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tv   Segodnya  NTV  May 3, 2024 1:00pm-1:26pm MSK

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or remembered his home address, prepared a series of terrorist attacks in the leningrad region, and eliminated a ukrainian intelligence agent. a thousand arrested in the us , student anti-israel riots flare up, what could this lead to? first aid, what should now be contained in a car first aid kit? the strictest day of lent for orthodox believers, today is good friday. about the main thing for this minute in the studio ilya fedorovtsev, hello. the fsb today... reported
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the destruction of an agent in the leningrad region ukrainian military intelligence, which was preparing a series of terrorist attacks, including on facilities of the ministry of defense and energy infrastructure. the department noted that the saboteur was identified during the seizure of another cache in the gadchinsky district. he planned to use the ammunition to carry out a terrorist attack at a fuel terminal. when detained, he indicated armed resistance and was neutralized. according to the fsb, in march of this year the man arrived in the capital region from lithuania. he planned to take explosive components from prepared by ukrainian special services. hiding places in the criminal's car included a stechkin pistol, a hunting rifle, grenades, as well as documents and a mobile phone. explosives, ammunition, as well as a card of the lithuanian branch of a swedish bank were seized from the garage of the apartment that the agent rented in moscow. the russian aerospace forces hit the german irist anti-aircraft missile system in the special operation zone. the footage was shown by the ministry of defense. two launchers complex. discovered
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using aerial reconnaissance drones in the area of ​​the village ostroverkhovka, kharkov region. our military struck with two high-precision missiles, completely destroying the control center and the ammunition depot of the missile complex. after this, the ammunition detonated and a strong fire broke out at the base. in the donetsk republic , russian troops are moving further west. in the area of ​​chasoy yar, the artillery of the ivanovo airborne forces unit struck the fortified militants. attacked from hail installations, destroyed an armored car , several strong points that the nationalists installed in abandoned houses. ivanovo paratroopers act courageously and bravely. just today the division celebrates 80 years since its formation. the guards continue the heroic history of the unit. the crews are constantly on alert. during the special operation, ivanovo paratroopers participated in the liberation of artyomov.
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the assault was difficult, it was hard, selected nazis and nationalists are fighting against us, it cannot be said that we are going like butter, there are difficult moments, there are heavy losses, there is no war without losses, but we are going forward, we liberate the real russian land, the russian donbass from fascism, turkey. completely stopped all trade transactions with israel due to military operations in the gaza strip. as the turkish government explains, the measures will remain in effect until there is a ceasefire in the enclave and the israelis ensure uninterrupted supplies of humanitarian aid. the latest un report calls the situation in gaza catastrophic. 1,700,000 palestinians, that is, 75% of the population, have lost their homes and have no access to water, food and medicines. the head of the israeli foreign ministry has already accused turkey of violating existing treaties, while western countries continue to stand,
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and in order to stop the death of people in gas, the islamic world must act in unity. we have always put on the agenda the issue of genocide committed by israel against our brothers and sisters in gaza, and we maintain this position despite all the pressure from the zionist community. the first action of those who claim that the right to demonstrate is sacred after october 7 was to prohibit the demonstration in support of palestine on their own streets. the white house will not be in favor. suppress
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protests at american universities, but will demand that everything take place within the framework of the law. this statement was made by joe biden, commenting on the wave of student protests at prestigious universities. american activists are outraged by the cruelty with which. israel is fighting in the gaza strip and is demanding that washington stop military support for the jewish state. the police are harshly arresting students, the number of detainees is approaching 2.0. where can it lead civil confrontation - alexey veselovsky found out. it’s hard to describe the dispersal of the pro-palestinian protest camp at the university of los angeles as anything other than violent dispersal of the pro-palestinian protest camp at the university of los angeles. the authorities held out.
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to do, we demand that the university stop this shame when they pretend that our university is neutral, they have already chosen genocide before, they are choosing it again. almost 200 people were arrested overnight, the university of los angeles canceled all in-person classes until at least next week, and this can now be seen almost in every major american university, all of them in one way or another, are engulfed in protests in support of palestine. this is footage from rhode island, dartmund university, almost a hundred detainees, this is north carolina, the police are tearing down the palestinian flag that was raised on campus instead of the american one. at new york university ford, protesters set up
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camp right in the building. but they did not last even a day, the police were ready and acted. since april 18 , about 200 people have already been detained across america for student protests against israel, what is happening so concerned republicans that they rushed to vote in the house of representatives for a bill to combat anti-semitism. announcing it, senator tom cotton calls for an even tougher cleanup of american universities. each one is such a small gas, a disgusting cesspool. the rights propose depriving universities of financial support, and denying employment to particularly active protesters. we shouldn't support them with our dollars, donors should refuse funding, and i want to go even further
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so that businesses across america when they... if they see these diplomas from harvard, the university of los angeles, the university of columbia, maybe they can put up an ad for this business? such graduates are not required; there is no need to hire them. former us president donald trump also spoke out; trump was going to the next court hearing in new york, but pro-palestinian speeches clearly interrupted his agenda. in addition, trump sees these unrest as a threat to himself. this is a leftist movement, these are leftist radical lunatics and they need to be stopped now, otherwise this will continue, it will only get worse and worse. they they are taking over countries, but we won't let them take over america. "we won't let leftist idiots take over this country." suddenly , us president joe biden, who had been silent the entire time the universities were rioting, spoke up. he came out to reporters on the one hand, condemned the protests, and on the other, supported them. we have the right to protest, but we do not have the right
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to wreak havoc. destroying property is not a peaceful protest, it is illegal. vandalism, vandalism of property, breaking windows, campus closures, cancellation of graduation classes, all of it. not a peaceful protest. the dual message of the head of the white house did not go unnoticed; the left is confident that by supporting israel, the authorities are deliberately provoking unrest through police intervention, while the right believes that the white house, on the contrary, is being too liberal with anti-israel speeches. as a result , neither one nor the other is unhappy with biden. and this was most clearly seen and heard at the university of alabama. there, supporters of palestine and supporters of israel converged, trying to outshout each other.
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including the execution of the order by the state council, progress in creating a sphere of competence, a company that is part of rostec, it is in almost all industries, this is transport, energy, this is... the mode of operation, almost 80% of the weapons that are used today in the zone were created at
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the enterprises of our corporation. the head of rostec emphasized that despite the significant increase in state defense orders, the volume of civilian revenue increased to almost a trillion rubles. the corporations continue to develop civil programs in the fields of automotive, engine, healthcare and energy. this year on thermal power plant udarny, which is located on the taman peninsula. will install the first serial heavy-duty gas turbine, an analogue of western siemens. austrian bank announced that this summer it will begin to reduce its business in russia. the european central bank demands to speed up the process. next on the air is business news, denis talaev is with us. denis, why does raifazen take so long to leave? well , partly because leaving russia is not so easy, there are restrictions on the part of the russian authorities. the largest western bank, of those that have not yet left russia, the austrian bank will begin to reduce its
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russian business in the third quarter. this was announced by the ceo of the austrian group ryfizen bank international, johan strobal during a conference call with analysts and journalists. it is in the third quarter, according to him, that the implementation of the requirements that the european central bank previously put forward will begin. raiffeisen clarified, previously clarified, that among these requirements, for example, to reduce lending in russia by 65% ​​to the third level. according to johan strobl, we are talking about an almost complete stop in lending, and he also added that raiffeisen bank is not reducing its business in russia too quickly, because it is trying to preserve its value and so that there is an opportunity to somehow sell this business. raiffeisen bank announced plans to reduce its russian business back in the spring of twenty-two , that is, immediately after the outbreak of hostilities in ukraine. later, the bank spoke about two options: either to move the russian business into a separate structure. or sell it and in the fall of twenty-two, vladimir putin , by order, prohibited foreign
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owners from selling their russian subsidiaries without special permission from the authorities. and more about the adventures of foreign banks in russia. the moscow arbitration court arrested the russian assets of the banks gp morgan and commerzbank. interim measures for 1 billion 200 million rubles. accepted on the claim of transcapital bank. 100% were arrested. shares of the russian commerzbank eurasia, securities, real estate, money in bank accounts that belong to the german commerzbank and the european structure of the american bank gp morgan. the essence of the lawsuit filed by transcapital bank is unknown; it itself does not explain anything, but a year ago the bank came under american sanctions, and as rbc writes, the lawsuit is related precisely to the restrictions on transactions that transcapital bank appeared after the sanctions with us side. earlier in april, a lawsuit against. morgan filed a bank in etobe. the reason was the blocking of the correspondent account of a russian bank at gps morgan. the russian
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stock market today continues yesterday's downward movement. corporate news from russian companies does not encourage investor optimism, and the ruble is trying to rise in price again today. as a result, the dollar is now 91.59, the euro has retreated to 98.46. ilya is all about economics. thank you, denis talalaev with his economic review. in russia , the requirements for car first-aid kits are being updated; the proposal from the ministry of health is expected to come into force on september 1. according to the rules, now it is not necessary to carry a first aid kit with you, but nevertheless, many motorists have one. what to add to the set and what to do svetlana gordeeva dealt with the obsolete. instructor makar nogikh teaches his students not only to park correctly, but also to periodically check the contents of their car first aid kit. screw, amyak, that... shaky alcohol, hydrogen peroxide to treat wounds, bandages, all this more than once helped him
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quickly treat small wounds for drivers involved in an accident, the first aid kit is designed for such cases, a car is now included in the first aid kit bandages, markings, colleagues, bandages must be of high quality, uh, so that the edges of the bandage do not get caught, medical wipes, mask for according to modern requirements, cardiopulmonary resuscitation requires a good valve, for example, like this one. however, if you don’t have such a mask, then you don’t have to do mouth-to-mouth breathing, doctors say, what is necessary is not a direct heart massage, these are the actions that often allow you to snatch a person from his clutches. alternatively, you can replace the turnstile with a more modern device. the last time the composition of the first aid kit changed was during the pandemic, so the ministry of health suggested updates, adding elastic bandages, surgical scissors, which would help quickly cut the same bandages or clothing
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on the victim and an isothermal blanket. it should be the height of a person, you see, big. we open, the most important thing is to insulate the head and back, yes, preferably silver to the body. when folded, it does not take up much space and weighs almost nothing, but it can bring considerable benefits. it looks like this, it will be needed very often, because when a person is injured, as a rule, the pressure hurts, he becomes cold. also, if traffic accidents occur, usually. the stove stops working, they fly out the windows in the car become cold again, this is the fastest way to warm up the victim; at the same time, driving schools were recommended to conduct first aid courses so that future drivers would know how to use a first aid kit correctly. from the first of april , amendments were introduced regarding ptd and retakes, including driving schools, they were required to have special classrooms for training
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, a driving area, and if it is a literate school, it must also have a literate... who will tell the story including about first aid, and most importantly - you don’t need to know how to provide this assistance, not everything can be done, you can’t give the patient any medications, cut the throat, insert various tubes, as they do in the movies, you can’t - also, you can’t shove ballpoint pens into people anywhere, you need to provide assistance correctly when burns, under no circumstances should you use greasy products, oil, toothpaste, god forbid i do that. i saw it too, cool the burn thoroughly with cold water, apply ice, this help can be provided and with this you will help the person. doctors remind, there are several life-threatening conditions when the victim needs immediate assistance even before the ambulance arrives, when he has lost consciousness, is not breathing, when the heart is not beating, or if there is severe bleeding. svetlana gordeeva, alena antonova, ilya
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fedosov, alexander aniskov and oleg gorkov, ntv. winter has returned to several russian regions today. it has been snowing since the morning in tatarstan, yekaterinburg, sverdlovsk region, pervan region and chuvash. eyewitnesses are sharing footage online from the perm- zhevsk highway, which was heavily covered in snow. in schools, kindergartens and hospitals in kazan are successfully resuming heat supply. cold air brought the scandinavian anticyclone to russia, and its influence will only intensify in the coming days. roshydromet says frosts are expected in the central part of the country. in moscow, the victory parade on may 9 will be held at a record breaking time. over the past 25 years, temperatures will drop 10° below climate norm and snow is possible. for orthodox believers, today is good friday - the most mournful day of the church calendar, when it is customary to remember the suffering of the cross death of the savior. on this day of holy week, fasting becomes especially strict; only water and bread can be consumed. in all
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churches, the shroud is taken out; it symbolizes the fabric in which the savior’s body was wrapped. death, the shrine is left in the middle of the temple surrounded by white flowers, the gospel is read over it, in the cathedral of christ the savior the service will be led by patriarch of moscow siyasy kirill. the veneration of the shroud lasts 2 days until late saturday evening; a few minutes before the easter procession it is brought back to the altar. every year, on the eve of the resurrection of christ , the miracle of the descent of the holy fire takes place in jerusalem, which christians all over the world watch with trepidation. we just received the first images from the temple. lord, where are the final preparations now? tomorrow the city streets will be filled with believers. the temple alone can accommodate over 10,000 pilgrims. our channel will broadcast live from the church of the holy sepulcher on saturday, starting at 13:00 moscow time. that's all for now, go to see you.
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, why are you silent, yegor stukov, that’s right. what do you owe, you know, timur gorov, gorov? well, of course, i know, your bastard, come in, have a seat, thank you, if you suspect him of something, then i’ll immediately say, yes, it’s him, he’s to blame, of course. but in general, we suspect you and me of what, his murder, how is he? yeah, what do you have there?
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