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tv   Skhozhdenie blagodatnogo ognya  NTV  May 4, 2024 1:00pm-3:01pm MSK

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has never happened to us yet, and it’s a very cool experience, good afternoon, dear tv viewers, ntv television company, channel one, russia.
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inside the temple, a temple called the church of the resurrection of the lord or the church of the holy sepulcher, where this great mystery of the resurrection of the savior took place, who gave us eternal life. today are special days, they complete holy week, and the day of great saturday, as it is sung in today’s trapar, a special chant, all human flesh will remain silent, that is, everyone remains silent.
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the bell cast in moscow tells us that the patriarch is already descending from the church of constantine and helena, and soon we will see him, now we already see the kavass who enter the church of sunday, followed by members of the holy sepulcher brotherhood, the delegation of the jerusalem church.
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also there is bishop lukhovitsky, vicar of the most holy patriarch of moscow of all russia, head of the synodal missionary department, bishop efimy. now we see just those gathered in front of the edicule. people
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who are waiting for the patriarch of jerusalem, and just the members of the russian delegation are also in front of us, whom we have just named, vladimir ivanovich yakunin and bishop efimy. this year we had a completely significant event, for the first time since the pandemic. pilgrims and believers who were able to take part and will be able to take part in the ceremony, and reached 4,500, this is approximately slightly less than half of the usual pre-covid number of pilgrims, and of course this cannot but rejoice. we just saw the delegations passing by the anointing stone, it looks completely unusual, because traditionally...
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above it hang lamps, eight lamps, which represent those denominations that are in the temple, now we... will begin with those churches that have already arrived in the temple shortly before him to change one's clothes. this special ceremony of the descent of the holy fire, which took shape over many, one might
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say, centuries, is connected precisely with such a special transition to the divine service of holy saturday, already to the divine service. today, this morning at 8 am traditionally there was another small ceremony, the opening of the temple gates, the resurrection of christ, we can now look at the recordings.
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well, as you can see, at 6:00 in the morning the armenian quarter opens, representatives of two muslim families, al-husseini and nuseibah, come to the armenian, representatives of the armenian apostolic church, the al-husseini family holds the key, the nuseibah family opens the gate already for many centuries. according to various sources, this is the 12th century, some believe that it is the 7th century, but now we see how he climbs a special ladder, which is served from the inside temple before opening the gates. a key
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that has existed almost since the 12th to 14th centuries, since the time of saladin, who, according to legend, ordered the keeping of the key. to the husseiniya family, then, accordingly, the museibiya family has the right to open a temple every day in order to maintain a kind of neutrality, neutrality is part of the special position of the temple, this is the status quo, the status quo is such a whole system of decrees that has evolved since the middle of the 16th century century was finally established in the 19th century. century here how the doors of the temple open, how they are cleaned, how they respectively enter the temple, leave, how they live and celebrate, all this is part of the status quo system, so we see just the members of the russian delegation who
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go to the temple early today, so we see the anointing stone is open without lamps, it is obvious that it will not remain in this state for long. and in our church there is our colleague, correspondent, journalist poshkov, who can already give a short
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report from the scene of the event. good afternoon, sergey, good afternoon, dear tv viewers. hello father andrey, hello, rita borisovna, we are broadcasting live from under the arches of the church of the holy sepulcher, where, as you know, the ceremony is taking place today.
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is already becoming a tradition, although it has not yet been included in the status quo, the society of st. andrew the first-called, whose representatives are now around me, will receive the holy fire for the twenty-second time today, on a direct flight from bengurion to moscow, and will deliver it to easter services in the capital and provincial churches , so the tense anticipation begins, the edicule is sealed, we we are waiting for you to appear. holy fire. thank you very much, sergey, thank you, and you
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correctly noted that the broadcast itself is becoming part of the status quo, certain traditions; this broadcast has been going on for the twenty-first year thanks to the companies that carry it out. first channel russia-1, ntv television company, to whom we thank.
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ethiopian, but of course the main role will be played by the orthodox church and representatives of the holy armenian apostolic church. well, now we will see how the delegation of the armenian apostolic church entered churches. look, also traditionally the kawas walk ahead, then they carry the staff of the patriarch,
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and the delegation is quite large, and you see, they all enter past the stone of anointing at once - they go towards fuvukli. the patriarch will go around one circle around the kuvukli, which is exactly where we are now.
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these are just representatives of the coptic, coptic church, who are also taking their place, uh-huh, yes, here is another one we have, the official coptic delegation, representatives of the coptic church. according to the status of the cultural organization, each of the faiths has a special responsibility, special rights, a symbol of this is the famous immovable staircase, which is located above the entrance through which the delegation passes, now, as we see,
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the khoptian church, yes, this staircase is really just... a symbol of the status quo, it is now located on the territory of the armenian apostolic church and shows , that this part of the facade is precisely their property, but the reason why this staircase appeared there, it seemed to be lost in history, and this is also a kind of status quo, as you see, they are already standing in front of the monomakh arch in the kafalikon.. . harugvi, this means that the patriarch has already changed his clothes, blessed those representatives of the churches who came to him for blessings, and we are expecting, in fact, leitonia and or a procession of the cross, which will go around the patriarchal procession,
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which will go around the dolls three times. marvelous. that representatives of different faiths maintain peace among themselves, despite the fact that, of course, various difficulties arise, but nevertheless the status quo allows everyone to live peacefully, now a lamp is being brought out, which will be placed in edicule and in which the blessed fire will be lit, and here we see - skivophylax from the church of the resurrection of christ takes out the lamp from the patriarchal sacristy, now it will be brought into the edicule. before the lamp is brought into the edicule, the edicule itself, according to the memories of the gospel, the recollections of the gospel
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events, the sealing of the holy sepulcher took place, just like... the holy sepulcher was sealed, just as we now see, a huge wax seal is installed on the gates of the edicule , when they print it now, you will notice, maybe perhaps, it will be seen that we will be shown seals that were placed by representatives of precisely the families that...
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40 liturgies were served in wax, it is this wax, this wax that seals the kuklya, and then it itself becomes such a kind of pilgrimage relic, and the pilgrims are the happy owners, they bring this wax, and it is stored in russian churches, so we see the seal that is placed on this wax, well... and note that yes, both families are from the naseini,
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here we are again in the temple of the resurrection of the lord, we see how before edicule stands with lamp, keeper, its keeper, yes. everyone is waiting for the patriarch, because without him the descent of the holy fire cannot take place, uh-huh, now they will show us, i hope, they will show us views of the temple and those pilgrims who have gathered this year...
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and this is a special event , it has been taking place since ancient times. the first evidence of it dates back to the first centuries of the existence of the ancient church, to
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the third and fourth centuries, as was said by church historians and the first pilgrims, who stayed in jerusalem and who said that the holy fire, which appears in the edicule, is a symbol of the risen christ, this is christocentricity. which testifies that christ is at the center of the world. the resurrection of the savior is the most important event that changes the world. and, of course, this is the event that changes the people who rejoice at it. here they rejoice in an oriental way, arab youth testify to this special, immoderate, one might say, joy, which is amazing for the orthodox russian pilgrims. yes. now we will see how they are.
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the fact that it is the participation of this community in the descent of the holy fire that is obligatory is also a certain part of the status quo of this long-standing tradition, the ceremony of the descent of the holy fire. well, we always say that in order for the fire to go down, we still need three groups of participants, this is actually, in addition to the arab orthodox youth. but the second very important component, without which convergence is impossible, is prayer, and this is prayer
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the monastic carpets of the sacred savoy, and of course the third most important participant is the patriarch himself, the patriarch himself, the representative of the oldest jerusalem church in the world, the mother of the church, patriarch theophilus. the number of years of the savior’s earthly life, these candles are prepared for lighting the holy fire. well, actually, when it starts.
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litany in greek is a prayer procession, this is a large procession of the cross from the altar, through the entire temple on sunday and with exit to the ratonda, circling the kuvukli three times, they will walk ahead of the patriarch 12 banner bearers with banners, well... then he himself is wise and spiritual and so prayerfully focused, although we saw that the patriarch walked with such a very benevolent smile on his face and entered the temple, i think that this is his state, it will certainly remain, of course , it is also surprising that the ceremony of the descent
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of the holy fire.
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if you are very lucky, they brought the fire itself, and if you are not lucky, then the fire that was received during the time after the descent was extinguished with cotton wool, this cotton wool laid in such a paper spoon was brought to our churches and stored, in general, this year the temple on the one hand , of course, in the temple. sunday is difficult, since the entire floor is being replaced with excavations, and this is absolutely wonderful, when the three main faiths that have the right to make decisions regarding the repair of any changes in the temple are orthodox, catholics and armenians, then this winter two absolutely wonderful things happened events: russia helped
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the jerusalem patriarchate and three large chandeliers were restored, one of which was donated emperor nicholas i, and today pilgrims can see them in kafalikon, but the light was also replaced this winter.
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decorate the shrines of temples, it is very old and long-standing in russia, in other countries, the tradition of gate icons, special offerings that began with the russian tsars, with boris gudunov, fyodor mikhailovich, and this tradition is preserved now, that’s what lita said borisovna, this decoration on the part of russian pilgrims, those who honor the shrines of the jerusalem temple, it continues now. we will now show a short story, dedicated to the gate icons. since ancient times in russia, images of jesus christ have been revered and carefully preserved. gate icons occupied a special place in russian culture; they were placed above the gates of cities, monasteries, and temples. such icons were protected.
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blessed the travelers. the spasskaya and nikolskaya towers of the moscow kremlin are named in honor of the gate icons of the savior made by hand and st. nicholas the wonderworker. thus, on palm sunday, believers reenacted the entry of jesus christ into jerusalem through the golden gates of the holy city. conscious believers, the kremlin with its gates and temples was the second jerusalem. with the advent of soviet power, the gate icons above the spassky and nikolsky gates of the kremlin were lost, it seemed. irrevocably, but specialists from andrei pervozvanov’s foundation obtained permission to check the version that surfaced in the archives. the images on the spasskaya and nikolskaya towers were walled up in the same place; in 2010, spasnirutvorny
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was miraculously found again after restorers removed the casing. and a little earlier, in 2005, it was restored one lost relic connecting moscow with jerusalem. masters imali from rostov the great recreated a carved canopy with thirteen different icons above the entrance to the edicule of the church of the holy sepulchre. according to one version, it was a gift from the russian imperial family. the rostov fenift above the edicule symbolically overshadows the face of christ, which emphasizes the role of the savior in the fate of russia. now we will see how the patriarch must step out in front of the edicule in order to begin the religious procession.
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and, of course, it is especially joyful for us that in the church of the holy sepulcher there is such a special russian presence associated with the orthodox, pilgrimage traditions of the past. names, this history of the gate icons, it is preserved now, this is how it was said in the form of lamps, which is located in front of the edicule, in the form of a mosaic, which is in the church of the lord, these icons are being revived in the center of our homeland in moscow, which, by the way, the exhibition that is taking place at the shchyusevo museum of architecture, dedicated to the gate icons, is also evidenced; all this, of course, is part of a huge... tradition associated with the special piety of our people for whom these shrines, as they were, remain significant and especially valuable, well , in general
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, among the gifts of the russian imperial house there are quite a lot of icons that decorate the church today on sunday, but... pilgrims to the monasteries brought a lot of shrouds, and such, and there was such a tradition, there were so many shrouds that were sent from russia to the holy sepulcher, that during easter they were even hung on the walls of the monastery, now they showed us the new, recently appointed head of the russian spiritual mission in jerusalem, archimandrite vasian, who is vested, and this means that he will participate in the procession with
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the patriarch, for us this is a great honor for the russian church, a great joy, yes, i agree, well, in general, from objects that have been around for many years. procession of the cross and any minute now the procession will begin, so we see just one
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of the regular participants from the arab youth in the ceremony of the descent of the holy fire, they have surprisingly huge candles, in fact they are no longer young people, but nevertheless. .. preserve this tradition, the guys have grown up, although they were participants before, very young, but at the same time they saw footage of...
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great saturday, but which is, as it were, on the verge between the end of saturday and the beginning of easter, great saturday is a special solemn service, when parimia are read, that is, old testament readings, excerpts from old testament testimonies about the future resurrection of christ. related to how jonah was in the belly of the whale, how
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the resurrection of the dead took place in the old testament. all these memories, of course, are a prototype of the future resurrection of christ, so before the reading of the gospel, that is , before the main church reading during the liturgy, the priests changed their black clothes into white. by the way. our expression goes back to this from friday , saturday, that is, when a white vestment in some cases is put under a black vestment, and during the service the black vestment is removed, the priests dress completely in white, which is a proclamation of the beginning of christ's resurrection, not yet the resurrection itself , but these are exactly those special ones -
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the procession of the cross is always a special service, which we already performed in orthodox churches, just yesterday, good friday, associated with the burial of the shroud, that is, with the memory of how they came to pontius pilate, the roman ruler, joseph of rimmothea later nicodemus, in order to ask for the body of the savior. nicodemus, as a secret disciple, brought incense in order to anoint the body of the savior, and joseph, being influential among the high priests, had the opportunity to speak boldly to pilate in order to take the body of christ. pilate was very surprised that the savior had already
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died, because usually those who were crucified on crosses suffered terribly and for quite a long time.
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absolutely identical to just those coffins that are in the limit - nicodemus. and the temple itself of the resurrection of christ, it is such an amazing testimony of those gospel events that we remember today, because the burial place of christ is located next to golgotha, that is, the place of the crucifixion. these are exactly the places to which he will later come holy equal of the apostles helen, mother of emperor constantine, who will receive the cross of the lord, and thanks to whom, the actual revival of the shrine will begin, it is thanks to holy equal to the apostles helen that it will be erected, thanks to her labors, the labors of her son, emperor constantine,
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the first jerusalem temple will be erected, resurrection christ's.
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that the area of ​​faith, the area of ​​science, they are connected, of course, with the special life of a person,
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his spiritual, intellectual life, this is the experience that everyone is experiencing now pilgrims gathered in the church of the resurrection of the lord, it is obviously connected with this connection of times, so we see how the patriarch passes by the russian delegation. and what is also important for us is that this year is being celebrated, the 160th anniversary of the birth of the holy grand duchess elizabeth feodorovna will be celebrated, who , during her pilgrimage to the holy land in 1888, prayed in kuvukla, and there are memories of her prayer.
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we, immersed in some kind of abyss of all sorts of earthly worries, some everyday affairs, very often it does not occur to us to think about about what we live for, what is the meaning of what is happening around us to us, and of course, the place where we are now is a place where we can get answers to these questions, if really sincerely. trying to turn to god, sincerely, trying to solve these questions for oneself, about how
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difficult and what responsibility lies on the patriarch, who now with great difficulty passes through the believers, you can read from the patriarch... in jerusalem and actually prayed for the ascension of the blessed fire and he wrote down, who was the patriarch from 1981 to 2000 , that when he enters the edicule, he enters in great fear, and since it is completely dark there.
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this is a prayer, and the prayer of everyone, the prayer of those pilgrims and believers who have gathered in the temple, this is the prayer of those countries, those peoples, those believers who are now waiting for the descent
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of the holy fire, and this, of course, is hope. and the edicule itself, it has turned into a special altar of service to god; it is in the edicule that the divine liturgy is performed by representatives of all faiths, firstly turn, of course, by representatives of the jerusalem patriarchate, we mentioned just the limit of the angel, that is, the first part that precedes the room where the savior’s lodges are located, that’s what it’s called. it is precisely the stone that was rolled away from the coffin that is now that part of the throne on which the divine liturgy is performed in the realm of the angel.
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dubasov said that it is impossible to be in the holy land and not visit the descent of the holy fire and in general in the church on sunday, they came to jerusalem and they stopped, of course,
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for... centuries, it was during this period, immediately after the crimean war and the abolition of serfdom in russia, that the flow of russian pilgrims to the holy land increased significantly, who needed additional places for accommodation. the newly created imperial orthodox palestinian society takes care of russian citizens. on the initiative of its first chairman, grand duke sergei alexandrovich,
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construction of a courtyard began in jerusalem later. named after him sergievsky. flag of the imperial orthodox palestinian society was first raised above the corner tower on april 29, 1889. in the autumn of the same year, the sergeevsky metochion received the first pilgrims. the courtyard met the highest requirements of hotels of that time. the territory had its own running water, sewerage system, and kitchen. for the first 2 weeks after arriving in jerusalem, pilgrims staying in the common wards did not pay anything for the accommodation, and after this period, if they wanted to continue their stay in russian buildings, they paid 3 kopecks per room for the accommodation day per person. a small amount was also paid in russian hospital with the right, if necessary
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, to use treatment and maintenance there. for those who wanted to live outside of the general wards, russian buildings provided separate rooms, which, depending on the situation, were divided into three classes. before the revolution, the sergievsky farmsteads were stopped. famous russian scientists, writers, musicians and artists. in 1914, with the outbreak of the first world war, the council of the imperial orthodox palestine society decided to close the russian buildings in jerusalem located in its management following the first world war , palestine became a british protectorate.
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for the first time in the history of israel , a memorial plaque with an inscription in russian was installed at the vsky metochion. 5 years later , the first russian museum was opened in jerusalem, russia in the holy land, the exhibition of which presents unique documents, evidence of the birth of russian palestine. since that time, as in the last century, the sergievsky metochion again opened its doors to russian pilgrims to the holy land.
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this year marks 110 years, just since the end of such mass pilgrimages of russian people to the holy land. and now we are returning to the church of the resurrection of the lord. and, of course, it is important for us to understand what... is happening here, we really hope to ask sergei pashkov about this now, just tell me, because i can’t hear the presenters, you give me a command, can you hear sergeeva, great saturday under the arches of the temple, the holy sepulcher in jerusalem, from where we broadcast for viewers.
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the jerusalem church participates in the procession, but most importantly for the people gathered under the vaults of the temple is to see the holy fire, as visible evidence of the resurrection of christ and the inevitable victory of life.
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the subject of special observation is that the faster the descent of grace took place, and the more abundant the outpouring of light was in kvukla and ratonda, in the entire temple, the well-being of the entire next year was determined, and even during arab rule, people usually came to the temple at the beginning of the litany representatives of muslims.
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still there in the 10th century, they remained in force for the arab population of jerusalem and palestine, until the middle of the 20th century. now the patriarch. the second round of the religious procession has begun, which is proceeding very slowly, and indeed, the time, it depends on when the patriarch himself enters kuvuklya, on his prayer, and of course, fire is not only a herald of favorable or unfavorable times, as it really turned out such a special popular belief,
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that is, the light of christ, it enlightens everyone, a lost coin is a lost human soul, it can only be found through the gospel of christ, or lamps, which were carried by the wise virgins who gathered for the feast to the groom, the wedding feast, and these lamps are also a symbol, in a special way, of that prudence, spiritual wisdom that every
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person who turns to god should... have, therefore, from the most ancient times since times, lamps and lamps have always been an integral part of divine services, we still put lamps on the throne, we put candles on candlesticks in churches in different types, in different formats, but still the light of christ is...
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και παναγιότατον.
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now the lights will go out in the entire temple, everyone will pray together with the patriarch, who is in polupli, these are precisely those days of special expectation when the lord was buried in that new tomb where nicodemus and joseph laid his body, and since.
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they thought who would roll away the stone from the coffin for us, who could move such a heavy stone, and suddenly they saw that there was no stone, and a young man in shining clothes was sitting at the coffin, an angel who said that you are looking for the living
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among the dead, he is not here , he has risen, here our expectation, in a sense, is the expectation of... these myrrh-bearing wives who came, not hoping for anything, but firmly believing that their teacher, the savior, is in the tomb, and by coming to him they will be able to find the light of truth, in this prayerful expectation, we also expect this special light, and we also see how pilgrims who stand with... to the right to the left of the entrance to the edicule in prayerful expectation and cross themselves and wait, and at the entrance there are already representatives of the coptic syrian church, who i knock on the patriarch's door in tver when he
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will be allowed, they will be able to enter and from the patriarch receive the fire that we are waiting for, hoping and believing.
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i congratulate you, and we can say, this is the only place, christ is resurrected, where these words are heard for the first time, truly rise again, christ aneste, alezos anesti, we congratulate you, now we see how the fire will spread through the temple like a wave, and the walkers these bundles of candles will be carried to everyone who is waiting for the blessed fire outside the temple. yes, our bell rings, the patriarch, you see, comes out,
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blesses everyone with fire and carries them out, straight and goes to the church of the resurrection, here we see a representative of the holy armenian apostolic church, who is the archimandrite of the armenian church, who is with bundles. candles brings the blessed fire to all christians and the fire will now spread throughout the entire temple and the walkers have already run to jerusalem in the cola-cola ringing there will be joy throughout the city throughout the holy land in russia and in those countries where the holy fire and
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the words of st. john chrysostom are awaited , which we will listen to tonight at the night service, hell, where is your victory, hell, where your sting? of course, the sunday of christ is a victory over death, there is a triumph of eternal life, there is such great consolation in days of sorrow, sadness that every person has in his life, but if we have this...
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unfortunately, we have problems with sound, yes, we hope and believe that communication with sergei will still be established, but so far we have not heard from him. we see how pilgrims wash themselves with fire, how they carry a lamp from an edicule, until next year. yes, she is now being brought into the altar of the pofilikon and placed on the throne.
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in all languages ​​of the orthodox world, a human river, a river of fire at these moments is splashing out on the street of the ancient city of jerusalem, where many thousands of pilgrims who came to holy week and the easter holiday in jerusalem are still waiting for the appearance of the holy fire at the virgin gate. in icon lamps, this fire will now be distributed to all countries and capitals of the orthodox world, it will end up in moscow, together with the delegation of the st. andrew the first-called foundation, its members have already left the church of the sepulcher, and apparently will soon go to pengurion international airport. the ceremony passed calmly, not
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looking at the anxious anticipation, the military situation around, it is obvious that strength. resides in the church of the holy sepulcher, we, of course, exclaim that christ is risen. truly risen. we express special gratitude to the television companies russia-1, the television company ntv, channel one, as well as the foundation of the holy all-praised apostle andrew the first-called, for organizing the traditional
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television broadcast of the ceremony of the descent of the holy fire. the fire will arrive in moscow tonight, traditionally it is usually 22 o'clock, and it will be possible to pick it up there, as we have already said that it will arrive at the cathedral of christ the savior, and through the foundation of the holy, all-praised apostle andrew the first-called, this fire is possible. obtain from parish churches in the foundation itself. father andrey, i congratulate you on the descent of the holy fire, on the upcoming easter of christ, in jerusalem it is customary to congratulate everyone on easter after the descent of the fire, therefore, probably, with a little anticipation,
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we will preserve the jerusalem tradition: christ will rise again! the truth of the resurrection , we wish all our dear television viewers a joyful mood, but a special spiritual state that should accompany the life of every person throughout the year, as the monk serophim said, that you should always carry easter in your heart throughout the year, so we wish everyone that the holy fire is a symbol of such a special joy that we experience on the holy days of easter. we wish everyone a special, joyful time of these easter days, presenters rita borisovna butova, father andrei pasternak, were with you, thank you to everyone.
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just in jerusalem at the church of the sepulcher the lord's great miracle happened in kuvukla under prayer. the holy fire descended on jerusalem and thousands of pilgrims. for believers, this is a symbol of the resurrection of the savior and hope for a new life.
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now the fire is passed on to each other while the bells ring. people hold in their hands bundles of thirty- three candles according to the number of earthly years of christ’s life. the temple is filled with light and a slight haze. believers, as we see, stand in dense rows around the chapel where the sacrament took place. order. inside the temple there are dozens of police officers, doctors on duty and firefighters. russian, greek, romanian, arabic, and armenian speech can be heard in the temple. every year thousands of pilgrims from all over the world come to jerusalem. and this year, despite the situation in the region, was no exception, although there are still fewer believers than the year before. in the area of ​​the old city , the entry of vehicles has been prohibited under enhanced security measures for 24 hours . among the pilgrims in the church of the holy sepulcher is the russian delegation of the st. andrew the first-called foundation. a piece of grace. fire in the evening by special plane will be delivered to moscow, the plane will land in vnukovo airport. there will be no large-scale meetings this year; the lamp will be delivered from the airport to the cathedral of christ the savior for
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the patriarchal service and distributed to churches across the country. for orthodox christians, today is holy saturday, the last day before easter. on this day, believers remember the burial of jesus christ. great saturday, or as it is also called, quiet, is a special day, a time of peace and... it is a symbol of the victory of jesus christ over death. after the liturgy , the first consecration of egg-dyed bags takes place easter. by the grace of the holy spirit, by sprinkling sowing sacred water, in the name of the father and the son and the holy spirit. blessed. in all churches, parishioners set up tables in advance, set them beautifully, light candles, or simply hold treats in their hands or baskets.
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in the cathedral of christ the savior, the divine liturgy this morning was conducted by patriarch of moscow of all russia kiril. shortly before midnight , the easter service and religious procession will begin in the cathedral, now the amazon special military operation will begin successful operations in the air demonstrated russian air defense crews.
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not just shoot down, but capture, using your own special tactics. alexey ivliev observed the hunt for drones. the operation completely changes our understanding, but who could have imagined just a few years ago that an ordinary agricultural drone intended for watering plants would suddenly receive the name of a negative fairy-tale character. it is used both as a reconnaissance drone and as a combat drone, and it also very often carries a repeater that provides the flight range of other birds. it's the woman yaga allows a swarm of drones to fly 20-25 km deep into our territory, to where just yesterday there were quiet rear areas,
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so shoot down this type. drone, or even better, take him prisoner, the dream of any soldier from a reconnaissance company. baba ega is being tracked, her constant routes are being calculated, and ambushes are being set up with special equipment. these operations are carried out on atv motorcycles. this is actually fire, a bomb. if you're lucky, they'll knock down baba yaga's settings until the bird is forced to sit down and reboot, you need to quickly catch. there is only a couple of minutes for this. at this moment that person is already waiting. who runs up, either covers the camera, or somehow damages it itself so that it cannot start at the moment, pulls out the batteries, everything, and just grabs it and runs away. it would seem, why take such a risk if you can simply destroy baba yaga in the air, but a grounded drone is like a captured tongue, it is important for specialists to look at what new equipment is on the bird, here is the fight against evil spirits, but not only against her. in this tiny workshop, guys from
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these semi-finished products... assemble real fpv drones, here is a huge number of destructive elements with the help of which damage is caused to the enemy. a fighter with the call sign megahertz stands alone in an assault unit, first making new birds, then delivering them to the front line fighters, and only then he himself goes out hunting, hiding somewhere at a height, megahertz sometimes spends a day or even two in ambush. like a sniper, he targets the enemy and drops wogs on his head. according to megahertz, like snipers have their own duels, and bird specialists have their own battle, very similar to a chess game. now the entire line of combat contact on both sides is literally stuffed with military complexes. bypass this protection, find a target to destroy it. that's how
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they work. uav operators. the first bird flies without a load, that is, it flew in, saw what was in this purity of the wilderness, it turned around and flew in a different direction. yeah, this is where i fly, that is , he’s constantly looking for a route for himself. after talking with us, megahertz is going on a new hunt for baba yaga, for ukrainian nationalists entrenched on the neighboring heights, the destruction of all evil, his daily work. alexey ivlev, valery kozhin, ekaterina kovalchuk, ntv television company, positions of the second army corps, southern group of forces, lugansk people's republic. on the eve of victory day, preventive work was carried out at the tomb of the unknown soldier in moscow. mosgaz specialists supervised the operation of all systems. to do this, the flame was first transferred using a torch to a temporary burner. then they removed the metal
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star from the memorial complex, after which they examined the main one. the source of fire changed the necessary parts. at the end of the work, the structure was carefully put back together, returning the flame to its place. the whole operation took about 40 minutes. thanks to a unique engineering solution, the flame does not go out in any weather conditions, be it snow, rain or hurricane winds. for the capital's gas workers, storing the eternal flame is a big responsibility, the number one position in the country. heavy rainfall in southern brazil has led to... record flood in 80 years. rescue operations are now taking place almost throughout the entire south of the country, huge areas are flooded there, unfortunately, help does not always arrive on time; two people and a dog found themselves in the middle of a powerful flood, but the helicopter that arrived to rescue them was late. the death of 39 people has been officially confirmed, about seventy are listed as missing, several large cities have gone under water, and large waters have washed away bridges and coastal buildings. powerful streams rushed into the lowlands, destroying everything
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ways. experts warn. in danger of dam failure, the large maua dam is under threat, an emergency evacuation has been announced in the city of melionniki, porto allegri. the police, through a loudspeaker, ask people to leave for safe areas while there is still time. please leave your homes, move away, there is a real threat of flooding, please leave your homes. all federal forces in brazil have been sent to help the south of the country. residents of the urals woke up in the middle of winter in early may; heavy snowfall, the temperature dropped sharply, although just the other day the residents were enjoying themselves. precipitation caused a power line to break, hundreds of residents were left without electricity and heat, repair crews are working in emergency mode, power engineers say that such destruction has not happened for 20 years, there are traffic jams on many roads, motorists who have long since changed their shoes
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to summer tires find themselves in a difficult situation, the perm- ekaterinburg highway was heavily snowed. according to forecasters, snow in the region may give way to rain by this evening. that's all we have for now, go to, see you. hello, these are mind games. a program in which the most famous people in the country prove that they are true professionals, and professional players that their erudition is limitless, a guest of our studio, meet them, they say that as a child you couldn’t choose karate or swimming for a long time, while you could do both, but
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your parents decided , that i will continue the dynasty of swimmers, who are your parents, dad is a master of sports in swimming, and mom is an international master of sports, mom was your first coach when your first successes came, well the first success came at the age of 20, when i brought my first bronze medal from the world championships in barcelona. what other victories were there? list the main things. i am an olympic medalist, six-time world record holder, eight-time european record holder, twenty-two-time russian record holder. introduce youreself. evgeny korotyshkin. hello, evgeniy, we are glad to see you. hello. the theme of the game today is swimming, so it’s no coincidence that we’re visiting.
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victories at which olympics in the ninety-second year, in 1992, absolutely right, in barcelona, ​​3.00, here’s the fourth question: who became the president of the all-russian swimming federation in 2010, well, this is our permanent president of the federation, vladimir valerievich salnikov, there are no options, as they say. next question: which athlete's swimming style earned him the nickname.
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fastest in the world, thanks to the already mentioned gennady turetsky, he retrained as a freestyle sprinter, that’s right, six correct answers, 6,000 in your account, now, it’s time to introduce you to your opponent, with someone whose erudition, as
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it seems to him, will allow him to compete with you on your, as they say, field. meet your opponent yuri khashimov, one of the most famous arudites in the country, a repeated winner of intellectual competitions, a man of encyclopedic knowledge and a broad outlook. hello, yuri. hello. yuri, you also have to answer six questions, since your opponent has not made a single mistake, these will be new questions, here is the first of them. what kind of swimmer is your opponent today, evgeniy korotyshkin, won his main victories in butterfly. i'm not that good at swimming, let denis pankratov do it. did you guess it? denis pankratov, he won the 100 and 200 m butterfly in atlanta. you have a second question: who
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carried the russian flag at the 2004 olympic games in athens? is this alexander popov? this is the correct answer; in fact, none of these swimmers competed in athens. 2.0 to your account. third question: which of the listed olympic champions? stayer. the olympics, if you remember, this was not
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the correct answer. this was during the tokyo that's right, this is evgeny rylov, the fourth coronavirus in a long time. the mask was, strictly speaking, not a gimmick, out of necessity. yes. just recently you said that you don’t understand anything about swimming, you gave four correct answers, your score is 400. fifth question, which of these athletes is older than all the others?
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the second game ahead will be started by our guest evgeniy korotyshkin. let me remind you that today our guest is the famous swimmer, olympic medalist, world champion, evgeniy korotysh. a little about the rules: now every correct answer players will replenish the general bank with 1,000 rubles. you can transfer money from the bank to your account after any correct answer, but an incorrect answer will immediately transfer money from the bank to your opponent’s account. you do n’t have to answer the question, but redirect it to your opponent. the amount in the bank will remain the same. evgeny, let me remind you that there are currently 6.00 rubles in your account. here's the first question: what
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style do most athletes swim in freestyle competitions? does he usually swim in crawl? well, freestyle is a style of choice swimmer, so everyone prefers the crawl, the fastest style. in the bank 1.00 rub. you can withdraw this money now or continue answering the question. let's continue. the second question with...
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this money into your account then your opponent will come into play, or you can continue to answer questions to increase the amount in the bank, but know that not all questions will be so easy for you, well, let me take it, the money goes over the account evgeniy korotyshkina and in the game yuri khashimov 1934.
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he was called the australian torpedo. the torpedo, that's right, is in the 2.0 can. what do you think? well, let's we'll pick it up. the money goes to the account of evgeny korotyshkin and yuri khashimov in the game. during the auditions, little vitya kosykh hid from the film crew that he couldn’t swim, but his character was kostya inochkin. i swam excellently, i had to study urgently, name the movie: welcome or no entry allowed, a thousand in the bank, will you take it? but no, another question, another question, at the 1904 olympics in st. louis they competed not in the 200 m freestyle, but in the 220 what
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, yards, yards, absolutely right, what can america do? there meters are not in the 2.000 part at the bank, what do you say? well , we have some very careful game, like how i swim, let’s venture into the depths, the next question: in this country , a peculiar style of swimming has long been widespread, in which movement is carried out thanks to the movements of the pelvis of legs tightly pressed to each other. what country are we talking about? maybe japan, no, this is the wrong answer, this is georgia, the so -called colchis-iberian style, you can swim with your hands and feet tied in full uniform and so on. money from the bank goes to evgeny korotyshkin’s account and evgeniya in the game. let's watch a fragment
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from the film pokrovsky gates. where did the acquaintance take place? at a swimming competition? float, oh my god, is this a velor competition? yes, he looked. sveta, whom arkady velurov met, talks with obvious annoyance about the result of the swimming competition. what place did she take? better, better, i'll pass it on. this question is for yuri, in the game yuri khashimov, eh, yuri, this is just your question, yes, yes, svetlana from the labor reserves society came second, let's see
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answer, yes, he looked, i came second, ay-ay-ay, society has labor reserves. how do you know, and so intuition, absolutely right, as always, the question of recognizing classic soviet cinema with nuances, yuri. answers and even names the society for which svetlana competed, a thousand in the bank, and another question, in what year all the olympic swims took place in the open harbor of zeya, not far from the port of perei, 1896, absolutely right, the very pimpiads, of course, now we will be careful, money comes from yuri khashimov's account in the game evgeny korotyshkin.
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as we already know, evgeniy rylov won the 100-meter backstroke at the tokyo olympics. which russian athlete came second then? the second was kliment kolesnikov. right. there are thousands in the bank. shall we continue playing or will you take it? let's move on. which team sport is included in the program of the world championships... which element compound is usually used in swimming pools for disinfection?
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there's probably a thousand chlorine in the jar. let's continue playing. another question. which strait was crossed by the englishman matthew in 1875 in 21 hours and 45 minutes. absolutely right, this is the first such a registered achievement, alas, this was the last question of the second game, the money from the bank goes to yuri khashimov’s account, and we summarize: after the second game, yuri khashimov - 12.00, evgeniy korotyshkin - 14. the third game is ahead. the theme of the third game is traditionally chosen by the guests and evgeny korotyshkin chose the theme cartoons, why?
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it seems to me that no one chooses the theme of a cartoon, well, especially since i have children growing up now, i think i know something about cartoons, but i’m not sure. how old are your children? the eldest is six and the little one is three. well well, i hope the age of your children will help you. let's get started. games, now you are waiting for a question that, as a rule, has several correct answers, each of you will have 10 seconds to guess exactly the answer that we have in mind, and the audience will see this answer on the screen all the time. let's start: which of the animals, besides the wolf, the hare, can be seen in one of the episodes: just wait, evgeny, and the badger, the raccoon, the hedgehog. hippopotamus, yuri, lion, bear, elephant, giraffe, lord,
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pig, and we wished for a fox, remember, in the fifteenth issue the fox was a singer, yeah, the name and surname of which outstanding director of our animation the audience is now seeing, yuri, and... kotenochkin, hitruk, hitruk, that’s right, the operation of which household appliance is described in one of the series of fixies, evgeniy, helper, household, iron, washing machine, microwave , yuri, vacuum cleaner, dishwasher, hair dryer, no one remembered the refrigerator, we wished for a refrigerator. what modification of musical instrument
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do the sea people use when they sing for the little mermaid ariel? yuri, trumpet, lyre, saxophone, piano, harp, eugene, shell. well, we made a wish for a double bass. in which soviet cartoon does the action take place in africa? eugene? bonefacy's vacation, that's right. what fictional animal can be seen in cartoons? yuri, and cheburashka, dinosaur, dragon, dragon, right. which cartoon character also became the hero of comic books published in many countries. evgeny,
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any cartoon characters. superman. japan, japan, right, which cartoon character was voiced by oleg tabakov, evgeniy? ew, ah, vinepuh, also, well, his most famous role, yuri, well, matroskin the cat, the most famous, of course, of course, which smesharikov character
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do children like, yuri? barash? nyusha, savunya, karycha, pina, kapatycha, evgeniy, yuri , in my opinion, knows more about smeshariki, you don’t know the heroes of smeshariki, don’t be upset, neither do i, the most important thing is that i didn’t name my granddaughter’s favorite hero, baby, but we made a wish hedgehog, yeah, what a well-known children's song was written for... the cartoon evgeniy, a blue tractor, and on the road with the clouds - a grasshopper was sitting in the grass, and a smile, a smile, that's right, in what year did the premiere of the first cartoon about micke mouse? yuri, and the eighteenth, nineteenth, 1922. the eighth, yes, in 1928
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, what breed of dog acts in the cartoon the secret life of pets eugene the secret life of a bulldog corgi also - yuri poodle collie boxer terrier round san bernard mongrel.
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the cartoon poe's heist shows what a bank robbery would look like in different countries. which of these countries are we planning? eugene? england, no, germany, france, no, russia, no, but australia, america, yuri, there are only four countries, the usa, france, italy and soviet union. italy. we wished for italy. which phrase from the cartoon “ last year's snow was falling” became a catchphrase? yuri. lord, there, there all the phrases became catchphrases, there was a hut here, his wife was strict, but fair. so, lord, evgeny, you probably know this phrase, you know it for sure and you definitely heard it, even if
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you haven’t seen this cartoon. all this. how many episodes are there in the cartoon adventures of captain vrungel? evgeniy 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 13 correct.
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necklace, necklace, rubies, diamond. yuri, beads, a medallion, a palm, a cross, what else he wears on his neck, a chain. we made a wish for an amulet. which ancient greek god became one of the central characters in the animated series about hercules. yuri. zeus, hephaestus, poseidon.


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