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tv   Segodnya  NTV  May 3, 2024 10:00am-10:36am MSK

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some are discovered, others are destroyed. sergei pekulin about the work of drone operators in the north military district zone, why lancet is called a nightmare in the armed forces of ukraine. thousands were detained, hundreds injured. what lessons from american democracy can lead the united states to for student protesters. well , as well as the unexpected turkish gambit in trade relations with israel, the situation with floods in the regions and the story of a single father with many children from the samara region and the contents of a car first aid kit, they suggested adding, we’ll tell you what. this is the program today in the studio dmitry zaboysky, hello. the russian
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aerospace forces hit the german iriste anti-aircraft missile system in the special operation zone. the footage was shown by the ministry of defense. the launch stop was discovered near the village of ostroverkhovka, kharkov region. our military carried out only two precise strikes, while completely destroying the control center of the anti-aircraft missile system, a warehouse with ammunition. after this, the ammunition detonated and the base burst into flames. strong fire. and the ivanovo paratroopers struck the enemy in the area of ​​chasoy yar bili from grad installations. destroyed an armored car and several strongholds that the nationalists set up in abandoned houses. the heavenly infantry acts courageously and bravely in the most dangerous areas, continuing the heroic story.
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it was difficult, it was hard, selected nazis and nationalists are fighting against us, it cannot be said that we are going like a knife through butter, there are difficult moments, there are heavy losses, there is no war without losses, but we are moving forward, liberating the real russian land, the russian donbass from fascism, first its nine fighters of the 98th guards airborne svirt division are awarded the title of heroes of russia, what does the everyday life of our military look like, who confront the enemy every day, you can call it from the first...
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from the hall for air strikes, a loitering lancet, it is capable of destroying artillery, tanks, american howitzers, the work of operators drone in the northeast military district zone, report by sergei pikulin. usually , the so-called unboxing of, say, new phone models or set-top boxes begins with such sounds, this is also a gadget, it also has incredible cameras, new connectors, updated design, and many people really dream about it, but there is. it
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is only in our troops, high-tech, but at the same time as simple as possible to maintain, well, that is, such a designer that we can essentially figure out a child, but it is easy to handle, easy to work with, it is a reconnaissance drone of the hall, the main feature of this drone is the fact that this is an electric train powered by an electric motor, it does not emit heat, which means it is quite difficult to time it in a flight of more than three hours, it carries the hall... it does not carry weapons, it looking for targets for our lancets, an accumulation of enemy equipment was noticed in the novomikhailovka area, he left, he left. the lancet is a real headache for the ukrainian armed forces, our drones bypass the ukrainian western radio warfare systems, fly behind enemy lines, the target is captured, there is an explosion in a couple of seconds, the hall records the hit of the lancet. we work mainly with artillery. the enemy
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tank with such a more significant target was knocked out by three axes, a leopard tank. and these are our eagles, the main eyes of the artillery, this is a unit of the 155th pacific brigade fleet, we usually work 24x7, even now, when you are talking to me, i have birds in the air, there are two operators on one side, the first one controls the plane itself, the second camera from a height of 2,500 m can see in detail the enemy trenches, we observe the accumulation of the enemy in the designated target , please work it out, the coordinates are transmitted to the artillerymen by any crew from this square. the intensity of the work of drones in this direction is such that while some are launching the eagle into the air, others are accepting the spent aircraft and again preparing it for takeoff
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and such a carousel here 24 by 7. yuzhnodonetsk direction of the special operation. turkey has completely stopped all trade operations.
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community, we continue to call the oppressors oppressors and the oppressed oppressed, regardless of their identity or religion. we do not follow the hypocritical policies of western rulers who for years taught us lessons about democracy and freedom while committing massacres in gaza. the first action of those who claim that the right to demonstrate is sacred, after 7 october saw a ban on pro-palestinian demonstrations on their own streets. the white house will not ban protests at american universities, but will demand that everything take place within the law. this statement was made by joe biden, commenting on the wave of student protests at prestigious universities in the country. young people are protesting against israel's actions in the gas sector and demanding that washington
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stop military support for the jewish state. the police behave harshly with participants in rallies and pickets and use them against they have a whole arsenal of special equipment. the number of arrests is approaching 2. where civil confrontation can lead, our us subcorrespondent alexey vasilovsky found out. tear gas, rubber bullets can hardly be described as anything other than violent dispersal of the camp of pro-palestinian protesters at the university of los angeles. the authorities held out for 2 and a half weeks, but even in liberal california, it seems, they were already quite tired of the student unrest.
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nearly 200 people were arrested overnight, and ucla canceled all in-person classes until at least next week. this can now be seen in almost every major american university, all of which are in one way or another engulfed in protests in support of palestine. this is footage from rhode island, dartmouth university, almost a hundred detainees, this is north carolina, the police are disrupting the palestinian.
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about 2.0 people were detained, the events so worried the republicans that they hastily voted in the house of representatives for a bill to combat anti-semitism, announced by senator tom cototon. calls for more cleansing of american universities tougher. each little gas is a disgusting cesspool of anti-semitic hatred, full of hamas supporters, fanatics and freaks. the right proposes to deprive universities of financial support, and to deny employment to especially active protesters. we shouldn't support them with our dollars, donors should refuse funding, and i want to go even further to businesses across america. when they see these diplomas from harvard, los angeles university, colombian university, maybe this business should put up
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advertisements? such graduates are not required, not we need to hire them. former us president donald trump also spoke out; trump was going to the next court hearing in new york, but pro-palestinian speeches clearly interrupted his agenda. in addition, trump sees these unrest as a threat to himself. this is a leftist movement, these are leftist radical lunatics and they need to be stopped.
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the dual message of the head of the white house did not go unnoticed; the left is confident that by supporting israel, the authorities are deliberately provoking unrest with police intervention, while the right believes that with with anti-israeli speeches, the white house , on the contrary, is being too liberal, as a result , neither one nor the other is dissatisfied with biden, this was most clearly visible from... the european central bank demands to reduce business in russia, to speed up the process. business
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news marina pimenova. marina, why is raiffeisen taking so long to leave? dim, the bank says that they are in no hurry so that the russian asset does not depreciate and so that there is generally something to sell. the largest western bank that has not yet left russia, the austrian bank , will begin to reduce its russian business in third quarter. this was announced by the ceo of the austrian group rifeison bank. it is in the third quarter, according to him, that the implementation of the demands that the european central bank previously put forward will begin. the regional council previously clarified that among these requirements, for example, to reduce lending in russia by 65% ​​compared to the level of the third quarter of twenty -three. according to johan strobl, we are talking about an almost complete stop in lending. he also added that raiffeisen bank is not reducing its business in russia too quickly. because he's trying to save it value and to be able to sell this business.
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rai faison announced plans to reduce russian business back in the spring of twenty-two, that is, immediately after the outbreak of hostilities in ukraine. later, the bank spoke about two options: either withdraw the russian business into a separate structure or sell it? back in the fall of twenty-two , vladimir putin by his order prohibited foreign owners from selling subsidiary russian banks without the permission of the authorities. and more about the adventures of foreign banks in russia. the moscow arbitration court arrested the russian assets of the banks jp morgan and commerzbank. interim measures for 1,200 million rubles. accepted the search for transcapital bank. 100% of the shares of the russian commerzbank eurasia came under arrest. securities, real estate, money in bank accounts that belong to the deutsche kommersantbank and the european structure of the american bank jp morgan. what is the essence of the lawsuit filed by transcapital bank. unknown, he himself does not explain anything. a year ago, the bank came under american sanctions, as rbc writes, a lawsuit
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is connected precisely with the restrictions on transactions that transcapital bank acquired after american sanctions. earlier in april , vtb bank filed a lawsuit against jp morgan, the reason being the blocking of the russian bank's correspondent account with jp morgan. the russian begins trading, as it should begin trading on friday morning, when the majority. russians have only two working days, the ruble after yesterday's powerful growth since friday morning is still calm, dollar 92.03 euro 98.82, dima, that's all for me... that's all, thank you, marina piminova, with business news, the car first aid kit will increase in quantity such as the contents. the ministry of health proposed to adjust the composition of the kit in order to most adequately meet the task of providing first aid, first aid kits are now not mandatory, but should still help save lives and wait for the ambulance to arrive,
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so they will be added to them, svetlana gordeeva found out. instructor makar nogi hu... not only to park correctly, but also to periodically check the contents of the car first aid kit. bandage, amyak, what i he said, shatarny alcohol, hydrogen peroxide to treat wounds, bandages, all this more than once helped him quickly treat small wounds for drivers involved in accidents. the first aid kit is designed for such cases. the first aid kit now includes bandages, a note, colleagues, the bandages must be of high quality so that the edges of the bow do not get caught, napkins. according to modern requirements, a mask for cardiopulmonary resuscitation requires a good valve, for example, like this one. however, if you don’t have such a mask, then you don’t have to do mouth-to-mouth breathing, doctors say, what’s mandatory is indirect cardiac massage. it is these actions that often allow a person to be rescued from the clutches of clinical death. the first aid kit should also have a tourniquet to stop bleeding. these are so
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long and wide. alternatively, you can replace it with a more modern one. turnstile devices. the last time the composition of the first aid kit changed was during the pandemic, so the ministry of health proposed an update, adding elastic bandages, surgical scissors, which will help quickly cut these same bandages or clothing on the victim, and an isothermal blanket. it should be the height of a person, you see, it’s big. let’s face it, the most important thing is to insulate your head and back. yes, preferably silver to the body. when folded, it does not take up much space , it weighs almost nothing, but it can bring considerable benefits, it looks like this, it will be needed very often, because when an injury occurs, a person usually suffers from pressure, he becomes cold, also if road traffic accidents occur, as a rule the heater stops working, the windows fly out in the car, it becomes cold again, this is
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the fastest way to warm the victim, at the same time it was recommended to driving schools conduct a course...
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for a life-threatening condition when the victim needs immediate assistance even before the ambulance arrives, when he has lost consciousness, is not breathing, when the heart is not beating, or if there is severe bleeding. svetlana gordeeva, alena antonova, ilya fedosov, alexander aniskov and oleg gorkov, ntv. next, a short advertisement, after which, the situation with floods in russian regions and the story of a single father with many children from the samara region. at bikfest, four nuggets for 39 rubles. and other offers at a very favorable price, and also it’s more profitable with 50% cashback from alfabank and it’s delicious, period. in any situation, watch vekovideo, in a situation where summer is coming, in a situation
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the stoloto website. many entrepreneurs have already received money from the fund for quite a few businesses. now it’s your turn, alfabank will give away 100 million rubles entrepreneurs across the country. the best stories will get the money. tell us about your business on my choice is doshirak. and my chan is ramen. doshirak. in emfreshness food broth we grow, collect and deliver fresh vegetables, mushrooms and herbs. m-freshness from the garden to the shelf at the speed of freshness, only online magnet. i incorporate bright color with care for my hair. permanent cream color palette gives rich color, the triple care system restores, moisturizes, and nourishes hair from the inside. no gray hair. palette is your best color choice. the state canceled commissions for transfers between your accounts. in different banks. from may 1, russians can transfer their money from one bank to another for free. the law came into force. now you can receive a salary from one bank and immediately
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transfer it to another, where it is more profitable. transfer money to a free alpha card. receive a supercake in rubles and a 16% rate on savings. not just profitable. alpha is profitable. votter. it tastes better on fire at burger king. deposit - the best interest, up to 16% per annum in sberbank online. it's time to appreciate and stay updated with the latest trend events. keep up to date with what's trending in the fashion world. stay up to date with the latest sports events and discover the world in a new way on the main page. be on topic, be zen. via superstar, premiere may 12. 20:20 on ntv. i love the moscow coffee shop on poi. and i'll tell you why. moscow coffee shop on the fields is a combination of traditions and advanced technologies of the highest
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class, the taste is a pleasure. moscow coffee shop on the floors. i love it, i recommend it. pay less. hainds ketchups 84.90. delivery with a 25% discount from 30 minutes. by code in the application five. pyaterochka helps out. this is smetana rostagroexport. her. you can easily recognize it by just one yellow stripe: simply delicious sour cream rost agroexport, just try it! sportmaster presents the outventure brand, reliable travel equipment! buy sportsmaster in the mobile app and get double cashback bonuses! i love the moscow coffee shop on the fields, i’ll tell you why: the moscow coffee shop on the fields is a combination of traditions and advanced technologies of the highest class, the taste is a pleasure! moscow coffee shop on the floors! i love it, i recommend it. beyond the new season with timur eremeev today at 16:45 on ntv. you
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are watching ntv. we continue to issue from orthodox believers. today is good friday, the most mournful day of the church calendar, when it is customary to remember the suffering of the cross and the death of the savior. on this day of holy week, fasting becomes especially strict; only water and bread can be consumed. in all churches. the shroud is taken out; it symbolizes the fabric in which the savior’s body was wrapped after death. the shrine is left in the middle of the temple, surrounded by white flowers, and read over it gospel. in the cathedral of christ the savior, the service will be led by patriarch kirill of moscow and all russia. the veneration of the crying woman lasts 2 days until late saturday evening; a few minutes before the easter procession she is brought back to the altar. every year, on the eve of the resurrection of christ , a miracle occurs in jerusalem, the descent of the holy fire, followed by... beginning on saturday at 13:00
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moscow time. the flood situation in some russian regions still remains at a critical level, in particular in the obatsky district of the tyumen region, water continues to remain. the danger point has already been exceeded by almost 3 m. a difficult situation also remains in the vikulovsky district. per day + 22 cm, the flooded ishim river cut off 14 settlements from the mainland. in neighboring kurgan, the water is receding. the level of the tobol river is now below the dangerous level. in the capital of the region and the region, another 180 houses were freed from water within a day. rescuers carry out sanitary treatment there. the consequences of record floods are being eliminated and in the varenburg region, within 24 hours, municipal rescue services pumped out basements and lowlands 56,000. cubic meters of water, this is the volume of a small lake, 18,000 houses were disinfected. in the samara region, due to high water, a family with five
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children whom they are raising was left without property.
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their rural house for several families, they invested capital in order to buy housing, then they bought the neighboring apartment, vladimir installed communications, a bathroom, a toilet, changed the floors, made repairs, built a bathhouse in the yard, i see that the log house has floated away, they were also planning a pound this year , we bought it in the fall that year, later. 2 years after the tragedy strike was struck by the elements, it took no more than an hour to get ready, the water was rising quickly, we evacuated on our own, neighbors helped get the children out, for 2 weeks all the rooms were flooded above the windowsill, now only the basement, children's things, furniture, toys were covered with mold, doors and partitions were warped, appliances drowned, all the water flowed from there, so there are also a lot of houses there, all the sewage, well, you can see for yourself what’s on the floor.
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it's simply impossible. the village of zalivnoye confirmed its name for the first time in its history. now they are bringing humanitarian aid here, pieces of blankets into the water. not everyone has received compensation yet. funds are paid in the amount of 10,000 per household. and the ministry of socio-demographic and family policy pays 10,000 for each resident. and to people who were very seriously affected by the flood where it occurred.
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serious damage to property, they receive a payment of 100,000 per household. 280,000 rubles were transferred to the stupnikov family. this is the maximum allowable payment. vladimir comes to the site of the flood every day to dry, disassemble, throw away and wash. but he’s afraid to return to the old house with his children, in case the water comes back next year. they plan to save for new housing in the regional center. the family's plight became known from social networks. those who were concerned announced a gathering. people i knew from all over the country began sending money and words of support. alexander tanki, sergey skvartsov, vladimir khazov, ntv, samara region. in several russian regions , the situation with wildfires has become sharply complicated. from this day on , in part of the irkutsk region, operate a special fire regime. a regional emergency has been declared in the forests of the khabarovsk territory, where 30,000 taiga forests have already been engulfed in fire. year after year , the role of aerial technology in
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countering the disaster of specialists for...
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working on the ground, a lot of things are not visible, and the observer pilot shows exactly where to go to firefighters, where exactly the edge of a forest fire is. the siberian site has become the second in russia where representatives of this rare profession are trained; there are about 400 throughout the country observer pilots, previously training took place only in pushkino near moscow, air forest guards prepare personnel for themselves, train for 5 months, three of which are theory in a simulator. the future observation pilot must spend at least 20 hours, half of which he learns to operate a mi-8 helicopter, and another half on a tsesna light aircraft. and then there is a transition from simulation to reality, students find themselves in the cockpit of a real
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aircraft, with a series of training flights ahead of them. cadets take to the skies from the shushinskoye airfield, as instructors note, residents of siberia and the far east now do not need to travel far for training, and the weather conditions in the south of the krasnoyarsk territory are... ideal for practice, now in the western part of russia, it’s so gloomy, it’s raining there, and here , look how beautiful the weather is, we use a short period of time to train such specialists, pilots and observers are considered the eyes of ground teams, the health of those going into the flames depends on their work, cadet matvey lagerev understands everything responsibility, he himself worked as a paratrooper firefighter, descended from the air into the burning taiga, and now he decided to combine yes... a dream of heaven with caring for forests. the importance of an observer pilot lies in the fact that he is essentially a forester, well, a specialist in the forestry industry, who has the ability to fly. the most important thing is to love your job and know why you actually work here. we
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are saving the forest. on a light aircraft you can reach as far as a drone can’t reach, this allows you to detect and extinguish forest fires even at the ignition stage. letnabs are collected information and pass it on to colleagues who are already waiting in the forests. in the morning, the guys were treated to pilaf, according to us, according to the taiga, some special recipe, exclusive. a field kitchen, tents, forest firefighters live and work in such conditions; additional forces have been transferred to the south of the krasnoyarsk territory from the north, where there is still snow, they plan to deploy up to 15 such mobile posts. while there is no signal from the sky about fires from observers, ground teams are busy with prevention, explaining to the local population that fires cannot be lit, most of the fires is happening.
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mikhail kapustin, ntv television company. krasnoyarsk region. and that's all for now. thank you for being with us. all the best and see you soon. good morning. i, evgenia neronskaya, will tell you about the weather for tomorrow. in the south of the far east, the mood in the atmosphere is cloudy. the central regions of mongolia and northern china are crossed by an atmospheric front, on the waves of which small cyclonic eddies periodically swirl. one of them will look into the amur region tomorrow, the weather will be cloudy, there will be light rain in places, the other has already crossed the sea of ​​okhotsk, the kuril ridge will tomorrow enter the open ocean south of kamchatka. in petropavlovsk there is wet snow and no higher than five degrees celsius.
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there is an area of ​​high pressure in the center of eastern siberia, so most of the region will experience no precipitation. light rain will occur along the southern periphery of the anticyclone in the irkutsk region. but the further west you go, the more clouds there are. epicenter of bad weather in the urals. bad weather will affect these too. menskaya region, in yekaterinburg and perm no higher than five degrees above zero. cold air penetrates into the south of european territory. in rostov-on-don in astrakhan it is no longer higher than 16°. on the coast there are occasional rains and thunderstorms, very strong winds. in the center of european territory, the weather begins to win back the lost warmth. against the background of the anticyclone, the front is blurring, but it is still cool. light rain will occur in the tver region, in places in the yaroslavl and moscow regions. but in the northwest it will become more noticeably warmer. i'm going to pskov without any precipitation. +17 in st. petersburg there will still be a little rain and in the afternoon +11:13, in moscow 13:15 and there will be no precipitation, but by this time i have all the information about the weather, no one is accusing you of negligence,
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we just have data that one of...


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