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tv   Kvartirnik NTV u Margulisa  NTV  May 3, 2024 11:40pm-1:21am MSK

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who are you, this is a wonder of the world, this is a ufo, a mask, the finale, sunday at 20:20 on ntv, this is a true program, we continue to talk with our guests about the situation around ukraine, well nikolai viktorovich, tell me, how...
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they definitely won’t be hitler, but this is just a part of the world, it’s small, i want to say, today’s hitler, so we can judge that steps are being taken in this direction, today, for example, i’m watching the news feed, an ordinary fighter of the terrorist azov banned in russia formation, got well a very long sentence, i’m afraid to make a mistake, but there ’s about 20 years for being a member of the azov terrorist group, that is , a person joined... the modern ss, volunteers, because he thought it was fun and funny, only for this fact he received a very serious deadline, this is, you know, one of those bells before which the curtain falls, this is a very right direction, the right action, but the main criminals must be tried publicly, they must be judged openly, we must invite the international community and part of the international community there will come uh huh. yes, bass, but what part of what,
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what kind of public will come there, because those who were our allies are now on the other side, for a second there are americans who continue to influence there on so many who will come there? let’s do this, if we recall the experience of the second world war, i will remind you that mr. churchel was not a fan of the soviet union, to put it mildly, but nevertheless great britain was a part.
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won’t understand, they will continue to crap, there will be some kind of pause, and then everything will start, like this question right away, i just want to understand, how, for example, to punish the czech republic, when we won’t go far as to say, here’s how to punish the czech republic, everything, everything happens very quickly, the situation changes very quickly, i ’m not talking about the czech republic now, i’m talking now about those countries that are already suffering, but apparently not enough for the people there to rise up and brush away all this foam, right? this is both
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economic and political damage, who said that there will be no military damage? here is macron, in his last interview he allowed a ground operation when the french will begin to die, yes, when they begin to die, their relatives in paris and not only in paris will ask questions to mr. macron, why our brothers, our sons died, that’s the further we will go in our fight, the more unlikely. will be inflicted today on europe, on the collective west, i’m not talking about america, it’s far away, the more likely it is that the people there are from words, from thoughts, they haven’t even gotten to words yet, unfortunately, they’ll get to action, that’s why i i understand, i’m an optimist, i’m an optimist, but i hope that’s all for you they said, i hope for better, i’m also an optimist in principle, well, as soon as i talk about this , for some reason i immediately become a pessimist, when blood is shed, blood washes away a lot, blood washes away all this husk,
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all these scholtz, all these macrons if blood is shed, and the further this situation progresses, the more. under distribution, because you are here, the americans are far away? well, no, they don’t have this understanding. jiri, have you been to pokonnaya mountain?
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not yet, but i’m collecting it tomorrow, be sure to go, don’t forget to take your passport, take it i’ll take my passport with me, i’ll go ahead of the line, skip the line, i think, but show me, yes, here you go, attention. an employee of the ambassador of the states, britain, germany, france, poland, well, the czech republic is provided for inspecting captured equipment of nato countries, which means that the military attaches of these countries took advantage, they came, skipped the line, i looked, they invited me, there is not a military attache there, not an embassy employee, but a passport, i think, can work, yes, you can go and see, yes, we have a czech there, in my opinion, some kind of armored personnel carrier or infantry fighting vehicle, yes, yes, yes, roman, i’ll tell you something else.
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it’s just a pity that you weren’t there, i just wanted to ask about your impressions, because i know the reaction of, say , stoltenberg, this is your character too, and sergei borisevich, yes, who said that it turns out that this exhibition shows nato in the wrong light , i wonder in what such a wrong light this exhibition shows nato, when there is equipment there that they sent to kill our soldiers, our soldiers actually destroyed this equipment, so i want understand. well, anna, weren’t you there, yes, i’ll write , yes, well, what do you think about this? i think it’s quite an interesting exhibition, in fact, i already said that even my editors wanted me to write a report, definitely, of course, so there is interest in this, i myself would be more interested in
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the impression of people, the impression of muscovites, russians, how they look at this technique, and what do they think, so i understand that i will most likely hear very unflattering words. but i’ll still be interested in how they perceive it themselves? yes, these will be unflattering words, yes, vladimirevich, but there is also german equipment that was supplied, yes, mm, that’s where we have german equipment, there is something german there, yes, well, there is, but that’s understandable, yes, and there also, there i also think that the armored personnel carriers there are german, as far as i know, this means that putin is oppressing german tanks. and therefore, this is apparently also their correspondent, so he went there, yes, he was impressed, talked, yes, he writes: the leopard’s cannon, raised too proudly, was lowered down with a multi-ton load, but the propaganda show has a serious the bottom line is that only half of the twenty-one
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leopard 2 a6 tanks delivered are currently in working order, the rest are damaged or worn out to the point of being unusable, but in germany they didn’t understand anything. in germany they provided help again, they provided help again, and there, look, 10 infantry fighting vehicles, this one vehicle is also here, yes, this marder, ammunition for these same tanks, yes there, but here you go, yes , shells, missiles, everything else, yes, why do you think they do this,
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it turns out that it was last friday evening, he met with scholz, and before meeting with scholz, i even see you have
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a photograph, he is there behind the shoulder, where the arrow points, this is annalena berbuk, i am glad that you are reading mine telegram channel, so a couple of hours before scholz met stoltenberg privately near monbejou park, this is where the synagogue bombed by the british, not planted on crystal night, it was the british who bombed the synagogue, meets in a restaurant. 3 hours spent pouring berbuk, question: if you are meeting with the chancellor, why would you meet with the head of the ministry before that? explain to me, i’ll explain. the fact is that schultz developed a very tough position. even the patriot that was delivered to ukraine, even those irises t, by the way, about the irises t, right now, something happened with the plant, they have to double-check there right now, there is confirmation from three independent sources, people just arrived there in the south-west of berlin it is directly on fire, this very plant that makes these missiles, right? dil, yeah here you go, here is the picture, here is del - these are those who produce eriste, and this is not
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the first fire, by the way, the dacha plot, the heads of rain metal are also on fire, they even took responsibility there, left-wing extremists, as they are called , i admit that these are real terrorists, by the way, maybe they put the blame, you know, we will continue to set fire , there is freedom for daniel, there is such a terrorist rabbi that needs to be freed. but this is absolutely left-wing extremism, which is only inherent in germany, and then you sell weapons to ukraine, you are selling death, you are getting rich, you have to fight, this is what abas is talking about, but this is not blood yet, this is still arson, but there will be a reaction to the underground, not in the sense that they will come to russia, they say , guys, let's be friends, the devil is going on there now, that the special services are not just tightening the screws, there are deputies with searches, wiretapping, in fact , there is a very strong fight against any manifestation.
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for every gang leader, not proven people are needed, bound by blood, there will be
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a cossack sent in, it’s impossible to walk around for long i will, the internal affairs bodies need your help, great, luger, hello, khariton, he’s incomprehensible, are you sure he wasn’t sent, who to shoot, for what, justice? come with me, look, ivan, i won’t call you a second time, gorky 53, well, all the best, gentleman, premiere from monday at 20:00 on ntv, lera kudryavtseva against alexander revva, stars tomorrow at 21:20, one of my friends decided to rest where there is no connection, where can one go from this connection, hello?
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to object, yes. i'm talking about nato and stoltenberg and scholz. the fact is that secret meetings are behind your back. what kind of conspiracy against scholz, i’m trying to understand, this is connected with taurus, that is, they give everything, but they don’t give missiles, this is also a strange position, and i can’t understand why, as they say, everyone gives everything that is possible, and he kept his head down and that’s it, stoltenberg not only spoke, he also said that germany owes 2%. spend on the defense industry, and this is a direct demand , this is a transfer of the demand actually from the usa, this is not stoltenberg saying, this is his the head says, about the transfer of taurus , the next point is directly the german military personnel who will take part and scholz is actually resisting, not because he is such a big fan there, he fell in love with russia somehow over the last six months or is afraid that the banner of victory over
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dristag will installed there again, no, he understands that when he gives up the taurus, he will work out clearly. you can’t move the plant in 24 hours, you’ll get all the people out, for example, scholz is afraid, very afraid, these are all sorts of anolens from the berbs dancing around him, these warmongers like shtrak zimerman, like kizeveta,
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these are people who sleep and see, there is no more crimean bridge, hurray, we did something to the russians, here scholz is really holding the line against this here , let's say, useful idiots from the united states, how long he will keep her, i don’t know, but proof that with scholz directly... this is one relationship, with the head of mida burbock whispering so that she puts more pressure, this is completely different, this is very disrespectful to the chancellor of germany, this is not respect for the one who elected him, this is not respect for those who work with him, that is, you are the chancellor there blah blah blah, and behind your back we will come to an agreement around you, we will create a coalition, berbek she is like they say there is no need to negotiate with her, she is always in favor, but the decision must be made by the chancellor, they can’t come to an agreement with the chancellor, that’s all, you can go on like this.
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a good life, it was a necessary measure, it was an operation when the body stopped fighting on its own and this was clear on may 2, 2014,
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there is no immunity, pills don’t help, yes, the operation is certainly bloody, scary, it is unknown whether the body will survive or not, but there is hope that we can save it, so, blood, it really is, as it were it didn’t sound scary, it washes away, it... cleanses, and i didn’t say that it would be like that, i said that i hope so, i hope that we won’t stop tomorrow and won’t give our enemies the opportunity to catch their breath to start intrigues against russia again, i hope that we will reach the end and punish everyone who today he is taking part in this disgrace, yes, returning to the nuremberg process, it definitely needs to be carried out, only now it should be donetsk, maybe belgorod, maybe mariupol, unfortunately there is a lot of space here, it speaks of history: they weren’t in nuremberg the main criminals who brought hitler to power, the leaders of western countries who
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fed him half of europe, who were afraid of hitler when he had no army, who gave him money, and so on and so forth, were convicted remained behind the scenes of the nyberg trial, that is, even after defeating nazism, our allies did not want to condemn themselves, well, you see, this is how it all turned out, so they condemned... war criminals who were caught, but did not condemn the warmongers. therefore, when we talk about this future, mandatory process, we should have no illusions. abad says that the people, abas, i apologize, will stand up, the people cannot stand up. the nornberg trial is when the government, british public prosecutors, the soviet union, the usa, the state condemned nazism and even our allies in this process. they cut out a piece of history in order to whitewash themselves, that’s why i asked whether it’s possible to do this or not, if we’re discussing it, it’s necessary, yes, but how possible will it be
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to do it, okay, that means, look, statement, now seconds, perhaps, says, is it possible to win, i answer, of course it is possible, it is possible to win, it is possible to win, but we won and even then, we brought out certain people, this is a continuation, this fire, with which you started, this is the continuation. not history, we are going and we will get there, well, our ministry of defense, therefore, made a statement about these american atak ms missiles. the germans do not supply, the americans did, and at the same time, we said a week ago that they did it quietly, long before they decided to provide an aid package, plus, these are missiles of a different range , if before 80 km, now 300, which means... look, air defense means within 24 hours 10 ukrainian drones, six
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us-made operational-tactical ms attack missiles and two guided missiles were shot down. i cannot confirm any of the atak ms missiles transferred to kiev that they were shot down, and i will also not provide specific data on the number of atak ms transferred to ukraine. shall i say that well, quite a lot, quite a lot, but again strange, kind of strange.
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maria zakharova made a statement that if they now begin to strike our territories, including crimea, there will be a blow of retaliation, you just said, yes, in my opinion, yes, about a blow of retaliation, she said, there will be a blow of retaliation, sergei vladimirovich, and a blow of retaliation is what you think, you know, a blow of retaliation - this is, of course, not a figure of speech, right, but this... well, if
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really, so to speak, there should be something behind this, this, this, this, these are some kind of response actions that should bring to their senses those who believe that this is all a game, you know, that’s what it is, and i’m not a military expert, it’s hard for me to say how it is will be done specifically, but the answer or retort should be just such that those who, strictly speaking, are playing all this come to their senses, but again, why is this all happening in washington now, you know, there are actually very interesting processes going on there now , if you look now after, after the allocation of these 61 billion dollars, you and i discussed this in great detail here and thought that, well, yes, so to speak, this is how this stage began, a new one, but in reality it’s all starting just now, why? because according to in fact, to american
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legislation, after they allocated this... this package of 61 billion dollars over the course of a month and a half, the administration of president biden must present to congress its strategy, which no, but they have increased the production of otak ms missiles manifold and are ready to transfer up to 10 missiles to ukraine every month what is not a strategy, wait a minute we are talking about something else , we are talking about the fact that these are the people who voted against this. they believe that they, they will still, so to speak, fight, they now clearly say, please, that is a strategy, let's explain what a strategy is, a strategy is a definition of what goals america sets in the ukrainian conflict, the ultimate goals, and how this relates to the national security interests of the united states, this week, this week, here again, biden approved the decision to send more than 100 large missiles.
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these atakams, that’s everything else, this is what this is for, what we want to achieve in ukraine, we still don’t have this answer, clearly formulate what to keep zelensky in power, return to the borders of ninety first year or 2022, we don’t know what victory will look like, there is an answer, there is an answer, i just want
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impressions, a storm of new impressions, apply for a loan from sberbank and receive a monthly cashback of 2% interest rate, more profitable with savings lera kudryavtseva against alexander revva, stars tomorrow at 21:20 this is the program, the truth, we continue to talk with our guests about the situation around ukraine, yes, i wanted to continue, no wait , let me first.
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great, great, what’s great is that we saw it so quickly, now look, let’s sum up everything i said, it means that there is this preparation, just developing strategies, because when austin spoke, he said, we don’t have a strategy, now, we have just started working, we will present it by june 8, plus there is this agreement, what this is all, if it sums up what it leads to, it leads to now, in these days, in these weeks.
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they say that the next presidents, if this agreement is signed, are unlikely to be able to cancel it, but, but this agreement can, if it is ratified, but it will not be ratified,
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yes, on russian territory, in places from where russia attacks ukraine, because international law allows this, because ukraine needs longer-range weapons, ukraine also needs integrated air defense with aircraft, these capabilities are provided by the american assistance packages. ukrainians also receive long-range drones and their use , i emphasize, is permitted. right, look, what kind of international law, what are these people talking about, no, the question arises, where does this strange story come from, first the rater, yes, launches it, then he suddenly withdraws it, then he suddenly returns it again, so to speak , what is this, is it a mistake or is it
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politics, the question arises, here we enter the field of interpretation, and even here in the studio there are different experts, it may be different this is being interpreted, let's ask now. i can say, from my point of view, from my point of view, that there are two things here, and the first thing is how this is definitely a game, you know, this is definitely a game, this is a role-playing game, the first point is an attempt to portray that , that they seem to have doubts, but still determination, on the other hand, this is the second point, this is a game of aggravation, you know, this rhymes with macron, with what macron says, we’ll also put it for dessert. ukraine will crumble, we will retreat, we will swallow, look, don’t think that if now we, we too, we are ready to play for aggravation,
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we are not afraid of you, that’s the point, of course, yes, and i don’t want to talk about macron in detail now, but this is also from the same story. yes, yes, we are ready to play although, although, although not without difficulty, you see, here we are, you see, so to speak, cameron, he first said, then thought, at the beginning he was brave, then he got scared, then he said, no, that’s it - so i ’ll go, that is, for us, these decisions also require certain intellectual, psychological efforts, moral, but we are not afraid of you, and we will show you, yes, so don’t think, what is it, this is a game of escalation, we are already openly telling them about hitting the... you know, when we talk , that memeron, there macron, everyone else, whom we will talk about today, they are bluffing, they are playing for aggravation, perhaps this is so, but for some reason it seems to me that time is passing, they repeat, it is i who am watching them , the worst thing is that we consider them idiots,
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fools who played with toys, they sincere in their intentions, you know, they are sincerely ready to a... the logic that guys, that you are already losing everything, let's minimize the damage, fix your losses, get out of this and benefit from the end of the ukrainian conflict, we...
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sincerely believe that for them defeat, i sincerely repeat that for them defeat in the ukrainian conflict is like death, their world will collapse, therefore, for the sake of preventing this defeat, for the sake of preventing this defeat , prepare for anything, even.
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where european leaders can't help but be leaders, but simply managers, hired managers of those processes that
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are administered by the united states, the world is very comfortable, and if ukraine collapses, why will their world collapse, this is the world of the dollar, this is the world of the dollar, where everything can be bought for a dollar , sold for a dollar, because the dollar is the world reserve currency, the most powerful, the coolest, if it collapses again, if ukraine collapses, what will happen to the dollar.
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not at all, again, here’s roman, again, when we talk, no, listen, when we talk, well, guys, what, you don’t understand what this is there will be a nuclear war, we again begin to analyze their behavior, based on our logic, you must always be able to take the side of your enemy and think like him, they do not believe that it will begin, they do not have the fear of nuclear war in their heads, that period has passed, it happened after the caribbean crisis, when people were really afraid of nuclear weapons, when it was tangible.
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this nonsense all the time about red lines, i don’t know who said it, who said protin spoke about red lines, putin didn’t say it, shaigu didn’t say it, but you again you begin to reason in the language of logic, and not in the language of perception, the perception is completely different, the image is drawn completely different, of a country that does not carry out its threats, yes, yes, in the west there is such an understanding, that is why today we, just a second, today day we control what is correct, where is correct, this is your burnt equipment, here we have it on display, yes, i
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put pots of giranya on it, there for everything. what an image, i don’t need to talk about any image, nonsense complete, what an image, we control more than 20 percent of the territory of this very ukraine, which was actually accused of what they were accused of and against which they launched a special military operation, and we will go further, and we are already moving further, they themselves record this, they themselves say that not today, tomorrow the front will collapse, they say this,
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the whole family will be very happy, discounts up to 40% on barbecue and kupaty, supermarket delivery from 30 minutes. this program is true, we continue to talk with our guests about the situation in ukraine. one more statement, let's blinkin here. the end of the conflict in ukraine depends mainly on russian president vladimir putin and what he decides now. we hope that putin will demonstrate his readiness for sincere negotiations in accordance with the basic principles of the international community and the un. sovereignite.
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negotiations, but victory is 93%, 4% with the states, 93% of our people speak with no one, not when they stop arming ukraine, with ukraine, when there... the government changes, but these are already errors, with no one, that is, a rare situation has arisen, i agree with the majority viewers, well, it is, it is, because the situation in the negotiations is actually unique, the americans say that they
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are ready for negotiations, we say that we are ready for negotiations, but there are no negotiations, there will not be, at least until the twenty-fifth they won’t start in a year, because why exactly on the twenty-fifth, a change of power everywhere, a change of power in europe and the usa.
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to the end, but it would be especially strange, all this would look against the backdrop of a statement from, say, syrsky, give me syrsky. the situation at the front has worsened, the enemy has concentrated major efforts in different directions, created a significant advantage in forces and resources, active attacks along the entire front line in some directions are tactically successful, in fact, everyone understands everything, and there are no collapses of the front yet, but they themselves say that that it may not happen to them today, tomorrow, here you just need to...
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read an additional interview with the deputy head of the sbu to an economist, who was just the other day, and he says in plain text that negotiations are needed, there is no way without negotiations, because ukraine is in a critical situation, the most difficult since the beginning of the conflict, that is, the ukrainians are also involved in this game, they are preparing ukrainian society, the authorities there are preparing society for the fact that they may have to stagnate negotiations with the russians, but again not the same negotiations that we could do even at a minimum.
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i also saw a lot of publications about this, that they were there, having highlighted this package, they tied it up, or rather forced zelensky to promise that ukraine would not be there today tomorrow, having received this help, go on the offensive, provide them with some kind of results of this offensive that they can touch with their hands, well, this is how all this will happen, well, look, here to talk about how this will happen, we need to remember that what ukraine is now, ukraine is an exceptional instrument, an instrument of caution.
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against this world hegemony is a very dangerous, so to speak, object that can, in fact, bring down this entire system, therefore no ukraine at all is considered, ukraine is a battlefield and a tool, nothing more, and the goals are determined from here, they mentioned the crusaders here, but who are the crusaders, if you call a spade a spade, they are ideological people, they are robbers, they are invaders who went there, if we are talking about those same knights and warriors, the young sons there who.
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therefore, no, of course, it’s wonderful that cameron, who is in a party that is simply on the way out with 100%, and zelensky, who after 12 years, even in the eyes of the west becomes illegitimate, they say, centuries in advance, it’s magically simple. history, that is , people who are absolutely temporary decide to aim for centuries - this is wonderful, but the point is that once again the stakes for the west and the elite, they are so high, this is, if you like, the existence to which they are accustomed to different forms, for, well , 500-700 years, they want to continue it
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through the exploitation of resources, through domination, through the imposition of their financial system, for this they need to bring russia to its knees, defeat it, so they said here about how they look, no, i don’t agree.
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the fact that they believe in a strike with nuclear weapons, they do not believe in a strike by the russian federation, but this is real today, this is reality, yes , this is the image that has developed, this is absolutely true, everything will be fine, well, what is this, this is stupidity, this is naivety bring the situation to the third world war...
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happens when the proposal for peace does not suit each other, force is used, war is used, if we could not convince them that our forces must be obeyed, and they could not convince us is that one must submit to their power, what happens is that the rates increase, then at the next stage there is a new increase in rates, so, or until someone breaks, that is, he does not understand that this is what he has, then there is no strength to resist, which means there will be a third world war, well, there is still an option to clause, which means
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that’s why we believe that there will be no nuclear war, we even have a bunch of people who say: let’s just hit now , which is not a fundamental issue for them, london nuclear charges, they will be afraid and we won’t fight, we won’t, they have a bunch of people who believe that there won’t be a nuclear war, because we won’t strike at them at all, because kimjongir, yes, they are not afraid of kimjongir, because kimjongir is a small korea , no matter how many times he strikes, they will erase him in a flash and forget, but there will be little damage, and a nuclear warhead will fly somewhere. but korea will cause some damage to the united states, it is not fatal, with russia it is death, and admit to yourself that they are heading towards death, they can't, because then you have to stop if they stop.
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don't miss central television, the first information show about the events and people of the week. the kidnapping of europe by sijin ping drives a wedge between europe and the united states, as well as how beijing wins over to its side the countries of the european union, who were the first european leaders to defect from under the wing of the american eagle on the day of the chinese dragon. a new thorn in biden's political ass already.
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in the largest nato military exercises since the cold war. russia is again in the spotlight. now, here, here, here, enemy forces have crossed the border into latvia and are approaching capital, the purpose of the exercises is to make moscow understand that the alliance is ready to defend its own, in parallel with this, in parallel with this, it means that the poles, the poles, confirm their readiness, or rather , as they said about it at first, now they are asking very strongly, and they are saying, we really want it, give me the poles, they want american nuclear weapons on their territory, but... here you go, deputy minister of defense, we are talking about a program, this is a nato program, but the decision and complete control over the use of nuclear weapons, which, for example, it would be located in poland, it would belong to the americans, and poland declared its readiness to participate in this program, these are the poles, and also the americans, they
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probably listen to rostislav all the time, yes, and look, the americans decided to make a new plane court. for the new doomsday planes, protecting the president during, attention, attention, nuclear attacks, there is a fear that america is preparing for the third world war, the planes will be ready by the year thirty-six, the airliners will most likely resemble, well...
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this is sacred, more precisely, it is to spend even more money on yourself, why not, why not, that means, regarding nuclear weapons in europe, today there are approximately 150 bombs in europe, they are in five countries, these are the netherlands, belgium, turkey, italy, germany, five countries, there will be no more, there won’t be a sixth country, no matter what they say, no matter how they offer, no matter how they lure with their hospitality, there will not be.
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was responsible for europe, europe needs some sane leaders who you can rely on, i don’t know, i can’t believe it, that a politician like sidinzimpin is good. can bet on mr. macron, i just can’t, even scholz came to him, he and whoever he sent there, this one is good, your criticism, your criticism will be taken into account by the chinese embassy, ​​look at the list of the visit, look at which countries, look which countries does tova fly to, it’s your own fault sergey bach, why did you remember macron, macron is not the same figure.
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this is what macron must turn into for him to really play this game, someone else could play this game, but
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macron definitely isn’t, well, definitely not, well, no and no, he won’t be able to, macron will do what he’s told, the aircraft carriers there will tell him, i don’t know, give it back, donate it, they’ll throw him out of some union there and there’s some new bloc with australia, and he ’ll eat it all and say, okay.
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the break in relations with china will end for europe, that’s what he wants to convey. sidimpin, he is guided in the same way by considerations of pragmatism, and logic, and human logic, just like us. independence, autonomy, sovereignty, to agree with something or disagree, accept or not accept, when macron first says one thing, then another, then a third, then he says, there is no
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need to exclude, which means ground operations and so on, i conclude that it is not macron who is speaking, he is saying, of course, well, physically he is, but not on his own behalf, not from the point of view of the national interests of france, they speak with the help of macron, they speak through his mouth, they say those who don’t really need peace today, they say those who are really ready to go to great lengths , now i would like to disagree with colleagues who claim what does it mean that our opponents do not believe... that we are ready to strike back, a nuclear response, they believe, moreover, you see, the nuclear issue is not a matter of faith, when there are nuclear weapons, nuclear parity is not a matter of faith , faith is about iran, they don’t have nuclear weapons yet, but they have the technical ability to produce them, and there is some kind of religious injunction that they will not produce them, because it is haram, someone believes that they really religious, sincerely in their faith, someone
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doesn’t believe in russia, which has nuclear weapons and such weapons that you can wipe out the earth from the face of the earth, you know, but let’s add in the nuclear weapons of the united states of america, this is no longer faith, here you can’t rely on whether they will do it or not suddenly they don’t do it, or maybe they’re bluffing, that’s it, nuclear parity, but that doesn’t mean that they won’t constantly raise rates. what are they doing now, panicking because they are losing their positions, remember the children's game of minesweeper, remember, it means putting your hand in the sand, that means we can’t touch, so now they are playing this children’s game, they will still dig, they will still be afraid to dig, absolutely right, because the option is that they will touch us, the option is that they will touch, you know, and will lose, and everyone will lose, the buried hand, the
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one who has it... the defense of germany will sit on a tank, which is located in one baltic country , will organize a forced march to st. petersburg, then no one doubts the use of nuclear weapons as soon as touch kaliningrad, read the russian doctrine federations, don’t listen to speculators, even if they are very smart, the doctrine clearly states in which case nuclear weapons will be used, everyone in the west knows this very well, and to say that oh, they don’t believe it, i have this:
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which in his populist speeches, well , he contradicts himself, and contradicts nato, tomorrow he again contradicts someone, then he and greece declare an alliance against turkey, but there is one very important small remark, the fact is that macron has never been a protege of some social masses there bourgeois, proletarians, greens, this is a protege of banks, now there is a global conversation, including in europe, can one trust, for example, the euro, the euro currency, as an investment place? because the us dollar has lost a lot of trust, by the way, and so that the world system does not collapse, china is now offering a helping hand in the form of trade routes, but there is one thing, if after a while you act according to the same, by the way, manual as what you are doing to russia , cover chinese investments in europe, walk the waltz, so they are not talking to macron, they are talking precisely to those banking structures that macron once installed,
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simply through him. europe must get rid of its many years of military dependence on america, as you guessed it, yes, it is ready to discuss expanding protection, ensuring. france's nuclear weapons, that is, he is ready to save everyone, he is ready to provide everyone with french nuclear weapons as an umbrella, in general , in a word, as usual, some kind of air, that's it, thanks to everyone, friends, thanks to everyone, ah... everything that macron says, let him say it, sizemping is going there so that , it seems to me, one of his colleagues is right, in order to try for the last time to convey the normal, actual position of china, but if they don’t listen, then china, in principle, i think, will not be particularly
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upset, because you and i watched scholz’s visit and how he was greeted there in this very china, you and i saw this wonderful scene when blinken arrived there in china in order to to treat. chinese leadership, this is a question for the protocol officer, when he leaves, this evening, well, of course, yes, this is a demonstration of our own strength, position and everything else, we have found a common language with china, because we are trying to reason, as they say, like pragmatists and as people there with normal logic, the fact that they cannot, in fact, apply all this, they act in exactly the same way, this is their problem, as for that...
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i believe in such coincidences that, well, literally around the perimeter, actually some unhealthy processes are happening to you and me, but look what is happening there, i don’t know, in the transcaucasus in armenia, don’t understand what is happening, while the turkish president says that the time has come for a new order, when i hear from erdogan about the new order, i immediately begin to have some... then there are doubts whether we need this order or not, because through erdogan britain will definitely come to this region, and through...
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f-16 aircraft should be based, they will then directly enter from the air and romania is exactly the same country where is romania's airspace ukraine, to carry out combat missions, leave, we will be forced to react again, taking into account transnistria, this is generally necessary, that’s all, this is the very strategy that you say it doesn’t have, it does. that’s it, friends, thank you all again, we’ll meet next time, may 8, it will be wednesday in this studio, remember that all participants in our program have their own truth, but we will always get to the bottom of the truth.
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hello, this is a housing issue, i’m oksana kozyreva. i will not hide the walls for our heroes, we we make holes all the time, but usually it’s called an intelligent or perforation or hole, for example, for ventilation or a hole for doors, just like that, so that it’s a huge hole in the wall that’s wrong. forms, in full view of everyone in the bedroom, such experiments do not happen often, one of them will happen just today, well, our heroes, the kichatov family by training, psychologists, i think... must endure. the kichatovs cannot imagine life without
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active recreation and travel. anya and stesha made their first multi-hour flights with parents, even babies. our heroes have a special passion for big water. we went to the sea and decided to try sap. the weather was turbulent, we sailed quite far, and then we realized that we couldn’t return, because somehow the wind and waves were directed in our direction, we lay down on the glanders like this... marry me, marry me,
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i repeat, for the third time, we are already falling into the pool like this, i see that she is in some tears, she hugs me, i put a ring on her, lera definitely didn’t expect it, it was just funny, a romantic pipe in a water park, a romantic pipe in a water park, that’s right, ilya didn’t stay in psychology, he found himself in the it field, he works as a project support engineer, a few skills were just from life, then he plunged straight into this... and had to after work, study something else, i’m still improving my technical english, it really improves responsibility and attention and multitasking, i’m able to work with it. the work is mostly remote, the office was set up in the bedroom, even two offices. lera continues to lead psychological practice, gives consultations to families, including online, works a lot with children and adolescents, all techniques and methods ...


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