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tv   Marlen  NTV  May 4, 2024 6:55am-8:01am MSK

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an entire pharmacy of heartless people was in the lobby for public access. i understand that this is hard for you right now, however, i have to ask you a few questions, she fell. what's going on here?
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i called gulya downstairs. did you call her through the door? yes, that is, you didn’t see gulya when you called her? no, i passed by the guest room, where? lucy was washing the windows, the door was open, what? well, i say, the door to the room where lucy washed the windows, was it open? yes, it seems, yes, well, i think it was open, since you saw the cleaning, well, i became go down the stairs, then i heard a scream and rushed down, wait, grandfather, ah... you
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said, on the stairs, on the stairs there were on the stairs when they heard a scream, yes, i’m the window, why didn’t you look out the window , i don’t know, i think that’s enough, we could talk in private, of course, on the street, yes, i perfectly understand the desire to protect yours...
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“here is our family lawyer, all further communication will take place only through him, so yes, neither of them has alebi, neither of them saw each other at the moment we didn’t see the death of the maid, but the ghoul was with her son, pasha? , when they wash the windows, they fall, but you don’t think that this family somehow accounts for too many accidents, besides, i never sneezed anything
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suspicious, no alcohol, no drugs, no suspicious scratches, bruises, absolutely . healthy woman, unsure of herself, insecure, well, judge for yourself, she’s all just stuffed with silicone, in the lips, in the chest, implants had fallen out, wait, you took it out of her, well, of course, the waste, why are you beautiful, but what’s strange is that the body was lying three meters from the building, this... is too far for accident, although it’s not critical what you want to say, i want to say that she could, of course, fall out on her own, but she could have been pushed by someone not very strong, for example, a woman, yes, that’s something else, but this already concerns your rapper, i found three drugs in his medications that contain vitamin k, but no extract foxglove? there wasn’t, that is, he
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could have taken these medications in any quantity, but foxglove finished him off. i hit the maid, uh-huh, so it turns out that she was a nurse, she has a diploma of secondary medical education, so, moreover, judging by social networks, she was an ardent fan of ephar, look, here is her page, you can have a version, yes, go ahead, maid she was in love with efar, she even settled into his house to be closer to the idol. but he didn’t reciprocate her feelings, she takes revenge, yeah, using her medical education, she comes up with an ingenious method, first she uses vitamin k, but when this doesn’t work, she finishes it off, let’s say, what next, well, well, then she can’t stand
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the weight of guilt, she even called you to repent, it didn’t work out, she thrown out of the window, well, yes, that's interesting. version, everything related to the love background, for now this is just your speculation, i need proof, let's do it, yes, do it, yeah.
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well, tell me again what happened yesterday after the wedding? i checked my son's lessons. for what subject? is this relevant? well then i ask, it means it has. my client told everything she knew, there is no need to confuse her. don’t you get the impression that your client is a little confused herself? in mathematics he has problems with this subject. parzhi, dina called me and said that you want to talk to me. dina, let's do it again, did you hear the maid scream on the stairs? did you hear a scream on the stairs? yes, did you see it on the stairs, dim? no, you heard
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the maid shout at the stairs and there was no noise on the stairs. yes, i don't remember. and dinaa and bulya they claim that both. did you hear the scream on the stairs? but how did it happen that they both didn’t notice each other? but as? no, not good. well, did you run around? look here, i scared you, i already thought, but you’re just, just.
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she ran after efar like a little girl, she made her breasts with her lips, but he didn’t even move his ear in her direction, and all these operations were on credit, and you know what the interest rates are, so she jumped in grief, and it’s up to me to sort it out. , the occasion was, don’t miss it, central television, the first information show about the events and people of the week. are you sure that is the apartment you currently live in still yours? i lived here already, i’ve been living here for about 30 years, this moscow pensioner found out that scammers had already stolen and sold his square meters, only after he accidentally flooded his neighbors. it turns out that i’m no longer even in my own apartment. how
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do scammers do this? an identical duplicate of the person’s passport is made, a photograph of another person who is as similar to him as possible is pasted in, and is there a way to protect your home from them? this will be your central television, today at 19:00 on ntv. via superstar, premiere of the twelfth. retirement is profitable with sberbank for pensioners free sber card, favorable deposit rate, cashback bonuses in pharmacies, loan discount,
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everything is clean too, after the death of the father everything was divided into equal shares between the children, so the version with the maid is quite a version, everything is shared equally between the children, right? well, here there is another part for the grandson, timur ifarov, after he comes of age, here’s timur, here’s to you, and not a closed case. what about philip? this is for you, this is for filippov. lyubov alekseevna, lyubushka. come on, i’ll show you the house and tell you
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about my responsibilities. and that means everything is enough simple, vacuum cleaner, dust. wet cleaning, uh-huh, washing, ironing bed linen, watering flowers in pots and daily replacement of flowers in vases, uh-huh, bathrooms should always be in perfect condition, you need to keep an eye on this, especially how many bathrooms are there in the house, eight, i have a question, yes, no, wait, this... what should you do every day? of course.
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yesterday there was a presentation of the new menu, be sure to try the chak-chak, even your grandmother won’t do this. yes, this restaurant takes so much time, everything needs eye to eye, the farit is torn, i try help as much as i can, guli, with this beggar, what am i supposed to do there, in general, there are a lot of problems, i don’t
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have time to do everything. after all, efar was a very rich man. why did he agree to cooperate with you, he could act independently. do you know how much it costs to promote a rapper in the west? so, how much? a lot, ifar did not have that kind of money, but he received a large inheritance.
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well, i’ll tell you so that we don’t return to this issue. son, well, you promised, you said that you saw this will with your own eyes, it was there everything is in my name, it’s true, it was so, he lost everything, he lost everything, your father us. betrayed during his life, betrayed even after death, son, timur, you promised, you said that
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you saw this will with your own eyes, everything was in my name, it’s true, it was so, he lost everything, it turns out i’m far spent everything, even his son’s inheritance, while...
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yes, he completely lost his mind, let’s stay within the bounds of legal terms. okay, let's say what do you present? gulnar ifarova does not have an alibi for the time of gornishnaya’s death, however, what's her place? but gulnara ifarova has a motive, an inheritance for her son. what do you want from me now? i want to interrogate gulnara ifara again. okay, please, just marlene, don’t let it look like
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an interrogation. something happened? the police took our bet. dean, do you know anything about why they 're dragging her away for interrogation? and the lawyer, when will he arrive? don’t worry, this is not an interrogation, this is just a conversation, would you like some tea? no, thank you, i
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'll drink it when i'm old. or maybe a bun? no thanks. i think i'll eat it. listen, that's when i’m hungry, there’s a churning sensation in my stomach, maybe it’s gastritis. i don’t know, tell me, have you been divorced for a long time, excuse me, almost 10 years, yes, why did you get divorced? i wanted it so much, he said that i was interfering with his creativity, he said that i was a bad wife, i ’m sure that... this is not so, and javar was a good husband, he was a husband, better with him than without him, yes, after all, how do eastern women
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differ from ours, this is the maid, lucy, she worked for you for a long time, for more than a year, you probably knew that, excuse me, please, many people really liked your husband i liked it, well, that’s how you... treated it, no way, yaofar was no longer my husband, why should i be jealous, be great, thank you, and do you know what medications he took, your husband, he had a heart condition, he took different ones, well, you bought all this, yes, yes, it was my responsibility, be healthy, thank you, oh, excuse me, it seems to me that either you don’t have a wife, or she doesn’t respect you very much? why did you decide that? last time you sneezed, it means you had a cold, but she doesn’t
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treat you, you drink tea. give you a thermos with you, well, a bun, i would never give my husband one like that, yes, yes, yes, excuse me, malina georgievich, can i see you for a minute. i have an interrogation, well, then dina came, efarova, declares that it was she who pushed the maid, i went up to lyusa to check how she was washing the windows, she did not notice one stain on the glass, and i
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pointed it out to her. she pulled herself up, i said i would hold her, but i received a message on my phone, i was distracted, she thought i was holding her, she fell, scam? okay, what happened next, i got scared, ran downstairs, so where was the ghoul? at home room, why didn’t you say so right away? i was afraid that i would be accused of murder, but why are you telling me everything now? the ghoul is not to blame for anything, i don’t want her to suffer.
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“i don’t believe her, here in general, this is the case, well, don’t delay, well, well, gulnara efarova also confessed to the manslaughter of the maid, so what’s going on here, he told me to write down my words in writing , i finished, lyusya cleaned the window, i went to her to ask if she knew why they were calling me down, lyusya leaned forward, because of this she lost her balance and i lost my temper, well, you just left, i didn’t have time to tell you about it. and shield
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each other, because it’s obvious that this is not just like that, but it’s obvious to me, you know, that they can file complaints that you dragged them under the survey, and then i’ll say that you put pressure on them, i put pressure on them, andrey segoryevich, well, you know very well that this is not my style, i will testify that there was no pressure on the yafarov family. so i’m closing the case after all due to the death of the suspect and reporting this to the top everything everyone is free marlin everything, what the hell is he doing with it, well, the normal version was and
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the maid poisoned him. then pasha couldn’t stand the feeling of guilt and jumped out, i really don’t like it when they make a fool out of me, well, who does, i don’t like it, especially, i don’t like it, and i don’t advise you, marlen georgievich.
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quit, i want moral compensation, theater, concert, restaurant, the one i choose, as you order? thank you, we are starting the rehearsal, yes, of course, i’m ready, thank you, please, thank you, thank you, how are you doing here, why this particular restaurant and you not guessed it? “i beg you, just don’t tell me that this restaurant is owned by the ifarov family, yes, when i worked for them, i only heard about it, and they say that the desserts here are excellent, they can see us together, even if i’m still there tomorrow
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i’m quitting, well, i’m still working on this case, then we’ll eat, first we’ll talk about your secrets with efar. yes, let’s quickly change the table, maybe pilaf, please, choose what you want, i know where you met lyusya. , and i also know about the circumstances, are you ready to place an order? yes, please, an appetizer of eggplants, oriental roast, for dessert - chak-chak, no, instead of chak-chak, let there be the best plate with oriental sweets, whatever you want, green tea, oh, good morning, marlen
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georgievich, what it’s so early, pasha, yes, find out where the maid used to work. lyudmila evseeva and under what circumstances did she meet dina, why, just find out, you can, well, i can, of course, by the way, how do you eat this in general, the correspondence has arrived, this is a star show.
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20:20 on ntv. you will not believe. how stas mikhailov celebrated his fiftieth birthday. i 'll come, i'll stroke my leg and fall asleep. who will the recluse andrei gubin marry down the aisle with? i'm so sick, it's just that. he pedals like crazy. what injuries did lyubov kozyrnovskaya receive when she was hit by a cyclist in the center of moscow? how fast are they going? anyone? for this, the scooter guys hit me three times, three times, why doesn’t vyacheslav zaitsev’s son get out of hospitals? baba vanga believed that money is the greatest evil, you won’t believe it, today at 20:20 on ntv.
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no, don't touch me, please, damn, what happened, get out. what a creature, creature, bitch!
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just please, don’t tell your brother, and you ’ll take the course, i’ll pass, then i won’t tell you, especially since i didn’t find him at home, sorry, thank you, sit down, yes, there was a story, a young girl provided false passport information, after the operation she disappeared, without paying, uh-huh, uh-huh, how did you figure her out, she forgot her name card for the beauty salon, did you write a statement? didn’t have to, the next day her brother arrived and settled everything, brother, who is rapper, he wasn’t popular then, but our nurse recognized him, nurse evseeva, lyudmila, yes, evseeva lyudmila, don’t look
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at me like that, i just have a developed intuition, i’m just asking, don’t you want to? to fix our ears, it wouldn’t hurt you, i’ll think about it, okay, you can be congratulated on your marriage, if dad were alive, i wouldn’t be forced to get married, they’re forcing you, farid wants to retire, for this he needs to find a job for everyone. naela is lucky, she is a widow, and do i really think that she is lucky? she's still she’s young, but she can already do whatever she wants, no one will tell her anything, but what would you like to do? i would like to open
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a kindergarten, i like to tinker with children and listen to their laughter. be healthy, yes, thank you, i will need it now, why don’t you open it now, while you are not yet married, if i could, excuse me again, goodbye.
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it's time to retire, oh, phew, it all came together, you want to say that this is dino the killer, well , somehow it looks very much like the truth, you judge for yourself, look, dina is from the family, well, very traditional views, she is clearly.
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it seems that today she will be introduced to her groom, let's go!
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your invitations, we need to talk to dina ifarova, we have the police. yes, i understand,
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we’ll let you in, thank you, what the hell, don’t let me in, are you completely crazy to come here at such a moment, get out of my house, i apologize for the intrusion, i understand that we’re at the wrong time. i really need to talk to your younger sister, i don’t want to listen anymore, kick them out of here, so, well, who’s the first gsu employee on duty, what’s wrong? carry out, then we'll figure it out, guys, well, you served, you need it, you know everything, the first is air, the second is in the legs, a bullet with a new core will win, it will go into the leg, that's where it will come out, that's the big question, dina, dina on the street, it's more likely that it's dynasty. go outside, stop! here, run out the window, come on here
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, it will stop here, listen, move, someone from there, but no, if anyone comes up to me, i ’ll jump out right away, what are you doing, sister, sit on the window sill, we’ll talk, why conversations, you already know everything,
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she wanted to give me away, so the prospects i’m so-so, either prison, or marriage, but either listen to me, dina. you believe me, there is a way out of any situation, and it’s definitely not at the bottom, it’s immediately clear that you are a non-oriental person.
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i read your reports, the result is the same. that a week ago everyone died, but oh well, whatever it is, we’ll close the case, i agree, well, thank god, be that as it may, i praise you, that’s all, you’re free, marlene, but i’ll ask you to stay.
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our old friend, a freelance artist, works for hire, specializes in finding solutions, well, of course, so what does it have to do with it, the glove compartments revealed a photo, most likely of his next object. i agree, name the place and time, there is no memory card in the camera, the directional microphone records up to 100 m, but the gun was converted from a gas gun, now
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we are checking to see if it was lit up somewhere, in general, a vangog for... the object makes its own, and not everyone can afford it afford his services. do you think one of asya’s rich clients decided to take revenge? in general, this is all very serious, and i think that asya is in very serious danger. colonel, i beg you, allow me to do this, i understand that verbino is not a stranger to you, even though you deny it, in general, you have 2 days, i’m not burdening you with new things yet, yeah, you’re looking for your verbina, return it. her
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into custody, she is quietly, safely serving her sentence, but 2 days, no more, at least something, little georgievich, i took the courage, in general, i asked for an investigation on asya, well , in short, she did not leave the country , there were no movements on the accounts, the mobile phone was not registered, well, in short, there was no light under my passport, so we will start from the very, very beginning, that is, from her... previous clients, all her victims belong to the same social stratum and move in the same circles, now only they can give us a clue as to who asya is processing, at the moment, who, and therefore where to look for her, who did not skimp on hiring vangoga . every year, on holy saturday, we witness the greatest event
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for the entire christian world. the holy fire descends on the holy sepulcher, a symbol of the victory of life over death, light over darkness. ntv viewers have the opportunity to see this miracle live. what awaits us this year? will heavenly fire come down? descent of the holy fire. today at 13:00. live broadcast on ntv.
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there was no quieter place, you won’t be able to get your people here unnoticed, in case you are up to something bad. why did you decide that i would agree to such a wild sum for some pictures with my participation? i believe business news, you you are at the stage of signing a government contract worth a billion dollars. and the accusation of rape, trial and so on, will put an end to this? what are the guarantees, and that after i pay, you will not appear again after some time? i will give you the original recording, from which it will be
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clear that everything happened by mutual consent, and i will disappear from your life forever, how many of you are there? don't worry, no one will know that you were caught, i work alone. give me your phone number, please, why, don’t worry, come on, hello, video, which you just saw was filmed by mutual consent, thank you, that’s it, i’m off, goodbye.
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take a circle along the boulevard.
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both sorrow and joy, orthodox believers greet great saturday, the last day before easter. not to mention how our fighters cope with baba ega, the air force drone-bomber, and also how robots work hard, how flower growers from siberia introduce their business into high technology. this is the program today in the studio dmitry zavoisty, hello. today is holy saturday for orthodox christians, the last day before easter. on this day, believers remember the burial of jesus christ. great saturday, or it is also called quietly.


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