afraid of a fight. it's with you, she's calm everywhere. your friends can always rely on you. it's you you can't stay away. it’s you, and here you are, among your own people, it’s great, i’ll give you some ice, everything’s fine, so where were you the day before yesterday? hours, went home nowhere, it’s so sluggish, it doesn’t mean anything, who
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can confirm that you were at home, but no one came, played on the computer, apologize, what did you collect, that you didn’t recognize levitsky, why, but i wasn’t lying.. . now you’re lying, well, somehow i figured that i was there, and he disappeared before the broadcast, marlin georgievich, can i have you for a minute, you ’ve been detained for two days, levisky’s blood is in his car, on the front seat. car heavily tinted, so he was not afraid that he would see the corpse, but why did he go home?
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this still needs to be checked, the prodom didn’t lie. let’s say, well, he’s not a professional killer, he killed, perhaps by accident, and then went home to somehow collect his thoughts, calm down and decide what to do next, and at night he’d take the pipes out into the forest, check the car in the parking lot near the house and the nearest cameras, where we found the helmet, yeah. “we’re listening, and where? hello, forgive me, please, i was late at the salon, but you don’t need any salon, you’re like that, besides your honesty adorns you, you have found a rich man, but who are you? no, no need
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to play the fool, i finally tracked you down, i’m honest, this is the first time i’ve seen this.” young man, shouldn’t you take a walk in the park, then skate, get some air, just out of respect for your age, i’m not right now i’ll take you to the regional, and i’ll go, let’s go, i ’ve been together with her for 5 years, who are you, what are 5 years, what are you talking about, let’s go to the car, let’s go to the car, leave the room, please, sasha is walking at home like sasha, uh, sorry, i didn’t know anything, where did you come from, freak? wait, you’re an artist, aren’t you? lyubushki theater, right? asya, asya, asya, asya, don’t judge him harshly, he is doing this for your own good at my request. well, yes, sorry, that's very mean, marlene. what will he think of me now? well, what will he think? he won’t think, it’s ordinary, banal, adultery
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doesn’t happen to anyone. well, he’ll give you six months, no big deal, the main thing is that the scam with the child was not discovered, this is important, i expected this from pasha, for example, but i never expected this from you, no way, all for your sake. marlen georgievich, what do we have? pikulin's car was parked at the house from 5 o'clock, at 9 in the evening she left, but it was dark, it was impossible to trace the car further, that
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is, what pikulin theoretically could have... so shishlov’s car was passing near the forest strip, a strange coincidence, shishlov’s car was in the parking lot on the day of the murder? no, however, let's take note, we need to deal with pikulin, the day before yesterday you left the house at 9:00 pm, where did you go, but nowhere, i have a sports car,
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turn on some music. around the ring, i’m so relaxed, i didn’t kill, but now you won’t believe it, well i believe, well, how did levi’s blood end up in your car, that i hit him lightly like that, like that, right? yes, well, it started bleeding, if i wanted, i would, of course, break his trunk, well , why kick him in the media snout, i just warned, so what did you warn about, so that he doesn’t bother alena anymore, what time is it? it was about five, six o’clock, smart guy, at 5:00 you were already home, so it was on another day, but when, well, a week
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before, i don’t remember exactly. why did levitsky get into your car, did he know you? no, we're with it was then that we met him for the first time, he was without a motorcycle, i was driving a car, i offered to give him a lift, and said that i was alena’s friend. “let ’s go back to the day of the murder, on that day you also came to the radio, i saw them together again then, sadly, well, i decided to figure it out specifically, explain to them the party’s policy, what the party’s policy was, well, i’m not like churchill, who, simply said that he was ugly and ugly, but warned, then..." faster than me, you saw, who, would have seen, said, he’s not lying,
7:58 am
then the blood is a week old, uh-huh, yes, gandhi, where, and the drivers saw smoke from the road, thought it was a forest fire, called the service, but levitsky’s body was found 100 meters from this place, the method of murder was the same. they called us,
7:59 am
then with identification, this time there was no rain, the corpse was completely warmed, i can only say one thing, it was a girl.
8:00 am
a destructive spear of the 21st century. and why is the lancet drone called a nightmare of the ukrainian armed forces? the latest reports from the northern military district zone of the ministry of defense. in a broken situation, as in the samara region, a single father with five children is helped to swim out after losing all his property. detainees more than a thousand, injured centurion. where the lessons of american democracy might lead students protesting. well, the ministry of health also suggested supplementing the content. mobile first aid kit, we'll tell you what. this is the program today in the studio of dmitry zaboysky. hello. the russian vks special operation zone hit the german iriste anti-aircraft missile system.


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