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tv   DNK  NTV  May 3, 2024 5:50pm-7:01pm MSK

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yes, that is, a psychiatric examination will show that the person is actually incompetent, yes, his person is recognized as insane, then compulsory treatment compulsory treatment is absolutely correct, so here events can unfold in three directions, that is, this is article 11 of the ukrf, part four 105, as representatives of the investigative committee just told us, well, the last thing is that i just... and if we heard the doctors’ forecasts, if god forbid the grandmother does not survive, this could also be compulsory treatment, if really the medical institution will give a conclusion that he is an insane person, then compulsory treatment, there will be no compulsory treatment in his situation, because in order for there to be compulsory treatment, he must be declared insane, you and i have established that he had gaps, when he behaved normally, adequately, worked and... there were moments when
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he was under the influence, yes, it doesn’t matter, starting any drugs, and here there was independent use, in order for a person to be declared insane, he must undergo a psychiatric examination, and he must always be insane, and not be in a state of effect at the time of committing the crime, i want to say that there is no reason to treat him and they will not recognize him as insane, i share your opinion, yes nikolai, well, if you agree with with this opinion, then for your part you can help. volunteers who are so worried about the grandmother, to achieve justice, in any case, any assistance in, let’s say, the legal direction of resolving this issue, which is required, yes, i am ready to provide, get involved, provide help, our goal is not to directly achieve justice, we don’t judge, not the lord gods, our goal is to protect her while she is alive and maybe by some miracle she will remain alive, just to protect her from this everything, oleg, can you help with this?
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based on the fact that a forty-three-year-old man caused bodily harm to his elderly grandmother, as a result of which she died in the hospital, the person involved in the case was detained, at the request of the investigator, the court chose a preventive measure in the form of detention against him. currently according to the criminal case has been assigned to carry out the necessary examinations. having learned that the wife decided to file for divorce and... alimony, while her legal husband still stated that she registered children with him from other men, lyudmila korbash turned to us for a dna test. hello, lyudmila, hello, before you decided to divorce, your husband did not doubt the children, no, that is, he did not express any complaints to you, they lived well, quietly. right, yes, but what
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happened then? - lately he began to drink, well, he began to drink, as it were, with his hands, well, he started to offend you, well, yes, teapots are flying, then something else, well, children’s cribs are breaking, or something else. only you lyudmila got it or the children too , not only me the children also got a hot kettle at the children, yes, well, it’s just, in the end, dangerous for the lives of the children, yes , why didn’t you call the police, no, i called the police, didn’t write a statement, i just asked , as it were, ours authorities so that they at least have some kind of effect on him, they explain to him , they give him fines and how he would
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paying these fines again starts with him, he literally does n’t go out for two months, then it starts again and you decide to get a divorce, yes. suddenly he doubted the children, he began to doubt the eldest daughter , the youngest daughter, how many two children do you have? there are two of us, well, after the first child, there were probably signals, just why is he giving birth to a second one, this moment, i’m just interested, after the first one, when the first daughter was born, he didn’t show such aggression, when i became pregnant with my second daughter, he already began to become more aggressive show, even during pregnancy, that is , when you... married him, you didn’t even suspect that he would be such a tyrant, no, he was, as it were, ahead of our, how to say, schedule, that’s how we signed with him, he was a normal, good person, he didn’t show any aggression at all, he gave flowers,
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gave candy all the time, as if he constantly did it in the morning, he would serve coffee, then something else, well, what about a proposal? did you do your hands and hearts beautifully? but how can i say, yes, i liked the way he did it, when we met, he was the first to suggest sign, he’s like: get ready, are we going to my sister? well, well, okay, let's go, we came to my sister, of course, yes, my sister was happy, she gave me her ring, because well, daughters-in-law - that's all, and we sat normally, drank tea, talked, as it were, well as if everything was normal, everything, lenna and i understood each other, with his sister, that is , in this first meeting with your sister you even managed to become friends, and then when she found out that we would all be
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getting married in october, 3 october yes we're off we go to the legislative office for this, well, that is, they signed for it at the legislative office. the wedding was beautiful, no, the wedding wasn’t just beautiful, we weren’t noisy or so lavish, we didn’t do it, we just arrived, got married, came home, set the table, sat with our family, so it turns out arthur’s brother, and my dear sister, and my sisters’ husband, in such a small circle, when you announced that you had become pregnant first before i told him that i was pregnant with my daughter, he was even happy. this, he was glad that he would have a daughter after he left hospital, he escaped, it turns out, from there, but what happened to him, he was after the accident, so i looked after him, well, i was already pregnant, and i had
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a due date, since it was small, well, the doctors told me, no matter how well you can’t carry heavy, nor move with sudden movements, he... he was also, although he was lying down, he , well, it was like he was also trying to crawl around the house and do something, well, a daughter was born, you chose the baby’s name together, uh, no, he chose the name himself, because he wanted to name her first daughter caroline, he said, i as a father, and i choose my daughter’s first name myself, that’s it, he chose caroline, that is, there was not the slightest in his daughter. maybe from the maternity hospital then he also met me beautifully from the maternity hospital , we didn’t meet his sister voshnya , his older brother, and he was still lying on the bed, not
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getting up, well, it was as if he couldn’t get up when we arrived from the orphanage, my sister seemed to go straight to work, and we and theirs middle brother. let's go to our house, we arrived, his brother just gives him the child, they start shaking him like this, he says: take the child, so how i can’t hold it, it’s as if his weakness was still strong, the fact that he couldn’t hold it, and firstly, this is the first child who was given into his hands, well, it turns out touchingly so that yes, he had such a thing that he started to shake, he says: take the child, he says, i can’t do it. well, naturally she came up, took the child, put him in the stroller, he too, as if in kindergartens, when he already began to walk normally on mowers, he ran through all these documents himself, he tried everything for his daughter,
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he didn’t even have diapers, there were oh these, like their diapers, yes diapers, he ran on crutches, he achieved what... he had diapers, here’s the news about the second pregnancy, how quickly it came, and with my second pregnancy turned out to be like in carolina, when i was a year old, i got pregnant.
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so i understood that their mother was fair, because they have a brother, alexander, he also has blue eyes and white hair, and there are even others, elena also says that their mother was fair, so... your arthur began to doubt because the girl fair, you are dark, he is dark, he is dark, as it were, and the child is light, but then how can he doubt his eldest daughter, he explains, but the fact that he doubts the eldest, i don’t even know myself, he usually seemed to be more drawn to his eldest daughter, lyudmila, maybe then he was talking with you about who then might turn out to be the father of his daughters, if not him, he thinks that it is... and my friend’s husband andrei, well, there is
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reason to think that exactly, we are just friends, well, yes, we can joke there, pinch each other somewhere, there just tickle there like that, but to sleep with him, no, my friend is not jealous, my friend is not, she is not jealous, because she knows that andrei is not my type, that i am not my type, your husband? believes that he has plenty of reasons to doubt his fatherhood, well, let him, in the studio, arthur korbash. hello, arthur, hello, we really want to hear all the reasons that make you doubt your fatherhood. i, i have doubts about my paternity. because when victoria was little, well, she was born, she light, in our family everyone is absolutely dark,
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i consider my husband, veronica’s husband, a father, andrey, yes, for what reason do you consider him a father, well, well, the fact that i called him up, met, and walked to the store, before it only takes 20 minutes to come to the store, i’ll be back there in minutes. it takes about 20 minutes, well, half an hour passes and i call, well, there is no answer, plus everything, when he got a car, constantly, constantly , let’s go quickly, it ’s not far from here, that is, you want to say that this same andrey suggested give your wife a lift there, yes, to the store, you ’re sitting right now, you’re thinking of putting me down , first of all...
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it turns out she turned to this andrey for help, because well, since it was
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beneficial for her, because well, i’m okay i could n’t do it until, well, while i, that is , this andrey helped with the housework, while you were in a state where you couldn’t do anything, and plus plus to everything i want to add, my older brother came to us, my, my older brother , it turns out, whom she could easily also call, because he is a relative, so that he...
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she’s somewhere, she’s with a neighbor at the tulle, then she went for a walk somewhere, just to get some air, and you think, not to the neighbor and not just to get some air, well, yes, besides andrei, plus she went the rumor was that she was vacationing with a taxi driver, i wonder who the taxi driver was, who told you that, there were rumors that you were with the taxi driver? well, exactly with which taxi driver, this is all a lie, but do you know why your wife decided to divorce you, arthur? we had, there was a conflict with her, well, an ordinary family quarrel, we with her it turns out, i started
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to hold her, as it were, with my hands so that she wouldn’t scratch anything, i told her, calm down, come, come to your senses, and it turned out that when i, well, started to let her go, i i hit her, that is, they wanted to let her go, but they accidentally hit her, and the teapots rushed towards me, with a teapot, no, i didn’t rush, yes, but when we were renting an apartment. whoever the teapot flew at, it didn’t fly at me, because i wasn’t standing there, remember who was standing there, caroline was standing there, well, i remember, the crib that we just took, where it flew,
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when i just managed to jump up to the chef, arthur, if you didn’t trust lyudmila so much, why didn’t you just leave, why did you... according to your words, he doesn’t respect you, why not just leave, why beat him if the person doesn’t understand, with taxi driver, as you say, why then do you need a woman like that next to you in life, well, for one simple reason, that i love her, i tried to somehow come to an agreement with her, after your such attempts, lyudmila decided to divorce you, you want divorce, no, i don’t want
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a divorce, why do you need a dna test then, because what because?
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well, in the future i also made gifts, but i looked after her, well, such a story happened that i was walking. on the eve of the new year, a week before the new year from work - i was hit by a car, by this time we were kind of already scheduled, i’m not
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grateful to my wife, but she, well, you could say i was just out of the cradle, so lyudmila told me that she tried to get you back on your feet, although she was pregnant with her first child, the doctors forbade her to lift weights, i’ll be honest with lyudmila, she told me what she had... well there are five children who live with their grandmother, what, five, five, and how many children do you, ladmila, have in total? seven, five are with their grandmother in usuriski, here in primorye, because well, she’s torturing me, she wants to decide the parental rights of gender completely, here are two daughters, and there... there are sons, and often you visit your sons, grandmothers, well i don’t visit my sons, because i have a ban, well, getting close to children, you haven’t been deprived of
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parental rights yet, no, why, i ’ve been deprived of two, i don’t have three yet, aluda, and you to me, you to me she said that you are deprived of five, no, not five, you pay child support, for none of the five, i received a piece of paper that... 60 so you want to get a dna test from arthur now to know for sure what you can receive alimony from arthur, no, why, i’ll just do it, now my child will grow up, go to kindergarten, and i’ll go to work myself, but why do you need a dna test, it’s not for me, it’s him, our dad is like that, arthur, why do you doubt your first daughter?
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lyudmila assures that she would never let her husband’s mistress into her house. in the studio of veronika pestogova. hello, veronica, you are stupid, why the hell are you pinning children on my husband, i don’t, i think so. do you think, seriously, since when did this happen? i think so, since when? i haven’t counted for 3 years, now i started counting? i, i have been for a long time, i have been for a long time, i have been for a long time i was jealous, just now, just now, 3 years later, just now, yes, andrey, you see the father of the children, are you serious, no, i’m serious, sit down, veronica, let’s try to understand the situation together, you are not the father of your husband believe me, no, i don’t believe it, but this cannot be in any way, for 7 years my husband has never cheated on me, that is , there were no close relationships. well, they
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joke to each other, well, somewhere they’ll come up, yes, there, well, they’ll pinch you, there, listen, who they’ll hit, well, to such an extent that right there, well, it wasn’t, i know people, 3 years, there was never any flirting between each other, i’m so confident in my relationship, i’m so confident in my husband, so why is arthur so sure that it’s your husband, vika’s father, because that my husband and i also have a son together, he is also fair-haired, also blue-eyed, my husband and i both have brown eyes, also dark, but timur looks like andrei, it’s clear that timur looks like andrei, well, no way there vika, well, people look like my daughter, i’m sorry, she doesn’t look like andrei, but your friend gave her husband a reason to be jealous,
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never been, people are always at home... with him all the time, she took out pots for him for a year, when he was hit by a car, he always kept her with him, she’ll come out, even to visit us, just to sit with us . on a visit, he calls her every 5 minutes: where are you, who are you with, where should she go, she doesn’t have any girlfriends she knows except me, but the taxi driver, they have a familiar taxi driver, which arthur repeatedly asks when luda was in the hospital with the baby for formula and milk. luda also turned to him, but about the fact that arthur was cruel to lyudmila, a friend complained, i myself saw it perfectly well, there was a situation. and arthur comes up to me and says: veronica, i love my friend, alena, and at night i dream about you naked, i say, come these people, tell me, why are you telling me this, come to the people, say, he’s coming to the people, she says, lyuda
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naturally couldn’t restrain herself, she started packing her things, let’s stop her, he called her to him and kept her there until... until the police arrived, but you didn’t advise your friend to leave such a husband? oh, a lot many times, many times, i say, write a statement against him, leave, i say, because of him, they will take your children away from you quickly, there is natasha, she helps their family so that their children are not taken away from them, that is, with things , food there, with documents there, so i say, come up to her, well, talk to her! with a person, explain the situation, that you don’t want to live with him, that you are being morally killed, humiliated, insulted, after all, after 3 years, feel like a woman, well, you know your friend well, you admit that arthur might
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really turn out to be not the father after all, arthur will be the father of my girls, i’m 100% sure of this, and even the blue-eyed blonde, yes, well, let’s all look together with... at my father’s. sergey, what do you say? well, i see here, if you cover up, as it were, the lower part of the face, well, dad, dad’s look, facial features, here, and the nose, children, they, you know, they take from their parents, from one one thing, from
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another another . for example, by the way, regarding blond hair, my mother was blonde until she was 18, and although her father and mother were all black and after 18. high forehead, these superciliary ridges, well, in general, in the shape of the head, but they are very similar to veronica’s husband, that is, i’m almost sure of this, but she doesn’t look like my husband in any way, she looks like his mother, everyone
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says he looks like his mother, she looks like, and you yourself saw his mother, of course, at first my mother had golden hair, well, not to such an extent light, well, everyone says exactly what... . to his mother, why to my husband, i don’t know, your husband agrees with this, he also agrees, your husband has no idea, why arthur considers him the father of his youngest daughter. in the studio andrey pestogov. hello everyone, hello andrey, hello arthur, you understand what you ’re doing, you’re thinking with your own head, i’m figuring it out, well, i don’t see what you’re thinking, andrey, well, i’ll ask you right away. did you have a direct relationship with lyudmila? no, it can’t be, what kind of relationship could there be? luda, we are like a friend, we communicate with her, with friends, as i know, they are not sleeping, that is, you can say about yourself that you are a faithful, loving husband, of course,
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yes, i love my wife, i am faithful to my family, a you can say this to lyudmila, yes, she is faithful to her husband, here’s arthur, where does he get such thoughts that you are the father of his daughter, and because he... that’s all he thinks, well, he says that there are reasons, yes, i even told him i didn’t give any reason that i saw your advances, what kind of advances, so tell me, what kind of trips to the store are these? and not to the store, is it to a cafe or what? well, this is the situation, for 3 years i decided to call lyudmila to rest, as they say, well, because she didn’t go anywhere at all, she was always at home, the stove, the firewood herself, she carried the water herself, of course, well, i’m just tired, i decided to call her to rest, we’re all, arthur himself personally let her go, andrey let me go. the two of them were left to look after the children, my husband called me
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and said that his sister felt bad, arthur came up to andrey when we had already left, arthur came up to andrey and said that his sister was bad, we need to help, andrey help, asked me to sit with his baby there, well, for 10-15 minutes, he says, i’ll quickly, he says, i’ll go, find out what and how and come back. here in the end after 5-10 minutes look, i drew everything, that is, i didn’t go to my sister, who happened to be with them, there was no reason, people didn’t give me any reason for jealousy, no, we, they moved to live with us, with you, and together with a small child, as it were well, everything is there, andrey, and your wife asked your consent to welcome lyudmila to you, and , of course, she asked about everything family...
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veronica immediately decided that she would not leave her friend, as they say, in cramped conditions and no offense, let's see the plot . lyudmila korbash tries to spend as much time as possible with her eleven-month-old daughter victoria, the main thing for her now is the needs of the child and all other matters. fades into the background, well , we have a daily routine, we like to yell and scream all day long, then sleep for half a day, well, whenever, we like to go for walks and play, a woman lives in the village of slavyanka, primorsky territory, for the last 2 weeks she spends the night with her friend veronika pestogova, who kindly agreed to shelter her, here is one room. apartment, veronica, andrey, their children live here, and my
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daughter and i, well, here we are sofa, here it is, this sofa, here we rest on it with them. the owner of the apartment with two children and her husband settled in the next room. andrey is doing his best to arrange the family nest. now, for example, he decided to decorate one of the walls with gold. patterns, this is andrey, our artist, hello, our artist, this is veronica, she also seems to be watching her husband draw, lyudmila has to live on child benefits, 3 months ago she quit her job, now she desperately needs alimony for so that her daughters do not need anything, i quit my job because my victoria is constantly getting sick or something else.
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the main thing for me is that the child is not hungry, there are always diapers, napkins, that’s it all. lyudmila, well, you really live together, but still in cramped conditions. well, yes, but why didn't we see caroline? i gave it to elena for a while, that is, brother. arthur’s sister, after all this that ’s happening, i’ll write applications, apply for an apartment, well, i’ll still get an apartment and take caroline there, and how often do you visit your daughter? well , when i visit my daughter, i usually call lena, find out how she’s doing, well... usually i don’t call, then she’s sick, then they have it there, and
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it’s like, so you just call, well sometimes we come, check on them, as if, well, we play with the mother in general, i can’t understand, you’re the mother, i’m listening, i don’t understand at all, you know, i’m just torn from the inside to ask you a question, you’re thinking how one is sick, how to feed the other, and the rest, what, do you need an apartment, for what, about the apartment? you have children, i’m talking about the apartment, i kind of decided it myself, but you should think about the children first, for the children you have, who have already been taken away.
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your daughter lives now, she’s not against it at all, no, but i don’t know what she thinks about her brother’s paternity, arthur, is your sister on your side or on lyudmila’s side, she thinks that vika is not mine, she doesn’t doubt korolin, no , do arthur’s daughters really have different fathers, arturovna or andreevna, who is little vika’s dad? the most important thing ahead is envelopes with dna test results. the inauguration ceremony of the president of the russian federation, vladimir vladimirovich putin. may 7 at 12:00 moscow time on ntv. bitter 53
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arthur, your sister also can’t understand whose vika's daughter. in the studio, elena korbash. hello, elena, please come in and have a seat. how did it happen that your brother’s eldest daughter lives with you? they just don’t need her, she’s a girl. i just don’t need it, neither the mother nor the father, of course not, that’s how the mother doesn’t need it at all, well, because they just wanted to go out for a day and have fun, i took the child in a very terrible condition, very terrible, i visited him more than once her, helped them with food, meat, gave them money for feeding, she always has it in her refrigerator everything was empty, they didn’t have anything to eat, by now they already had vetch, the second one... the second one, yes, the queen was always on her own, constantly, now poking around in the ground, now poking around there, at a wonderful
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moment, i was on the weekend and i said, sash, let’s go to arthur, let’s go, he says, let ’s go, i’m coming, i say, this way and that, this is the situation, let me take the child for the weekend, he says, please take it, i took carolina, she has the one moment the irritation was strong, sasha, well, take it? you went home, i came home, i already need to wash it, all grimy, covered in sand, i put her in the bathtub, she started screaming with good obscenities, well, excuse me, of course, she was afraid of water specifically, she didn’t wash her hair, well, in general she was afraid of water, she screamed, then after a while i called people, i ask, people , why so and so, she is afraid of water, she tells me that arthur, he either accidentally dropped her, or poured water on her, she would have, well... that she was afraid of everything, she raised her hand, she was shaking, you shout, she hides in a corner, she screamed, that is, we can
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conclude that she was being punished, that she it got to her physically, yes, or someone, maybe they beat her there, i don’t know, we sort of treated her, yes, it was that caroline began to be afraid of everything, this is about our daddy, who was throwing things at us all these... tables, cribs, a hot kettle, somehow he then hid her kettle, well, you’re a mother, how he threw it at her, when i had to , can a mother allow her child to be brought to such a state, you don’t washed her, girl, why, why, we washed her, she gets irritated every summer, but now she didn’t have it, now it’s good, not everything, she she’s been living with me for almost a year, caroline’s is a permanent one, so she’s been living with me for a year, only 2 years, people, what kind of constant is lena, or
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was she with us because you took her to andreevka to the base, i came for her, what state was she in? the girl has already been living for a year and almost a whole year, and her mother and mother came when she was 2 years old and came with arthur.
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i can still, i know, but like you, she shouldn’t support your child, she took this child because she has a responsibility, you know, i know, me mom already calls you, she has been mom for a long time, and her husband is dad, who else is already called mom, it’s better to call you mom and that’s right elena, this is the situation, girl. i got sick, i need to go to the clinic at the hospital, how will you take her there? how do i have a power of attorney that i take her to the hospital from kindergarten, who wrote the power of attorney to you? luda,
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i paid for the power of attorney myself in person at the notary. i can’t understand something, do you want to twist my tail or what? who wants to twist your tail? that you have just clicked and you will be left without queen. what about you are you threatening me now? listen, you are not threatening, i would take victoria away from you , it’s not in your position now, to threaten a woman, excuse me, who feeds and supports your daughter, i would deprive you of all your children now simply, she he told me something else, it doesn’t matter, she feeds and supports your daughter, that’s what i want to say? this means that there are two parents here, well, so -called, probably yes, who left their children without guardianship, this is exactly that, which means the article is in civil law code, and that the so-called dad is sitting, for now the dad is until the jurassic, that is, when, for example, dna shows that you are not the father, then you can wash your hands of her, now you are sitting, blamed it on your sister, your
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child, vladimir, in this case, elena has the opportunity to become a guardian. there is an opportunity for a girl to become a guardian, and at the moment, while we still have a dad , dayura is a dad, and if the guardianship authorities pay attention to the fact that the children are left without guardianship, and elena declares that she wants to become a guardian, she has a priority right, because she is a relative of these, these children, this child. elena, if you have such a desire, if you want to become an official opyakun, why? they didn’t take the second girl, well, she doesn’t look like us, we have some black ones, she’s very fair, that’s who you think vika looks like, now they look like, you know who, your little child, what’s his name, timur, on timur, here’s lyudmila, i ’ll ask again who is caroline ivica’s father arthur, are you sure, yes, it won’t happen that we will encounter some surprises, no,
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oleg, arthur, the father of lyudmila's daughter, who was seen? i very much doubt that this is his child, it may be someone else’s, but not his, it also seems to me that the father is someone who is not here now, someone else, yes, arthur, we are ready to find out the truth, no matter what it is i wasn’t, yes, i’m ready, i invite yulia sivertseva, our expert in forensic medicine, candidate of medical sciences, to the studio. julia, you have the floor. before a divorce, twenty-five-year-old arthur korbash wants to know for sure whether his children are his. have to pay child support? a man, the official father of two daughters born in marriage with lyudmila korbash, two-year-old karolina and one-year-old vika. arthur
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has doubts about his eldest daughter, because there were bad rumors about his wife. but he doesn’t know who exactly could be the father, so arthur calls the husband of lyudmila’s friend, andrei pestogov, the father of his youngest daughter, because the girl looks like him, arthur’s wife insists that she gave birth to daughters from her husband, all his doubts are due to groundless jealousy. in addition, he began to doubt the children only after learning that she plans to file for divorce. for alimony. we will find out which spouse is telling the truth right now. in the first envelope, the result of a genetic examination carried out between the official father and daughter arthur and karolina korbysh. lyudmila, can i open the envelope? yes. arthur, are you ready to find out if you are caroline's dad? yes, i'm ready.
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attention, i am opening the envelope. on the one hand, the official father, arthur korbash, on the other, his official eldest daughter, caroline korbash. the probability of consanguinity is 99.9%. arthur at least one daughter, caroline, you definitely have one, well , it’s clear, it’s clear whether you’re happy about it or not, well , of course i’m glad, well, i, elena, you were right, yours, dear caroline, protect your niece, you’ve been taking care of your own niece for a year , you had no doubts about this, no, you always felt that dear, yes, ours, lyudmila, now we will find out the result of
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the dna test of your youngest daughter and your husband. friends, you continue to insist that andrei has nothing to do with it, has nothing to do with it, i’m sure this is arthur’s daughter, yulia, please, the second envelope, his sister and even lyudmila’s friend agree that the girl does not look like her dad. lyudmila, can i open the envelope? andrey, we are ready to find out the result of your dna test with your official daughter. yes, attention, i am opening the envelope, on the one hand, the alleged
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father, andrei pistogov, on the other, his alleged biological daughter, vika korbash. there is a good chance that a year ago you, andrey, became the father of a daughter named vika . 0%, andrey, you were right, you are not dad, vicki, arthur, and you are surprised, as i understand, this is the result, confused, your chances of vicky's paternity have increased, or you will hear the same dna test result for yourself, to be honest, i would like. lyudmila, what result of the dna test we will hear in the next envelope, that korbysh to arthur is vikka’s father, so whether arthur has
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another daughter, or whether his doubts about his wife’s fidelity this time will not be in vain, we will find out immediately after the advertisement. look at 19:00 found destroyed the fsb announced the liquidation of a ukrainian saboteur. who planned terrorist attacks in the moscow and leningrad regions. ukrainian agent intelligence arrived from lithuania. who trained him and what objects the terrorist planned to blow up. in russia, the requirements for a car first aid kit may change. the ministry of health invites drivers to supplement their usual set of thermal blankets with surgical scissors and elastic bandages when changes become mandatory. watch it on air this evening, on the website and in the app now. viia superstar premieres on may 12 at 20:20 on ntv. rustix is ​​celebrating a year and is definitely waiting for anyone. gives you real crispy chicken. celebrate with us
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in memory and intelligence. why does the body fail? can these harmful changes be stopped? can. our body has a main computer, the brain. it is responsible for memory, attention, thinking, movement, mood. sleep also regulates the functioning of each of our organs. the brain is an electrical system, it consists of nerve cells and processes between them, which constantly electrical signals flow. with age , changes occur in the brain; brain cells age and are damaged by the environment and stress. scientists from kyoto university have found that the japanese eat a unique mollusk called azumopectinida. it turns out that azumopectinide contains unique components that promote brain restoration, all of which belong to the class of phospholipids, of which there are more than 100 names. this is how a highly concentrated product appeared. phosphopides
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of the japanese mollusk. extend your youth brain 8.800, 100 exactly, 19.85. 8.800, 100 exactly 1985. the brain is responsible for memory, attention, thinking, movement, mood, sleep and regulates the functioning of each of our organs. however, with age, we all experience a deterioration in memory and intelligence, disturbances in the functioning of our organs. this year the russian distributor purchased a batch. japanese brain therapy product, it contains all the phospholipids that promote brain restoration, brain therapy is produced in japan, brain aging can be reversed and it will serve again to you faithfully, prolong the youth of your brain, 8800 100 exactly 1985, 8800 100 exactly 1985, learn more about the japanese brain therapy product. central television,
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tomorrow at 19:00 on ntv, so what happened to this beauty, she was suffocated with a pillow, the girl who was killed was not just a girl, but someone, the daughter of a big boss, they are afraid to stand, the police, gozel, whatever you want, yes, let's go, please help me. emelya, i have everything. the final. me too. but you didn’t want to take the damn thing, you were wrong. today at 19:40 on ntv. in dna program studio, legal husband. and the husband of his wife’s friend was figuring out which one of them was daddy, one-year-old vicki. it turned out that this was definitely not my friend’s husband.
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on one side is the official father arthur korbash, on the other his official youngest daughter vika korbash. the probability that vika, yours, arthur, is your blood daughter is 99.9%.
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why did you behave this way, people, the fact that he accused me of all sins, that i was sleeping, sleeping with andrey, that i was corresponding with some taxi drivers, sleeping with them, that’s exactly what i wanted - from the very beginning - to check - all tests, and finally, i’m with you, i ask you for forgiveness. no, i’m filing for divorce, but on the contrary, i want to keep what you want, what am i doing, i said that i’m filing for divorce, that means i’ll submit, tomorrow, from the day after tomorrow, consider you divorced, i’ll tell you right away when i arrive into a slav, he and none of his relatives will see caroline and victoria again, and she will be stressed again, it’s okay, it’s okay, just calm down, i don’t care about my children. in general, we
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heard here, the child lives, hungry, cold, dirty, he came to this person for a whole year, she feeds him, you are not a penny, you don’t even call your children, what are you talking about, now you can say whatever you want, there are actions, i won’t even argue about it, yes, my actions were practically non-existent, what was she responsible for the children there or something else, what are you going to do to become a good mother, i will solve my children’s issues. the question is, so that the children don’t need anything, how to try everything for them, where you start, so that your children don’t... i’ll start helping lena then, so that, well, how to raise caroline further, so that caroline would teach, well, how would she enter kindergarten, not needing anything, neither clothes, nor shoes, nor toys, and you, arthur, what role will you take in raising your daughter,
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i will also i can only help them transfer the amount for caroline, and so that lena can help vika with her sister’s card, because since lyudmila wants a divorce, i won’t give her anything, elena will come here, but your daughters will have a father in their lives, i will be with them i will, opinions will go away if you take a dna test, if you need genetic examination, contact us, and we will help you, on monday on ntv, a new test, dna, assalom aleikum, holmagyn,
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bir gas karamalyn tekshirav, and mumkinmi, and ayaguy.
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a saboteur who, on instructions from ukraine, was preparing terrorist attacks in russia and on the territory of neighboring countries against russian-speaking residents was killed in the leningrad region, the fsb reports. they bypass ukrainian and western radio warfare stations, russian lancets in the southern donetsk direction destroy bsu equipment. report by sergei pikulin. a single father with five children was left homeless due to severe flood. alexander tankikh will tell the story of the family. anti-israeli protests in american universities, a harsh purge in los angeles, arrests throughout the country.
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alexey veselovsky, from the usa.


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