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tv   [untitled]    May 3, 2024 11:26pm-11:41pm MSK

11:26 pm
they are all with weapons, he is not, he does not belong to any resistance structure, here he is, he just wants to live with his family, it’s clear, it’s clear, but the anniversary of the tragedy in odessa has passed, sergei borisovich, mm, we remember, yes, that it happened there, but you don’t have a feeling, yes, here you go, the footage is there, let’s show it, yes, yeah. on may 2, 2014, ukrainian neo-nazis attacked odessa anti-maidan activists and started a massacre and fire in the house of trade unions. as a result, 48 people died, most of them opposed the radicals who seized power in kiev, for maintaining cultural and economic ties with russia. 10 years ago, clashes in odessa began with marches of far-right activists.
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neo-nazis and football fans who were heading to the stadium where a football match was scheduled, but the crowd, which turned out to be equipped for a street fight, turned towards the tent camp of anti-maidan supporters on the kulikovo field; the people who were there, fearing for their lives, decided to hide in the house trade unions. the radicals threw molotov cocktails at the building , people jumped out of the fire to escape the fire. windows, on the street neo-nazis finished them off with bats and armaments.
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we realized that no one would hear us anymore, now they would come to calm us down with the help of weapons, when this happened, to believe that this was possible, but it was very difficult, when i just had my feelings, yes, when i watched i just didn’t want to believe my eyes at what was happening there, 10 years have passed, in 10 years... we know the names, you and i know the names of the people who actually gave the order, who carried it out, it’s clear, right now they were talked about, but we know who was in charge then ukraine, we know specifically the people who were supposed to carry out this one, were responsible for this action of intimidation, because they wanted, as they say, to scare all the people, yes, who thought differently from what they were actually told in kiev, we we know all this, in the west... they also know it,
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they remember it very well, probably, but irzha says that they remember what happened there, they haven’t punished anyone yet, how in principle can you have any kind of conflict with these people? that's it, i'm not even talking about kiev, everything is clear with kiev, i'm talking about that same europe, like that all civilized, democratic, everyone there likes to talk about human rights, about the value of human life, they closed their eyes on the contrary... they help these same ghouls who then, in fact, arranged all this, well, that’s how it is in general may be? yes, this was a very critically important act 10 years ago in may in odessa, and it was not even an act of intimidation, it was an act of civil war, an act of civil war, because the previous maidan in 2004, 10 years earlier,
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some things had returned to normal. then relations with russia everything else, that is, there was some kind of reconciliation after the maidan, here i feel that there was a desire to show that this time there is no reconciliation, this time there will be the destruction of another ukraine, so they tried to destroy it, using the example of these unfortunate victims in odessa , begin to commit the destruction of another ukraine, without any options for reconciliation.
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isn’t going anywhere, why didn’t the internal investigation in ukraine yield anything, that’s understandable, only those who were pushed into this house made claims there trade unions, that is, the victims were presented with claims, they are to blame, i think five people were convicted there, if i remember correctly, the victims of this tragedy appealed to the european court of human rights, they were correct, they were helped by lawyers, they correctly filed the appropriate claims, they are all correct. did, they presented all the evidence that they suffered, those who became disabled there also suffered, those who died, their families filed, and those who became disabled there also filed it all , submitted accordingly, we suffered, we the state that allowed all this to happen must now compensate for our losses,
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help, everything has been considered for years - not a single decision has been made in the european court of human rights, not a single one, but why, answer me, i just want to understand. is it convenient to support these scoundrels and murderers? do you support murderers? in europe they are not called murderers, of course, but what they are called, what else can they be called, well, this is for the freedom of freedom fighters, fighters for a new ukraine, because these events are sad and criminal, i am not afraid of this word, criminal events, i mean odessa, yes odessa. but they took place in the background - or they already took place in the background, when the self-proclaimed authorities came to power directly in lugansk and donetsk, so such a discount is being made to ukraine, and to the ukrainian authorities, that well, they fought for a united ukraine, they fought, but in pairs
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fought, yes, they fought with what then came 10 years later, yes, that is, we are now, so they close their eyes and like... which are dictated from kiev, on the contrary, on the contrary, as they say, they took it more firmly, as they say v hands, everything that could be taken in order to defend one’s own life, there is such an understanding of an elementary thing, i have it, but in europe it’s unlikely, because you need to understand what i’m saying,
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the events just happened in lugansk, in donetsk took place, then the event in mariupol, kharkov was well protected from the stations in quotes, yes, so in europe it is seen as... a sad, but correct shak, and murderers cannot be punished, it seems, so even to help those who have become disabled ? with the same, let’s say, understanding, well, look, here valentina matvienko, look, here she proposes the following, she is convinced that following the results of the svo, a large tribunal is needed, where the whole picture of the emergence of kiev ordinary nazism, its path, all its crimes will be collected and presented bit by bit.
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11:40 pm
you, this is a wonder of the world, this is a ufo, a mask, the finale, on sunday at 20:20 on ntv, this is the program , it’s true, let’s continue. with our guests about the situation around ukraine, well, nikolai viktorovich, tell me, how do you like it in general? in principle, valentin matvienko’s idea about this tribunal, well, it seems to me that this is the only correct decision, but how to do it, win then then it should be international, modeled on nuremberg, who will be included in this tribunal? well, if you want a parallel with nuremberg, then today it won’t work in this form, because our former allies in...


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