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tv   Segodnya  NTV  May 3, 2024 4:00pm-4:46pm MSK

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prepared a series of terrorist attacks in the leningrad region ; they eliminated a ukrainian intelligence agent ; a headache for the ukrainian armed forces; what effectiveness do our drones show in the special operation zone? thousands arrested in the us , student anti-israel riots flare up, what could this lead to? about the main thing, by this minute in the studio ilya fedorovtsev, hello. the fsb today reported the destruction in the leningrad region of a ukrainian military intelligence agent who was preparing a series of terrorist attacks, including on facilities of the ministry of defense and energy infrastructure. the department noted that the saboteur had been identified. during the seizure
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of another cache in the gadchinsky district. he planned to use the ammunition to carry out a terrorist attack at the fuel terminal. during the arrest, he offered armed resistance and was neutralized. according to the fsb, in march of this year the man arrived in the capital region from lithuania. he planned to take components of explosive devices from caches prepared by the ukrainian special services. in the criminal's car , a pistol was found, including hunting rifle, grenades, documents, mobile phone. in the garage of an apartment that the agent rented in moscow. explosives and ammunition were seized, as well as a card of the lithuanian branch of the swedish bank. vladimir putin today held a meeting on economic issues in the kremlin via video link. at the last meeting we discussed the forecast for the country's socio-economic development. this is the basis for drawing up government programs and projects for their financing and practical implementation. i propose today
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to continue discussing budget plans, and not only for the next three years, but also as agreed for the long-term period until 2030, and let me remind you that it is fundamentally important for us to maintain responsible, balanced, extremely realistic approaches to budgetary policy, including planning the main financial document of the country on the basis of budgetary rules vladimir and... rakhmon stated that it is necessary to stop attempts to artificially escalate the situation around labor migrants coming to russia. presidents of russia and tajikistan today we had a telephone conversation. in particular, the leaders of the two countries discussed cooperation in the migration field and agreed to improve the mechanisms of interaction between relevant ministries and departments. they also talked about the fight against terrorism. in addition, putin and rakhmon raised issues of joint participation in celebrations dedicated to victory day in moscow. the russian aerospace forces
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hit the german irist anti-aircraft missile system in the special operation zone. the footage is shown by the ministry of defense. launcher the installation of the complex was discovered using aerial reconnaissance drones in the area of ​​the village of ostroverkhovka, kharkov region. our military fired two high-precision missiles, completely destroying the control center of the anti-aircraft missile system and the ammunition depot. after this, the ammunition detonated and a strong fire broke out at the base.
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zala is not carrying any weapons, he is looking for targets for our lancets, and in the novomikhailovka area a concentration of enemy equipment has been noticed. gone, gone. lanceto is a real headache for the ukrainian armed forces. our drones bypass ukrainian western radio warfare systems and fly behind enemy lines. here the target is captured,
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there is an explosion in a couple of seconds, the hall records the hit with the lancet, we work mainly on enemy artillery, more tanks. a significant target, we have three axes, a leopard tank, and these are our eagles, the main eyes of the artillery, this is a unit of the 155th brigade of the pacific fleet, we usually work 24x7, even now, when you are talking to me, i have first aid kits in the air, two on one side operator, the first controls the aircraft itself, second camera from above...
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turkey has completely stopped all trade operations with israel from the military operation in the gaza strip, as the turkish government explains, the measures will remain in effect until there is a ceasefire in the enclave and the israelis ensure uninterrupted supplies of humanitarian aid . in the latest un report, the situation in gaza was called catastrophic by 1,700,000 palestinians, that is, 75% of the population lost. western countries continue to stand behind israel, and in order to stop the death of people in gas,
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erdogan himself said the day before that behind the islamic world must act in unity. we have always put on the agenda the issue of genocide committed by israel against our brothers. sisters in gaza, and we maintain this position despite all the pressure from the zionist community. we continue to call the oppressors oppressors and the oppressed oppressed, regardless of their identity or religion. we do not follow the hypocritical policies of western rulers, who for many years taught us lessons of democracy and freedom, while committing mass murders in gas. the first action of those who claim that the right to demonstrate is sacred after october 7 was a ban. the white house will not ban protests at american universities, but will demand that everything take place within the framework of the law, this was a statement made by joe biden, commenting on the wave of student protests at prestigious universities. american activists are outraged by the brutality
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with which israel is fighting in the gaza strip and are demanding that washington stop military support for the jewish states. the police are harshly arresting students, the number of detainees is approaching 2 thousand. alexey veselovsky found out where such a civil confrontation could lead. tear gas, rubber bullets can hardly be described as anything other than a violent dispersal of the camp of pro-palestinian protesters at the university of los angeles. the authorities held out for 2 and a half weeks, but even in liberal california, it seems, they were already quite tired of the student unrest. storm after an ultimatum to leave the university premises, the protesters responded erecting barricades. the first attack of the cops was repulsed, but the forces were clearly not equal. we have no pepper spray, no gasoline, no fireworks and no aggression. all we had was ourselves on the barricades. what else
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could we do? we demand that the university stop this shame when they portray our university as neutral. they have chosen genocide before, and they are choosing it again. almost 200 people were arrested overnight. the university of los angeles has canceled all in-person classes until at least next week. and you can see something like this now in almost every major american university. all of them, one way or another, are covered in protests in support of palestine. this is footage from rhode island, dartmood university, almost a hundred detainees. this is north carolina. the police are tearing down the palestinian flag, which...
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to cleanse american universities even more harshly, each such a small gas, a disgusting cesspool of anti-semitic hatred, full of hamas supporters, fanatics and freaks. the right proposes to deprive universities of financial support, and to deny employment to especially active protesters. we we shouldn't support them with our dollars, donors should refuse funding, and i want to go even further so that businesses all over america, when they... see these diplomas from harvard, ucla, columbia, can these businesses put up
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advertisements? such graduates are not required; there is no need to hire them. former us president donald trump also spoke out. trump was going to the next court hearing in new york, but pro-palestinian speeches clearly interrupted his agenda. in addition, trump sees in these unrest is a threat to himself. this is a leftist movement, these are leftist radical lunatics and they need to be stopped now. this will continue and it will only get worse and worse. they take over countries, but we won't let them take over america. we won't let leftist idiots take over this country. suddenly, us president joe biden, who had been silent the whole time the universities were rioting, also spoke. he came out to journalists on the one hand, condemned the protests, and on the other, supported them. we have the right to protest, but not the right to sow chaos. destroying property is not a peaceful protest, it is illegal.
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the dual message of the head of the white house did not go unnoticed, the left is confident that by supporting israel, the authorities are deliberately provoking unrest with police intervention, and the right believes that with anti-israel speeches the white house , on the contrary, is being too liberal, as a result , neither one nor the other is dissatisfied with biden, most clearly this it was visible and audible. smety factories belong to the company diehl, which in particular produces the air defense system and rist, which is used in ukraine. the
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liktorfeld area is engulfed in toxic smoke. residents of the german capital were advised to avoid dangerous neighborhoods; those who found themselves near the epicenter were told to close windows and doors and turn off the ventilation and air conditioning systems. according to media reports, the building has a metal production facility for finishing metal surfaces, which contains sulfuric acid and copper cionide, which together can turn into extremely dangerous blue. acid. mikhail mishustin today held a working meeting with the general director of rostec sergei chemizov. the results of the state corporation’s work over the past year and current activities, including the implementation of state defense orders, were discussed. the sphere of competence of the company, which is part of rostec, covers practically all industries, including transport, energy, space, and medicine. there is progress in the creation of unmanned aerial vehicles, digital technological solutions, and of course, an extremely
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important area is the implementation of all relevant tasks related to the state defense order in order to so that our defenders are provided with equipment and technology. since the beginning, we have significantly expanded our production capacity; most of our enterprises have switched to a three-shift operating mode, almost 80%.
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business in russia, the european central bank demands to speed up the process. next on the air is business news, denis talalaev is with us, denis, why is raifazin leaving russia for a long time ? restrictions, for example, from the russian authorities. the largest western bank that has not yet left russia. austrian raifeisen bank will begin to reduce its russian business in the third quarter. this was announced by the ceo of the austrian group raifeisen bank international johan strobel during a conference call with analysts and journalists. it is in the third quarter, according to him, that the implementation of the requirements that the european central bank previously put forward will begin. rai faizen previously clarified that among these requirements,
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for example, to reduce lending in russia by 65%, to the level of the third quarter of twenty -three. according to. stroblya, we are talking about an almost complete stop in lending. he also added that raifeisen bank is not reducing its business in russia too quickly, because it is trying to preserve its value so that it can sell this business. (raison) announced plans to reduce russian business back in the spring of twenty-two, that is, immediately after the outbreak of hostilities in ukraine. later, the bank spoke about two options: either to move the russian business into a separate structure, or to sell it. more. in the fall of twenty-two, vladimir putin by his order banned foreign owners sell their russian subsidiaries without permission from the authorities. today , elista airport, which was closed for more than two years, is open again, but it is still impossible to fly from the capital of kalmykia and fly into it. formally, alista airport, as
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the federal air transport agency promised a week ago, today announced restrictions on the use of airspace. removed that all infrastructure and personnel are ready and that flights can now be served daily from 9 am to 7:00 pm, but the press service of the head of kalmykia clarified, quote: today there will be no flights, possibly after the may holidays, end of quote. the federal air transport agency explained that the fact is that for now there is simply no one to fly. the agency reported that, together with the airlines, it is working on the timing of the resumption of flights, and the airline’s flight program for this summer has already been drawn up. the airport is the first airport to resume operations in russia after a more than two-year break due to hostilities in ukraine. since february 24 , 2020, 11 airports in russia have been closed, and now restrictions continue operate for anapa, belgorod, bryansk, voronezh, gelendzhak, krasnodar, kursk, lipetsk, rostov, nadon and simferopol.
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there are still more sellers on the russian stock market; corporate news from russian companies is not encouraging. investors, the euro began to rise sharply in price against the dollar at these minutes, all because statistics showed that the number of jobs in the united states grew less than forecast in april, and this is a new argument in favor of the fact that it is time to reduce the key rate in the united states. as a result , the american currency is now cheaper by 45 kopecks against the ruble. and here a european grows by 21 kopecks. arkady volash can return to managing yandex, or rather, to the international part that will remain. after the sale of the russian business. all this became known from documents that yandex nv, a company registered in the netherlands, filed with the us securities and exchange commission; it still remains the parent company of russian yandex. the documents say that after the separation of the russian business, arkady volosh can again directly manage his stake approximately 45% of voting shares in yandex-nvi.
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after the european union imposed sanctions against arkady volju in june 22. he resigned from all positions at yandex and, in fact, transferred the right to vote with his shares to independent members of the company’s board of directors. in march of this year, the eu lifted sanctions against arkady voluzh, which obviously gives him the opportunity to return to direct management. now yandex is in the process of division, formally it looks like this: the netherlands yandex nv is selling the russian part of the business to a consortium private investors. or am i talking about the economy? thank you, denis talalaev with an economic review, ntv viewers in the capital, then we are waiting for the release of the program today in moscow, and we will continue our broadcast for other regions in the central part of the country. in russia , the requirements for car first-aid kits are being updated;
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the proposal from the ministry of health is expected to come into force on september 1. according to the rules, now it is not necessary to carry a first aid kit with you, but nevertheless... motorists have it, so what to add to the kit and what to do with the outdated one, svetlana gordeeva figured out. instructor makar nagikh teaches his students not only to park correctly, but also to periodically check the contents of the car first aid kit. bandage, ammonia, what i said about shaky alcohol, hydrogen peroxide to treat wounds, and bandages. all this has more than once helped him quickly treat minor wounds for drivers involved in accidents. the first aid kit is designed for such cases. car, the first aid kit now includes bandages, a note, colleagues, the bandages must be of high quality so that the edges of the bandage do not get caught, medical wipes, a mask for the heart...
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honey weighs almost nothing, but it can bring considerable benefits, it looks like this, it will be needed very often, because when a person is injured, as a rule, the pressure hurts,
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he becomes cold, also if a traffic accident occurs, as a rule , the heater stops working, the windows fly out , the car gets cold again, this is the fastest way to warm the victim, at the same time, driving schools were recommended to conduct first aid courses so that... future drivers could use the first aid kit correctly, from april 1 , amendments were made regarding the ptd and retake, including driving schools, they were required to have special classrooms for training, a driving area, and if a competent driving school, it must also have a competent speaker, who he will also talk about first aid, and most importantly, you don’t need to know how to provide this help, not everything can be done, you can’t give the patient any medications or cut them. you can’t insert different tubes like they do in the movies, you can’t insert any tubes anywhere tubes to push ballpoint pens into people, it is correct to provide assistance for burns,
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in no case should you use fatty products, oils, toothpaste, god forbid, i saw this too, cool the burn thoroughly with cold water, apply ice, this help can be provided and with this you will help the person. doctors remind that there are several life-threatening conditions when the victim... must be given immediate assistance even before the ambulance arrives, when he has lost consciousness, is not breathing, when the heart is not beating, or if there is severe bleeding. svetlana gordeeva, alena antonova, ilya fedosov, alexander aniskov and oleg gorkov, ntv. for orthodox believers, today is good friday, the most mournful day of the church calendar, when it is customary to remember the suffering of the cross and the death of the savior. on this day of holy week, fasting becomes especially strict; you can only consume. and bread. in all churches, the shroud is taken out; it symbolizes the fabric in which the savior’s body was wrapped after death. the shrine is left in the middle of the temple surrounded by whites flowers, read the gospel over it. in the cathedral
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of christ the savior, the service is led by patriarch kirill of moscow of all russia. the veneration of the shroud lasts 2 days, until late saturday evening, a few minutes before the easter procession it is brought back to the altar. every year, on the eve of the resurrection of christ , the miracle of the descent of the holy fire takes place in jerusalem. which christians all over the world are watching with awe. final preparations are underway at the church of the holy sepulcher. tomorrow the streets of the city will be filled with believers. only the temple itself can accommodate over 10,000 pilgrims. our channel will broadcast live from the temple on saturday, starting at 13:00 moscow time. this is what we will talk about further in our issue. they can see everything from above, how observer pilots are being trained to look for fires. from fires. a single father with five children was left without a home due to severe floods. alexander tankikh will tell the story of the family. it is profitable to retire
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with sberbank. for pensioners - a free sbercard, a favorable rate.
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online. knee pain, back pain, neck pain maybe. pentalgen extragel contains a special component for better penetration into the source of pain. pentalgin extragel. the state has abolished fees for transfers between accounts in different banks. from may 1, russians can transfer their money from one bank to another for free. the law came into force. now you can receive your salary from one bank at once transfer to another, where it is more profitable. transfer money. free alpha card, receive supercake in rubles and withdraw cash for free from any atm. not just profitable, alpha profitable. one day , a small mole appeared on the tanned shoulder of agronomist alena. alena didn’t notice her, and the mole made a girlfriend, and then another and another, and alena’s husband noticed this, nikolai said: “i love all your moles so much.” he didn't know that moles could be a sign of skin cancer.
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get a medical examination for free. beyond new season with timur eremeev today at 16:45 on ntv. moscow coffee shop on the floors, taste, pleasure. i love it, i recommend it. we select ripe fruits and vegetables for our global village products from the sunniest places on the planet. and when you try our natural 100% apple juice. others want a sip, too. once you bought it, you immediately fell in love with it. global village is ripe for your table. pyaterochka. this is rostagroexport sour cream, it’s easy to recognize by just one yellow stripe, simply delicious rostagroexport sour cream, just try it. enjoying summer in new looks is a step towards yourself. come to ozone, discover the transformation, relax, choose, try on. i enjoy being different. fill
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continues to remain. the danger point has already been exceeded by almost 3 m. a difficult situation also remains in the vikulovsky district, where day + 22 cm. the overflowing ishim river cut off 14 settlements from the mainland. in neighboring kurgan, the water is receding. the level of the tabol river is now below the dangerous level. in the capitals of the region and the region, another 180 houses were freed from water during the day. the rescued people are being sanitized there. the consequences of record floods in the orenburg region are being eliminated within 24 hours. municipal rescue services pumped out 56.00 cubic meters of water from basements and lowlands, this is the volume of a small lake. 18,000 houses were disinfected. after the flood, their houses are put in order and residents of the samara region in the village of zalevnoye experienced a large-scale flood for the first time in history. dozens of buildings were damaged, including the housing of vladimir stupnikov, a single father who is raising five children. he had already received the aid he was entitled to from the state when, due to
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the natural force of history. his family got on the internet, caring people from all over the country began to help him. alexander tankikh visited. oh, the atlantics. of course, they don’t remember their mother, varya is now 3 years old, petya is only two, maria stupnikova died immediately after giving birth, a great grief in the family happened suddenly, the cause was unknown, she was very good, kind, cheerful, always made us happy, bought us all sorts of goodies, the elders, angelina, snezhanna and matvey , miss their mother very much. the family with five children has no relatives, but great misfortune did not break them, they lived modestly, managed, this is what the house looked like, which odinochka’s father vladimir rebuilt with his own hands. their rural house for several
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families, in order to buy housing, they invested capital, then bought the neighboring apartment. vladimir installed communications, a bathroom, a toilet, changed the floors, and did it.
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i don’t mind, it’s calmer for them, it’s still as if the children want a complete family, somehow it’s simply impossible to leave the children even in memory of masha, the village of jellied has confirmed its name for the first time in its history, now they bring here humanitarian aid, cereals , blankets, water, not everyone has received compensation yet, funds in the amount of 10,000 are paid for homeownership, and the ministry of socio-demographic and family policy is... paying 10 thousand for each resident, and people who were very seriously affected by the flood, where serious damage was already caused to property, they receive a payment in the amount of 100,000 per household.
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280 thousand rubles were transferred to the stupnikov family. this is the maximum allowable payment. vladimir comes to the site of the flood every day to dry, disassemble, throw away and wash, but he is afraid to return with his children to the old house . from this day on, several districts of the irkutsk region introduced a special fire regime; it is forbidden to burn grass and garbage and visit forests. such rules are now in effect in 51. biki countries. the territories that are in the danger zone are monitored, including from the air, and this is done by pilots, observers and preparations at only two sites in the moscow region and in the krasnoyarsk territory. vladimir bogomololov found out how the training is conducted and what requirements are imposed on specialists. krasnoyarsk
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cadets are plotting a route over the republic of tatarstan, 3,000 km to the take-off point, but this distance will be covered in a couple of minutes, as needed. rum and a plane are waiting next door office 9:00 takeoff classes are held in the krasnoyarsk virtual aviation center, the flight lasts almost 2 hours, the simulator simulates noise and shaking, as in a real cockpit, the pilot observer does not sit at the helm, in his place he combines the functions of a navigator and a forest ranger. his task includes calculating the flight, detecting forest fires, calculating where the forest fire is, its coordinates, the commander controls the plane and... there is no time to do paperwork, let’s say. the observer pilot must have an understanding of navigation, meteorology, and forestry pyrology. military service and experience as a paratrooper or paratrooper-firefighter. sergey nikolaev met these requirements and decided to retrain. for 7 years he has been
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fighting forest fires on the ground, and now he is preparing to work in the sky. when working on the ground, a lot of things are not visible, and the observer pilot shows exactly where to go to the firefighters. where exactly is the edge of the hanging fire. the siberian site has become the second in russia where representatives of this rare profession are trained; there are about 400 observation pilots throughout the country. training took place only in pushkino near moscow. air security guards prepare personnel for themselves, study for 5 months, three of which are theory. the future pilot-observer must spend at least 20 hours in the simulator. half of this time he learns to work on a mi-8 helicopter, another half on a tsesna light aircraft. and then there is a transition from simulation to reality. students find themselves in the cockpit of a real aircraft . and a series of training flights awaits them. cadets take to the skies from the airfield. shushinskaya, as instructors note, residents siberia and the far east no longer need
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to travel far to study, and the weather conditions in the south of the krasnoyarsk territory are ideal for practice. now in the western part of russia, it’s so gloomy, it’s raining there, but here, look how wonderful the weather is, we’re using a short period of time to train such specialists. pilots and observers are considered the eyes of ground teams; the health of those going into the flames depends on their work. cadet matvey lagerev understands all the responsibility, he himself worked as a paratrooper firefighters, descended from the air into the burning taiga, now i decided to combine my old dream of the sky with caring for the forests. the importance of an observer pilot lies in the fact that he is essentially a forester, well, a specialist in the forestry industry, who has the ability to fly. the most important thing is to love your job and know why you actually work here. we are saving the forest. on a light aircraft you can reach as far as a drone cannot reach. this. allows you to detect forest fires at the
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ignition stage. letnabs collect information and they pass it on to their colleagues who are already waiting in the forests. in the morning, the guys were treated to our taiga pilaf, some special recipe? exclusive. field kitchen, tents. forest firefighters live and work in such conditions. additional forces from the north have been deployed to the south of the krasnoysk territory, where there is still snow and plans to deploy up to 15 such mobile posts. while there is no signal from the sky from... observers about fires, ground teams are busy with prevention, explaining to the local population that fires cannot be lit, most of the fire happens precisely due to human fault. the posts are placed taking into account the fire rate of our area over the past 5-6 years, that is, we draw up maps, mark where the largest fires are, this mobility allows us to quickly take action. it will take a few more months for novice observation pilots to get on the wing and begin working independently, but final training will take place. in conditions as close to real as possible,
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because the fire season in siberia is already in full swing. vladimir bakomolov, vladislav rybakov, svetlana zakharova, mikhail kapustin, ntv television company, krasnoyarsk region. the authorities of the thai resort of lob buri have recognized the city as being under the control of monkeys. the special police unit that was supposed to deal with aggressive macaques did not help. security forces armed with slingshots patrolled the city and tried to force the rowdies into a cage in order to... hand over the detainees to the national parks department. in response, the primates united into gangs with protest growls and tore down the posters of this organization, especially received a banner with a photo of the general director of the service. more than thirty posters have already been damaged; at the moment, the situation in the city remains difficult. about 3,000 monkeys are murdered; they steal food, clothing from residents and even block traffic . now about the weather - the scandinavian anticyclone. brought a strong cold snap to the russian region, snow even fell somewhere, and local
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authorities had to turn on the heating. what will happen next, irina polyakova will tell you, communication with us is underway. irina, what will the weekend be like? warm news at a minimum. the main cold ones, the fact that udmortia, nizhny novgorod, kirov regions, mordovia, tatarstan were covered with snow is just the beginning. this is a polar invasion, there will be an ultrapolar one, and while almost all forecast models insist on this, we have to believe them. in the central regions it is now 2 to 3 degrees colder than expected, and it will be five, seven, and then almost 10, so everything is serious, our poor gardens and vegetable gardens, may has swapped places with april or even with march, the nearest frost possible at night up to the north of the rostov and volgograd regions, and the eastern regions will remain the coldest in the middle zone; a new cyclone is already heading to the northwest, which will push a new portion of cold, but first there will be a fleeting surge of heat, albeit with rain. pskov tomorrow will be +18, in the kaliningrad region
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it will generally be up to 25, in veliky novgorod it is not so bright, only +14, and then it will still go down, along with everyone else, and the southern regions will be in the cold along with everyone. tomorrow it will get colder by 5-8° in the kuban region, in the stavropol region by in the caucasus, and closer to the mountains, the cooling will be accompanied by cold rains, these are sochi, pyatigorsk, kislovodsk, nalchik. it will be okay in krasnodar, but this weekend it won’t be higher than 18° after today’s 25. and the capital. in st. petersburg tomorrow there will be short-term rains, warmer than today, maximum temperature +12-14, in moscow it is a little warmer, but you will still be colder than you should be, maximum +13-15, light. sunday rain and wind. thank you, this was the weather forecast from otrina polikova. that's all for now, go to, until meetings. it is profitable to retire with
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